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Chemical Engineering

Science, 1974, Vol. 29, pp. 1763-1772.




in Great Britain




B. W. SHENDE and M. M. SHARMA Department of Chemical Technology, University of Bombay, Matunga Road, Bombay-400019, India
(Receioed 10 December


Abstract-The theory of gas absorption accompanied by fast pseudo-m order reaction was used to obtain values of effective interfacial area in lo,15 and 20 cm i.d. packed columns which were operated
co-currently. A variety of ceramic, metal and plastic packings were used. The range of superficial gas and liquid velocities was 50-300 cmlsec, and 0.1-3.5 cmlsec, respectively. Values of gas side mass transfer coefficients for some of the nackiners were also obtained. In addition some data were obtained for the counter-current mode of operation.


Packed absorption columns can be operated in a counter-current as well as co-current manner. In practice the counter-current mode of operation is usually adopted as in this case we realise higher mean concentration driving force compared to that offered by the co-current mode of operation. However, when an irreversible reaction occurs between the dissolved solute gas and the reactive species in the absorbent then there is no difference in the mean concentration driving force offered by the two modes of operation. The capacity of cocurrently operated columns is not limited by the flooding of the column. Further, at any specified values of superficial gas and liquid velocities the pressure drop in a co-currently operated column is about half of that in the case of a counter-currently operated column [ l-31. It is, therefore, distinctly advantageous to consider the co-current mode of operation for systems where gas absorption is accompanied by an irreversible reaction 6. Some typical examples of industrial importance, where the co-current mode of operation may offer certain advantages, are as follows: (1) absorption of lean CO, in aqueous caustic alkaline solutions, (2) absorption of lean SO2 in aqueous alkaline solutions, (3) absorption of lean NHs in aqueous solutions of sulphuric and phosphoric acid, (4) absorption of lean H,S in aqueous caustic alkaline solutions, etc. In some three phase reactors where solid particles act as catalyst it is some times advantageous to adopt the co-current mode of operation. Such type of reactors are normally referred to as trickle bed reactors and are commonly employed for hyd-

rodesulphurization and hydrocracking of various petroleum fractions [ 11. A considerable amount of information on the hydrodynamic aspects, that is-the liquid distribution[4,5], flow regimes [5-71, liquid holdup[6,9] and pressure loss[3,4,6,7], for the cocurrent flow is available in the literature. However, very limited data have been published on the effective interfacial area, and gas and liquid side mass transfer coefficients. Gianetto et al.@] have reported some values of effective interfacial area for a variety of 6 mm nominal size packings. An 8cm i.d. column was used. Some information is also available on the liquid and gas side mass transfer coefficients provided by 1 in. Raschig rings and Intalox saddles[4, lo]. It has been reported that polypropylene and high density polyethylene packings can be advantageously employed for a number of industrially important systems. There is no information available in the published literature on the effective interfacial area and liquid and gas side mass transfer coefficients for a number of packings for the co-current mode of operation. Sahay and Sharma[l l] have published values of effective interfacial area, liquid and gas side mass transfer coefficients for a variety of 1 in. ceramic, metal and plastic packings for the counter-current mode of operation. The present investigation was undertaken to provide data on effective interfacial area and gas side mass transfer coefficient for a variety of packings over a wide range of gas and liquid flow rates for the co-current mode of operation. The theory of absorption accompanied by fast pseudo-mth order reaction was used to obtain val-




ues of effective interfacial area. The theory of absorption with irreversible instantaneous reaction was used to obtain values of gas side mass tranfer coefficient.

pressure of O2 as the gas traverses the column. The values of gas side mass transfer coefficient were obtained by absorbing lean sulphur dioxide in aqueous solutions of caustic soda[l 1, 151.

The theoretical aspects of the methods adopted in this work have been discussed by Jhaveri and Sharma [ 121, Sharma and Mashelkar [ 131 and Sharma and Danckwerts[l4]. The systems used to obtain values of effective interfacial area were (i) absorption of lean carbon dioxide in caustic soda solutions (ii) absorption of oxygen from air and from mixtures of nitrogen and oxygen in aqueous alkaline dithionite solutions. In the case of the lean COrNaOH system an analytical expression was derived for the calculation of the values of effective interfacial area (see Appendix). However, it was found that the values of effective interfacial area obtained by the above rigorous procedure agreed within about 5 per cent of those obtained from a simplified procedure where an average of inlet and outlet concentrations of NaOH and log mean partial pressure of COz was used to calculate the value of effective interfacial area. In the case of absorption of oxygen in dithionite solutions an analytical expression was used to obtain values of effective interfacial area (see Appendix). Here the problem is somewhat simpler as there is practically no change in the partial

A schematic diagram of the experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 1. The liquid was uniformly distributed over the packing by a nine port distributor. The gas was introduced through a 30 mm dia. tube. Three perspex columns of lo,15 and 20 cm i.d. were used. The packing was supported on a support plate with free area of more than 25 per cent in the case of the 20 cm i.d. column. In the case of the 10 and 15 cm i.d. columns the packing support was made from 3 mm dia. stainless steel rods spaced 15 mm apart. A layer of Pall rings was laid over the packing support in the case of smaller packings which would otherwise pass through the support. The packing height for most of the experiments was 84.5 cm in the 10 cm i.d. column, 90 cm in the 15 cm i.d. column and 121 cm in the 20cm i.d. column. The solute gas and carrier gas were metered by accurately calibrated rotameters. A rotameter was used to provide a check on the liquid flow rate. The actual liquid flow rate was measured for each experiment by collecting the out-going liquid for a finite time and weighing the amount collected. Air was supplied by an air blower and the solute gases from the respective cylinders. To ensure proper mixing of the solute gas with the carrier gas

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up. (1) packed column; (2) entrainment separator; (3) storage tank (feed); storage tank (outlet): (5) air blower; (6) solute gas cylinder; (7) surge vessel; (8) rotameter; manometer; (IO) barometer; (11) soap film meter; (12) scrubber.

(4) (9)

Mass transfer in packed columns Table 1. Characteristics of packings Geometrical surface area (cm-) 2.06 2.06 2.54 2.06 190 1.79 3.40 3.02 Free space


Packing 1 in. stainless steel pall rings. I in. Polypropylene Pall rings. 1 in.Ceramic Intalox saddles. I in. Polypropylene Intalox saddles. 1in. Ceramic Raschig rings. I in. PVC Raschig rings (Wall thickness l/16 in.) 5/8 in. stainless steel Pall rings. .5/Sin. stainless steel Raschig rings l/2 in. Ceramic Intalox saddles 3/S in. Ceramic Raschig rings. 5 mm Ceramic spheres. t(a) Stated by manufacturers. (b) Observed.

Number/m? (a) (b) 50,000 50.500 84,500 56,000 48,000 47,000 51.200 67,000 55,000 49,000 47,400 l,9O,OOtJ 1,82,000

94 90 70 92 74 93

2,10,000 -

10,36,000 32,00,000 4-8 -

a mixing length of over 100 times the diameter of the pipe carrying the gas mixture was provided. The absorbent solution was allowed to flow through the column for a suitable length of time before actually starting the experiment. Table 1 lists the salient characteristics of the packings employed.

RESULTSANDDISCUSSION E$ective interfacial area

Figs. 2-7 show the variation of effective interfacial area with superficial liquid velocity for 1 in. stainless steel and polypropylene Pall rings, 1 in. ceramic and polypropylene Intalox saddles, and 1 in. ceramic and PVC Raschig rings, in the 20 cm i.d. column with the superficial gas velocity as a parameter. The superficial liquid velocity was varied between 0.2-2 cmlsec. For most of the above packings experiments were carried out with superficial gas velocities of 50,100 and 130 cm/set. Some experiments for the 1 in. stainless steel Pall rings were also made at a superficial gas velocity of 2 cm/set. The values of effective interfacial area for 1 in. ceramic Intalox saddles and 1 in. stainless steel Pall rings for counter-current flow are also shown in Figs. 2 and 4 respectively. The values of effective interfacial area reported by Sahay and

Sharma[12] for the counter-current mode of operation for all 1 in. packings are also shown in the respective figures, for the sake of comparison. The data obtained for counter-current operation in this work agree well with those reported by Sahay and Sharma[l2]. Figure 8 shows a plot of effective interfacial area against superficial liquid velocity for 518 in. stainless steel Pall rings and 5/8 in. stainless steel Raschig rings at a superficial gas velocity of 160 cm/set in the 10 cm i.d. column. Figure 9 shows the variation of effective interfacial area for 1/2in. ceramic Intalox saddles in the 1Ocm i.d. column with the superficial gas velocity at superficial liquid velocities of 0.21 and O-685 cmlsec. Figures 11 and 12show the variation of effective interfacial area with the superficial liquid velocity for 3/8 in. (O-9 cm o.d.) ceramic Raschig rings and 5 mm ceramic spheres, respectively, in the 10 cm i.d. column with the superficial gas velocity as a parameter. The superficial gas velocity was varied from 50 to 300 cm/set and the superficial liquid velocity from 0.2 to 3 cm/set. Figure 10 shows the variation of effective interfacial area with the superficial liquid velocity for 5/8in. stainless steel Pall rings at superficial gas velocities of 50,100 and 250 cmlsec, in the 15 cm i.d.




Superficial liquid


VL, cm/set

Fig. 2. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 1 in. Stainless Steel Pall rings-20 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 50 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system; B(O) V, = 97 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system; C(U) V, = 130 cmlsec, NaOH-CO, system; D(X) V, = 2 cm/set, dithionite-(N2 + 03 system; E countercurrent operation, Sahay and Sharmas data; (0) countercurrent operation-this work.

0.5 Superficial liquid

velocity, V,_,

I I.5 cmlsec


column. The superficial liquid velocity was varied from O-2 to 4 cm/set. In the case of the absorption of lean CO* in aqueous solutions of caustic soda there is some resistance to mass transfer on the gas side. The values of k. a for 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings and 1 in. ceramic Intalox saddles were experimentally determined. In the case of 1 in. stainless steel Pall rings and 1 in. polypropylene Intalox saddles the kGa data were not available. However, it can be safely assumed, on the basis of the data for 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings and 1 in. ceramic Intalox saddles, that the gas side resistance is about 10 per cent of the overall resistance. In the case of the air-dithionite system there is no gas side resistance. The values of effective interfacial area obtained by the two systems are found to be in close agreement. It is observed that the effective interfacial area increases with an increase in the gas as well as the liquid superficial velocity, unlike the countercurrent operation where the effective interfacial area is independent of the superficial gas velocity up to the loading point. Gianetto et a1.[8] have observed a similar dependence of the effective interfacial area on superficial gas and liquid velocities

Fig. 3. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings-20 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 50 cm/set, NaOH-CO2 system, (0) V, = 50 cmlsec, dithionite-air system; B (A) V. = 100 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system, (A) V, = 100 cmlsec, dithionite-air system; C (0, V, = 120 cm/set, NaOH-CO2 system; D -(m) VO = 136 cmlsec, dithionite-air system; E counter current operation Sahay and Sharmas data.

for 6mm nominal size glass spheres, Berl saddles and ceramic and glass rings. The effect of the superficial gas velocity is more pronounced in the case of 1 in. Pall rings and Intalox saddles than in the case of Raschig rings. 1 in. stainless steel Pall rings showed an increase of about 50 per cent in the effective inter-facial area when the superficial gas velocity was increased from 2 to 130 cm/set at a superficial liquid velocity of about 1 cmlsec. In the range of the liquid and gas velocities covered for the various 1 in. size packings in the 20 cm i.d. column no distinct change in the how pattern was observed. The liquid essentially flowed as a-film on the packing surface as in the case of the counter-current flow. In this hydrodynamic regime of film flow the increase in the effective interfacial area with superficial gas velocity may be attributed to the gradual thinning and spreading of the liquid over the surface of the packings with an increase in the gas velocity.

Mass transfer in packed columns


0.5 Superficial liquid

I I velocity,

I I.5 VL, cm/set


0.5 Superficial liquid


I I.5 cm/set



Fig. 4. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 1 in. ceramic Intalox saddles in 20cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 50 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system; B (A) V, = 100 cm/set, NaOH-CO, system; C (0) V, = 125 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system, (0) counter-current operation, dithioniteair system, (this work); D Sahay and Sharmas data. In the case of 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings a distinct change in the flow pattern was observed

Fig. 5. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 1 in. polypropylene Intalox Saddles in 20 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 50 cm/set, NaOH-CO2 system; B (A) V0 = 100 cmlsec, NaOH-CO* system; C (Ll) V, = 130 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system; D counter-current operation, Sahay and Sharmas data.

above a superficial liquid velocity of 1.4 cm/set for a superficial gas velocity of 136cm/sec. The flow pattern may be called as slug or pulse flow; the liquid first got accumulated at certain transverse planes in the column and was later pushed and blown through the length of the column by a slug of gas. At the above mentioned gas and liquid velocities about 30 to 40 pulses of liquid were observed to pass any cross-section of the column per minute. The number of pulses of liquid per minute increased gradually as the superficial liquid velocity was increased. In this region there was a sharp increase in the values of effective interfacial area and at the highest superficial liquid and gas velocity an increase of about 70 per cent over the dry area of the packing was observed. Amongst the 1 in. size packings, ceramic Intalox saddles and stainless steel Pall rings offer higher values of interfacial area as compared to those offered by 1 in. polypropylene Intalox saddles and polypropylene Pall rings. However, the ceramic and PVC Raschig rings show comparable

values of effective interfacial area under otherwise uniform conditions. It may be concluded that both the shape and the material of construction of the packing affect the performance of the column. A similar observation has been made by Sahay and Sharma[ll]. For most of the 1 in. packings the values of effective interfacial area for co-current flow are comparable to those obtained with the countercurrent flow at a superficial gas velocity around 50 cmlsec. However, with 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings values of effective interfacial area for the co-current mode of operation are considerably higher than in the case of the counter-current operation. In general it may be concluded that the co-current operation results in somewhat higher values of effective inter-facial area at superficial gas velocities above 50 cmlsec than those offered by the counter-current mode of operation. The effect of packing shape is illustrated by a comparison of the effective interfacial area offered by 5/8 in. stainless steel Pall rings and Raschig rings (Fig. 8). Pall rings show about 70 per cent higher values of effective interfacial area than those offered by Raschig Rings.

B. W.


and M. M. SHARMA

0.5 Superficial liquid


I.5 VL,

2 cm /set I 0.5 Superficial liquid



I 1.5
VL, cm/set


Fig. 6. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 1 in. ceramic Raschig rings in 20 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 50 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (first order), (0) V, = 50 cm/set, dithionite-air system (second order); B (A) V, = 100 cm/set, dithionite-air system (first order), (A) V, = 100 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (second order); C counter-current operation, Sahay and Sharmas data.

Fig. 7. Effect of superticial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 1 in. PVC Raschig rings in 20 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, =49.5 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (first order), (0) V, = 49.5 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (second order); B (A) V, = 107 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (first order), (A) V, = 107 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (second order); C countercurrent operation, Sahay and Sharmas data.

The various hydrodynamic flow regimes, that is-transition or rippled flow, pulsed flow and finally spray flow were not encountered for 1 in. packings in the range of the superficial gas and liquid velocities covered in this work. The velocity ranges for the various regimes would be expected to depend on the free space in the column. In the case of the 3/8 in. ceramic Raschig rings and 5 mm ceramic spheres all the above regimes were observed within the superficial gas and liquid velocity ranges mentioned earlier. For these packings the voidage was about 0.4. In the case of the 1 in. packings the voidage ranged from 0.7 to O-94. The voidage for 5/8 in. stainless steel Pall rings was 0.93. For this packing the pulse flow was observed at superficial liquid velocities above 1.5 cm/set and superficial gas velocities above 100 cm/set. The spray flow occurred at liquid and gas velocities above 2 cm/set and 250 cm/set respectively. In the case of 5/8 in. stainless steel Pall rings at the superficial liquid velocity of 4 cm/set and superficial gas velocity of 250 cm/set, the value of the effective interfacial area is about twice the dry packing area. High values of effective inter-facial

area were obtained with 5 mm ceramic spheres and 3/8 in. ceramic Raschig rings. The effect of superficial gas velocity seems to be more pronounced in the case of 3/8 in. Raschig rings and 5/8 in. stainless steel Pall rings. For most part of the flow ranges covered with 5 mm ceramic spheres the flow was in the spray regime. The increase in the interfacial area with the superficial gas velocity, in the spray regime is probably due to formation of droplets[8]. it is likely that in the spray regime, after the commencement of fine spray the effect of superficial gas velocity will be less pronounced. For the 1 in. size packings the effect of superficial gas velocity on effective interfacial area was limited. It is likely that for these larger packings the pulse and spray flow regimes occur at velocities very much higher than those for small packings. The effect of superficial gas velocity is likely to be more pronounced at higher gas velocities.
Gas side mass transfer coeficient The values of the gas side mass transfer

cient were obtained

coeffifor 1 in. ceramic Intalox sad-

Mass transfer in packed columns



E s E d :I 0 0 .:: = 2 c (I, .? t L






0 Superficial






Fig. 8. Effect of packing shape on interfacial area-10 cm i.d. column, V, = 160 cm. set Curve: A(b) Packing 5/8 in S.S. Raschig rings, NaOH-CO2 system; B (0) packing S/8 in S.S. Raschig rings, dithionite-air system; C (A) packing 5/8 in S.S. Pall rings, dithionite-air system (second order). (0) Packing 5/8 in S.S. Pall rings. Dithionite-air system (first order).



I 3



VL, cm/set

Fig. 10. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 5/8 in. S.S. Pall rings in 15 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, =50cm/sec, NaOH-CO2 system; B (A) V, = 100 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (first order), (A) V, = 100 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system (second order); C (m) V0 = 250 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (first order), (0) V, = 250 cmlsec, NaOH-CO2 system.

dles and 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings in the 20 cm i.d. column and 5/8in. stainless steel Pall rings in the 1Ocm i.d. column. Figure 13 shows the values of gas side mass transfer coefficient for S/S in. stainless steel Pall rings as a function of the superficial gas velocity with superficial liquid velocity as a parameter. The data on the gas side mass transfer coefficient for different packings were correlated by the multiple regression method by the following equation. The standard deviation is 7 per cent.
kaa = fl Vam V,


0 Superficial

I 100

I 200 velocity,Va, cm/set

I 300


Fig. 9. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for l/2 in. ceramic lntalox saddles in 10 cm id. column. Curve: A (0) V, =0.21 cmlsec, B (A) V, = 0.685 cmlsec, dithionite-air system; dithionite-air system.

where V. = superficial gas velocity, cmlsec, VL = Superficial liquid velocity, cmlsec. Table 2 lists the constants and the exponents of Eq. (1) for the various packings used in this work. The values of the exponent of superficial gas and liquid velocities are slightly lower than those reported by Sahay and Sharma[l2], for the countercurrent mode of operation. Figures 14 and 15 show the dependence of true gas side mass transfer coefficient for 1 in. ceramic Intalox saddles and 1 in. polypropylene Pall rings. It is seen that the value of the true gas side mass


Vol. 29. No. 8-G


O I 2 3

I 50

I 100

I 150

I 200







gas velocity, cm/set


Fig. 11. Efkct of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 3/8 in. Ceramic Raschig rings in 10 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 48 cmlsec, dithioniteair system (first order), (0) V, = 48 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (second order); B (A) V, = 112 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (first order), (A) V, = 112 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (second order); C (0) V, = 210 cm/set, dithioniteair system (first order), (m) V, = 210 cm/set, dithionite-air system (second order); D (V) V, = 290 cm/set, dithionite-air system (first order), (v) V, = 290 cmlsec, dithionite-air system (second order).

Fig. 13. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on gas side mass transfer coefficient for 5/8 in. S.S. Pall rings in 10 cm i.d. column with NaOH-SO2 system. Curve: A (0) V, = 0.5 cmlsec; B (A) V, = 1 cmlsec; C (0) V, = 1.5 cmlsec.

0.5 Superficial liquid velocity, V,.


Fig. 14. Effect of superficial liquid velocity on true gas side mass transfer coefficient for 1 in. ceramic Intalox saddles in 20 cm i.d. column. A (0) V, = 50 cmlsec; B (Cl) V, = lOOcm/sec. transfer coefficient at a given value of effect of superficial transfer coefficient is independent of liquid velocity the superficial gas velocity. The liquid velocity on gas side mass can therefore be accounted en-




VL, cm/set

Fig. 12. Effect of superficial liquid and gas velocity on effective interfacial area for 5 mm ceramic spheres in 10 cm i.d. column, dithionite-air system. Curve: A (0) V, = 35 cmlsec; B(A) V, = 99 cmlsec; C (0) V, = 212 cmlsec.

Mass transfer in packed columns Table 2. Exponents and constants of Eq. (2a) Packing 1 in. Ceramic Intalox saddles 1 in. Polypropylene Pall rings 5/8 in. Stainless steel Pall rings P 1.639 x lo- 1.570 x lo- 0.610 x lo- m n


0.637 0.375 0648 0.399

0,866 0.340

f .z 0 = gg
0+ D Gu Em &xv i=E ,\ (oal OZ EE Go, In goI 2 C .


0 I..4 Cl A


0 IO-

131 Turpin J. L. and Huntington R. L., A.I.Ch.E.J., 1%7 13 11%. t41 Reiss L. P., Jnd. Engng them. Process Design and Deu. 1967 6 486. I51 Weekman V. W. and Myers J. E., A.LCh.E.J., 1964 10 951. 161Larkins P. P., White R. R. and Jeffrey D. W., A.ICh.E.J., 1961 7 231. r71 Prost C., Chem. Engng Sci. 1%7 22, 1283. @I Gianetto A., Baldi G. and Specchia V., Ing. Chimico. Italino., 1970 6, 125. 191Dodds W. S., Stutzman L. M., Solami B. J. and Carter R. J., A.2.Ch.E.J. 1960 6, 390. 1101Wen C. Y., OBrien W. S. and Fan L. T., J. Chem. Engng Data. 1963 8 47. 1111Sahay B. N. and Sharma M. M., Chem. Engng Sci. 1973 28, 41. 1121Jhaveri A. S. and Sharma M. M., Chem. Engng Sci. 1%8 23 669. [I31 Sharma M. M. and Mhashelkar R. A., Absorption with Reaction in Bubble Columns, Proc. of the Symposium on Mass Transfer with Chemical Reaction, (Ed. by Pirie J. M.) p. 10. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 1%8. [ 141 Sharma M. M. and Danckwerts P. V., Br. Chem. Engr. 1970 15 522. [15] Vidwans A. D. and Sharma M. M., Chem. Engng Sci. 1%7 22 673. APPENDIX (i) Analytical expression for the calculation of interfacial area in co-currently operated packed column by absorption of lean carbon dioxide in caustic soda solution. From a material balance across a differential height dh, we get, -i&G.m)=lba(m-m*)P. Also, since carbon dioxide undergoes order reaction -i-&G. m) = am*HPg(Dk,B). (Al) a pseudo iirst

Y 0

I 0.5






Fig. 15. Effect of superficial liquid velocity on true gas side mass transfer coefficient for 1 in. polypropylene Pail rings in 20 cm i.d. column. Curve: A (0) V, = 50 cmlsec; B (A) V. = 100cm/set; C (U) V0 = 140cm/set.

tirely in terms of the variation of the effective interfacial area with the superficial liquid velocity. Similar observations have been made by Sahay and Sharma[ll] and Vidwans and Sharma[lS] for the counter-current mode of operation.


Since the flow rate of carrier gas remains constant

area offered by various packings differ substantially. Polypropylene Pall rings show better performance than polypropylene Intalox saddles. Highest values are offered by stainless steel Pall rings both for S/S in. and 1 in. size packings. (2) The value of true gas side mass transfer coefficient at a specified superficial gas velocity is independent of the value of the superficial liquid velocity.

(1) The values of effective interfacial

Taking overall material balance up to the differential element we get

G,mi - Gm =

L(B> B)
[ E

. .B=Bi-~
From Eqs. (Al)-(AS)

[l] Anon, Br. Chem. Engng L Process Technol. 1972 17 386. [2] Piret E. L., Mann C. A. and Wall T., Ind. Engng Chem. 1940 32 861.








Integrating between limits 0 to H, and m, to m. koaPIi a = 8v(a -B@$$+ I where.



H, height of column, cm dh height of a differential element of packing kz second-order reaction rate constant, cm/g mole set Subscripts i and 0 describe inlet and outlet conditions respectively. (ii) Analytical expression for the calculation of interfacial area by absorption of oxygen in dithionite. (a) Dithionite concentration below 0.08 M. In this case thr reaction is zero order with respect to oxygen and first order with respect to dithionite. The change in partial pressure of oxygen as the gas traverses the column is insignificant. Hence it is unnecessary to account for the change in the solubility of oxygen over the length of the column. Taking a material balance over a differential element of height dh we get: L$= Aad(2C*Dk,B) gives (A9) 648)


L Y=

p = HPd(Dk,) 28 - (I+ mi)o 2(B, - (u)


I, = -

t/(61_ In

AI-A2 A,+A, A,-?-Az A,-A,

;[B,- 61
1 (1 - md B,= B, = J(-) 6-r+mo
l-m0 >

Integration of Eq. (A8) and rearrangement -Al = V/(6 -Y + mi) AZ = V/[(6 - y)(l - mill A3=V(6-Y+mo) A, = V/[(6 - y)(l - mJ1

a = 2 VL L.\/cBi ) - d\/(Bo)l

(b) Dithionite concentration above 0.08 il4. In this case the absorption is zero order with respect to oxygen and second order with respect to dithionite concentration. Taking a material balance as above we get L$ Integration = Aad(2C*DkzB2) gives

A cross-sectional area of column, cm* G total molar flow rate of gas, g mole/set mole fraction of solute gas my equilibrium mole fraction P total operating pressure, atm ha gas side mass transfer coefficient, gmole/cm3 atm H Henrys law constant, g mole/cm atm D diffusivitv of the solute gas, cm/sec Z stoichiometric factor L liquid flow rate, cmlsec B concentration of reactant, g mole/cm

of Eq. (AlO) and rearrangement

L In (Bi /Bo) a = AH, d/(2DkzC*)

set where,

k, = first-order reaction rate constant, set-. C* = solubility of oxygen in aqueous dithionite solution, g mole/cm3.

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