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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Department of Social Work M.A Social Work

Paper: Social Group Work Max. Marks: 10 Signature of Student : __________________ Q. No. 1. Encircle the right answer. Max. Time: 10 Min Mid Term Examination oll !o:_________

1. Social Group Worker address t!pes of pro"lems. a" Socioeconomic #" Ps$c%osocial c" Personalit$ &e'elopment d" !one of t%ese #. Social Group Worker must "ring among the indi$iduals. a" Participation #" (ocal (eaders%ip c" Positi'e )ttitude d" !on cooperation %. Afiat Welfare &ome is the e'ample of . a" Go'ernmental )genc$ #" Social )genc$ for t%e Senior citi*ens c" +ot% ,a- and ,#d" !one of t%ese (. Social work aims to esta"lish harmon! as relationship "etween . a" Social .lient and Social .ase Worker #" Social Group and Social Group Worker c" .ommunit$ People and .ommunit$ Worker d" )ll of t%e a#o'e ). *he nature of Social Group Work su"+ect is . a" Pre'enti'e #" .urati'e c" +ot% ,a- and ,#d" !one of t%ese ,. *he ma+or emphasis in Social Group Work is a" /ndi'iduals #" Groups c" .ommunities d" !one of t%ese -. is one of oldest and .rimiti$e Social Group in the World. a" 0amil$ #" .aste c" eligion d" !ation /. Social Group Work is also called . a" Micro Practice of Social Work #" Me**o Practice of Social Work c" Macro Practice of Social Work d" !one of t%e a#o'e 0. is the founder of Social Group Work Su"+ect. a" 1erlieg% +. Trecker #" Willams 0ridelander c" Wilson .o$le d" Marr$ ic%mond 11. Social group Work trains the indi$iduals to learn . a" +ureaucratic )ttitude #" &emocratic )ttitude c" Professional )ttitude d" )ll of t%e a#o'e

*he 2slamia 3ni$ersit! of 4ahawalpur

Department of Social Work
.ourse: Social Group Work Max. Marks: 10 Max. Time: 23 Min Mid Term Examination

Signature of Student: __________________ Program M4E_______ oll !o:_________ 1. *hrow light on an! two professional roles of Social Group Worker. #. 5ustif! Social Group Work as a primar! method of Social Work. %. 6ist down essential skills re7uired to practice Social Group Work. (. Shortl! e'plain 8amil! as a "asic Social Group. ). Descri"e an! two arguments for +oining Social Groups "! indi$iduals.

*he 2slamia 3ni$ersit! of 4ahawalpur

Department of Social Work
.ourse: Social Group Work Max. Marks: 10 Signature of Student : __________________ Max. Time: 53 Min Mid Term Examination Program M4E_______ oll !o:_________

Q %. a9 Define Social Group Work according to &erligh 4. *recker and also discuss the need and importance of Social Group in modern societ!:

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