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Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of North-West Amexem North America

In The United States Supreme Court For Connecticut Republic

<FreeNationalName>, Authorized Representative, Natural erson, In ropria ersona! All Ri"hts Reserved! U#C#C# $%&'() $%*'+, U#C#C# $%$'* Not a Corporate erson or -ntit., /isrepresented b. Fraudulent Construct o0 A11 CA ITA1 1-TT-RS <Indi"enousStateName> Territor. 2c)o </ailin"1ocation>3 2<SubTerritor.Name>, <RepublicName> 24ip -5empt33 North6est Ame5em Petitioner

<List all those who are involved by their corporation Name and People/person name> Respondents / Defend nts

This action containin" complaints 0or declarator. relie0 and 0or dama"es, is brou"ht a"ainst the de0endants to secure due process o0 la6, e7ual protection and other ri"hts, privile"es and immunities "uaranteed to complainant b. the Constitution ) Treat. and la6s o0 these United States Republic# 8urisdiction o0 this court is invo9ed under The 4odiac Constitution :AA&&&$;$ ) 1ibrar. o0 Con"ress, <ashin"ton, =istrict o0 Columbia, Constitution ) Treat. and la6s o0 the Unites States Republic as 0ollo6s!
<Insert all applicable la6, la6 bein" the 4odiac Constitution, United States Republic Constitution, United Nations declarations, and last an. applicable codes>

>ri"inal 8urisdiction United States Supreme Court <RepublicName>

P$ intiff
<FreeNationalName>, Natural erson, In ropria ersona Sui 8uris ?not to be con0used 6ith, nor substituted

b., ro Se b. unauthorized hand o0 another@# I am Abori"inal Indi"enous /oorish%American, possessin" Free%hold b. Inheritance and rimo"eniture Status, standin" S7uarel. A00irmed, ali"ned and bound to the 4odiac Constitution, 6ith all due respect and honors "iven to the Constitution 0or the United States Republic, North America, Aein" a descendant o0 /oroccans and born in America, 6ith the blood o0 the Ancient /oabites 0rom the 1and o0 /oab, 6ho received permission 0rom the haraohs o0 -".pt to settle and inhabit North%<est A0rica ) North Bate# The /oors are the 0ounders and are the true possessors o0 the present /oroccan -mpire, 6ith our Canaanite, Cittite and Amorite brethren, 6ho soDourned 0rom the land o0 Canaan, see9in" ne6 homes# >ur dominion and inhabitation e5tended 0rom Northeast and South6est A0rica, across the Breat Atlantis, even unto the present North, South and Central America and the AdDoinin" Islands % bound s7uarel. a00irmed to TC- TR-ATE >F -AC- AN= FRI-N=SCI >F S-F-NT--N CUN=R-= AN= -IBCTE%S-F-N ?$(+(@ A#=# superseded b. TC- TR-ATE >F -ACAN= FRI-N=SCI >F -IBCTT--N CUN=R-= and TCIRTE%SIG ?$+*H@ A#=# bet6een /orocco and the United States ?%ttp&//'''() $e(ed"/$ ''e*/ + $on/dip$o, #)/* r* r)/* r$-..t(%t, or t Be+ines L ' Boo/ of Tre ties@ the same as displa.ed under Treat. 1a6, >bli"ations, Authorit., as e5pressed in Article FI o0 the Constitution 0or the United States o0 America ?Republic@!

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THE TREAT0 OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP OF 1-2. A(D( Bet'een Moro##o nd t%e United St tes Arti#$e 34
II0 an. o0 the Citizens o0 the United States, or an. ersons under their rotection, shall have an. disputes 6ith each other, the Consul shall decide bet6een the arties, and 6henever the Consul shall re7uire an. Aid or Assistance 0rom our Bovernment, to en0orce his decisions, it shall be immediatel. "ranted to him#J

Arti#$e 31
II0 an. Citizen o0 the United States should 9ill or 6ound a Moor, or, on the contrar., i0 a Moor shall 9ill or 6ound a Citizen o0 the United States, the 1a6 o0 the Countr. shall ta9e place, and e7ual 8ustice shall be rendered, the Consul assistin" at the Trial, and i0 an. =elin7uent shall ma9e his escape, the Consul shall not be ans6erable 0or him in an. manner 6hatever#J

Defend nts
<List all defendants>

F #ts
In support o0 this petition I state 0or the record! $# An invitation dated Februar. &Kth, &''L 6as received 0rom Small Claims Court in re"ards to a claim made b. Capital >ne Aan9 USA# &# >n /arch $Hth, &''L, a <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover. 6as sent certi0ied mail, return receipt to Capital >ne Aan9 re7uestin" certi0ied and veri0ied o00icial copies o0 loan related documents prior to April $st to ma9e a ph.sical inspection and veri0. and <itness the same# This 6as a 1a60ul =emand and Re7uest, under the rule o0 =iscover.# It 6as 0urther stated to provide the in0ormation 6ithin ten ?$'@ da.s o0 receipt o0 this Notice o0 =iscover.# *# >n /arch $Lth, &''L, Capital >ne Aan9 received the <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover.# ;# >n April $st, &''L I made a special appearance to clear up this matter# I advised /a"istrate Name that a <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover. 6as submitted to Capital >ne Aan9 6ith a cop. to the Small Claims Court at 6hich time /a"istrate Name advised me that Iin small claims court discover. re7uest do not have to be honored#J K# I stated 0or the record a contract has to be disclosed as this is the premise 0or this claim and 6ithout it there can be no claims M All 1a6 is Contract# H# >n April $Hth, thirt. da.s ?*'@ a0ter the <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover. 6as sent certi0ied return receipt mail to Capital >ne Aan9# The Notice o0 =e0ault 8ud"ment 6as submitted as the re7uest made 6as not honored# (# A repl. dated April &+th 6as received 0rom Small Claims Court statin" the 0ollo6in"! I>n ;)&+)&''L />TI>N ?S-- FI1-@ =-NI-= ?>NO--F-, /@#

Le5 $ C$ i,s
<Support .our 0acts above based on the la6 listed in the Durisdiction section> -5ample!

All 1a6 is contract there0ore in order 0or an. claim to be made the contract must be produced# For /a"istrate Name to impl. that the <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover. does not have to be honored is a violation o0 m. Constitutionall. Secured Ri"hts to =ue rocess o0 1a6# The 5th Amendment required that all persons within the United States must be given due process of the law and equal protection of the law. In so re0usin" to honor the <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover. and denial o0 the Notice o0 =e0ault 8ud"ment# /a"istrate Name has violated her oath o0 o00ice to uphold the United States Constitution# The Constitution for the United States of America binds all judicial officers at Article ! wherein it does sa"! This Constitution and the #aws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof! and all Treaties made! or which shall be made under the authorit" of the United States! shall be the Supreme #aw of the #and! and the $udges of ever" State shall be bound thereb"! an"thing in the Constitution or laws of an" state to the Contrar"! not withstanding!% see Clause &.% As the small claims court is administrative /a"istrate Name does not have Durisdiction to listen to, hear ar"uments, presentation, or rational# The parties to the Compact of the United States Constitution further agreed that the enumeration in the Constitution of certain 'ights shall not be construed to den" or disparage others retained b" the (eople )Article * of the +ill of 'ights to the Constitution for the United States,.%
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-hen acting to enforce a statue and its subsequent amendments to the present date! the judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacit". courts in administering or enforcing statues do not act judiciall"! but merel" ministeriall"%. Thompson v. Smith /50 S1 523. Courts in administrative issues are prohibited from even listening to or hearing arguments! presentation! or rational.% AS4S v. US! 5 2 5&d &20. 6inisterial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature! their acts in attempting to e7ercise such powers are necessaril" nullities.% +urns v. Supp. Ct.! S5! /08 Cal. /. As a /a"istrate and o00icer o0 the court, re0usal to honor the <rit in the Nature o0 =iscover and Notice o0 =e0ault 8ud"ment is a violation o0 her oath o0 o00ice# As a /a"istrate 6ho should be 6ell versed in la6, </a"istrate Name, i0 applicable> 9no6in"l. committed 0raud as she 9no6in"l. has been administerin" in a capacit. 6hich she does not have Durisdiction, dele"ation o0 authorit., or Dudicial po6ers dele"ated 0rom the le"islature

1( T%e Enfor#e,ent of t%e fo$$o'in5& The =ivine Constitution and A.%1a6s o0 the /oorish Science Temple o0 America, The /oorish Nation o0 North America, Act FI! A. Aein" /oorish American, .ou are art and arcel o0 this said "overnment and /ust 1ive the 1i0e Accordin"l., Article FI o0 the United States Constitution Republic ) The Treat. o0 eace and Friendship o0 -IBCT--N CUN=R-= and TCIRTE%SIG ?$+*H@ A#=#, Classi0ies /oorish Americans as Federal Citizens ossessin" Freehold b. Inheritance Status% Truth A%$# See Article *, Section & o0 PThe Constitution 0or the United States o0 AmericaN# 16 I, ?Eour nomen here@, demand =ue rocess as protected b. the Fourth ?; th@ and Fi0th ?Kth@ Amendments o0 the Constitution 0or the United States o0 America ?Republic@# 36 I, ?.our nomen here@, demand this United States Federal Court stop these abuses o0 the colorable authorit. b. the lainti00 as it pertain to this etitioner# 26 I, ?.our nomen here@, demand i0 an. criminal char"es be 0ound, let them be placed upon the lainti00s#


I, ? .our nomen here@, demand this United States Federal court vie6 this etitioner ?in m. roper erson@ as a /oorish American National ?Natural Aorn Citizen o0 the 1and@ and not as a ?brand@ N-BR>, A1ACO/AN ?person@, C>1>R-=, AFRICAN%A/-RICAN, or an. other S1AF- TIT1- or Pnom de "uerreN imposed upon me 0or misrepresentation PActionsN or other acts o0 P/isprisionN that a misdirected societ. ma. IbelieveJ to be true#

86 I, ?Eour nomen here@ do not, under an. condition or circumstance, b. threat, duress, or coercion, 6aive an. ri"hts Inalienable or Secured b. the Constitution or Treat., and, hereb. re7uests the United States Supreme Court to 0ul0ill their obli"ation to preserve the ri"hts o0 this etitioner ?A /oorish Americans@ and carr. out their 8udicial =ut. in PBood FaithN b. orderin" lainti00 to be brou"ht be0ore the 1a6 to ans6er 0or their criminal and unDust actions#


All UNC>NSTITUTI>NA1 P>rderN or PActionN associated 6ith it ) them, to be dismissed and e5pun"ed 0or the record on itNs 0ace and merits, or, other6ise, be brou"ht be0ore a le"itimatel. % dele"ated, and competent PCourt o0 1a6N o0 International Durisdiction ) venue#

96 All A"ents, State and Federal >00icials, Contractors are to be in0ormed o0 the 1a6 o0 the 1and ?Constitution@ and their obli"ation to uphold the same and to no lon"er be e5cused 6ithout action on the part o0 the Sheri00 0or violatin" the same# And to be made co"nizance o0 the recompense o0 colorable actions on their part, b. not adherin" to the 1a6# -6 An. Respondent, Corporate or Natural, art.%Claimants, Involvements be 0ound "uilt. in violation United States Republic Constitution, United States Code o0 1a6, and in accord 6ith the la6 is re7uired b. la6 to immediate recusal o0 his or her o00ice# :6 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in its o00icial capacit. in la60ul mone.#

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146 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in his o00icial capacit. in la60ul mone.# 116 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in her o00icial and private capacit. in la60ul mone.# 136 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in his o00icial and private capacit. in la60ul mone.# 126 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in her o00icial and private capacit. in la60ul mone.# 176 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in her o00icial and private capacit. in la60ul mone.# 186 Respondent <-nter name o0 Respondent> is bein" sued 0or Q(K,''' 0or compensator. dama"es and Q(K,''' 0or punitive dama"es in his o00icial and private capacit. in la60ul mone.#


I declare under the penalt. o0 perDur. under the la6 o0 the UNIT-= STAT-S C>=-S that the above is true and correct to the best o0 m. 9no6led"e and honorable intent# Respect0ull. submitted this RRR da. o0 RRRRRRRRRR, &'$' S $;*' /#C#

<FreeNationalName>, Authorized Representative
Natural erson, In ropria ersona! All Ri"hts Reserved! U#C#C# $%&'() $%*'+, U#C#C# $%$'* <Indi"enousStateName> Territor. 2c)o </ailin"1ocation>3 2<SubTerritor.Name>, <Repubic> 24ip -5empt33

North6est Ame5em

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