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Development, Recognition, Measurement and signposts of a creative mind

By Anup Vishnu Bagla We shall treat this discussion under three heads by dividing into 3 categories: Identifying the qualities of creative mind. Devising a method of measuring the inde of creativity. Developing!devising a method!model!technique for it"s further rise i.e.# the inde of the creativity!capability $essentially removing inaccurate# %rong and erroneous thin&ing'. (irst# %e shall discuss %hat are the indications# traits of creative mind behavior) it"s signs# identifying symptoms etc. in this first part. *enerally creative behavior traits are thought of as: (luency (le ibility +riginality ,laboration -hese are broad classification. Some of the mental tendencies of a bright creative mind are:

.igh level of effective intelligence# applied intelligent imagination and openness to e perience.

Very high sensitivity to feel# &no%# gauge and grasp human situations# energies in the neighborhood!atmosphere. -he thought as energy %ave is received# perceived# as it is# instantly as agreeable or unagreeable# pleasant or unpleasant.

Inimical!harmful and unfavorable %ave energies tend to spontaneously disturb and lo%er!sin& the life energy sapping and emptying it of life light $brilliant# bright light emitting goodness/ feeling'# by activating the do%n%ard motion!momentum. -he mind being highly sensitive %ith high po%er receiving antenna is vulnerable and sub0ect to intense feelings1.agitation and flu !flo% of energies unless chec&ed by strict discipline# understanding at the relational level# e posure to environment and people.

Aesthetic sensitivity to%ards beauty in all e ternal things. In course of interaction# they are free from crippling restraints and impoverishing
inhibitions 2-his freedom is essential %hich has to be cultivated# nurtured to remove unintelligent substance from life energy by overcoming erroneous thoughts and tiring ! unhealthy thin&ing 3 feeling.

4ognitive fle ibility. Independence in thought and action. .igh level of creative# illuminated energy. 5nquestioning commitment to creative endeavors. 5nceasing striving for solutions to more and more difficult 6roblems %hich he constantly sets for himself. 4reative people are lovers of nature# outdoors# rains etc. Although they are 0ust# honest and al%ays loo& for 0ustice# they do not get hurt if
the circumstances are adverse.

-hey are courageous# treading un&no%n paths. -hey do not appreciate unnecessary
or non/useful ! stupid la%s in social dealings.

-hey are independent in %or&ing %ithout having any e pectations or need for
approval see&ing# as their approval comes from inside# in pro imity to spirit. -hey# generally# have a helping nature.

-hey love humor and are uncomplaining# accepting!ad0usting %ith people !

situations ! circumstances as they are and also correcting %hich needs to be corrected.

Al%ays# being doers# they do not al%ays demand or are concerned %ith orderliness#
organi7ation. At the same time# they are self/disciplined %ith lot of energy and %ill. -his aspect has to be regularly empo%ered. As a natural outcome# they never play games to impress others for favors or promotion ! raise.

Some other traits are:

1. 4onceptual fluency/ to create large number of ideas quic&ly.

2. +riginality/ -o generate unusual ideas and separate source from content in evaluating information1to be motivated by interest in problems1 follo% %herever it leads to.

3. 8uspending 0udgment/ avoiding early commitment 3 spending more time in analysis ! e ploration.

4. 9on ! less/Authoritarian / to have relativistic vie% of life and to accept o%n impulses as a part of playful ! undisciplined e ploration.

5. Independence of 0udgment 3 less conformity.

. Deviant or deviating !different / to see self as different or unique.

!. :Bi7arre: and rich fantasy life 3 superior reality orientation and controls i.e.# do%n to earth.

". -o ta&e life and every activity as part of sport.

It is very important not to get affected ! immobili7ed emotionally or feeling %ise %ith %in ! lose situation. It presupposes living life for 0ust living and being creatively active# alive.

It is quite possible to be misunderstood as rebel# selfish# uncaring etc. as creative person is trying to be independent and allo%ing others to have ! choose their o%n independence. It is very important to ignore other people"s opinion# if it is unqualified. All this automatically points to non/approval see&ing ! non/dependence and not going to e tremes to please others for favors.

A creative person is internally directed and all his ideas come from inner ! spiritual / brilliant1. bright light base.It is quite possible to e perience lot of trials and tribulations# failures due to condemnation# non / understanding by other fello% beings# as a creative person is also non/sho%y# non/buttering type.

And so# it becomes natural for him to ta&e everything in its stride. -his may result in a feeling of letdo%n and lo%liness ! do%n in tiredness and depth of despondency.

At the same time a creative person has a fighting spirit to change the tides depending on his ability and also upon the surrounding universe ! environment 3 prevailing conditions %hich may be difficult at times and has to be practiced in sincerity. In reality or actuality the Infinite -;5-. %or&s through the creative person. Action in inaction ! spontaneity is the hallmar& of a creative action.

+ne important quality of a creative mind is the ability to free oneself of the binding attachment to pleasant ! unpleasant e perience and situations.

A creative mind disli&es 3 discards domination ! control of any ! every type and may create lot of enemies for itself because of non/relenting to unfair means.

It becomes a controversial figure because it is a catalyst for social or technological ! scientific change.

#. A creative mind finds it difficult to ad0ust to classroom teaching# instruction of rigid te t boo& learning and may feel frustrated# impatient by slo% pace.

1$. It finds itself many times fi ed or caught in social dos and don"ts# customs# traditions ! taboos of social pressure groups# %hich create domination ! sub0ugation etc.

11. A creative mind is simple natured# %or&ing to bring cheer ! 0oy in everyone"s life and do not particularly %or& for self/glorification.

;ather# it glorifies the infinite ! divine principle i.e.# natural ! scientific principles or ideas and their %or&ings ! manifestations.

, periential -;5-. sense is the mar& up indicator ! symptom of the creative behavior.

12. Insight into the behavior of others is another important quality of a creative brain. What may seem comple and indecipherable to others# a creative brain sees clearly understood.

-he problems that immobili7e so many others are often vie%ed as only minor annoyances by these enlightened minds.

-his lac& of emotional involvement in problems ma&es them surmount barriers that remain insurmountable to others.

-hey have insight into themselves too and they recogni7e immediately %hat others are attempting to do to them. -hey can shrug off and ignore %hile others are angered and immobili7ed. -hey 0ust ignore them. Summar%:

A creative scientist or engineer has an e tremely lo% threshold of discomfort. .e sees problems %here others are happy to continue undisturbed. -his sho%s their penetrating visual abilities. At the same time he is equally e tremely long in his :mental stamina:. -he rest of the people have the opposite traits. -hey do not see problems in the obvious and suffer no discomfort in the midst of intellectual and material incongruities. And finally# %hen# they are made to see the problems# they are too soon e hausted and are ready either to shelve it as insoluble or pass it to others because they are too busy or pretend# they have solved it by ameliorating the symptoms.

4reative mind is oriented to%ards setting and solving meaningful problems# using an inner drive to recombine his storehouse of e periences in ne% %ays.

In attac&ing his problems# he does not behave as a conformist or a follo%er ! a second copy. Instead# he pioneers# often# sets his o%n specifications and is not afraid to fail frequently. Because# he is not afraid to fail frequently# he is productive in the long run.

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