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Morpho-syntax and Semantics of the English language 05/06 Prof.

Pilar Ron Vaz

HOMEWORK 2 Due May 30th, 2006


A. True or false? [1 point]

Conversion is not a very productive word formation process in English. The head of a compound is always the last word. The structure of a compound determines its meaning. A phrase can contain another phrase and even a clause inside it. There may be more than one lexical verb in a clause. The verb in a subordinate clause is always finite. Auxiliary verbs can appear as the only verb in a clause. Noun phrases cannot function as adverbials. A dynamic verb may not appear in a progressive form. A lexical verb may appear before a subject.




The words in column 2 have been created from the corresponding word in column 1. Indicate the word formation process responsible for the creation of each word in column 2. [1 point] Column 1 (a) loan, word (b) babysitter (c) compact disc (d) empty (e) advertisement (f) boy (g) a squeak (h) refrigerator (i) Spanish, English (j) laboratory Column 2 loanword babysit CD to empty ad boyish to squeak fridge Spanglish lab Word formation process

compounding Back formation Acronym Conversion Clipping Affixation Conversion Clipping Blending Clipping

Morpho-syntax and Semantics of the English language 05/06 Prof. Pilar Ron Vaz

HOMEWORK 2 Due May 30th, 2006

C. Identify all the verb forms in the following sentences and classify them [1 point]. Provide the following information: 1. Say whether each verb is finite or non-finite 2. Say whether each verb is lexical, linking or auxiliary 3. If the verb is lexical say whether it is a. transitive, intransitive, or ditransitive b. dynamic or stative 4. If the verb is auxiliary say whether it is a modal or not. (a) John could have arrived here sooner.

Could: finite, auxiliary, modal Have: non nonfinite, auxiliary, non nonmodal Arrived: non nonfinite, lexical, intransitive, dynamic
(b) Jessica doesnt need to tell you anything.

Does: finite, auxiliary, non nonmodal Need: non nonfinite, lexical, transitive, stative Tell: non nonfinite, lexical, ditransitive, dynamic
(c) Peter seems tired tonight.

Seem: finite, linking

(d) Daniel would love you if you could smile more often.

Would: finite, auxiliary, modal Love: non nonfinite, lexical, transitive, stative Could: finite, auxiliary, modal Smile: non nonfinite, lexical, intransitive, dynamic
(e) Who did Sally give her present to?

Did: finite, auxiliary, non nonmodal Give: non nonfinite, lexical, lexical, ditransitive, dynamic
D. Explain, using your own words the difference between the following. Exemplify your answer [2 points] (a) The difference between AGO and BEFORE.

Both locate a point in time in the past, but AGO means before now, and AGO means before before another point in the past. past. Sally went to London three weeks ago, because she had already gone to Paris a month before.

Morpho-syntax and Semantics of the English language 05/06 Prof. Pilar Ron Vaz

HOMEWORK 2 Due May 30th, 2006

(b) The difference between using the present perfect and using the present perfect progressive.

In both cases we talk about an action that that starts in the past and continues up to the present but the present perfect is used when the action is finished, when the action is seen as permanent or when we focus on the result of the action; the present perfect progressive is used when the action may not be finished, when the action is seen as temporary or when we focus on the length of time the action has taken. I have been doing exercises for three hours. I have done ten exercises, but I still have to do some more.
(c) The difference between using the simple present and using the present progressive.

In both cases we talk about an action in the present or a planned action in the future. The simple present is used for habitual actions and for permanent actions (or for very sure things in the near future); future); the present progressive is used for actions that are happening right now or for temporary situation (or for planned actions in the near future) I usually use my laptop computer every day, but tright now I am using my sisters computer.
(d) The difference between a lexical verb and an auxiliary verb.

A lexical verb is the main verb of a main clause. It has the primary meaning, meaning, it can be the only verb in the clause. clause. Auxiliary verbs help the lexical verb express grammatical meanings. In a clause there can only be one lexical verb; it appears after the auxiliary verbs, verbs, after the subject and after the negative adverb NOT. Auxiliary verbs may appear before the subject and the negative adverb. There may be several auxiliary verbs in a clause and they appear before the lexical verb. Did you read the newspapers today?

Morpho-syntax and Semantics of the English language 05/06 Prof. Pilar Ron Vaz

HOMEWORK 2 Due May 30th, 2006


The following sentences may have some mistakes. Identify the mistake(s), correct them AND explain the source of the mistake. There may be sentences without mistakes and there may be sentences with more than one mistake! If the sentence is correct write CORRECT next to it. [2.5 points] (a) The woman that she had spoken earlier ate with us.

The woman that had spoken earlier ate with us. The subject of the relative clause is repeated and there can only be one subject.
(b) In Huelva is found an interesting monument.

An interesting monument is found in Huelva. Huelva. The word order is incorrect; it has to be subject + verb + subject complement.
(c) I am understanding the lesson now.

I understand the lesson now. Understand Understand is a stative verb and stative verbs cannot appear appear in the progressive tenses.
(d) The students are going to go to Paris next spring.

The students are going to Paris next spring. The expression be going to to to express a future planned action cannot be used with verbs of movement like GO; instead we use the present progressive.
(e) Did Donna worked hard?

Did Donna work hard? DID and WORKED are are both finite forms of the verb, and in a clause there can only be a finite form (the first one)

Morpho-syntax and Semantics of the English language 05/06 Prof. Pilar Ron Vaz

HOMEWORK 2 Due May 30th, 2006


Translate the following sentences into English. Hint: Do not try to do a literal translation, Instead try to express in English what you have here in Spanish [2.5 points] (a) Cuando llegaste a la estacin, llevaba media hora esperando el autobs.

When you arrived at the station I had been waiting for the bus for half an hour.
(b) Desde hace cuatro semanas he estado leyendo un libro de historia de la guerra civil.

I have been reading a Civil War History book since four weeks ago.. ago..
(c) Esa jugadora de tenis habr ganado un milln de dlares dentro de un mes.

That tennis player player will have won a million dollars in a month.. month..
(d) Cundo comprasteis esas mesas? La mesa del comedor la compramos hace dos meses y la mesa de la cocina dos semanas antes.

When did you boy those tables? We bought the dinning dinningroom table two months ago, and the kitchen table two weeks before. before.
(e) Durante dos meses estuve viviendo en Bristol, pero ahora estoy viviendo en Plymouth.

I lived in Bristol for two months, but right now I am living in Plymouth.. Plymouth..

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