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IBPS Specialist Officer Marketing Question Paper (2012) 1.

The stages of the product life cycle in chronological order is: 1. Introduction, growth, maturity, decline 2. Introduction, growth. maturity, stagnation, decline 3. Introduction, maturity, decline 4. Introduction, maturity. stagnation, decline 5. None of these 2. The ey to competiti!e ad!antage is"differentiation. 1. #osition 2. #roduct 3. $onformance 4. $ustomer $onsulting 5. None of these 3. The functions of the distri%ution &mar eting' channel are 1. To gather mar et information(to promote and spread persuasi!e communications(physical pro)imity to consumer(matching the %uyers* needs(negotiate and settle the final price. 2. To pro!ide the consumers with the re+uired technical information a%out the products (physical distri%ution to consumers (ac+uire and use funds for financing the channel(intermediaries pro!ide the deposit or %uy the goods on cash %asis.(,ssume the ris of carrying out the channel tas s. 3. To %ring the product ownership to the final %uyer. 4. %oth 1 and 2 5. None of these 4. -hich of the following is not a .mar et follower/ strategy0 1. $ounterfeiter 2. ,dapter 3. Initiator 4. $loner 5. None of these 5. """is registering, traffic ing in, or using a domain name with %ad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademar %elonging to someone else.

1. 1mail mar eting 2. $y%er s+uatting 3. -e% scraping 4. -e% spidering 5. None of these 2. 3eatures of channels of %an ing are 1. Intangi%ility(insepara%ility from the seller(!aria%ility in customer e)penses 2. #erisha%ility and non4stora%ility(personal contacts with clients 3. 5an ing ser!ices ha!e no physical and personal channels of distri%ution. 4. $om%ination of &1' and &2' 5. None of these 6. The client of ad!ertising agent is called: 1. $ustomer 2. 7a8or 3. $orporate 4. ,ccount 5. None of these

9. The components of #romotion mi) are4 1. ,d!ertising: a paid form of non4personal promotion(personal selling: personal presentation to prospecti!e clients. 2. ;ales campaign to encourage sales(pu%lic relations: for %uilding good relations with clients(direct mar eting: is ma ing direct connect with indi!idual customers. 3. ;ampling and coupons 4. 5oth 1 and 2. 5. None of these. <. -hat are the main features of 7ar eting ;ystem &7I;'0 1. $reation of master plan for information flow,coordination %etween functional departments and specialist e)ecuti!es,future orientation for anticipating and pre!enting mar eting pro%lems and sol!ing them.

2. 3acilitation for de!eloping decisions in planning, organi=ing ,controlling and initiating. 3. >ecision ma ing,organising and controlling the ma8or acti!ities of the %usiness and initiating action. 4. ,ll of the a%o!e. 5. None of these. 1?. """" include medical specialist and legal ad!isors. 1. ;peciality ser!ices 2. ;peciality products 3. #rimary ser!ices 4. ;econdary ser!ices 5. None of these 11. The """"" represents our e)pectations of the general need for the Item during the lead time. 1. @eorder point 2. ;afety stoc +uantity 3. @eordering policy 4. @eordering cycle 5. None of these 12. """"" is the principle of organi=ation of a region around se!eral political, social or financial centres. 1. 1thnocentrism 2. #olycentrism 3. 7ar eting e)pansion 4. Ao%al mar eting 5. None of these 13. 7aterial culture is di!ided into two parts : 1. Banguage, ,esthetics 2. Technology, 1conomics 3. 1ducation @eligion 4. ,ttitudes, Calues

5. None of these 14. Identify the group name, whose mission statement is : .To %ecome a ma8or player in the glo%al chemical %usiness and simultaneously growth in other growth industries li e infrastructure/ 1. @eliance 2. Tata 3. 5harti enterprises 4. Dota 7ahindra 5. None of these

15. >istinction %etween mar eting and selling is 1. 7ar eting relates to producing or creating goods or ser!ices needed %y the customers while in selling the o%8ecti!e is to sell whate!er is a!aila%le. 2. 7ar eting is operational acti!ity whereas the selling is a total management concept. 3. 7ar eting is product focused while selling is customer focused. 4. 7ar eting is oriented to the needs of the seller whereas selling is oriented to the needs of the %uyer. 5. None of these 12. -hich one is true in respect of %an mar eting0 1. 5an mar eting deals with pro!iding ser!ices to satisfy customers* financial needs and wants. 2. 5an mar eting has to disco!er(ascertain(anticipate the financial needs of the corporates. 3. 5an mar eting may %e re+uired to satisfy the corporates, and institutions, other related needs and wants. 4. 5an mar eting means competiti!e element, efficiency and effecti!eness in the process. 5. None of these 16. $@7 Is a short form of: 1. $ustomer @elationship 7anagement 2. $ompany @esource 7ar eting 3. $onsumer @eaching 7ar eting 4. $ustomer @elationship 7ar eting 5. None of these

19. -hat are the o%8ecti!es of pricing0 1. #rofit optimisation, ad8ustment of prices due to competition, increasing the mar et share, impro!ed cash flows to a!oid cash crunch, sta%ilisation of demand and sales, impro!ement in product +uality, communicates an image of the !alue. 2. Enderstanding with price cartels, %argaining power of suppliers, go!ernment controls and regulations. %uyers* %eha!iour, customer demand and competition. 3. #rice elasticity of the demand of the product, cost of manufacturing the product, characteristics of the product. 4. $om%ination of &2' and &3' 5. None of these 1<. ;egmentation of consumer mar ets is %ased on 1. $onsumer characteristics 2. $onsumer responses 3. $onsumer challenges 4. 5oth &1' and &2' 5. None of these 2?. Is the latest4%u==word in corporate %oardrooms. 1. ;er!ice +uality 2. ;er!ice sector 3. ;er!ice industry 4. ,ll of the a%o!e 5. None of these 21. @elati!ely large. low4cost, low4margin high4!olume, self ser!ice operations etc. 1. ;uper mar et 2. >iscount store 3. >epartment store 4. $on!enience store 5. None of these

22. >istri%ution mi) refers to:

1. ;election of different distri%ution channels li e >is., tri%ution F -holesaler @etailers $onsumer etc. 2. ;election of sales promotion techni+ues, ,d!ertis4 2 ing, ;ales F promotion, personal selling etc. 3. ;election of pre4sales during sales after sales ser!ice etc. 4. ,ll of the a%o!e 5. None of these 23. 7ar et @esearch is useful for 1. deciding proper mar eting strategies 2. deciding the selling price 3. choosing the right products 4. choosing the sales persons 5. ,ll of these 2. None of these 24. N G ;(# & 1 H T' indicates the: 1. -or load method 2. ;ales potential method 3. Incremental method 4. ;ales %udget 5. None of these 25. , Icall* means 1. shout out to some%ody 2. a profession or %usiness 3. !isit friends 4. !isiting prospecti!e customers 5. after4 sales reser!e 22. , %an e)pects fall in price of a security if it sells it in the mar et. -hat is the ris that the %an is facing0 1. 7ar et ris 2. Jperational ris

3. ,sset Bi+uidation ris 4. 7ar et li+uidity ris 5. None of these 26. -hen a company ac+uires a supplier through an ac+uisition strategy. this is referred to as 1. Certical mar eting system 2. 3orward integration 3. Kori=ontal integration 4. 5ac ward integration 5. None of these 29. $harles @e!son of @e!lon o%ser!ed: .In the factory, we ma e cosmetics: in the store. 1. we ma e profits 2. we challenge competitors 3. we implement ads 4. we sell hope 5. None of these

2<. 7ohan ;awhney has proposed the concept of """" to descri%e a cluster of complementary products and ser!ices that are closely related in the minds of consumers %ut are spread across a di!erse set of industries. 1. 7etamar et 2. !ertical integration 3. hori=ontal integration 4. 5etamar et 5. None of these 3?. -hat is the meaning of .$on!ersion/0 1. meeting a prospecti!e client 2. interacting with a prospecti!e client 3. con!erting an employer into an employee 4. con!erting a seller to a %uyer 5. con!erting a prospecti!e client into a %uyer

31. -hat is the meaning of .$ustomi=ation/0 1. ac+uiring more customers 2. regulating customers 3. special products to suit each customer 4. more products per customer 5. ,ll of these 32. -hat is a logo0 1. #ictoral representation of what the company stands for 2. Araphic or em%lem used %y a company to trigger in4 stant recall 3. The short form of the name of the company 4. ,ll inds of ad!ertisements used %y the company 5. None of these 33. >iffusion of Inno!ations is a theory that see s to e)plain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures. The adopters of these inno!ations are categorised in fi!e categories. -hich of the following is incorrect0 1. 1arly adopters 2. 1arly ma8ority 3. Bate adopters 4. Bate ma8ority 5. None of these 34. 7odern styles of mar eting include&s' 1. digital mar eting 2. tele4mar eting 3. e4commerce 4. e4mails solicitation 5. ,ll of these 35. e47ar eting is same as: 1. !irtual mar eting 2. digital mar eting

3. real time mar eting 4. ,ll of these 5. None of these 32. -hat is the meaning of Calue added ser!ices0 1. costlier products 2. larger num%er of products 3. additional ser!ices 4. at par ser!ices 5.None of these 36. The irst Kypermar et was started %y """. 1. -almart 2. $arrefour 3. $asino 4. The dolla store 5. None of these 39. -hat is the first step of sales process0 1. Bead generation 2. $on!incing the %uyer 3. ;elling the product 4. ;howing a product 5. None of these 3<. $ore competence of a company helps it to: 1. 7aintain an edge o!er its competitors 2. #osition its product %etter 3. #rice its product %etter 4. ,ll of these 5. None of these 4?. ,ggressi!e 7ar eting is necessitated %ecause of """". 1. glo%alisation 2. increased competition

3. increased production 4. increased 8o% opportunities 5. ,ll of these 41. $onsumer research ta es place at """" stage. 1. 5efore purchase 2. ,fter purchase 3. >uring the purchase 4. ,ll of these 5. None of these 42. ;-JT analysis does not contain """"". 1. ;trength 2. -ea ness 3. Jpportunity 4. Talent 5. None of these 43. 1fficient mar eting style re+uires 1. proper planning 2. good communication s ills 3. team wor 4. nowledge of products

5. ,ll of these 44. The performance of a sales person depends on 1. salary paid 2. sales incenti!es paid 3. si=e of the sales team 4. a%ility and willingness of the sales person 5. team leader*s aggressi!eness

45. -hat is the sole aim of mar eting0 1. Increase sales 2. Increase the num%er of employees 3. Increase profits 4. Increase production 5. ,ll of these 42. -hich among the following is not part of the .4#s/0 1. #roduct 2. #rice 3. #rofit 4. #romotion 5. None of these 46. #orter*s 3i!e 3orce 7odels includes: 1. 5argaining power of customer 2. ,d!ertising 3. Threat of su%stitute product 4. 5argaining power of suppliers 5. None of these 49. The Better .T/ in #1;T stands for : 1. Treats 2. Technological 3. Teacher 4. Ta%le 5. None of these 4<. 5rad Boyalty is defined %y Dotler in for %eha!iour pattern. -hich of the following is not part of them. 1. Kard $ore Boyals 2. ;hifters 3. ;emi Boyals

4. ;hifting Boyals 5. None of these 5?. -hat is meant %y .Bead generation/0 1. Tips for selling tactics 2. Tips for %etter production 3. Aenerate leaders 4. Bi ely sources for prospecti!e clients 5. ,ll of these

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