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Notes Section 1: Great Voyages of Discovery (Max Wu) In the 1 !!s" interest in discovery and exploration arose in Europe#

Why were the Europeans interested in exploration?

Reasons to Explore $eople wanted to find new lands for these reasons% getting expensive spices from Asia spread &hristianity curiosity a'out the world Advances in technology (efore" sailors were scared to sail far from land in fear that they)d never return home# (etter ship'uilding and tools li*e the astrola'e allowed the $ortuguese to navigate the seas more securely" giving them a lead in navigation# Portugal and Spain Prince Henry the Navigator was an important person to the success of $ortugal# Although he didn)t venture off 'y himself" he 'uilt an o'servatory and navigation school to contri'ute to sailing# Discovery of Africa In 1 ++ (artolomeu ,ias sailed around the southern tip of Africa" 'ut his crew got scared and turned 'ac*# In 1 -+ .asco de /ama continued on this route and found a sea route to Asia# The New World In 1 -0 &hristopher &olum'us set sail with ++ men in the Nina, Pinta, and Santa aria to find another route to Asia 1across the Atlantic2# It too* &olum'us several years to convince the authorities to finance his trip" 'ut they eventually agreed# He reached America instead 'ut for his entire lifetime he thought he really reached Asia# In 134! 5erdinand 6agellan 'egan a voyage across the world# He died in the $hilippines" 'ut his crew returned" 'ecoming the first crew to circumnavigate the world# 7he 8panish and later came to the Americas" and they raided many parts of it# 7hey con9uered the A:tecs and Incas 'ecause of their advantage in technology# 8oon" the 8panish were rich and owned lots of land# English and !rench in A"erica

What allowed sailors to sail far from their homes?

Who was Navigator?



How were Africa and North America discovered?

Who was the first to circumnavigate the world?

Who found &anada?

England and 5rance wanted a route to Asia" too# 7hey decided to find another route to Asia through North America# In 1 -;" <ohn &a'ot sailed west to &anada# In 1343 <ac9ues &artier also found his way to &anada# None of these explorers found Asia" 'ut helped the English and 5rench gain lots of land# (esides trying to find Asia" England wanted riches in the New World# (ecause the 8panish owned most of the riches" they decided to raid them# Among the famous raiders is 8ir 5rancis ,ra*e# 7he 8panish were mad" so they sent the 8panish Armada" a fleet of 14! ships" against the English# 7he English defeated the Armada and the 8panish lost power# New Worldview 7hese voyages led Europeans to loo* at the world differently# 7hey learned that ships didn)t 'urn at the E9uator and were separate from asia# 7hey made 'etter maps" too# 7hese discoveries allowed the Europeans to spread their influence around the world#

What effect did these discoveries have on the world?

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