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Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development Vol./ PRI !

ISS ""#$%&''( e%ISS ""#(%)'("


Margareta OANCEA 1, Carmen TICU 2

+niversit, of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinar, Medicine, -uc.arest (' Marasti, sector *, /**$0$, -uc.arest, Romania, P.one1 2$/ "* )*# "( 0$/")", 3a41 2 $/ "* )*# "# ## , E%mail 1 margareta5oancea6, " Ministr, of Agriculture , 3orests and Rural Development , "$ 7arol I Avenue , sector ), /"/"'*, -uc.arest, Romania P.one12$/ "* )/&")//, 3a41 2$/)/&#0#(, Email1
Key !r"# $ milk production, evolution, NW Region , Romania

Abstract The paper aimed to present the evolution of Milk Production during the period 1990 - 00! in the North West Region of Romania, including "asi, #otosani and $uceava counties% "t is &ased on the statistical data provided &' Ministr' of (griculture , )orests and Rural *evelopment % The data have &een processed into the follo+ing indicators , cattle livestock, num&er of dair' co+s, milk 'ield, milk production % *uring the anal'-ed period , cattle livestock has continuousl' decreased, so that in the 'ear 00! there are .ust 1,//0 thousand co+s in Romania of +hich in the North 0astern part are raised a&out 1 2%% Milk 'ield has increased from ,310 kg 4co+ in the 'ear 1990 to 5,930 kg4co+4'ear in the 'ear 00! , &ut total milk production has decreased taking into account the reduced num&er of co+s % (s a conclusion, the North 0ast region is traditionall' suita&le for co+ rearing ,due to its pastures and meado+s , the important num&er of co+ stock and possi&ilities to produce ecological milk %

Dair, farming is an important 8ranc. of animal .us8andr, 9it. a long tradition in our countr, . After *'#', t.e num8er of cattle stoc: .as seriousl, decreased due to t.e dissolution of t.e state enterprises and cooperatives and numerous slaug.tered animals ;*< . At present t.e num8er of dair, co9s counts for a8out ",0// Million .eads and are mainl, raised in private su8sistence .ouse.olds ;"<. In t.e ort. East region of Romania contri8utes 9it. more */ = to total mil: production in t.e countr, ;)< . In conte4t, t.e paper present an anal,sis of t.e evolution of mil: production in t.e ort. East region of Romania, in order to put into evidence t.e evolution of t.e num8er of dair, co9s, mil: ,ield and total mil: production in t.e period *''/%"//& ;$<. MATERIAL AND METHOD

In order to c.aracteri>e t.e evolution of mil: production , t.e follo9ing indicators 9ere used 1 num8er of cattle stoc:, of 9.ic. dair, co9s and .eifers , mil: ,ield and mil: production, mil: consumption per in.a8itant, num8er of dair, farms and co9 densit, per .a. !.e period anal,>ed in stud, is *''/%"//& . !.e data , collected from Ministr, of Agriculture , 3orests and Rural Development , .ave 8een statisticall, processed and interpreted , 8uilding t.e trend line and setting up t.e forecast 8ased on simulation models for t.e period "//#%"/*(. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS !.e cattle livestoc: .as continuousl, decreased from (,)#* t.ousand .eads in t.e ,ear *''/ to ",0#/ t.ousand .eads in t.e ,ear "//& , as a result of t.e dissolution of t.e agricultural units and of t.e fact man, old cattle .ave 8een slaug.tered 8ecause of t.eir lo9 production. !.e num8er of dair, co9s .as deepl, decreased in t.e

Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development Vol./ PRI ! ISS ""#$%&''( e%ISS ""#(%)'("

anal,>ed period from ),"// t.ousand .eads in t.e ,ear *''/ to *,$$/ t.ousand .eads in t.e ,ear "//&. !.erefore, in "//& , in Romania t.ere 9ere ?ust $( = of dair, co9s compared to t.e ,ear *''/. !a:ing into account t.e d,namics of cattle and dair, co9s stoc:, t.e s.are of dair, co9s in t.e cattle stoc: .as recorded a similar decreasing trend . In t.e ,ear *''/ , dair, co9s represented ('.$0 = of t.e cattle stoc: and in t.e ,ear "//& , t.e, registered ?ust ().&) = @!a8le *A. A similar evolution of cattle and dair, co9 stoc: .as 8een noticed in t.e ort. Eastern part of Romania in Iasi, Suceava and -otosani counties.
!a8le * . Evolution of Dair, 7o9s during t.e period *''/%"//& @ t.ousand .eads A
Specifica% tion 7attle, of 9.ic. 1 Dair, co9s S.are of dair, co9s in total cattle stoc: @=A *''/ (,)#* ),"// ('.$0 *''( $,*// ","// ().0( "/// ), ("/ *,#)/ (*.'# "//( ),/(/ *,0// (".$( "//& ",0#/ *,$$/ ().&) "//&/ *''/ = $'.#/ $(.// %

recorded a continuous increase , so in "//& it reac.ed (&,)*" t.ousand .l , 8eing 8, *).*' = less in t.e ,ear *''/ @ !a8le "A.
!a8le " . Evolution of Mil: Production @:g/,earA
Specifica% tion Mil: Production *''/ 00,/*0 *''( $#,$// "/// $',/$$ "//( (*,#$/ "//& (&,)*" "//&/ *''/ = #0.#*

Mil: Production in t.e ort. Eastern part of Romania gives an essential contri8ution to mil: production in t.e countr, and is 8ecause of t.e .ig. num8er of co9s gro9n in area 9.ere are availa8le important surfaces of pastures and meado9s.

!.e average mil: ,ield .as registered a continuousl, increase from ",/0) :g/co9 in t.e ,ear *''/ to ),'#/ :g /co9 in t.e ,ear "//&. !.is positive aspect 9as determined 8, t.e reduced num8er of co9s 9.ic. .as allo9ed a 8etter feeding . !.erefore , in t.e ,ear "//&, t.e average mil: ,ield 9as *.'" times in t.e ,ear *''/ , In t.e ort. Eastern part of Romania , t.e average mil: ,ield registered a similar trend increasing from *,'#/ :g/co9/lactation in t.e ,ear *''/ to ),#&( :g/co9/lactation in t.e ,ear "//& @ 3ig.*A .
4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Average Milk Y ield at country level Average Milk Y ield in the ! "o#ania 2,063 2,200 2,680 1,980 2,175 3,240 2,668 3,980 3,185 1990 1995 2000 2005 2007 3,875

P.oto *. Vie9 from a Dair, 3arm in t.e E part of Romania

CONCLUSIONS *. !.e num8er of dair, co9s .as continuousl, decreased during t.e period *''/%"//& , 9it. a negative impact upon mil: production. ". Mil: ,ield is t.e onl, positive aspect , 8ecause it .as increased ),'#/ :g per co9 in t.e ,ear "//&. ).As a conseCuence of t.e reduced num8er of co9s 8ut an increased mil: ,ield, mil: production .as continuousl, increased, e4cept t.e ,ear *''( 9.en it recorded t.e lo9est level. (. !.e ort. Eastern region is traditionall, suita8le for co9 rearing ,due to its pastures and meado9s , t.e important num8er of co9 stoc: and possi8ilities to produce ecological mil: . ACKNO%LEDGEMENTS !.is researc. 9or: 9as carried out 9it. t.e support of Ministr, of Agriculture , 3orests and Rural Development , Department of

3ig.*.Evolution of Average Mil: Bield

Mil: Production .as 8een 00,/*0 t.ousand .l in t.e ,ear *''/, 8ut in t.e coming ( ,ears it .as deepl, decreased due to t.e lo9er num8er of dair, co9s. In t.e ,ear *''( , mil: production 9as $#,$// t.ousand .l , 8, "0.0' = less in *''/. Starting from t.e ,ear *''(, mil: production .as

Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development Vol./ PRI ! ISS ""#$%&''( e%ISS ""#(%)'("

Statistics and also 9as financed from Pro?ect P II Partners.ip o.")0(/"//&. REFERENCES
;*< Dancea Margareta , "//), Managementul modern in unitatile agricole, Editura 7eres , -ucuresti , 7apitolul */, p. '/%'( ;"< Eavrilescu Dinu , "///, 7resterea vacilor de lapte in gopodarii de su8>istenta , in !ri8una economica nr. (/"///, Ed.Economica , -ucuresti , p. (%&. ;)< 4 4 4 FInstitutul ational de Statistica , Anuarul statistic al Romaniei , *''/%"//# ;$< 4 4 4 FPro?ect no. ")0(/"//& P II Partners.ip.


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