You are on page 1of 33


of the person replying the questionnaire: I. 1. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION : Name & Address of the Newspaper Establishment: ype of Establishment ! "roprietory#"artnership# "$t. %td.#"ubli& %td.# rusteeship#'oop.#(thers : Date Established: Details of Newspaper+s, published as detailed below: %anguage in whi&h &ir&ulation published "eriodi&ity &ode Daily/1 3i/wee4ly/2 wee4ly ! ) 7ortnighly/* 8onthly/9 "ri&e- per &opy 1001/02 to 2556/51 +with spe&ifi& dates of &hanges in "ri&es, .ear/ during during 1001/02 2556/

). *.

Name of the wise Newspaper along with date of to &ommen&ement 51--


In &ase the pri&e is re$ised after )1 st 8ar&h: 2551: it should be indi&ated separately. 'ut of date for 2556/51 is )1st 8ar&h: 2551. "lease furnish following information for ea&h of your publi&ation for two years i.1. 1001/02 & 2556/51:

+a, +b, +&, +d, +e, +f,

Name of the "aper: ;i<e of the "aper : %ength & 3readth='ms: No. of publishing days for the years: A$erage No. of &opies printed per publishing day: otal No. of &opies printed for the year: A$erage No. of pages per day printed: +i, +ii, Normal issue ;upplements

+g, +h, +i, +?, 2.

A$erage No. of paid &opies per day sold: A$erage No. of &omplimentary &opies per day distributed: otal No. of paid &opies for the year +in >555,: rade terms allowed to distributors :

"rinting "ress: +a, "lease indi&ate whether the newspaper establishment owns its printing press and &omposing department: ype of pro&ess used in printing of newspaper: If the "rinting "ress is not owned by the establishment: how the printing and &omposing pro&ess are &arried out and at what &ost: and also gi$e the details of the names of the "ress and 'omposing @nit.

+b, +&,


;ystems for Distribution: "lease gi$e details of the distribution system: +a, Ahether deli$eries#distribution system &ompany or gi$en on &ontra&t basis. is owned by the


If on &ontra&t: name & address of the &ontra&tor and whether he has any &lose relationship with the owners of the newspapers#top management.



"lease gi$e year/wise details of &ost of produ&tion under the following ma?or heads for your unit & establishment: Name of the item // Amount Buantity Cupees r +a, Caw 8aterial &ost: otal 1. Newsprint &ost 2. In4 &ost ). (ther raw materials &ost +b, ;alaries & Aages as defined in the the ;e&tion 2 +eee, of the Aor4ing Dournalists & (ther Newspaper and News Agen&y Employees +'onditions of ;er$i&e, and 8is&ellaneous "ro$isions A&t: 1099 otal 3asi& "ay+i, Aor4ing Dournalist Employees +ii, Non/Dournalist Newspaper Employees +iii, 8anagerial and admini/ strati$e employees +i$, "art/time Dournalist D.A. ECA (ther Allowan&es 'ost per 1001/02 to 2556/51 /////////////////////////////////////

>555 &opies or Numbe

Employees +$, 7oreign &orrespondents Employed by the @nits# Establishments "lease indi&ate whether basi& pay is as per the award of the 8anisana Aage 3oards or not. Newsgathering 'ost otal: +i, +ii, +d, News Agen&ies (ther 'ontributors


Deli$eries # Distributions "a&4ing: folding & transport when Done not by newspaper employees Depre&iationAdministrati$e eFpenses Cepairs & 8aintenan&e eFpenses (utside "rinting 'harges if any for Aor4s eFe&uted by outside parties. 'ommission paid +i, (ne sale of newspaper +ii, Ad$ertisement Is any employee # relati$e of Newspaper owner getting any 'ommission for distribution or Ad$ertisement. If so: spe&ify the amount. Interest paid 3onus to employees Donations -

+e, +f, +g, +h,



+4, +l, +m,


(ther eFpenses: if any.

otal &ost: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // N( E: - Ahile gi$ing the figures: details about the method used for &al&ulations and the Items &o$ered along with amounts should be gi$en. IG. TARIFFS AND REVENUE 1. "lease gi$e detailed note gi$ing ad$ertisement rates for different &lasses of ad$ertisement in&luding &olour Ad$ertisement for ea&h &lass during 1001/02 to 2556/51 Catio of ad$ertisement to total spa&e +1001/02 to 2556/51, "lease gi$e year/wise details of gross re$enue as per the following proforma. If there are more than one publi&ation su&h information should be gi$en separately for ea&h unit & establishment 1001/02 1. 2. ). *. 'ir&ulation Ce$enue Ad$ertisement Ce$enue Cent (ther In&ome from: +i, +ii, In$estments: Newsprint Aaste: to 2556/51



+iii, @nsold &opies: +i$, Dob Aor4: +$, (ther Aastes: +$i, "rofit on sale of assets

+$ii, 'redits relating to earlier years +$iii, Interest +iF, "rofit on de$aluation and other EFtraordinary &ir&umstan&es +F, Cadio# G et&. +Fi, 7ashion shows#beauty &ontests et&. +Fii, Hames#sports# ournaments

A note gi$ing information about donees: amount to ea&h donee with the address and parti&ulars of the donee should be gi$en. FINANCIAL POSITION

V. 1.

"lease gi$e your suggestions regarding the fa&tors to be ta4en into a&&ount for determining the &apa&ity to pay of the Establishment and reasons for these fa&tors re&ommending "lease state if your establishment owning the press underta4es other wor4 su&h as: +i, +ii, +iii, "rinting of other newspapers Dob wor4 and (ther non/printing wor4 su&h as +a, blo&4 ma4ing +b, plate ma4ing +&, photo type setting +d, supply of types to outside agen&ies. If so please gi$e annual re$enue from ea&h of su&h wor4 for the years 1001/02 to 2556/51: "reparing programmes for G#Cadio: produ&tion of programmes on $ideo#audio tapes et&. If so please gi$e details from the year 1001/02 to 2556/51.




If your establishment is publishing more than one newspaper from different &entres please gi$e the method adopted by you for allo&ation of &ommon eFpenses:


Is any part of the funds of the establishments lent or otherwise utili<ed to finan&e other underta4ingsI If so: please gi$e details for the year 1001/02 to 2556/51. Are any funds of the newspaper establishment in$ested in any business or property in whi&h the proprietor prin&ipal share holders: managing dire&tor: trustees et&. ha$e or had any interest: If so: please gi$e year/wise details of in$estment +s, and in&ome thereon +1001/02 to 2556/51, "lease supply 25 sets of 3alan&e ;heets and "rofit and %oss A&&ount of your establishment for the year 1001/02 to 2556/51. Ahat is the rate of &apital formation in your establishment during the period 1001/02 to 2556/51 Ahether the establishment has set up any Ceser$e 7und. If so the reasons for &reating the Ceser$e 7und. Ahat is the total amount of reser$es &redited during the last fi$e years along with J to gross profit # net profitI "lease gi$e separate figure for general reser$es and spe&ified reser$es. "lease gi$e year/wise details of utili<ation of reser$e funds during the 1001/02 to 2556/51 along with formula if any for determining the a&ti$ity/wise utili<ation. Information about ad$an&es gi$en to Dire&tors or their &lose relations out of general reser$es. "lease supply figures from "rofit and establishment as per the following table: %oss A&&ount of your




2. 0.



N( E: 'apital formation means a&&umulation of in$estible surplus: pur&hase of additional land ma&hines: building and other &apital goods: training & edu&ation of staff. ;@88ACI;ED "C(7I AND %(;; A''(@N ; +Cs. in la4hs, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //;. No. 1001/02 to 2556/51 A. IN'(8E

1. 2. ). *. 9. 6. 1. 2.

Net ;ales Net Ad$ertisements otal 1 and 2 Dob In&ome Interest re&ei$ed In&ome from radio# G programmes In&ome from &onsultan&ies: if any. (ther In&ome otal ! A +) to 6,

B. 1.

EXPENSES 8aterials &onsumed +a, Newsprint and "aper +b, In4 +&, ;tores and spare parts


+a, ransport &osts +'ar# ru&4# hree wheeler et&., +b, %ess: ;ales of Aaste "aper +&, Eoardings on roads#highways#tree plants otal +a, to +&, Employees +Aages#;alaries, Depre&iation Cepla&ement#moderni<ation 8anagerial remuneration Interest paid (utside printing &harges

). *. 9. 6. 1. 2.

0. (ther eFpenses with details otal 3 +1 to 0,


+a, "rofit before taF +A/3,#%oss +3/A, +b, "rofit before taF and depre&iation

12. Ahat is the eFisting per&entage of wage &ost to total &ost of produ&tion in newspaper establishmentI

VI EMPLOYMENT 1. Ahether the newspaper establishment was &lassified as per the 8anisana (rder. If so: then does the said &lassifi&ations &ontinue or any re&lassifi&ation was subsequently doneI In &ase of re&lassifi&ation: please indi&ate the reasons and the year from whi&h the re/&lassifi&ation &ame into for&e. "lease gi$e &ategory/wise employment +along with pay s&ales of +a, 8anagerial staff +b, Non/Dournalist +i, administrati$e: +ii, fa&tory staff: +&, wor4ing ?ournalists and +d, "art/time: 'asual and 'ontra&tual: in your establish year/wise from 1001/02 to 2556/51. Ahat is the wage for lowest &ategory and the highest with perquisite in your establishmentI Ahat should be a&&ording to you the differential between the highest and lowestI "lease gi$e details of finan&ial eFpenditure in&urred during 1001/02 to 2556/51 +year/wise, on the following items: / +a, +b, +&, +d, +e, +f, +g, +h, +i, +?, +4, +l, +m, 3asi& Aages : Dearness Allowan&e : 3onus : Eouse Cent : Hratuity : 8edi&al EFpenses#Eealth 'are "rogrammes 'osts : ($er time : 'on$eyan&e : Edu&ation : (ther Aelfare Amenities : E .;.I. 'ontribution : "ension : "ro$ident 7und 'ontribution :






+n, 6.

(ther Allowan&es +spe&ify, :

"lease gi$e the ?ob/des&ription on ea&h o&&upational designation of wor4ing Dournalists#Non/Dournalists#Non/Dournalists Newspaper Employees in your establishmentI Ahether all the Aor4ing Dournalists & Non/?ournalists employees in newspaper establishment &ontinue to get the Annual In&rements e$ery year after the implementation of the 8anisana Aage 3oard Awards. If not: gi$e the number of employees in different &ategories and groups at the maFimum of ea&h grade with parti&ulars about the number of wor4ing Dournalists and Non/Dournalists Newspaper Employees rea&hing maFimum from 1001/02 to 2556/51 grade/wise and year/wise. "lease gi$e a note indi&ating whether there are a$enues of promotion of wor4ing Dournalists and Non/ Dournalist newspaper Employees from lower to higher &ategories. If so: what are the numbers of promotions an employee &an get before his date of superannuationI "lease support your argument with empiri&al data from past year.




15. Ahether the promotions are in fa&t being gi$en as laid down in the ser$i&e &onditions or any other rele$ant rules. 11. Eow has the promotion period been wor4ed out in respe&t of ea&h &ategoryI 12. "lease indi&ate whether there is any stagnation at any le$el for want of promotion opportunitiesI If so gi$e details. VII - WAGE POLICY STRUCTURE 1. 2. Ahat a&&ording to you should be the &ontents of li$ing wageI "lease gi$e your &omments and $iews on the eFisting dearness allowan&e formula. Do you ha$e suggestions for the re$ision: implementation of the dearness allowan&e formulaI modifi&ation and



he 8anisana Aage 3oards ha$e re&ommended ECA made in the Ceport at &ertain rates limited to employees in &lass I & II agen&ies. Do you ?ustify thisI If not: do you agree that ECA should be pro$ided for all &lasses of employees of news agen&ies: the rate of ECA $arying a&&ording


to pay s&ales and <ones#pla&es where the persons are wor4ing. Hi$e your &omments and suggestions. 9. Are the allowan&es su&h as &on$eyan&e: hardship: medi&al: edu&ation or family disturban&e: un/healthy areas: hill and remote areas et&. or any of them are being pro$ided in your establishments and#or any other establishment to your 4nowledgeI If so: gi$e the details &ategory/wise. In the &ase of medi&al benefits: please: spe&ify whether medi&al allowan&e: medi&al insuran&e or any other fa&ility is being gi$en. +i, 6. 8edi&al +allowan&e#fa&ility#insuran&e,

Ahat are your $iews and suggestions about the aforesaid or any other allowan&esI Do you propose any new allowan&eI "lease ?ustify. "lease indi&ate whether any KAdditional Allowan&esL ha$e been granted by your establishment or any other establishment to your 4nowledge whi&h is not related to a spe&ifi& purpose nor agreed to be ad?usted against any re$ision of pay or D.A.I If so: gi$e details. "lease indi&ate whether there is any pro$ision for the grant of relief#&ompensation towards ris4 and ha<ards of ser$i&e. If yes: gi$e details. Hi$e your $iews: suggestions and ?ustifi&ations about pro$isions for abo$e relief# &ompensation.




15. "lease indi&ate whether any "ension ;&heme is being implemented in your organi<ation. If yes: gi$e details. If not: the reasons thereof. 11. If no "ension ;&heme: for the employees: eFists in your organi<ation: please indi&ate whether you would li4e to implement su&h a s&heme. If so: the type of s&heme whi&h you may li4e to suggest along with li4ely finan&ial impli&ations. 12. "lease indi&ate other retirement benefits admissible to employees of different &ategories and groups. Ahat is the basis on whi&h those benefits ha$e been &al&ulatedI Are these benefits adequate and &ommensurate with the o&&upational ris4 and the nature and type of ser$i&e renderedI "lease gi$e your $iews about pro$iding a uniform s&heme in the industry regarding the abo$e benefits. eFists for employees after

1). Ahether any medi&al fa&ilities#benefits superannuation. If so: please spe&ify.


1*. If no su&h medi&al benefits#fa&ilities eFist ! whether you would li4e su&h fa&ilities to be pro$ided. If so: your suggestions about su&h fa&ilities.


19. "lease gi$e the details of total amount spent by your unit#establishment on the following items of benefits#amenities starting from 1001/02 to 2556/51. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "arti&ulars of items of benefits 1001/02 to 2556/51 otal amount spent /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +a, %ea$e with wages +b, "aid holiday wages +&, ($ertime benefits

+d, "ro$ident 7und +e, 8aternity 3enefits +f, Aor4menMs 'ompensation

+g, Cetaining allowan&e +h, 3onus +i, Hratuity +?, (thers Othe !e"e#$t%&'(e"$t$e% *the -$%e. +a, "aid festi$al holiday wages +b, Hratuity +&, "ension )th *+,h ', ee(e"t%&"e,*t$'t$*"% *

+d, "ro$ident 7und +e, 3onus +year and: profit sharing: in&enti$e: attendan&e: festi$al bonus et&., +f, 'ompensatory allowan&e

+g, Eouse Cent Allowan&e +h, 7ree of rent or at &on&essional rate +i, +?, @niform and similar amenities 8edi&al treatment

+4, Eealth insuran&e#group insuran&e +l, 're&he

+m, Edu&ation




+o, %ibrary and reading rooms +p, Gisual edu&ation and other entertainments +q, ;ports &lup +r, +s, +t, ;ubsidies to the &anteen 'ooperati$es: fair pri&e shops et&. %ea$e tra$el &on&ession

+u, "ayments in 4ind +$, (ther with spe&ifi&ation. 16. Does your establishment pro$ide housing: fa&ilities to wor4ing ?ournalists and non/?ournalistsI If so: gi$e details with the amounts spent per annum from 1001/02 till 2556/51. 11. Is there any pro$ision for pro$iding loans for &onstru&tion#pur&hase of house#flats by your organi<ationI If so: please gi$e &ategory/wise details: nature of amount: number of employees granted su&h fa&ilities: total amount spend from 1001/02 to 2556/51 for: +i, Dournalist

+ii, 8anagerial +iii, Non/Dournalist Employees 12. Do you suggest any measures: finan&ial: te&hni&al: or otherwise whi&h in your opinion will help to raise the +a, produ&tion +b, effi&ien&y and +&, wages. 10. "lease indi&ate steps if any ta4en by your establishments and #or the wor4ers union: in the last fi$e years to promote wor4ers effi&ien&y and#or redu&e dredgery#hardships. 25. he employees of the industry are: at present: entitled to dearness allowan&e in addition to pay. Ahether in your $iew in re$ising the "ay stru&ture: the D.A should be merged with pay and after su&h merger the pay should be refiFed in the appropriate higher s&ales of pay. Hi$e reasons for your $iews.

21. ;hould the eFisting wage rates and allowan&es atta&hed to the Aor4ing Dournalists and Non/Dournalist Newspaper Employees in general or a


group#&ategory suggestions.








22. Ahat are the &omparable professions or a$o&ation in the regions where newspaper establishments are lo&ated for &onsideration of re$ision of wage rates of Aor4ing Dournalists & Non/Dournalist Newspaper EmployeesI Nindly supply eFisting wage rates for &omparable o&&upations in those professions or a$o&ations both in publi& and pri$ate se&tors. If su&h wage rates ha$e been fiFed as a result of &olle&ti$e agreement or award: please en&lose &opies of su&h agreement#award. 2). Do you thin4 that the industry &an bear the additional burdenO please elu&idate the basis for your opinion in this regard with referen&e to the eFisting or potential margins a$ailable. Giews to be eFpressed in this regard should be supported by a finan&ial analysis of the statements of a&&ounts of a &ross se&tion of the newspaper in ea&h &lass. 2*. Ahat in your opinion: should &onstitute a region with referen&e to Newspaper Industry. 29. Eow do you suggest that a fair &ross se&tion of the newspaper industry in a region may be ta4enI 26. Do you agree that the &apa&ity of newspaper industry $ary from region to regionI If so: to what eFtent# rangeI 21. Ahat are the industries or groups industries whi&h in your $iew are &omparable to the newspaper industryI Eow does the wage stru&ture in this industry &ompare with those of the other &omparable industriesI 22. Newspaper industry has been in&luded in the Hroup/"aper and "aper "rodu&ts in the National &lassifi&ation of industries. "lease state how the s&ales of pay and other allowan&es of the industry &omparable with the s&ales of pay et&. of the other sub/groups in the Hroup: parti&ularly with those of printing and publi&ation industries. 20. he 8anisana Aage 3oard had re&ommended di$ision of the industry into ten &lasses $ide para No. *.22 of its report. Do you ha$e any &omment on the eFisting &lassifi&ation of the industryI

)5. ;hould there be a &hange in the &lassifi&ation of Newspaper establishment &lass/wise as adopted so far. If so: gi$e reasons.



he 8anisana Aage 3oard had &lassified the employees of the industry into $arious groups in its Ceport. Do you ha$e any &omments in that regardI If so: gi$e details with reasons.

)2. Ahat are the new ?obs that ha$e &ome into being after moderni<ation# &omputeri<ationI Ahat should be their groping with ?ob des&riptionI )). Ead there been any study underta4en in your unit with regard to eFisting wor4loads of wor4ing ?ournalists & Non/Dournalist. If so: please gi$e details along with obser$ations and re&ommendations. VIII. TRAINING AND PROMOTION 1. ;tate whether there are any in/plant s&hemes of training or apprenti&eship. If so: gi$e details along with budgetary allo&ations. Do you &onsider that the training fa&ilities are adequateI are your suggestions in this regardI Ahat



;tate if you ha$e any system for promotion from lower to higher &ategories in for&e in your unit. If not gi$e your suggestions for the introdu&tion of su&h a system. Eow the system of promotion from lower to higher &ategories has fun&tioned & whether the employees get their promotions at regular inter$als. "lease gi$e details. he number of employees stagnating at the top of the s&ale. Ahat is the system of remunerating lower &ategory wor4ers in higher &ategory postsI Is the eFisting system satisfa&toryI


9. 6.

IX. 1.

PART-TIME CORRESPONDENTS Do you ha$e any &omment or suggestion regarding the definition of part/time &orrespondent in the 8anisana Aage 3oard re&ommendations or regarding the remuneration payable to part/ time &orrespondents gi$en in the Ceport. If so details thereof. Ahether &onsequent on the implementation of the Ce&ommendations of the 8anisana Aage 3oard: there has been retren&hment of part/ time &orrespondentsI If so: details thereof. Ahat are your &omments in this regard and what safeguards would you suggest to



pre$ent retren&hment of part/time &orrespondents following the re&ommendations of the Aage 3oards. ). Ahat has been the strength of part/time &orrespondents in your Establishment during 1001/02 to 2556/51 +.ear !wise details,. P/e'%e ,$0e $"#* ('t$*" '!*+t 1*+ "'/$%t% *" 2*"t '2t '"3 *the 2*"t '2t+'/ '"3 2'%+'/ "*" 1*+ "'/$%t e(4/*5ee% $" 5*+ +"$t&e%t'!/$%h(e"t. +a, +b, XI. 1. ;alaries and wages paid to them: year/wise for the period 1001/02 to 2556/51. heir number ! year/wise for the period 1001/02 to 2556/51. MODERNISATION "lease gi$e resume to &hronologi&al order of te&hnologi&al &hanges in newspaper produ&tion &onsequent to moderni<ation in your establishment. "lease indi&ate whether new &ategories and groups of employees ha$e &ome into eFisten&e &onsequent on the abo$e said moderni<ation. If so: their number: the s&ales of pay and other allowan&es allowed to them: if any. Eow ha$e different &ategories of wor4ing ?ournalists and non/?ournalist newspaper employees for the abo$e mentioned posts been re&ruitedI Ea$e any qualifi&ations been pres&ribed for ea&h of the abo$e said &ategories of postsI Hi$e details. "lease also state the minimum output to be eFpe&ted in different equipment and operations. "lease also state the training and retraining needed for the employees. "lease also gi$e a &omparati$e statement of ha<ards in old and new te&hnology. Ahat is the total &ost of moderni<ation in your establishment. Also gi$e the sour&es thereof. "lease indi&ate whether moderni<ation impro$ed the strength of the employees or redu&ed their strengthI If there has been an in&rease or redu&tion: gi$e the number & &ategories.





9. 6.






Do you ha$e any s&heme of impro$ement#moderni<ation awaiting introdu&tionI Ahat will be its effe&t upon the $olume of employment in different o&&upations in your establishment and how is the programme phasedI Is your establishment fa&ing a problem of surplus staff due to moderni<ationI If so: how do you propose to sol$e it. Hi$e &omments and suggestions. If your establishment is ha$ing fa&simile editions. details about &entres and staff. "lease gi$e the



XII. 1. 2.

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS REGARDING NEWS AGENCIES Date of establishment of news agen&y. Ahether the news agen&y has any tie up with foreign agen&ies: if so details and the rates of &harges paid to foreign agen&ies from 1001/02 to 2556/51. In addition to your own foreign &orrespondents: has the news agen&y any pool arrangements. If so the &harges re&ei$ed from them. Ahether your paper#unit#establishment has set up a news agen&y of your own. If so: sin&e when and the number of staff engaged by it. Eas the agen&y been moderni<ed and#or &omputeri<ed in$ol$ed wor4ing ?ournalists and non/?ournalistsI If so: gi$e details about moderni<ation and#or &omputeri<ation. Hi$e also ?ob des&ription: pay s&ales and other fa&ilities pro$ided in&luding the medi&al fa&ilities. Ahat are the rates of subs&ription year/wise from 1001/02 to 2556/51. ;tate the eFtent of outstandings to be reali<ed from subs&ribers year/ wise along with interest re&ei$ed. Hi$e separately details about shareholders: subs&ribers and non/shareholder subs&ribers. Ahat is the basis for fiFing the rates of subs&riptionI Is the assessment system followedI Ahat is the amount of subs&ription year/wise from 'entral#;tate Ho$ts.: AIC Doordarshan and newspaper establishmentsI Are the rates gi$en to agen&ies adequateI If not: what a&&ording to you is a fair rate in respe&t of abo$e &ategories.




6. 1.





Eas the news agen&y started di$ersifi&ation to augment in&omeI gi$e details.

If so:

11. 12.

Ahen Eindi and other language ser$i&es were startedI Hi$e details. Are the agen&ies 4eeping employees on &ontra&tI If so the number of su&h employees. Eas the &ontra&t employment ad$ersely affe&ted the permanent staffI If so: to what eFtent: gi$e details. ;hould the &lassifi&ation of news agen&ies be made on a basis different than that adopted so far. If so: gi$en your suggestions with reasons.


XIII. GENERAL 1. Ahat are your $iews about setting up a 'entral permanent agen&y for monitoring and re$iewing wage stru&ture and poli&ies in the newspaper industry. Do you agree that this should ha$e regional &entresI "lease gi$e your suggestions in this regard espe&ially the stru&ture and fun&tions of these 'entral agen&y and regional &entres. Ahat is your $iew regarding the date or dates from whi&h the re&ommendations of the Aage 3oar should be gi$en effe&t and what pro$ision if any needs to be made for payment of arrears: if anyI "lease gi$e any other information or your $iews: suggestions: obser$ations on any other matter rele$ant to the enquiry: supported with fa&ts and figures. If a question pertain to only Dournalists or Non/?ournalists or News Agen&y: the others may not reply. he person replying the questionnaire in representati$e &apa&ity should sign and state that he was authori<ed by the Newspaper Establishment#(rganisation.



Notes: 1.



Justice Narayana Kurup Wage Boards Ministry of Labour & Employment

NOTICE UNDER SUB-SECTION (1) OF SECTION 10 AND SECTION 13D OF THE WORKING JOURNALISTS AND OTHER NEWSPAPER EMPLOYEES (CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ACT,1 !! W"#$#%& '"# C#('$%) G*+#$(,#(' "%+#, -( #.#$/-&# *0 '"# 1*2#$& /*(0#$$#3 *( -' 45 S#/'-*( %(3 13 C *0 '"# W*$6-(7 J*8$(%)-&'& %(3 O'"#$ N#2&1%1#$ E,1)*5##& (C*(3-'-*( *0 S#$+-/#) %(3 M-&/#))%(#*8& P$*+-&-*(& A/', 1 !! (9A/'9, 0*$ &"*$'), +-3# N*'-0-/%'-*( N*: S:O: ;0 (E) %(3 S:O: ;10 (E) 3%'#3 '"# <='" M%5, <00>, %(3 S:O: 10?? (E) %(3 10?> (E) 3%'#3 3$3 J8)5, <00>, "%+# /*(&'-'8'#3 '2* (%'-*(%) W%7# B*%$3&, *(# 0*$ W*$6-(7 J*8$(%)-&'& %(3 '"# *'"#$ 0*$ N*(-J*8$(%)-&' N#2&1%1#$ E,1)*5##&, 0*$ 0-.-(7 *$ $#+-&-(7 '"#-$ $%'#& *0 2%7#&: T"# W%7# B*%$3& %$# $#@8-$#3 '* &84,-' '"# $#1*$'& 2-'"-( % 1#$-*3 *0 '"$## 5#%$&:

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within eight ( ! wee"s from the date of this notice,B %(3 &8/" $#1$#&#('%'-*(& &"%)) &'%'# '"# $%'#& *0 2%7#& 2"-/", -( '"# *1-(-*( *0 '"# /%1%/-'5 *0 '"# #,1)*5#$ '* 1%5 '"# &%,# *$ '* %(5 *'"#$ /-$/8,&'%(/#, 2"-/"#+#$ ,%5 &##, $#)#+%(' '* '"# 1#$&*( ,%6-(7 '"# $#1$#&#('%'-*( -( $#)%'-*( '* "-& $#1$#&#('%'-*(:

T"# $#1$#&#('%'-*( &"%)) 4# &84,-''#3 '* '"# M#,4#$-S#/$#'%$5, N%'-*(%) W%7# B*%$3& 0*$ W*$6-(7 J*8$(%)-&'& %(3 O'"#$ N#2&1%1#$ E,1)*5##&, E,1)*5##& P$*+-3#(' F8(3 O00-/# C*,1)#., S#/'*$-<3, D2%$6%, N#2 D#)"--110>!: T"-& '"# 1?'" 3%5 *0 N*+#,4#$, <00>: (K#M#$%&N'! Member($ecretary National Wage Boards for Wor"ing Journalists and


)ther Newspaper Employees#

**he last date for submission of representations has since been e+tended up to , th -ebruary. ,//0# % copy of the Notice dated 12 th 3ecember. ,// e+tending the last date is also a4ailable on the Website#


erm used Newspaper

Definition KNewspaperL means any printed periodi&al wor4 &ontaining publi& news or &omments on publi& news and in&ludes su&h other &lass of printed periodi&al wor4 as may: from time to time: be notified in this behalf by the 'entral Ho$ernment in the offi&ial Ha<ette +;e&tion 2+b, of the Aor4ing Dournalists & (ther Newspaper Employees +'onditions of ;er$i&e, and 8is&ellaneous "ro$isions A&t: 1099,. KNewspaper EmployeeL means any wor4ing Dournalist and in&ludes any other person employed to do any wor4 in: or in relation to: any newspaper establishment. +;e&tion 2+&, of the A&t as indi&ated against item 1 abo$e,

Newspaper Employee

Newspaper KNewspaper EstablishmentL means an establishment under the Establishment &ontrol of any person or body of persons: whether in&orporated or not: for the produ&tion or publi&ations of one or more newspapers or for &ondu&ting any news agen&y or syndi&ate and in&ludes newspaper establishments spe&ified as one establishment under the s&hedule. +;e&tion 2+d, of the A&t as indi&ated against Item 1 abo$e,


Non/ Dournalist Newspaper Employee

KNon/Dournalist Newspaper EmployeeL means a person employed to do any wor4 in: or in relation to any newspaper establishment: but does not in&lude any su&h person who ! a. b. &. is a wor4ing ?ournalist: or is employed mainly in a managerial or administrati$e &apa&ity: or being employed in a super$isory &apa&ity: performs: either by the nature of the duties atta&hed to his offi&e or by reason of the powers $ested in him: fun&tions mainly of a managerial nature. +;e&tion 2+dd, of the A&t as indi&ated against item No. 1 abo$e,

Aor4ing Dournalist

KAor4ing DournalistL means a person whose prin&ipal a$o&ation is that of a Dournalist and +who is employed as su&h: either whole/time or part/time in: or in relation to: one or more newspaper establishments, and in&ludes an Editor: a %eader/ writer: News/Editor: ;ub/Editor: feature/writer: &opy/tester: reporter: &orrespondent: &artoonist: news/photographer and proof/reader: but does not in&lude any su&h person who ! a. b. is employed mainly in a managerial or administrati$e &apa&ityO or being employed in a super$isory &apa&ity: performs: either by the nature of the duties atta&hed to his offi&e or by reason of the powers $ested in him: fun&tions mainly of a managerial nature. +;e&tion 2+f, of the A&t as indi&ated against Item 1 abo$e,

Aages KAagesL means all remuneration &apable of being eFpressed in terms of money: whi&h would: if the terms of employment: eFpress or implied: were fulfilled: be payable to a newspaper employee in respe&t of his employment or of wor4 done in su&h employment and in&ludes: +i, +ii, su&h allowan&es +in&luding dearness allowan&e, as the newspaper employee is for the time being entitled to: the $alue of any house a&&ommodation: or of supply of light: water: medi&al attendan&e or other amenity or of any ser$i&e or of any &on&essional supply of foodgrains or other arti&les: any tra$eling &on&essionO



but does not in&lude/ +a, +b, any bonus any &ontribution paid or payable by the employer to any pension fund or pro$ident fund or for the benefit of the newspaper employee under any law for the time being in for&eO any gratuity payable on the termination of this ser$i&eO +;e&tion 2+eee, of the Aor4ing Dournalists and (ther Newspaper Employees +'onditions of ;er$i&e, and 8is&ellaneous "ro$isions A&t: 1099.


T6E FIRST SC6EDULE )G *+4$", *# W* 7$", J*+ "'/$%t%. Hroup 1: Hroup 1A : Editor EFe&uti$e Editor: Cesident Editor: Asso&iate Editor: Doint Editor: Deputy Editor. Assistant Editor: %eader Ariter: 'hief of News 3ureau: News Editor: ;pe&ial 'orrespondent. Deputy or Assistant News Editor: 'hief Ceporter: 'hief ;ub/ Editor: ;port Editors: 'ommer&ial Editor: 7ilm Editor: 8aga<ine Editor: 'artoonist: 'hief of ;tatisti&al or Cesear&h Di$ision: 'hief News "hotographer: 'hief %ibrarian: 'hief IndeF Assistant: 'hief 'alligraphist: 'hief Artist: "rin&ipal 'orrespondent in ;tate &apital a&&redited to the ;tate Ho$ernment: 'orrespondent a&&redited to the 'entral Ho$ernment other than a ;pe&ial 'orrespondent and other se&tional or bat&h heads: not pla&ed in a higher &ategory. Deputy 'hief ;ub/Editor or ;enior ;ub/Editor: Deputy 'hief Ceporter or ;enior Ceporter: ;enior 'orrespondent: ;enior 'alligraphist: ;enior Artist: ;enior %ibrarian and ;enior IndeF Assistant. ;ub/Editor: Ceporter: 'orrespondent: News "hotographer: Artist: 'alligraphist in&luding Natibs: %ibrarian: IndeF Assistant: 'hief "roof Ceader.

Hroup 13:

Hroup 2:

Hroup 2A:

Hroup ):


Hroup ) A:

"roof Ceader in&luding Ad$ertisement "roof Ceader and "lanner: whi&h was substituted with K"roof Ceader in&luding Ad$ertisement "roof Ceader: "lanner and ;&anner (peratorL All Aor4ing Dournalists other than those mentioned under any other group unless pla&ed higher by the establishment. +1, Any newspaper employee employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the s&hedules: but doing the same or similar ?ob: or same or similar nature of ?ob: of any group in the s&hedule: shall be deemed to be a wor4ing ?ournalist in that group. +2, All &ategories of employees mentioned in the s&hedule may or may not eFist in e$ery &lass of newspaper establishments.

Hroup *:

N( E:/

T6E SECOND SC6EDULE )F+"2t$*"'/ 3e#$"$t$*"% *# G *+4 W* 7$", J*+ "'/$%t%. Hroup ! 1: KEditorL means a person who dire&ts and super$ises the editorial side of a newspaper. Hroup ! 1A: KEFe&uti$e EditorL means a person who assists in the editorial and produ&tion fun&tions of a newspaper: whether or not he super$ises the wor4 of Cesident Editor: Assistant Editor: et&. KCesident EditorL means a person who performs the fun&tions of an Editor of a newspaper at a &entre other than the one from whi&h the newspaper was originally published. KAsso&iate EditorL or KDoint EditorL or Deputy EditorL means a person who generally assists the Editor in the performan&e of the wor4 of the Editor. Hroup ! 13 KAssistant EditorL means a person who regularly assists the Editor in the dis&harge of his duties generally in relation to the &omments and opinions and writes leaders and may also write other &opy in$ol$ing re$iew: &omment or &riti&ism.


K%eader AriterL means a person who regularly writes leaders and may also write other &opy in$ol$ing re$iew: &omment or &riti&ism. KNews EditorL means a person who &o/ordinates and super$ises the wor4 of the news department and is responsible for the news &ontent of all the editions of a newspaper. K'hief of News 3ureauL means a person who super$ises the wor4 of the news bureau and assigns wor4 to the 3ureau members. K;pe&ial 'orrespondentL means a person whose duties regularly in&lude reporting and interpreting all news of "arliamentary: politi&al and general importan&e as an a&&redited &orrespondent or other/wise at the head/quarters of the 'entral Ho$ernment or at a foreign &entre or who regularly performs similar fun&tions in more than one ;tate or at any other pla&e where he is assigned as su&h. Hroup ! 2 KDeputy or Assistant News EditorL means a person who assists the news editor in the dis&harge of his duties generally and#or is in&harge of bringing out the &ity edition. K'hief CeporterL means a person who is in &harge of all reporters at a &entre of publi&ation: super$ises their wor4 and also regularly reports and interprets all news of legislati$e: politi&al or general importan&e. K'hief ;ub/EditorL 8eans a person who ta4es &harge of a shift at the news des4: allo&ates and super$ises the wor4 of one or more sub/editors and is generally responsible for the determination of News spa&e and the general display of news in the paper or in a parti&ular edition or part of it. K;ports EditorsL means a person in &harge of the sports se&tion of a newspaper: deals with news and $iews on sports and allied a&ti$ities: allo&ates and super$ises the wor4 of one or more reporters and of one or more sub/ editors and is generally responsible for the determination of news spa&e and the general display of sports news. K'ommer&ial EditorL means a person who deals with news and $iews bearing on &ommen&e: finan&e: trade and industry: and &omments on them and allo&ates and super$ises the wor4 of one or more reporters.


K7ilm EditorL means a person who deals with news and $iews bearing on films and stage and is in &harge on spe&ified &olumn or page on stage and s&reen and super$ises the wor4 of one or more wor4ing ?ournalists. K8aga<ine EditorL means a person who deals with news and $iews bearing on literary or entertainment items of rele$ant news and thoughts and other &onne&ted sub?e&ts of literature is in/&harge of spe&ified &olumns or pages and two or more wor4ing ?ournalists who super$ises their wor4. K'artoonistL means a person who &omments upon news and e$ents through &artoons and &ari&atures. K'hief of ;tatisti&al or Cesear&h Di$isionL means a person in&harge of statisti&al or resear&h di$ision whi&h deals with matters bearing or &ommer&e: finan&e: trade and industry in a finan&ial paper and super$ises the wor4 of one or more wor4ing ?ournalists. K'hief News "hotographerL means a person who allo&ates and super$ises the wor4 of one or more news photographers. K'hief %ibrarianL or 'hief IndeF AssistantL or K'hief 'alligraphistsL or 'hief ArtistL means a person who super$ises the wor4 of one or more librarians: IndeF Assistants: 'alligraphist and Artists respe&ti$ely. K"rin&ipal 'orrespondentL is 'orrespondent who is a&&redited to the ;tate Ho$ernment and 'orrespondent is a person a&&redited to the 'entral Ho$ernment other than spe&ial 'orrespondent and other se&tional or bat&h heads. Hroup ! 2 A KDeputy 'hief ;ub/EditorL or ;enior ;ub/EditorL means a person who regularly assists the 'hief ;ub/Editor in the dis&harge of his duties and a&ts in his pla&e in his absen&e. KDeputy 'hief CeporterL or K;enior CeporterL means a person who assists the 'hief Ceporter and a&ts in his pla&e in his absen&e. K;enior 'orrespondentL means a person other than spe&ial and prin&ipal &orrespondent and his duties in&lude the reporting on important news at any important &entre other than the &entre of publi&ation and ha$e put in ser$i&e of not less than fi$e years.


K;enior 'alligraphistL or K;enior ArtistL or K;enior %ibrarianL or K;enior IndeF AssistantL or K;enior Ceferen&e AssistantL means a person who assists the 'hief 'alligraphist or 'hief Artist or 'hief %ibrarian or 'hief IndeF Assistant: as the &ase may be: and has put in ser$i&e of not less than fi$e years. Hroup ! ) K;ub/EditorL means a person who re&ei$es: sele&ts: shortens: summari<ers: elaborates: translates: edits and headlines news items of all des&riptions and may do some or all of these fun&tions. KCeporterL means a person who gathers and presents news at a parti&ular &entre. K'orrespondentL means a person who gathers and dispat&hes by wire: post or any other means: news from any &entre other than the &entre of publi&ation. KNews "hotographerL means a person who &o$ers news e$ents of publi& interest through photographs. KArtistL means a person who prepares for publi&ation drawing: layouts: maps: graphs or other similar embellishments: illustrations of any 4ind or of &reati$e art. Ee may do some or all of these fun&tions. K'alligraphistL means an artist who performs ?ournalisti& wor4 and also &alligraphy matters. K%ibrarian: or KIndeF AssistantL means a person who prepares and maintains re&ords: relating to news and $iews whi&h are used as ba&4ground or fill out for &urrent stories. "ersons not performing any of these fun&tions shall not be &o$ered. K'hief "roof CeaderL means who allo&ates and super$ises the wor4 of one or more proof readers and is in &harge of a shift. Hroup ! ) A K"roof CeaderL means a person who &he&4s up printed matter of proof with EditorMs &opy to ensure stri&t &onformity of the former with the latter. 7a&tual dis&repan&ies: slips of spelling mista4es of grammar and syntaF may also be dis&o$ered by him and he either &orre&ts or gets them &orre&ted. K"lannerL means a person who assists in the ?ob to photo editing: &olour editing and shadow editing so highlight any news matter gi$en by the Editor.


K;&anner #;&anner (peratorL means a person: who s&ans the photograph # &olour ad$ertisements # illustrations and &olour &orre&tion of photographs and transparen&ies. (Addition: vide Gazette Notification SO 1086 (E) dated 5 th December !000) T6E T6IRD SC6EDULE )G *+4$", *# N*"-J*+ "'/$%t Ne-%4'4e E(4/*5ee%. Hroup 1: Heneral 8anager: 8anager and ;e&retary Hroup 2: Departmental 8anager +those who are in/&harge of 'ir&ulation: Ad$ertisement Department: "ersonnel: et&, 'hief A&&ountant +A&&ountant,: Ele&troni& Engineer: "C(s +'lass I: II: III: IG & G newspaper establishment, Hroup 2A: %iaison (ffi&ers: A&&ounts (ffi&ers: 'hief Internal Auditor: Assistant Ad$ertisement 8anagers: Assistant 'ir&ulation 8anagers and "ersonnel offi&ers. Hroup ): ;e&tional Eeads +super$ising wor4 of 9 &ler4s,: 3usiness 'an$assers: ;ales Cepresentati$es: Eead 'ler4s: "rogrammer: 'omputer "rogrammer: "ersonal Assistants +;teno ;e&retaries, Assistant A&&ountant: and Ad$ertisement Cepresentati$e N*te8 he re&ommendations in this part shall not apply to employees other than Non/Dournalist Newspaper Employees as defined in the A&t though in&luded in the abo$e four groups Hroup *: ;tenographers: Assistants: A&&ounts 'ler4s: 'ard "un&hing (perator: ED" (perator: Ele&troni& Data "ro&essor: Aat&h and Aard Inspe&tors: 'ashiers: 'ir&ulation Inspe&tors#Cepresentati$es: Ad$ertisement ranslators: ;enior 'ler4s +i.e. those whose wor4 in$ol$es spe&ial s4ills,: (perators of a&&ounting ma&hines#&al&ulating ma&hines and ele/printers: 7ield (rgani<ers and those doing audit bureau of &ir&ulation: Ad$ertisement "roof Ceaders: Nurse +8ale#7emale,: Artists +'ommer&ial and "ro&ess,. Hroup 9: Dunior 'ler4s +i.e. those doing normal &leri&al wor4 in&luding a&&eptan&e of ad$ertisements and sale of publi&ations: ime Neepers: ypists: elephone (perators: Addressographers: Ce&eptionists,: 7ran4ing 8a&hine (perators: 'anteen ;uper$isors: Dunior Aritsts +&ommer&ial and "ro&ess,: 7ireman/&um/ ;e&urity man.


Hroup 6: 3ill 'olle&tors: ;e&urity Huard: PeroF (perator: Daftry or those doing semi &leri&al wor4: Aat&hman and Deli$ery "eons. Hroup 1: "eon/&um/8essenger: "eon: ;weeper: 3earer: 'leaner: 'allboy: 'anteen/boy: Aater/boy: 8ali: ailor: (rderly: Darwan: 8asal&hi N*te%8 (i) Any newspaper employee employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the s&hedule: but doing the same or similar ?ob or some or similar nature of ?ob: of any grouping the s&hedule: shall be deemed to be non/?ournalist in that group All &ategories of employees mentioned in the s&hedule may or may not eFist in e$ery &lass of newspaper establishment. 'ategori<ation of missing &ategory of employment: if any: should be mutually de&ided by the employees and the management through bilateral agreements.



T6E FOURT6 SC6EDULE )G *+4$", *# F'2t* 5 %t'##. Hroup I: A & 3 Hrade ;uper$isor: 'amera (perator +"ro&ess and (ffset, 'olour # (ffset # Negati$e Cetou&her: 'olour ;eparation ;&anner: 'omputer (perator: Display Ad$ertisement (perator: (ffset "rinting 7oreman: (ffset "rinter: (ffset Cotary 8e&hani&: " ; 'ontrol: " ; Engineer: "hoto ype ;etting (perator: S2'""e & S2'""e O4e 't* )O($tte3 '"3 $"%e te3 $" the F$ %t '"3 Se2*"3 S2he3+/e +"3e G *+4 9A8 0$3e G':ette N*t$#$2't$*" SO ;<=> )E. 3'te3 ?th De2e(!e @<<<.A ;enior 'ameraman: ;uper$isor +"hoto 'omposing,: ;enior GD (perator#GD (perator: erminal (perator. Hroup IA: Air 'ondition "lant 8e&hani&: Armature Ainder: Auto 'ameraman: 3romide "aster: 'ameraman +offset,: 'ameraman: 'hief "ress Ad$ertising Assistant: 'olour Et&her: 'olour "oster: Ele&troni& Ney 3oard (perator#Ney 3oard (perator: 7ilm Impositor: 7ilm "aster: 7oreman: Dunior GD (perator: Natibs: %ine 8e&hani&: %ino (perator: %ine "aster: 8i&ro 7ilm e&hni&ian: 8i&ro 7ilm @nit Assistant: 8ono 8e&hani&: 8ono (perator: 8otor 8e&hani&: Negati$e Cetou&her: Nylo "late 8a4er: (ffset 8a&hineman: (ffset 8e&hani&: (ffset Engineer: (ffset "late 8a4er: "age 8a4eup 8an +"hoto setting,: "asteup 8an # "asteman # "aster # "asteup Artist: "hotographer +"ro&ess,: "late 8a4er +'olour,: "ress Ad$ertising Assistant: "rinter +7oreman 'omposing


;uper$isor,: "ro&ess De$eloper: "rinter +(ffset: "hoto 'omposing A& 3 Hrade: 'omposing,: " ; 8e&hani&: " ; ;enior Ney 3oard (perator: Ceprophotographer: Cotary 8e&hani&: ;enior Impositor: ;enior 8e&hani&: ;enior "aster: ;enior "rinter: ;enior Cetou&her: ;uper$isor: ;uper$isor +'omposing wee4ly ?ob and other se&tions,: ; (perator. Hroup 2: A"% (perator: Assistant 'amera (perator: Assistant 'olour "rinter: Assistant "late 8a4er +'olour,: Assistant %ayout#man: Assistant 7oreman: Assistant "rinter: 3lo&4/room Assistant: 3lo&4/room 8an: 3romide De$eloper +" ; De$eloper,: 'amera (perator: 'olour "rinter: 'onta&t (perator: 'onta&t "rinter (perator: 'on$eyor ;tri4et ma&hine/man: 'orre&tor: Deputy 7oreman +Hullotine,: Engra$er: Enlarger (perator: 7iling Assistants: 7longman: Hraining 8a&hineman: Ealf tone Et&her: Eeadingman: Imposer: Impositor: Doiner: Dunior %ino 8e&hani&: Dunior "rinter: %udlow (perator: 8a4e/up man: (ffset "late 8a4er: "ageman: Assistant "aster: 8etal "rinter: (perator 'olour +Eighly ;4illed,: "hotogra$ure 8a&hineman: "hoto %ettering 8a&hine (perator: " ; 4ey/board (perator: Cetou&her: "ro&ess Assistant: "ro&ess "rinter: "roofing 8a&hineman +off/set,: Ceelstar 8a&hineman+Heneral,: Cotary ma&hine Eeadman: Cotary 8a&hineman ;arang: ;enior 8a&hineman: ;tereo 3lo&4man: ;tereo 'aster: ;tereo 'asting 8an: ;tero 'asting Eeadman: ;tereo 7ireman: ;tereo 8ouldingman: ;tonehand: Dunior 8e&hani& 252 "ro&essor. Hroup ): Air 'ondition "lant 'learner: Assistant 8u4adam: Assistant "rinting 8a&hineman +all &ategories,: 'aster: 'arpenter: 'harge Eand +"alatia,: 'hipper or Couter: 'olour wor4 "roofing "ressman: 'opy Eolder: 'utter: 3i&y&le 8istry: Dar4 Coom Assistant: Dri$er: El/rod (perator: Ele&tri&ian: 7itter: Eammerman: Eand 'ompositor: Eand "ressman: Dunior 8a&hineman: 8a&hineman +EF&ept Cotary 8a&hineman,: 8a&hineman +other than printing,: 8angleman: 8ason: 8etal 'aster: 8istry: 8ono/'aster: 8oulder: News Daftry: (ffset/Inla/man: (perator +3la&4 & Ahite,: "ainter: "asteup man in art department: "late 8a4er +3la&4 & Ahite,: "lumber: "re/sensitised "late 8a4er:C.'. or 7ilm "ro&essor (perator: Coller/ma4er: Cotary: 8u4adam: Culion 8a&hineman: ;enior 'hargehand: ;ign Ariter: ;tore 8u4adam: urner: Aireman: Aelder: ;tereoman. Hroup *: Assistant Ele&tri&ian: Assistant 8a&hineman: Assistant 7itter: Assistant Aelder: Assistant urner +all with 9 years ser$i&e, 3la&4smith: 'oo4: 'utting 8a&hineman: Distributor: readleman: %ineet&her: Df. "ressman. Hroup 9:


3aller 8u4adam: 3arman: 3inder: 'ase Coom 'leaner: 'olour/wor4 EFaminer: 'ounter: Daftary: Dhobi: 7eeder: 7ly/boy: Hally "ressman: Ea$ildar: Eeadpeon: Interlay &utter: Damadar: Nnife ;harpner: %ead 8elter: %iftman: %ino 'leaner: %o&4/up man: 8ounter: 8ono/'leaner: Numberere: "a&4er: "aperman: "late Hrinder: "roof "uller: Ceel 8inder: Collerman: ;emi/s4illed 3aller: ;tore/paper &ounter: ;tit&her: Aheeler: +Cotary 'leaner,: All other semi/s4illed attendants: 'leaners and Eelpers by whate$er name they are &alled. Hroup 6: 3aller: 3inding body: 8a<door: Ceel %oader and @nloader: 8essenger NOTE8 (iv) Any newspaper employee employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the s&hedules: but doing the same or similar ?ob: or same or similar nature of ?ob: of any group in the s&hedule: shall be deemed to be a non/?ournalist in that group. All &ategories of employees mentioned in the s&hedule may or may not eFist in e$ery &lass of newspaper establishments. 'ategori<ation of missing &ategory of employment: if any: should be mutually de&ided by the employees and the management through bilateral agreements.

rolleyman: "roof




CLASSIFICATION OF NEWSPAPER ESTABLIS6MENTS Newspaper establishment were &lassified under the following 15 &lasses on the basis of establishmentMs gross re$enue in the 8anisana Aage 3oard AwardsO whi&h are as follows: C/'%% 13 IA I II III IG G GI GII GIII IP G *%% Re0e"+e Cs.655 &rore and abo$e Cs.229 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.655 &roreO Cs.19 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.229 &roreO Cs.29 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.19 &roreO Cs.11 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.29 &roreO Cs.9.9 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.11 &roreO Cs.2.9 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.9.9 &roreO Cs.1.29 &rore and abo$e but less than Cs.2.9 &roreO Cs.65 la4h and abo$e but less than Cs.1.29 &roreO Cs.)5 la4h and abo$e but less than Cs.65 la4hO %ess than Cs.)5la4h

EFplanation ! In this para: / +a, Hross re$enue of the &ir&ulation and ad$ertisement &lubbed together deri$ed by a newspaper establishment: other than one falling in 'lass IP: if the ad$ertisement re$enue is less than 99J of its aforesaid re$enue: then it should be pla&ed in the &lass neFt below the &lass in whi&h it would fall on the basis of its total a$erage gross re$enue. +b, Hross re$enue of the &ir&ulation and ad$ertisement &lubbed together deri$ed by a newspaper establishment: other than one falling in &lass IP: if the ad$ertisement re$enue is less than *9J of its aforesaid re$enue: than it should be pla&ed two &lasses below the &lass in whi&h it would fall on the basis of its total a$erage gross re$enue. +&, newspaper establishment: other than one falling in 'lass IP: publishing Indian language newspapers from a distri&t town and not ha$ing more than two publi&ations and whose ad$ertisement re$enue is less than 65 per &ent of the total gross re$enue: will be pla&ed one &lass below the &lass in whi&h it would fall on the basis of its total gross re$enue.

+d, No newspaper establishment shall be deemed to be below &lass IP. +e, Ce&lassifi&ation ! It shall be open either to the employer or to the employees to see4 a re&lassifi&ation of a newspaper establishment at any time after one year from the date of the enfor&ement of the Award on the basis of the a$erage gross re$enue of immediately pre&eding the three a&&ounting years: "ro$ided that su&h re&lassifi&ation should not be sought more than on&e in any period of three +), &onse&uti$e a&&ounting years.


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