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(1) Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs: Electrons and holes in semi-conductors, Carner Statistics, Mechanism of current

flo in a semi-conductor, !all effect" #unction theory" Different ty$es of diodes and their characteristics" %i$olar #unction transistor" &ield effect transistors" Po er s itchin' devices li(e SC)s, *+,s, $o er M,S&E+s" %asics of ICs--i$olar, M,S and CM,S ty$es" -asic and ,$to Electronics. (/) Si'nals and Systems: Classification of si'nals and systems" System modelin' in terms of differential and difference e0uations" State varia-le re$resentation" &ourier series" &ourier transforms and their a$$lication to system analysis" 1a$lace transforms and their a$$lication to system analysis" Convolution and su$er$osition inte'rals and their a$$lications" 2-transforms and their a$$lications to the analysis and characteri3ation of discrete time systems" )andom si'nals and $ro-a-ility" Correlation functions" S$ectral density" )es$onse of linear system to random in$uts. (4) 5et or( +heory: 5et or( analysis techni0ues" 5et or( theorems, transient res$onse, steady state sinusoidal res$onse" 5et or( 'ra$hs and their a$$lications in net or( analysis" +elle'en6s theorem. + o $ort net or(s" 2, 7, h and transmission $arameters. Com-ination of t o $orts, analysis of common t o $orts. 5et or( functions: $arts of net or( functions, o-tainin' a net or( function from a 'iven $art. +ransmission criteria: delay and rise time, Elmore6s and other definitions effect of cascadin'. Elements of net or( synthesis. (8) Electroma'netic +heory: 9nalysis of electrostatic and ma'neto-static fields" 1a$lace6s and Poisson6s e0uations" %oundary value $ro-lems and their solutions" Ma: ell6s e0uations" a$$lication to ave $ro$a'ation in -ounded and un-ounded media" +ransmission lines: -asic theory, standin' aves, matchin' a$$lications, microstri$ lines" %asics of ave 'uides and resonators" Elements of antenna

theory. (;) 9nalo' Electronic Circuits: +ransistor -iasin' and sta-ili3ation. Small si'nal analysis. Po er am$lifiers. &re0uency. res$onse. <ide -andin' techni0ues. &eed-ac( am$lifiers. +uned am$lifiers. ,scillators, )ectifiers and $o er su$$lies. ,$ 9m$, P11, other linear inte'rated circuits and a$$lications. Pulse sha$in' circuits and aveform 'enerators. (=) Di'ital Electronic Circuits: +ransistor as a s itchin' element" %oolean al'e-ra, sim$lification of %oolean function >arnau'h ma$ and a$$lications" IC 1o'ic 'ates and their characteristics" IC lo'ic families: D+1, ++1, EC1, 5M,S, PM,S and CM,S 'ates and their com$arison" Com-inational lo'ic circuits" !alf adder, &ull adder" Di'ital com$arator" Multi$le:er De-multi$le:er" ),M and their a$$lications. &li$-flo$s. )-S, #->, D and + fli$-to$s" Different ty$es of counters and re'isters. <aveform 'enerators. 9?D and D?9 converters. Semi-conductor memories. (@) Control Systems: +ransient and steady state res$onse of control systems" Effect of feed-ac( on sta-ility and sensitivity" )oot locus techni0ues" &re0uency res$onse analysis. Conce$ts of 'ain and $hase mar'ins" Constant-M and Constant-5 5ichol6s Chart" 9$$ro:imation of transient res$onse from Constant-5 5ichol6s Chart" 9$$ro:imation of transient res$onse from closed loo$ fre0uency res$onse" Desi'n of Control Systems" Com$ensators" Industrial controllers. (A) Communication Systems: %asic information theory" Modulation and detection in analo'ue and di'ital systems" Sam$lin' and data reconstructions" Buanti3ation and codin'" +ime division and fre0uency division multi$le:in'" E0uali3ation" ,$tical Communication: in free s$ace and fi-er o$tic" Pro$a'ation of si'nals at !&,

C!&, D!& and micro ave fre0uency" Satellite Communication. (E) Micro ave En'ineerin': Micro ave +u-es and solid state devices, Micro ave 'eneration and am$lifiers, <ave 'uides and other Micro ave Com$onents and Circuits, Microstri$ circuits, Micro ave 9ntennas, Micro ave Measurements, Masers, 1asers" Micro- ave $ro$a'ation. Micro ave Communication Systemsterrestrial and satellite -ased. (1F) Com$uter En'ineerin': 5um-er Systems. Data re$resentation" Pro'rammin'" Elements of a hi'h level $ro'rammin' lan'ua'e P9SC91?C" Dse of -asic data structures" &undamentals of com$uter architecture" Processor desi'n" Control unit desi'n" Memory or'ani3ation, I?o System ,r'ani3ation. Micro$rocessors: 9rchitecture and instruction set of Micro$rocessor6s AFA; and AFA=, 9ssem-ly lan'ua'e Pro'rammin'. Micro$rocessor %ased system desi'n: ty$ical e:am$les. Personal com$uters and their ty$ical uses.

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