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A Classroom Action Research on the Fourth Grade Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nuriyah Kuala Mandor B in Academic ear !"#!$!"#%






A Classroom Action Research on the Fourth Grade Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nuriyah Kuala Mandor B in Academic ear !"#!$!"#%




e-mail& nanan'(osim)*%+yahoo,com



A Classroom Action Research on the Fourth Grade Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nuriyah Kuala Mandor B in Academic ear !"#!$!"#%

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N3)3): K($#5, L!23)%# S!43"'()(, S!"5#.3'# -eacher -rainin' and .ducation Faculty/ -an0un'1ura 2ni3ersity/ 4ontiana( .-mail&nanan'(osim)*%+yahoo,com A,$'"3&'& Conductin' CAR 5Classroom Action Research6 7as aimed at sol3in' the students8 1roblem on 3ocabulary mastery, -o sol3e the 1roblem/ the researcher had a11lied Flashcards to im1ro3e the students8 3ocabulary mastery/ 1articularly in common nouns of animal, -he use of flashcards had affected the students8 acti3ity in learnin' the 7ords durin' the classroom acti3ity, For e9am1les/ 'uessin' and matchin' 'ame in 1airs 7ere also effecti3e to ma(e the students8 moti3ation to learn 'ettin' better, -he form of this research is classroom action research, -his research 7as conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nuriyah Kuala Mandor B in the academic year !"#!$!"#%, -he sub0ect of this research 7as the fourth 'rade students, -he number of 1artici1ants in this sub0ect 7as !" students, -o conduct this research the 7riter had a11lied t7o cycles: cycle # and ! 7ithin t7o meetin's, In com1letin' the research/ the 7riter used the obser3ation and measurement techni;ues, -hen/ the 7riter used field note obser3ation and test item 5cycle test6 as the instruments of collectin' the data, As a result/ the students8 3ocabulary mastery 7as achie3ed to M<A 5minimum score of achie3ement6/ =>, In this case/ the use of flashcards could hel1 the students to reco'ni?e the 3ocabulary of common nouns, K*. 2("%$/ I5+"(0#):, 0(&3,!-3". 53$'*"., 9-3$4&3"%$ A,$'"3<$#& 4ela(sanaan CAR 54enelitian -inda(an Kelas6 yan' dila(sana(an ini bertu0uan untu( menyelesai(an masalah sis7a dalam 1en'uasaan (osa(ata, 2ntu( men'atasi masalah tersebut/ 1eneliti telah menera1(an 1embela0aran (osa (ata den'an Flashcards untu( menin'(at(an 1en'uasaan (osa(ata/ (hususnya dalam (ata benda umum (hususnya he7an, 4en''unaan flashcards telah ber1en'aruh secara si'nifi(an terhada1 a(ti3itas sis7a dalam bela0ar (ata-(ata selama (e'iatan di (elas, @iantaranya adalah 1ermainan teba( (ata dan 1ermainan mencoco((an san'at efe(tif untu( membuat moti3asi bela0ar sis7a men0adi lebih bai(, Bentu( 1enelitian ini adalah 1enelitian tinda(an (elas, 4enelitian ini dila(u(an di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nuriyah Kuala Mandor ABA 1ada tahun a(ademi( !"#!$!"#%, Subye( 1enelitian ini adalah sis7a (elas IB, Cumlah 1eserta dalam hal ini adalah !" sis7a, 2ntu( mela(u(an 1enelitian ini 1enulis telah menera1(an dua si(lus/ si(lus # dan ! dalam dua 1ertemuan, @alam menyelesai(an 1enelitian ini/ 1enulis men''una(an te(ni( obser3asi dan te(ni( 1en'u(uran, Kemudian/ 1enulis

men''una(an ce(lis obser3asi dan soal tes 5u0i si(lus6 seba'ai instrumen 1en'um1ulan data, Dasilnya/ 1en'uasaan (osa(ata sis7a da1at menca1ai M<A 5s(or minimal 1restasi6/ =>, Ini menun0u(an bah7a 1en''unaan flashcards da1at membantu sis7a untu( men'enali (osa(ata (ata benda umum, K3'3 K!)&#/ 5*)#):<3'<3)=5*5+*",3#<#, +*):!$33) <($3><3'3, 9-3$4&3"%

ecently/ learnin' .n'lish is necessary for the students in many countries includin' Indonesia, In the early learnin' of .n'lish the students are tau'ht ho7 to reco'ni?e the 7ords and differentiate them based on its 1arts of s1eech, In Indonesia/ the students at elementary le3el are e91ected to master the 3ocabulary in order to communicate in .n'lish, Masterin' the 3ocabulary co3ers the ability to reco'ni?e and differentiate the 7ords 5K-S4/ !""=6, Do7e3er/ to achie3e the success in 3ocabulary teachin' is also difficult for most .n'lish teachers, For the elementary students 7ho e9tremely ne3er learnt .n'lish 7ere difficult to ha3e the lesson 7ell and they e3en did not reco'ni?e the .n'lish 7ords, Moreo3er/ 7hen the teacher cannot facilitate the learnin' 1rocess 7ith interestin' teachin' and learnin' material/ the students could not understand the lesson 7ell, For most students at elementary le3el/ teachin' aids 7ill be more im1ortant to be de3elo1ed as the 7ay to brin' the students into acti3e learnin' 5Clar(e/ !""*& #!6, Some teachin' aids can be hel1ful to increase the students8 3ocabulary mastery in reco'ni?in' the 7ords such as usin' 1icture series/ cartoon 1ictures/ comic/ son's/ flash cards and many more, Accordin' to Ma( 5!""*& %6/ 3ocabulary teachin'/ the use of teachin' aids 7ill enable the students 1articularly for elementary school to increase their 3ocabulary mastery, 2nfortunately/ based on the researcher8s e91eriences in teachin' .n'lish to elementary school students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nuriyah Kuala Mandor B/ most the students of this le3el did not ha3e 'ood achie3ement on 3ocabulary 1articularly in reco'ni?in' and differentiatin' the 7ords, Reco'ni?in' the 7ord 1atterns means that the students are e91ected to (no7 the 7ords in form of noun/ 3erb and ad0ecti3es both in 7ritten and s1o(en lan'ua'e 1roduction, Furthermore/ the students are also introduced to the al1habetical/ 1articularly the sounds of the letters, For e9am1le/ the sound of 3o7els a/ i/ u/ e/ and o mi'ht be different 7hen they are in sin'le or to'ether in a 7ord, In the meantime/ differentiatin' the 7ords means that the students are e91ected to be able to differ 7hich one determines nouns/ 3erbs and ad0ecti3es 7hen they are 'i3en the amounts of 7ords in the sentences, -he ability on differentiatin' the 7ords is de1ended on the students8 ability to reco'ni?e the 7ords, -his assum1tion mi'ht be reasonable because for most students at this school/ .n'lish is ne7 lesson, Some of them started studyin' .n'lish at third 'rade and e3en fifth 'rade, Actually/ Accordin' to Madha3an 5!""!& !%6/ -eachin' in 'eneral is con3entionally understood as a set of transferin' information of the student in the 'raderoom, It is usually e;uali?ed 7ith transferrin' (no7led'e, -he main

ob0ecti3e of teachin' is not marely to transfer (no7led'e but also to hel1 the student to res1on to his en3ironment in an effecti3e 7ay, From this notion/ teachin' can be meant as deli3erin' the (no7led'e to the students, From the teachin' 1rocess/ the students 7ill ha3e (no7led'e that they ha3e not 'ot before, Furthermore/ Chauhan in Cameron 5!""#& !%#6 defines teachin' as& - -o learn somethin' from the 1roces of communicati3e interaction bet7een t7o or more 1ersons to 1roduce an effect by their ideas, - Facts from (no7led'e and imformation 7hich is 'i3en by the learners to 1erform for future use, - A 1rocess or'ani?ed to achie3e some 1re- deteremined 'oal in systematic 7ay such as learners/ teachers/ curricullum/ and other 3ariables, -hey are arran'ed a system that 7or( 7ell, - Somethin' that 1rocedus an effect to moti3ate in learnin', In teachin' .n'lish to children/ 1articularly for 3ocabulary is different from adults, -he teachers need effecti3e and interestin' 7ay in order to brin' their children into e91ected classroom beha3ior such as 1ayin' more attention to the lesson/ in3ol3in' the lesson and learnin' by doin' the 1ro'rammed acti3ities, Accordin' to Cameron 5!""#& )>6/ Ene of the most effecti3e methods of hel1in' children learn ne7 3ocabulary 7ords is to teach unfamiliar 7ords used in a te9t 1rior to the readin' e91erience and usin' the 3isual materials, Adults 5either alone or 7ith the children should 1re3ie7 readin' materials to determine 7hich 7ords are unfamiliar, -hen these 7ords should be defined and discussed, It is im1ortant for the adult not only tell the children 7hat the 7ord means/ but also to discuss its meanin', -his allo7s the children to de3elo1 an understandin' of the 7ord8s connotations as 7ell as its denotation, Also/ discussion 1ro3ides the adult 7ith feedbac( about ho7 7ell the children understand the 7ord, After 1re- teachin' 3ocabulary 7ords/ the children should read the te9t and also see some 1ictures of thin', McCarten, J 5!""F& =%6 ar'ue for the first fi3e years or so of their li3es/ children are in3ol3ed in the 1rocess of ac;uirin' a meanin'$oral 3ocabulary G 7ords that they understand 7hen they hear them and that they can use in their s1eech, @urin' this 1eriod/ children ha3e essentially no literate 3ocabularies, Most children ac;uire readin' and 7ritin' s(ills u1on enterin' school, From these ar'uments/ the students need to ac;uire a basic (no7led'e of ho7 1rinted letters relate to the sounds of s1o(en 7ords and ho7 1rinted 7ords relate to s1o(en 7ords, Bein' able to translate or transcode 1rint into s1eech allo7s children to use 7hat they (no7 about meanin'$oral 3ocabulary for their literate 3ocabulary, So for 3ery youn' children/ their meanin' 3ocabularies are much lar'er than their literate 3ocabularies, Furthermore/ classroom teachers ha3e tau'ht us somethin' about ho7 to best use s1ecific instructional strate'ies, <etHs be'in 7ith a strate'y for teachin' 3ocabulary referred to as the six-step process 5Mar?ano/ !"")& !*6, It in3ol3es the follo7in' ste1s& a6 4ro3ide a descri1tion/ e91lanation/ or e9am1le of the ne7 term, b6 As( students to restate the descri1tion/ e91lanation/ or e9am1le in their o7n 7ords,

c6 As( students to construct a 1icture/ 1icto'ra1h/ or symbolic re1resentation of the term, d6 .n'a'e students 1eriodically in acti3ities that hel1 them add to their (no7led'e of the terms in their 3ocabulary noteboo(s, e6 4eriodically as( students to discuss the terms 7ith one another, f6 In3ol3e students 1eriodically in 'ames that enable them to 1lay 7ith terms, -eachers use the first three ste1s 7hen introducin' a term to students, For e9am1le/ assume a teacher is introducin' the term mutualism, Instead of offerin' a te9tboo( definition/ the teacher describes the term or tells an anecdote that illustrates its meanin' 5Ste1 #6, -he teacher mi'ht e91lain that the crocodile and a bird called the .'y1tian 1lo3er ha3e a relationshi1 that e9em1lifies mutualism, -he crocodile o1ens its mouth and in3ites the 1lo3er to stand inside, -he 1lo3er 1ic(s thin's out of the crocodileHs teeth, Both 1arties benefit& -he 1lo3er 'ets fed: the croc 'ets its teeth cleaned, Ihile e91lainin' this relationshi1/ the teacher mi'ht sho7 students ima'es found on the Internet, In Ste1s ! and %/ students try their hand at e91lainin' the meanin' of mutualism, -hey de3ise an e91lanation or an e9am1le from their o7n li3es 5Ste1 !6, Ne9t/ they dra7 an ima'e de1ictin' 7hat they thin( mutualism means 5Ste1 %6, A fe7 days later/ the teacher re3ie7s the ne7 term usin' Ste1s )/ >/ and =/ 7hich neednHt be e9ecuted in se;uence, -he teacher mi'ht ha3e students com1are the meanin' of mutualism 7ith another 1re3iously studied term/ such as symbiosis 5Ste1 )6, Students mi'ht 1air u1 and com1are their entries on the term in their 3ocabulary noteboo(s 5Ste1 >6/ or the teacher mi'ht craft a 'ame that students 1lay usin' these terms 5Ste1 =6, Furthermore/ 3ocabulary de3elo1ment is about learnin' 7ords/ but it is about much more than that, Bocabulary de3elo1ment is also about learnin' more about those 7ords/ and about learnin' formulaic 1hrases or chun(s/ findin' 7ords inside them/ and learnin' e3en more about those 7ords 5Cameron/ !""#& F%6, .3en the idea of 7hat counts as a J7ords8 starts to become confused 7hen lin'uists try to 1roduce 7aterti'ht definitions 5Bae/ !""#& #!6, Do7e3er/ the teacher can start from 7ords in the reco'nition that infants/ children and adults tal( about J7ord8 and thin( in terms of a 7ord as a discrete unit, Children 7ill as( 7hat a 1articular 7ord means/ or ho7 to say a 7ord in the forei'n lan'ua'e/ and/ in learnin' to read/ the 7ord is a (ey unit in buildin' u1 s(ills and (no7led'e, Accordin' to Ciot(o7s(i/ < 5!"">& %)6/ for children learnin' the 3ocabulary of a forei'n lan'ua'e/ this 1artial (no7led'e issue is com1ounded that some of forei'n lan'ua'e 7ords 7ill ma1 on to 7ord meanin's that are already fully formed in the first lan'ua'e, Many of the 7ords/ ho7e3er/ may lin( to the first and forei'n lan'ua'e 7ords may not ma1 strai'htfor7ardly one on to another/ but may ha3e different underlyin' meanin' because of cultural or other differences, In order to teach children successfully/ it is essential to understand the basic features of youn' learners, In -. < 5-eachin' .n'lish for oun' <earners6/ Biemiller 5!""!& !%6 notes that 7hen learnin' a lan'ua'e/ children ha3e at least si9teenth a11arent characters as illustrated belo7&

-hey learn in a 3ariety of 7ays K by 7atchin'/ listenin'/ imitatin'/ or doin' thin's, - -hey cannot understand 'rammatical rules or e91lanations about the lan'ua'e they are studyin', - -hey can ;uic(ly learn any 7ord& a notion/ e3ent/ or an action they see/ feel/ 7atch/ taste or smell, - -hey try to ma(e sense of situations by ma(in' use of non-3erbal clues, - -hey can imitate sounds they hear ;uite accurately and co1y the 7ay adults s1ea(, - -hey are curious about anythin' they see/ hear/ 7atch and smell, - -hey lo3e 1layin' and usin' their ima'ination, - -hey li(e routines and en0oy re1etitions, - -hey ha3e ;uite a short attention s1an and so need a 3ariety of class acti3ities, - -hey li(e 3aries acti3ities K some ;uiet/ some noisy/ some sittin'/ some standin' and some mo3in', - -hey 7ill 'radually de3elo1 their 'rammar by addin' ne7 'rammatical elements once at a time, - Ihen they are ready to read and 7rite/ readin' comes before 7ritin', - -hey read sim1le and sim1lified .n'lish stories such as comics and 'ames, - After ac;uirin' some basic lan'ua'e elements/ children start to learn a 7ider ran'e of lan'ua'e 1atterns/ e91ressions/ synonyms/ etc as their model for lan'ua'e use, - -hey lo3e e91erimentin' 7ith lan'ua'e, <earnin' from their basic characters/ it is crucial to find 7ays 7hich can hel1 .n'lish teachers to teach and material de3elo1ers to 7rite their course materials suitable for Indonesian youn' learners, Before discussin' the modules/ it is 3ital for both the teachers and material de3elo1ers to be e;ui11ed 7ith sufficient (no7led'e bac('round of 3arious 7ays of enhancin' child to learn lan'ua'e, In the meantime/ to su11ort the 3ocabulary teachin'/ Schun( 5!""L& #!6 ar'ues that flashcards can be used for the children in learnin', because flashcard is any of a set of cards bearing information/ as 7ords or numbers/ on either or both sides/ used in classroom drills or in 1ri3ate study, Ene 7rites a ;uestion on a card and an ans7er o3erleaf, Flashcards can bear 3ocabulary/ historical dates/ formulas or any sub0ect matter that can be learned 3ia a ;uestion and ans7er format, Flashcards are 7idely used as a learnin' drill to aid memori?ation by 7ay of s1ace re1etition, In relation to this notion/ <ynch 5!""L& #6 says that a flashcard is a card 7hich has a 1icture on one side and the 7ord in the other side/ or the 1icture and the 7ord in one side, From this definition/ the researcher created the flashcards that has t7o sides: the 1icture and its descri1tion in the front and the meanin' in the bac(, -he 1ictures are about the animals that mi'ht be familiar to the children,

METHOD In conductin' this research/ the 7riter a11lied a classroom action research, Accordin' to Muber-S(erritt in Cohen/ < et al, 5!"">& !!F6/ there are four strate'ic cycles of conductin' an action research/ they are& #6 Strate'ic 1lannin': !6 Action/ i,e, im1lementin' the 1lan: %6 Ebser3ation/ e3aluation and self-e3aluation: )6 Critical and self-critical reflection on the results of 1oints #K% and ma(in' decisions for the ne9t cycle of action research As its name im1lies/ classroom action research can be 3ie7ed as ha3in' t7o main outcomes: action and classroom research, It therefore re;uires t7o sets of 1rocedures/ one to achie3e each of the outcomes, In terms of the distinction bet7een content and 1rocess/ these are both instances of 1rocess, -he different conce1tions of action research can be re3ealed in some ty1ical definitions of action research/ for e9am1le Do1(ins 5#*L>&%!6 and .bbutt 5#*L>&#>=6 su''est that the combination of action and classroom research renders that action a form of disci1lined in;uiry/ in 7hich a 1ersonal attem1t is made to understand/ im1ro3e and reform 1ractice, Cohen and Manion 5#**)&#L=6 define it as Ja small-scale inter3ention in the functionin' of the real situation in the classroom and a close e9amination of the effects of such an inter3ention, -he 7riter used both ;ualitati3e and ;uantitati3e measurement techni;ues, Nualitati3e measurement techni;ue refers to measure the teacher8s 1erformance in the classroom acti3ity usin' obser3ation techni;ue and ;uantitati3e measurement techni;ue refers to measure the students8 .n'lish achie3ement that 7as ta(en from the cycle test, -rian'ulation method 7as used as techni;ue of data collectin' in this research, Cohen et,al 5!"""& ##!6 say& -rian'ulation may be defined as the use of t7o or more methods of data collection in the study of some as1ects of human beha3ior, Balna3es and Ca1uti 5!"")& %>6 identified four basic ty1es of trian'ulation as follo7s& a6 Data triangulation: in3ol3es time/ s1ace/ and 1ersons b6 Investigator triangulation: in3ol3es multi1le researchers in an in3esti'ation c6 Theory triangulation: in3ol3es usin' more than one theoretical scheme in the inter1retation of the 1henomenon d6 Methodological triangulation: in3ol3es usin' more than one method to 'ather data/ such as inter3ie7s/ obser3ations/ ;uestionnaires/ and documents, In this research/ the researcher used methodological triangulation to com1lete the research, -herefore/ the researcher used obser3ation chec(list and the cycle test 5a test 7as 'i3en after the teachin' 1rocess usin' flashcard in e3ery cycle of teachin'6 as the techni;ue of data collectin', -he students8 result of test is the students8 achie3ement on the 3ocabulary that 7as calculated usin' the indi3idual and means score formula and the obser3ation chec(list, -he tools of data collectin' of this research 7ere de1ended on the techni;ue of collectin' data

used by the 7riter, -o measure the data of teacher8s 1erformance/ the obser3ation techni;ue used chec(list$field note and to measure the data of students8 .n'lish achie3ement/ the 7riter used ob0ecti3e test of 3ocabulary/ 7hich is arran'ed in matchin' and multi1le choice, FINDINGS #, -he Findin's of the Students8 3ocabulary mastery a, Cycle # -he result of cycle test # sho7ed that the students8 achie3ement of 3ocabulary 7as not achie3ed to the minimum le3el of achie3ement 5M<A6/ => 7here the students8 a3era'e score 7as >", From this result/ it indicated that the use of Flashcards as teachin' media in 3ocabulary learnin' 7as not effecti3e to affect the students8 learnin' achie3ement, By ha3in' this result/ the researcher then re-1lanned the action in the ne9t cycle as the effort to achie3e better im1ro3ement, b, Cycle ! Conductin' the cycle ! 7as caused by the score not achie3ed to the M<A of 3ocabulary in the cycle #, As a result of cycle ! test/ the students8 a3era'e score of 3ocabulary test 7as L*,%, -his result indicated that the students8 achie3ement 7as achie3ed to M<A/ =>, !, -he Findin's of the 2se of Flashcards as -eachin' media in Bocabulary <earnin' a, Cycle # In cycle #/ there 7ere four ste1s that 7ere carried out concernin' the aims of this research, #6 4lannin' As the result of discussion and sharin' 7ith the collaborator after finishin' the cycle of research/ the researcher found that one of the students8 difficulties that became the ma0or 1roblem 7as masterin' the common nouns, In desi'nin' the lesson 1lans/ it 7as found that after ha3in' some identification on the students8 1roblems of 3ocabulary mastery/ the researcher then desi'ned the lesson 1lan as the 'uidance in teachin' and learnin' 1rocess, 4re3iously/ the lesson 1lan 7as desi'ned in one cycle, -he researcher ho1ed that one cycle could 'i3e the si'nificant chan'es on the students8 3ocabulary mastery after the treatment usin' Flashcards, -o com1lete the 1rocedures of treatment/ the researcher selected the materials for assessment, -he assessment 7as ta(en from some sources such as .n'lish 'uidance boo( for elementary school and com1ilation file from internet, -he assessment 7as about the matchin' 7ords to their a11ro1riate meanin',

!6 Actin' Based on the result of obser3ation chec(list/ the researcher has done the follo7in' acti3ities in the classroom as follo7s& a6 .91lorin' -he researcher e91lained the common nouns 53ocabulary6 usin' Flashcards, -he teacher told about 7hy this 3ocabulary teachin' usin' teachin' media, In this case/ the researcher also e91lained that there 7ere some teachin' media could be used in the 3ocabulary teachin', Ene of them 7as usin' the Flashcards, Before endin' the e91lanation/ the researcher told the students 7hat the Flashcards 7as, De also sho7ed some flashcards that 7ere brou'ht into the classroom, After sho7in' flashcards/ the researcher e91lained that there 7as the e91lanation and the meanin' of the thin's in the flashcards, So the students 7ere as(ed to (ee1 eyes the flashcards durin' the 1resentation, b6 .laboratin' In this 1art of the teachin' 1rocess/ the teacher then elaborates the e91lanation in the e91lorin' session into se3eral instructions of students8 7or( in order to reinforce the students8 3ocabulary mastery, In this case/ the students 7ere as(ed to mention the name of animal in the flashcards, .3ery student 7as in3ited to mention as many as they could, Besides/ the acti3ity in su11ortin' the flashcards 7as matchin' 'ame, In this 1art/ almost e3ery student 7as in3ol3ed to match the 7ords and its meanin', -he researcher has 1re1ared more than !" flashcards durin' the 1resentation, Almost similar to the matchin' 'ame in the 1re3ious 1art/ the matchin' 'ame in 1airs 7as desi'ned to ma(e the students interact to each other, 4air matchin' 'ame 7as found that the students 7ere able to reco'ni?e the 7ords and mentioned the 7ords and its meanin' easily, c6 Confirmin' After ha3in' finished the 1rocess/ the researcher instructed the students to tell their difficulties durin' the 1rocess, -here 7ere some students told their 1roblems in learnin', -he students8 1roblems 7ere about the 7ay the researcher e91lained ho7 to use the flashcards in 3ocabulary learnin', -he teacher then re-e91lained the 7ay to use flashcard to ma(e the students clear and the teacher hi'hli'hted some 7ords by listin' them on the blac(board to ma(e the e91lanation clear enou'h, %6 Ebser3in' -o com1lete the data of the obser3ation/ the researcher used the obser3ation chec(list to obser3e the teacher8s teachin' acti3ity usin' flashcards, In the 1rocess of obser3ation/ the researcher 7as assisted by another teacher as his collaborator of this research, As a result of obser3ation in cycle #/ the researcher 7ith her collaborator used the obser3ation instruments to record the teacher8s acti3ity and the students8 res1onses to7ard researcher8s actions, In conductin' the obser3ation/ the collaborator also used a di'ital camera to ta(e some 1ictures of researcher8s acti3ities and also the classroom situation durin' the teachin' 1rocess, -he result of the obser3ation became the information

for the researcher in reflection sta'e of this research, -hese 1ictures 7ere used to sho7 the researcher8s real acti3ities in the classroom durin' the research, At least/ by ha3in' these 1ictures the researcher could 1ro3e that he 7as on the situation durin' the research, )6 Reflectin' After ha3in' finished some actions in cycle #/ the teacher then did some reflections concernin' the results and 1rocesses in the cycle, In reflection sta'e/ the researcher tried to list the 1roblems of teachin' and learnin' 1rocess usin' Flashcards, -he researcher found that in the cycle # meetin' usin' Flashcards/ the students could not fully understand the mechanism and 1rocedures of usin' flashcards, Some students 0ust sat on their chairs and see the 1icture because they did not understand 7hat it means, By ha3in' this 1roblem/ the researcher then desi'ned some im1ro3ements on the e91lanations in usin' the flashcards to the students, S1ecifically/ the researcher found that the students had difficulties in determinin' the 7ords that are related to its meanin' in the test, In relation to the result of test and the obser3ation/ the researcher then desi'ned the ne9t cycle to re-e91lain ho7 to match both 7ords and its meanin', In the other hands/ from the reflection in the cycle #/ the researcher then decided to conduct the ne9t cycle in order to achie3e the ob0ecti3es of learnin', -he reason of conductin' the ne9t cycle of research did not only from the result of test but also from the students8 res1onses to7ard the researcher8s actions, In this case/ the researcher8s actions 7ere about the 7ay he used the flashcards on his 3ocabulary teachin', b, Cycle ! In cycle !/ the acti3ities 7ere almost similar to the cycle #, But the acti3ities 7ere focused on the 1roblems or the difficulties a11eared in the cycle #, #6 4lannin' In accordance 7ith results of reflection in the cycle #/ re-1lannin' the action 7as hi'hly recommended in order to create better results and students8 beha3iors to7ard learnin', In the 1lannin' for the cycle !/ the teacher did some recommendation from the reflections of cycle #, As a result/ the desi'n of lesson 7as a little bit different from the cycle #, -he chan'es 7ere on the len'th of time to use flashcards and also the students8 e9ercises on 3ocabulary, -hen the ;uota of e9ercise 7as about the matchin' e9ercise of 7ords to the meanin', -he 3ocabulary meanin' as1ect seemed the hi'hest difficulties amon' the other as1ects such as matchin' the 1icture into the 7ords, !6 Actin' In the action/ the result of obser3ation chec(list sho7ed that the researcher almost did not chan'e the sta'e of the action, -he action here referred to the teacher8s acti3ities in 3ocabulary teachin' such as e91lorin'/ elaboratin' and confirmin' as discussed in the action of cycle #, Do7e3er/ the action 7as focused on the 1roblem a11eared in the cycle #/ 7hich the

students did not understand to determine the 7ords 7ith its meanin' in the matchin' e9ercise, As the result of obser3ation/ the researcher tended to focuses on the e9ercise in matchin' the meanin' to the .n'lish 7ords, %6 Ebser3in' Based on the result of obser3ation in the cycle !/ the researcher almost did the same acti3ities in the cycle #, -he researcher$teacher did all the sta'es of action in the cycle ! 7hich has three basic 1hases such e91lorin'/ elaboratin' and confirmin' of the 3ocabulary buildin', -he obser3ation instruments 7ere also used to record the data durin' the action/ s1ecifically in the 1lannin'/ actin'/ obser3in' and reflectin', From the result of obser3ation/ the researcher has done all the sta'es in CAR and the 1rocedures of 3ocabulary teachin' usin' flashcards, -he difference of the acti3ities in this cycle 7as in the drillin' 1rocess on the 7ords meanin', In this case/ drillin' 1rocess 7as to 'i3e more e9ercises on 7ord meanin' such as 'i3in' them se3eral 7ords and their 1ictures and the students 7ere as(ed to mention the meanin' of the 7ords, In this acti3ity/ at least e3ery student 7as 'i3en fi3e three to fi3e 7ords for their turn, Because of the drillin' 1rocess/ the students sho7ed the better im1ro3ement on the 7ords meanin' ability or understandin' the meanin' of 7ords, )6 Reflectin' After ha3in' the entire 1rocess in CAR/ the reflection sta'e 7as used to measure 7hether the 1rocess 7as fully sol3ed or not, In this cycle !/ the researcher made some analysis based on the findin's of obser3ation from the cycle test !, -he analysis 7as on 7hether the 1rocess of 3ocabulary teachin' 7as a11ro1riately done by the researcher or not and to analy?e the students8 res1onses by tabulatin' the result of the cycle ! test, -his meant that the results of this research could also be influenced by researcher8s action to 1erform the flashcards in 3ocabulary teachin', If the researcher has done some mista(es in a11lyin' the 1rocedures of flashcards in 3ocabulary teachin'/ the students8 achie3ement of 3ocabulary mi'ht be influenced too, From the result of the test/ the students8 score achie3ement im1ro3ed from the cycle # test, It meant that the 1roblem occurred in the cycle #5understandin' the meanin' of 7ords6 has been re3ised re'ardin' the needs, From the results of obser3ation/ the researcher did not find the 1roblems si'nificantly on the 1rocess of usin' Flashcards, -he treatment 1rocess usin' drillin' techni;ue to ma(e the students understand the meanin' of 7ords finally succeeded to im1ro3e the students8 3ocabulary mastery and it 7as re3ealed that their achie3ement score 7as better than 1re3ious results, DISCUSSIONS After ha3in' the results of this research/ the researcher discussed some findin's concernin' the 1rocess of CAR, -here are t7o ma0or findin's of this research/ they are&


-he students8 achie3ement of material$lesson 'i3en 7as increase, -able #,# -he Students8 Achie3ement Score of Bocabulary -est A$+*&'$ (9 C.&-* 1 S'!%*)'$ Number of O A&4#*0*5*)' students P => %" #"" P => " " A3era'e Score >" C.&-* 2 Number of students " %" L*,% O " #""


From the results are 1resented in table #,#/ Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AnNuriyah Kuala Mandor B determined that the minimum le3el achie3ement score criterion of .n'lish sub0ect 7as =>, In 1re cycle/ the researcher 'a3e the students test as a dia'nostic test of students8 3ocabulary mastery, In the 1re- cycle/ the students 7ho ha3e score of P => 7ere %" 1ersons and score of Q => 7ere #", -his result indicated that the students8 achie3ement score of 3ocabulary mastery 7as lo7, From this result/ the teacher$7riter 1lanned the CAR as the 7ay to sol3e the students8 1roblem of 3ocabulary, In conductin' the CAR/ the researcher has done t7o ma0or cycles that 7as di3ided into four meetin's 5t7o meetin's for treatment in the cycle # and ! and t7o meetin's for the cycle test6, -his meant that e3ery meetin' has ended by one meetin' for cycle test, As a result of this research/ the students8 achie3ement score of 3ocabulary mastery found increase from each cycle,, From the table ),#/ it sho7ed that the students 7ho ha3e score of Q => 7ere increase and the students8 a3era'e score also determined ha3in' the si'nificant chan'e from e3ery cycle, -he use of flashcards 7as effecti3e to im1ro3e the students8 3ocabulary mastery, In accordance 7ith the results of the students8 achie3ement score from the cycle # and !/ the increase of the achie3ement score 7as not se1arated from the successful of a11lyin' the flashcards 1resentation in teachin' 3ocabulary, Althou'h in a11lyin' the flashcards should be modified from the cycle # to the cycle !/ the researcher 7as con3inced that flashcard 7as really useful for the students8 3ocabulary achie3ement, In CAR/ the strate'y that 7ill be a11lied should be a11licable and easy to be understood by the students, In lan'ua'e 1ractices/ 3ocabulary mastery 7as 3ery im1ortant because 7ithout understandin' and ha3in' the 7ords the students cannot 1ractice their lan'ua'e s(ills, In many researches on 3ocabulary mastery/ some strate'ies and media of teachin' ha3e been successfully a11lied to increase or to im1ro3e the students8 3ocabulary mastery, For e9am1les/ son's/ 'ames/ storytellin'/ 1ictures series/ semantic ma11in' and many more, Do7e3er/ in this CAR the researcher has 1ro1osed and a11lied teachin' media in form of flashcards as a strate'y in increasin' the students8 3ocabulary mastery, -he ideas of a11lyin' this teachin' media 7ere based on the assum1tion that throu'h flashcards the

students could directly 1ractice their 3ocabulary in lan'ua'e s(ill and the teacher could boost the students durin' the lesson, Furthermore/ flashcards 'a3e more e91eriences and challen'in' for the students 7hen they 'uess the 7ords and its meanin' or in matchin' 'ame, -he students had lo7 moti3ation to see the dictionary in order to enrich their 3ocabulary but usin' flashcards/ the students could en0oy the 1rocess of learnin' because they had lots e91eriences durin' the interaction 7ith the 1ictures, -he e91eriences of usin' flashcards for the students could be in learnin' the 7ords throu'h the 1ictures, -hey learnt the 7ords throu'h the 1ictures that they ne3er done before, 2sin' flashcards also 'a3e the students challen'e such as in 'uessin' the 7ords by reco'ni?in' the 1ictures and their e91lanation or meanin' in .n'lish, For the students at this school/ usin' flashcards 7as somethin' ne7 for them in learnin' .n'lish 7ords, -herefore/ this acti3ity can be said as their ne7 e91erience and challen'es in learnin' .n'lish, In relation to the abo3e statement/ the researcher also did t7o 3ocabulary tas( acti3ities to 1rom1t the students8 understandin' on the use of flashcards such as 'uessin' the meanin' and mentionin' the 7ords in the flashcard both indi3idual and small 'rou1 acti3ities, As mentioned in the 1re3ious 1art/ the researcher also did the tas( by drillin' the 1rocedure, Since the tas(s 7ere done a11ro1riately based on the 1rocedure of drillin' 1rocess in 3ocabulary teachin' usin' flashcards/ it could be 1ro3ed that the students8 3ocabulary mastery increased from the cycle # to the cycle !, -he im1ro3ement of the students8 difficulties 7as on the ability to reco'ni?e and differentiate the 7ords, From this research/ the students at least had the im1ro3ement in reco'ni?in' the 7ords, From the flashcards/ the students could see the 1ictures and their e91lanation so that they could reco'ni?e it one by one, -he students 7ere more familiar 7ith some 3ocabularies and they could remember them, -he ne9t im1ro3ement 7as on the students8 ability to differentiate the 7ords, Ef course/ 7hen the students reco'ni?e the 7ords/ they could not only differentiate the 7ords but also they could mention the 7ords meanin', From these t7o im1ro3ements/ reco'ni?in' the 7ord and its meanin' 7as the as1ect that really im1ro3ed, It 7as 1ro3ed that the students could achie3e L*,% of the cycle test !, Based on this achie3ement score/ the research 1roblem on ho7 7ell flashcard can im1ro3e the students8 3ocabulary mastery could ans7ered, Iell im1ro3ement here meant that the students had ability to understand the meanin' of 7ords by reco'ni?in' and differentiatin' the 7ords, Iell im1ro3ement 7as also on the learnin' 1rocess that the 7ay the students used the flashcards, CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A1 C()&-!$#()$ After ha3in' the entire 1rocesses of the research/ the 7riter 7ould li(e to 1oint out some conclusions, -he conclusions consist of the 'eneral findin's and the teachin' learnin' 1rocess, -he students8 3ocabulary achie3ement si'nificantly

im1ro3ed after the teachin' and learnin' 1rocess successfully usin' flashcard, -his statement 7as 1ro3ed by the result of both cycle # and cycle ! tests increased, -he role of flashcards 1ro3ed that the students8 achie3ement on 3ocabulary can be increased from the cycle # to cycle ! and they are familiar 7ith 1ictures of thin', Furthermore/ this techni;ue can lead the students to im1ro3e their ban( of 3ocabulary and reco'ni?e the 7ords based on its 1ictures, B1 S!::*$'#()$ After ha3in' conducted this research/ the researcher found se3eral findin's and to su11ort the conclusions by 'i3in' some su''estions, First/ to ha3e better result of students8 mastery on 3ocabulary/ the teacher should desi'n the flashcard into reasonable si?e or bi''er in order to encoura'e the students8 interest to see the flashcard, Second/ to (ee1 the students8 moti3ation in learnin' 1rocess/ the acti3ity should in3ol3e such (ind of 'ame or com1etition in the classroom acti3ity, -he com1etition can be arran'ed in 'rou1 or 1airs com1etition, -he com1etition of flashcard 1resentation can be conducted amon' the students8 'rou1 7hich contains the 1icture 'uessin' acti3ity, -he 'rou1 that has the most correct ans7er 7ill be the 7inner, Finally/ in 1racticin' the flashcards/ the teacher should consider the duration of time consumed 7hen s$he mo3es the flashcards from one to another because not all the students can see the 1ictures better in short time, It can be done about % K > seconds 1er mo3e, REFERRENCES Bae/ C, 5!""#6, Measurin' Iords Reco'nition 2sin' 4icture, 2ni3ersity of California 5<os An'eles/ CA/ 2SA6, The Internet TESL Journal !ol" !II #o" $% December %&&$ Balna3as/ M and Ca1uti/ 4eter, 5!""#6, Introduction to 'uantitative Methods: (n Investigative (pproach" <ondon& Sa'e 4ublications, Biemiller/ Andre7, 5!""!6, -eachin' Bocabulary& .arly/ @irect/ and Se;uential" This article is reprinted )ith permission *rom the International Dyslexia (ssociation +uarterly ne)sletter, 4ers1ecti3es, Bol, !=/ No, ), Bre7er/ Co Ann, 5!""F6, Introduction to Early ,hildhood Education: -reschool through -rimary .rades" Sixth Edition" 2SA& 4earson .ducation/ Inc, Cameron/ <, 5!""#6, Teaching Language to /oung Learners" Cambrid'e <an'ua'e -eachin' <ibrary" Cambrid'e& Cambrid'e 2ni3ersity 4ress, Ciot(o7s(i/ <, 5!"">6, -he -eacher Guide& For A oun' Children8s Course, I<C.A <in'uistic <td, Cohen/ <uis et al 5!"""6, 0esearch Method in Education" Fifth .dition, <ondon and Ne7 or(& Routled'e-Falmer is an im1rint of the -aylor R Francis Grou1
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