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The Ten Sephiroth

1: Kether/
Sephiroth: Kether/ Meaning: Crown World: Atziluth/World of Emanation/World of Causes Atziluth/World of Emanation: In this level the light of the Ein Sof radiates and is united with its source. Divine Chochma, the limitless flash of wisdom e!ond gras", "redominates. Pillar: #illar of $alance/%iddle #illar. &he 'middle "illar( which runs u" the centre of the &ree. It is

associated with alance, holism and integration. Planetary: )st Whirlings Correspondence: S*ull, Encom"assing Crown, Da+at El!on ,-igher Knowledge. Number: ) etter: Ale"h/ !odname: Eheieh/Eheieh Asher Eheieh/I am that I am Archangel: %etatron//esser 0-WArchangel "uty: -e is a mem er of a s"ecial grou" that is "ermitted to loo* at 1od+s countenance, an honor most angels do not share. In the literature, %etatron is often referred to as 'the #rince of the Countenance. Angelic Choir: Cha!oth ha23adesh/-ol! /iving 4nes #uter $unction: A ove conscious %nner Moti&ation: Essence of Keter5 Emunah2(6aith( ,e7"resses essence of soul in Infinite. Inner Keter5 &aanug2unconscious source of 'Delight( ,soul rooted in delight. 4uter Keter5 8atzon2unconscious transcendent 'Will( ,soul e7"resses through will. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: &hamiel/Dualit! in 1od 'liphoth Meaning: &hamiel re"resents dualit! whereas Kether re"resents unit!. &hus &hamiel is the division of that which is "erfect onl! in unit!. As a demonic order name, the &hamiel were efore their 9revolt+. &his signifies 9#erfection of 1od+. &hese angels sought to ecome more "owerful ! adding an Ale"h to their name. &he! then ecame the 9Dualit! of 1od,+ an order of the lesser demons. In the lowest state of their 9fall+, the! ecome 9the #olluted of 1od.+ &he corte7 or outer form of the &hamiel is called Cathariel, 9the $ro*en+ or 96earful /ight of 1od+. 'liphoth "emon: Satan: Adversar! and King. &o &hamiel, 'there are two demons that are attri uted to stress the view that the demonic o""osite of Kether is dualit! instead of unit! and are Satan and %oloch or %alech.( In /uciferianism, &hamiel re"resents the Adversarial Daemon : a union of Samael and /ilith wherein the s!m ol of $a"homet is created. %ichael W. 6ord+s oo* 'Scales of the $lac* Ser"ent( "resents an invocation which calls to the Drums of %oloch as the illuminator. (ible )erse: 1en )5; 'And Elohim said, 9/et there e /ight.+ and there was /ight.( Psalm: ))<5)2))<5= ). $lessed are the undefiled in the wa!, who wal* in the law of the /ord> ?. $lessed are those who *ee" -is testimonies, who see* -im with the whole heart> ;. &he! also do no ini@uit!A the! wal* in -is wa!s. B. 0ou have commanded us to *ee" 0our "rece"ts diligentl!. C. 4h, that m! wa!s were

directed to *ee" 0our statutes> D. &hen I would not e ashamed, when I loo* into all 0our commandments. E. I will "raise 0ou with u"rightness of heart, when I learn 0our righteous Fudgments. =. I will *ee" 0our statutesA oh, do not forsa*e me utterl!> Commandment: '&hou Shalt -ave Go 4ther 1od ut %e.( Summary: Divine Will to create/Infinite /ight of the Creator/the -e rew name of 1od (Eh!eh Asher Eh!eh2I Am that I Am(

2: Chokmah/
Sephiroth: Cho*ma/ Meaning: Wisdom World: $eri+ah/World of Creation (eri*ah/World of Creation: In this level, is the first creation e7 nihilo, where the souls and angels have self awareness, ut without form. Divine $inah, the intellectual understanding, "redominates. Pillar: &he #illar of %erc!. Is found on the right hand side of diagrams of the &ree of /ife, and is associated with the left hand side of the od! and right2 rain function. Planetary: Hodiac Correspondence: 8ight $rain, $rain Number: ? etter: $et/ !odname: 0ah//ord Archangel: 8aziel/Secrets of 1od Archangel "uty: Kee"er of Secrets/Angel of %!steries Angelic Choir: 4"hanim/Wheels #uter $unction: 6irst revelation of intellect, Insight of Wisdom. %nner Moti&ation: Selflessness, 8evelation ins"ires self nullification. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: Chaigidel/Confusion of the #ower of 1od 'liphoth Meaning: &he corte7 of the Chaigidel is called 1hogiel, 9&hose Who 1o 6orth into the #lace Em"t! of 1od+. 'liphoth "emon: $eelze u //ord of the 6lies I Adam $elial/Wic*er %an. &o Chaigidel, oth Satan and $eelze u are attri uted as well as Adam $elial. &he name $elial is often used se"aratel! as a demonic name. (ible )erse: 1en )5D 'And Elohim said, 9/et there e a firmament in the midst of the Waters, and let it divide the Waters from the Waters.( Psalm: ))<5J<2))<5)D

J<. -ow can a !oung man cleanse his wa!K $! ta*ing heed according to 0our word. )J. With m! whole heart I have sought 0ouA oh, let me not wander from 0our commandments> )). 0our word I have hidden in m! heart, that I might not sin against 0ou. )?. $lessed are 0ou, 4 /ord> &each me 0our statutes. );. With m! li"s I have declared all the Fudgments of 0our mouth. )B. I have reFoiced in the wa! of 0our testimonies, as much as in all riches. )C. I will meditate on 0our "rece"ts, and contem"late 0our wa!s. )D. I will delight m!self in 0our statutesA I will not forget 0our word. Commandment: '&hou Shalt Got %a*e Lnto &hee An! 1raven Image.( Summary: 6irst un ounded flash of an idea efore it ta*es on limitations/male light/Divine 8ealit!/first revelation/creation from nothingness.

3: Binah/
Sephiroth: $inah/ Meaning: Lnderstanding World: $eri+ah (eri*ah/World of Creation: In this level, is the first creation e7 nihilo, where the souls and angels have self awareness, ut without form. Divine $inah, the intellectual understanding, "redominates. Pillar: &he #illar of severit! lies on the left hand side of the &ree of life as !ou loo* at it as a diagram drawn on a "iece of "a"er, ut on the right hand side of the od!. It is associated with 9left rain+ functions. Planetary: Saturn Correspondence: /eft $rain, -eart Number: ; etter: 1imel !odname: 0-M- Elohim Archangel: &za"h*iel/Contem"lation of 1od Archangel "uty: Associated with the "rimal waters, dar*ness, closing the initial im"ulse in form and inertia, this archangel is rarel! made use of in "ractical occultism. Angelic Choir: Aralim/&he &hrones 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: Sathariel/Concealment of 1od 'liphoth Meaning: &he Sathariel, conceal the nature of &he #erfect. &he corte7 or outer form of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil, 9&he -air! 4nes of 1od+. 'liphoth "emon: /ucifuge/4ne Who 6lees /ight. &o Sathariel, /ucifuge is attri uted and is "ro a l! a name made u" to re"lace the name /ucifer, 9/ight $earer+. #uter $unction: 1ras"ed Intellect, Lnderstanding. %nner Moti&ation: No!, Lnderstanding awa*ens Fo!. (ible )erse: 1en )5<

'And Elohim said, 9/et the Waters under the heaven e gathered together unto one "lace, and let the dr! land a""ear.+ And it was so.( Psalm: ))<5)E2))<5?B )E. Deal ountifull! with 0our servant, that I ma! live and *ee" 0our word. )=. 4"en m! e!es, that I ma! see wondrous things from 0our law. )<. I am a stranger in the earthA do not hide 0our commandments from me. ?J. %! soul rea*s with longing for 0our Fudgments at all times. ?). 0ou re u*e the "roud, the cursed, who stra! from 0our commandments. ??. 8emove from me re"roach and contem"t, for I have *e"t 0our testimonies. ?;. #rinces also sit and s"ea* against me, ut 0our servant meditates on 0our statutes. ?B. 0our testimonies also are m! delight and m! counselors. + Seals of ,e&elations: Dth Seal/8ev. D5)? Commandment: '&hou Shalt Got &a*e the Game 1od in Main.( Summary: &he infinite flash of Chochmah rought into the vessel of understanding to give it gras" of readth and de"th/feminine vessel that gives irth to the emotions/reason/understanding rings teshuva return to 1od.

4: Chesed/
Sephiroth: Chesed/ Meaning: Kindness//oving2Kindness//ove World: 0etzirah/&he World of 6ormation -etzirah/World of $ormation: 4n this level, creation is related to form. &he Divine emotional Se"hiroth of Chesed to 0esod "redominate. Pillar: &he #illar of %erc!. Is found on the right hand side of diagrams of the &ree of /ife, and is associated with the left hand side of the od! and right2 rain function. Planetary: Nu"iter Correspondence: 8ight arm ,)J fingers included. Number: B etter: Dalet/ !odname: El Archangel: &zad*iel/8ighteousness of 1od Archangel "uty: 6reedom, enevolence, merc!, and the #atron Angel of all who forgive. 8a inical tradition considers him to e the angel of merc!. Angelic Choir: Chasmalin/&he $rilliant 4nes #uter $unction: #rimar! emotion of giving, /oving2*indness. %nner Moti&ation: /ove of 1od and Divine in all things, 8es"onse of Divine giving.

'liphoth/#pposing $orce: 1amchicoth/Devourers 'liphoth Meaning: 1amchicoth is the order of 9Devourers+ who see* to waste the su stance and thought of creation. &he outer form is the order of Azariel, 9&he $inding 4nes of 1od+. 'liphoth "emon: Astaroth/6rom the 6lood. &his is the name of the goddess Astarte, the Ishtar of the $a !lonians and "erha"s also the Isis of the Eg!"tians. (ible )erse: 1en )5)) 'And Elohim said, 9/et the Earth ring forth grass, the her !ielding seed, and the fruit tree !ielding fruit after his *ind, whose seed is in itself, u"on the earth.+ And it was so.( Psalm: ))<5?C2))<5;? ?C. %! soul clings to the dustA revive me according to 0our word. ?D. I have declared m! wa!s, and 0ou answered meA teach me 0our statutes. ?E. %a*e me understand the wa! of 0our "rece"tsA so shall I meditate on 0our wonderful wor*s. ?=. %! soul melts from heavinessA strengthen me according to 0our word. ?<. 8emove from me the wa! of l!ing, and grant me 0our law graciousl!. ;J. I have chosen the wa! of truthA 0our Fudgments I have laid efore me. ;?. I cling to 0our testimoniesA 4 /ord, do not "ut me to shame> ;?. I will run the course of 0our commandments, for 0ou shall enlarge m! heart. + Seals of ,e&elations: Bth Seal/8ev. D5= Commandment: '&hou Shalt Sanctif! the Sa ath.( Summary: /oving grace of free giving/love of 1od/ins"iring vision.

5: Gebvurah/
Sephiroth: 1e vurah/ Meaning: Strength/Severit!/#ower World: 0etzirah/&he World of 6ormation -etzirah/World of $ormation: 4n this level, creation is related to form. &he Divine emotional Se"hiroth of Chesed to 0esod "redominate. Pillar: &he #illar of severit! lies on the left hand side of the &ree of life as !ou loo* at it as a diagram drawn on a "iece of "a"er, ut on the right hand side of the od!. It is associated with 9left rain+ functions. Planetary: %ars Correspondence: /eft Arm ,)J fingers included. Number: C etter: -eh/ !odname: Elohim 1i or Archangel: Khamael/4ne Who See*s 1od Archangel "uty: -e is claimed to e the leader of the forces that e7"elled Adam from the 1arden of

Eden. Camael is an angel who revanges the light, also war2li*e and "unishes those who are against 1od. Also *nown as an angel of /ove, he is covered with fire. Angelic Choir: Sera"him/#owers #uter $unction: #rimar! emotion of restriction, %ight/Severit!. %nner Moti&ation: 6ear of 1od, %!stical awe of Divinit!. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: 1olacha /$urning $odies 'liphoth Meaning: &he order of 1ola is com"osed of those who urn to do destruction, even on themselves. &he outer form is Lsiel, 9&he 8uins of 1od+. 'liphoth "eamon: Asmodeus/&he Destro!ing 1od. &o 1olacha , Asmodeus is attri uted. &his name is half -e rew and half /atin. Asmodeus is often mentioned in the literature of demonolog!. &he name can also e translated as 9&he one adorned with fire+. (ible )erse: 1en )5)B2)C 'And Elohim said, 9/et there e lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the da! from the nightA and let them e for signs, and for seasons, and for da!s, and !ears5 And let them e for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light u"on the earth.+ And it was so.( Psalm: ))<5;;2))<5BJ ;;. &each me, 4 /ord, the wa! of 0our statutes, and I shall *ee" it to the end. ;B. 1ive me understanding, and I shall *ee" 0our lawA indeed, I shall o serve it with m! whole heart. ;C. %a*e me wal* in the "ath of 0our commandments, for I delight in it. ;C. Incline m! heart to 0our testimonies, and not to covetousness. ;EJ &urn awa! m! e!es from loo*ing at worthless things, and revive me in 0our wa!. ;=. Esta lish 0our word to 0our servant, who is devoted to fearing 0ou. ;<. &urn awa! m! re"roach which I dread, for 0our Fudgments are good. BJ. $ehold, I long for 0our "rece"tsA revive me in 0our righteousness. + Seals of ,e&elations: ?nd Seal/8ev. D5B Commandment: '-onor &h! 6ather and &h! %other.( Summary: Strength/Fudgment/intention/withholding/awe of 1od.

6: Tiphereth/
Sephiroth: &i"hereth/ Meaning: $eaut!/Adornment World: 0etzirah/&he World of 6ormation -etzirah/World of $ormation: 4n this level, creation is related to form. &he Divine emotional Se"hiroth of Chesed to 0esod "redominate. Pillar: #illar of $alance/%iddle #illar. &he 'middle "illar( which runs u" the centre of the &ree. It is associated with alance, holism and integration. Planetary: Sun

Correspondence: 6ront #nimiut/,/ight.2Internalit!, $ac* -itzoniut,/ight.2E7ternalit!, &orso Number: 6 etter: Mav/ !odname: Eloah Ma Daath//ord of Knowledge Archangel: 8a"hael/It is 1od who heals Archangel "uty: -ealing. &he root of the name 8a"hael also a""ears in the modern -e rew word8o"he meaning doctor of medicine, thus echoing the healing function traditionall! attri uted to this angel. Angelic Choir: %ala*him/Kings #uter $unction: #rimar! emotion of alance/ $eautiful harmon!. %nner Moti&ation: %erc!/Com"assion, $alances *indness with restriction. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: &hagirion/&hose Who $ellow 1rief and &ears 'liphoth Meaning: &he &hagirion uild ugliness and groan a out it. &he corte7 of the &hagirion is called Homiel, 9&he 8evolt of 1od+. 'liphoth "emon: $el"hegor//ord of the Dead. the re"lacement of &i"hereth, the s"here of the vitalizing Sun, with a "lace holding $el"hegor, the lord of the dead, is most stri*ing. (ible )erse: 1en )5?J 'And Elohim said, 9/et the waters ring forth a undantl! the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that ma! fl! a ove the earth in the o"en firmament of heaven.( Psalm: ))<5B)2))<5B= B). /et 0our mercies come also to me, 4 /ord, 0our salvation according to 0our word. B?. So shall I have an answer for him who re"roaches me, for I trust in 0our word. B;. And ta*e not the word of truth utterl! out of m! mouth, for I have ho"ed in 0our ordinances. BB. So shall I *ee" 0our law continuall!, forever and ever. BC. And I will wal* at li ert!, for I see* 0our "rece"ts. BD. I will s"ea* of 0our testimonies also efore *ings, and will not e ashamed. BE. And I will delight m!self in 0our commandments, which I love. B=. %! hands also I will lift u" to 0our commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on 0our statutes. + Seals of ,e&elations: Eth Seal/8ev. =5?2; Commandment: '&hous Shalt Got Kill.( Se&en "eadly Sins: #ride Summary: S!mmetr!/ alance etween Chesed and 1evurah in com"assion.

: !et"a#h/
Sephiroth:Getzach/ Meaning: Mictor!/&rium"h

World: 0etzirah/&he World of 6ormation -etzirah/World of $ormation: 4n this level, creation is related to form. &he Divine emotional Se"hiroth of Chesed to 0esod "redominate. Pillar: &he #illar of %erc!. Is found on the right hand side of diagrams of the &ree of /ife, and is associated with the left hand side of the od! and right2 rain function. Planetary: Menus Correspondence: 8ight Kidne!, 8ight /eg ,)J toes included. Number: E etter: Ha!in/ !odname: 0-W- &za aot/0-W- of -osts/-e is S"lendor Archangel: -aniel/No! of 1od/1race of 1od Archangel "uty: Also *nown as Anael, -anael or Aniel, is an angel in Newish lore and angelolog!, and is often included in lists as eing one of the seven archangels. -aniel is generall! associated with the "lanet Menus, he is also the archangel of the Se"hirah Getzach. &he name -aniel "ro a l! derives from -e rew hana+ah, 'Fo!(, '"leasure( ,@ualities associated with Menus. O the suffi7 2el, '1od(. Angelic Choir: Elohim/1odl! $eings #uter $unction: Secondar! emotion of giving, Mictor!/Eternit!. %nner Moti&ation: Confidence/Confidence ins"ires determination. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: -ara Sera"el/8avens of the $urning of 1od 'liphoth Meaning: &he -ara Sera"el are the 8avens of Death who reFect even their own. &he outer form is &heumiel, 9&he 6ouled Su stance of 1od+.( 'liphoth "emon: $aal, /ord and &u al Cain, %a*er of Shar" Wea"ons. $aal, a word which means /ord, much as Adonai means /ord. &he word $aal or 9$el+ has ecome restricted in its usage to signif! a 9/ord of Dar*ness+. Also attri uted is &u al Cain. (ible )erse: 1en )5?? 'And Elohim $lessed them, sa!ing, 9$e fruitful, and multi"l!, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multi"l! in the earth.+( Psalm: ))<5)?<2))<5;D B<. 8emem er the word to 0our servant, u"on which 0ou have caused me to ho"e. CJ. &his is m! comfort in m! affliction, for 0our word has given me life.C). &he "roud have me in great derision, !et I do not turn aside from 0our law. C?. I remem ered 0our Fudgments of old, 4 /ord, and have comforted m!self. C;. Indignation has ta*en hold of me ecause of the wic*ed, who forsa*e 0our law. CB. 0our statutes have een m! songs in the house of m! "ilgrimage. CC. I remem er 0our name in the night, 4 /ord, and I *ee" 0our law. CD. &his has ecome mine, ecause I *e"t 0our "rece"ts. + Seals of ,e&elation: Cth Seal/8ev. D5<2)) Commandment: 0&hou Shalt Got Commit Adulter!.( Se&en "eadly Sins: /ust Summary: Earthl! love and acce"tance/Eternit!.

$: %od/
Sephiroth: -od/ Meaning: S"lendor/1lor! World: 0etzirah/&he World of 6ormation -etzirah/World of $ormation: 4n this level, creation is related to form. &he Divine emotional Se"hiroth of Chesed to 0esod "redominate. Pillar: &he #illar of severit! lies on the left hand side of the &ree of life as !ou loo* at it as a diagram drawn on a "iece of "a"er, ut on the right hand side of the od!. It is associated with 9left rain+ functions. Planetary: %ercur! Correspondence: /eft /eg ,)J toes included., /eft *idne! Number: = etter: Chet/ !odname: Elohim &za aot/ /1ods S"lendor/1od of -osts Archangel: %ichael/Who is li*e 1od Archangel "uty: %ichael is designated in the $oo* of Enoch, as 'the "rince of Israel( and the 'archistratege( of 1od. -e is the angel of for earance and merc! ,Enoch, 7l5;. who taught Enoch the m!steries of clemenc! and Fustice ,l77i5?.. According to the Hohar, %ichael accom"anies the souls of the "ious and hel"s them to enter the gates of the heavenl! Nerusalem. It is said that %ichael and his host are stationed at the gates of the heavenl! Nerusalem and give admittance to the souls of the Fust. %ichael+s function is to o"en the gates also of Fustice to the Fust. Angelic Choir: $eni Elohim/Sons of 1od #uter $unction: Secondar! emotion of restriction, S"lendour/&han*sgiving. %nner Moti&ation: Sincerit!/Earnestness, Sincere res"onse to Divine 1lor!. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: Samael, &he Desolation of 1od, &he /eft -and 'liphoth Meaning: 8e"resents the arren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. &he outer form is &heuniel, 9&he filth! Wailing 4nes of 1od+.( 'liphoth "emon: Adrammelech/#owerful King. &his name is found in 6ourth Kings5 PMII, ?<2;)5 9 And the men of $a !lon made Succoth2 enoth, and the men of Cuth made Gergal, and the men of -amath made Ashima, and the Avvites made Gi haz and &arta*, and the Se"harvites urnt their children in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Se"harvaim.( (ible )erse: 1en )5?D 'And Elohim said, 9/et us ma*e %an in our image, after our li*eness5 and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over ever! cree"ing thing that cree"eth u"on the earth.+( Psalm: ))<5CE2))<5DB

CE. 0ou are m! "ortion, 4 /ordA I have said that I would *ee" 0our words. C=. I entreated 0our favor with m! whole heartA e merciful to me according to 0our word. C<. I thought a out m! wa!s, and turned m! feet to 0our testimonies. DJ. I made haste, and did not dela! to *ee" 0our commandments. D). &he cords of the wic*ed have ound me, ut I have not forgotten 0our law. D?. At midnight I will rise to give than*s to 0ou, ecause of 0our righteous Fudgments. D;. I am a com"anion of all who fear 0ou, and of those who *ee" 0our "rece"ts. DB. &he earth, 4 /ord, is full of 0our merc!A teach me 0our statutes. + Seals of ,e&elation: ;rd Seal/8ev. D5C Commandment: 0&hou Shalt Got Steal.( Se&en "eadly Sins: Env! Summary: Withdrawal, surrender, sincerit!.

&: 'esod/
Sephiroth: 0esod/ Meaning: 6oundation World: 0etzirah/&he World of 6ormation -etzirah/World of $ormation: 4n this level, creation is related to form. &he Divine emotional Se"hiroth of Chesed to 0esod "redominate. Pillar: #illar of $alance/%iddle #illar. &he 'middle "illar( which runs u" the centre of the &ree. It is associated with alance, holism and integration. Planetary: %oon Correspondence: Se7ual 4rgans, -ol! Covenant, %ale and female "artzufim ,Divine #ersonae/Misages/6aces/6orms/Configurations. Number: < !odname: Shaddai El2Chai/Almight! 1od /ives 6orever Archangel: 1a riel/&he Streangth of 1od Archangel "uty: %essenger. -e is one of the four guardian angels invo*ed for "rotection in the edtime "rotection ritual of the Kriat Sh+ma al ha2%itah. &his is in *ee"ing with the tradition that he is also listed among the si7 angels of deathA his role is to function as the messenger of death for *ings. Angelic Choir: Cheru im/Strong 4nes #uter $unction: Secondar! emotion of alance, 6oundation. %nner Moti&ation: &ruth/Drive to verif! connection in tas*. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: 1amaliel/#olluted of 1od/4 scene 4nes 'liphoth Meaning: &he 1amaliel are the %issha"en and "olluted images that "roduce vile results. &he outer form is the order of 4giel, 9those Who 6lee from 1od+.( 'liphoth "emon: /ilith/Gight S"ecter. &he grand lad! of all demons. &he demons are sometimes

considered to e the children of /ilith and is said to e the woman who comes to men in their dreams.( (ible )erse: 1en )5?= 'And Elohim lessed them and Elohim said to them, 9$e fruitful, and multi"l!, and re"lenish the earth, and su due it5 and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over ever! living thing that moveth u"on the earth.+( Psalm: ))<5DC2))<5E? DC. 0ou have dealt well with !our servant, 4 /ord, according to 0our word. DD. &each me good Fudgment and *nowledge, for I elieve 0our commandments. DE. $efore I was afflicted I went astra!, ut now I *ee" 0our word. D=. 0ou are good, and do goodA teach me 0our statutes. D<. &he "roud have forged a lie against me, ut I will *ee" 0our "rece"ts with m! whole heart. EJ. &heir heart is as fat as grease, ut I delight in 0our law. E). It is good for me that I have een afflicted, that I ma! learn 0our statutes. E?. &he law of 0our mouth is etter to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver. + Seals of ,e&elation: )st Seal/8ev. D5? Commandment: '&hou Shalt Got $ear 6alse Witness.( Se&en "eadly Sins: Sloth Summary: Connecting to the tas* to accom"lish, wholl! remem ering coherent *nowledge.

1(: )a*kuth/
Sephiroth: %al*uth/ Meaning: Kingdom/Kingshi" World: Assiah/&he World of Action Assiah/World of Action: 4n this level creation is relegated to its "h!sical as"ect, the onl! "h!sical realm and the lowest World, our realm with all its creatures. &he Divine Kingshi" of %al*uth "redominates, the "ur"ose of Creation. Pillar: #illar of $alance/%iddle #illar. &he 'middle "illar( which runs u" the centre of the &ree. It is associated with alance, holism and integration. Planetary: 6our Elements Correspondence: S"eech, 8evelation, 6eet Number: )J etter: 0od/ !odname: Adonai ha2Aretz//ord of the Earth Archangel: Sandal"hon/Co2$rother Archangel "uty: -e is said to a""ear efore the feminine "resence of the She*hinha and su""osedl! receives the "ra!ers of humans and sends them to 1od. Angelic Choir: Ashim/Souls of 6ire

#uter $unction: Emotional vessel for action, Kingshi". %nner Moti&ation: /owliness/Action through receiving higher Se"hiroth lights. 'liphoth/#pposing $orce: Gehemoth/Whis"erers/Gight S"ecter 'liphoth Meaning: 8es"onsi le for frightening sounds in strange "laces. &he! e7cite the mind and cause strange desires. 'liphoth "emon: Gehema/1roaning. &raditionall! a demon and the sister of /ilith, "ossi l! a remem rance of the Eg!"tian Ge"hth!s and Isis. It is conceiva le that Gehema is the same as Gaamah, the sister of &u al Cain.( (ible )erse: 1en )5?<2;J 'And Elohim said, 9$ehold, I have given !ou ever! her earing seed, which is u"on the face of all the earth, and ever! tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree !ielding seedA to !ou it shall e for meat. And to ever! east of the earth, and to ever! fowl of the air, and to ever! thing that cree"eth u"on the earth, wherein there is life, I have given ever! green her for meat.+ And it was so.( Psalm: ))<5E;2))<5=J E;. 0our hands have made me and fashioned meA give me understanding, that I ma! learn 0our commandments. EB. &hose who fear 0ou will e glad when the! see me, ecause I have ho"ed in 0our word. EC. I *now, 4 /ord, that 0our Fudgments are right, and that in faithfulness 0ou have afflicted me. ED. /et, I "ra!, 0our merciful *indness e for m! comfort, according to 0our word to 0our servant. EE. /et 0our tender mercies come to me, that I ma! liveA for 0our law is m! delight. E=. /et the "roud e ashamed, for the! treated me wrongfull! with falsehoodA ut I will meditate on 0our "rece"ts. E<. /et those who fear 0ou turn to me, those who *now 0our testimonies. =J. /et m! heart e lameless regarding 0our statutes, that I ma! not e ashamed. Commandment: '&hou Shalt Got Covet.( Summary: 6emale vessel for the "regnant nurturing of the male lights of the emotional Se"hiroth into action, ecomes the Kether Will source for an! su se@uent lower level in Creation, accom"lishment and realization of the Divine #lan.

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