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PROJECT TITLE : Controlling the Growth of Infectious Diseases among Rural Women and Girls by Establishing Pro ision of !ygienic Cost Effecti e "anitary #a$%ins. "hanti "adhana 'shram( "hanti an( )asistha( Guwahati*&+ 1 year for Initial set*u$ of a Production -nit and then $roduction will continue.

&. ,.


: :

It is well %nown to e eryone that $eo$le are suffering from many diseases mainly due to the unhygienic li ing atmos$here and li ing status. "o( to reduce the s$reading of such diseases among the $eo$le the foremost ste$ should be establishing a clean( hygienic li ing en ironment and status. Generally $eo$le in cities are suffering from different diseases mostly from unhygienic li ing atmos$here li%e* $oisonous gaseous atmos$here( dusty or un*cleaned air( im$ro$er and un*cleaned drainage system etc. etc. .he $eo$le in cities are generally found to maintain a cleaned li ing status. In rural areas though the en ironment is thought to be com$arati ely clean than city areas( now*a*days in rural areas also the li ing atmos$here gradually deteriorating and due to the lac% of awareness/ade0uate %nowledges among the $eo$le their li ing statuses ha e not been seen at all hygienic. It is often found that the $eo$le li ing s$ecially in ery bac%ward areas are suffering from different diseases due to their ignorance on self cleanliness. 'nother im$ortant factor is that the rural women and girls generally do not maintain cleanliness during menstruation $eriod. 's a result they become the host of many infectious diseases. .his is due to the lac% of awareness among them and also due to the economic inability for ado$ting better $recautions li%e* use of good sanitary na$%ins during menstruation $eriod. -sually different arieties of sanitary na$%ins are found a ailable in the mar%et. )ut the reason is that these na$%ins are not affordable for rural $oor women and girls. .hus( if the use of hygienic sanitary na$%ins could be initiated among the rural women and girls at low cost then growth of different diseases could be arrested or minimi1e to a large e2tent among them. "hanti "adhana 'shram3s targeted wor%ing areas in different districts of 'ssam are ery bac%ward where the women and girls are mostly found suffering from different diseases than the men. "o( the 'shram desire to wor% on arresting the growth of different diseases caused from unhygienic menstruation $eriod among girls and women.


It is a great o$$ortunity for "hanti "adhana 'shram to ha e made e2cellent ra$$ort with '"!'( -"' and with the hel$ and guidance of '"!' the 'shram has been getting the o$$ortunity to $ro ide education to a $art of ery $oor and bac%ward children of two districts of 'ssam through 4ee an "adhana 5idya #i%etans 64"5#s7. .he 'shram started this educational $rogramme in 1++& with financial assistance from CR8( 9ol%ata( India and since then it has been running the 4"5#s totally selflessly without e2$ecting any 'shram3s benefits. )ut to continue this effort sincerely( smoothly and successfully the source of a fund is absolutely necessary. In management of this fund the 'shram still ha e to de$end com$letely u$on bene olent agencies

li%e* '"!'. )ecause( in 4"5#s no high fees and contributions from the community could be collected due to $oor economic status of the $eo$le. :oreo er( the 'shram itself is against the $olicy of demanding high fees and contributions in educational institutions. .hus( the 'shram dee$ly has been thin%ing of generating a $ermanent fund for the 4"5#s and desire to ta%e u$ some income generating acti ities in su$$ort of the 4"5#s so that the ma2imum $art of re0uirements for the 4"5#s could be fulfilled satisfactorily from such acti ities. In iew of the abo e circumstances the 'shram has $re$ared the $resent $ro$osal on setting*u$ a $roduction unit of Cost Effecti e "anitary #a$%ins which will add a financial su$$ort to the 4"5#s and on the other hand will im$ro e the women and girls health by initiating the use hygienic na$%ins during menstruation $eriod.

1. &. ,. ,. .o $o$ulari1e and sensitise the use of sanitary na$%ins among the rural women and girls and thereby rescuing them from enereal diseases. .o establish and start $re$aration of cost effecti e/low cost sanitary na$%ins in scientific way for better health and hygiene among rural women and girls. .o engage some rural unem$loyed youths in $roduction and mar%eting and also to fulfill the school re0uirements to ma2imum $arts. .o $ro ide and su$$lied 0uality based sanitary na$%ins to rural women in com$arati ely low $rice than the na$%ins $re alent in the $resent day mar%ets.

.he $ro;ect will be im$lemented as follows: 1. Selection of Site fo Settin!"#$ t%e P o&#ction Unit : "hanti "adhana 'shram( "hanti an( P.<. )asistha( Guwahati*&+ and almost all of its branches in different districts of 'ssam has enough land to start this $rogramme. .he initial starting u$ of the $rogramme is selected at the $remises of the 'shram !ead =uarter in Guwahati and later on according to its demand it can be e2$anded to different districts through 'shram3s 1> branches in future. .he 'shram has selected to set u$ the unit in !ead <ffice $remises at Guwahati because there will not be any shortage of land for small and big industries of this ty$e. :oreo er( Guwahati is the only Gateway of #orth*East and thus mar%eting of the $roducts can be done at Guwahati also besides $ro iding to rural areas. <n the other hand if the $roduction is established at Guwahati then the monitoring and su$er ision of the unit can be made at ease. .he raw*materials could also be collected easily at low cost of trans$ortation. '. P e$( (tion)Settin! #$ of T (inin! c#* P o&#ction S%e&: .o carry on the acti ities of the $ro;ect a $roduction shed of suitable s$ace is a must. "o( a 'ssam .y$e $ermanent $roduction shed will be constructed with $ro$er entilation( electrification( water sources( necessary tools ? machineries( furniture ? fi2tures etc. .he si1e of the $roduction shed will be of @> ft. 2 &> ft. si1e with a @> ft. 2 A ft. eranda.

+. P o,ect St(ff: .o carry on the acti ities of the $ro;ect smoothly and successfully s%illed and trained $ersons will be engaged. .he staff for the $ro;ect will be* one Pro;ect/Programme Coordinator and +/1> "%illed Wor%ers. .he selection of the staff will be made by the E2ecuti e )ody of the 'shram. )esides( some other eligible $ersons will also be selected on commission basis for mar%eting the $roducts. -. T (inin! on P o&#ction: .he 'shram already has a core grou$ of B members who had got training in Cost Effecti e "anitary #a$%in Pre$aration from Rural .echnology 'ction Grou$ 6Ru.'G7( Chennai( India. .hus another grou$ of @/B members will be formed by gi ing them ade0uate training in $roduction. .he core grou$ will be res$onsible for $ro iding 0uality based training to @/B selected youths at "hanti "adhana 'shram( Guwahati. E2$erts from Ru.'G( II.( Guwahati will also be in ited for the training $rogramme. .he @/B youths later on will be fully engaged in $roduction $ur$oses with e2isting B members core grou$. .he tenure of the training $rogramme will be of 1B days and will be a residential one. .. O !(ni/(tion of Vill(!e Le0el 1eetin!)Se*in( )2o 3/%o$: <ne seminar will be conducted for the 4"5# teachers to isuali1e the $robability of infectious occurrences from the use of unhygienic and dirty linens and to sensitise them for using hygienic na$%ins during the $eriod of menstruation for better health and hygiene. .he teachers will be then facilitated for disseminating their %nowledges among others through :onthly :eetings in res$ecti e areas. .he 'shram has already a grou$ of &1 teachers in its 4"5#s who ha e good relation with the community of ,/@ illages besides their nati e illages. "o( they can be easily in ol ed in sensitising $eo$le for using hygienic na$%ins. 4. P#5licit6 (n& A7( ene//: .he 'shram has good number of olunteers and well wishers in its targeted o$erational areas. .hese olunteers could be facilitated for $ublicity and awareness. :oreo er( the teachers of 4"5#s ha e often $artici$ating in different community meetings( functions etc. "o( they can be in ol ed in $ublicity and awareness through these community meetings/functions. :oreo er( the Women Grou$s in the illages %nown as C:ahila "amityD( women "!Gs( school teachers etc. will be facilitated for $ublicity and awareness. 8. 1( 3etin!: .he $roducts will be made a ailable at two mar%eting outlet of the 'shram in Guwahati. :oreo er( the 'shram will facilitate and engage rural unem$loyed youths and entre$reneurs through its 1> branches in different districts of 'ssam to ma%e a ailable the $roducts to more and more users. .he teachers of the 4"5#s also can be engaged in mar%eting from their homes in res$ecti e illages. 9. S#/t(in(5ilit6 of t%e P o,ect: 'fter setting u$ of the unit the $roduction will continue. In the first year the $roduces will be mar%eted through the 'shram3s sales outlets in Guwahati and in different illages through its 1> branches in different districts. Whate er return comes in terms of money will again be utili1ed in $roduction $ur$oses and management of the $ro;ect staff in the second year. Gradually after the second year when the $roduction will increase and $o$ularity( demand of the $roducts could be

ascertained among the $eo$le then more returns will come and $ro;ect will start running on self effort. :. Sc%ool S#$$o t f o* t%e P o,ect: .he $ro;ect once become self*sustainable with good mar%et of $roducts then the $rofit will be utili1ed directly as school de elo$ment fund. .he $roduction cost will be recycled in $roduction and management of the $ro;ect staff. .he $roduction re$ort will be sent to '"!' $eriodically for information.

.he budget for the $ro$osed $ro;ect is en isaged as follows: TABLE" 1 Sl. P( tic#l( / No. A. P o! (**e Co/t: 1. Construction of $ermanent 'ssam .y$e .raining cum Production shed of @>32&>3E A>> s0. ft. si1e with @>32A3E ,&> s0. ft eranda a. Cost of construction Rs. ,(@A(>>>.>> b. Cost of .ools and :achineries Rs. +F(&>>.>> c. Hurniture and Hi2tures Rs. ,,(BG>.>> &. .raining on Production: .raining to the B youths for $roduction $ur$oses ,. <rganisation of 5illage Ie el "eminars/Wor%sho$/:eetings a. <ne "eminar for the &1 4"5# .eachers J @ others b. :onthly :eetings with Women Grou$ @. 'wareness and Publicity a. De elo$ment of :aterials for Publicity and 'wareness 6Ium$ sum amount ta%en for $rinting of Posters( )anners( Ieaflet etc.7 B. :ar%eting Promotion 6Ium$ sum amount ta%en for .ra eling ? Con eyance7 S#5"Tot(l ;A< B. A&*ini/t (ti0e Co/t: 1. "alary to Programme/Pro;ect Coordinator KRs. @>>>/* $.m. 2 1& months &. Printing and "tationary KRs. ,>>/* $.m 2 1& months ,. .ra eling ? Con eyance for Programme/Pro;ect Coordinator KRs. A>>/* $.m. 2 1& months @. 'udit and -tilisation Certificate Hees B. -nforeseen E2$enses

A*o#nt ;in R/.< @(FA(FG>.>>

&>(>+>.>> &G(FB>.>>


1&(>>>.>> .=.'=4>>.>> @A(>>>.>> ,(G>>.>> +(G>>.>> &(B>>.>>

,(>>>.>> S#5"Tot(l ;B< 44=8>>.>> G (n& Tot(l ;A?B< 4=1:=+>>.>> ;Tot(l R#$ee/ Si@ L(3%/ Ninteen T%o#/(n&/ T% ee H#n& e&< onl6


T(5le"1 Sl. No. A1.( Con/t #ction of T (inin! c#* P o&#ction S%e&: "l.#o. Particulars "i1e 1. Construction of $ermanent 'ssam .y$e .raining 11&> s0. ft cum Production shed of @>32&>3E A>> s0. ft. si1e with @>32A3E ,&> s0. ft si1e eranda KRs. ,>>/* $er s0. ft &. Electrification Cost 6Ium$ sum7 * ,. Cost of Water "ystem 6Ium$ sum7 * Tot(l R/. T(5le"1 Sl. No. A1.& Co/t of Tool/ (n& 1(c%ine ie/: "l.#o. Particulars 1. Wood Pul$ Grinder L 1B %g si1e &. #a$%in Pul$ :ould * @ nos. of na$%in in a frame. Dimension according to si1e of the na$%in 6FD/+D7 ,. #a$%in Pul$ Pressing :achine * @ nos. of na$%in at a time in a frame @. "ealing :achine 6one hand and one $edal7 L Double Hilament @>> mm B. !and "creen Printing Hrame for Resin '$$lication* screen frame si1e & ft3 2 1 ft3 G. 'ccessories* "cissors( :easuring .a$e or "cale( .em$lates( )uc%ets( !and Glo es( !ead :as%s etc. T(5le"1 Sl. No. A1.e A# nit# eB/ (n& Ai@t# e/: "l.#o. Particulars 1. Rac%s and 'lmirah "i1e* G.B32,321.G3 &. Wor%ing .able* "i1e G32@3 ,. <ffice .able ? Chairs T(5le"1 Sl. No. A' T (inin! on P o&#ction: "l.#o. Particulars 1. Hood ? Iodging Charges of B $artici$ants KRs. 1B>/* 2 B nos. 2 1B days &. !onorarium to the RPs of Ru.'G( II.( Guwahati KRs. B>>/* 2 & nos. 2 F days ,. Hood Charges of RPs for F days KRs. G>/* 2 & nos. 2 F days @. .raining :aterials for the Partici$ants KRs. 1>>/* 2 B nos. @. .ra eling 'llowance to the Partici$ants KRs. 1>>/* 2 B nos. 6Ium$ sum Rs. 1>>/* $er $artici$ants7 =uantity 1 no. B sets 1 no. & nos. 1 no. * Tot(l R/. =uantity , rac%s 1 'lmirah & nos. 1J& Tot(l R/. =uantity * * * * * Tot(l R/. 'mount ,(,G(>>>.>>

F(>>>.>> B(>>>.>> +=-9=>>>.>> 'mount @A(>>>.>> G(>>>.>> &@(>>>.>> 1>(A>>.>> &(@>>.>> G(>>>.>> :8='>>.>> 'mount 1G(BG>.>> 1&(>>>.>> B>>>.>> ++=.4>.>> 'mount 11(&B>.>> F(>>>.>> A@>.>> B>>.>> B>>.>> '>=>:>.>>

T(5le"1 Sl. No. A+.( O !(ni/(tion of Se*in( )2o 3/%o$)1eetin!: "l.#o. Particulars =uantity 1. <rganisation of <ne "eminar: a. !onorarium to Resource Persons @ nos. KRs. B>>/* $er $erson b. Hood and Iodging Charges of Partici$ants 6&1 &B nos. teachers J @ others7 KRs. 1B>/* $er $artici$ant 2 & daysE Rs. ,>>/* c. .ra eling ? Con eyance to the Partici$ants &B nos. KRs. 1B>/* $er $artici$ant 6lum$ sum7 d. Wor%sho$ materials to the Partici$ants &B nos. KRs. &>/* $er $artici$ant e. "eminar/Wor%sho$ !all Charges with 'udio & days 5isual E0ui$ments KRs. B>>/* &. :onthly :eetings with Women Grou$ 1 each in KRs. 1>>>/* 2 1& nos. 1& months 6Ium$ sum amount as organi1ing ? refreshment cost7 Tot(l R/.

'mount &(>>>.>> F(B>>.>> ,(FB>.>> B>>.>> 1(>>>.>> 1&(>>>.>>


Econo*ic/ of P o,ect: A. S$ecific(tion of N($3in/:

Sl. No. 1. &. ,. @. B. G. F. T6$e of t%e P o&#ct General FD ty$e General FD ty$e with belt FD with new co er ? $ul$ FD with new co er ? $ul$ and belt +D with new $ul$ +D with new co er ? $ul$ +D with new co er ? $ul$ and belt No. of Piece/) P(c3et 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> Len!t% ;**< &&G B>B 1A, B>> &&A &&> B>B N($3in O0e All Di*en/ion 2i&t% T%ic3ne// ;**< ;**< F@ +.,F F@ F@ F@ F@ F@ F@ +.,F ,.AF ,.AF A.&+ B.,> B.,> 2ei!%t ;!*< 1@.B&> 1B.>F> 11.G>1 1&.,A+ 11.F,> 1,.,1@ 1,.AG@

B. P o&#ction Co/t (n& Ret# n/:

B.1 Ai /t 4 *ont%/: Production cost details in ol ing 1> wor%ers Cost of Raw :aterials for L 1>> $%ts./day 61> $%ts. $er wor%er $er day 2 1> wor%ers7 P( tic#l( / Ct6. a. Wood $ul$ 1B%g b. #on*wo en co er cloth B> mtrs. c. Polythene/$$ im$ermeable sheet R(te KRs. ,&/*$er %g. KRs. 1&/* $er mtr. A*o#nt @A>.>> G>>.>> ,B.>>

d. )elt/"tic%er e. Pac%ing co ers f. Wages g. Electricity( water ? misc.

1>> $%ts.

B>.>> &>>.>> KRs. B/* $er $%t. B>>.>> K &M ,F.,> ***************************** Rs. 1+>&.,> BF>.G+ ***************************** Tot(l R/. '-8'.:: S(6 R/. '-8+.>>

Production :argin ? "ales Discount


.he cost of 1>> $%ts. including $roduction cost and margins* .hus( the sale $rice $er $ac%et will be *

Rs. &@F,.>> N 1>> E &@.F,

In 1>> $%ts. $er day figure the total $roduction $er month will be L 1>> $%ts 2 &B daysE &B>> $%ts. .he sale $rice of &B>> $%ts. will be L Rs. &@.F, 2 &B>> $%ts E Rs. G1A&B.>> .he sale $rice of 1B>>> $%ts in G months will be * Rs. &@.F, 2 1B>>> $%tsE Rs. ,F>+B>.>> .he $roduction cost of G months will be * Rs. &AB,@B.>> .he $roduction margin will be * Rs. ABG>+.B> B.' Secon& 4 *ont%/: Production details in ol ing &> $ersons .he number $roduction in ol ing 1> $ersons in a month is &B>> $%ts. .hus( the number of $roduction in ol ing &> $ersons goes double i.e. B>>> $%ts. $er month .he sale $rice of B>>> $%ts will be * Rs. &@.F, 2 B>>> $%ts. E Rs. 1&,GB>.>> $er month .he sale $rice of ,>>>> $%ts. in G months will be * Rs. &@.F, 2 ,>>>> $%ts. E Rs. F@1+>>.>> .hus( the $roduction cost in ne2t G months will be * Rs. BF>G+>.>> .he $roduction margin will be* Rs. 1F1&>F.>> B.+ Secon& De( : Production details in ol ing &> $ersons #o. of $ac%ets in &nd year will be L B>>> $%ts 2 1& months E G>>>> $%ts. "ale $rice of G>>>> $%ts will be * .he $roduction cost will be * .he $roduction margin will be * Rs. &@.F, 2 G>>>> $%ts. E Rs. 1@A,A>>.>> Rs. 11@1,A>.>> Rs. ,@&@1@.>>

.hus( after self*sustenance of the $ro$osed $ro;ect and increase of wor%ing efficiency among the wor%ers a$$ro2. R/. ++.>>>.>> to +->>>>.>> could be e2$ected in first few years. If $roduction could be enhanced and made smooth/regular with in ol ement of more wor%ers in future then returns will come more. OOOOOO

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