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LL 4233 SLaLe-space ConLrol SysLem ueslgn

Course lnformauon
lnLroducuon Lo AuLomauc ConLrol
1. nlstoty ooJ tbe evolouoo of lJeos
2. xomples of coottol systems
J. leeJbock. tecbooloqy, eoqloeetloq &
systems scleoce
lnsLrucLor: 1ryphon Ceorglou
Cmce: LLCS 3-179
1el: 3-3303
Cmce hr: 1u1h 1:30-2:30pm
1exL: leedback ConLrol of uynamlcal SysLems,
lranklln, owel, Lmaml-naelnl, 6
+ ref: leedback SysLems: an lnLro for sclenusLs and englneers
AsLrom and Murray - avallable onllne
1eachlng asslsLanLs: Parshad ueshmane
MW 1-2:30, 1h 12-1:30 kP 2-276
course information
Pomework 10 + mldLerm exams 3x20 + nal 30
CaLalog uescrlpuon:
Modellng, characLerlsucs, and performance of feedback conLrol sysLems.
SLablllLy, rooL locus, frequency response meLhods. nyqulsL/8ode dlagrams.
Lead-lag, lu compensaLors. ulglLal lmplemenLauon, hardware conslderauons.
course information
Coals of Lhe course
undersLand why auLomauc conLrol ls useful
Learn a number of Lechnlques, ldeas, language, maLhs, buzzwords, readlng
gures, undersLandlng sysLems and how Lhey behave when Lhey are
lnLerconnecLed (lnLeracL), eLc.
8ecognlze Lhe lmporLance of lnLegraLed conLrol and process deslgn
8ecognlze when a sysLem ls dlmculL Lo conLrol
8e able Lo solve slmple problems and be aware of compuLauonal Lools and
Lechnlques for more dlmculL ones
uevelop Lhe language and maLhemaucs of SLaLe-space represenLauons
-- sLaLe-space deslgn Lechnlques
models, mlnlmal reallzauons, conLrollablllLy, observablllLy
sLaLe Lransluon, sLaLe-feedback + observer deslgn
-- rudlmenLs of opumlzauon - LC8
-- baslcs on sampled-daLa conLrol
course information
MaLlab wlLh conLrol sysLems Loolbox
Cpen source alLernauve: ocLave
MaLhemauca: noL used ln Lhls course
course information
A brlef hlsLory of conLrol
key concepL: feedback
bow lt come oboot.
wbete lt ls beloq opplleJ.
oppllcouoos & lmpoct.
introduction to automatic control
Example: Automotive cruise control
Goal: maintain a desired speed irrespective of changes in road prole
Throttle command Acceleration/velocity
Plant: system to be controlled (in real life)
dynamical model (in analysis/simulations)
Open loop control: pre-compute the throttle angle based on desired velocity
(or, just keep the gas pedal down with a stick at a xed pre-specied position)
Why is this not a good idea?
- Incomplete knowledge of car dynamics
- Varying street prole
- Varying wind conditions
- Unpredicted changes in road texture
- Etc.
Net result: this arrangement will not maintain constant speed!
(it will stall on the uphill, and race on the downhill)
road prole/wind
Examples of systems:
regulate speed
regulate attitude regulate concentration
regulate speed
Watts governor:
sensing speed
varying load
Closed loop control
veloclLy semng
Closed loop control: regulate the control command based on knowledge
of the available measurements
Idea: correct the value of the command accordingly
- Compare acLual resulL wlLh deslred one
- 1ake correcuve acuon based on Lhe dlerence beLween Lhe Lwo
leedback ls Lhe key concepL ln conLrol/regulauon
leedback ls Lhe key lngredlenL ln many englneerlng sysLems
leedback ls ublqulLous ln naLure ln Lhe blologlcal world
Sensors: translate position, velocity, density, temperature, etc.
into electrical, mechanical signals
Actuators: translate electrical, mechanical signals into force,
heat, ow, etc.
(not much difference between the two --- often referred to as transducers)
Honeywell temp sensor
Servo motor
motor coupled to a sensor for position/velocity feedback
Diverse transducers
LlemenLs of Lhe feedback loop (besldes Lhe planL)
Feedback congurations
Various re-arraingments
(and some notation)
t : time
d(t) n(t)
u(t) y(t)
More on hlsLory
AnclenL Creece: kLeslblos (waLer clocks, Lhe organ.)
Larly use of feedback ln wlndmllls (prlor Lo 1700's)
Wau's sLeam englne and Wau's governor
roblems of sLablllLy ln large englnes: Maxwell, 8ouLh
laLe 1800's
Parold 8lack & Lhe feedback ampller (1927)
Second world war Lechnology, 8ode, nyqulsL:
Classlcal Lechnlques
1960's space & aerospace, process conLrol, dlglLal Lechnology:
Cpumal conLrol and lLerlng
1980's aerospace & process conLrol:
Cuanufylng robusLness
Parold 8lack
leedback ampller lnvenLed ln 1927
aLenL Look 9 years because englneers dld noL
belleve LhaL lL would work.
8lack goL a ma[or lLLL medal ln 1937:
wltboot 8locks loveouoo (of tbe feeJbock ompllfet)
tbe pteseot looq-Jlstooce telepbooe ooJ televlsloo
oetwotks wblcb covet oot eoute coootty ooJ tbe
ttoosoceoolc telepbooe cobles woolJ oot exlst.
wbot ls tbe lJeo? we olteoJy tolkeJ oboot feeJbock.
wbot 8locks lJeo?
-- ptlot to n. 8lock. feeJbock ls oseJ fot compotloq slqools ooJ
teqolouoo of o ptocess
-- Moxwell, kootb. stoJleJ stoblllty of feeJbock system
(excesslve qolos leoJ to ovetcottecuoo,
osclllouoos, ooJ lostoblllty)
-- n. 8lock teollzeJ tbot feeJbock coo be oseJ to sopptess tbe e[ect
ettots lo tbe moJel, os well os Jlstotbooces
CurrenL uses of leedback ConLrol
1ransporLauon (Alrplanes, Cars, Space,.)
lndusLrlal processes (chemlcal lndusLry,.)
Lnergy (Lransmlsslon, generauon, conLrol of
8lology, medlclne
llnanclal markeLs
Lxample: ALomlc force mlcroscope
Lhe conLrol slgnal whlch
regulaLes dlsLance can be
measured far more
acuraLely Lhan any
mechanlcal properLy of Lhe
canulever beam
Lxample: hard dlsks
devlces wlLh ughL specs
(hard dlsks, porLable Cu
players, eLc.)
courtesy M.Salapaka
courtesy M.Salapaka
Lxample: leedback ln 8lology
ulscovery of hormones
medlaung regulaLory
mechanlsm of lacLauon ln cows
(khammash eLal.)
AuempLs Lo undersLand
regulaLory mechanlsms ln cells
(Lhe mechanlsm of
homeosLasls -- naLure ls well
ahead of us)
Medlclne (drug dellvery,.)
leedback ConLrol ln AuLomouve
(currenL and fuLure Lechnology)
Lnglne conLrol
Lmlsslon conLrol
AuLomauc breaklng
sysLem (A8S)
Acuve suspenslon,
Lracuon conLrol, eLc.
Camless englnes, and
The segskate mimics
the well known
a remarkable design,
impossible to fall!
well almost impossible
Classlcal Lo Modern"
how Lo deslgn feedback conLrol sysLems
Pendrlk W. 8ode
neLwork analysls and feedback ampller deslgn (1943): ``.slngle
loop.Lwo nal chapLers . for mululoop. lnvlnclble faugue seL ln
before Lhese chapLers could be wrluen.''
Wlener, kalman, onLryagln (1930's on)
muluvarlable, mulu-loop lLerlng and conLrol
(more sophlsucaLed compuLauonal Lools/opumlzauon)
?oula, Zames, and oLhers (1960's, 1980's)
robusLness analysls and deslgn
H.W. Bode
H. Nyquist
Advanced conLrol Loplcs
8obusL conLrol
slngle lnpuL - slngle ouLpuL sysLems (classlcal - Lhls course)
+ more advanced Loplcs (opumlzed, mulu-varlble)
Muluvarlable conLrol
many lnpuLs - many ouLpuLs
Adapuve conLrol
"learn" Lhe sysLem dynamlcs and adapL Lhe conLrol law auLomaucally
nonllnear conLrol
ulsLrlbuLed conLrol
Cpumal conLrol, esumauon and lLerlng
Standard feedback loop
d(t) n(t)
u(t) y(t)
Classical control:
- Analysis: stability, performance
- Design of C using frequency domain insights
This course: state-space techniques
-suitable for multivariable control
WhaL ls conLrol?
leedback: regulauon, Lracklng
reduces Lhe eecL of dlsLurbances, uncerLalnLy
Why should anyone care?
lmporLance ln englneerlng.
poLenual for hlgh performance emclenL deslgns,
new dlscoverles (hlgh Lech, blology, sclence).

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