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Presented by: Y. Naveen Kumar, E-mail: B. Hari Prasad, E-mail: ari!b""#@ya Pre-$inal Year, E.%.E.

&'&( )ireless %ommunication *ystems

&ulti+le-'n+ut &ulti+le-(ut+ut ,&'&(- .ireless systems +rovides increased s+ectral e$$iciency and system ca+acity, lin/ reliability, resistance to inter$erence, by utili0ing antenna arrays at bot t e transmitter and receiver. 'n t is +a+er t e im+ortance o$ &'&( .ireless communication systems is e1+lored by an e1+lanation o$ o. t ey .or/. Key tec nologies t at enable &'&( systems to be used +ractically are e1+lained in *ection '''. Ne1t, &'&( ca+acity and c annel + enomenology is +resented along .it s+ace time codes . ic are all crucial to t e im+lementation o$ &'&( systems. 2inally, some misconce+tions o$ &'&( systems in t e real .orld are analy0ed. Index time codes Terms3multi+le-in+ut multi+le-out+ut ,&'&(systems,

ort ogonal $re4uency division multi+le1ing ,(25&-, +rototy+ing, s+ace


M ulti+le In+ut Multi+le Out+ut communication systems, o$ten termed &'&(,

combines multi+le data streams $or t e transmission o$ in$ormation t roug one radio c annel. 6 is increases t e amount o$ data . ic can be transmitted +er c annel in a $i1ed amount o$ time. 6 e ma1imum s+eed and e$$iciency o$ t e &'&( system is e4uivalent to t e number o$ signal streams sent in t e c annel. 2urt ermore &'&(

communication lin/s use multi+le antenna arrays at bot t e transmitter and receiver to ta/e advantage o$ t e total s+atial dimension o$ t e +ro+agation c annel. ) en +ro+erly designed, &'&( systems not only multi+ly data streams in one c annel, increase t roug +ut, system +er$ormance, and reliability but it also +roduces remar/able reductions in c annel vibrations. Previous to t e discovery o$ &'&( tec nology, multi-+at +ro+agation .as seen as a indrance to .ireless communication systems. 'n contrast, &'&( tec nology acce+ts multi-+at +ro+agation as an o++ortunity to address t e c allenges o$ .ireless tec nology. &'&( systems serve as a solution to t ese c allenges by +roviding an increase in signal +er$ormance and reliability . ile andling restricted s+ectrum. 2or e1am+le, .ireless 78N +roducts im+lementing &'&( ave demonstrated in laboratory tests, $ield test and commercial a++lications t e ability to cover areas at least as large as conventional .ireless 78N +roducts at com+arable or better data rates .it com+arable or better reliability. 8lt oug tas/. t ere are many advantages to &'&( tec nology, designing and evaluating &'&( communication systems in t e +ractical environment is a very di$$icult 6 is is due to t e be avior o$ t e +ro+agation c annel and t e com+licated electromagnetic relations i+ bet.een t e environment and antenna arrays. 6 e s+eci$ic environmental $actors . ic can a$$ect &'&( ca+abilities include c annel com+le1ity, e1ternal inter$erence, and c annel estimation error.

H() &'&( *Y*6E&* )(9K

&'&( systems utili0e multi+le antenna arrays at bot t e transmitter and receiver. 6 ey divide a data stream into multi+le streams, eac o$ . ic is modulated and transmitted inde+endently t roug di$$erent transmit antennas at t e same time and in t e same $re4uency band. By ta/ing advantage o$ t e multi-+at +ro+agation + enomenon o$ t e signals, eac received c ain becomes a linear combination o$ t e multi+le transmitted data streams. *ince t ese data streams are transmitted in a +arallel $as ion, t e t roug +ut is increased as antennas are added to t e system. :sing a set o$ .ell-de$ined instructions to estimate all c annels bet.een eac transmitter and receiver,

t e data streams are se+arated at t e receiver. By e1+loiting t e s+atial dimension, eac multi-+at route can be t oug t o$ as a se+arate c annel t at creates multi+le ;virtual .ires; bet.een t e transmitter and receiver. 6o ta/e advantage o$ t ese <virtual .ires= created by multi-+at , &'&( systems ma/es use o$ multi+le, s+atially se+arated antennas to trans$er more data and increase t roug +ut. 8s s o.n in 2ig. ", a &'&( decoder uses M

antennas at t e receiver. )it

t e assum+tion o$ N receive

antennas> t e signal received by eac antenna can be re+resented as r N . ere

r N =h N1 x 1 +h N2 x 2 +h N3 x 3 . .. +h NN x N .


2ig. ". 8 ?eneric &'&( system. 6reating t e c annel as a matri1, .e can recover t e inde+endent transmitted streams {xi} $rom {rj} by estimating t e individual c annel .eig ts hij to construct t e c annel matri1 H. 8s a result, t e +roduct o$ t e vector r .it H-1 gives t e estimate o$ t e transmitted vector 1.

(rt ogonal 2re4uency 5ivision &ulti+le1ing

(rt ogonal 2re4uency 5ivision &ulti+le1ing ,(25&- is a common modulation sc eme t at divides a broadband c annel into many +arallel sub-c annels. 't as +roven to be a very e$$icient $or t e transmission in multi-+at .ireless c annels. &'&( and (25& tec ni4ues combine to ac ieve ig s+ectral e$$iciency and increased t roug +ut. 8 &'&(-(25& system transmits inde+endent (25& modulated data $rom multi+le antennas at t e same time. 8$ter (25& demodulation, &'&( decoding e1tracts t e data $rom all t e transmit antennas on all t e sub-c annels at t e receiver. 6 e ma@or +rocessing bloc/s in a basic &'&(-(25& transmitter include digital, mi1ed-signal, and analog $unction as s o.n in 2ig. A.


6 ere are a number o$ signi$icant tec nologies t at allo. &'&( systems to be used realistically and to t eir ma1imum +otential in a++lications.

2ig. A. &a@or +rocessing bloc/s in a basic &'&(-(25& transmitter.

2ig. B. &'&( mobile ad oc net.or/ CBD.

&'&( )ireless %ellular Net.or/s

6oday, t ere is a substantial interest in t e study o$ &'&( .ireless cellular net.or/s. 8lt oug &'&( communication net.or/s ave become very com+re ensive, &'&( cellular systems are not. 6 is is mainly due to inter$erence, multi+le-access, mobility, E resource management.

&'&( &obile 8d-Hoc Net.or/s

'n contrast to .ireless cellular a++lications, &'&( mobile ad- oc net.or/s as s o.n in 2ig. B +rovide t e $le1ibility t at is necessary $or some .ireless environments. utili0ing an access +oint ,+eer-to-+eer relations i+-. 6 is occurs in net.or/ing $rame.or/s t at communicate bet.een nodes directly .it out 'n &'&( communication, t e s+atial degrees o$ $reedom can be en anced to su++ort +oint-to-multi+oint and multi+oint-to-+oint transmission . ic can be mani+ulated in + ysical and ig er layer +rotocols in ad oc net.or/s. 5ue to $luctuations in t e .ireless environment, t e nodes are able to organi0e t emselves to t e variations in t e net.or/ to+ology. %urrently, mobile ad a++lications. oc net.or/s ave been receiving muc attention +rimarily in military

7imited 2eedbac/
'n im+lementing &'&( systems, one must decide . et er t e c annel estimation in$ormation .ill be $ed bac/ to t e transmitter to allo. ada+tation. &ost &'&( communication researc as $ocused on systems .it out $eedbac/ because t ey are sim+ler to im+lement. &'&( communication systems .it limited $eedbac/, allo.s data to be easily ac ieved .it com+le1ity and error. 8 &'&( c annel assures multi+licative gain in ca+acity along .it corres+onding gains in c annel reliability. ) en t e c annel is /no.n at t e transmitter, in$ormation can be customi0ed to t e subs+ace structure o$ t e matri1 c annel. 2ig. 4 demonstrates t e conce+t o$ limited $eedbac/. 6 is model estimates t e critical +arameters o$ t e c annel at t e receiver, +er$orm 4uanti0ation met ods, and sends t e +arameters to t e transmitter via a $eedbac/ c annel.

2ig. 4. 7imited 2eedbac/ .F &'&(

&'&( *ystem Prototy+ing

&'&( *ystem Prototy+ing +rovides access to actual +ro+agation c annels. Not to mention it en ances simulations im+airments i.e. timing @itters, gainF+ ase o$$set, 4uanti0ation e$$ects, and etcG Prototy+ing is crucial to t e com+re ension o$ +ractical .ireless system o+erations.

8ntenna 6 eory E 5esign

&'&( tec nology is allo.ed t roug t e use o$ multi+le transmit and receive antennas in t e communication lin/. 2urt ermore, t ese antenna arrays +rovide s+atial diversity $rom t e +ro+agation c annel along .it algorit ms t at can ada+t to t e various c anges o$ t e c annel. 8rrays are designed t roug t e use o$ conventional metrics $rom antenna t eory. 'n contrast, algorit ms are built under basic assum+tions about t e c annel. ?enerally, t e ig est +er$ormance in &'&( communication systems re4uires s+acing t e antennas $ar a+art at multi+les o$ t e .avelengt . Ho.ever, some a++lications re4uire +lacing t e antennas closer toget er e.g. cell + one and noteboo/ com+uters. Nevert eless, it is still +ossible to accom+lis good 4uality +er$ormance by ad@usting t e antennas so t at t ey ave minimum overla+ bet.een t eir +atterns. 8t t e :niversity o$ 6e1as, an e1+eriment .as +er$ormed to o+timi0e antenna t eory +er$ormance metrics and communication t eoretic metrics CBD. 6o simulate arbitrary array geometries in &'&( c annels, a com+utational electromagnetic ,%E&+er$ormance simulator .as develo+ed. 8$ter inter$acing t e simulator .it E& so$t.are tools, measurements o$ t e +er$ormance degradation o$ t e design due to near-$ield e$$ects across t e array elements .as accom+lis ed. 6 e result o$ t e e1+eriment is s o.n in 2ig. #. 8s a result, t e circular +atc array ,%P8- +roduces signi$icant

+olari0ationF+attern diversity gains along .it reduction in t e + ysical si0e o$ t e array as com+ared to t e conventional uni$orm linear array ,:78-.


'n a &'&( system, t e total transmit can be divided among multi+le modes to drive t e ca+acity closer to t e liner regime $or eac s+atial +at . 8s a result, t e collective s+ectral e$$iciency is increased. %a+acity increases linearly at lo. *N9 but logarit mically at ig *N9. 2ig. H com+ares $our di$$erent M
M &'&( c annel

matrices .it $lat singular-value distributions. 6 e distribution o$ singular values is a measure o$ t e virtual e$$ectiveness o$ di$$erent s+atial +at s t roug t e c annel. 2ig. H s o.s t at &'&( systems $acilitate ig s+ectral e$$iciency at a muc re4uired energy +er in$ormation bit.


6 e + enomenology o$ t e c annel is im+ortant $or ca+acity. (ne main as+ect o$ t e c annel t at a$$ects &'&( system ca+acity is c annel com+le1ity ,a $unction o$ t e intensity o$ scatterers-. ?enerally, ca+acity at ig s+ectral e$$iciency im+roves as t e singular values o$ t e c annel matri1 increase. 6o simulate t e c annel matri1, a sim+le a++roac can be utili0ed by +er$orming analytic calculations. 6 is a++roac assumes t at all entries in t e c annel matri1 are sam+led $rom com+le1 ?aussians H I ?. 8lt oug t is a++roac is sim+le, it can +rovide a c annel eigenvalue distribution t at is too $lat. Ho.ever, a diversity order c aracteri0ation o$ t e c annel generated by s+atial correlation can be used to indicate an e$$ective cut-o$$ in t e eigenvalue distribution. (ne a++roac t at e1amine s+atial correlations uses t e $orm

,A. ic results in a nT n R by-lin/ covariance Kronec/er +roduct $orm

nT n R lin/-



t e

(MLML) (MRMR)* ,B2ig. #. &easurements o$ +er$ormance degradation. $or t e entries in t e c annel matri1 H. *everal conditions must be reali0edG *catterers are concerted around t e transmitter and receiver. Pro+agations are sub@ugated to multi+le scattering o$ a s+eci$ic /ind. *catterers are ade4uately se+arated in angle . en e1amined by its array.


6o im+rove t e +er$ormance o$ &'&( systems, s+ace time codes t at are suitable $or .ireless communication systems are receiving ma@or attention. 6 ese codes are used in ma++ing t e transmit signals to t e multi+le antennas. (ne a++roac to s+ace-time coding .ill be analy0ed in . ic t e transmitter is in$ormed o$ t e +ro+agation c annel by t e receiver to ad@ust its code a++ro+riately. 6 is a++roac o$$ers large in$ormationt eoretic ca+acity.

Bloc/ (rt ogonal %odes

8ccording to a s+eci$ic $ormat, t e in$ormation bits are encoded in matrices t at are $orced to lie in t e class *. 6 is class is de$ined by t e +ro+erty SS t at is +ro+ortional to t e identity matri1 .it a $i1ed +ro+ortionality constant C#D. 6 e ma1imum-li/eli ood decision $or S is based on $inding ,ZSH) ,4-

. ic involves a linear $unction in t e entries o$ * C#D. ) ere data is Z, c annel matri1 is H, and S re+resents a set o$ matri1 symbols. 7inearity o$ t e li/eli ood $unction decou+les decisions on t e data symbols $or some classes, e.g.
S= S:S= s1 s2 s2 s1


6 e in$ormation symbols s" and sA are sent needlessly over bot c annels and t e li/eli ood $unction is linear in eac si, decou+ling demodulation decisions C#D.




6 e term <&'&(,= as described by engineers and researc ers, re$ers to t e use o$ multi+le, simultaneous signals in a $re4uency c annel to develo+ multi-+at +ro+agation and increase s+ectral e$$iciency C4D. %onversely, some manu$acturers t at claim &'&( bene$its are not using t e term as described. 'nstead t ey use tec ni4ues t at are o$ten con$used .it &'&(. 6ransmitter beam $orming and receiver diversity can im+rove t e range $or ty+ical one-dimensional signals. 8s com+ared to &'&(, t ey are unsuccess$ul in increasing ca+acity and data rated. 'n addition, beam $orming tec ni4ues can create idden nodes and limits consum+tion. 5ata com+ression and c annel bonding are more tec ni4ues t at can be mista/en $or &'&(. 'n contrast to &'&( communication systems, data com+ression $ails to substantially increase data t roug +ut in many +ractical net.or/ing a++lications. rates .it out inter$erence. &oreover c annel bonding inter$eres .it ot er devices in t e same or nearby .ireless net.or/s. &'&( ac ieves substantially ig data


(ur 'ntroduction to %ommunication *ystem course $ocused on t.o se+arate areas o$ communication systems. 2irst, o. t ey .or/. *econd, o. t ey be ave in t e +resence o$ noise. *+eci$ically, .e dealt .it analog and digital communication systems. 8$ter being introduced to 2ourier analysis and +robabilities, .e studied am+litude angle modulation $or bot linear and non-linear systems. )e also studied sam+ling, +ulse code modulation, transmission o$ digital data, ybrid circuits, and recent develo+ments in communication systems. 6 ese various to+ics t at .ere studied ave en anced my /no.ledge o$ communication systems as a . ole. 6 is course also served as a $oundation $or t e study o$ advanced systems and tec nology e.g. &'&( communication systems. &'&( as s o.n tremendous develo+ment in t e .ireless industry. 8s a result, it is believed to be t e most valuable .ireless develo+ment in t is +resent eraJ

C"D :niversity o$ %ali$ornia The Non-Engineers Intro !"tion to MIM# $n MIM##%M& C(nlineD. 8vailable: C(nlineD. 8vailable: CAD 5ave Borison, 8irgo Net.or/s. ,AKK#-. Ho' MIM# (!)ti*)ies +ire)ess ,$*$"ittt+:FF....tec builder.orgFvie.sF"H4BKA"4L CBD 5r. 9obert ). Healt Mr. ,AKKB-. MIM# +ire)ess In". C(nlineD. 8vailable: tt+:FF....mimo.ireless.comF C4D 5atacomm 9esearc %om+any. ,2ebruary AKK#-. MIM# Te"hno)og-/ Not 0)) ,)$i(s $re 0""!r$te C(nlineD. 8vailable: ....datacommresearc .com C#D 5aniel ). Bliss, Keit ). 2orsyt e, 8manda &. % an. ,November AKK#-. MIM# +ire)ess ,o((!ni"$tion C(nlineD. Nolume ,"#-. 8vailable: in+ut multi+le out+ut ,&'&(- +rocesses,= AKK4. COD &o inder Man/iraman, <*+ace-time codes and &'&( systems,= AKK4. CHD *antos Kot amasu, <8 .avelet based multiscale run-by-run controller $orm multi+le

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