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Cassia alata Linn. RINGWORM BUSH

Botany: Akapulko is a coarse, erect, branche shrub, !." to # $eters hi%h. Lea&es are pinnate an '( to )( centi$eters lon%, *ith oran%e rachis on stout branches. +ach lea, has !) to -. lea,lets, " to !" centi$eters in len%th, broa an roun e at the ape/, *ith a s$all point at the tip. Lea,lets %ra uall0 increase in si1e ,ro$ the base to*ar s the tip o, the lea,. In,lorescences are ter$inal an at the a/ils o, the lea&es, in si$ple or panicle race$es, an !( to "( centi$eters lon%. 2lo*ers are 0ello*, about ' centi$eters inn ia$eter, at the a/ils o, thin, 0ello*, oblon%, conca&e bracts *hich are -." to # centi$eters lon%. 3o is rather strai%ht, ark bro*n or nearl0 black, about !" centi$eters lon% an !" $illi$eters *i e. On both si es o, the po s there is a *in% that runs the len%th o, the po . 3o contains "( to )( ,lattene , trian%ular see s. Distribution: 4 Abun ant throu%hout the 3hilippines in settle areas at lo* an $e iu$ altitu es. 4 Occasionall0 plante as orna$ental or ,or its $e icinal properties. 4 Intro uce ,ro$ tropical A$erica5 no* pantropic. Additional botanical info: 6 3ropa%ate rapi l0 b0 see s 7 isperse b0 *aters8 or ste$ cuttin%s. Basal ste$ $a0 pro uce coppices 7suckers8. 6 See s ,ro$ $ature po s can be collecte urin% the season an i$$e iatel0 plante or store ,or si/ $onths. Uses: Folkloric: 4 9he see s use ,or intestinal parasitis$. 4 9incture ,ro$ lea&es reporte to be pur%ati&e. 4 :ecoction o, lea&es an ,lo*ers ,or cou%h an as e/pectorant in bronchitis an asth$a. Also use as astrin%ent. 4 ;rushe lea&es an <uice e/tract use ,or rin%*or$, scabies, ec1e$a, tinea in,ections, itches, insect bites, herpes.

Momordica charantia Linn. BI99+R GOUR: = BI99+R M+LON

Botany: A$pala0a is a cli$bin% &ine, nearl0 or >uite s$ooth, annual &ine. 9en rils are si$ple, up to -( centi$eters lon%. Lea&es are -." to !( centi$eters in ia$eter, cut nearl0 to the base into " to ? lobes, oblon%4o&ate, &ariousl0 toothe , an heart4shape at the base. Male ,lo*er is about !- $illi$eters lon%, an is pe uncle , *ith a roun e , %reen, an about ! centi$eter lon% bract appro/i$atel0 at the $i le. 2e$ale ,lo*er is 0ello* ,lo*er, about !" $illi$eters lon%, lon%4stalke *ith pair o, s$all lea,like bracts at $i le or to*ar base o, stalk. 2ruit, in culti&ate ,or$, is %reen, ,lesh0, oblon%, c0lin ric, !" to -" centi$eters lon%, pointe at both en s, ribbe an *rinkle , burstin% *hen $ature to release see s5 in *il ,or$s, o&oi , about - to ' centi$eters lon%. See s are oblon%, co$presse !( to !# $illi$eters lon%, an corru%ate on the $ar%ins. Distribution: 4 @ear4roun &e%etable, e/tensi&el0 culti&ate in the 3hilippines ,or its bitter e ible ,ruit. 4 Wil ,or$s ,oun in open ,iel s, thickets, an *aste places at lo* an $e iu$ altitu es. 7SeeA A$pala0an% li%a*8 4 3robabl0 o, Asiatic ori%in. 4 3antropic. Uses: Edibility / Nutritional 4 Both *il an culti&ate ,or$s are e ible. 4 2ruit o, *il ,or$ usuall0 roaste o&er ,ire an eaten *ith salt or Bheko.B 4 9he lea&es an ,ruit 4 use as &e%etables 4 are e/cellent sources o, Cit B, iron, calciu$, an It has t*ice the a$ount o, beta carotene in broccoli an t*ice the calciu$ content ;haracteristicall0 bitter4tastin%, sli%ht soakin% in salt0 *ater be,ore cookin% re$o&es so$e taste o, the ,ruit. 4 In In ia, ,ruit eaten in curries. Folkloric 4 In the 3hilippines, <uice e/presse ,ro$ the %reen ,ruit is %i&en ,or chronic colitisA also use 0senter0. 4 Astrin%ent po* ere lea&es or root ecoction can be applie to he$orrhoi s. 4 Lea, <uice ,or cou%h an as a pur%ati&e an anthel$inthic to e/pel intestinal parasites, an *oun s

phosphorus. o, spinach. o, the bitter

,or bacillar0 ,or healin%

Psidium guajava Linn. GUACA

Botany: Ba0abas is a so$e*hat hair0 plant reachin% a hei%ht o, . $eters. @oun% branches are '4an%le . Lea&es are opposite, oblon% to elliptic, an " to ! centi$eters lon%, the ape/ bein% pointe , an the base usuall0 roun e . 3e uncles are !4 to #4,lo*ere . 2lo*ers are *hite, # to #." centi$eters across, *ith in4cur&e petals, co$in% out solitar0 or t*o to three in the lea, a/ils. Nu$erous sta$ens ,or$ the attracti&e part o, the ,lo*er. In,erior o&aries e&elop into roun or obo&oi %reen ,ruits ' to D centi$eters lon%, turnin% 0ello* on ripenin% an ha&e e ible, aro$atic, see 0 pulp. Distribution: 4 Wi el0 istribute throu%hout the 3hilippines in all islan s an pro&inces. 4 ;o$$on in back0ar s an settle areas. 4 In thickets an secon ar0 ,orests at lo* altitu es, ascen in% to at least !,"(( $eters. 4 Intro uce ,ro$ tropical A$erica. 4 9horou%hl0 naturali1e . 4 3antropic in istribution. Uses: Folkloric: 4 In the 3hilippines, the astrin%ent, unripe ,ruit, the lea&es, bark corte/, an roots 4 thou%h $ore o,ten the lea&es onl0 4 are use in ecoction ,or *ashin% ulcers an *oun s. 42resh lea&es use ,or *oun s an toothache. 4 :ecoction or in,usion o, ,resh lea&es use ,or *oun cleanin% to pre&ent in,ection an to ,acilitate healin%. 4 War$ ecoction o, lea&es ,or aro$atic baths. 4 :ecoction o, bark an lea&es use ,or iarrhea. Cosmetic: 4Lea, e/tract use in skin *hitenin% pro ucts. Dental: 49oothbrush au4naturalA Ba0abas t*i%s, che*e at the en s until ,ra0e , use as alternati&e ,or toothbrushin% *ith *hitenin% e,,ect.

Allium sativum L. GARLI;

Botany: Ba*an% is a lo* herb, #( to )( centi$eters hi%h. 9rue ste$ is $uch re uce . Bulbs are broa l0 o&oi , to ' centi$eters in ia$eter, consistin% o, se&eral, ensel0 cro* e , an%ular an truncate tubers. Lea&es are linear an ,lat. U$bels are %lobose, $an0 ,lo*ere . Sepals are oblon%, %reenish *hite, sli%htl0 tin%e *ith purple. Sta$ens are not e/erte ,ro$ the perianth. Distribution: 4 +/tensi&el0 %ro*n in Batan%as, Nue&a +ci<a, Ilocos Norte, Min oro, an ;otobato. 4 A nati&e o, southern +urope. 4 No* *i el0 culti&ate in $ost parts o, the *orl . arts utili!ed: BulbsA 2eatures pro$inentl0 as a con i$ent an ,la&or in 2ilipino cuisine. Herbalists, *ith concerns that cookin% i$inishes $e icinal potenc0, reco$$en s eatin% ra* %arlic clo&es. Uses: Edibility / Culinary 4 Wi el0 use b0 2ilipinos ,or ,la&orin% ishes. Folkloric 4 In the 3hilippines, bulbs use ,or h0pertension. Also use as iuretic, an eaten ,resh or burne ,or cou%hs in chil ren. 4 Arthritis, rheu$atis$, toothachesA ;rush se&eral clo&es an rub on a,,ecte areas. 4 ;rush clo&e applie to both te$ples as poultice ,or hea ache. 4 ;rush %arlic or cut clo&e cross*ise an rub irectl0 to areas o, insect bites. 4 :ecoction o, lea&es an bulbs ,or ,e&er an as h0potensi&e, car$inati&e, e/pectorant, an antihel$intic. 4 Euice ,ro$ ,reshl0 crushe %arlic use ,or col s, cou%h, sore throat, hoarseness, asth$a an bronchitis. 4 :ecoction use ,or tonsillitis. 4 Stea$ inhalation o, choppe %arlic an a teaspoon o, &ine%ar in boilin% *ater use ,or nasal con%estion. 4 2resh %arlic has been use as a co$ple$ent to INH therap0 ,or tuberculosis. In Me/ico, ,resh bulb is eaten as a pre&enti&e ,or tuberculosis. 4 In In ia, %arlic <uice ilute in *ater, applie e/ternall0 to pre&ent hair ,ro$ turnin% %re0. 4 :ilute <uice use ,or earaches an ea,ness.

Vitex negundo Linn. 2IC+4L+A2 ;HAS9+ 9R++

Botany: La%un i is an erect, branche tree or shrub, - to " $eters hi%h. Lea&es are usuall0 "4,oliate, rarel0 *ith # lea,lets onl0, an pal$atel0 arran%e . Lea,lets are lanceolate, entire, ' to !( centi$eters lon%, sli%htl0 hair0 beneath, an pointe at both en s, the $i le lea,lets bein% lar%er than the others, an istinctl0 stalke . 2lo*ers are nu$erous, blue to la&en er, ) to ? $illi$eters lon%, borne in ter$inal in,lorescences 7panicles8 !( to -( centi$eters lon%. ;al0/ is hair0, an "4toothe . ;orolla is ensel0 hair0 in the throat, an the $i le lobe o, the lo*er lip is lon%est. 2ruit is a succulent rupe, %lobose, black *hen ripe, about ' $illi$eters in ia$eter. Distribution: 4 Wi el0 istribute in the 3hilippines. 4 At lo* an $e iu$ altitu es, in thickets an *aste places. 4 2lo*erin% 0ear roun . Best propa%ate b0 use o, $ature, lea,less ste$ cuttin%s. 4 Also occurs in tropical +ast A,rica, Ma a%ascar, In ia to Eapan, an south*ar throu%h Mala0a to *estern 3ol0nesia. Uses: Folkloric 4 :ecoction o, lea&es use e/ternall0 ,or cleanin% ulcers an internall0 ,or ,latulence. Also use as a lacta%o%ue an e$$ena%o%ue. 4 :ecoction o, bark, tops an lea&es use as anti%astral%ic. 4 Lea&es use in aro$atic baths5 also as insecti,u%e. 4 Capor bath prepare *ith the plant use ,or treat$ent o, ,ebrile, catarrhal, an rheu$atic a,,ections. 4 :ecoction o, lea&es use as *ar$ bath b0 *o$en su,,erin% *ith a,ter4pains in the puerperal perio . Also use as baths ,or ne* born chil ren. 4 See s are boile in *ater an eaten or the *ater runk to pre&ent the sprea o, to/in ,ro$ bites o, poisonous ani$als. 4 In,usion o, see s use ,or isin,ectin% *oun s an ulcers. 4 In,usion o, see s in *ine use ,or rops0. 4 3oun e lea&es applies on the ,orehea an te$ples ,or hea aches. 4 Lea, ecoction ,or ,e&er, hea ache, toothache, cou%h, asth$a. 4 Root use as tonic, ,ebri,u%e an e/pectorant.

4 2ruit use as ner&ine, cephalic, an e$$ena%o%ue.

Quisqualis indica Linn. @+S9+R:A@, 9O:A@ AN: 9OMORROW

Botany: Nio%4nio%an is a lar%e cli$bin%, *oo 0 shrub reachin% a len%th o, - to . $eters. Bro*n hairs %i&e the 0oun%er parts a rust0 appearance. Lea&es are oblon% to elliptic, opposite, ? to !" centi$eters lon%, roun e at the base an pointe at the tip. 2lo*ers are ,ra%rant, tubular, sho*0, ,irst *hite, then beco$in% re , re ish4purple or oran%e, e/hibitin% the ran%e o, colors in clusters, on the sa$e ,lo*er stalk. 2ruit is narro*l0 ellipsoi , -." to # centi$eters lon%, *ith ,i&e, sharp, lon%itu inal an%les or *in%s. See s are penta%onal an black. Distribution: 4 In thickets an secon ar0 ,orests throu%hout the 3hilippines. 4 Orna$entall0 plante ,or its ,lo*ers. 4 Also occurs in In ia to Mala0a. 4 Intro uce in $ost tropical countries. Uses: Edibility 6 2lo*ers are e ible. Folkloric 6 Anthel$inticA :rie see s pre,erable ,or e*or$in%. 6 A ultsA :rie nuts4che* . to !( s$all4 to $e iu$4si1e rie nuts t*o hours a,ter a $eal, as a sin%le ose, ,ollo*e b0 a hal, %lass o, *ater. I, ,resh nuts are use , che* onl0 '4" nuts. Hiccups occur $ore ,re>uentl0 *ith the use o, ,resh nuts. 6 ;hil ren #4" 0ears ol A '4" rie nuts5 ) 4 . 0ears ol A "4) rie nuts5 D4!- 0ears ol A )4? rie nuts. 6 Roaste see s ,or iarrhea an ,e&er. 6 3lant use as a cou%h cure. 6 Lea&es applie to the hea to relie&e hea aches. 6 3oun e lea&es e/ternall0 ,or skin iseases. 6 :ecoction o, boile lea&es use ,or 0suria. 6 I,u%ao $i%rants use it ,or hea ache. 6 Ripe see s roaste an use ,or iarrhea an ,e&er.

Peperomia pellucida 7L.8 Funth SHIN@ BUSH

Botany: 3ansit4pansitan is an erect, branche , annual herb, shallo* roote , reachin% up to '( centi$eters hi%h, *ith &er0 succulent ste$s. Ste$s are roun , o,ten about " $illi$eters thick. Lea&es are alternate, heart4 shape an tur%i , as transparent an s$ooth as can le *a/. Spikes are %reen, erect, &er0 slen er, ! to ) centi$eters lon%. 9in0 ot4like ,lo*ers scattere alon% solitar0 an lea,4oppose stalk 7spike85 nake 5 $aturin% %ra uall0 ,ro$ the base to the tip5 turnin% bro*n *hen ripe. Distribution: 4 An annual herb, ,a&orin% sha 0, a$p an loose soil. 4 O,ten %ro*s in %roups in nooks in the %ar en an 0ar . 4 ;onspicuous in rock0 parts o, canals. 4 3ropa%ation b0 see s. 4 4 Nu$erous tin0 see s rop o,, *hen $ature an %ro* easil0 in clu$ps an %roups in a$p areas. 4 3antropic species o, A$erican ori%in. roperties: 6 ;onsi ere anti4in,la$$ator0, antibacterial, re,ri%erant, anal%esic, anti,un%al, anticancer. Uses: Nutritional 4 Lea&es an ste$s $a0 be eaten as &e%etable. 4 In sala s, the ,resh plant has the crispness o, carrot sticks an celer0. Folkloric 4 In,usion an ecoction o, lea&es an ste$s are use ,or %out an arthritis. 4 :ecoction o, lea&es use ,or urinar0 tract in,ections. 4 +/ternall0, as a ,acial rinse ,or co$ple/ion proble$s. 4 In A0ur&e a, use to paci,0 &itiate cou%h, pitta, constipation, ki ne0 iseases, urinar0 retention, 0suria, urinar0 tract in,ection, e$aciation, e e$a an %eneral *eakness. 7!"8 4 3oun e *hole plant use as *ar$ poultice ,or boils, pustules an pi$ples.

Blumea balsamifera 7Linn.8 :;. BLUM+A ;AM3HOR

Botany: Sa$bon% is a hal, *oo 0, stron%l0 aro$atic shrub, ensel0 an so,tl0 hair0, ! to ' $eters hi%h. Ste$s %ro* up to -." centi$eters in ia$eter. Lea&es are si$ple, alternate, elliptic4 to oblon%4lanceolate, ? to -( centi$eters lon%, toothe at the $ar%ins, pointe or blunt at the tip, narro*in% to a short petiole *hich are o,ten auricle or appen a%e . 2lo*erin% hea s are stalke , 0ello* an nu$erous, ) to ? $illi$eters lon%, an borne on branches o, a ter$inal, sprea in% or p0ra$i al lea,0 panicle. :iscoi ,lo*ers are o, t*o t0pesA peripheral ones tin0, $ore nu$erous, *ith tubular corolla5 central ,lo*ers ,e*, lar%e *ith ca$panulate corolla. In&olucral bracts are %reen, narro* an hair0. Anther cells taile at base. 2ruits are achenes, r0, !4see e , !(4ribbe , hair0 at top. Distribution: 4 ;o$$on in open ,iel s, %rasslan s an *aste areas at lo* an $e iu$ altitu es. 4 2lo*erin% ,ro$ 2ebruar0 to April. 4 3ropa%ation b0 cuttin%s an la0erin%. 4 Also occurs in ;hina, Hainan, Bhutan, ;a$bo ia, Laos, In onesia, Mala0sia, 9hailan , Cietna$. Uses: Edibility 4 Lea&es use a ,la&orin% in%re ient. Folkloric 4 Lea&es as poultice ,or abscesses. 4 :ecoction o, roots an lea&es ,or ,e&ers, ki ne0 stones, an c0stitis. 4 :ecoction o, lea&es use to in uce iuresis ,or purpose o, treatin% ki ne0 stones. 4 Sit14bath o, boile lea&es, "(( %$s to a %allon% o, *ater, ,or rheu$atic pains o, *aist an back. 4 Use in upper an lo*er respirator0 tract a,,ections like sinusitis, asth$atic bronchitis, in,luen1a. 4 Applie *hile hot o&er the sinuses. Use ,or *oun s an cuts. 2resh <uice o, lea&es to *oun s an cuts. 4 3oultice o, lea&es applie to the ,orehea ,or relie, o, hea aches. 4 9ea is use ,or col s an as an e/pectorant5 like*ise, has antispas$o ic an anti iarrheal bene,its. 3ostpartu$ baths.

%saang gubat
;HA, 9SA Carmona retusa 7Cahl.8 Masa$. WIL: 9+A

Botany: 9saan% %ubat is an erect, &er0 branche shrub %ro*in% up to ! to ' $ hi%h. Lea&es are in clusters on short branches, obo&ate to oblon%4obo&ate, # to ) centi$eters lon%, entire or so$e*hat toothe or lobe near the ape/ an pointe at the base, short stalke an rou%h on the upper sur,ace. 2lo*ers are *hite, s$all, a/illar0, solitar0, - or ' on a co$$on stalk, borne in in,lorescences shorter than the lea&es. ;al0/ 4lobes re %reen, so$e*hat hair0, an linear, about " to ) $illi$eters lon%. ;orolla is *hite, " $illi$eters lon%, an i&i e into oblon% lobes. 2ruit is a rupe, roun e , 0ello* *hen ripe, ' to " $ili$eters in ia$eter, ,lesh0, *ith a '4see e stone, ,lesh0 on the outer part, an ston0 insi e. Distribution: 4 +asil0 ,oun ,ro$ the Batan Islan s an nothern Lu1on to 3ala*an an Min anao, in $ost or all islan s an pro&inces, in thickets an secon ar0 ,orests at lo* an $e iu$ altitu es. 4 Also occurs in In ia to southern ;hina, 9ai*an, an Mala0a. roperties: 4 ;onsi ere $uta%enic. anal%esic, anti4 iabetic, anti4in,la$$ator0, anti4$icrobial, antispas$o ic an anti4

Uses: Culinary 9ea $a e ,ro$ the lea&es. Folkloric 4 Lea, ecoction or in,usion ,or ab o$inal colic, cou%h, iarrhea an 0senter0. 4 Root ecoction use as an anti ote ,or &e%etable poisonin%. 4 2or iarrheaA Boil . tbsp o, choppe lea&es in - %lasses o, *ater ,or !" $inutes5 strain an cool. Use !=' o, the ecoction e&er0 - or # hours. :ecoction has also been use as a ental $outh*ash. New Application 6 Bein% pro$ote b0 the :epart$ent o, Health 7:OH8 as an antispas$o ic5 ,or sto$ach=ab o$inal pains. 6 One o, a ,e* herbs recentl0 re%istere *ith the Bureau o, 2oo s an :ru%s as $e icines

&erba buena
Mentha arvensis Linn. MIN9, 3+33+R MIN9

Botany: Hierba buena is a prostrate, s$ooth , $uch4branche , usuall0 purplish, stron%l0 aro$atic herb, *ith ste$s %ro*in% up to '( centi$eters lon%, *ith ulti$ate ascen in% ter$inal branches. Lea&es are elliptic to oblon%4o&ate, !." to ' centi$eters lon%, short4stalke *ith toothe $ar%ins, an roun e or blunt tippe . 2lo*ers are hair0 an purplish to bluish, borne in a/illar0 hea like *horls. ;al0/ teeth are trian%ular or lanceolate an hair05 the corolla is also hair0. Distribution: 4 Nati&e o, +urope. 4 Intro uce b0 the Spaniar s. 4 Wi el0 culti&ation to so$e e/tent in all parts o, the 3hilippines. 4 9hri&es *ell at hi%h ele&ations5 rarel0 ,lo*ers in lo*lan s. Uses: Nutritional 4 ;ulti&ate as a spice ,or cookin%. 4 Lea&es use ,or tea. 4 Use in sala s to pro&i e ,la&or. 4 Use as a ,la&orin% in con,ections an entri,ices. Folkloric 4 One o, the ol est househol re$e ies kno*n. 4 In the 3hilippines, tops an lea&es are consi ere car$inati&e5 *hen bruise use as anti ote to stin%s o, poisonous insects. 4 Mint is use in neural%ic a,,ections, renal an &esical calculus. 4 Use ,or sto$ach *eakness an iarrhea. 4 :ecoction an in,usion o, lea&es an ste$s use ,or ,e&er, sto$ach aches, 0s$enorrhea, an iuresis. 4 3oun e lea&es ,or insect bites, ,e&ers, toothaches hea aches. 4 ;rushe ,resh plants or lea&es are sni,,e ,or i11iness. 4 3o* ere rie plant as entri,ice. 4 ;rushe lea&es are applie on the ,orehea an te$ples ,or hea aches.

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