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GeneralPrinciples .



1. lnterpreters and translators shall at all times act in accordance with the standards of conduct and to the aims of AUSIT, the national professional association of interpreters





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decline gifts and tips (except token gifts customary in some cultures), explaining to clients that accepting them could compromise their professional integrity ensure punctuality_qt all times (and if lateness is unavoldable, advise clients


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? ",'- immediately) r-f,."s5zn oit6:aa Orp oAftO . a ^ prepare appropriately for assignments and ensure they are comp,!9!9d6,

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/e6' . lnterpreters and translators shall not disclose information acquired during the course of their
and transtators may only disdose information with the permission of their

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clien$ (or if the law requires disdosure).-

lf other"interpreters or tanslators are involved in the same assignrnent and require briefing, this should be done after obtainirig the dients',permission, and all are ,nWd)'>bc-sc obliged to maintain crients' permission


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3. ComPeten ce- L^(Aas cO lnterpreters and translators shall undertake only work which they are compelent to perform in the


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contract. lf, during an assignment, it becomes clear that the work is beyond the ortranslator's competence, they should inrorm dients hflffiefiano lnterpretersltranslators must clearly speciff their NAATI accreditdfion, leveJand language direction, if necessary explaining its significance to clients. lt is the interpreter's responsibility to ensure that working conditions facilitate communication. lf an interpreter or translator is asked to provide a second opinion or to review alterations to the work of another practitioleyi, there should be final agreement between allinterpreters and translators conE6hEtt>,Q-uflr> ar






4. tmpartiali,v lnterpreters and tranblators shall observe impartiality in all professional contracts. ProfessionaLdetachment must be maintained at all times. lf interpreters o1 translators s+S D.m-p-=aaifn"i, obj-"airity is threatened, they should withdraw from the assignment. Practitioners shoutd not recommend to clients anyone or anything in which they have personal or finaheial interest. lf for some reason they have to do so they must fully disclose such interest - including assignments for relatives or friends, or which affect their employers.

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They should not accept, or should withdraw from, assignments in which impartiality may be risked because of personal beliefs or circumstanceq. lnterpreters and translators are not responsible for what cliqnlg geLor Write.. They should not voice or write an opinion on'Enythingrcr anyone concerned with an assignment. lf approached for service by all parties to a legal dispute, an interpreter or translator shall offer to work for the first party making the request and notify all parties concerned.



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nterpreters arlp![pHslators sh al gfi6iasona ble care to be accu rate. They musfual" gQ'felay accurately any'completely all that is said by all parties in a meeting - including $erog_atory or vulg#f remarks, non-verbal clues, and anything they know to be untrue Onxttp6?s/f)not 5lter, add to dr omit anything from the assigned work acknowledge and promptly rectify any interpreting or translation mistakes. lf anything is unclear, interpre.tfrh4rs!*Shfq.I"petition, rephrasing or explanation. lf interpreters have ldp56s-of Frein'oifwhich lead to inadequate interpreting, they should inform the client, ask for a pause and signal when they are ready to continue. ensure speech is clearly heard and understood by all present. Where possible (and if agreed to by all parties), interpreters may arrange a short general conversation with clients beforehand to ensure clear understanding by all provide full evidence of NAATI accreditation or recognition if requested

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6. Employment lnterpreters and translators shall be responsible for the quality of their work, whether employe{a$ freelance practitioners or by interpreting and translation aEencies or other employ:.5na'c\/dzqAUSIT inembers may set their own rates and conditions in freelanceEssignments. They may not accept for personal gain any fees, favours or commissions from anyoSe when mdlfing any recomme_ftdations to clients. lnterpretg:rs and translatrirs 5rd trspon5iblS'foisbnrices to clients performed by assista-nts or subcontracted employees. l&T practitioners employed by colleagues must exercise the same diligence in performing their duties.



lnterpreters and translators shall continue to develop theiTyirofessional knowledge and skills. They should constantly review and re-evaluafe their work performance. They should maintain and"enhance their skills by study and experience, and keep up to date with relevant languages and culfures.


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8. Professional solidarity lnterpreters and translators shall respect and support their fellow professionals. They should: assist and further the interests of colleagues, refraining from comments injurious to the reputation of a o1Vofi F>5 proffiote and enhance the integrity of the profession through truElafr-dtmutual respect. Differences of opinion should be expressed with candoUfand respect - not by dehigration -refraining from behaviour considered unprofessional by their peers.

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