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01 While holding down the Continuity butfon, turn the Unit Under Test (UUT) on. Check all segnents of the LCD. UUT is now in the Ratio Test 1.02 Release the Contlnuity button. mode. UUT should read 10000 cts +/- ll cts. Ratlo test should go off. 1.03 Push the Contlnuity button again. UUT should read 0.0000 +/- 1 ct. 1.04 Select DC/V/Z. Short input. CHECK and P0WER SUPPLY DC CALIBRATION 2.01 Select DC/V/Z. Adjust n6 fully CW, Lurn R5 fully CCW. Apply +1.9000 VDC to the UUT. Adjust n5 for a display reading equal greater than 1,9000. Adjust n6 CCWfor a to or slightly display readlng of 1.9000 +/- 1 ct. 2.AZ Apply -1.9000 VDC to the UUT. The dlsplay should read -1.9000 +/- 4 cts. 2.03 Read input inpedence on the 8860. Inpuf inpedence should read 9.9000 to 10.1000 negohms. Voltage should be +5.10 fo +5.30 VDC. 2.04 Place test probe on TP|. 2.05 Place test probe on TP8. Voltage should be 3.07 to 3.22 VDC lower than fhe voltage obtained ln step 2.04. test probe on TP2. Volbage should be -4.90 to -5.2A VDC. Place 2.06 DC/V/200mV. Apply +190.00 nVDC. Adjust RB until display Select 2.Q7 reads 190.00 +/- 1 ct" 2.08 Apply -190.00 nVDC. UUT should read -190.00 +/- 5 cts. 2.09 Select 20V range. Apply +19.000 VDC. UUT should read 19.000 +/- 5 cts. 2.10 Apply -19.000 VDC. UUT should read -19.000 +/- I cts. 2.11 Select 200V range. Apply +190.00 VDC. UUT should read 190.00 +/- 5 cts. 2.12 Select 1000V range. Apply +1000 VDC. UUT should read 1000.0 +/- 3 cts. 2.13 Lower Battery supply potential to 5.6 VDC. BT should appear on the display. 2.14 Raise the Baftery supply potential to 6.4 VDC. BT should go out" AC CALIBRATION 3.01 Se1ect AC/V/200nV. AdJust nl8 fully CW, adjust nl5 fully CCW. Apply 190 nVAC, 200 Hz. Adjust nl 5 for a display reading equal greater than 190.00. Adjus! RIB for a reading to or sllghtly of 190.00 +/- 2 cts. 3.02 Apply 190.00 nVAC, 30kHz. UUT should read 190.00 +/- 50 cts. ( 189.50 fo 190.50) 3.03 Select AC/Y/200. Apply 190.00 VAC, 10kHz. Adjust Ca until fhe display reads 190.00 +/- 10 cts. 3,04 Apply 1.9000 VAC, 10kHz. Adjust C7 untll the display reads 1.9000 +/- 30 ets. 3.05 Repeat steps 3.03 and 3.04 once before proceeding. 3.06 Apply 19.000 VAC, 10kHz. Adjusb CB until the display reads 19.000 +/- 20 cts.



Final AC Check...Makethe checks in lhe table below+/ - cTS DISPLAY FnEo ( Hz\ RNG/FUNCTIoN INPUT (-Vottst 3.0? AC 20 0 m V AC 200mV AC 200mV 200nV AC AC 200mV 2 V AC 2 V AC 2V AC 2V AC 2 V AC 2 V AC 2V AC 2V AC 2V AC 2 0 v Ac 20 v AC 2 o v AC 2 0 v AC 2 0 0 v AC 2 0 0 v AC 2 0 0 v AC 2 0 0 v Ac 7 5 0 V AC ? 5 0 v Ac

190.00m 190.00m 190.00m 2 .l$5n 2.45m 1.9000

200 30k lO O k 500 30t< 200 200 5k lo k 30k 20 100k 2AO 100k 200 10k 3ok 50k 200 10k 3ok 50k 200 1k

190'00 1 9 0' 0 0 1 9 0' 0 0 -50 '0 dB -5 0 . 0 d B 7 -TI d B 1' 9 0 0 0 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 ' 1000 .1000 19.000 19.000 19'oo0 19.000 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 ? 5 0' 0 ?50'0

5 50 500 10 30 10 10 50 2A 100 150 500 2A 150 10 20 1oo 300 10 10 100 300 20 20

push dB on

push dB off 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1,9000 1.9000 1.9000 100.0m 100.0n 19.000 19.000 19'0oo 19.000 190,00 190.00 190.00 190.00 ?50.0 ?50.0

AND CHECK. CALIBNATION FREQUENCY tHZt. Apply 15 rnV AC, 1900 Hz. 4 .01 Select V/AC/}OQ pV. Push reading obtalnable. naxinum Adjust R9 for the Readlngs can be nolsy up to checks. 4.02 Perforn the following +/- 3 counts.

RNQ/FUNCTION 200mV AC I HZt 200nV AC I HZt 200mV AC I HZt 2V AC rHZ' 5.O

INPUT ( V-oLts\ 20n 100m 100n 200m

FREO ( Hz) 100.00 19Cl .00k 1900 .0 19.000k

DISPLAY 100.00 190.00 1900 .0 19.000 llz kRz Hz kHz

+/ - CTS 5 5 5 5

OI{MS CHECK / CONTINUITYFUNCTIONAL 5.01 Select Ohns. Perform the following INPUI ( Ohtffi) short 190.00 1.9000k 19.000k 190.00k 1.9000M 19.00M 90.0M 290M 5.02 DISPLAY 0.00 190.00 1.9000 19.000 190.00 1.9000 19.00 90.0 290.

cheeks. +/ - CTS 4 7 7 7 7 10 3 3 5 button. The LCD should read

RNG/FU],ICTI-0N 200 ohms 200 ohms 2k ohms 20k ohms 200k ohms Mohns Mohms Mohms Mohms

Select Ohms, push the Contlnulty

0L ><
5.03 on immediately. The display should read 20.0X shortly thereafter. The Push the Continuify button again (20.0 ohms st,ill applied). tone syrobol should be displayed, and the piezo should be on 1oudly. Apply 50 ohms to t,he tnput of the UUT. The bar on the LCD and the piezo tone should go off. The LCD should dlsplay: 50,xx Apply 500 VAC, 200 Hz to the UUT for 10 seconds. Apply 190.00 ohms to the UUT. Readlng should settle fo 190.00 +/- B cts after a few seconds.



6.0 DIODE TEST VERIFICATION 6.01 Select Diode test (0frns/e&20). Display should read 0L. nA neter, 5 .02 Apply 1900 ohms to the UUT. Using a digltal The nA neter should read .9 to check t,he output eurrenb. 1 .1 mA. 6.03 Apply 100 ohms to the UUT. The display should read .0900 to . 1 100. The urA meter should agaln read .9 to 1 . 1 mA. 7 .O CONDUCTANCB VERIFICATION Seleet 0hns/200 & Mohns (e0O0nS). Apply 1.000 Mohm. The ?.01 dtsplay should read 1000.0 +/- 10 cts. fhe input to the UUT. The display should read 0.0 T.AZ 0pen circult +/- 2 cts.


Apply 500 VAC' 200 llz to the UuT for 10 seconds. Apply 190.00 ohms to the UUT. Reading should settle to 190.00 +/- I cts after a few seconds.

5.0 DIODE TEST VERIFICATION 5.01 Selecf Dlode t,est (k0hns/A&40). Display should rea.d 0L. 5 .02 Using a digital nA meter, check the out,put curent. Apply 1900 ohns to the uur. The mA neter should read .g to 1 .1 mA. 5.03 Apply 100 ohms to the UUT. The display should read.0900 to ' 1 100. The nA neter should agai.n read .g to 1 .1 mA. 6.0 CURNENT VENIFICATION 7.01 select AlDc. perform the forlowing ehecks,

RNG/FUNCrrON rNPUT($ursr 20 0 u 4 DC 20 0 u 4 D C 2nA DC 2 0 m AD C 2 0 0 n AD C 2000m4 DC 2000m4 DC


DrspLAy t 90.00 -1 9 0 . 0 0 1,9000 19.000 190.00 1900.0 -1 9 0 0 , 0

+r-crs 30 30 30 30 30 3 0 B u rd e n < 3 0 B u rd e n < -. 8 5 V DC

Display shouLd read

+190.00uA -190.00uA 1.9000nA 19.000nA 190.00mA +1.9000A -1,9000A

seLeet A/AC. Apply 19.000 eA, 1kHz. 19.000 +/- 60 cts.


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