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Analyzing Drill down, exception reports, rootcause analysis, multidimensional analysis Reporting Detailed operational data Sharing standardized

reports Monitoring Dashboards, scorecards and alerts CASE WHEN WHEN WHEN ELSE END "Sample Sales"."Dim_Calender"."Month In Year" < 4 THEN 1 "Sample Sales"."Dim_Calender"."Month In Year" < 7 THEN 2 "Sample Sales"."Dim_Calender"."Month In Year" < 10 THEN 3 4

How do you create radio buttons on your OBIEE dashboard? A.)We should paste the following code in the Text box. <script type= text/javascript > function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = * ; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp( (^|\\s) +searchClass+ (\\s|$) ); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } var tables = getElementsByClass( DashboardPromptViewTable ,null, for (var table = 0; table < tables.length; table++){ table );

var stringFunc = ; var selects = tables[table].getElementsByTagName( select ); if ( selects.length == undefined || selects.length == 0 || selects[0].name === atch ){ M

if (debug === 1) { document.write( No selects found. Continue to next record. + <BR> );} continue; // This DB Prompt doesn t have any select statements } var spans = getElementsByClass( minibuttonOn ,tables[table], span ); spans[0].style.display= none ; stringFunc = String(spans[0].getElementsByTagName( a )[0].onclick); stringFunc = stringFunc.substr(stringFunc.indexOf( { )+1, stringFunc.length Func.indexOf( { )); for (var s =0; s < selects.length; s++){ var new_form = document.createElement( form ); var options = selects[s].getElementsByTagName( option ); = selects[s].name+ _radio ; = selects[s].id+ _radio ; for (var o=0; o<options.length; o++) { var new_input = document.createElement( input ); new_input.type = radio ; new_input.value = options[o].value; = selects[s].name+ _radio ; if(selects[s].selectedIndex == o){ new_input.checked = true; } var onClickStringFunc = var sel = document.getElementById(,this .name.length-6)); + if ( sel == null){ + return; + } + var opts = sel.getElementsByTagName( option ); + 2 string

for( var opt = 0; opt < opts.length; opt++){ + if( opts[opt].value == this.value){ + sel.selectedIndex = opt; + } + } ; new_input.onclick = new Function(onClickStringFunc + stringFunc); var new_text = document.createTextNode(options[o].innerHTML); new_form.appendChild(new_input); new_form.appendChild(new_text); } // end options for loop selects[s].parentNode.insertBefore(new_form,selects[s]); selects[s].style.display= none ; } // end selects for loop } // end table foor loop </script> ============================================ Non Oracle employees : By logging into this site you implicitly accept SampleApp V309 OTN license agree ment, available at html ============================================ Login as Prodney / Admin123. This text was added by editing logonmessage.xml and signin.html files under Orac le_BI1/bifoundation/web/msgdb/ folder structure.

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