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Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas Short Coursework English Language (Akademik)

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: Nur A rin !inti "ohammed "oha#addin : $%%&&'%()%*+ : . */' , Penga0ian Sosial : English Language (Akademik) : "dm/ 2os Amishar : ) April *%&%

Sa#a akui kar#a ini adalah hasil ker0a sa#a sendiri ke1ual i nukilan dan ringkasan #ang tiap4tiap satun#a telah sa#a 0elaskan sum!ern#a5

6andatangan Nama Penulis 6arikh

: : Nur A rin !inti "ohammed "oha#addin : ) April *%&%

Themes: Health Title: HIV AND AIDS 7hen we hear a!out 8I9 or AI3S: it instils ;ear: pre0udi1e: misunderstand and dis1rimination in our so1iet#: people ha<e mis1on1eptions: mainl# due to the la1k o; awareness and thus people in;e1ted with 8I9 are atta1hed with a so1ial stigma/ 8I9 is short ;or 8uman Immunode;ien1# 9irus: a <irus that atta1ks and weakens the !od#=s disease ;ighting s#stems while AI3S stands ;or A1>uired Immune 3e;i1ien1# S#ndrome/ AI3S is 1aused !# 8I9/ In short: 8I9 in;e1tions results in AI3S/ In "ala#sia: the largest group 1urrentl# in;e1ted with 8I9 and AI3S is !etween &)4'$/ 6his is indeed a great num!er and i; it 1ontinues: it will gi<e negati<e impa1ts to our e1onomi1 and so1ial/ 6here are man# signs: wa#s how 8I9 is transmitted and impa1ts o; 8I9 and AI3S/ People who !e1ome in;e1ted with 8I9 or AI3S do not noti1e an# 1hange in their health/ As soon as people !e1ome in;e1ted: the# will e?perien1e ;lu or mild <iral in;e1tion/ Initial signs and s#mptoms o; 8I9 and AI3S in1lude 1oughing: shortness o; !reath: sei ures: ;orget;ulness: 1on;usion: se<ere heada1hes: weight loss and enlarge l#mph nodes in the ne1k and armpit/ Later signs o; 8I9 and AI3S are rapid weight loss: dr# 1ough: re1urring ;e<er or pro;use night sweats: pro;ound and une?plained ;atigue: swollen l#mph glands in the armpits: groin: or ne1k: diarrhoea lasting more than a week: white spots or unusual !lemishes on the tongue: in the mouth: or in the throat: pneumonia: red: !rown: pink: or purplish !lot1hes on or under the skin or inside the mouth: nose: or e#elids: memor# loss: depression: and other neurologi1al disorders/ As we 1an see: the signs o;

8I9 and AI3S are similar to an# other <iral in;e1tions/ 6he onl# wa# to know ;or sure i; we are in;e1ted with 8I9 is to !e tested !# 8I9 Anti!od# 6est/ 6he 8I9 Anti!od# 6est is a !lood test that dete1ts 8I9 anti!odies in the !lood/ 6he presen1e o; 8I9 anti!odies in the !lood shows that the person has !een in;e1ted/ In the 1ase o; 8I9: the anti!odies are onl# a!le to ;ight o;; the <irus in the earl# in;e1tion/ 6his test is a<aila!le at go<ernment 1lini1s or hospitals/ In addition: there are also man# 8I9 and AI3S 1an !e transmitted/ 8I9 t#pi1all# enters one person=s !od# when another person is in;e1ted !od# ;luid/ 6he greatest risk ;a1tor is e?1hange o; !od# ;luid during <aginal or anal inter1ourse/ 6here are also 1ases o; people !e1oming in;e1ted a;ter re1ei<ing !lood trans;usions/ In0e1ting drug also 1an spread 8I9 <irus espe1iall# ;or those who share needles/ 6attooing and pier1ing 1an also !e risk#/ -ther than that: mother4to41hild transmission 1an spread 8I9 <irus as well/ It happens when an 8I94positi<e woman passes the <irus to her !a!#/ 6his 1an o11ur during pregnan1#: la!our and deli<er# or through !reast4;eeding/ As we know: there is no 1ure ;or AI3S: !ut we 1an pre<ent it/ 6he ;irst thing e<er#one should do to pre<ent 8I9 and AI3S is to a<oid risk# !eha<iours/ 7e 1an redu1e the risk# !# making 1are;ul 1hoi1es in our se?ual !eha<iours: do not in0e1t illegal drugs and do not ha<e se? with se? workers/ An#one who ha<ing se? with se? workers ha<e high tenden1# in ha<ing 8I9 or AI3S/ Se? with multiple partners also is the greatest risk threat/ E<er#!od# knows: 8I9 and AI3S will 1ause negati<e impa1ts in our li;e/ 7hen a person is in;e1ted: time and mone# must !e spent in pro<iding treatment and 1are/ 8ealth 1are is not 1heap: pri1e 1ontinues to soar: and o; 1ourse: it will gi<e negati<e e;;e1ts on the e1onom# o; the ;amil#/ "oreo<er:

with su1h high in;e1tion rates: the demand ;or health 1are will de;initel# in1rease/ Costs o; health 1are will in1rease: pla1ing mu1h o; the hea<# !urden on health s#stems and !udgets/ Go<ernment need to in<est large amount o; mone# in order to redu1e 8I9 and AI3S 1ases and this is su1h a wasting/ 8I9 and AI3S 1an also a;;e1t 1hildren/ 6his <irus not onl# 1auses 1hildren to lose their parents or guardians !ut sometimes their 1hildhood as well/ As parents !e1ome ill: 1hildren take 1are on responsi!ilit# to earn an in1ome: produ1e ;ood and take 1are ;or ;amil# mem!ers/ 8I9 and AI3S also deepen po<ert# as more o; household e?penditure is spent on medi1ation and treatment/ @esides that: 8I9,AI3S will also a;;e1t the ;amil# so1iet#/ Aamilies who in;e1ted with 8I9 or AI3S <irus tend to !reak down easil#/ It will leads to separation: di<or1e and !roken ;amilies: 1hanging the stru1ture and si e o; the a<erage ;amil#/ 6he politi1al institution also will re1ei<e the impa1t: it will su;;er ;rom a la1k o; potentials <oters and more important is potential ;uture leader who will manage our 1ountr#/ In 1on1lusion: 8I9 and AI3S is the <irus that 1an gi<e negati<e impa1t ;or those who ha<e it/ 6he <i1tim also a;;e1ts the so1iet# and go<ernment/ 6hus: we must pre<ent oursel<es ;rom 1ontra1ting it/ Like we know Bpre<ention is !etter than 1ure5/

References http:,,www/a<ert/org,aids4a;ri1aimpa1t/htm/ 6he Impacts Of HIV&AIDS in Africa A11ess on *C "a1 *%&% 2e!e11a ./ 3onatelle/ (*%%$)/ Health the Basics/ Pearson @en0amin Cumming (*%%))/ Treating AIDS/ 8ealth @eaut#/ Pg ))4)(/


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