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The Teachings of Babaji

Compiled by

Vladimir Antonov,
Ph.D. (in biology)


ISBN 978-0-9784763-2-8 Published in 2007 by New Atlanteans 1249 Bir h!iew "d #a$e%ield& 'ntari( )0# 2*0& +anada Printed by #ulu htt, (0.s,iritualheart

www/baba1i/2(dtea hesus/(r2

3 4ladi0ir Ant(n(!& 2007/

5his b(($ ,resents the readers with the 5ea hin2s ab(ut the Path t( the S,iritual Per%e ti(n (% A!atar Baba1i %r(0 *aida$han 6India7/ Baba1i is the 'ne 8h( (% *is 'wn 8ill in arnates (n the 9arth %r(0 a2e t( a2e t( hel, see$ers (% the 5ruth and t( edi%y the s,iritual leaders (% (ur ,lanet/ 'ne (% the earthly li!es (% Baba1i is $n(wn t( us %r(0 the b(($ (% :(2ananda1/ :(2ananda des ribes& in ,arti ular& h(w Baba1i easily de0ateriali;ed and 0ateriali;ed a2ain *is b(dy when *e wanted t( 0(!e t( s(0ewhere (n the sur%a e (% the 9arth< *e als( ,er%(r0ed 0ateriali;ati(n (% (b1e ts/ 5he ne=t (0in2 (% Baba1i t( the 9arth in a b(dy was %r(0 1970 t( 1984& a2ain in India 6*e 0ateriali;ed a b(dy whi h was already adult7/ *e tau2ht ,e(,le the art (% the hi2hest ste,s (% the 0editati!e ,ra ti e and als( ad!ised *is %(ll(wers (n h(w t( (r2ani;e better their li!es in %r(nt (% >(d/ 5his is a redu ed !ersi(n (% the title Teachings of Babaji 6,ublished by ?*aida$handi Sa0a1@& India& 19907/ 5he (ri2inal (nsists (% the intr(du ti(n and a sele ti(n (% all re (rded sayin2s (% Baba1i ,resented in hr(n(l(2i al (rder& inludin2 sayin2s addressed t( (n rete interl( ut(rs (nly/ A(r this editi(n& (nly th(se state:(2ananda B Aut(bi(2ra,hy (% a :(2i/ N/:/& ?5he Phil(s(,hi al #ibrary@& 1946/

0ents (% the >reat >uru were sele ted whi h are (% si2ni%i an e %(r all ,e(,le and in all ti0es/

:(u sh(uld see$ har0(ny in e!erythin2 that y(u d(/ 8e 0ust shed all 1eal(usy and en!y& be ause they are har0%ul/ 5here will always be hills and 0(untains t( (!er (0e (n the way t( >(d/ C It is the duty (% the warri(rs t( 0(!e the 0(untains/ 6In the ashra07 all ,e(,le are ,r(hibited %r(0 distributin2 %((d& l(thes (r 0(ney t( the !illa2ers/ 5his reates an at0(s,here (% e=,e tati(n and when it is n(t 0et& then the ,e(,le return t( steal thin2s %r(0 the ashra0/ All wh( (0e t( the ashra0 0ust ta$e res,(nsibility %(r its are/ :(u 0ust (nsider w(r$ as the real de!(ti(n/ D( y(ur dutyE D( n(t be idleE 5his is an a2e (% a ti(nE Per%(r0 y(ur $ar0a y(2aE Sh(w the w(rld ideal a ti(nsE Ser!i e t( hu0anity is ser!i e t( and w(rshi, (% >(dE 9!ery(ne sh(uld %(r2et nati(nality- we are (ne hereE 5his is a uni!ersal %a0ilyE *a!e n( idea (% se,arati(n (% identity- dis ard %eelin2s (% se,aratenessE Ser!e the ,e(,le with 0ind& b(dy& wealth& and $n(wled2eE 8e are all eFual& inde,endent (% the (untry we (0e %r(0& and nati(nal di%%eren es sh(uld be i2n(redE 8e are all a unityE


8(r$ as a unit< there is n( here< there are n( di%%eren esE

aste (r


Baba1i blesses all wh( d( their duty sin erely and with de!(ti(nE D( y(ur duty l(!in2lyE 8hene!er the w(rld %a es 2ra!e ,r(ble0s& the #(rd ta$es hu0an in arnati(n and (0es t( %ul%ill the needs and desires (% 0an$ind/ *(we!er& when the #(rd (0es in hu0an %(r0& %ew re (2ni;e *i0/ 'nly th(se t( wh(0 the #(rd wishes t( re!eal *i0sel% reali;e that *e is in %a t 0(re than 1ust a n(r0al hu0an/ :(u 0ay thin$ that Baba1i 1ust sits here d(in2 n(thin2/ But *e has been e!erywhere and is e!erywhereE *e is d(in2 0u hE Baba1i sittin2 here is still ,resent in the hearts (% e!ery(ne in the w(rldE 5h(se ,hysi ally distant %r(0 here sh(uld n(t thin$ they are %ar away B they are eFually l(se t( GeE I d( n(t re (2ni;e astes and ra esE I beh(ld (nly (ne hu0anityE I a0 w(r$in2 %(r 0an$ind while hereE )indle the li2ht in y(ursel%& then $indle it in (thersE #i$e s,readin2 li2ht by li2htnin2 (ne andle %r(0 an(ther all ar(und a r((0& B s( we sh(uld s,read l(!e %r(0 heart t( heart/ I% y(u are w(rthy& I shall sh(w y(u %reed(0 2reater than y(u ha!e e!er drea0ed ab(utE 5( be (0e str(n2 d(es n(t 0ean t( be (0e harsh and heartless/ 5( be (0e str(n2 0eans t( 2r(w bey(nd ,leasure and ,ain& bey(nd heat and (ldE 5here are 0any d( trines/ Adhere t( (ne

,rin i,le B that (% 5ruth& Si0,li ity& and #(!e/ #i!e in truth& si0,li ity& and l(!e and ,ra ti e $ar0a y(2aE I ha!e (0e t( 2uide hu0anity t( a hi2her Path/ I d( n(t bel(n2 t( any ,arti ular reli2i(n& but res,e t all reli2i(ns/ I see$ the ele!ati(n (% all 0an$ind/ 5he result (% hard w(r$ is ha,,iness and the result (% la;iness is ,ain/ I want y(u t( be (0e bra!e warri(rs and attend are%ully t( y(ur (wn dutiesE 5his is 2((d %(r y(uE N(w han2e (n a !ast s ale& su h as at the ti0e (% the Gahabharata& will ta$e ,la e/ D( n(t %all ba $ in y(ur w(r$ but 2( (nE )ar0a y(2a is y(ur %irst dutyE 9!ery 0(0ent& in ea h breath& while eatin2& slee,in2 and w(r$in2& re0e0ber the #(rdE 9!en the Sun and the G((n an 0(!e %r(0 their (urse& but the %aith (% a de!(tee sh(uld n(t be sha$enE Ne!er be 0(!ed by %alse d( trinesE 8hile y(ur 0inds and hearts are i0,ure& h(w an >(d li!e in y(ur heartsH 5he water t( lean the heart is the na0e (% >(d/ S(& tea h e!ery(ne t( re,eat the na0e (% >(d B e!erywhere/ I d( n(t want idle ,e(,leE Ia,a2 d(es n(t ta$e the ,la e (% $ar0a3E Ia,a and w(r$ 2( t(2etherE I d( n(t want 1a,a t( be a ,rete=t %(r idlenessE D( 1a,a with y(ur w(r$ and be liberatedE 8(r$ and be the #i2ht< re,eat >(dJs na0eE
2 3

"e,etiti(n (% a na0e (% >(d/ *ere- a ti(n& w(r$/


Atta h0ent t( 0aterial thin2s 0a$es 0an lin2 t( li%e4/ 8hile y(u are atta hed t( li%e and a%raid (% death& y(u die with that %ear and that wei2ht lin2in2 t( y(u/ I% y(u die with(ut %ear and re0e0berin2 the na0e (% >(d& then the s(ul lea!es the b(dy %ree (% that %ear and atta h0ent/ I% y(u are reb(rn& y(ur s(ul is still %ree %r(0 that %ear/ I% y(u die in KnityL& y(u are %ree %r(0 rebirth& unless y(u will it/ 8e 0ust always ha!e 2((d th(u2hts %(r ea h (ther/ All (% y(u 0ust be ha,,y and healthy and a,,re iate the 1(y (% li%e/ 5he seeds (% ri2hte(usness ha!e been s(wn in y(ur hearts %(r y(u t( $indle the hearts (% (thersE I see$ the 2eneral 2((d (% all ,e(,le in the w(rldE :(u 0ust d( all w(r$ t( ,er%e t hu0anityE All ,e(,le will be sa!ed i% $indness and 0er y will ,re!ail/ :(u 0ust w(r$ t( ele!ate hu0anity and eradi ate ,ride& 1eal(usy& and hatred/ Knite in l(!e t( ele!ate y(ursel!esE 9a h (ne (% y(u 0ust !(w t(day t( sa ri%i e e!erythin2 t( (btain 6su h7 (nenessE Be rid (% atta h0entE And be ,re,ared t( burn y(ur !ery b(nes& i% ne essary& t( se ure the ,ubli 2((d and ri2hte(usness/ 8hy d( y(u atta h y(ur 0inds t( the transit(ry thin2s in this w(rldH Atta h y(ursel% t( >(dE "e0(!e hatred and 1eal(usy %r(0 the heartE 5he sa0e thin2 has been s,($en thr(u2h +hrist/
4 L

5( li%e in the b(dy& t( the b(dy/ In Knity with the Di!ine +(ns i(usness/

8here there is 1eal(usy and hatred& there is n( reli2i(nE I disli$e idleness and 2(ssi,in2E :(u ha!e ta$en this birth (n the 9arth t( w(r$/ 8(r$ hardE A%ter death& what will y(u sh(w t( >(dH N(t (nly here& but where!er y(u are& w(r$ hardE D(nJt use int(=i atin2 dru2s but learn de!(ti(n and ,urity/ It is stri tly %(rbidden t( use dru2sE I% y(u d( s(& there is n( ,r(2ress< y(u re0ain the sa0eE All (% y(u 0ust learn t( be dis i,lined/ Be alert 24 h(urs a dayE All 0ust !(w t( w(r$ and ser!e always& thin$ 2((d and d( 2((dE A (rdin2 t( Gy ,lan& #iberati(n will (0e (nly t( th(se wh( ,ra ti e $ar0a y(2a/ 8hate!er 0(ney 2((d ,ur,(sesE (0es t( y(u& s,end it %(r

I say all this in the ser!i e (% hu0anity/ 5( w(r$& thin$ 2((d& and dedi ate y(ur li%e t( hu0anity is the bestE 9a h (rner (% the w(rld 0ust awa$en t( these w(rdsE 'nly hard w(r$ and ener2eti E an 0a$e ,ers(n ,(wer%ul

5hin$ 2((dE B Be 2((dE B D( 2((dE 'ne an %(ll(w any reli2i(n& (ne an %(ll(w any ,ra ti e (r ,ath& but (ne 0ust be hu0aneE :(u sh(uld sin2 de!(ti(nal 0usi in a way that stirs the s(ul B it sh(uld e!($e dee, %eelin2s/ :(u sh(uld sin2 with l(!eE D( n(t sin2 li$e y(u are ta$in2 ,art in a theatri al ,er%(r0an eE 8hen y(u 0a$e 0usi & it sh(uld t(u h the heart s( that it lea!es a 0e0(ry (n the 0indE 8hen

y(u sin2& y(u and th(se wh( listen t( the $irtan6 sh(uld en1(y itE It 6$irtan7 sh(uld be sun2 in har0(ny& with a sl(w rhyth0/ Put the s(ul int( it& and it will %l(wE 5he 0el(dy sh(uld %l(w in all its sweetnessE 5hin$ (% the 9arth as (% a G(therE 5his is (ne 9arthE D(nJt be di!ided by thin$in2 (% y(ursel!es as bel(n2in2 t( di%%erent (untriesE 8e bel(n2 t( (ne 9arthE #(($ t( the %uture with a !isi(n (% 2((d deeds %(r the wh(le w(rld& n(t 1ust (ne (untryE 8hen hu0an bein2s (0e in this w(rld& they %(r2et their duty and %all int( the atta h0ent (% 0aya7 and int( the (n e,ts (% ?0e@ and ?0ine@& and s( they %(r2et >(d/ Ieal(usy and hatred are the tw( auses by whi h hu0anity is ruined/ In y(ur li!es these tw( !i es sh(uld ha!e n( ,la eE I a0 a2ainst n(n-!i(len e that 0a$es a hu0an bein2 a (ward/ Ai2ht %(r 5ruthE 5( %a e li%e& y(u 0ust ha!e 2reat (ura2e e!ery dayE 9!ery(ne 0ust be (ura2e(us& %a in2 the di%%i ulties (% li%e with bra!eryE +(wardly ,e(,le are li$e dead ,e(,leE I want t( reate a w(rld (% bra!e ,e(,le wh( %a e li%e as it (0esE )ee,in2 this basi ,rin i,le in 0ind& (ur 0ain duty sh(uld be t( s,read the Gessa2e (% $ar0a y(2a in the w(rld/ 8e (ursel!es 2i!e an e=a0,le t( all& by ,ra ti in2 itE
6 7

Di!ine ser!i e with hantin2 (% a na0e (% >(d/ Illusi(n/


Ser!i e t( hu0anity is the best ser!i e t( >(dE 'ur 0(tt( is ?w(r$ is w(rshi,@E 5he (nly way t( (btain siddhis& t( be (0e really str(n2& is $ar0a B a ti(n/ I% y(u learn ri2ht a ti(n& y(u an d( anythin2E A ti(n is Gahay(2a B the *i2hest y(2aE :(u sh(uld ,r(2ress thr(u2h a ti(nE Gan is 0eant %(r a ti(nE 5he 0ain (rder (% Gaha,rabhu1i8 is that y(u 0ust be ,un tual in all y(ur duties& alwaysE 5here are 0any $inds (% y(2a& but $ar0a y(2a is (% su,re0e i0,(rtan eE )ar0a y(2a 0ust (0e %irst& then (thers ty,es (% y(2a an be added/ 5he 2reat ,e(,le wh( li!ed in the ,ast thri!ed by d(in2 $ar0a y(2aE )ar0a y(2a tea hes y(u t( lead a true li%eE 'nly $ar0a y(2a is able t( trans%(r0 the w(rld/ Ina ti(n is the ause (% ,ain and all tr(ublesE 5rain y(ur hildren in $ar0a y(2a& s( that they 0ay be (0e ,e(,le (% 2((d and str(n2 hara terE 5a$e are (% the b(dyE As l(n2 as the b(dy is in 2((d health& y(u an ser!eE 8hen y(u are si $& h(w an y(u ser!eH It is !ery i0,(rtant t( ha!e 2((d healthE In (rder t( d( $ar0a& it is !ital t( $ee, y(ur b(dy healthyE S(& %(ll(w these tea hin2s ab(ut leanliness and health and tea h (thers& als(E S(& all (% y(u ha!e t( 2( bey(nd the %ear (% death and the h(,e (% li%e and 2( (n d(in2 $ar0a y(2aE 8e 0ust ,er%(r0 th(se a ti(ns whi h will

By this na0e Baba1i s(0eti0es alled *i0sel%/


bene%it (thers B and n(t (nly (ther ,e(,le but the wh(le (% +reati(nE Shri Gaha,rabhu1i wants a w(rld (% !ery bra!e and (ura2e(us ,e(,leE I%& with %ull %aith and de!(ti(n t( >(d and with a %ir0 deter0inati(n& ,e(,le %(ll(w the Path (% 5ruth& Si0,li ity& and #(!e with $ar0a y(2a& they will rea h their 2(alE 8hen the wh(le w(rld is burnin2 with the %ire (% sins and s(rr(ws and the %la0es are ab(ut t( swall(w the w(rld& this is the (nly way by whi h hu0anity an be sa!edE 5here 0ust be n( ,la e %(r %earE Pe(,le 0ust w(r$ %earlessly in the w(rldE 8hen 0an is %earless& n( (ne an stand a2ainst hi0 in battle B either a battle in 0aterial li%e (r in s,iritual li%eE *e is !i t(ri(us in all the battles (% li%eE Gaha,rabhu1i has death@/ (ntr(l (!er the ?2(d (%

Gaha,rabhu1i an reate 0any w(rlds and an destr(y 0any reati(ns at *is 8ill/ I% y(u are *is de!(tee (r dis i,le& why sh(uld there be any %ear in y(uH :(u sh(uld n(t w(rry at allE Be %earlessE N(w Baba1i is su22estin2 an(ther ,(int B that we 0ust annihilate the %eelin2s (% ?I-ness@ and ?0y-ness@ %r(0 (ur 0inds/ 8hen y(u all bel(n2 t( this wh(le uni!erse& where is the ,la e %(r ?I@ and ?0ineH@ By this 0eans (nly will the w(rld be bene%ited/ 5his is n(t the (n ern (% (ne indi!idual but that (% the wh(le uni!erse/ 9!ery(ne 0ust re0(!e the di%%eren es between the0sel!es and (thers and w(r$ in the w(rld in unityE


5here is (nly (ne way %(r 0an$ind t( be sa!ed and that is by han2in2 the hearts (% all ,e(,le/ Shri Gaha,rabhu1i will 2i!e *is %ull S,iritual P(wer t( this& but e!ery 0an and w(0an will als( ha!e t( 0a$e their best e%%(rts t(ward this endE In e!ery way& in e!ery 0anner ,(ssible& d( 2((d t( (thers and 0a$e the0 ha,,yE 5( ea h indi!idual and t( e!ery (untry& ,r(!ide what they la $E I% y(u are en2a2ed in d(in2 2((d deeds and 2( (n d(in2 2((d a ts& y(u will ha!e 2((d slee,& 2((d a,,etite and bad th(u2hts will n(t r(ss y(ur 0ind/ 'therwise& y(u will always be riti i;in2 (thers/ 5he %((d whi h we eat 0ust be lean and nutriti(us/ 8e sh(uld ,ay s,e ial attenti(n t( e!ery(neJs healthE 8here!er there are enters& ,e(,le sh(uld try t( 2r(w and (($ 2((d !e2etables and 0a$e hal!ah and distribute the0 t( (thers/ A((d sh(uld be nutriti(us s( y(ur stren2th %(r w(r$in2 will in rease and y(ur 0inds will be str(n2& t((/ It is ne essary t( $ee, the b(dy in 2((d health in (rder t( d( 2((d $ar0aE I% the b(dy is n(t str(n2& h(w will y(u w(r$H 8e sh(uld eat nutriti(us %((d s( (ur b(dies be (0e ener2eti and (ur brains w(r$ better9E I want a w(rld (% str(n2 and healthy ,e(,leE I want ,e(,le in this +reati(n t( be as %ast in their a ti(ns as the windE I want ,e(,le wh( w(r$

Nutriti(n in the ashra0 (% Baba1i& as in all (ther truly s,iritual reli2i(us s h((ls& was ,urely killing-free 6i/e/ e= ludin2 any 0eals 0ade (% 0eat (r %ish7/

with all their b(dily ener2iesE At this ti0e& the w(rld needs su h bra!e& str(n2 ,e(,leE 8e 0ust %(ll(w a ,ath whi h will stren2then usE *(w an that be d(neH It an (nly be d(ne when y(u are hard w(r$in2 and a ti!eE 5hat is why it is !ery essential t( be a ti!e and hard w(r$in2E See Baba1i here& 8h( is w(r$in2 %r(0 0(rnin2 until e!enin2 li$e a 0a hineE 8e 0ust de,end (n (ursel!es and n(t lay (ur burden (n (thersE N( (ne sh(uld ease the ,ra ti e (% $ar0a y(2aE 5his is the eternal& unsha$able 8ayE 5he %a t is& a 2reat %ire (% sins and s(rr(ws is burnin2 thr(u2h(ut the w(rld/ 9!ery(ne li!in2 wal$s and w(r$s thr(u2h this %ireE Death is danin2 be%(re e!ery(neJs eyesE 5he ala0ities& whi h are (0in2 w(rld& are una!(idable/ 'nly he wh( has deter0inati(n t( d( 2((d a ts and str(n2ly de!(ted t( >(d an sur!i!e this ti(nE 'nly he wh( has surrendered the will (% >(d is se ureE t( this a str(n2 wh( is destru -

(0,letely t(

:(u sh(uld n(t d( anythin2 whi h will d( har0 t( (thers/ 'nly that w(r$ whi h bene%its the 0a1(rity (% ,e(,le is truly alled $ar0a y(2a/ I tell y(u that y(u 0ust all s,end y(ur ti0e and ener2y w(r$in2 %(r the 2((d (% the entire uni!erseE 'nly by d(in2 this will y(u be bene%itedE 8hate!er we d(& we will t( d(& 0ust be based (n the uni!ersal 2((dE


:(u 0ust all ste, t(2ether and %(r0 a 2reat internati(nal (r2ani;ati(n B bi22er than anythin2 (r2ani;ed in the hist(ry (% the w(rldE 8e 0ust ad!an e %(r the sa$e (% u,li%t0ent (% hu0anityE 8e ha!e t( 2( bey(nd the h(,e (% li%e and the %ear (% deathE 8hate!er ha,,ens& we 0ust 2( aheadE :(u sh(uld n(t be a%raid (% %ire (r waterE 8hen the need arises& we will ha!e t( 1u0, int( the ' eanE 8hen the ti0e (0es& we 0ust be ,re,ared t( 1u0, int( the AireE 5hat is why all (% y(u 0ust be %ir0 and stableE :(u 0ust ha!e (nly (ne ai0& (ne 2(al B t( ser!e e!ery li!in2 bein2 in the uni!erseE 'nly th(se wh( are !ery alert and are%ul an be su ess%ul in their li!esE I d( n(t li$e dish(nestyE I want e!ery(ne t( be h(nest and duti%ulE 9!ery(ne 0ust d( their duty (rre tlyE :(u 0ust $n(w what y(u sh(uld d( and be busy d(in2 it/ By $ar0a (ne will n(t %all but will always rise hi2herE N( w(r$ is l(w (r bad in this w(rld i% it is d(ne in the ri2ht s,iritE 5he leaders sh(uld be th(se wh( are !ery able& wh( are %ull (% all !irtues and a,able (% s,readin2 this Gessa2e/ 5here 0ust be wei2ht and wisd(0 in their w(rds& s( ,e(,le w(uld li$e t( (bey the0/ A leader 0ust be sel%less< (ne wh( desires t( w(r$ %(r the u,li%t0ent (% hu0anityE 5he leaders 0ust be dedi ated t( their (untry and s,end all the ti0e %(r its u,li%t0ent/ 5hey 0ust be able t( en (ura2e ,e(,le/ It is !ery i0,(rtantE


9!ery(ne 0ust use their (wn (00(n sense and d( their duties with(ut waitin2 t( be t(ld what t( d(/ 5( d( y(ur duty is the 2reatest w(rshi, 6(% >(d7& the 2reatest ser!i e& the 2reatest de!(ti(n and ,enan e 6ta,as7E :(u 0ust see$ #iberati(n and hel, (thers t( a hie!e #iberati(nE


:(u 0ay (rder (ur b(($s at #ulu e-st(rehtt, (0.s,iritualheart :(u an als( d(wnl(ad %(r %ree (ur !ide( %il0s& s reensa!ers& ,rintable alendars& et %r(0 the sitewww/s,iritual-art/in%( See (n the site www/swa0i- enter/(r2 (ur b(($s& arti les& and (ther 0aterials in di%%erent lan2ua2es/ 'ur (ther websiteswww/tea hin2s-(%-1esus- hrist/(r2 www/new-e (,sy h(l(2y/(r2 www/en y l(,edia-(%-reli2i(n/(r2 www/,ytha2(ras/na0e www/atlantis-and-atlanteans/(r2 www/2(dtea hesus/(r2 www/sathya-sai-baba/(r2 www/nati!e-a0eri an-s,irituality/in%( www/2(ds,ea$st(day/in%( www/,ath-t(-ta(/in%(


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