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Praying in tongues Praying in the Spirit is a special gift given by Holy Spirit within us, by grace only,.

Without it we cannot anticipate the future or attacks of the enemy But with the heavenly language, the word says the Spirit helps our infirmity, our weakness for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the spirit jointly helps us, to make perfect intercession, by groanings that cannot bee uttered the word uttered gives idea of loud prayer, but in the greek it is whispers & sighings ! which can be prayed under your breath in an unknown language" Which means its a supernatural language, like #cts $%& says #nd they were all filled with the 'oly Spirit ( began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance) *not their own utterance 'e gave it to them+ ,his tells us that we can pray in a heavenly language when you don-t know how to pray *when discouraged, don-t know+. #nd some of you are going through attacks *like now+ and you don-t know how to pray" You know your rights, know what belongs to you e.clusive compound, ...your heritage, not /ovts, your Gr Flr flat, not /ovts or /hatwais, ...Gorai prop yours not 0elsons1 but you don-t know how to pray" #nd the 2ord showed me... 3-m going to stir you to pray in heavenly language while your eating, driving, watching ,4, cooking, all the time" #nd this doesn-t take your mental effort. Actually your mind would mess it up! 5ou can 6ust rela. ( pray in tongues *,78 'S+ 3ts the ultimate weapon that the enemy doesn-t want you to use. ,hat-s why he attacks teaching of tongues so much. *5ou can tell how imp a teaching is, by the amount of opposition it gets from him"+ eg 'e doesn-t want you to know /race, because the word says The God of peace will soon crush satan under his feet ( goes on to say the grace ( peace of the lord 9esus, be with you) Grace & peace enables satan to be from now on child, 6ust rela. ( pray in the tongues in the rest ( refreshing" *Why 3 led u here+ ,o the woman at the well, 9esus said 3f you ask me 3 will give you living waters, he who believes in me, on the inside of him will spring up well of of living waters.) *9n &+ #nd in 9n : 9esus says If any man come unto me drink *in greek, continually drinking+ out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters) ,he well is for your own use, ;ivers is for others" ,hat-s the baptism in the 'S. <ne of the keys to be full of the 'S is to pray in the 'S...while you-re doing anything" Pray under your breath" #nd the bible says you are being filled with the spirit) 3n #cts ,hey were all filled with the 'S ( began to speak in tongues) The first thing the spirit does when he comes, is to get hold of your tongue! Why= Because in the book of 9ames /od says that the tongue no one can tame. *3t keeps speaking !vely, fearfully, rubbish+ #nd if any one tames the tongue, he is a perfect man. So the 'S takes hold of your tongue. 9ames says if anyone can control his tongue he can control his whole body! ,he more you give your tongue to the 'S in tongues, 'e makes your tongue speak faith ( controls your whole body" (mind, thinking, feeling, will) 3ts ,'> ?<S, 3?P<;,#0, 7>5" We-re in the end times, 9esus is coming, we need to be a powerful church! 0ot impressing others" 'e who prays in tongues edifies himself *charges up like a battery+. We need to charge our faith up" ,he word says in 9ude $@ 5ou beloved building up yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the !", keep yourselves in the love of /od) faith in your spirit is being built up, to be like #esus ( you$re keeping yourself in God$s lo%e!1 A Bor A&%A& says 3f 3 pray in a tongue, my spirit prays), if I pray in an unknown tongue & my spirit prays! not my head, not my soul *not my emotion, not my will not my C senses"+ the part of me that prays is my spirit, which is transformed where every good thing of heaven dwells" 'y spirit prays when I pray in tongues. 0ow we are the temple of /od. What you see is my body, *outer court+ then my holy place *mind+ But you don-t see my spirit *holy of holies+. When 3 pray in tongues my prayer comes out from the holy of holies ?ost holy place" That$s why tongues is so powerful. ,hat-s why the word says 5ou beloved building up yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the !"( When 3 pray in the spirit, ?5 SP3;3, P;#5S" #nd my soul *thinking+ is unfruitful 5ou know why

! my understanding doesn-t have to participate, because most of my issues today are caused by my natural understanding, which hinders everything my worries are because 3 think too much and 3 don-t know much" ,he moment the 'S takes away my tongue, intellectual people *who are proud of their understanding+, can-t stand it" I am not talking to myself or others I am talking to God! 3 am making connection with the only one with whom nothing is impossible" ! li e a Hot!line to heaven better than to our )rime minister )resident *hief 'inister! 3 only have to believe *3 don-t have to understand it-s better 3 don-t+ 3t will Dap me ! 3-d be frightened"
Some years ago, 3 was praying for this church 3f 3 knew what the 'S was praying for the future 3 would have been terrified to know that 3 was going to be preaching to thousands in & sevices per day, twice a week" But thankfuly the HS prays my future through me, wEo my -knowing- it" >g, if a girl is praying in the spirit about her boy friend ( the 'S is praying Father this not good for her, break this up, block this relationship" 3f she knew what she was praying, she would stop because in the natural she-s in love"

+hen I pray in the !", I can pray the divine purposes of God, into my future, into my life on this earth. 3 can be praying against dangers that have not yet occured to me or my family, because /od knows the plans of the enemy before he plans them" 3 am able to pray for the future, ( the now ( bring problems of the past to light ( have them solved. +hen praying in !" becomes intense, 3 can ask for interpretation ( !e gi%es me a word of prophecy or knowledge. *But not always+. Start" So I'll pray with the spirit ( I'll pray with the understanding also. Bome back to A Bor A& ...1 ?ost 3mp the devil doesn-t know what you-re praying, when you pray in tongues"" You transcend him, for he doesn$t understand. # man praying for healing of sister, using 3s CG ( She will live not die)
but it was not working, because of demons mocking" ,hen the 2ord told him ( he started also praying in tongues #nd it worked"" The demons said to one another ,oes it burn you lke it burns me-)fiery sword"

We are in a spiritual battle ! God has gi%en us the ultimate weapon of warfare .praying in tongues . in the spirit( /od told another man that praying in tongues is like lovers whispering don-t shout" ,hat-s the word /roaning)H whisper or sigh, which cannot be uttered in a known language" ABor A&%AI Paul says 3 thank my /od that 3 speak in tongues more than you all). ,hat-s how he got all his revelations" Peter when he went to Jorcas-s house when she died, he turned prayed /in tongues0
then said two words "abitha arise# ,hose two words came out of C mins of praying in tongues" Paul too...preaching at 2ystra ( there was a man crippled from mothers womb 'e spoke only C words Stand upright on your feet). #nd the guy got up healed1 9esus didn-t speak in tongues, because 'e didn-t have weaknesses *like us+, for the Spirit to help 'im. 'e was the only perfect man" Before 'e left 'e said These signs shall follow them who belie%e. In my name they will speak with new tongues) When 3 speak in tongues, signs ( wonders follow" 5es it-s important1

*3n <, all gifts e.isted, e.cept gift of tongues ( interpretation of tongues. 3t shows us that it is the uniKue gift for the dispensation of grace+ #nd praying in tongues is so much easier. $ou can be doing anything" %nd boom, you get a word from God <; boom ! ;evelation comes alive to you" 0ow, >ph L 2et-s name the pieces of armour A+ 'elmet of salvation $+ Breast plate of righteousness G+ Belt of truth girding the loins, &+ Shield of faith, C+ Shoes of the gospel L+ Sword of the spirit. But /od always ends on the :th not Lth...*#nd it-s armour of /od not man"+ &ph '()*!)) Finally, my brethren, be strong in the 2ord and in the power of 'is might. Put on the whole armor of /od, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. which shows that if we-re not alert, there are some wiles which will work1 #ll of us go through stuff we don-t tell others worries, an.ieties, fears, cares. Where can we go to releive all this= By praying in the 'S" ;om I%$L 'e helps ( prays along with us When you don-t know what to do, how to pray" #n.ious, though nothing really wrong How do you get relief + 5ou can Pray in the spirit" ( say % 'S 3 don-t know what to pray ( how to pray. 5<8 S'<W ?>, P;#5 F<; ?>" '>2P ?> P;#5 ,'> P>;F>B, P;#5>; #nd 'e prays for you" Praying in 'S in the word You are praying the "word of the "pirit!

W> know that 9esus took our infirmities ( bore our sickness, that upon 'im was the chastisement that made us whole ( by his stripes we were healed" We also know that it is one thing to know with our minds, that 9esus did this ( that we should be healed ( another thing to e.perience it in our situations" ,hat-s where the battle is" 9ust knowing is not enough" "hat,s when we pray in the HS #nd the 2ord began to show me in a legal case, where you need to go to court, to get something that belongs to you. 3 -know- 3-m being wronged by someone, robbed, cheated 3 know 3 have a case" But 6ust -knowing- won-t win that thing back for me" I need to engage a counsel to appear argue for me! #nd 9esus said that the 'S is our Paraclete *Bounsel in defense+ When my Bounsel fights my case for me, ( when 3 pray in 'S he does it" 'e knows the laws of /od, he knows what to say, what points to make ( 3 get back what-s being taken because He,s my counsel in defence"hat,s the ey# ,here are areas in your life, which you are battling. You$%e tried this that it$s not working you don$t know what or how to pray. 2et the 'S pray through you. 'S, 3 don-t know how to handle this person, or this situation 3 don-t know what to do" 3 don-t know why 3-m tense, frightened. !oly "pirit, you know e%erything about it me! )ray through me to my 1ather 5ou are my Bounsel in defense. Be my counsel to the >ternal 6udge" 'elp me to 6ointly do what 3 need to do. 'elp my weakness. 'elper H take hold together with, against1...If you don$t take hold of the problem, !e$s got nothing to take hold !e$s got nothing to pray. 3 have to release it to 'im to pray. ( ask 'im, because if 3 don-t 'e won-t. 'e respects my free choice" Praying in tongues 3 am allowing the 'S to pray for me" 3f 3 shut my mouth, even if the 'S wants to pray for me 'e can-t" <pening my mouth is cooperating with 'im1 We can still pray in >nglish, if we know what to pray for. 3f you had to go up to A@@th floor of a building, you could walk up or take the lift. 3t-s best to take the lift $ou rest, ( you still reach the top" Praying in tongues is the rest, which the Bib3 le talks of the refreshing( *3saiah $I+ When you pray in tongues 3t-s the rest ( the refreshing. 3t-s the place 3 can go to, to un!stress, to un!wind, to calm myself, my nerves= 3saiah $I prophesies about the gift of tongues, because Paul in A Bor A& refers to it. 3saiah $I says ,hs is the rest ( the refreshing((( yet they would not hear #nd it-s not hard or laborious We must get into the free! flowing river. <ut of your belly should flow rivers *free flowing+ and then you-ll have a bursting forth ( finally a place of fruitfulness" When the 2ord took me into the free flow 3 was praying in tongues under my breath the whole day while playing with 9essica ( suddenly she turned to me ( said 'oly Spirit) 3 asked her what did you say= She only laughed. ?y wife heard it also ( 3 asked her if she taught 9essica about the 'S ( tongues...and she said no. /od had confirmed to me through a babe that what 3-m doing, is right. #fter that 3 got all sorts of confirmation that /od wants this church to pray in tongues. 0ote% 3t-s a gift, to make you spiritually mature not a proof of your maturity" ,he word tells us that the more we use it, the more spiritual we-ll get...+e$ll be walking in the "pirit( ,hen Sr Billy Brimm came ( 3 asked her 'ow much do you pray in tongues=) She said # lot) #nd Pstr 'agin= < he prays all the time in tongues) ,hen she said Jo you know about <ral ;oberts= 'e recently had an open vision of 9esus *A out of C+ ( #esus told him to go around the churches preaching ?y people are not praying in tongues enough. ,ell them to pray in tongues.) 3 believe this is the key to the endtime church growth. +ith tongues, you ha%e all the time, at all times, that-s the beauty" Sometimes you are 6ust having rest ( refreshing ( sometimes you are making intercession for what you may know or not know of. It may be to a%oid danger that the de%il has planned( #nd in tongues you pray perfectly. 3t-s a perfect prayer language" Sometimes it can be in a real language.. testimonies We never know what that praying can do for us, now or in the future. #re we glad for this grace dispensation" First it may be hard, may not seem like rest or refereshing that-s why the word says 23et us labour, to enter that rest) ,he more you do it, all of a sudden you come to a place of rest

,he word here rest) is taken from Psalm MC ( 'eb G, 3 swore they would never enter my rest) #nd this is the same word used in 3saiah. 3 am speaking to you with my understanding, but if 3 want it to go deeper into you, where it touches your life, 3 should pray for you in tongues. 3ts the 'S in your words, that gets across" If you really want to say things that are life gi%ing, transforming, then you pray in tongues( #nd then, 6ust &!C words in your natural understanding will bring life" 5ou-ll pray for the sick ( they-ll be healed. Because you-ve prayed before for considerable time in tongues" So keep praying more, in tongues" Jon-t relent till its free flowing. When in tongues you are praying from your spirit from that part of you, from which faith comes from & .esus, faith, for your spirit & His are one- Faith doesn-t come out of your mind, doubt comes from your mind. Faith comes out of your heart *your spirit+. >ph L%A$ For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, *not human beings ! not against B<#, /hatwai, or ??;J#, B?B, /ovt. We must love un!believers, sinners+ but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (& they don't know what you pray!) Frankly we all have fears, doubts, worries...3t-s the oppression of the devil. 'e hates us ( fights us, because we-re a threat to him. We can overcome all these by praying in the spirit & 3t enables us overcome the wiles of the devil" ,here is a war going on" In all our situations we try to solve it by natural means, by our minds, ! but it$s not enough, for God made me a spirit# And you ha%e a mind you li%e in a house /body+ ?y *9esus-+ spirit is supposed to transform my mind, by the Word, into the mind of Bhrist. 3f all of us are doing it, 3-ve got you covered, you-ve got me covered, our children co%ered, possessions co%ered & things we don$t know of co%ered! ,he 'S knows the wiles of the devil ( 'e counsels prays against the evil, the darkness, even before it happens. If one person is weak, the strong person$s tongues is co%ering. 3f you haven-t slept ( are tired, someone else who-s fresh is praying, covering" 3f you have a burden, you 6ust pray you don-t know who for" Jon-t socialiDe loosely, pray ( speak to one another in psalms, hymns ( spiritual songs.1 v AG ,herefore take up the whole armor of /od, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.) >ph L%A& Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peaceN above all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to Kuench all the fiery darts of the wicked one) 0otice, these are already on you, past tense in the /reek. <nce you understand righteousness, you-ve already put on" >very believer has these four. What you need to -take up- literally -now receive- the helmet of salvation, *receive+ the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of /odN praying in the "pirit always, with all prayer supplication *this is the /th weapon- God never ends on '- He ends on the /th, which is rest#+ being watchful to this end with all perseverance ( supplication for all the saints) We must not stop, but continue with all perseverance" 7eep on praying through the opposition. 3n the greek, the break down of this. 3t says receive the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of /od, -by means of$ praying in the "pirit! #nd the word -dia- appears first in vAI -dia- H through the instrumentality of, by means of1 So, how do 3 receive that ;hema word the sword of the Spirit= By praying always in the Spirit)"" 2iteral /reek By means of prayer ( supplication, praying in the Spirit at all times)1 ,he more 3 pray in tongues boom" # verse is Kuickened into my spirit" 1aith does not come by the general reading of God$s word 3f it did, then every church would have powerful people of faith"" Faith comes by the 0hema word of God ! a 4uickened word of scripture, a word that comes ali%e, by means of praying in the spirit at all times!
,he emphasis here is on the 'oly Spirit *neuter+, not the sword *feminine+" 'e is the only one who can give you the right sword *;hema word+ after you pray in the spirit" 3t can come from the Bible1.

,he first time the word -sword- appears in the book of /enesis, when #dam ( >ve were driven out of the garden because they sinned. /od placed at the entrance of the garden of >den a cherubim ( a flaming sword, to turn e%erywhere, to guard the Tree of 3ife #esus *hrist. +here is #esus today- In us! Where is the flaming sword today= In us, in our mouth# 0o wonder on the day of Pentecost, they saw flaming tongues of fire" 'e was the sword of the Spirit. ,he ,ree of 2ife is now in me. 3 am the /arden of >den. 3 need to speak in tongues that-s the flaming sword that turns every way, to guard the ,ree of 2ife in me" It cuts e%ery way so that the de%il cannot come near! 0o wonder on Pentecost 'e, the 'oly Spirit came as flaming tongues 1 flaming swords# 0e.t it appears with Balaam, the prophet. /od told him not to curse 'is chosen nation 3srael. But he wanted the rewards of un!righteousness. #nd he was on his way by donkey, to meet the evil king Balaak to curse 3srael. #nd on the way, 9esus appears *whenever you see -angel of the 2ord- it refers to 9esus"+ #nd the 2ord opened Balaam-s eyes ( he saw the angel of the 2ord, the ?essiah, with a drawn sword in 'is hand" #nd Balaam fell flat on his face. ,he third time it occurs with 9oshua, when he was very near to 9ericho. ,hat night, he had a visitation ( the Bible says 'e lifted his eyes ( looked ( behold a man stood before him with a sword drawn in his hand) #nd 9oshua said to him #re you for us or for our adversaries=) #nd he said 0o, but as commander of the 2ords army 3 have come) #nd 9oshua fell on his face to the ground ( worshiped. 9esus appeared with a sword( ,hat sword is in your mouth( 3ts a sword which always conKuers" ;evelations tell us that 9ohn saw 9esus glorious. 3n 'is right hand he held : stars ( out of !is mouth went a sharp 5.edged sword( 3n ;ev AM it tells you of the kings of the earth ( the beast the anti!christ... and all his men came against the nation of 3srael. ,he beast was captured ( with him the false prophet signs in his... and the rest were killed by the sword, which proceeded from the mouth of !im who sat on the horse ! that-s 9esus" #ll the nations that came against 3srael, destroyed y the sword of !is mouth" 0ow notice in the old testament it was in 'is hand. 3n the 0ew ,estament it is in 'is mouth. We 6ust read that its the armour of /od that we-re putting on, not our armour. #nd we recei%e the sword & by means of praying in the spirit- 0o wonder the devil is afraid of this ultimate weapon. ,hat-s why he opposes the teaching on tongues. 5ou could figure with your own understanding it seems as gibberish, useless. But what was in 9esus- hand in the <,, is now in 'is mouth. 3n fact the antichrist is 2destroyed by the sword from !is mouth the lawless one who will be revealed, whom the 2ord will consume by the breath of 'is mouth). When 9esus comes again that ;hema, that sword and how does the Bible say we receive that sword= 6y means of praying in the spirit, recei%e the sword. Bome on church ! 5ou say, the devil is all over you, attacking every area of your life. 8S> ,'> SW<;J start praying in tongues. cut him with flaming sword of the spirit, on all sides! 'e-s cutting your family, your possessions... 'e-s hurting your children, loved ones, he doesn-t care & 2se the sword against Him- 3t-s not your sword, its the sword of the Spirit, a part of /od-s armour given to you. ,he 2ord opened my eyes in this ( it has made our church what it is through that intercession" It$s time for you to counter attack & while remaining in the rest & the refreshing# Where did Paul learn about the armour of /od= 5ou know where Paul received it= 3n the <, there-s only one place where the armour of /od is mentioned ! 3s CM% AL /od looked down from heaven ( saw this% Isa 34()5 #ustice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar of7 for truth is fallen in the public sKuare, and uprightness cannot enter. vAC!AL ,ruth is lacking, and he who turns from evil is despoiled. 6it should not be that way 1 people depart from evil & devil attac s them- "hey should be protected7 ,he 2<;J saw it, and it displeased him that there was no 6ustice. 6God loo s & says ,hey there,s norighteousness, no 8ustice 1 that should not be#7 'e saw that there was no one, and was appalled that there was no one to inter%eneN 6no intercessor, so what did God do+7 so his own arm

brought him %ictory, and his righteousness upheld him 9and us:. 'e put on righteousness like a breastplate, and a helmet of sal%ation on his headN he put on garments of %engeance for clothing, 6God put on the armour as vengeance & the devil sees it & says ,; they are declaring revenge on me#7 and clothed himself in fury as in a mantle.) 6God declares fury to His adversary, recompense to His enemies#7 "o bring 8ustice bac 1 so that those who are righteous will not be attac ed# 'ere is a prophecy in 3saiah, where Paul got it from" v()< #ccording to their deeds, so will he repayN wrath to his adversaries, reKuital to his enemiesN to the coastlands he will render reKuital. When you put on the armour of /od, /od is paying him back for what 'e did" #nd he-ll think twice ne.t time about coming against you" 3t needs persevearance ( labour. 7eep at it constantly even if at times you don-t think there-s a flow" 5ou-ll find that the tongues gets more solid 5ou-ll feel the power of /od, to heal, to deliver" But at other times, persevere like a laDer beam" even if the devil is saying nothing-s happening1 What did the 0, armour of /od end with= Praying always in the spirit your praying thanksgiving, supplication,, intercession... you don-t even know what" ,here are times you are 6ust worshiping /od *#cts+ for they heard them speak in tongues ( magnify /od) ! sometimes you-re pleading for someone else. vAM So shall they fear ,he name of the 2<;J from the west, #nd 'is glory from the rising of the sunN +hen the enemy comes in like a flood, 9li e now# to oppress you on all sides 1 0edev, =e!0e> & Heritage, Sam,s 8ob, earlier 0% health: "he Spirit of the ?;0= will lift up a standard against him- ... and it turns back the flood" 6the standard is ( v@)7 v@) #s for ?e,O says the 2<;J, Othis is ?y covenant with them% 'y "pirit who is upon you, and 'y words which I ha%e put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants- descendants,O says the 2<;J, Ofrom this time and forevermore.O =o you see, that in ;" also the prophecy ends up in praying in tongues# /It was for the 8ew co%enant!0 #nd /od says 3, W322 0<, J>P#;, F;<? 5<8; ?<8,' ,he whole of 3s CM that talks about armour of /od with praying in tongues, being part of the 0ew Bovenant promise ours in the present( #nd it's for my seed" ,he more 3 pray in tongues the more my children are blessed ( their seed" #nd then in 3s L@ 3 will arise out of oppression, out of sickness, out of every !ve thing ( shine in the midst of the darkness. 3t-s e.actly the <, counterpart of >ph L. #nd it ends with praying in the Spirit" We have the ultimate" #0J J<0-, F<;/>, 3t-s a flaming sword, which guards the ,ree of 2ife in me" #nd in Prov # wholesome tongue is a tree of 2ife") When the sword comes out of your mouth, it cuts everyway ( the devil can-t do anything" ,he sword is all around you, cutting the devil ( his plans into pieces. Father we thank you for the prayer language of the 'oly Spirit. 5ou promised that beloved 5ou, building up on your most holy faith, praying in the spirit, keep yourself in the love of /od) 3t-s the key of walking in faith that works by love"" ,hank you Father"

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