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NOGALES Files for CONGRESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2008 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge Grade 6

Name: Time: ___ minutes


Solve each item and write the answer on the blank before the number. Use = 3.14 _________ 1. Write two billion, fifty-five million, eighty-six thousand, three hundred eighty in symbols. _________ 2. How many times as great is the underlined 6 in 465 786 745 as the 6 that is not underlined? _________ _________ _________ 3. 4. 5. Evaluate: 24 x 12 9 3. Express 3960 as a product of its prime factors. What digit(s) can be placed in the blank in 56 8__9 to make it divisible by 3? _________ 6. How many numbers between 30 and 150 leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 5? _________ _________ _________ 7. 8. 9. What number is 397 more than 3456? What is the value of 6 in 864 357 475? Write 8 x 106 + 4 x 104 + 5 x 103 + 7 x 102 + 8 x 10 + 9 as a single number. _________ _________ 10. What is the average of the numbers 54, 56, 58, 60 and 62? 11. A number is multiplied by 9. To the product, 145 is added. If the result is 721, what is the original number? _________ _________ 12. Round 34 995 450 to the nearest ten thousand. 13. What is the smallest 5-digit number, with no zero in it, that rounds to 36 000 to the nearest thousand.

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_________ _________ _________ _________

14. Write MCMLXXVII in Hindu-Arabic. 15. Find the GCF of 154 and 198. 16. Find the LCM of 154 and 198. 17. Change 6
7 to an improper fraction. 12




96 to lowest terms. 108 147 to a mixed number with the fraction part in lowest 15



Change terms.



Nina bought 8 pieces of cartolina. She used 2 project and 3

1 pieces for one 3

3 for a second project. How many pieces of 4

cartolina did Nina use? _________ _________ 21. How many pieces of cartolina remained with Nina? 22. Tom received some money for Christmas. He gave mother and
1 of it to his 2

1 of it to his sister. If he had exactly P150 left, how 5

much did he receive? _________ 23. An H. E. teacher bought 121 m of cloth for her pupils. If each pupil was given 2

3 m of cloth and the cloth was just enough for 4

all of them, how many pupils are there? _________ _________ 24. If 34.5 x 623.8 = 345 x N, what is N? 25. Find the value of 15 6 + (-3) (-5).

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26. The sides of a triangle are 21.5 cm, 24.25 cm and 18.6 cm. Find its perimeter.

_________ _________

27. If n:50 = 18:30, find n. 28. A 240 cm3 solution of acid contains 12 cm3 of acid. How many cm3 of acid would 1 liter of the solution contain?


29. 54 plywood boards, each with a thickness of 1.25 cm, are piled together one on top the other. How high is the pile?


30. How many pieces of tape 3.4 cm each, can be cut from a roll of ribbon 25 m long?




9 to a decimal correct to the nearest hundredth. 13

_________ _________ _________

32. If 162 = n% of 450, what is n? 33. If 575 = 46% of N, what is N? 34. A vendor borrowed P7,500 from their cooperative at 8% a year. If he paid at the end of 1 years, how much in all did he pay?


35. The factory cost of a car is P650,000. If the dealer added 20% to the cost as gain, how much did he sell the car?


36. An advertisement says: Regular price P45; now only P31.50. What is the percent discount?


37. A family spends 35% of their monthly salary on food. On a circle graph, how many degrees will represent food?



x and y.

y are supplementary. If

y is 32o more than

x, find


39. A base angle of an isosceles triangle is 9o more than the vertex angle. Find the vertex angle.

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40. A man-made lagoon has a radius of 25 m. If you walk thrice around it, how many meters will that be?


41. One milk can has a radius of 5 cm and a height of 16 cm. Another has a radius of 6 cm and a height of 14 cm. How much more milk does the second can hold than the first can?


42. A ricefield is trapezoidal in shape. The parallel sides are 67 m and 85 m in length and the distance between them is 82 m. What is its area?


43. A box for raffle stubs is to be completely wrapped with colored paper. If the box is 5 dm long, 3.4 dm wide and 6 cm high, what is the area to be covered?


44. A lounge is 4 m long and 3.2 m wide. It is to be tiled with square tiles of side 2 dm. How many tiles are needed?


45. A triangle with a base of 9 dm and a height of 8 dm is to be cut from a thin cardboard 1 m long and 9 dm wide. How much of area of the cardboard will be left?


46. How many circles of radius 4 cm can be cut from a piece of cartolina 65 cm by 50 cm?


47. The shadow of a man 6 ft tall is 10 ft at the same time that the shadow of a telegraph pole is 35 ft. Find the height of the pole?


48. By selling an article for P68, a man loses 15%. How much must he sell it to gain 20%?


49. A hollow metal pipe has an external radius of 5 cm and an internal radius of 4.5 cm. If the pipe is 1 m long, find the volume of the metal used to make the pipe.


50. The scale of a house is 2 cm to 3 m. If a living room is 3 cm by 4 cm on the scale, what is its actual area?

Filename: Grade 6 MTAP Test_11_ok.doc

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