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Fall 2013

NUTR 132: Introductory Nutrition

Section 05 TTH 8:00-9:15 F!S-122 Instructor: Wendy Devine, MPH, RD
Office: FCS-007C (do nst!irs" P#one: $%&-'($-))() (*ess!+e on,y" --M!i,: endy.devine/csu, Office Hours: M-1H ':)$-20:)$ 3 0y !44t.

R"#UIR"$ %&T"RI&'S: Si5er 3 W#itney, 6utrition Conce4ts3Controversies,27 t# ed. 8ccess code for MindTap. 1#ere !re t o 4urc#!sin+ o4tions. Select only one9 1. Purc#!se !t t#e fo,,o in+ *icrosite :R;: #tt4:<< .cen+!+e0r!*<*icro<2-2M:SC$6 8t t#is site, you i,, receive inst!nt !ccess to Mind1!4 it# t#e Diet 8n!,ysis 4ro+r!* !nd t#e fu,, e0oo=<ere!der !44. 1#e 0oo= i,, t#en 0e s#i44ed to you !t your s4ecified !ddress. It>s O? if it s!ys Professor @!cAue,ine ;ee, it is t#e correct ite*9 Cost is B'$.00. &. Purc#!se !t t#e CS:;C 0oo=store. Dou i,, +et t#e 4#ysic!, 0und,e of 0oo= it# ! 4rinted !ccess c!rd for Mind1!4 to !ccess t#e Diet 8n!,ysis 4ro+r!* !nd e0oo=<ere!der. Cost is B20(.'$.

!(URS" ()*"!TI+"S: 8t t#e co*4,etion of t#is course, t#e student i,, 0e !0,e to: 2. ;ist t#e essenti!, nutrients !nd identify #ic# foods 4rovide t#ose nutrients &. -E4,!in t#e 4#ysio,o+y of 0!sic #u*!n di+estion 7. -E4,!in t#e effect of over- !nd under-consu*4tion of nutrients on se,ected #e!,t# conditions ). -E4,!in t#e 4rinci4,es of ei+#t *!n!+e*ent $. -v!,u!te ! 4erson!, diet, identify nutrients of concern !nd se,ect !44ro4ri!te foods to s!tisfy t#ose concerns %. -E4,!in t#e 0!sic 4#ysio,o+y of ,!ct!tion, !nd ,ist 0enefits of ,!ct!tion to *ot#er !nd inf!nt 7. -v!,u!te t#e *erit of ! nutrition !rtic,e, !nd identify nutrition Au!c=ery in 4roducts !nd ,iter!ture (. -E4,!in t#e effects !nd 0enefits of eEercise on over!,, #e!,t# '. -E4,!in t#e 4rinci4,es of s!fe food #!nd,in+ to insure food s!fety

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2. Midter*s !nd t#e fin!, eE!* *ust 0e t!=en on sc#edu,ed d!tes !nd ti*es. If t#ere is ! ,e+iti*!te re!son #y ! student c!nnot sit for ! sc#edu,ed eE!*, !rr!n+e*ents *!y 0e *!de to t!=e t#e eE!* durin+ office #ours. &. -E!*s i,, cover ,ecture *!teri!,, t#e teEt !nd #!ndouts. 7. 1#e fin!, eE!* i,, not 0e cu*u,!tive. It i,, cover on,y *!teri!, !ssi+ned or covered 0et een eE!* F7 !nd t#e ,!st d!y of c,!ss. &TT"N$&N!": 8ttend!nce i,, not 0e t!=en. Ho ever, students i,, 0e #e,d res4onsi0,e for !,, *!teri!, covered in ,ecture, #!ndouts !nd !ssi+ned re!din+s. -E!*s cover ,ecture *!teri!, #ic# is often not covered in t#e teEt or #!ndouts. P,e!se si,ence your ce,, 4#one durin+ c,!ss ti*e. If you use your 4#one durin+ c,!ss for c!,,s or teEtin+ or your co*4uter for surfin+ t#e e0<c#!ttin+, I i,, !s= t#!t you ,e!ve t#e c,!ssroo*. STU$"NTS /ITH $IS&)I'ITI"S: If you #!ve ! need for !cco**od!tion due to dis!0i,ity, 4,e!se notify *e !s e!r,y !s 4ossi0,e, 0ut no ,!ter t#!n t o ee=s fro* t#e d!te t#e course 0e+ins. /ITH$R&/&' -('I!.: 1#e F!*i,y !nd Consu*er Sciences dro4 4o,icy is t#e s!*e !s t#!t for t#e :niversity. GStudents c!n dro4 ! course in ee=s 2-& it#out si+n!turesH f!cu,ty !nd de4!rt*ent c#!ir si+n!tures !re needed in ee=s 7-2&H students c!nnot dro4 t#e course it#out serious !nd co*4e,,in+ re!sons 0e+innin+ ee= 27I. !H"&TIN0: C#e!tin+ is defined (0y t#e :niversity" !s t#e !ct of o0t!inin+ or !tte*4tin+ to o0t!in !c!de*ic credit for or= 0y t#e use of !ny dis#onest, dece4tive or fr!udu,ent *e!ns.J C#e!tin+ i,, not 0e to,er!ted. 1#e instructor #!s t#e o4tion to c#oose !ny of t#e fo,,o in+ !ctions: 2. Or!, re4ri*!nd &. 8ssi+n ! 5ero (0" to t#e or= in Auestion 7. 8ssi+n ! fin!, +r!de of GFJ for t#e course ). Referr!, to t#e Office of @udici!, 8ff!irs for 4ossi0,e eE4u,sion 0R&$IN0 !RIT"RI&: 7 Midter* eE!*s Nit!*in 3 Miner!, t!=e #o*e eE!* Food S!fety t!=e #o*e eE!* Fin!, eE!* C#oose%y-late !ssi+n*ent Food ;!0e, !ssi+n*ent Diet 8n!,ysis 4roPect -v!,u!tion of 6utr. Info. !ssi+n*ent In-c,!ss !ctivities 1ot!, 4oints for course 200 )0 )0 2$0 70 Q$0 ($0 &'0 & K '0-200L (7%&M 4ts" 200 ) K (0-('L (%77-7%2 4ts" $0 !K 70-7'L ($'&-%7% 4ts" $ K %0-%'L ($07-$'2 4ts" F K 0e,o %0L (O$07 4ts"

&SSI0N%"NTS: 8ssi+n*ents *ust 0e turned in to 1e 2er3onally4or )eac56oard dro26o7 85en indicated9 on or 0efore t#e due d!tes ,isted on t#e G1ent!tive Sc#edu,eJ in t#is sy,,!0us. -lea3e do not 3lide a33i:n1ent3 under 1y o;;ice door< t5ey 8ill not 6e acce2ted 9 &33i:n1ent3 3u61itted one 8ee= late 8it5out 1y a22ro>al 8ill 6e 2enali?ed 20@ o; t5e 2oint >alueA &33i:n1ent3 8ill not 6e acce2ted later t5an one 8ee= a;ter t5e due dateA M!=in+ ! 4erson!, co4y (#!rd or e,ectronic" of t#e !ssi+n*ents is reco**ended. Students !re eE4ected to or= inde4endent,y on !,, !ssi+n*ents, un,ess instructed ot#er ise.

T"NT&TI+" S!H"$U'"
6:1R 27&, F!,, &027
$ate To2ic Readin: &33i:n1ent

8u+. &7 8u+. &'

Introduction, Course Out,ine 6utrients, St!nd!rds, Ruide,ines C#. 2 3&

Se4t. 7 Portion Si5es, Wei+# 3 Me!sure Se4t. $ C#oose%y-la te

Se4t. 20 1#e Cody !nd Di+estion

C#. 7 Se4t. 2& C!r0o#ydr!te s3 C#oose%y-la te $ue C#. ) Se4t. 27 Se4t. 2' Di!0etes ;i4ids

C#. $ Se4t. &) Se4t. &% C#. $ Oct. 2 Oct . 7 C#. 7 Oct. ( Oct. 20 C#. 7 Oct. 2$ Oct. 27 Miner!,s W!ter C#. ( $iet &naly3i3 -art F $ue +ita1in D %ineral Ta=e Ho1e "7a1 $ue !5A F D 8 Oct. && Oct. &) Food 'a6el &cti>ityG&33i:n1ent $ue 8,co#o, P+s. )'-$7 P+s. 200-220 C#. ( "7a1 B2 4!5a2ter3 5 D E9 Nit!*ins 3 $iet &naly3i3 S -art3 5 D E $ue Proteins C#. % Nit!*ins "7a1 B1 4!5a2ter3 1-C9 ;i4ids 3 $iet &naly3i3 -art3 1 2 3 D C $ue

Oct. &' Oct. 72 6ov. $ 6ov. 7 No>A 12 6ov. 2) 6ov. 2' 6ov. &2 6ov. &% 6ov. &( Dec. 7 Dec. $

-ner+y C!,!nce Wei+#t M!n!+e*ent -!tin+ Disorders 6utrition !nd Fitness !'&SS"S !&N!"'"$ -v!,u!tion of 6utrition Infor*!tion "7a1 B3 4!5a2ter3 9 D 10 alco5ol9 Food S!fety !nd Food Inc. P!rt 2 $iet &naly3i3 -art3 8 9 D 10 $ue Food S!fety !nd Food Inc. P!rt & ">aluation o; Nutrition In;oA &33i:n1ent $ue N( !'&SS- H&--. TH&NHS0I+IN0I

C#. ' C#. ' P+s. 77)-7(0 C#. 20 P+s. &)-70 C#. 2&

Pre+n!ncy !nd ;!ct!tion C#. 27 Inf!nt !nd C#i,d#ood 6utrition C#. 27 3 2)

Dec. 20 8do,escent 6utrition

C#. 2) $ecA 12 Final "7a1

TI%": 8:00

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