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Script Scene 1: Intro Video Of All The CAST Then intro to the topic by daneyal and welcome Hello

class I am daneyal mirza , your lead presenter of the day First of all I want to tell you that the chapter which we took was already covered in the class by amazing super teacher mam saadia with double a but still as the group before us covered their topic with very extensively via slides so we thought even we should be giving you some brief overview of the chapter CONFLICT AT WORK! Which will be followed by our play So what is conflict? Conflict any situation in which incompataitble goals , views or need lead to disagreement or opposition betweeo two or more parties. Conflict can be of two types, no 1 functional conflict (video) no 2 dysfuinctional conflict ( video) Ana : consequences of conflict are as follows No 1 : leads to new ideas ( video) No 2: stimulate creativity (video) And many more Now for the negative consequences No1: Threatens psychological wel being No: 2 wastes resources No : 3 can lead to very hostile behaviour

Raffia : causes of conflict No: 1 interdependence (video tang pakarne wali) No:2 common resouces ( pages) No:3 skills and abilities ( computer writing one write sfast other slow) No:4 perceptions ( manager gave money but Talha wanted extra leave) No:5 communication barrier ( taloha speaks Arabic )

Iqra : forms of conflic0074 No: 1 interorganizational conflict occurs between two org.( iphone wala fughts with android) No: 2 intergorup conflict: occurs between two or more groups ( two vs tow hum bhi hain josh main )

No: 3 interpersonal conflict: which occurs between two individual (no example to show :P but interpersonal conflict is the one which happened between mam saadia and daneyal the other day in the class:P remember?) No:4 intrapersonal conflict ( which occurs within an individual) It has some types which are: 1:interrole conflict : occurs due to multiple roles in life ( msg of girl friend and boss wants work) 2: intrarole conflict : ocurrs due to conflicting msgs from senders ( one wants this work , other wants that work) 3:person role conflict : occurs due to difference between expected behaviour and values (janu sit on ur knees and hold my hand and then propose me, joa main ni krta I ditch you)

haseeb: COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS 1: FIXATION: Giving persistent response despite that fact it wont help (yeh report ni achi , ni yehk achi hai , ni achi , ni ni achi hai , boht achi hai ) 2: displacement : ( showing emotions on something else) ( mokka ) 3: compensation: ( devoting yourself into something else) ( janu leaves you , you study hard and get full marks yay)

Talha: nO:4 rationalization ( finding reasoning in others argument) ( wo kaam krdeta uske paaas sachi tym ni hoga) No:5 flight or withdrawal ( one party flees from the situation) ( comes and say haye ALLAH and runs back) No:6 fantasy ( when one party imagines an outcome they wanted) ( mokka)

Faiq: conflict management styles: in what way people manage conflict 1: AVOIDING : YOU TEND TO avoid the situation (this is mine , okey you take it) 2:accommodating: ( you tend to give other the advantage happily)

(its mine no its mine , okey specially for you , ill take just one sip and rest is yours) 3: competing ( you fight over it) ( fight over bottle) 4:compromising: its a lose lose situation ( you fight you spilkl some water den desicde toi share half) 5: collaborating : its a win win situation ( you take half I take half happily ever after)

Daneyal : SO that all from the lecture part of our presentation on CONFLict Now OVER TO THE SKIT THAT WE DID SO HERE WE GO

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