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" ..

ChatUpion. of "WotId
.. .. .. .
.rills,. of. IUs- on' the
'1 . .The Race'S Satu;day.
-Well 'Known Aut9mobiIe 'Racer
A."rived From New
, ,
. .
. .......
a cl n
- .' l' roni e skldaJng' *,l'UU d the
.....t-rll'rve Ires-qu1ckiyear out, . Th
al. () pecome v ry hot 'from frf<;lloll
of th(: ,.;Jhllng, 'rhls. caUH ::; LX
us 1I 1M ,II. of f)'oln t;even y-
11 \"E: to el Kh I'v ()(J UU d-" or u.i rill de t h .
lIr<::;: Yes: It is -the Ures I rcar..lnost-
the pinchh g of the:: tube, the tearillg
out at. th.. pltlgs, all:<l Jill lIy. the x-
lJto.lon from the 1'rlCUOll. )\11 t!lI;SI;
thillg:; have 'LO be counted Ull alid tfH:11
which lire wilj it to t1:e
II 51 -'e fron 1 tire: woulll crash yfJU IlIlo
N e InsIde f-.:IH.:e ()l'--an-outsidl: tire ;'am-
would throw YOU' lhruugh
.outside feoce, Or w.ill the rim cut into
to ground and lurn you turLle and
over fe,,:' um_qIersa:ulls as were AI'n-
t(:s. D' Y. ,'l'homas, and fJuor CrOKer
"And then again, if you e:annot avoid I
the fence is -but one way to
. it, and t;ha-l is. If you take a
" fEmc at an angle - thel e is not much
_ .: .. ' " e,hauoe ot (lodging 'tn'e rails and posts_
Barney Oldfield, rac-' St, Louis 1 t;Oolt diawn seven POSl-S
j.1'lg autorrwbillst, ,by IlLs Wi.lh me- a,lld feet
', , .-'- '.' ".,.,'. - .Of 'fence. ' 'were hurted li'lto the
.. "in (-ar:. :in:ture.d:; several 'with
Texas frgm '.1, _the coming o;;el
Qrle'ans,' -and \Y'U at 'h.lgh bQar.d. enee-, -.My g.o-g-
the OrientaJ"_hO'tel-"(]urrtg '.,the re.l'hairi::': \\,eGe. ,c:oulcl ,not see
_. . - - : _ -: _ " 11> At. San'
,eieI:. of the w.e_ek,: Oldfielq Q b.e, 'Cal1fqt ni.a.. :1t; \.\'as dt{ieF-ento I- kn.e\v o-{ he-#th" ail in .lh,:d.I.; ,ua.'o:-to. fence. so 1 saw
,tiQi'). "'" ail. a .Hera'r . reporter .a of ,it:\Y', f et. that \1r'a.s leat:
. , .:Statedl- 'lie- .,,"as . tnncli-,' ... .tl;li"Ougl1, . JIad' I
, . '.. , : ,: ." ,;, : ,._, ,i'. ":"'. '-gone qJrougb "'"ould
to n<?t
, the "prOmlS1rlg turned 0\' t', .c,fs t.he t.. was

:for the automooH<:% raciQ-g e ents ..ail\! 'the: -outside 'wh=el,S woulC1'
" ,lo. -be - helc{:at .tlje -Fai ll:Uc1," ::'dl'Op',t
1"'st: . At Dett:oit
._:. : _ ,'tt ::. - .- '.. ,-}' t..9-roqgq. and even
; 2::>: . ?ISt- s"teel'ed betweeil,t "0 trees,nor. oyer fif- .
visit to -'said! te-en: feet '(pi r,t., .:r: sa,V' a few people: "
,haVe seen' oniY'-the 'Patt ot th.e city then' a jur ag.mY'rnachine :
.,...._. .." . .poor fetlow. \\'11-0 was
eeu. . .. '. tae, tUTn, .. knOYll t,9t\t. '.
Pa(;:!fic -st.:t-tJop, .' L',mu:st Js 't, fatal to. stanci the turn I a.,o:reea.blY ,Stu:pdsed, witli 'anti till' they insil'it ,Oh g-ainS'. to. hat I
I ,iJ:a ;.e'. ..een. ,. 'pJ,ace .i's: 'Sl:.lot. .. l),,;en-e, as 'It '
, . - "_,,._ " _ '..... ull'o the stretch. or aJI the pic- '
. q,ften - of '.l,p . aU parts tak'n un'del' -motiOn c:e-Idbm is
UnifeCi -and,'l ani ,.at "one':e\:er' taken:' 1's .:1'ot:.'Oil the turn
t.he qpport\lni.dt ,-isiUllg','heTe-, '. 'an' '1 }li'n 8:-1wa s for t.he
:, 'MY- 6.pillioll ,g.s to whether or not T .. , .Of.. J, ;do n,ot
. ,:'.' . .' .. --, , , . ,- .-:. count -the press 'p1l0log:raphe1's in t.lus.
be .to ,lower an:r rec- ' -usuall}r 'taKe' turn' pictures J;nit
. 'ords on th-e Fair- ra-ce track? they fch- m,e make a tUJ'll 'a. few
'- ell, hat ''is' barj; .que.S.ti'Oil .:f; tin es. deciding: fiom Wh.,"ll
, . i : of'thefac't ha e t.? t;lketh o. \\.'.e 'will not allo
.: _' ..1, . w , : - - any -one on-tfi_e t_llrn here unless t!}ey
am, ,t\re tn'.es,s' phoCogi'a1J:liel:s and then they
'!.ell just hoW :fast fr wJIl 'he on- the .day will be warned that t.hey are at .their
;ir the 1ti'y:, 'cars .nave been ,ship- own risk, and I will see hat this is
, 0-';"" . . _ .."'r" ............. ..:l. 'l...... "'1- ' ... !.
, .
- :1 . I
.. "
\ "
-" c:., oLUU ..L K".I I.tCI'li':l eye'- lak n.,J,h:)t is :I t on the turn
Lhe OppOTtunlly of \'Isltlng hOl',e. 'Intl'1 alll aIW:Q-S IcC/king loot ;)1' the
"My oph1ion :\S Lo wh'etl1cI' or /lOt 1 I:of!ul... 'liends. or course I I1b not
cou I1t I.lICSS l.lilOtogrophers In Lhh,. ,
will be able 1(1 lowel' aD)' prevlouo:: re - Til.:)' u, ually lurn pictures but
()J'd::; 011 tbe Pnlr I'a e t,'uck? \\"'11 teh I11I? l11U ke a Curl) fa ttlW I
\lVeJl. now. IhuJ is n qucsUon to lim's lJef'J.'\:: deciding {rom wh.. sput;
ans\\ Cl'. In vi .w or the-(act th 1 I h.ll tl l;lke phl)\ . ?\. w will Jl\n 31l0W
all,\" one 11 the here unless they
neyer seen the track. a.nd alil un.'l.ble to ore ill" 5S phologl'ulJhers :U1U theh
tell jUliL how fast It will be Oil the will be warnell thal lll\!)' :u'e at th('lr
of Lhe '::1ces. cars ,llave been .hlp- 0 \'11 l"lsk, anu I will lhat lbls J.
enfo"cedi b)' Lhe police. ,I land
ued by fast {re(ght {I'om New Orleans, that we will have the best o( I pollee
I 3m ioformed that 10 somel de-
- .. PI' lectlon her. At t. Louis tlie \'er-
lay In loading anI}' shipping trom I ew or the corOliel"s jury ,,"as 6eath
Orle;ans. the maohlnes not r a<:h death i:t\utied, to from the
, here until 8 a. rn. .. 1 ha In- ImpropcL' nollclns- or the traeR. 811d
tended them the p ade then tile poUce han! alwars been
, '. ".willing Lo co-ope.rate with us in Iceep-
Friday had they arrived In, time. I .1J1g spcctn,lors in the j)IIOpel' place,
The. twenty-mule team. which Is now which Is eltllel' in gl'auol stand or
. :l.t'eome .pOlnt belween Plano :utd D,:U- near it."
I Jns. wJll be one 01' the fe.'l.turelJ 0 the
dutomoblle, parade tomorrow. his
unJque spectacle wUl be seen at thr.
head- of;the line of "chug::,w;.lg,ons '
In Intei.:vlew, i\.II'.. OIdfiel-d,
"1 thInk that- the greiltesl glo y 1
ever f-elt waa the day that I dro,,', no
:. __;...;....---':-,...-__ .. _
In d'Oing. that: per{ol'mance I sit ply
llve(l up -to what I bad predicted. land
wblcb. \,llen 1 pre-dicted 'it, ITUlde me
the- 'subject' 'Of. much tldicule.
Jt Ilof help but
atrord me Illucb .wh'en I 'as
l!-ble .t9 ano\\-: that even the c
dictions lhl;\l I made would com Lo
I pnss. I beJIeYe in two miles :l-
I minute, and .I b9pe to be the -first 0./1
to l1'rlve them.. Wll..'\t was my: gre test
,ra-ce'! Well: ,the.
!.1i'ad to geat'- was ll'1l a11d I
am glad to sa.y that:. Tpe hardest race
.! I evi?r Tun w.a,s fOl" the cham-
plonsblp. I , 'oi'ked more. e.'ilrnl:!st-
Ily au9 trained' loliger for tbis event
: tHa.n .1' d'id! rOT tile--'\\'Ql'ld's cb.:impion-
: ship .act tlle N-ew tPr,k,
: When I defeated BernJn, the cha.mpion
II (lof France, Salorl,."the chamipion of
Italy. -and Thery, the winner of ,the Gordon .cup. I 'knew I could bea.t
,ll.the-Ql and ,r dlOi,'- .tn. the
,contest tbere 'WI.S> '9'Oubt in my mind
.. until I crossed the'- tripe for tlle last
[time. '.: r' -"
, I like' eCor'd;.br-eaking'aud take I
pride iil 9f The:
ma'l'ks t!]-led for' py. the 'foreigners have
1. be'en '''''th expe]l.sive" cars" of :mUQh
gTeater 'borse -po'\y'-er than.' mlnejt.aml the
tact -tJiat" tlie AmeI'ica:n. ca'r "'fiolds all
:tiCQ'J;'Qs ,triicks. from oJ:le

one;;;l1un-dred mile;;;, is a great sour.ce

ot'prlde to me "v:', -' ....
. ' '., .' . : . '1;.reakInS'.. mare

-, 1'-, o. m!:-d<e
. - -, 't:mg1.!!s, e..; -A-'Ure' l"QJHllg fl:l'r
"t :-,;' ,'0' :J ... I
'.', f .", .:. ..,. "..'.. ,.l[):t ... .
. "- ',' .' ',. - - .. 'ze - '" he-' ';:-1' "th "t ,- .,.
: ......._- ,..;" ..-. #. "'':.. __= -, ,._. r.... _,.:-.,. _: JI.: .. ,;: t
.:' 'X.. __ ":' :;;;,.- ... ; ",3:, ,m1le'tl,';I)a,. e as. . '
. ''\' 0 ,'.1;"<" ,

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