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Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL

guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below. Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist
I $ Provide !ultiple !eans of Representation" Provide options for perception $ $ !ffer ways of customi"ing the display of information $ % !ffer alternati es for auditory information
The teacher will show a video from BrainPop that
#our notes

$ & !ffer alternati es for isual information

teaches the election process. This will be a good starter activity because it will visually and auditory engage students. Students will have general knowledge on the election process after viewing this video. The pictures and screen will keep students attention to enhance their learning. Students may have an easier time relating the video to the book as the story is read aloud to them.
The information is presented for auditory learners by ha ing it read aloud to them.

Provide options for lan'ua'e( )athe)atical e*pressions( and s+),ols % $ %larify ocabulary and symbols % % %larify syntax and structure % & &upport decoding of text' and mathematical notation' and symbols % - #romote understanding across language % . (llustrate through multiple media

#repare and teach the word wall the day before the lesson. $efore the lesson present the word collage made on Tagxedo. This is a fun way to review the

words that were taught yesterday that are relevant to understanding the story.


Provide options for co)prehension & $ )cti ate or supply bac*ground *nowledge

& % Highlight patterns' critical features' big ideas' Powerpoint in groups (consisting of 2 ! students" that and relationships paraphrases the se#uence of events that $race would do to become president. This will customi%e the & & +uide information processing' isuali"ation' display of information by having the information and manipulation presented in multiple means so students have multiple visual guides for absorbing the information. & - ,aximi"e transfer and generali"ation II Provide !ultiple !eans for /ction and E*pression" 4. Provide options for ph+sical action - $ .ary the methods for response and na igation - % !ptimi"e access to tools and assisti e technologies 5. Provide options for e*pression and co))unication . $ Use multiple media for communication . % Use multiple tools for construction and composition
#our notes &tudents will be acti e when gi en the opportunity to use the promethean board. &tudents will also mo e from their seats to the carpet and bac*. The short wal* will allow them to get the -itters out of their system so that they can sit still while doing their wor* and listening to the story. ,ultiple tools we be used to teach the lesson&

The students will ha e the opportunity to go to the #romethean $oard to write each of the steps in the election process. &tudents will also create a poster on

watching a video' listening to a book' large group discussion' and a small group writing activity. This lesson caters to multiple methods of understanding and synthesi%ing the lesson.
&tudents will be placed in small groups and instructed to construct a digital poster in which they state the main idea of the story and depict the steps she too* to win the election. &tudents will use

. & $uild fluencies with graduated labels of support for practice and performance

Power Point to create the posters. (ach group will have the opportunity to share their posters with the rest of the class through the Promethean Board.
Using a graphic designer to assist students in writing

6. Provide options for e*ecutive functions

CAST 2011

0 $ +uide appropriate goal setting

UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2 and organi"ing the steps in the election process.

CAST 2011

UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

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