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HANDOUT COURSE NO! COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR C%&'() D)(*'+,-+%. Assessment of corporate strengths, weaknesses and opportunities; planning and deployment of capital assets; profit planning and control; functions, problems, pressures, responsibilities, limits of the chief executive; evaluation of one's own business undertaking; formulating objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for improving company's present situation; personnel strength and implementation of the policies and programmes. S*%,) /.0 O12)*-+3)( To demonstrate that business problems are cross functional and that solutions to them re!uire strategic thinking. To encourage you to be precise and specific in your thinking and to help you separate the important from the incidental. To develop a set of analytical tools to enable you to evaluate complex situations. PRESCRIBED TE4T BOOK T". #heelen, Thomas $. and %. &avid 'unger, (oncepts in )trategic *anagement and +usiness ,olicy, ,earson -ducation, ".th ed., ./"/. " " " MMVA #G$11 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS POLICY SWATI ALOK

REFERENCE BOOKS" 0". 0.. 06. 0:. 0=. 03. %honson 1erry and )choles 2evan, -xploring (orporate )trategy, Text and (ases, ,earson 3 th -dition. A4har 2a4mi, +usiness ,olicy and )trategic *anagement, Tata *c1raw 'ill, .5e 7red 0 &avid, )trategic *anagement 8 (oncepts and (ases, ,earson, 9 th -d., .//:. $ynch 0ichard, (orporate )trategy, ,erson -ducation, 7irst ;mp. .//<. 'ilt, ;reland and 'oskisson, (ompetitiveness and 1lobali4ation, Thomsons, >ew &elhi. &avid 0.7., )trategic *anagement, ,earson -ducation, .//6.

MMVA #G$11



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T%,+*( +asic (oncepts of )trategic *anagement (orporate 1overnance and )ocial 0esponsibility

L)/'.+.7 %12)*-+3) #hy study )* 1lobalisation? a new challenge for )trategic *anagement Theories of organi4ational adaptation +asic model of )trategic *anagement 8 )trategic &ecision *aking (orporate governance and )ocial responsibility@ (orporate governance 8 0ole A responsibility of the +oard 0ole of top management )ocial responsibilities of strategic &ecision *aking -thical &ecision *aking Approaches to understanding ethics -nvironmental scanning A industry analysis @-xternal environment ,-)T-$ ,ositioning strategic factors industry analysis A ,orters = forces model competition and industry life cycle strategic groups and categories creating industry matrix using 2)7 competitive intelligence A forecasting Brganisational analysis@ ;nternal environment resources and sustainability of (ompetitive Advantage based on resources Calue chain analysis 7unctional resources )ituation analysis and business strategy@ )#BT T#B) matrix ,orterDs generic competitive strategies issues in competitive strategies 8 Tactics@ Bffensive A defensive 8 cooperative strategies (orporate )trategy@ (orporate )trategy growth strategies stability strategies 0etrenchment strategies ,ortfolio analysis@ +(1 matrix; 1- +usiness )creen, ;nternational portfolio (orporate parenting@ ,arenting 7it matrix hori4ontal strategy 7unctional strategy A strategic choice @ 7unctional strategy sourcing, marketing, finance, 0 A & , operations, purchase, logistics, '0*, info systems making strategic choice constraints@ risk, stakeholders expectations, (ulture ,olicies

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-nvironmental )canning and ;ndustry Analysis

;nternal )canning@ Brgani4ation Analysis )trategy 7ormulation @ )ituation Analysis and +usiness )trategy )trategy 7ormulation@ (orporate )trategy

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)trategy 7ormulation@ 7unctional )trategy and )trategic (hoice

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R)3+); S)((+%. Syllabus of Mid Semester Test (Closed Book) Topics in S. No 1 to 9 )trategy ;mplementation@ Brganising for action@ ;mplementation decomposing Brgani4ing for Action into programmes, budgets and procedures right structure organi4ing for life cycle advanced organi4ational structures reengineering centrali4ation vs decentrali4ation )trategy ;mplementation@ )taffing A directing@ )taffing selection and )taffing and &irecting management development retrenchment managing corporate culture 'ofstedeDs national cultural dimensions *+B TF*

T" (h 9 )ec@9.",9..,9.6, 9.: T" (h "/ )ec@"/.","/..

MMVA #G$11



S!N%! "6

T%,+*( -valuation and (ontrol

L)/'.+.7 %12)*-+3) (ontrol process measuring performance Activity based costing ,rimary measures of@ (orporate performance, divisional A functional performance ;nformation systems problems in measuring performance guideline for proper control strategic audit of corporate performance Appendix "/A 0ole of top management external scanning internal scanning product vs process innovation Technology competence and sourcing dimensions of innovative entrepreneurial culture best 0 A & practices #ho are -ntrepreneurial ventures and small businesses use of strategic planning and )trategic *anagement model issues in corporate governance, environmental scanning, strategy formulation, implementation, transfer of power , evaluation A control #ho is non profit why revenue source and pattern of influence on strategic decision making impact of constraints on )trategic *anagement popular >ot for ,rofit strategies 7inancial analysis common si4e statements 4 value and free cash flow strategic audit

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)trategic ;ssues in *anaging Technology and ;nnovation )trategic ;ssues in -ntrepreneurial Centures and )mall +usinesses )trategic ;ssues in >ot for ,rofit Brgani4ations )uggestions Analysis for (ase

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R)3+); S)((+%. Syllabus of Comprehensi e !"amination (#pen Book) $ll topics %i en in &lan of Self Study

E3/<&/-+%. S*=)>)" EC N%! EC-1 EC-2 EC-3 E3/<&/-+%. C%>,%.).- & T?,) %8 E9/>+./-+%. Fui4 ; Fui4 ;; Fui4 ;;; *id )emester Test 5C<%()0 B%%:6@ (omprehensive -xam 5O,). B%%:6@ 'uration W)+7=-/7) =G =G =G 6=G =/G 'ay( 'ate( Session(Time 7ebruary /" to 7ebruary "/, ./": 7ebruary .. to *arch /6, ./": *arch .. to *arch 6", ./": )unday, .65/.5./": HA>IJ . ,* 8 : ,* )unday, "65/:5./": HA>IJ . ,* 8 = ,*

. 'ours 6 'ours

AN" After>oon )essionA FN" 7ore>oon )ession C<%()0 B%%: T)(-" >o reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall. O,). B%%: E9/>" Kse of any printed 5 written reference material Hbooks and notebooksI will be permitted inside the exam hall. $oose sheets of paper will not be permitted. (omputers of any kind will not be allowed inside the exam hall. Kse of calculators will be allowed in all exams. >o exchange of any material will be allowed. N%-)" ;t shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as given in the course handout, attend the online5on demand lectures as per details that would be put up in the BITS LMS T/9+</ website ;;;!-/9+</!1+-(-,+</.+!/*!+. and take all the prescribed components of the evaluation such as Assignment 5C%&'() P/7) %. LMS T/9+</6, *id )emester Test and (omprehensive -xamination according to the -valuation )cheme given in the respective (ourse 'andout. ;f the student is unable to appear for the 0egular Test5-xamination due to genuine exigencies, the student must refer to the procedure for applying for *ake up Test5-xamination, which will be available through the ;mportant ;nformation link on the BITS LMS T/9+</ website ;;;!-/9+</!1+-(-,+</.+!/*!+. on the date of the 0egular Test5-xamination. The *ake up Tests5-xams will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later. I.(-'&*-%'-+.-C=/'7)

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