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Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic engagement ith !ene"uela through infrastructure investment#

Agriculture Advantage
Chave"$s death ma%es the future of !ene"uela$s agriculture sector uncertain Farm Futures, 13
(Farm Futures staff writers, Farm Futures provides information on farming finance, "USGC: Venezue an !gricu tura Future Uncertain", "arc# 1$, %&13, farmfutures'com(stor)*usgc*venezue an*agricu tura *future*uncertain*&*+,&&-. "/ !fter a 1$ )ear ru e as president of Venezue a, t#e passing of 0ugo C#avez eaves t#e countr)1s agricu tura sector in a state of uncertaint), according to t#e U'S' Grains Counci ' USGC 2egiona 3irector 4urt S#u tz sa)s misguided agricu tura po icies #ave "destro)ed agricu tura outputs" in Venezue a' "5#e countr)1s po ic) of e6propriating or nationa izing domestic industr) #as a so #urt private investment and reduced t#e productive capacit) of t#e private sector," S#u tz sa)s' USGC staff was in Venezue a t#is mont# presenting resu ts from t#e USGC Corn 0arvest 7ua it) 2eport %&1%*13' 3ue to t#e ow agricu tura output, Venezue a #as 8ecome t#e second* argest corn mar9et

after "e6ico in t#e /atin !merica region, importing more t#an 1 mi ion metric tons (3+ mi ion 8us#e s. of U'S' corn annua )' S#u tz said t#at C#avez1s successor cou d 8e up against a period of po itica infig#ting : creating additiona uncertaint) and ris9 for t#e ivestoc9 industr), w#ic# is a read) faced wit# price contro s, corruption, and foreign e6c#ange imits'

Underutuali"ation of the land ma%es colla&se of the sector inevitable Car son, 13
(C#ris, master;s degree in /atin !merican studies from t#e Universit) of <isconsin, "=oor Uti ization of t#e /and >e#ind Food S#ortages in Venezue a", "a) %3, %&13, venezue ana )sis'com(news(+?3-. "/ !s Venezue a continues to suffer s#ortages in man) 9e) food items and a dependence on food imports, some officia s are pointing poor and uti ization as a 9e) cause of t#e pro8 em' >ut various officia s #ave pointed to a deeper pro8 em t#at goes 8ac9 decades in Venezue a: t#e poor uti ization of Venezue a;s agricu tura ands' @Venezue a #as arge e6panses of and and favora8 e conditions for agricu tura deve opment' Af t#e) ta9e advantage of it, t#e countr) #as t#e capacit) to 8e se f*sufficient in agricu tura products,B #e said' >ut <or d >an9 statistics seem to confirm t#e view t#at muc# of Venezue a;s and is vast ) underuti ized' <it# a tota

and area of +% mi ion #ectares, Venezue a cu tivates ess t#an 3 mi ion'

US assistance is necessary to save !ene"uela$s agriculture sector Sc#werin, &C

(3ave Sc#werin, @!gricu ture in Venezue a: 0opes for a Sustaina8 e Future'B 3ic9inson Co ege, Car is e, =a' Df t#e Venezue a =rogram t#ereof'. 2/" #ttp:((www%'dic9inson'edu(departments(commstud(=3FEfi es(studentpapers(venezue a&C(davesc#werin'pdf

>esides maintaining environmenta and economic standards, ! ianza serves as a mode for socia sustaina8i it) 8ot# in t#e organization;s interna structure and t#e socia programs it #as started ' 5o e6ercise t#eir democratic commitment, mem8ers
c#ange t#e <or9 Coordinator position, as we as most ot#er positions, ever) 1? da)s' ! so, participants ma9e a c#oices 8) consensus' !dministrative positions, suc# as president, secretar), and treasurer rotate ever) t#ree )ears' >ut ! ianza provides "ontecarme o and t#e rest of t#e countr) wit# more t#an Fust a mode for participator) democratic socia ism' An %&&%, government officia s visited to eva uate t#e verma compost s)stem, t#en comprised of on ) five concrete processing tu8s' ! ianza;s s)stem so impressed t#e inspectors t#at t#e government funded a massive

e6pansion of t#e program to its current size at twent) five processing tu8s' Committed to repa)ing t#e oan, ! ianza mem8ers decided to #o d educationa wor9s#ops to teac# verma composting tec#niGues to farmers from a over t#e countr)' ! so, students from universities and even #ig# sc#oo s come to earn tec#niGues practiced 8) ! ianza mem8ers' 5#e mem8ers a so proposed
a >o ivarian sc#oo for t#e communit) to t#e "inistr) of Hducation, w#o granted a t#ree )ear tria period w#ic# went successfu ) enoug# to ma9e t#e sc#oo a permanent institution' !t t#eir twent) five )ear reunion, mem8ers of ! ianza met to review t#eir progress as we as reaffirm

t#eir goa s for t#e future, p edging t#eir commitment to education, #ea t#, deve opment of oca economies, and participator) democrac)'$C Sti , some structura and cu tura o8stac es stand in t#e wa) of ! ianza;s success' For instance, no Venezue an compan) #as deve oped a oca source of seed, so ever) farm must depend on t#e United States and Hurope for t#is necessit)' ! so, t#e vast maForit) of consumers do not appreciate t#e #ea t# and communit) 8enefits of organic agricu ture since it #as 8een ong disp aced from cu tura memor)' Seeing no difference 8etween c ean ) raised
and conventiona ) raised food, consumers are unwi ing to pa) more for products wit# #ig#er nutritiona va ue, even t#oug# t#ese goods reGuire more intensive a8or to produce t#an c#emica farming'

'ey to !ene"uelan economy 3iaz, 13

3iaz, an Ante igence Communit) !ssociate at t#e U'S' 3epartment of State, %&13 ("igue , a former mem8er of professiona staff of t#e 0ouse Ante igence Committee, w#ere #e ed oversig#t of t#e U'S' inte igence communit);s activities in /atin !merica, @=o ic) 3iscussion and /unc#eon * !fter C#avez: <#at;s Ie6t for Venezue aJB, accessed on Kune %$, %&13 from #ttps:((www'g o8a pitts8urg#'org(node(?,3, 8 #. Kust wee9s after #is deat#, t#e de8ate rages over t#e egac) of 0ugo C#avez' Foreign po ic) ana )sts and pundits #ave offered eu ogies ranging from caustic to somet#ing resem8 ing admiration' Io matter w#ere one stands, one fact is c ear: !fter fourteen )ears,
Venezue a is no onger under t#e contro of C#avez' Sout# !merica;s fift# argest countr) is now ed 8) #is #eir apparent, Iico Ls "aduro M t#e interim president' >ut, wi t#is astJ 3espite a re ative ) c ear ine of succession, t#e sta9es for t#e countr) of %+ mi ion peop e are #ig# ' >e)ond t#e sometimes*#eated (and at times 8izarre. r#etoric 8etween C#avez and t#e U'S' government, a ro8ust trade re ations#ip 8etween t#e two

countries e6ists' Venezue a is current ) t#e t#irteent# argest oi *producing nation in t#e wor d M and one of t#e top four foreign oi supp iers to t#e U'S' !ccess to t#e U'S' mar9et is essentia for Venezue a: !merican*produced mac#iner),

agricu tura products, and medica tec#no og) are 8ut a few maFor imports critica to t#e Venezue an econom) ' Net
Venezue a;s re ations#ip wit# countries on t#e U'S';s prover8ia @8 ac9 istB M most nota8 ) Aran M #as c#i ed dip omatic re ations'

That$s %ey to the global economy >>C, ,(%$

>>C Iews, !ccessed on ,(3$(%&13,Specia 2eports*Di Hconom), @Venezue a: 4e) FactsB #ttp:((news'88c'co'u9(%(s#ared(sp (#i(guides($?,+&&($?,++,(#tm (nn3page1'stm Di is t#e ife8 ood of Venezue a and ensures an important position in t#e g o8a econom) ' O At is one of t#e founding Dpec nations and is estimated to #ave t#e argest oi reserves in t#e <estern 0emisp#ere' O 0ig# wor d oi prices #e ped Venezue a recover from
t#e impact of nationa stri9es in %&&% and t#e econom) continues to grow' O 5#e oi sector accounts for more t#an C?P of e6port revenues, a8out #a f of tota government revenues' O 5#e

US is t#e argest destination of petro eum e6ports, 8ut C#ina is one of t#e fastest growing

customers for its crude oi '

(conomic decline causes nuclear 2o)a , 1&


(3irector of Cooperative 5#reat 2eduction at t#e U'S' 3epartment of 3efense (Kededia#, @Hconomic Antegration, Hconomic Signa ing and t#e =ro8 em of Hconomic Crises,B in Hconomics of <ar and =eace: Hconomic, /ega and =o itica =erspectives, ed' Go dsmit# and >rauer, p' %13*%1?. /ess intuitive is #ow periods of economic dec ine ma) increase t#e i9e i#ood of e6terna conf ict ' =o itica science iterature #as
contri8uted a moderate degree of attention to t#e impact of economic dec ine and t#e securit) and defence8e#aviour of interdependent states' 2esearc# in t#is vein #as 8een considered at s)stemic, d)adic and nationa eve s' Severa nota8 e contri8utions fo ow' First, on t#e s)stemic eve , =o ins (%&&-. advances "ode s9i and 5#ompson1s (1++,. wor9 on eaders#ip c)c e t#eor), finding t#at r#)t#ms in t#e g o8a econom) are associated wit#

t#e rise and fa of a pre*eminent power and t#e often 8 ood) transitionfrom one pre*eminent eader to t#e ne6t ' !s suc#, e6ogenous s#oc9s suc# as economic crises cou d us#er in a redistri8ution of re ative power (see a so Gi pin' 1+-1. t#at eads to uncertaint) a8out power 8a ances, increasing t#e ris9 of misca cu ation (Feaver, 1++?.' ! ternative ), even a re ative ) certain redistri8ution of power cou d ead to a permissive environment for conf ict as a rising power ma) see9 to c#a enge a dec ining power
(<erner' 1+++.' Separate ), =o ins (1++,. a so s#ows t#at g o8a economic c)c es com8ined wit# para e eaders#ip c)c es impact t#e i9e i#ood of conf ict among maFor, medium and sma powers, a t#oug# #e suggests t#at t#e causes and connections 8etween g o8a economic conditions and securit) conditions remain un9nown' Second, on a d)adic eve , Cope and1s (1++,, %&&&. t#eor) of trade e6pectations suggests t#at 1future e6pectation of trade1 is asignificant varia8 ein understanding economic conditions and securit) 8e#aviour of states ' 0e argues t#at interdependent states are i9e ) to gain pacific 8enefits from trade so ong as t#e) #ave an optimistic view of future trade re ations' 0owever, if t#e e6pectations of future trade dec ine, particu ar ) for difficu t to rep ace items suc# as energ) resources, t#e i9e i#ood for conf ict increases, as states wi 8e inc ined to use force to gain access to t#ose resources ' Crises cou d potentia ) 8e t#e trigger for decreased trade e6pectations eit#er on its own or 8ecause it triggers protectionist moves 8) interdependent states'$ 5#ird, ot#ers #ave

considered t#e in9 8etween economic dec ine and e6terna armed conf ict at a nationa eve ' > om8erg and 0ess (%&&%. find astrong corre ation8etween interna conf ict and e6terna conf ict , particu ar ) during periods of economic downturn' 5#e)
write: 5#e in9ages 8etween interna and e6terna conf ict and prosperit) are strong and mutua ) reinforcing' Hconomic conf ict tends to spawn interna conf ict, w#ic# in turn returns t#e favour' "oreover, t#e presence of a recession tends to amp if) t#e e6tent to w#ic# internationa and e6terna conf icts se f*reinforce eac# ot#er' (> om8ergQ 0ess, %&&%' p' -+. Hconomic dec ine #as a so 8een in9ed wit# anincrease in t#e i9e i#ood of terrorism (> om8erg, 0ess, Q<eerapana, %&&$., w#ic# #as t#e capacit) to spi across 8orders and ead to e6terna tensions' Furt#ermore, crises genera ) reduce t#e popu arit) of a sitting government' @3iversionar) t#eor)" suggests t#at, w#en

facing unpopu arit) arising from economic dec ine, sitting governments #ave increased incentives to fa8ricate e6terna mi itar) conf icts to create a 1ra ) around t#e f ag1 effect' <ang (1++,., 3e2ouen (1++?.' and > om8erg, 0ess, and 5#ac9er (%&&,. find supporting
evidence s#owing t#at economic dec ine and use of force are at east indirect ) corre ated' Ge pi (1++C., "i er (1+++., and 4isangani and =ic9ering (%&&+. suggest t#at t#e tendenc) towards diversionar) tactics are greater for democratic states t#an autocratic states, due to t#e fact t#at democratic eaders are genera ) more suscepti8 e to 8eing removed from office due to ac9 of domestic support' 3e2ouen (%&&&. #as provided evidence s#owing t#at periods of wea9 economic performance in t#e United States, and t#us wea9 =residentia popu arit), are statistica ) in9ed to an increase in t#e use of force' An summar), recent economic sc#o ars#ip positive ) corre ates economic integration wit# an increase in t#e freGuenc) of economic crises, w#ereas po itica sciencesc#o ars#ip in9s economic dec ine wit# e6terna conf ictat s)stemic, d)adic and nationa eve s '? 5#is imp ied connection 8etween integration, crises and armed conf ict #as not featured prominent ) in t#e economic*securit) de8ate and deserves more attention' 5#is o8servation is not contradictor) to ot#er perspectives t#at in9 economic interdependence wit# a decrease in t#e i9e i#ood of e6terna conf ict , suc# as t#ose mentioned in t#e first paragrap# of t#is c#apter' 5#ose studies tend to focus on d)adic interdependence instead of g o8a interdependenceand do not specifica ) consider t#e occurrence of and conditions created 8)economic crises ' !s suc#, t#e view presented #ere s#ou d 8e considered anci ar) to t#ose views'

!ene"uela relies on monocultures no )guarantees biodiversity colla&se "erco a, 1%

(@3ocumentar) Anvestigates Dur Current Food S)stem and t#e So utions to <or d 0unger'B &+(&1(%&1%' >) 3r' "erco a of "erco a'com: osteopat#ic p#)sician, 8oard*certified in fami ) medicine and served as t#e c#airman of t#e fami ) medicine department at St' ! e6ius "edica Center for five )ears, fe ows#ip at t#e !merican Co ege of Iutrition (C!I., An Iovem8er %&&+, A was named t#e top U timate <e ness Game C#anger 8) t#e 0uffington =ost, an #onor t#at ce e8rates @1&& innovators, visionaries, and eaders in 1& categories w#o are #arnessing t#e power of new media to res#ape t#eir fie ds and c#ange t#e wor d'B #ttp:((artic es'merco a'com(sites(artic es(arc#ive(%&1%(&+(&1(growing*c#ange*documentar)*investigates*food*s)stem'asp6.

Simon Cunic#1s documentar) fi m Growing C#ange: ! Kourne) Anside Venezue a1s Food 2evo ution investigates our current food s)stem as #e tries to understand w#) #undreds of mi ions of peop e go #ungr) eac# da)' As it true t#at t#ere1s simp ) not enoug# to go aroundJ !nd as t#e wor d faces an increasing num8er of environmenta c#a enges, #ow wi we feed a g o8a popu ation of more t#an seven 8i ion peop eJ Can <e Grow a Fair and Sustaina8 e Food S)stemJ* 5#e fi m 8egins 8) oo9ing at t#e under )ing causes of food s#ortages, suc# as w#at we saw in %&&- w#en food riots 8ro9e out in a8out 3& countries' 5#e situation actua ) wasn1t 8ad news for ever)one' "aFor food corporations made record*8rea9ing profits

during t#is difficu t time' "an) 8e ieve t#e answer to wor d #unger is furt#er e6pansion of arge*sca e agricu tureR ot#ers p ace t#eir 8ets on genetica ) engineered (GH. crops' >ut is arge*sca e GH farming rea ) going to so ve t#e pro8 emJ Hvidence suggests t#e answer is a resounding ID' An fact, our modern agricu tura s)stem is t#e ver) #eart of t#e pro8 em''' <#at we1re oo9ing at is "a #uman*induced and management disaster," according to <a ter Ke#ne, 3irector of 0ea t#) Soi s !ustra ia' "odern monocu ture #as severe ) dep eted soi s of essentia nutrients and microorganisms, and poor soi Gua it) is a core pro8 em facing farmers across t#e g o8e, Cunic# discovered' 5#e Hart#1s soi is dep eting at more t#an 13 percent t#e rate it can 8e rep aced due to our c#emica *8ased agricu ture s)stem' "assive monocu ture #as a so ed to t#e e6tinction of C? percent of t#e wor d1s crop varieties over t#e ast centur)' !dditiona ), modern agricu ture is e6treme ) energ) dependent' !ccording to statistics in t#e fi m, ever) consumer in t#e
<estern wor d eats t#e eGuiva ent of ,, 8arre s of oi per )ear' 5#at1s #ow muc# oi is needed to produce t#e food on )our p ate' = a)ing "C#ic9en" wit# "ot#er Iature* An t#e words of "ic#ae =o an, aut#or of 5#e Dmnivore1s 3i emma and a num8er of ot#er 8estse ers: ""ot#er Iature destro)s monocu tures'" "onocu ture (or monocropping. is defined as t#e #ig#*)ie d agricu tura practice of growing a sing e crop )ear after )ear on t#e same and, in t#e a8sence of rotation t#roug# ot#er crops' Corn, so)8eans, w#eat, and to some degree rice, are t#e most common crops grown wit# monocropping tec#niGues' An fact, corn, w#eat and rice account for a8out ,& percent of #uman ca oric inta9e, according to t#e UI Food and !gricu ture Drganization' "onocu ture is detrimenta to t#e environment for a num8er of reasons, inc uding t#e fo owing: At damages soi eco og) 8) dep eting and reducing t#e diversit) of soi nutrients S At creates an un8uffered nic#e for parasitic species to ta9e over, ma9ing crops more vu nera8 e to opportunistic pat#ogens t#at can Guic9 ) wipe out an entire crop S At increases dependenc) on c#emica pesticides and ferti izers SAt increases re iance on e6pensive specia ized farm eGuipment and mac#iner) t#at reGuire #eav) use of fossi fue sS At destro)s 8iodiversit) >) contrast, po )cu ture (t#e traditiona rotation of crops and ivestoc9. 8etter serves 8ot# and and peop e' =o )cu ture evo ved to meet t#e comp ete nutritiona needs of a oca communit), and w#en done mindfu ), automatica ) rep enis#es w#at is ta9en out, ma9ing it sustaina8 e wit# minima effort' 5#e Venezue an H6periment* "!fter #earing a8out efforts in Venezue a to deve op a more eGuita8 e and sustaina8 e food and agricu ture s)stem, t#e fi mma9er #eads t#ere to see if it1s wor9ing and find out w#at we mig#t 8e a8 e to earn from t#is giant e6periment'"1 Venezue a, i9e so man) ot#er nations, is dependent on food imports to feed its citizens as its agricu tura sector #as fa en into neg ect after decades of ur8anization' 0ere, Cunic# finds a movement underwa) to reconstruct a more eGuita8 e food s)stem' "An us# coasta vi ages we meet cocoa producers w#o are now protected against 8eing paid 8e ow t#e minimum price and are now invo ved in t#e oca processing of c#oco ate rat#er t#an Fust e6porting raw 8eans' <e #ead out to sea wit# fis#erfo 9 w#o are 8enefiting from new regu ations t#at 8an industria traw ing' An t#e c#aotic metropo is of Caracas we find ur8an gardens t#riving and supp ementing diets wit# fres# organic produce' <e go inside s#ops w#ere t#e ur8an poor #ave access to afforda8 e food' At1s a part of a countr)*wide process

towards 1food sovereignt),1 driven 8) communities and t#e government' !t t#e core of t#e process are princip es of socia Fustice and sustaina8i it)'"%

*iodiversity colla&se guarantees extinction 3iner, +$

3iner 1++$ ("aFor 3avid I'R Anstructor, !dministrative and Civi /aw 3ivision, 5#e Kudge !dvocate Genera 1s Sc#oo , United States !rm). "5#e !rm) and t#e Hndangered Species !ct: <#o1s Hndangering <#omJ" 1$3 "i ' /' 2ev' 1,1 (n >io ogica ) diverse ecos)stems are c#aracterized 8) a arge num8er of specia ist species, fi ing narrow eco ogica nic#es ' 5#ese ecos)stems in#erent ) are more sta8 e t#an ess diverse s)stems' "5#e more comp e6 t#e ecos)stem, t#e more successfu ) it can resist a stress' ' ' ' T Ui9e a net, in w#ic# eac# 9not is connected to ot#ers 8) severa strands, suc# a fa8ric can resist co apse 8etter t#an a simp e, un8ranc#ed circ e of t#reads ** w#ic# if cut an)w#ere 8rea9s down as a w#o e'" C+ >) causing widespread e6tinctions, #umans #ave artificia ) simp ified man) ecos)stems' !s 8io ogic simp icit) increases, so does t#e ris9 of ecos)stem fai ure' 5#e spreading Sa#ara 3esert in !frica, and t#e dust8ow conditions of t#e 1+3&s in t#e United States are re ative ) mi d e6amp es of w#at mig#t 8e e6pected if t#is trend continues' 5#eoretica ), eac# new anima or p ant e6tinction, wit# a its dim ) perceived and intertwined affects, cou d cause tota ecos)stem co apse and #uman e6tinction' Hac# new e6tinction increases t#e ris9 of disaster' /i9e a mec#anic removing, one 8) one, t#e rivets from an aircraft1s wings, -& man9ind ma) 8e edging c oser to t#e a8)ss

US infrastructure assistance solves Car son, 1%

(C#ris Car son, Iov 3&t# %&1%, Venezue aana )sis'com, C#ris Car son is from t#e United States, w#ere #e #as ong 8een a student of /atin !merican #istor) and po itics wit# a master1s degree in /atin !merican studies from t#e Universit) of <isconsin' 0e #as c ose ) fo owed events in Venezue a since moving t#ere in %&&?, and #as pu8 is#ed wor9 on Vnet, Socia ist <or9er, !porrea, and Venezue a !na )sis among ot#ers' 0e is current ) conducting researc# on agricu tura deve opment and agrarian reform in Venezue a' @<#at t#e Statistics 5e Us !8out Venezue a in t#e C#avez HraB #ttp:((venezue ana )sis'com(ana )sis(C?13. cam 5#oug# increased socia spending and decreased povert) #ave drastica ) improved t#e standard of iving of Venezue a;s poor, t#ese po icies wi #ave imited ong term effects if Venezue a;s arger economic pro8 ems cannot 8e reso ve d' Andeed, it is un i9e ) t#at t#e gains t#at #ave 8een made over t#e ast decade wi 8e a8 e to continue improving wit#out profound c#anges to t#e primar) e6port dependence t#at #as ong p agued t#e Venezue an econom)'O 5#e first t#ing to notice is t#at oi e6ports #ave grown as a percentage of tota e6ports from a8out -& percent of tota e6ports in t#e 1++&s to around +? percent in %&1&,
meaning t#at Venezue a #as 8ecome even more dependent on oi e6ports' O Tomitted figureUO 5#is statistic a one does not necessari ) mean t#at Venezue a;s econom) is #eaded in t#e wrong direction, since e6porting ess non*oi goods w#i e a so increasing t#e production of goods for t#e domestic

mar9et wou d reduce its dependence on imports' >ut

a t#oug# t#e C#avez government #as p aced muc# emp#asis on t#e oca production of manufactured goods wit# t#e inauguration of various food processing, transport eGuipment and e ectronics factories, manufacturing #as not grown as a percent of gross domestic product #O Tomitted figureUO ! t#oug# t#ese statistics on ) s#ow up to %&&C, t#e percentage #as not c#anged significant ) since t#en'O !dditiona ), if we oo9 at gross capita formation, w#ic# measures
investment in fi6ed assets and is often a good indicator of a significant process of industria ization, we see t#at Venezue a;s gross capita formation is not significant ) different t#an t#e regiona average' Andeed, if we compare it to a countr) t#at is c ear ) undergoing a significant @catc#ing*upB process suc# as C#ina we can see t#at Venezue a;s gross capita formation is pro8a8 ) not w#ere it needs to 8e if it is going to diversif) its econom) awa) from oi ' O Tomitted figureUO Fina ), it s#ou d 8e mentioned t#at a t#oug# Venezue a;s agricu tura production #as increased significant ) under

t#e C#avez government, more important for economic deve opment in genera is agricu tura productivit)' 0ig# productivit) in t#e primar) sector p a)ed an essentia ro e in t#e industria ization and diversification of t#e economies of t#e deve oped wor d' An t#is respect, t#e statistics seem to indicate t#at Venezue a;s agricu tura productivit) is s ow ) improving, a t#oug# it remains far 8e ow t#at of t#e deve oped wor d'

+rug Cartel Advantage

,o er-income communities in !ene"uela are a haven for drug traffic%ing)the government isn$t doing anything =ac#ico, 1%
(H )ssa, AnSig#t Crime, a t#in9 tan9 a8out organized crime in t#e !mericas' "Venezue a >order State a 3rug 5raffic9ing 0aven: IN5", Ku ) %C, www'insig#tcrime'org(news*8riefs(venezue a*8order*state*a*drug*traffic9ing*#aven*n)t. I/ 5#e Venezue an 8order state of !pure is one of t#e 8usiest transit areas for cocaine #eading to t#e Cari88ean , wit# muc# of t#e drug trade contro ed 8) Co om8ian re8e s, according to a Iew Nor9 5imes report' 5#e 5imes reported t#at oca residents sa) t#e) are accustomed to t#e sound of ow*f )ing drug f ig#ts over#ead and t#e sig#t of patro s 8) t#e 2evo utionar) !rmed Forces of Co om8ia (F!2C., w#o protect drug s#ipments' 5#is evidence of #ow open ) t#e drug trade is conducted in !pure, one of Venezue a;s poorest states,

contradicts assertions 8) government officia s t#at t#e) are doing ever)t#ing t#e) can to com8at organized crime in t#e region, t#e 5imes report said' An a "a) news conference, t#e governor of !pure said t#e aut#orities #ad destro)ed 3, #idden airfie ds in t#e state and
#ad reduced t#e num8er of i icit f ig#ts detected 8) #a f' 5#e 5imes visited one airstrip t#at #ad reported ) 8een destro)ed 8) t#e arm), and noted t#at @t#ere were no signs t#at so diers #ad 8 asted #o es in t#e runwa) or ta9en ot#er steps to prevent it from 8eing used again'B Co om8ia #as ong accused Venezue a of to erating re8e presence in 8order states i9e !pure, Vu ia, and 5ac#ira' 5#e F!2C and t#e

Iationa /i8eration !rm) (H/I. 8ot# 9eep encampments in t#ese regions'

,ac% of infrastructure fuels the drug trade 5#e Hconomist, 13

("Venezue a after C#Lvez Iow for t#e rec9oning", "ar ?, www'economist'com(8 ogs(americasview(%&13(&3(venezue a*after*c#Lvez. I/ "ost of t#e mot e) co ection of parties t#at 8ac9ed t#e >o ivarian revo ution were merged into t#e Venezue an United Socia ist =art) (=SUV.' "r C#Lvez a so created two ot#er instruments of contro : a mi itia of around 1%?,&&&, answera8 e direct ) to #im rat#er t#an t#e arm) commandR and a networ9 of communit) counci s w#ic# too9 over man) of t#e functions (and revenues. of oca government' Foreign eftist academics c aimed t#at a t#is added up to an empowering @direct democrac)B, superior to t#e incipient we fare state set up 8) /atin !merica;s socia democratic governments' >ut to ot#ers, it oo9ed i9e a top*down c#arade of participation, in w#ic# a power a) wit# t#e president' >e#ind t#e propaganda, t#e >o ivarian revo ution was a corrupt, mismanaged affair' 5#e econom) 8ecame ever more dependent on oi and imports' State ta9eovers of farms cut agricu tura output' Contro s of prices and foreign e6c#ange cou d not prevent persistent inf ation and engendered s#ortages of stap e goods' Anfrastructure crum8 ed: most of t#e countr) #as suffered freGuent power cuts for )ears' 0ospita s rotted: even man) of t#e missions anguis#ed' Crime soared: Caracas is

one of t#e wor d;s most vio ent capita s' Venezue a #as 8ecome a conduit for t#e drug trade, wit# t#e invo vement of segments of t#e securit) forces'

!ene"uela is %ey)it$s the &referred destination for drug traffic%ing Su ivan, 13

("ar9, Specia ist in /atin !merican !ffairs for t#e Congressiona 2esearc# Service, @Venezue a: Assues for CongressB, Kan 1&, #ttp:((www'fas'org(sgp(crs(row(2$&+3-'pdf. I/ An its "arc# %&1% Anternationa Iarcotics Contro Strateg) 2eport (AICS2., t#e State 3epartment contended t#at Venezue a

was one of t#e preferred traffic9ing routes for t#e transit of cocaine out of Sout# !merica 8ecause of a porous 8order wit# Co om8ia, a wea9 Fudicia s)stem, inconsistent internationa counternarcotics cooperation, genera ) permissive aw enforcement, and a corrupt po itica environment' 5#e i icit drugs transiting Venezue a are destined for t#e Hastern Cari88ean, Centra !merica, United States, <estern !frica, and Hurope' 5#e report maintained t#at U'S' government estimates of cocaine transiting t#roug# Venezue a were 1,1*%1% metric tons (compared to %?& metric tons noted in t#e %&11 AICS2.' !ccording to t#e %&1% AICS2, Venezue a;s Iationa !nti*3rug
Dffice (DI!., Venezue a seized $% metric tons in %&11 (down from ,3 metric tons in %&1&., wit# ,%P cocaine and 3CP mariFuana' An %&11, Venezue a a so deported t#ree fugitives wanted on drug c#arges to t#e United States: in "arc#, G oria 2oFas Va encia, a eged ) wor9ing for /os Vetas (a vio ent "e6ican drug traffic9ing organization. in Venezue aR in Septem8er, /ione Scott 0arris, a U'S' citizenR and in 3ecem8er, "a6imi iano >oni a Drozco, a so 9nown as @Va enciano,B one of Co om8ia;s top drug traffic9ers

US engagement solves drug traffic%ing Su ivan, 13

("ar9, Specia ist in /atin !merican !ffairs for t#e Congressiona 2esearc# Service, @Venezue a: Assues for CongressB, Kan 1&, #ttp:((www'fas'org(sgp(crs(row(2$&+3-'pdf. I/ 5#e State 3epartment maintained in t#e AICS2 t#at t#at @t#e United States remains prepared to deepen cooperation wit# Venezue a to #e p counter t#e increasing f ow of cocaine and ot#er i ega drugs'B !s in t#e past, t#e State 3epartment reiterated t#at

cooperation cou d 8e improved t#roug# forma reengagement 8etween Venezue an and U'S' aw enforcement agencies
and t#e signing of t#e outstanding addendum to t#e 1+C- >i atera Counternarcotics "DU t#at was negotiated in %&&?, w#ic# wou d provide funds for Foint counternarcotics proFects and demand reduction programs' 5#e AICS2 proffered t#at 8i atera cooperation cou d a so inc ude counternarcotics and anti*mone) aundering training programs for aw enforcement and ot#er officia sR Venezue an participation in t#e U'S' Coast Guard;s Anternationa =ort Securit) =rogramR and activation of t#e Container Anspection Faci it) at =uerto Ca8e o t#at was partia ) funded 8) t#e United States in %&&$' !ccording to t#e AICS2, @t#ese cooperative activities wou d increase t#e e6c#ange of information t#at cou d ead

to arrests, #e p dismant e organized crimina networ9s, aid in t#e prosecution of crimina s engaged in narcotraffic9ing, and stem t#e f ow of i icit drugs transiting Venezue an airspace, and, and sea 'B

+rug trade destroys the rainforests > air, &-

(3avid > air, 3ip omatic Hditor of 5#e 5e egrap# (news service., @Co om8ian drug carte s 8 amed for t#e destruction of rainforest'B &?(%%(%&&-' #ttp:((www'te egrap#'co'u9(news(%&&+$-1(Co om8ian*drug*carte s*8 amed*for*t#e*destruction*of*rainforest'#tm .

So far, Co om8ia1s coca producers #ave destro)ed ?'? mi ion acres of rainforest : an area arger t#an <a es : wit# s as# and 8urn cu tivation' !8out #a f a ton of pesticides, ferti isers, su p#uric acid and ot#er c#emica s are t#en used to turn ever) acre of coca into pure cocaine' Francisco Santos Ca deron, t#e vice*president of Co om8ia, to d The Daily Telegraph t#at t#e environmenta "devastation" caused 8) drug producers #ad gone arge ) unnoticed' 5#e oss of rainforest was t#e #idden conseGuence of 8u)ing cocaine in Hurope or !merica' "r Santos said: "5#is destruction of t#e rainforest for coca production and coca p antation #as gone on under t#e radar of t#e
environmenta ists' <e #ope t#at t#is wi 8e a wa9e*up ca ' <e #ope t#at t#e <or d <i d ife Fund and Greenpeace wi start sa)ing 1w#at is t#isJ1J" Co om8ia is t#e wor d1s argest producer of raw coca, wit# a8out C&& tons emerging from its forests eac# )ear, according to officia figures' "r Santos 8e ieves t#at t#e figure is actua ) a ot #ig#er' "A t#in9 t#e) are underestimating t#e amount of cocaine in t#e mar9et," #e said' 5#e drug carte s 8u) coca from Co om8ia1s peasant farmers for a8out W%?& per pound' !fter 8eing refined into cocaine, t#e same Guantit) can t#en 8e so d for a8out W1?,&&& in Hurope' 5#e favoured smugg ing route #as c#anged dramatica )' Dnce, most narcotics were sent nort# to t#e Cari88ean for onward s#ipment to Hurope' 5oda), Co om8ia1s cocaine is sent to neig#8ouring Venezue a and t#en across t#e !t antic to <est !frica' ! string of tin) countries a ong t#e !frican coast, nota8 ) Guinea*>issau, Senega and Guinea*Cona9r), are rapid ) 8ecoming narco*states' Ancapa8 e of po icing t#eir coast ines or airspace, t#ese countries are convenient staging posts for traffic9ing drugs to Hurope' "At1s a #uge c#ange and it #as #appened ver) Guic9 ) and A t#in9 more c#anges are to come," said "r Santos' 0e pointed out t#at <est !frica1s c imate was idea for growing coca' "A #ave no dou8t t#at in five )ears, )ou1re going to see production Tin <est !fricaU," #e said' " An countries t#at #ave suc# wea9 institutions, it1s going to 8e a mess'" >ut Co om8ia1s controversia , US*funded po ic) of eradicating coca fie ds is a so inf icting immense environmenta damage' /ast )ear, t#e aut#orities destro)ed a8out $&&,&&& acres, most ) wit# indiscriminate aeria spra)ing' Co om8ia1s peasant farmers grow coca a ongside norma food crops' !eria spra)ing destro)s ever)t#ing, forcing t#em to move to new and and c ear more forest' "r Santos, $,, urged Hurope to #e p t#e farmers 8) reforming t#e Common !gricu tura =o ic)' "Af our farmers and our peasants

were a8 e to e6port to t#e Huropean Union wit#out t#e tariffs and wit#out t#e 8arriers, we wou d #ave a farming sector t#at wou d 8e more competitive and a ot of peasants wou d not go into drug*growing," #e said'

+estruction of the rainforests destroys oxygen su&&lies and causes runa ay S eig#t, 13


(4en, aut#or at ecopedia, "<#en t#e 2ainforest Gets C#opped 3own, So 3oes Dur D6)gen", !pri , www'ecopedia'com(environment(w#en*rainforest*gets*c#opped*down*so*does*our*o6)gen(. I/ At is no secret t#at t#e rainforests are 8eing 8urned at an astonis#ing rate ' Some estimates put it at as #ig# as one and a #a f acres
ever) second' <#at )ou don;t #ear is #ow t#is affects t#e oca environment' <#en t#e rainforest is @#arvested,B ogging companies c ear cut t#e area and 8urn a of t#e undergrowt#' 5#is and is t#en ti ed and p anted wit# !frican grasses to use as grazing fie ds for catt e' 5#e destruction of one acre of forest is a traged) t#at cou d destro) over C?& species of trees and count ess anima s, 8ut t#e true devastation is muc# greater' <#en a sing e acre of forest is destro)ed it interrupts t#e entire ecos)stem' Canop) dwe ing species can no onger move to across t#e areaR undergrowt# at t#e edges of t#e c eared and get too muc# sun e6posure and die off and t#e addition of catt e to t#e region 8rings new waste products to t#e water' 5#e entire eco og) is fundamenta ) c#anged' 5#is doesn;t even ta9e into account t#e car8on dio6ide re eased into t#e atmosp#ere during t#e 8urn process or t#e oss of fruiting trees from t#e region' Dnce an area is c eared it can;t simp ) 8e @fi6edB 8) rep anting indigenous trees i9e ogging companies often do in sustaina8 e forests' 5#e c ear*cutting met#od removes t#e protective s#ade from t#e tree canop)' = ants t#at #ave evo ved over mi ions of )ears to t#rive in t#e ow ig#t are e6posed to t#e direct sun ig#t and die off ' 5#e anima s t#at depend on t#ese p ants for food starve' Hven in a #undred )ears, w#en t#e p anted trees reac# canop) status, t#ere wi 8e no ife 8eneat# t#em' Iow consider t#is : 5#e !mazon 2ainforest covers appro6imate ) %P of t#e p anet, 8ut it generates a most %&P of our o6)gen, #ence its designation as t#e ungs of t#e Hart#' 0ow wou d deforestation affect t#e g o8a environmentJ An addition to reducing t#e o6)gen content of t#e atmosp#ere it wou d a ow e6cessive amounts of car8on dio6ide to remain ' An t#e s#ort term, since t#is is one of t#e maFor green#ouse gases, it wi undou8ted ) ead to #ig#er g o8a temperatures w#ic#, in turn, wou d #asten t#e me ting of t#e po ar ice caps' Conservative estimates 8) I!S! c#ief scientist <a eed !8da ati put t#e rise in ocean eve s at a8out %& feet from t#e ice me ting on Green and a one' 5#is co der water entering t#e !t antic Dcean wou d not on ) f ood ow* )ing

coasta cities, 8ut a so affect t#e ocean currents and c#ange t#e weat#er patterns on 8ot# !t antic coasts'

.arming causes extinction 5ic9e , &(D iver, c imate researc#er, @Dn a p anet $C #otter, a we can prepare for is e6tinction,B 5#e Guardian, -*11*&-, #ttp:((www'guardian'co'u9(commentisfree(%&&-(aug(11(c imatec#ange.
<e need to get prepared for four degrees of g o8a warming, >o8 <atson to d t#e Guardian ast wee9' !t first sig#t t#is oo9s i9e wise counse from t#e c imate science adviser to 3efra' >ut t#e idea t#at we cou d adapt to a $C rise is a8surd and dangerous' G o8a warming on t#is sca e wou d 8e a catastrop#e t#at wou d mean, in t#e immorta words t#at C#ief Seatt e pro8a8 ) never spo9e, "t#e end of iving and t#e 8eginning of surviva " for #uman9ind' Dr per#aps t#e 8eginning of our e6tinction' 5#e co apse of t#e po ar ice caps wou d 8ecome inevita8 e / 8ringing ong*term sea eve rises of C&*-& metres' ! t#e wor d1s coasta p ains wou d 8e ost, comp ete wit# ports, cities, transport

and industria infrastructure, and muc# of t#e wor d1s most productive farm and' 5#e wor d1s geograp#) wou d 8e transformed muc# as it was at t#e end of t#e ast ice age , w#en sea eve s rose 8) a8out 1%& metres to create t#e C#anne , t#e Iort# Sea and Cardigan >a) out of dr) and' <eat#er wou d 8ecome e6treme and unpredicta8 e, wit# more freGuent and severe droug#ts, f oods and #urricanes' 5#e Hart#1s carr)ing capacit) wou d 8e #uge ) reduced' >i ions wou d undou8ted ) die ' <atson1s ca
was supported 8) t#e government1s former c#ief scientific adviser, Sir 3avid 4ing, w#o warned t#at "if we get to a four*degree rise it is Guite possi8 e t#at we wou d 8egin to see a runawa) increase"' 5#is is a remar9a8 e understatement' 5#e c imate s)stem is a read) e6periencing significant feed8ac9s, nota8 ) t#e summer me ting of t#e !rctic sea ice' 5#e more t#e ice me ts, t#e more suns#ine is a8sor8ed 8) t#e sea, and t#e more t#e !rctic warms' !nd as t#e !rctic warms, t#e re ease of 8i ions of tonnes of met#ane : a green#ouse gas C& times stronger t#an car8on dio6ide over %& )ears : captured under me ting permafrost is a read) under wa)' 5o see #ow far t#is process cou d go, oo9 ??'?m )ears to t#e =a aeocene*Hocene

5#erma "a6imum, w#en a g o8a temperature increase of ,C coincided wit# t#e re ease of a8out ?,&&& gigatonnes of car8on into t#e atmosp#ere, 8ot# as CD% and as met#ane from 8ogs and sea8ed sediments' /us# su8tropica forests grew in po ar regions, and sea eve s rose to 1&&m #ig#er t#an toda)' At appears t#at an initia warming pu se triggered ot#er warming processes' "an) scientists warn t#at t#is #istorica

event ma) 8e ana ogous to t#e present: t#e warming caused 8) #uman emissions cou d prope us towards a simi ar #ot#ouse Hart#'

!ene"uelan infrastructure fails no )total colla&se absent hel& /atin !merican 0era d 5ri8une, ,(%3
C!2!C!S, &,(%3(%&13, @Venezue an >ui ders urge X,& 8i ion for infrastructure'B 5#e /atin !merican 0era d 5ri8une aims to 8e t#e main source of news for t#e Hng is#*reading pu8 ic a8out /atin !merica and to satisf) t#e need for fair and 8a anced information a8out po itics, economics, 8usiness, sports, iterature, t#e communit) and ot#er topics of interest' #ttp:((www' a#t'com(artic e'aspJ!rtic eAdY$+C%-1QCategor)AdY1&C1C 5#e association representing Venezue a;s construction industr) said 5uesda) t#at t#e countr) needs to spend X,& 8i ion on

maintaining e6isting infrastructure and to dou8 e investment in new proFects' @! countr);s deve opment cannot 8e promoted wit#out investment in infrastructure,B t#e group;s #ead, Gi 8ert 3ao, said, noting t#at Venezue a is current ) devoting no more t#an 3 percent of gross domestic product to infrastructure' 3uring one of t#e organization;s seminars, 3ao emp#asized t#at ot#er countries in t#e region suc# as C#i e, Co om8ia and =anama invest @at rates eGuiva ent to C percent of G3=B in new infrastructure' @ Af, on t#e one #and, investment in new infrastructure is not 8eing made and, on t#e ot#er, more and more mone) is needed to repair e6isting infrastructure, we #ave an idea of t#e magnitude of t#e crisis,B #e said' An addition to t#e investment pro8 ems, #e said t#at t#e sector @is suffering t#e conseGuences of a scarcit) of inputs,B main ) of iron and cement, w#ic# a so #as an effect on t#e eve of
emp o)ment'B @<e;re fu ) capa8 e of emp o)ing 1'% mi ion peop e,B 8ut due to t#e ac9 of materia s @we (emp o) on ). appro6imate ) $?&,&&&,B #e added' =resident 0ugo C#avez;s government #as given priorit) to #ome construction wit#in t#e framewor9 of t#e so*ca ed Great 0ousing "ission Venezue a, w#ic# was aunc#ed in "arc# %&11 wit# t#e goa of e iminating t#e #ousing deficit of 3 mi ion units 8) %&1+' 0ousing "inister 2icardo "o ina said ear ier t#is mont# t#at t#e government since t#at time #as de ivered a most %&&,&&& #omes' 5o reduce costs

and acce erate t#e reso ution of t#e pro8 em, C#avez in Fe8ruar) decreed t#at companies dedicated to t#e e6traction, production, sa es and transport of construction materia s must give priorit) to 8ui ding #ousing' HFH

US is %ey C#rist), 13
=atric9 C#rist) (writer for US Iews and <or d 2eport. "arc# 1? %&13 #ttp:((www'usnews'com(opinion(8 ogs(wor d*report(%&13(&3(1?(after*c#avez*us* must*encourage*democratic*venezue a (( H"

Venezue a1s upcoming e ection to rep ace t#e ate 0ugo C#avez gives t#e countr) an important opportunit) to 8rea9 awa) from over a decade1s wort# of strongman ru eMand move towards 8etter governance, improved interna securit) and sta8i it), a stronger and more vi8rant econom), and a tru ) constructive ro e in regiona and g o8a affairs' At1s critica t#at t#e United States do w#at it can to encourage Venezue a to seize t#at opportunit) 'For over a decade, C#avez ed ideo ogica )*
driven efforts to erode U'S' standing in /atin !merica and around t#e g o8e' 5#e popu ist eader e6panded Venezue a1s ties wit# rogue states suc# as Cu8a and Aran, aided and protected terrorist organizations suc# as t#e 2evo utionar) !rmed Forces of Co om8ia (F!2C., and active ) undermined t#e ru e of aw in Venezue a and t#roug#out t#e !mericas' An t#e <estern 0emisp#ere a one, C#avez used record petro prices to prop up anti*!merican socia ist eaders, most nota8 ) in >o ivia, Cu8a and Iicaragua' C#avez eaves 8e#ind a 8ro9en econom), a deep ) divided nation and

a d)sfunctiona government, a of w#ic# wi ta9e )earsMif not decadesMto overcome' Venezue a is p agued wit# dou8 e* digit inf ation, mounting 8udget deficits and rising eve s of vio ence' <#i e t#e D=HC nation maintains one of t#e wor d1s argest geo ogica oi reserves, crude e6portsMw#ic# account for roug# ) $? percent of federa 8udget revenuesM#ave dec ined 8) near ) #a f since 1+++' 5#e United States imports roug# ) one mi ion 8arre s from Venezue a per da)' C#avez1s
protZgZ Iico as "aduro, t#e former vice president w#o1s now acting as Venezue a1s interim president, is running to succeed t#e ate strongman, 8ut it1s not preordained t#at #e1 win' At remains to 8e seen t#e e6tent to w#ic# #e can proper ) unite prior to t#e e ection t#e man) competing popu ist factions t#at 8enefited under C#avez for so man) )ears' <#at is c ear is t#at #e wi drape #imse f in t#e po itica ideo og) of chavismo in t#e

run up to !pri 1$ e ections, and useMand Guite possi8 ) a8useMgovernment institutions and petrodo ars in attempt to woo t#e countr)1s voters'<#at1s perverse is #ow t#e D8ama administration1s move to "reset" re ations wit# "aduro is doing more to egitimize #im
as t#e rig#tfu #eir to Venezue a1s presidenc) t#an to resuscitate re ations 8etween t#e two governments' 5#e move s#owed itse f to 8e even more naive after "aduro accused t#e United States of p otting to poison C#avez s#ort ) after t#e strongman1s deat#'<as#ington must rea ize t#at a strateg) of engagement a one wi not ensure a renewed and improved partners#ip wit# Caracas' Fai ure to rea ize t#is wi not on ) undermine w#atever inf uence !merica #as in t#e mont#s a#ead, 8ut a so send a trou8 ing signa to Venezue a1s increasing ) united po itica opposition' 5#e D8ama administration s#ou d instead pursue a more princip ed po ic) towards a post*C#avez Venezue a' An particu ar, it s#ou d:=ressure Caracas to imp ement 9e) e ection reforms' Venezue a1s opposition faces formida8 e o8stac es' Anterim =resident "aduro wi use t#e government1s near*monopo ) contro of pu8 ic airwaves, its esta8 is#ed networ9s of po itica patronage and ast*minute pu8 ic spending programs to 8o ster #is popu ist agenda'<as#ington s#ou d stress pu8 ic ) and private ) t#at an) attempts to suppress or intimidate t#e opposition runs contrar) to Venezue a1s constitution and t#e princip es defined in t#e Anter*!merican 3emocratic C#arter, w#ic# was adopted 8) Venezue a in %&&1' 5o t#is point, KosZ CLrdenas, a former US!A3 acting assistant administrator for /atin !merica, writes,5#e Venezue an opposition continues to insist t#at t#e constitution (w#ic# is of C#avez1s own writing. 8e fo owed and #ave drawn up a ist of simp e e ectora reforms t#at wou d eve t#e p a)ing fie d and 8etter a ow t#e Venezue an peop e to c#art t#eir own future free of chavista and foreign interference'3emand

free, fair and verifia8 e e ections' ! t#oug# Venezue a announced t#at a specia e ection to rep ace C#avez wi 8e #e d ne6t mont#, it is important to remem8er t#at e ections a one do not ma9e a democrac)' Andeed, C#avez ong em8raced t#e r#etoric of democrac) as #e, in rea it), conso idated e6ecutive power, undermined Venezue a1s previous ) democratic po itica s)stem and a tered t#e outcomes of e ection t#roug# corruption, fraud and intimidation'5#e D8ama administration s#ou d ma9e c ear t#at free and fair e ections,proper ) monitored 8) respected internationa e ection o8servers, are essentia to Venezue a1s future standing in t#e #emisp#ere and t#e wor d '
/i9ewise, Secretar) of State Ko#n 4err) s#ou d wor9 wit# regiona partnersMinc uding (8ut not imited to. >razi , Canada, Co om8ia and "e6icoMto firm ) encourage "aduro1s interim government' ! unified regiona voice wou d send a powerfu signa to C#avez1s cronies in Caracas and ongtime ena8 ers in C#ina, Aran and 2ussia'Condition future dip omatic and economic re ations' Corruption and crimina it) were

widespread under t#e C#avez regime, as #ig#* eve government and mi itar) officia s 8enefited from c ose ties to corrupt 8usinesses and internationa drug traffic9ers' Net to date, t#e D8ama administration #as done itt e to #o d Venezue a1s eaders accounta8 e'<as#ington s#ou d ma9e c ear t#at fu dip omatic re ations wit# t#e United States wi 8e contingent

upon Venezue a ending ties to internationa terrorist groups and rogue regimes i9e Aran ' Af Venezue a ta9es meaningfu steps to end t#ese ties and ensure future e ections, t#e United States s#ou d wor9 wit# Caracas and t#e private sector to reform Venezue a1s energ) industr) and identif) 9e) deve opment proFects and reforms to improve t#e countr)1s economic future'5#e United States can p a) an important ro e in s#aping Venezue a1s post*C#avez future' >ut to do so, t#e D8ama administration wi need to stand wit# t#e peop e of Venezue a 8) pu8 ic ) defending democratic princip es and t#e impartia ru e of aw in /atin !merica'

!ene"uela says yes)they G!D, &+

ant to fix relations

U'S' Government !ccounta8i it) Dffice (G!D., @32UG CDI52D/: U'S' Counternarcotics Cooperation wit# Venezue a 0as 3ec ined'B &C(%&(%&&+, #ttp:((www'gao'gov(products(G!D*&+*-&,

0undreds of metric tons of cocaine f ow annua ) from Sout# !merica toward t#e United States, t#reatening t#e securit) and we *8eing of U'S' citizens' Since %&&&, t#e United States #as provided a8out X- 8i ion to countries in t#e region to disrupt drug traffic9ing' "ost of t#is assistance went to Co om8ia to reduce i icit drug production and improve securit) ' An "arc# %&&+, t#e 3epartment of State reported t#at Venezue a #ad 8ecome a maFor transit route for cocaine out of Co om8ia, wit# a more t#an fourfo d increase in cocaine f ow 8etween %&&$ and %&&C' <e determined (1. w#at is 9nown a8out cocaine traffic9ing t#roug#
Venezue a, (%. w#at is 9nown a8out Venezue an support for Co om8ian i ega armed groups, and (3. t#e status of U'S and Venezue an counternarcotics cooperation since %&&%' 5o address t#ese o8Fectives, we reviewed U'S' counternarcotics reports, assessments, and ot#er documents regarding i icit drugs transiting Venezue a' <e a so trave ed to Venezue a and Co om8ia to discuss t#ese matters wit# U'S' and foreign government officia s' Hver) )ear since 1++,, t#e =resident #as determined t#at Venezue a was one of t#e maFor drug transit countries in t#e <estern 0emisp#ere' Venezue a1s e6tensive 8order wit# Co om8ia, covering arge swat#s of Fung e and mountainous terrain, ena8 es t#e f ow of cocaine from Co om8ia over and and river routes and 8) air' !fter entering Venezue a, t#e cocaine usua ) eaves a8oard maritime vesse s t#at depart from Venezue a1s ong coast ine or a8oard suspicious aircraft t#at ta9e off and and from #undreds of c andestine airstrips' <#i e a maForit) of t#e cocaine transiting Venezue a is #eaded toward t#e United States, more #as 8egun f owing toward Hurope' !ccording to U'S' and Co om8ian officia s, Venezue a #as e6tended a ife ine to Co om8ian i ega armed groups 8) providing significant support and safe #aven a ong t#e 8order' !s a resu t, t#ese groups, w#ic# traffic in i icit drugs, remain via8 e t#reats to Co om8ian securit)' ! #ig# eve of

corruption wit#in t#e Venezue an government, mi itar), and ot#er aw enforcement and securit) forces contri8utes to t#e permissive environment, according to U'S' officia s' 5#e United States and Venezue a cooperated c ose ) on counternarcotics 8etween %&&% and %&&?, 8ut t#is cooperation #as since dec ined' 5#e United States #as attempted to resume cooperation t#roug# a variet) of measures, 8ut Venezue a**w#i e initia ) supporting some of t#ese efforts**#as not reciprocated' An %&&C, Venezue a 8egan den)ing visas for U'S' officia s to serve in Venezue a, w#ic# comp icated efforts to cooperate' An %&&-,
=resident C#avez e6pe ed t#e U'S' !m8assador and reca ed #is !m8assador from <as#ington, 3'C' >ut in Kune %&&+, t#e United States and Venezue a agreed to return t#eir respective am8assadors' Ievert#e ess, t#e Venezue an government c aims cooperation wit# t#e

United States on counternarcotics is not necessar) 8ecause Venezue a #as its own programs' Net, at t#e time of our visit to Caracas, Venezue an officia s e6pressed wi ingness for greater tec#nica cooperation wit# t#e United States if t#e government of Venezue a were to a ow it'

0nfrastructure investment is %ey 3ettoni, 1%

(Kacopo, writer for >I !mericas, &,(%1(%&1%, @Future president faces #uge infrastructure investment gapB #ttp:((www'8namericas'com(news(infrastructure(future*president*faces*#uge*infrastructure*investment*gap1.

5#e new president of Venezue a wi #ave to c ose a USX%38n deficit in infrastructure investments, according to a stud) pu8 is#ed 8) oca construction c#am8er CVC' "Ieig#8oring countries suc# as Co om8ia, =eru and C#i e earmar9 8etween ?P and CP of t#eir G3= for infrastructure proFects, far more t#an Venezue a does," CVC president Gi 8erto 3ao to d >Iamericas' Anvestments in new infrastructure * e6c uding oi Q gas and #ousing * amounted to %P of G3= in %&11, according to CVC figures' Sectors suc# as transport, #ea t#, pota8 e water and sewerage ran9 at t#e top of t#e agenda for investments in infrastructure, 3ao said' "eanw#i e, maintenance wor9 tota ing ,&8n 8o [vares (USX13'-8n. needs to 8e carried out on e6isting infrastructure, CVC estimates' "5#e new government s#ou d first deve op a so id and continuous maintenance po ic) for infrastructure," Hnzo >etancourt, #ead of Venezue a1s engineers1 c#am8er,
to d >Iamericas' Venezue a ran9ed 11Ct# out of 13+ countries in t#e %&11 <or d Hconomic Forum (<HF. g o8a ran9ing for Gua it) of overa infrastructure, worse t#an an) ot#er /atin !merican countr) e6cept =aragua)' 5#e <HF #as ong #ig# ig#ted t#e impact of Venezue a1s

investment environment on its infrastructure' "5#e genera ) unf attering portrait of Venezue a1s investment environment is mirrored 8) a re ative ) 8ad assessment of its infrastructure Gua it)," according to a %&&C <HF report' 5#e countr) needs to engage 8etter wit# private investors, 8ot# 3ao and >etancourt said' "<e suggest a review of t#e aws t#at a ow private investors to ta9e part in suc# investments t#roug# pu8 ic*private partners#ips," 3ao said' "Funds for new infrastructure proFects cou d a so come from t#e issuance of specific infrastructure 8onds'" Venezue a wi #o d its presidentia e ection on Dcto8er C, wit# incum8ent 0ugo C#Lvez
and opposition eader 0enriGue Capri es t#e main contenders'

S1uo ex&orts non-uni1ue the disads but doesn$t ta%e out the case US 3ept' of State, 13
(US 3epartment of State >ureau of <estern 0emisp#ere !ffairs Kanuar) 1C, %&13 @U'S' 2e ations <it# Venezue a Fact S#eetB #ttp:((www'state'gov(r(pa(ei(8gn(3?C,,'#tm. cam 5#e United States is Venezue a1s most important trading partner' U'S' e6ports to Venezue a inc ude mac#iner), organic c#emica s, agricu tura products, optica and medica instruments, autos and auto parts ' Di dominates U'S' imports from Venezue a, w#ic# is one of t#e top four supp iers of foreign oi to t#e United States' !8out ?&& U'S' companies are represented in

Venezue a' U'S' foreign direct investment in Venezue a is concentrated arge ) in t#e petro eum, manufacturing, and finance sectors'

US %ey)any other actor guarantees Ioriega, 13

e start a

ar over !ene"uela

(2oger Ioriega, "arc# ?, %&13, !HAdeas a su8set of !merican Hnterprise Anstitute wit# t#e goa of ana )zing economic, foreign, socia , and po itica issues' !HA is a private, nonpartisan, not*for*profit institution dedicated to researc# and education on issues of government, po itics, economics and socia we fare' Founded in 1+3-, !HA is #ome to some of !merica1s most accomp is#ed pu8 ic po ic) e6perts' @! post*C#Lvez c#ec9 ist for US po ic)ma9ersB #ttp:((www'aei* ideas'org(%&13(&3(a*post*c#avez*c#ec9 ist*for*us*po ic)ma9ers(. cam
!s Venezue an democrats wage t#at strugg e against c#avismo, regiona eaders must ma9e c ear t#at S)ria*st) e repression wi never 8e to erated in t#e !mericas' <e s#ou d defend t#e rig#t of Venezue ans to strugg e democratica ) to rec aim contro of t#eir countr) and its future ' Dn )

<as#ington can ma9e c ear to C#inese, 2ussian, Aranian, and Cu8an eaders t#at, )es, t#e United States does mind if t#e) tr) to sustain an undemocratic and #osti e regime in Venezue a' !n) attempt to suppress t#eir se f*determination wit# C#inese cas#, 2ussian arms, Aranian terrorists, or Cu8an t#ugger) wi 8e met wit# a coordinated regiona response'

!ene"uela needs better infrastructure Car son, 1%

(C#ris Car son, Iov 3&t# %&1%, Venezue aana )sis'com, C#ris Car son is from t#e United States, w#ere #e #as ong 8een a student of /atin !merican #istor) and po itics wit# a master1s degree in /atin !merican studies from t#e Universit) of <isconsin' 0e #as c ose ) fo owed events in Venezue a since moving t#ere in %&&?, and #as pu8 is#ed wor9 on Vnet, Socia ist <or9er, !porrea, and Venezue a !na )sis among ot#ers' 0e is current ) conducting researc# on agricu tura deve opment and agrarian reform in Venezue a' @<#at t#e Statistics 5e Us !8out Venezue a in t#e C#avez HraB #ttp:((venezue ana )sis'com(ana )sis(C?13. cam "uc# remains to 8e done, #owever/ if Venezue a intends to get to t#e root of its economic pro8 ems and diversif) its econom) awa) from oi e6ports' An t#e coming )ears, great emp#asis wi need to 8e put on growt# in manufacturing and investment in domestic industr)' !n important stimu us for t#is cou d 8e finding a wa) to drastica ) improve agricu tura productivit)'

0nstability in !ene"uela means they need our hel& 2o8erts and 3aga, 13
(Kames "' 2o8erts is 2esearc# Fe ow for Hconomic Freedom and Growt# in t#e Center for Anternationa 5rade and Hconomics and Sergio 3aga is Visiting Senior =o ic) !na )st for Hconomic Freedom in /atin !merica at 5#e 0eritage Foundation' #ttp:((www'#eritage'org(researc#(reports(%&13(&$(venezue a*us*s#ou d*pus#*president*maduro*toward* economic*freedom' Venezue a: U'S' S#ou d =us# =resident "aduro 5oward Hconomic Freedom' >) Kames "' 2o8erts and Sergio !pri 1?, %&13.
0ugo C#avez;s #and*pic9ed successor, former trade union 8oss Iico Ls "aduro, appears to #ave defeated Governor 0enriGue Capri es 8) a narrow margin in a contentious and #ard*foug#t specia e ection on !pri 1$' Venezue a is in suc# s#am8 es after 1$ )ears of seat*of*t#e*pants

mismanagement t#at "aduroMassuming #is victor) is confirmedMma) u timate ) 8e forced to pursue more moderate po icies and see9 #e p from t#e U'S' to restore sta8i it)' 5#e D8ama !dministration and Congress s#ou d e6p oit t#is opening 8)
using U'S' everage to pus# Venezue a to turn from C#avez;s fai ed e6periment in oi *cursedT1U @%1st*centur) socia ismB toward economic freedom'B


0nfrastructure investment is %ey to !ene"uelan agriculture F=F, 13
Farm =o ic) Facts: Iews a8out farm po ic), &$(%?(%&13' @Food Scarcit): 5#e Cost of Fai ure'B #ttp:((www'farmpo ic)facts'org(inde6'p#p(%&13(&$(food*scarcit)*t#e*cost*of*fai ure(
5#is is t#e first in a series of artic es t#at wi e6amine t#e cost of fai ure w#en strong farm po ic) is not enacted'O Food scarcit): it is not somet#ing we often t#in9 a8out' <e are, after a , t#e wea t#iest nation in t#e #istor) of man9ind'O Iot free of want M 8ut certain ) a and of p ent) \ f owing in mi 9 and #one)'O Cou d t#is c#ange for usJ Cou d we actua ) 9now food scarcit) as a nationJ 5#ese are fundamenta Guestions for an) government t#at admitted ) seem far removed from our dai ) ives' >ut t#e rea it) of it ma) 8e c oser t#an )ou t#in9'O <e were reminded of t#is in an !pri 11 <a Street Kourna artic e entit ed, @4e) Assue to Venezue an Vote: Food#5 At documents t#e pu8 ic outcr) over 8are supermar9et s#e ves, 8ut a so #ig# ig#ts t#e prospect t#at it cou d get muc# worse'O @<#) is t#is oi ric# nation of near ) %+ mi ion #aving trou8 e feeding itse fJB t#e artic e 8egins' <#i e t#e e6isting government was 8us) 8 aming t#e we *to*do as #oarders, t#e rea cu prit is c ear ) identified as

)ears of government po icies t#at #ave s#ac9 ed t#e individua farmers and t#e agricu tura enterprise genera ) wit# vast ) reduced )ie ds 8eing t#e resu t'O @5#e reason is t#at Venezue a;s once p entifu agricu ture #as 8een cripp ed 8) )ears of price contro s, a ac9 of ferti izers, pesticides and eGuipment, and t#e t#reat of farm and seizures 8) t#e government , sa)
farmers and economists,B according to t#e artic e' 5#e resu t: from %&&$ to %&1%, corn production fe 8) %? percent, rice 8) 3$ percent and catt e 8) %C percent'O !nd t#e per#aps 8igger issues wit# agricu ture M )ou cannot so ve pro8 ems, or ma9e up for )ears of neg ect,

overnig#t' Dnce a countr) #as ost t#e infrastructure and 9now#ow it is difficu t to get it 8ac9'O 5#us t#e point, @it is a #ig#* ris9 situationB t#at @cou d #aunt Venezue a for )ears to come'B 5#e current situation is not a crisis, 8ut it cou d Guic9 ) 8ecome one' @5#e
countr) re ies on its oi do ars to 8u) C& percent of its food from a8road, generating worr) among economists and agricu ture e6perts t#at if oi prices fa ,

t#e countr) wi face a severe food s#ortage'BO 5#is potentia ) tragic situation is regretta8 e, 8ut it is a so avoida8 e'O An t#e U'S', we #ave po icies 8ui t around private propert) rig#ts t#at encourage our farmers to invest in t#e and t#at t#e) wi pass down' <e a so encourage t#e use of tec#no og) and inputs t#at #ave a owed our farmers to 8e t#e most productive in t#e wor d'O Food securit) does not #appen 8) accident' At is a 8 essing t#at is fostered 8) smart po ic)'O Dver t#e ne6t $& )ears, as t#e wor d popu ation grows from C 8i ion to + 8i ion and demand for agricu tura commodities dou8 es, we need suc# po icies t#at encourage investment and constant improvement' Af done rig#t, more nations and peop es wi continue to 9now t#e #appiness of a safe and re ia8 e and afforda8 e food supp )'O 5#e cost of fai ure wou d 8e grim'

Poor land utili"ation destroys !ene"uelan agriculture no

Car son, 13 (C#ris, writer for Venezue a !na )sis, =U>/AS0H3 DI "!N %323 %&13 !5 %'??="#ttp:((venezue ana )sis'com(news(+?3-. =unto FiFo, "a) %3rd, %&13 (Venezue ana )sis'com. !s Venezue a continues to suffer s#ortages in man) 9e) food items and a dependence on food imports, some officia s are pointing poor and uti ization as a 9e) cause of t#e pro8 em' /ast wee9, Venezue a approved t#e import of arge Guantities of food from countries i9e >razi to counter t#e continuous s#ortages in 9e) items i9e c#ic9en, coo9ing oi , 8utter, and toi et paper' !na )sts #ave attri8uted t#e s#ortages to de a)s in acGuiring foreign e6c#ange for imports, and government price contro s t#at discourage production among t#e private sector' >ut various officia s #ave pointed to a deeper pro8 em t#at goes 8ac9 decades in Venezue a: t#e poor uti ization of Venezue a;s agricu tura ands' =SUV egis ator >rau io ] varez addressed t#e pro8 em on state te evision ast wee9, assuring t#at arge andowners do not uti ize t#eir and to its potentia ' @/arge producers i9e t#ose w#o
ma9e up Tt#e producer;s associationU Fedeagro #ave eft 3& to $& percent of t#eir ands uncu tivated,B #e said'] varez said t#at arge andowners prefer to engage in specu ative activities in currenc) e6c#ange and imports rat#er t#an invest in producing t#eir and'@<e #ave t#e capacit) to produce muc# more,B #e said' State officia s insist t#at w#i e food production #as increased overa during t#e C#avez era, it #as not 8een enoug# to meet demand and muc# more must 8e done' !s a resu t, Venezue a is now oo9ing to get countries i9e C#ina and >razi invo ved in its agricu tura sector, reGuesting t#eir assistance in raising production'/ast wee9, C#ina;s Vice =resident /i Nuanc#ao too9 note of Venezue a;s agricu tura capacit) during a visit to a farming proFect in centra Venezue a'@Venezue a #as arge e6panses of and and favora8 e conditions for agricu tura deve opment' Af t#e) ta9e advantage of it, t#e countr) #as t#e capacit) to 8e se f*sufficient in agricu tura products,B #e said' >ut <or d >an9 statistics seem to confirm t#e view t#at muc# of Venezue a;s and is vast ) underuti ized' <it# a tota and area of +% mi ion #ectares, Venezue a cu tivates ess t#an 3 mi ion'5#e rest of t#e and is used for e6tensive catt e grazing, or eft unused, a pro8 em t#at #as gone unc#anged for decades according to statistics on and use'5#e pro8 em is in9ed to t#e e6istence of latifundios, arge estates t#at are eft at a ow eve of productivit) 8) t#eir owners w#o graze catt e on ferti e and instead of cu tivating it'! simi ar situation e6ists in neig#8oring Co om8ia, w#ere F!2C negotiators #ave recent ) emp#asized latifundio and e6tensive catt e grazing as t#e centra pro8 ems t#at must 8e addressed if a peace agreement is to 8e reac#ed' Co om8ian "inister of !gricu ture Kuan 2estrepo recent ) noted t#e severit) of t#e pro8 em in t#at countr), w#ere on ) ? mi ion #ectares are cu tivated out of a tota of 11$ mi ion #ectares'@5#e va ue added of one #ectare of cu tivation is on average 1% times greater t#an a #ectare dedicated to e6tensive grazing,B #e said'5#e pro8 em of underuti ized and #as 8een a maFor point of emp#asis of t#e Venezue an government since 0ugo C#avez came to power in 1+++'3uring t#e C#avez government, near ) $ mi ion #ectares (1& mi ion acres. of and were e6propriated from andowners w#o #ad eft it id e or underuti ized'0owever, muc# of t#e e6propriated ands #ave not 8een transformed into productive farms after 8eing transferred to farmer;s cooperatives or state companies'5#is situation ed =resident Iico as "aduro to announce c#anges in recent wee9s, inc uding putting farms under t#e contro of state governments, and 8ringing in foreign investment'@<e;ve decided to #and t#ese farms over to t#e state governors, so t#at wit# t#e #e p of t#e "inistr) of !gricu ture t#e) can convert t#em into mode s of food production,B said "aduro recent )'2ecent agreements signed wit# >razi , Urugua), C#ina and !rgentina a inc uded p ans for t#ese countries to aid Venezue a in deve oping its agricu tura sector'Foreign "inister H [as Kaua noted t#at t#e C#inese and ot#ers wi 8e transferring tec#no og) and aiding in t#e management of state*owned farms'@<e are teaming up to manage t#ese farms toget#er, so we can reac# t#e eve of efficienc) necessar) to ma9e t#em usefu to t#e Venezue an peop e,B #e said'Dpposition po iticians insist t#at t#e e6propriated ands s#ou d 8e returned to t#eir previous owners, and opposition eader 0enriGue Capri es #as promised t#at if e ected #e wou d review a t#e e6propriations'

!ene"uela needs hel&6 &revious attem&ts to s&ar% agro &roduction has ended in failure

Contreras, 1%
^!ngie, writer for e universa newspaper "arc# %&, %&1% , #ttp:((www'e universa 'com(economia(1%&3%&(mission*agro* venezue a*fai s*amidst* ac9*of*funds*and*inputs_ Venezue a1s agricu tura production resu ts in %&11 attested to t#e fai ure of t#e Great "ission !gro Venezue a, imp emented 8) t#e Venezue an government to foster agricu tura production after damages caused 8) #eav) rains ate in %&1&' ! t#oug#
former "inister of !gricu ture Kuan Car os /o)o said t#at agricu ture rose 1P ast )ear, data pu8 is#ed in t#e !nnua 2eport and !ccounts of t#e "inistr) of !gricu ture and /ands ("!5. s#ow t#at agricu tura production decreased 8) &'?CP t#roug#out t#e period in %&11' >ased on t#e annua report,

"!5 regiona offices noted t#at t#e) fai ed to fu fi t#e goa s set 8) t#e ministr) wit#in t#e framewor9 of t#e Great "ission !gro Venezue a' Suc# constraints inc uded ac9 of inputs and ve#ic es for on*site visits and monitoring of t#e production units funded 8) government proFects' 5#e "!5 offices in t#e states of "iranda, "Zrida, /ara and 3e ta !macuro reported "s#ortage of
tec#nica staff to ma9e time ), effective and efficient visits t#at were reGuired for gat#ering statistica data and providing compre#ensive tec#nica assistance to farmers'" 5#e regiona offices faced ot#er o8stac es suc# as de a)ed financing to farmers, ac9 of funds for

crops fo ow*up and monitoring, ina8i it) to pa) per diems, state*run 8an9s1 ac9 of information on t#e agricu tura ca endar, w#ic# prevented time ) dis8ursement of funds, and 8udget cuts' ! t#ese factors #it Venezue an agricu ture' ConseGuent ), Venezue a1s crop
area decreased 8) C'-P in %&11, according to figures reported in "!5 !nnua 2eport and !ccounts' 5#e cerea s sector was t#e #ardest #it in %&11, as t#e #arvested area of cerea s dec ined %&'?P compared to %&1&, w#i e )ie d dropped ,'$$P in t#e same period' An t#e same sector, t#e production of corn recorded a 1?'1,P dec ine in %&11, w#i e t#e crop area of cerea s p ummeted %1'%P' An %&11, 1,??,,-&1 acres of corn were cu tivated compared wit# 1,+C,,131 in %&1&' 5#e so)8ean crop area a so tum8 ed (1&',P., w#i e )ie d fe %$'$P' = antain was one of t#e items t#at were serious ) #it 8) rains during t#e first #a f of %&11' !ccording to t#e "!5 report, t#e crop area s#ran9 -'$P, and )ie d dwind ed 3'C?P ast )ear' 5#e "inistr) of !gricu ture and /ands reported an increase in t#e production of grains, te6ti es and oi seeds, roots and tu8ers, fruits and certified seeds'

+rug Cartels
US-!ene"uelan coo&eration solves drug cartels !=, 1&
(!ssociated =ress, Ku ) 13, %&1& #ttp:((seatt etimes'com(#tm (nationwor d(%&1%3$?3+&Eap tdrugwarvenezue a'#tm . Venezue a #anded over t#ree maFor drug traffic9ing suspects to U'S' aut#orities on 5uesda) inc uding an a eged 8oss of Co om8ia1s Iorte de Va e carte 'Car os ! 8erto ">eto" 2enteria is accused of 8eing a eader of t#e Iorte de Va e carte t#at a eged ) s#ipped #undreds of tons of cocaine to t#e United States' U'S' aut#orities #ad offered a X? mi ion reward for information eading to t#e arrest of 2enteria, ,?, w#o was captured on Ku ) $ in Caracas' 0e was escorted to a U'S' Kustice
3epartment p ane, #andcuffed and wit# a owered #ead, after two ot#er Co om8ians recent ) arrested in Venezue a: /uis Fran9 5e o and Car os ! 8erto DFeda 0errera'>ot# 5e o and DFeda s#outed angri ) as t#e) were ed to t#e p ane at Caracas1 internationa airport in "aiGuetia, sa)ing t#e) are Venezue ans'"5#is is a 9idnapping`" DFeda s#outed' "A1m Venezue an`"5e o s#outed t#at #e supports =resident 0ugo C#avez, sa)ing: "A1m a C#avista`"Kustice "inister 5arec9 H !issami did not comment on t#eir remar9s' 0e said t#eir deportation to t#e U'S'

demonstrates Venezue a1s commitment to counter*drug efforts'5#e U'S' Hm8ass) descri8ed a t#ree suspects as "maFor narco*traffic9ers" and praised Venezue an po ice for t#e arrests' "5#ese are ver) dangerous, vio ent individua s wit# outstanding warrants in t#e United States," t#e em8ass) said in a statement' "5#e United States reaffirms its interest in deepening its cooperation wit# t#e Venezue an government in t#e fig#t against narco*traffic9ing'" 5e o, $C, was arrested on Kune %3 in Caracas and is wanted in t#e United
States for crimes inc uding drug traffic9ing, conspirac) and aundering drug proceeds, Venezue an officia s sa)' H !issami #as accused 5e o of co a8orating wit# "e6ico1s Vetas drug gang'DFeda, ??, was arrested in "a) in eastern !nzoategui state, and Venezue an aut#orities sa) #e is wanted in t#e U'S' for traffic9ing #eroin and cocaine to t#e U'S' and =uerto 2ico'Venezue a #as 8ecome a maFor #u8 for traffic9ers smugg ing Co om8ian cocaine to t#e United States and Hurope'U'S' and Co om8ian officia s #ave previous ) accused C#avez1s government of a6 anti*drug efforts, 8ut C#avez sa)s #is countr) is doing ever)t#ing possi8 e to stem t#e f ow of drugs and #e accuses <as#ington and >ogota of unfair ) a8e ing #is countr) a drug #aven for po itica reasons'


7onocultures cause disease s&read 3eneem, &+
^=atric9 K' 3eneen Fourna ist and 8 oggerR on "!2C0 %,, %&&+R #ttp:((www'frontporc#repu8 ic'com(JpY1C3+_
From time to time, A #ope to re*post #ere on t#is site some writings A;ve previous ) posted on m) we8site, @<#at A Saw in !merica'B 5#is entr) : dated !pri %C, %&&- : #as proven to 8e among t#e most freGuented postings A;ve pu8 is#ed to date' For w#atever reason, a good man) peop e underta9e we8 searc#es for t#e word @monocu ture,B and m) post seems to 8e one of t#e first @#itsB t#at comes up' ") ref ections #ere ma) 8e

ess immediate ) usefu t#an a wi9ipedia entr), 8ut A dare #ope are more provocative' !gainst "onocu ture Iature a8#ors monocu tures' Iature a8#ors t#em so muc# t#at t#e) do not e6ist in accordance wit# nature' 5#e) wou d 8e un9nown 8ut for modern man' ! monocu ture is a sing e form of ife : or, 8) e6tension, a sing e cu ture : t#at e6ists over a arge e6panse of space, even g o8a )' Iature a8#ors monocu tures 8ecause t#e) are so suscepti8 e to anni#i ation 8) one agent of destruction' An p ant or anima ife, for e6amp e, a sing e virus or 8acteria, a sing e destructive fungus or disease, a sing e #osti e predator or pest wou d wipe out an entire monocu ture wit#out t#e 8arest resistance' At is t#e ver) nature of nature to avoid monocu tures : indeed, it cannot 8e ot#erwise since an) form of monocu ture cannot ong e6ist in nature' /ife in t#e natura rea m is manifo d and varied, precise ) so t#at some ife wi weat#er t#e inevita8 e dead ) c#a enges t#at arise' At cou d 8e posited t#at modernit) is defined 8) t#e introduction of monocu tures' An po itics, t#in9ers i9e 0o88es and /oc9e articu ate t#e
first universa and anti*cu tura t#eor) of po itics, o8 iterating considerations of oca cu ture, #istor) and tradition in t#e name of a singu ar and mono it#ic conception of po itica egitimac)' An economics, t#in9ers suc# as !dam Smit# introduce a wor d*transforming economic t#eor) t#at renders t#e entire g o8e su8Fect to t#e ogic of t#e mar9et' An t#e sciences, t#in9ers i9e >acon, 3escartes and Spinoza introduce a met#od t#at renders a oca 9now edge irre evant to t#e specia ized 9now edge of t#e e6pert, t#e universa ) va id findings of science' <e ive at a moment of monocu ture;s triump# : and demise' !round us is t#e evidence of t#e near*tota victor) of monocu tures in near ) ever) fie d of #uman activit), at t#e same time t#at t#e rec9 essness and fragi it) of monocu tures comes ever more fu ) into focus' An agricu ture we #ave soug#t efficienc) t#roug# crop monocu tures,

circumventing t#e need for rotation and variet) t#roug# #ig# eve s of petro eum inputs' <e #ave created monocu tures of w#eat, corn, potato, rice : a wit# a growing sense of fragi it) of t#eir futures in a wor d of constrained petro eum and water' Andustria met#ods of farming #ave severe ) dep eted topsoi around t#e wor d, t#e ver) source of agricu ture and #ence
#uman ife' !gricu tura monocu tures : attractive 8ecause t#e) can 8e efficient ) e6tracted 8) means of industria production : #ave ed to an atrop#) of 9now edge of #ow to grow numerous ot#er crops' Hven as we face t#e prospects of decreasing supp ies of industria ) produced crops, we want t#e 9now edge of #ow to produce in accordance wit# oca conditions t#at is t#e possession of a d)ing generation' An finance we #ave @rationa izedB our econom) to a wor dwide sca e, see9ing to avoid t#e ris9 of a fai ure of oca or regiona mar9ets 8) spreading ris9 across a wor dwide mar9et' For instance, w#ere once mortgages were made and #e d 8) oca 8an9s w#ose interest in t#eir soundness was vested in t#e communit), now t#ose same oans are immediate ) so d to distant financiers w#o in turn c#op, separate, recom8ine and se t#ese oans as a variet) of de8t instruments to t#e 8roadest possi8 e arra) of 8u)ers' 5#e fact t#at no one 8ears responsi8i it) or accounta8i it) actua ) increases t#e ris9 of defau t, since t#ere was ever) impetus to ma9e oans to peop e w#o cou d not repa), secure in t#e 9now edge t#at t#e oan wou d 8e off t#e ender;s 8oo9s wit#in %$ #ours' An turn, t#e mortgage crisis is a wor dwide p#enomenon in spite of t#e vast maForit) of oans made on !merican properties, damaging 8an9s and investment firms on ever) corner of t#e g o8e' 5#e >ear Stearns de8ac e : and t#e Fed;s unprecedented intervention : was t#e conseGuence of t#e deep intertwining of t#e finances of innumera8 e firms wit# t#e argest financia concerns in !merica, and #ence t#e reason w#) it cou d not 8e a owed to fai ' 0ad >S fai ed, 8) a accounts it wou d #ave ed to a wor dwide @run on t#e 8an9B : a panic t#at cou d #ave resu ted in internationa c#aos and up#eava as a mone) ceased to #ave va ue' 5#e sc#oo s t#at are supposed to educate #uman 8eings for responsi8 e ives a so are undergoing transformation into a monocu ture' 5#eir aim is to create a mo8i e arm) of itinerant vanda s, a8orers in t#e internationa corporate cu ture w#ose one and on ) aim is to produce a monocu ture of economic growt#' Dur sc#oo s were once a patc#wor9 of oca and particu ar traditions : regiona , re igious, pedagogica diversit), as diverse and ove ) as a oca ecos)stem' Iow t#e) a race to 8e identica , deat# ) afraid t#at t#e) ma) not 8e conforming c ose ) enoug# to t#e nearest competitor w#o #ar8ors e6act ) t#e same fears' 3uring m) fift# )ear at =rinceton Universit) : a )ear 8efore A was to su8mit materia s for tenure : A attended a meeting for a fift#*)ear untenured facu t) #e d 8) t#e 3ean of t#e Facu t)' 0is most memora8 e advice (in addition to, @pu8 is#, pu8 is#, pu8 is#B. was to app ) for ot#er Fo8s' 5#e reason: a Fo8 offer from anot#er institution wou d prove )our wort# in t#e e)es of =rinceton' A as9ed, @if =rinceton oo9s to ot#er institutions to esta8 is# t#e wort# of a facu t) mem8er, w#o is actua ) esta8 is#ing t#eir va ueJB 3ean of Facu t): @5#e mar9et'B "e: @A t#oug#t <H set t#e standard' <#) e se do we 8rag a8out our num8er one ran9ingJB 5#e message was c ear: t#e standard was @academic e6ce enceB defined as our reputation 8e)ond t#e gates of =rinceton, and as defined 8) t#e internationa communit) of sc#o ars' Ats coin was pu8 ication in refereed Fourna s : @t#e creation of 9now edgeB : and not t#e contri8utions we were ma9ing specifica ), and even possi8 ) imited to, t#e communit) at =rinceton' At is in t#e image of t#is am8ition for @academic e6ce enceB t#at a institutions are 8eing remade, a in t#e same and mono it#ic fas#ion' An t#e end, we were to d, t#ere was no standard ot#er t#an a vast and anon)mous interc#angea8 e monocu ture of #ig#er education' An t#e end, it didn;t matter if an)one w#o received an offer sta)ed at =rinceton or eft, since one wou d find t#e same sorts of co eagues and students at an) e ite institution' "one) and esteem 8) t#e internationa communit) of sc#o ars : not institutiona particu ar it) and o)a t) : increasing ) 8ecomes t#e currenc) for facu t), Fust as it is for students' !n itinerant and root ess inte ectua c ass prepares an itinerant and root ess student c ass : indeed, considers suc# interanc) and root essness t#e sign of success' ! prepare and assume eGua ) t#at t#e future is one of economic growt# and e6panding g o8a ization, wit#out t#e s ig#test #esitation or dou8t t#at it cou d 8e ot#erwise' 5#e monocu ture of #ig#er education prepares our students for t#e monocu ture of t#e wor d' At is at once t#e agent of, and t#e conseGuence of, modernit);s monocu tures' An t#ese t#ree cases : and one cou d offer man) more : t#e potentia for fai ure is acute' An agricu ture and finance, t#e dangers posed 8) our monocu tures are o8vious' An education we are more prone to se f*congratu ation, 8ut we no ess em8race a monocu ture t#at cou d fai in t#e increasing ) i9e ) event t#at t#e future does not a ign wit# t#e e6pectations for w#ic# we 8 it#e ) prepare our students' !t t#is moment especia ) we s#ou d 8e protecting actua diversit) : 8io*diversit), financia diversit) (i'e', oca mar9ets. and educationa diversit) in t#e name of oca , regiona , re igious and pedagogica traditions (rat#er t#an 8eing 8 inded 8) t#e monocu ture*8ased c aims of @mu ticu tura ismB.' Net, at t#is moment we are apt to c ing to our modern fait# in t#e ogic of monocu tures, even as t#e news seems to 8e undenia8 e t#at nature #ates monocu tures, and nature wi not 8e indefinite ) denied'

+isease S&read 8is%s (xtinction Stein8runer, +Stein8runer 1++- (Ko#nR Senior Fe ow : >roo9ings Anstitute. @>io ogica <eapons: ! p ague upon a #ousesB Foreign =o ic) <inter At is a considera8 e comfort and undou8ted ) a 9e) to our surviva t#at, so far, t#e main ines of defense against t#is t#reat #ave not depended on e6p icit po icies or organized efforts' An t#e ong course of evo ution, t#e #uman 8od) #as

deve oped p#)sica 8arriers and a 8ioc#emica immune s)stem w#ose sop#istication and effectiveness e6ceed an)t#ing we cou d design or as )et even fu ) understand' >ut evo ution is a sword t#at cuts 8ot# wa)s: Iew diseases emerge, w#i e o d diseases mutate and adapt' 5#roug#out #istor), t#ere #ave 8een epidemics during w#ic# #uman immunit) #as 8ro9en down on an epic sca e' !n infectious agent 8e ieved to #ave 8een t#e p ague 8acterium 9i ed an estimated %& mi ion peop e over a four*)ear period in t#e fourteent# centur), inc uding near ) one*Guarter of <estern Hurope1s popu ation at t#e time' Since its recognized appearance in 1+-1, some %& variations of t#e 0AVvirus #ave infected an estimated %+'$ mi ion wor dwide, wit# 1'? mi ion peop e current ) d)ing of aids eac# )ear' "a aria, tu8ercu osis, and c#o era*once t#oug#t to 8e under contro *are now ma9ing a come8ac9' !s we enter t#e twent)*first centur), c#anging conditions #ave en#anced t#e potentia for widespread contagion' 5#e rapid growt# rate of t#e tota wor d popu ation, t#e unprecedented freedom of movement across internationa 8orders, and scientific advances t#at e6pand t#e capa8i it) for t#e de i8erate manipu ation of pat#ogens are a cause for worr) t#at t#e pro8 em mig#t 8e greater in t#e future t#an it #as ever 8een in t#e past' 5#e t#reat of infectious pat#ogens is not Fust an issue of pu8 ic #ea t#, 8ut a fundamenta securit) pro8 em for t#e species as a w#o e'

Food Shortages
Cro& Production in !ene"uela is falling at dangerous rates Forero, &+
Kuan Forero, (<as#ington =ost correspondent to Co um8ia and Venezue a, Ku ) 1? t#, %&&+ #ttp:((www'npr'org(temp ates(stor)(stor)'p#pJstor)AdY1&,,%&%3& ((H" An Venezue a, =resident 0ugo C#avez1s government #as made t#e e6propriation of farm and M ta9ing and from 8ig and#o ders and giving it to t#e poor M centra to #is so*ca ed revo ution' The idea is to spur production and end dependence on food imports ' >ut t#e resu ts #ave fa en s#ort, ma9ing t#e countr) more dependent on foreign food t#an ever 8efore ' Consider farmer
2amon >arrera, w#o spends #is da)s feeding a #andfu of scrawn) pigs' 0e t#oug#t #e a so wou d 8e raising crops after arriving a few mont#s ago in /as Vegas, a town in a sun*8a9ed corner of nort#western Venezue a' 5#e and #ad 8een a vast catt e ranc# 8efore t#e government seized it to redistri8ute to poor farmers i9e >arrera' >ut >arrera sa)s t#ere is no irrigation, no tec#nica #e p from t#e government and no

credit'"0ow are peop e supposed to wor9J" #e as9s' Venezue a1s and reform is rooted in a %&&1 aw and C#avez1s conviction t#at t#e and 8e ongs to a Venezue ans' 5#e president drove #ome #is point recent ) on #is wee9 ) te evision s#ow'"5o t#ose w#o own t#e and, t#is and is not )ours," C#avez said' "5#e and is not private, 8ut t#e propert) of t#e nation'"5#e state #as redistri8uted more t#an ? mi ion acres, a8out t#e size of "assac#usetts' Some was unused state and, 8ut increasing ) it inc udes and seized from farmers' 5#e government sa)s it goes after unproductive farms, compensating t#e owners, or and deemed to #ave 8een sto en )ears ago' 5#e state recent ) seized t#e 5amarindo sugar cane #acienda' Kuan 3os Santos sa)s t#e farm rig#tfu ) 8e onged to #is fami ) and t#at t#e) #ad invested X1- mi ion ma9ing it a s#owcase farm'"5#e farm #ad it a M a modern irrigation s)stem, roadwa)s, e ectricit), ware#ouses, mac#iner)," 3os Santos sa)s' >ut t#e government sa)s farms suc# as 5amarindo are put to good use' "aria 2osario C#irinos is among t#ose w#o #ave 8enefited from t#e government po ic)' S#e
used to wor9 in a corner store' 5#en s#e #eard a8out t#e and e6propriation program and came oo9ing for a farm' S#e sa)s #er dream was to own #er own p ot of and' !gricu ture e6perts suc# as Car os "ac#ado, t#oug#, sa) t#e success stories are few and far 8etween' "ac#ado sa)s once*productive spreads, suc# as t#e and C#irinos now farms, are now unproductive' !nd t#e resu t is t#at Venezue a is si6 times more dependent on foreign food imports t#an 8efore C#avez too9 power' "5#at s#ows t#at t#e government po ic) aims to increase t#e crop production in t#e countr) are a comp ete fai ure ," "ac#ado sa)s' !mong t#ose tr)ing to #ang on to #is farm is Vicente /ecuna, w#ose fami ) #as run Santa C ara since 1-+&'From t#e oo9s of it, t#e /ecuna farm is t#riving' Fie d #ands ride #orses w#i e catt e graze' 5#e fie ds are green wit# sugarcane and t#e farm a so grows coffee' >ut a read) t#e state #as ta9en a part of t#is farm, rep acing sugarcane wit# corn' /ecuna sa)s t#e and t#ere is not suited for corn' Ie son Fernandez is among /ecuna1s wor9ers w#o worr) a8out t#e arriva of newcomers'"A graduated as an agricu tura tec#nician in 1+,,," #e sa)s, "and am sti earning somet#ing ever) da)'" Sti , in Venezue a, it appears t#at t#e government is acce erating its ta9eover of farms' Dn #is s#ow t#e ot#er da), C#avez said t#e and reform aw is un8ending and t#at it is time to e6propriate more farms' 0e as9ed #is aides to #and #im a ist of farms deemed unproductive' Dne after anot#er, #e read off t#e names of t#e farms and announced t#eir e6propriation' An t#e audience, C#avez1s ministers app auded ent#usiastica )'

.ithout a sustainable agriculture industry !ene"uela "unoz, 13

ill suffer from a food shortage

"unoz, <a Street Kourna 2eporter, %&13 (Sara Sc#aefer, @4e) Assue in Venezue an Vote: Food Supporters of Chvez's Successor and His Challenger Spar Over Reason for Bare Supermar et Shelves!" accessed on Kune %$, %&13 from #ttp:((on ine'wsF'com(artic e(S>1&&&1$%$1%C--C3%3C$1&&$?C-$1$-,%,,C%&,+-%'#tm , 8 #. 5#e issue, w#ic# is a su8Fect of campaign de8ate 8etween t#e two sides, cou d #aunt Venezue a for )ears to come' 5#e countr) re ies on its oi do ars to 8u) C&P of its food from a8road, generating worr) among economists and agricu ture e6perts t#at if oi prices fa , t#e countr) wi face a severe food s#ortage' 5#e reason is t#at Venezue a1s once*p entifu agricu ture #as 8een cripp ed 8) )ears of price contro s, a ac9 of ferti izers, pesticides and eGuipment, and t#e t#reat of farm and seizures 8) t#e government , sa) farmers and economists' "At1s a #ig#*ris9 situation," said 2odrigo !gudo, an agricu tura consu tant in Venezue a' " Af t#e government doesn1t c#ange its po icies and ma9e a decision to support nationa production in a rea wa), it wi 8e a most impossi8 e to avoid a crisis '"

'ills everyone in ,atin America C#avez and "unoz, &%

C#avez and "unoz, Iutritionist and =rofessor, %&&% (!do fo and "iriam, t#e Anstituto Iaciona de Ciencias "Zdicas ) Iutrician and t#e Universidad !utonoma de "ore os, Cuernavaca, "e6ico, @Food securit) in /atin !mericaB, accessed on Kune %$, %&13 from Food and Iutrition >u etin, 8 #. !not#er nutritiona pro8 em in a of /atin !merica is, wit# few e6ceptions, as widespread as ma nutrition: t#e tendenc) of t#e popu ation to suffer from o8esit), insu in resistance, and t#e c#ronic c inica s)ndromes in9ed to t#emMdia8etes, #)pertension, and cardiovascu ar pro8 ems' At is now 9nown t#at popu ations of Ando*!merican ancestr) tend to #ave t#e so*ca ed t#rift) gene, and t#at ear ) ma nutrition, from t#e wom8 to t#ree )ears of age, predisposes t#em ater to t#ese c#ronic s)ndromes' 5#us, in some communities or fami ies, t#e c#i dren are at ris9 for ma nutrition, w#i e t#e adu ts are at ris9 for t#ese c#ronic diseases' 5#e rea it) over t#e past %& )ears of economic c#ange and g o8a ization is t#at most /atin !merican countries , and some regions especia ), are strugg ing to cope wit# t#e new socioeconomic conditions, and t#at t#e situation must not 8e a owed to worsen' At is a so true t#at /atin !merican agricu ture is suffering and t#at t#e countries and regions t#at depend on agricu ture are on t#e 8rin9 of crisis, wit# t#e near future difficu t to predict' Anternationa economic pressures sure ) wi continue, and t#e new g o8a mar9et wi 8e progressive ) more dominant' An t#e a8sence of ot#er so utions, t#e a8i it) of

/atin !merican societies to adapt to and to adopt t#e new economic and tec#no ogica conditions wi 8e t#e 9e) not on ) to t#eir progress in t#e new g o8a ized wor d 8ut a so to t#eir ver) surviva '

0nfrastructure is needed to solidify gro ing food &roduction and access in !ene"uela Sc#iavoni and Camacaro, &+
Sc#iavoni and Camacaro, writers for venezue aana )sis'com, %&&+ (C#ristina and <i iam, @5#e Venezue an Hffort to >ui d a Iew Food and !gricu ture S)stemB accessed Kune %$, %&13 from #ttp:((venezue ana )sis'com(ana )sis($-C3, 8 #. <#i e Venezue a #as made maFor strides 8ot# in food production and food access over t#e past decade, a considera8 e c#a enge remains in connecting t#ese efforts' "uc# of Venezue a1s infrastructure for food distri8ution, processing, and storage #ad 8een privatized prior to 1++-' Some w#o rea ized t#at t#ere was more mone) to 8e made in e6porting and importing food intentiona ) dismant ed some of t#e countr)1s agricu ture and food infrastructure' 5#is ena8 ed a certain few to profit 8ot# from e6porting Venezue an raw agricu tura products and importing processed goods for consumption ' An
some instances, t#e ver) same products were e6ported, processed, and t#en imported 8ac9 into t#e countr), ma9ing arge profits for t#e midd emen to t#e detriment of producers, wor9ers disp aced from processing faci ities, and consumers' 31

!ene"uela$s economy is on the brin% because of the inability to diversify from oil# 4nly increased infrastructure through an ex&anded manufacturing sector ill be able to solve# = ummer, 13
(2o8ert = ummer, >usiness 2eporter for >>C Iews, ? "arc# %&1$, @0ugo C#avez eaves Venezue a in economic mudd eB #ttp:((www'88c'co'u9(news(8usiness*%&C+?C-1. cam 5#at #a8it of impromptu po ic)ma9ing was integra to "r C#avez1s st) e , rig#t from t#e start of #is 1$ )ears in power' O 5ime and again,
t#e president wou d ma9e maFor decisions on an ad #oc 8asis, often during t#e course of #is ram8 ing and unscripted wee9 ) 5V 8roadcast to t#e nation, 9nown as ! o =residente'O 0e was particu ar ) prone to Guic9*fi6 so utions in economic po ic) , resorting to regu ar currenc) deva uations, e6propriations of private firms and inf ation*8usting pu8 ic*sector pa) rises rat#er t#an tac9 ing t#e econom)1s under )ing structura pro8 ems' O 5#is fire*fig#ting approac# continued even as "r C#avez ingered on #is Cu8an sic98ed, wit# Vice*=resident Iico as "aduro imp ementing a 3%P deva uation of t#e 8o ivar in Fe8ruar)'O !s a resu t, "r C#avez 8eGueat#s a nation 8eset 8) crum8 ing infrastructure, unsustaina8 e pu8 ic spending and underperforming industr)' O 5#an9s to #is socia programmes, poorer Venezue ans #ave certain ) 8enefited from t#e countr)1s oi wea t# more t#an t#e) did under w#at #e ca ed t#e rotten e ites t#at used to 8e in c#arge'O >ut t#ere are strong suspicions t#at muc# mone) #as 8een wasted * not Fust t#roug# corruption, 8ut a so s#eer incompetence'O !re )ou 8etter off t#an in 1++-JO 3uring 0ugo C#avez1s time in office, from 1+++ to t#e present da), income ineGua it) in Venezue a gradua ) dec ined, as it did in most of t#e region' O 5#e countr) now 8oasts t#e fairest income distri8ution in /atin !merica, as measured 8) t#e Gini coefficient inde6' O An %&11, Venezue a1s Gini coefficient fe to &'3+' >) wa) of comparison, >razi 1s was &'?%, in itse f a #istoric ow'O So ever) Venezue an now #as a more eGua s ice of t#e ca9e' 5#e trou8 e is, t#at ca9e #as not 8een getting muc# 8igger'O "Venezue a is t#e fift# argest econom) in /atin !merica, 8ut during t#e ast decade, it1s 8een t#e worst performer in G3= per capita growt# ," sa)s !rturo Franco of t#e Center for Anternationa 3eve opment at 0arvard Universit)'O !s "r Franco sa)s, it depends on #ow )ou measure Venezue a1s progress' O Af )ou compare ife under "r C#avez wit# t#e previous %& )ears, under a now discredited two*part) s)stem wide ) 8 amed for rampant corruption, t#e C#avez era is prefera8 e'O >ut if )ou oo9 at t#e

superior economic performance of neig#8ouring >razi and Co om8ia during t#e same period, it sudden ) doesn1t oo9 so ros)'O !nd given t#at t#e price of a 8arre of oi is now roug# ) 1& times w#at it was w#en "r C#avez was first e ected, #is opponents sa) t#at #e cou d and s#ou d #ave done more'O Venezue a1s econom): Di ta9es t#e strainO "r C#avez1s fai ure to diversif) Venezue a1s econom) means t#at oi is sti its mainsta)' An fact, it accounts for more t#an +&P of t#e countr)1s foreign currenc) inf ows'O !8out ?&P of government revenues
come from t#e petro eum industr), most ) from state compan) =3VS!'O "r C#avez1s government too9 firm contro of =3VS! in %&&3, w#en it fired $&P of t#e wor9force in t#e aftermat# of a genera stri9e aimed at forcing #im from power' O >ut critics #ave accused t#e firm of neg ecting maintenance w#i e it funne ed oi revenue into government socia programmes, especia ) after an e6p osion in !ugust %&1% at t#e !mua) refiner), t#e countr)1s argest, in w#ic# $% peop e were 9i ed'O Anstead of investing in =3VS! to increase production, "r C#avez treated it as a cas# cow, mi 9ing its funds to finance #is socia spending on #ousing, #ea t#care and transport'O Finding out Fust #ow t#at mone) #as 8een dispensed is not eas)' >ut t#e government #as 8ecome steadi ) more invo ved in ever) sector of t#e econom), to t#e detriment of t#e private sector'O An Septem8er %&1%, 2euters news agenc) pu8 is#ed a specia report into a state corporation, Fonden, t#at now accounts for one*t#ird of a investment in Venezue a'O At found a string of a8andoned or #a f*8ui t faci ities, inc uding a paper factor), an a uminium mi and a f eet of unused 8uses * a of w#ic# apparent ) received mone) from Fonden'O Fonden #as a8sor8ed X1&&8n of Venezue a1s oi revenues since it was founded in %&&?' O !t t#e end of Kanuar), t#e government cut =3VS!1s contri8ution to Fonden 8) 1+P, a move w#ic# seems to presage a round of pu8 ic spending cuts' >ut unti t#e post*C#avez po itica andscape is c ear ) esta8 is#ed, t#e president1s successors can #ard ) afford to a ienate t#e peop e wit# austerit) programmes'O =u8 ic spending: Can t#e 8oom astJO An t#e run*up to #is presidentia e ection victor) ast Dcto8er, "r C#avez made ow*income and socia #ousing a priorit), aunc#ing a p an to 8ui d t#ree mi ion #omes 8) %&1-'O 5#e #ousing drive fue ed 8ig increases in pu8 ic spending * and 8ig e6pectations among t#ose )et to 8e #oused under t#e programme' O !ccording to >an9 of !merica*"erri /)nc#, government e6penditure rose 3&P in rea terms as a resu t over t#e 1% mont#s eading up to t#e e ection'O >ut a t#at argesse too9 its to on t#e pu8 ic finances' Capita Hconomics, a researc# compan), estimates t#at Venezue a1s fisca deficit widened to +P of G3= in %&1%, w#i e "organ Stan e) rec9ons it cou d #ave reac#ed 1%P 8) now'O !ccording to t#e <or d >an9, t#e Venezue an econom) is estimated to #ave grown 8) more t#an ?P during %&1%' 0owever, it forecasts a s owdown in %&13, wit# Fust 1'-P growt# e6pected, w#i e man) ana )sts are e6pecting t#e countr) to fa into recession t#is )ear'O 5#e atest ma6i*deva uation of t#e Venezue an currenc) wi #e p t#e government1s financia position' Since oi is priced in do ars, a wea9er 8o ivar increases t#e oca va ue of oi revenues, giving

t#e government more cas#'O An t#eor), it s#ou d a so #e p Venezue a to e6port more goods from ot#er sectors of t#e econom)' >ut o8servers rec9on t#e countr)1s manufacturing sector is too sma to 8enefit muc# * anot#er conseGuence of Venezue a1s concentration on oi to t#e e6c usion of a e se'O An t#e words of "ic#ae 0enderson at Capita Hconomics: "5#e current ma aise is t#e product of )ears of capita f ig#t and under*investment, w#ic# #as #o owed out t#e countr)1s productive 8ase'"

7assive &overty issues in !ene"uela no C#ang and Casti o, 13
(Kac9 and H' Hduardo, writers for t#e 0uffington =ost, "Venezue a !fter C#avez: =overt), Vio ence !mong =ro8 ems Facing 5#e Countr)", "arc# 1?, %&13, www'#uffingtonpost'com(%&13(&3(1?(venezue a*after*c#avez*povert)*vio enceEnE%--?C+$'#tm . "/ 5#is tense, re ent ess ) gra) capita em8odies man) of Venezue a1s pro8 ems, wit# crum8 ing apartment towers and food ines often s#aring t#e same sidewa 9 wit# c#eering crowds eager to greet t#eir departed Comandante' ""ore t#an an)t#ing, t#e government continues fig#ting wit# ever)one, and does ever)t#ing 8ad )," said Francisco D ivero, a ?$*)ear*o d carpenter w#o ives wit# #is wife and five c#i dren in t#e poor neig#8or#ood of Catia, Fust 8 oc9s from t#e funera route' /i9e man) Venezue ans, D ivero said wartime* eve s of street vio ence a over t#e cit) were #is top worr)' "5#e) 9i peop e #ere ever) da)," #e said' "A1ve ost friends, re atives'" !s t#ousands of 8used*in po ice academ) cadets gat#ered a ong t#e route to prepare for t#e procession, D ivero and #is wife, Ne itza !cuna, #id from t#e sun w#i e waiting in a 8 oc9* ong ine to 8u) f our, coffee, 8utter and ot#er food stap es t#e) said #ave 8een #ard to come 8) for a8out two )ears' 5#e store, w#ic# sits a ong t#e most traffic9ed part of t#e route, #appened to 8e se ing t#e rare goods Frida), drawing a crowd of peop e desperate for a few 8ags of f our' "5#e word spread in t#e street, and we a came running #ere," said D ivero1s wife, w#o is a coo91s assistant' /ater, C#avez1s coffin trave ed down t#e street in a 8 ac9 #earse, to t#e roar of t#ousands of admirers' Hconomists sa) government*imposed price contro s designed to

dampen inf ation topping %& percent #ave made it impossi8 e for store owners to se 8asic foods at a profit, spar9ing widespread s#ortages' For t#eir part, officia s #ave accused supp iers of #oarding t#e goods and #ave invaded ware#ouses oo9ing for sugar, f our and ot#er food items in s#ort supp )' ! most a of Caracas1 streets empt) of peop e 8) dus9 as residents ive under t#e pa of a #omicide rate %& times t#at of t#e United States' Dn 5#ursda), t#e U'I' 3eve opment =rogram issued a stud) finding Venezue a #ad t#e wor d1s fift# #ig#est #omicide rate, on ) 8e#ind 0onduras, H Sa vador, t#e Avor) Coast and Kamaica' "an), #owever, 8e ieve t#e po ice are a 8ig part of t#e pro8 em' An an astounding reve ation, former Kustice "inister 5arec9 H !issami said in %&&+ t#at po ice were responsi8 e for up to %& percent of t#e countr)1s crimes' 5#e growt# of suc# neig#8or#oods #as contri8uted to ot#er pro8 ems' 3ue to crum8 ing or none6istent infrastructure, sewage a over t#e cit) goes main ) to one p ace: t#e once*pristine Guaire 2iver , w#ic# runs a ong most of C#avez1s funera route'

That ma%es !ene"uela one of the most crime-ridden countries in the 3a ton, &-


Socia ism 5oda): Socia ist =art) "agazine' @Venezue a;s Crime =ro8 emB 8) Aain 3a ton, !pri %&&- Assue* #ttp:((www'socia ismtoda)'org(11C(venezue a'#tm 50H 2HCHI5 artic e 8) 5on) Saunois on Venezue a (Socia ism 5oda) Io'11?, Fe8ruar) %&&-. correct ) points out t#at t#e 8 ig#t of crime t#ere "is a critica Guestion"' "an) media reports focus on crime in one form or anot#er, w#et#er it is t#e murder rate in Caracas, t#e atest 9idnapping, or anot#er prison riot' !s 5on) comments "vio ent crime is now seen as a maFor issue as t#e government is seen as #aving fai ed to dea wit# it "' 5on) Guotes murder rates in Caracas of 33'% per 1&&,&&&, wit# e even murders a da) in Iovem8er %&&C, s#owing t#at Venezue a is one of t#e most murderous countries in t#e wor d' !ccording to figures from t#e United Iations Surve) on Crime 5rends and Dperations of Crimina Kustice S)stems (using figures co ected 8etween 1++- and %&&&., Venezue a came sevent# out of ,% countries in tota num8ers of crimes, ower t#an t#e US, "e6ico, Sout# !frica, Co om8ia, 2ussia and Andia' 0owever, severa of t#ose countries #ave muc# arger popu ations t#an Venezue a : per 1&&,&&& peop e t#e US murder rate in %&&& was ?'?1, muc# ower t#an Venezue a' An terms of genera crime, #owever, Venezue a ran9s $, out of ,& wit# +'3 crimes per 1,&&& peop e, w#ereas t#e U4, US!, Sout# !frica, German) and C#i e #ave muc# #ig#er rates' Crime figures are often not 8ri iant ) re ia8 e, 8ecause not on ) do t#e) ref ect t#e actua crime rate, 8ut t#e) are a so a product of eac# countries; different c assifications of crime, t#e reporting rate of crime, decisions on w#at crimes to record etc' ! so, one crime t)pe ma) 8e muc# more preva ent t#an t#e genera rate (ie in Venezue a murder and serious vio ent crimes i9e 9idnapping., w#ic# ma) s9ew t#e figures' "urder, #owever, tends to 8e we reported (if not on ) for t#e seriousness of t#e crime, t#en a so t#e fact it can 8e cross*c#ec9ed wit# ot#er data inc uding #ospita admissions etc.' !fter t#e s#ort discussion of crime rates, 5on) t#en comments t#at "some ma) argue t#at it is unfair to 8 ame C#avez for t#e #ig# eve s of crime"' Andeed C#avez in#erited a egac) of crime and

corruption on assuming t#e presidenc) from previous pi aging capita ist ru ers' 5#e #ig# murder rate, rampant prison overcrowding and ot#er pro8 ems were Fust one part of t#at egac)' 5on) a so points out t#at crime is a product of socia conditions, in particu ar povert) and a ienation' Some of t#e proposa s in t#e defeated referendum wou d #ave a eviated t#ese to an e6tent, particu ar ) t#e reduction of t#e wor9ing wee9, as #ave ot#er previous reforms' >ut t#ose reforms #ave, as 5on) notes, 8een financed on t#e 8ac9 of #ig# oi prices and economic growt# and t#e coming wor d recession p aces t#em in Feopard)' C#avez #as fai ed to nationa ise most of t#e decisive sectors of t#e econom), w#ic# #ave 8een giving 8onanza profits to t#e Venezue an capita ists' Dn ) t#roug# t#e nationa isation of t#ese sectors of t#e econom), under democratic wor9ing c ass contro , can t#ese resources 8e fu ) uti ised to eradicate povert) and moreover stop capita ist disruption of Venezue an ife, suc# as t#e current food s#ortages' 0owever, socia ists do not stand 8ac9 and do not#ing in
t#e meantime: it is necessar) for t#e wor9ers; movement to ta9e up crime, as t#e artic e states, "in a practica wa)"' 5#e artic e discusses t#e corruption preva ent in t#e Venezue an po ice, 8ut t#e demands made 8) "ar6ists in re ation to t#e state are app ica8 e not Fust to t#e po ice 8ut a sections of t#e crimina Fustice s)stem' At is no good for t#e po ice to arrest, for e6amp e, some fascist t#ugs, for t#em to 8e unconditiona ) re eased 8) t#e courts w#ic# are dominated 8) t#e usua ) conservative Fudiciar)' Simi ar ), t#ere is not muc# point in etting t#ose convicted of crimes simp ) rot

awa) and 8ecome even more 8ruta ised in overcrowded Fai s ' 5#e w#o e crimina

Fustice s)stem needs to 8e ta9en under t#e democratic contro of t#e communit), wit# fu trade union rig#ts for t#e wor9ers wit#in it' !s t#e artic e states, t#e creation of an organised movement of t#e wor9ing c ass and poor is crucia ' Dn ) t#is, armed wit# a socia ist programme, can guarantee t#e victor) of t#e Venezue an revo ution and ead a rea fig#t to rid Venezue a of its 8 ig#t of vio ent crime'

Causes endless violence and ex&loitation)moral obligation to re9ect Spencer, 1%

@Vio ent Crime !na )sis: 5#e Cause is =overt)B 8) C#ristop#er 5a i8 Spencer' Df t#e San Francisco >a)View Iationa > ac9 Iewspaper: &-(1-(%&1%' @=overt) is a weapon of mass destruction'B /o : 2/"

we must c#a enge and destro) t#e root causes of crime and not Fust tac9 e crime, w#ic# is on ) an effect and not t#e cause of t#e pro8 em' <e must 8egin to oo9 at t#e pro8 em t#at causes crime, w#ic# is =DVH25N' ! crime can 8e traced to o8Fective socio*economic conditions : socia ) productive or counterproductive activit)' Crime is a socia pro8 emR it stems from a ac9 of co ective societa input' 2emem8er it ta9es a vi age to raise a c#i d'
An order to effective ) c#a enge t#e prison industria comp e6 growt#, An t#e essence of crime )ou #ave t#e 8reeding factor, and t#e 8reeding factor is somet#ing t#at produces crime or, )ou can sa), causes crime'

=overt) 8reeds crime and in t#e process of t#e manufacturing of povert), #ere comes t#e vio ence, #ere comes t#e insanit), #ere comes t#e drug epidemic, #ere comes t#e dead8eat dad s)ndrome and, ast 8ut not east, #ere comes t#e stee enc osed prison
societ)' ! of t#ese vices are t#e effect and not t#e cause of uneGua distri8ution of wea t#' !not#er factor t#at we must 9eep in mind is t#at wage s aver) is a so vio entR capita ism is vio ent' !n)time someone #as a Fo8 and sti cannot provide for #is or #er fami ) at east on

a su8sistence eve , t#en a crime of vio ence is 8eing perpetuated against #im' !nd if t#is person goes out and commits a crime of vio ence 8ecause #e or s#e #as 8een margina ized 8) !merica;s ac9 of socio*economic contract, t#en #e or s#e is rea ) t#e victim of inFustice' Iow, in no wa) am A Fustif)ing t#e crime committed 8) t#e a eged crimina ' A;m on ) sa)ing t#at a crime t#at eads to a crime needs to 8e addressedR a so t#e para a6 needs to 8e destro)ed' 5#e so ution t#at A propose to t#is pro8 em is t#at progressive peop e
need to #ave a forum wit# eac# ot#er and mem8ers of t#eir respective communities and come up wit# some t)pe of va id so ution to 8e 8roug#t 8efore Congress or t#e <or d Court for t#is vio ence t#at;s 8eing #eaped upon t#e citizens of !merica' So in c osing, A wou d i9e to sa) t#at unti povert), t#e root cause of mass incarceration, is destro)ed, we wi see a stead) rise of citizens in t#e prison industria comp e6'

*US infrastructure solves &overty*


A:: China
China is not loo%ing to continue aiding !ene"uela Iage , 13
Kuan Iage (writer for Foreign=o ic)'com. Fe8ruar) 1%, %&13 transitions'foreignpo ic)'com(posts(%&13(&%(1%(venezue aEsEdeva uationE#asEc#inaEwrittenEa EoverEit ((H"

An t#e ast few wee9s, reports #ave surfaced t#at t#e C#inese, t#e main underwriters of ast )earbs enormous fisca deficit, are growing frustrated wit# t#eir Venezue an counterpartR t#e) are in no mood to continue ending to t#e government, and fe t t#at Venezue a sacrificed productive investments for c#eap pre*e ectora spending ' An spite of t#is, reports surfaced t#at
Venezue a is as9ing C#ina for more cas#' /ast wee9, new )*appointed Foreign "inister H [as Kaua trave ed to >eiFing, returning wit# a vague statement t#at t#e C#inese ratified t#eir interest "in continuing to cooperate wit# Venezue a" and t#at =resident ci Kinping sent "a #ug" to 0ugo C#Lvez' 5oo 8ad, 8ecause #e wasn1t sent to >eiFing to fetc# "#ugs'" <#at Kaua did not sa) is t#at #e fai ed to secure new funding from C#ina ** and t#is ma) #ave triggered t#e move to deva ue' !s A #ave a read) argued, Venezue a is i9e a =onzi sc#eme: Continued returns to enders re ) on getting fres# new funding' Dnce t#e funding dries up, t#e osses 8egin to accumu ate' !fter ast wee91s deva uation, it oo9s i9e t#e oss is 8orne on t#e 8ac9s of ordinar) Venezue ans, w#o wo9e up earning ess and pa)ing more for practica ) ever)t#ing'

A:: S1uo Solves

A:: S1uo solves

Chave"$s &rograms didn$t do anything "c!23/H 13
("egan "c!rd e is a specia correspondent for #e$s$ee and 5#e 3ai ) >east covering 8usiness, economics, and pu8 ic po ic)' ! former senior editor at The %tlantic and writer for The &conomist, "egan #as a diverse wor9 #istor) inc uding t#ree sma startups and a disaster recover) firm at Ground Vero' &3(&C(%&13* @<#) 0ugo C#avez <as >ad for Venezue a'B #ttp:((www't#edai )8east'com(artic es(%&13(&3(&C(w#)*#ugo*c#avez*was*8ad*for* venezue a'#tm . 2/" So it seems wort#w#i e to point out t#at in t#e ong run, 0ugo C#avez was pro8a8 ) 8ad for t#e poor of Venezue aR t#at #e wou d #ave a read) 8een ver) 8ad for t#e poor of Venezue a if #e #ad not 8een #appi ) 8ai ed out 8) t#e wor d oi mar9et R and t#at even 8e)ond #is mismanagement of t#e econom), 0ugo C#avez s#ou d not command respect' 0is means were despica8 e, even if )ou agree wit# t#e ends' /ast item first' <i iam 3o8son writes t#e 8rief for t#e prosecution: TUUn i9e Castro and man) ot#er autocrats, C#Lvez didn;t fear e ectionsR 0e em8raced t#em' "ost opposition eaders wi te )ou t#at Venezue an e ections are re ative ) c ean' 5#e pro8 em isn;t H ection 3a)MAt;s t#e ot#er 3,$ da)s' 2at#er t#an stuffing 8a ot 8o6es, C#Lvez understood t#at #e cou d ti t t#e p a)ing fie d enoug# to ma9e it near ) impossi8 e to defeat #im' 5#us, t#e regime;s e ectora wizards engineered gerr)mandering sc#emes t#at made an)t#ing attempted in t#e !merican Sout# oo9 i9e c#i d;s p a)' C#Lvez;s campaign coffers were fed 8) opaGue s us# funds #o ding 8i ions in oi revenue' 5#e government;s media dominance drowned out t#e opposition' =o iticians w#o appeared formida8 e were simp ) 8anned from running for office' !nd t#e ru ing part) 8ecame e6pert in using fear and se ective intimidation to tamp down t#e vote' C#Lvez too9 a popu ist message and married it to an autocratic sc#eme t#at a owed #im to conso idate power' 5#e net effect over C#Lvez;s )ears was a parado6ica one: <it# eac# e ection Venezue a ost more of its democrac)' 0e doesn1t even mention t#e ru es 8) w#ic# Venezue an te evision stations were reGuired to carr) government propaganda, inc uding #ours of C#avez speec#es, or ris9 8eing s#ut down' 5o w#ic#, so far as A can te , t#e supporters of C#avez reFoinder t#us ): t#e poor oved #im' !nd #e #ad a ro ing, sonorous voice' = us a t#e rig#t enemies, of courseR #ow cou d we #e p 8ut ove someone w#o c aimed t#at George <' >us# was itera ), p#)sica ), SatanJ Strange t#at t#is stor) seems to pop up so oftenR A #aven1t noticed so muc# ove on t#e eft for an)one e se w#o c aims t#at t#e devi is itera ), p#)sica ) wa 9ing t#e eart# rig#t now' A1 eave it at t#at, 8ecause A1m not prepared to carr) on a de8ate rig#t now as to w#et#er it1s o9a) to crus# potentia po itica riva s and effective ) ta9e over t#e media for use as a propaganda organ of t#e state' Af )ou t#in9 it is o9a) to do t#ese t#ings as ong as )ou do t#em in t#e name of t#e poor, we , we1re not going to convince eac# ot#er, t#at1s a ' So instead, et1s ta 9 a8out t#e poor, and #ow we t#e) fared under C#avez' At oo9s to me as if C#avez1s government made su8stantia improvements in t#ings i9e primar) sc#oo comp etion, progression to secondar) education, and so fort#' (5#e <or d >an91s statistics on Venezue a are surprising ) patc#), so t#is imits t#e num8er of varia8 es A cou d oo9 at.' =overt) rates #ave fa en' 5#is is a genuine ) good news t#at #appened on #is watc#' >ut in t#e course of

t#ese ac#ievements, #e severe ) compromised t#e engine of Venezue a1s future prosperit): its oi fie ds' !nd over t#e ong run, t#e poor cannot t#rive if t#e econom) is fai ing' 5o 8e sure, Venezue a1s econom) oo9s o9a) in man) respectsR it1s growt# is a8out
average for t#e region, as )ou can see in t#is grap# from The &conomist'

US ;ood
(m&irically Proven US is %ey to ,atin American economy/ no different for !ene"uela D;Iei , 13
S#annon D1Iei (Senior Fe ow of /atin !merica Studies at t#e Counci on Foreign 2e ations, and aut#or of 5wo Iations Andivisi8 e: "e6ico, t#e United States and t#e 2oad !#ead. "arc# ,, %&13 #ttp:((www'88c'co'u9(news(wor d*us*canada*%1,-&--? ((H"

Co om8ia, >razi , =eru, a ong wit# ot#er /atin !merican nations, #ave opened up to t#e US and t#e wor d more 8road ) in recent )ears and in t#e process #ave 8enefited tremendous )' An t#e ast set of #emisp#eric e ections, a "t#ird wa)" com8ining open
mar9ets, 8a anced fisca accounts, and socia ) inc usive po icies * most c ose ) identified wit# former >razi ian =resident /uiz Anacio /u a da Si va * 8ecame an a most mantra for incum8ent and opposition part) candidates a i9e (inc uding C#avez1s %&1% riva , 0enriGue Capri es 2adons9i.' 5#ese nations and eaders i ustrate a rea and positive pat# forward, not Fust economica ) 8ut a so dip omatica )' 5oda) Venezue a faces significant po itica uncertaint), as "r "aduro wor9s to unite t#e man) factions wit#in C#avez1s part)' 0e does so wit#out C#avez1s c#arisma nor t#e deep*seated o)a t) #e inspired'5#e ne6t administration a so wi confront growing economic and fisca pro8 ems, ma9ing governing a t#e #arder in t#e mont#s to come'Sti , in most of /atin !merica anti*US r#etoric is fading, w#ic# suggests it can in Venezue a too'

The US is an attractive &artnershi& o&tion for !ene"uela D;Iei , 13

S#annon D1Iei (Senior Fe ow of /atin !merica Studies at t#e Counci on Foreign 2e ations, and aut#or of 5wo Iations Andivisi8 e: "e6ico, t#e United States and t#e 2oad !#ead. "arc# ,, %&13 #ttp:((www'88c'co'u9(news(wor d*us*canada*%1,-&--? ((H" 5#e US is too usefu and tempting a foi for papering over interna disagreements in C#avez1s part) and for ra )ing o)a supporters for t#e upcoming presidentia e ection to e6pect an) a8rupt c#ange' 0eir apparent and now interim =resident Iico as "aduro1s speec# rig#t 8efore C#avez1s deat# s#ows t#is' An it #e e6pe ed two US dip omats and even accused t#e US of causing C#avez1s cancer '>ut in t#e onger term, trade, commercia

re ations and persona ties cou d s#ift US*Venezue an re ations for t#e 8etter'First and foremost are t#e economic ties 8etween t#e two nations' 3espite t#e r#etorica animosit) of t#e ast decade, trade continued'5#e US remains t#e argest recipient of Venezue an oi * some $&P percent of Venezue an oi e6ports (and oi ma9es up over +&P of t#e countr)1s tota e6ports.'An turn, t#e US #as continued to send mac#iner) and cars, and even increased e6ports of natura gas and petro eum products to t#e Sout# !merican nation'5#e #ard currenc) and goods are vita to t#e functioning of Venezue a1s econom), government and societ), and ma) 8ecome even more so t#roug# t#e anticipated toug# economic times a#ead'3espite t#e increased government management of t#e econom) t#roug# price contro s and t#e nationa isation of #undreds of private companies over t#e ast decade, man) we * and esser*9nown US companies sti wor9 in Venezue a, providing not Fust goods 8ut ongoing in9s wit# t#e United States'An addition to t#ese commercia in9s, t#e more t#an %&&,&&& Venezue ans iving in t#e US and t#e #undreds of t#ousands more t#at #ave ties t#roug# fami ), friends and co eagues, cou d a so 8ring t#e two countries toget#er' Fina ), as su8seGuent Venezue an governments oo9 to adFust t#eir economic po icies in t#e coming mont#s and )ears, t#e e6perience of t#eir neig#8ours provide incentives to forge a more amica8 e 8i atera re ations#ip'

The US is %ey to !ene"uela becoming more free and democratic C#rist), 13

=atric9 C#rist) (writer for US Iews and <or d 2eport. "arc# 1? %&13 #ttp:((www'usnews'com(opinion(8 ogs(wor d*report(%&13(&3(1?(after*c#avez*us* must*encourage*democratic*venezue a (( H"

Venezue a1s upcoming e ection to rep ace t#e ate 0ugo C#avez gives t#e countr) an important opportunit) to 8rea9 awa) from over a decade1s wort# of strongman ru eMand move towards 8etter governance, improved interna securit) and sta8i it), a stronger and more vi8rant econom), and a tru ) constructive ro e in regiona and g o8a affairs' At1s critica t#at t#e United States do w#at it can to encourage Venezue a to seize t#at opportunit) 'For over a decade, C#avez ed ideo ogica )*
driven efforts to erode U'S' standing in /atin !merica and around t#e g o8e' 5#e popu ist eader e6panded Venezue a1s ties wit# rogue states suc# as Cu8a and Aran, aided and protected terrorist organizations suc# as t#e 2evo utionar) !rmed Forces of Co om8ia (F!2C., and active ) undermined t#e ru e of aw in Venezue a and t#roug#out t#e !mericas' An t#e <estern 0emisp#ere a one, C#avez used record petro prices to prop up anti*!merican socia ist eaders, most nota8 ) in >o ivia, Cu8a and Iicaragua' C#avez eaves 8e#ind a 8ro9en econom), a deep ) divided nation and

a d)sfunctiona government, a of w#ic# wi ta9e )earsMif not decadesMto overcome' Venezue a is p agued wit# dou8 e* digit inf ation, mounting 8udget deficits and rising eve s of vio ence' <#i e t#e D=HC nation maintains one of t#e wor d1s argest geo ogica oi reserves, crude e6portsMw#ic# account for roug# ) $? percent of federa 8udget revenuesM#ave dec ined 8) near ) #a f since 1+++' 5#e United States imports roug# ) one mi ion 8arre s from Venezue a per da)' C#avez1s
protZgZ Iico as "aduro, t#e former vice president w#o1s now acting as Venezue a1s interim president, is running to succeed t#e ate strongman, 8ut it1s not preordained t#at #e1 win' At remains to 8e seen t#e e6tent to w#ic# #e can proper ) unite prior to t#e e ection t#e man) competing popu ist factions t#at 8enefited under C#avez for so man) )ears' <#at is c ear is t#at #e wi drape #imse f in t#e po itica ideo og) of chavismo in t#e

run up to !pri 1$ e ections, and useMand Guite possi8 ) a8useMgovernment institutions and petrodo ars in attempt to woo t#e countr)1s voters'<#at1s perverse is #ow t#e D8ama administration1s move to "reset" re ations wit# "aduro is doing more to egitimize #im
as t#e rig#tfu #eir to Venezue a1s presidenc) t#an to resuscitate re ations 8etween t#e two governments' 5#e move s#owed itse f to 8e even more naive after "aduro accused t#e United States of p otting to poison C#avez s#ort ) after t#e strongman1s deat#'<as#ington must rea ize t#at a strateg) of engagement a one wi not ensure a renewed and improved partners#ip wit# Caracas' Fai ure to rea ize t#is wi not on ) undermine w#atever inf uence !merica #as in t#e mont#s a#ead, 8ut a so send a trou8 ing signa to Venezue a1s increasing ) united po itica opposition' 5#e D8ama administration s#ou d instead pursue a more princip ed po ic) towards a post*C#avez Venezue a' An particu ar, it s#ou d:=ressure Caracas to imp ement 9e) e ection reforms' Venezue a1s opposition faces formida8 e o8stac es' Anterim =resident "aduro wi use t#e government1s near*monopo ) contro of pu8 ic airwaves, its esta8 is#ed networ9s of po itica patronage and ast*minute pu8 ic spending programs to 8o ster #is popu ist agenda'<as#ington s#ou d stress pu8 ic ) and private ) t#at an) attempts to suppress or intimidate t#e opposition runs contrar) to Venezue a1s constitution and t#e princip es defined in t#e Anter*!merican 3emocratic C#arter, w#ic# was adopted 8) Venezue a in %&&1' 5o t#is point, KosZ CLrdenas, a former US!A3 acting assistant administrator for /atin !merica, writes,5#e Venezue an opposition continues to insist t#at t#e constitution (w#ic# is of C#avez1s own writing. 8e fo owed and #ave drawn up a ist of simp e e ectora reforms t#at wou d eve t#e p a)ing fie d and 8etter a ow t#e Venezue an peop e to c#art t#eir own

future free of chavista and foreign interference'3emand

free, fair and verifia8 e e ections' ! t#oug# Venezue a announced t#at a specia e ection to rep ace C#avez wi 8e #e d ne6t mont#, it is important to remem8er t#at e ections a one do not ma9e a democrac)' Andeed, C#avez ong em8raced t#e r#etoric of democrac) as #e, in rea it), conso idated e6ecutive power, undermined Venezue a1s previous ) democratic po itica s)stem and a tered t#e outcomes of e ection t#roug# corruption, fraud and intimidation'5#e D8ama administration s#ou d ma9e c ear t#at free and fair e ections,proper ) monitored 8) respected internationa e ection o8servers, are essentia to Venezue a1s future standing in t#e #emisp#ere and t#e wor d '
/i9ewise, Secretar) of State Ko#n 4err) s#ou d wor9 wit# regiona partnersMinc uding (8ut not imited to. >razi , Canada, Co om8ia and "e6icoMto firm ) encourage "aduro1s interim government' ! unified regiona voice wou d send a powerfu signa to C#avez1s cronies in Caracas and ongtime ena8 ers in C#ina, Aran and 2ussia'Condition future dip omatic and economic re ations' Corruption and crimina it) were

widespread under t#e C#avez regime, as #ig#* eve government and mi itar) officia s 8enefited from c ose ties to corrupt 8usinesses and internationa drug traffic9ers' Net to date, t#e D8ama administration #as done itt e to #o d Venezue a1s eaders accounta8 e'<as#ington s#ou d ma9e c ear t#at fu dip omatic re ations wit# t#e United States wi 8e contingent upon Venezue a ending ties to internationa terrorist groups and rogue regimes i9e Aran' Af Venezue a ta9es meaningfu steps to end t#ese ties and ensure future e ections, t#e United States s#ou d wor9 wit# Caracas and t#e private sector to reform Venezue a1s energ) industr) and identif) 9e) deve opment proFects and reforms to improve t#e countr)1s economic future'5#e United States can p a) an important ro e in s#aping Venezue a1s post*C#avez future' >ut to do so, t#e D8ama administration wi need to stand wit# t#e peop e of Venezue a 8) pu8 ic ) defending democratic princip es and t#e impartia ru e of aw in /atin !merica'

!ene"uela Says <es

!ene"uela says yes to aid 3udd), 13
(=atric9 3udd), "arc# Ct#, %&13, CII, @U'S' isn;t starting from scratc# wit# Venezue aB #ttp:((g o8a pu8 icsGuare'8 ogs'cnn'com(%&13(&3(&C(u*s*isnt*starting*from*scratc#*wit#*venezue a(. cam 5#is does not mean, #owever, t#at t#e two countries wi #ave to re8ui d t#e 8i atera re ations#ip from scratc# w#en t#e) are fina ) read) to put t#ings 8ac9 toget#er' Venezue a and t#e U'S' continue to #ave a ro8ust trade re ations#ip' 3espite #is antipat#) toward t#e U'S', C#avez never stopped se ing us oi : and we never stopped 8u)ing ' 5ens of t#ousands of Venezue ans continue to visit t#e U'S' ever) )ear' "an) !merican companies are sti active in Venezue a, and 8ase8a is a s#ared passion, wit# Venezue an p a)ers prominent t#roug#out t#e "aFor /eagues'O Furt#ermore, man) in t#e #emisp#ere : even if not C#avez1s c osest a ies : wi tacit ) support some sort of rapproc#ement'O U timate ), t#e two sides wi #ave p ent) to wor9 wit# w#en t#e) are read) to sit down' >ut t#ere wi a so 8e )ears of tension and acrimon) to overcome'

!ene"uela ants to fix relations "erco=ress, 13

ith the US

("erco=ress, Sout# !t antic Iews !genc), &1(1-(%&13' @Venezue a wants 8est of rea tions wit# t#e US 8ased on dmutua a8so ute respect;'B #ttp:((en'mercopress'com(%&13(&1(1-(venezue a*wants*8est*of*re ations*wit#*t#e*us*8ased*on*mutua *a8so ute*respect. @=resident C#avez #as given ver) precise orders, and #e a so instructed our new Foreign minister, our dear comrade H ias

Kaua t#at wit# t#e government of t#e US we are a wa)s wi ing to #ave t#e 8est possi8 e re ations 8ased on mutua respect and on eGua it) conditionsB, said "aduro' 5#e Vice*president w#o passed on to Kaua t#e Foreign ministr) after si6 )ears in t#e post, said t#at t#e US
media e ite as we as its governments, sooner t#an ater, @wi #ave to ac9now edge t#e new independence of /atin !merica'B @/atin !merica and t#e Cari88ean are no onger t#e 8ac9)ard of t#e US e ites' /atin !merica is on its own pat# in economic and po itica affairs\5#is s#ou d give wa) to a new c)c e of re ations, respectfu re ationsB said "aduro w#o is #ead of t#e H6ecutive since C#avez eft for Cu8a over a mont# ago for #is fourt# cancer surger)' @An t#e framewor9 of t#is new rea it), t#e Venezue an government wi a wa)s 8e wi ing to #ave t#e 8est possi8 e re ations wit# t#e governments of t#e US, at an) momentB ' >ut, insisted "aduro @on t#e 8asis of a8so ute respect and non intervention in t#e interna affairs of our countr)B' /ast $ Kanuar) "aduro revea ed t#at at t#e end of Iovem8er t#ere #ad 8een t#ree contacts 8etween Venezue a and t#e US in w#ic# t#e esta8 is#ment of improved re ations in t#e understanding of mutua a8so ute respect was considered' "aduro w#o considered t#e contacts as dnorma ; said t#e) invo ved t#e Venezue an am8assador 8efore D!S, 2o) C#aderton and were specifica ) aut#orized 8) C#avez w#o remains conva escent in Cu8a ! t#oug# t#e US remains as t#e main trade partner of Venezue a, 8i atera re ations #ave gone t#roug# 8ad moments, current ) pro8a8 ) t#e owest since t#e end of %&1& w#en am8assadors were wit#drawn' Venezue a denied consent to t#e new US am8assador fo owing statements 8efore t#e US Congress and <as#ington eft t#e Venezue an am8assador in t#e US wit# no visa' /i9ewise w#en t#e US 5reasur) imposed sanctions on Venezue a;s oi compan) =3VS! for its in9s wit# Aran and 8ecause of t#e situation in t#e Venezue an consu ate in "iami c osed for over a )ear fo owing <as#ington;s decision to e6pe t#e #ead of t#at office'

!ene"uela is loo%ing to im&rove relations "etz9er, 13

(Kared "etz9er Fourna ist for inter press service news agenc), !na )sts sa) oi cou d #e p mend U'S'* Venezue a 2e ations, Kun 1C %&13,#ttp:((www'ipsnews'net(aut#or(Fared*metz9er(.

! s#ift in U'S' foreign po ic) towards Venezue a ma) 8e pending as a 8i atera rapproc#ement sudden ) appears more possi8 e t#an it #as in )ears' Dn t#e side ines of ta 9s #e d ear ier t#is mont# in Guatema a 8) t#e Drganisation of !merican States (D!S., U'S' Secretar) of State Ko#n 4err) met wit# Venezue an Foreign "inister H ias Kaua, wit# 4err);s su8seGuent statements indicating t#at re ations cou d 8e #eading in a friend ier direction' @<e agreed toda) : 8ot# of us, Venezue a and t#e United States : t#at we wou d i9e to see our countries find a new wa) forward, esta8 is# a more constructive and positive re ations#ip and find t#e wa)s to do t#at,B 4err) said fo owing t#e meeting wit# Kaua, w#ic# was reported ) reGuested 8) t#e Venezue ans' 5#e meeting #appened on t#e #ee s of t#e re ease of 5imot#) 5rac), a U'S' fi mma9er w#om Venezue a #ad 8een #o ding on accusations of espionage' 0is re ease was interpreted 8) man) as an @o ive 8ranc#B 8eing offered 8) t#e new Venezue an government of Iic#o as "aduro, w#ose presidenc) <as#ington sti #as not forma ) recognised' Dn ) mont#s ago, 8efore t#e deat# of Venezue a;s ong*time socia ist eader 0ugo C#avez, an) norma isation of re ations 8etween Venezue a and t#e United States seemed #ig# ) un i9e )' An %&&%,
C#avez was 8rief ) removed from power 8) a mi itar) coup d;Ztat t#at t#e U'S' Centra Ante igence !genc) (CA!. #ad 9nown was imminent' C#avez immediate ) accused t#e United States of #aving p a)ed a part in t#e event' !fter #is suspicions were confirmed part ) va id, #is r#etoric grew more scat#ing' An %&&,, #e famous ) to d t#e United Iations Genera !ssem8 ) t#at t#en*U'S' =resident George <' >us# was @t#e devi #imse fB' Fo owing C#avez;s deat# from cancer in "arc#, #owever, #is #and*pic9ed successor, "aduro, t#e former vice*president, #as not 8een as vitrio ic in #is posturing vis*e*vis t#e United States' !ccording to "ic#ae S#ifter, president of t#e Anter*!merican 3ia ogue, a <as#ington*8ased t#in9 tan9, "aduro #as offered @conf icting signa sB'O @"aduro #as so far s#ifted in #is position toward t#e U'S' 8etween a moderate approac# and a more #ard* ine one,B S#ifter to d A=S'O 5#e new president;s waff ing ma) 8e a ref ection of #is tenuous grip on power' >) man) accounts, "aduro ac9s t#e po itica prowess and ra88 e*rousing c#arm of C#avez, w#o enFo)ed mi itar) 8ac9ing as we as fervent support from t#e ower c asses'O An addition to a strong anti*C#avista opposition t#at open ) c#a enges t#e egitimac) of #is narrow ) won e ection, "aduro #as #ad to dea wit# a sp it wit#in C#avez;s own former po itica 8ase'O S#ifter pointed out t#at among t#e mi itar), w#ic# was once a source of significant strengt# for C#avez, more support is given to 3iosdado Ca8e o, current ) #ead of Venezue a;s par iament and w#ose supporters 8e ieve #e was t#e rig#tfu #eir to t#e presidenc)'O "aduro;s egitimac) stems arge ) from #is perceived ideo ogica fide it), t#e reason for #is se ection 8) C#avez to ead in t#e first p ace' S#ifter said t#is eads #im to @emu ateB #is predecessor and ma9es rapproc#ement wit# t#e United States ess pro8a8 e'O Sti , ideo ogica concerns ma) not u timate ) decide t#e issue' Venezue a #as in#erited from C#avez an econom) in difficu t straits, w#ic# continues to suffer from notorious

s#ortages and #ig# inf ation'O Di econom)O Dver #a f of Venezue a;s federa 8udget revenues come from its oi industr), w#ic# a so accounts for +? percent of t#e countr);s e6ports' Hstimated at CC 8i ion 8arre s, its proven reserves of 8 ac9 go d are t#e

argest of an) nation in t#e wor d'O 3espite a trou8 ed po itica re ations#ip, its principa customer is t#e United States, w#ic# imports near ) a mi ion 8arre s a da) from Venezue a'O Venezue a;s oi industr) #as 8een officia ) nationa ised since t#e 1+C&s, and, as president, C#avez furt#er tig#tened government contro over its production' 0is government too9 a greater c#un9 of revenues and imposed Guotas t#at ensured a certain percentage wou d a wa)s go direct ) towards aiding Venezue ans via socia spending and fue su8sidies'O <#i e t#ese measures ma) 8e popu ar wit# Venezue ans, w#o pa) t#e owest price for gaso ine in t#e wor d, critics argue suc# po icies #ampered growt# and ed to mismanagement of =etro eos de Venezue a, S'!' (=dVS!., t#e main state*run oi compan)'O 5#e same critics a so point to increasing de8t eve s, s owdowns in productions and accidents stemming from fau t) infrastructure'O An order to 8oost production, =dVS! agreed in "a) to accept a num8er of maFor oans' 5#is inc udes one from C#evron,

one of t#e argest U'S' oi companies, w#ic# wi wor9 wit# Venezue ans to deve op new e6traction sites'O @5#e oi sector is in deep trou8 e in Venezue a : production is down and t#e economic situation is deteriorating,B e6p ained S#ifter' @5#e) 9now t#e) need foreign investment to increase production, and t#is is in part w#at #as motivated "aduro to reac# out'BO Af its econom) continues to fa ter, Venezue a ma) 8e furt#er tempted to em8race t#e United States, w#ic# #as t#e argest, most sop#isticated fossi fue industr) in t#e wor d' 4err);s recent words suggest t#at t#e administration of =resident >arac9 D8ama wou d
8e waiting wit# open arms'O @Venezue a cannot confront its economic crisis and t#e United States at t#e same time,B 3iana Vi iers Iegroponte, a senior fe ow at t#e >roo9ings Anstitute, a <as#ington t#in9 tan9, to d A=S, @and we are a pragmatic countr) w#ic# wi dea wit# "aduro if it is in our interests'BO Andeed, Iegroponte said s#e was @optimisticB a8out t#e possi8i it) of rapproc#ement 8etween t#e two countries wit#in t#e ne6t si6 mont#s' S#e notes a @troi9aB of issues on w#ic# t#e United States is oo9ing for Venezue an cooperation: counter*terrorism, counter*narcotics and

assistance in ridding Co om8ia of its F!2C re8e s'O Ionet#e ess, maFor actions remain to 8e ta9en if norma isation is to even 8egin, suc# as t#e e6c#ange of am8assadors and officia U'S' recognition of t#e "aduro government' S#ifter (w#o
regards t#e 4err)*Kaua meeting as @a sma stepB. was not optimistic t#at t#ese arger reGuirements wi 8e comp eted in t#e s#ort term'O @A don;t t#in9 <as#ington is going to pus# #ard to send an am8assador to Caracas,B #e said' @At wi pro8a8 ) ta9e more time to o8serve t#e new government and see w#ere it is going'BO

!ene"uela o&en to better relations "erco=ress, 13

("erco=ress writers, "erco=ress is a news agenc) focused on "ercosur*mem8er countries, "Venezue an overture to t#e US: 1time to resume dip omatic representation at t#e #ig#est eve 1", "a) %1, %&13, en'mercopress'com(%&13(&?(%1(venezue an*overture*to*t#e*us*time*to*resume*dip omatic* representation*at*t#e*#ig#est* eve . "/

@5#e first t#ing wou d 8e to resume dip omatic representation at t#e #ig#est eve B added Kaua' "aduro, w#o ear ier said #is government wou d i9e to increase dia ogue wit# t#e United States, #as se ected awma9er Ca i6to Drtega as its potentia US envo)' "aduro meanw#i e s ammed D8ama @t#e top eader of devi sB after #e commented on post*e ection unrest in Venezue a, 8ut #as since owered t#e tone of #is speec#es 8ot# towards Capri es and to t#e US' At must a so 8e added t#at despite t#e 8ad 8 ood, Venezue a se s a8out +&&,&&& 8arre s of oi ever) da) to t#e United States'

!ene"uela or%ing to ards better relations 2euters, 13

(2euters writers, 2euters 8rings news from around t#e wor d, "Venezue a sa)s ta9ing steps to restore U'S' dip omatic ties", "!) 1+, %&13, www'reuters'com(artic e(%&13(&?(%&(us*venezue a*usa*idUS>2H+$K&12%&13&?%&. "/ (2euters. * Venezue a1s recent designation of an acting #ead of its dip omatic mission in t#e United States s#ows t#e D=HC nation1s desire to restore fu dip omatic re ations, t#e foreign minister said in an interview 8roadcast on Sunda)' 3isputes 8etween Caracas and <as#ington were common during t#e 1$*)ear*ru e of ate socia ist eader 0ugo C#avez, eaving 8ot# nations wit#out am8assadors in eac# ot#er1s capita s' Foreign "inister H ias Kaua suggested in a te evised interview t#at t#e move to name

government a ) Ca i6to Drtega as c#arge d1affaires in <as#ington cou d 8e a pre ude to restoring am8assadors' "5#is is a message for U'S' po iticians so t#e) understand Venezue a1s desire to norma ize re ations ''' via t#e designation of t#e #ig#est dip omatic aut#orities," #e said' "<#)J >ecause t#e United States remains our top trade partner'" Venezue an =resident Iico as "aduro #as in recent mont#s said #e wants 8etter ties wit# <as#ington as ong as t#e re ations#ip is respectfu ' >ut #e #as a so accused t#e United States of see9ing to desta8i ize t#e countr)'

!ene"uela and US to &ursue im&roved relations Fo6 Iews /atino, 13

(Fo6 Iews /atino writers, Fo6 Iews /atino 8rings news impacting t#e /atino communit) in t#e US, "U'S', Venezue a to pursue "more positive" re ations", Kune ?, %&13, atino'fo6news'com( atino(po itics(%&13(&,(&?(us*venezue a*to*pursue*more*positive*re ations(. "/

5#e United States and Venezue a want to "esta8 is# a more constructive and positive re ations#ip" after )ears of strained ties, U'S' Secretar) of State Ko#n 4err) said #ere <ednesda) fo owing ta 9s wit# Venezue an Foreign "inister H ias Kaua' "<e agreed toda), 8ot# of us, t#at we wou d i9e to see our countries find a new wa) forward," 4err) to d reporters in Guatema a1s o d co onia capita ' "5o t#at end, we agreed toda) t#ere wi 8e an ongoing, continuing dia ogue 8etween t#e State 3epartment and t#e Foreign "inistr), and we wi tr) to set out an agenda 8) w#ic# we agree on t#ings we can wor9 toget#er," t#e secretar) said' ! priorit) of t#e 8i atera dia ogue wi 8e reac#ing an accord to e6c#ange am8assadors, 4err) said' "! good re ations#ip 8etween t#e government of =resident Iico as "aduro and t#e government of =resident >arac9 D8ama is w#at suits 8ot# peop es, it1s t#e guarantee of peace and sta8i it) for our peop es," t#e Venezue an said' "utua respect, non*interference in eac# ot#er1s domestic affairs and t#e appropriate #and ing of disagreements are t#e foundations of a good 8i atera re ations#ip, Kaua said'

!ene"uela-US relations loo%ing to normali"e U=A, 13

(United =ress Anternationa (U=A. writers, U=A 8rings news from a around t#e wor d, "Venezue a sees norma U'S' re ations t#is )ear", Kune 11, %&13, www'upi'com(5opEIews(<or d*Iews(%&13(&,(11(Venezue a*sees*norma *US*re ations*t#is*)ear(U=A*C%1$13C&+3%%&&(. "/

C!2!C!S, Venezue a, Kune 11 (U=A. ** Venezue a #opes to norma ize re ations wit# t#e United States and e6c#ange am8assadors t#is )ear, t#e countr)1s foreign minister said' "<e #ave agreed Twit# t#e United StatesU on a meeting point, and a so t#at our re ations#ip wi 8e one of mutua respect so t#at we can appoint am8assadors ater t#is )ear," H ias Kaua to d Spanis# newspaper H =ais' "<e agreed ''' 8ot# of us, Venezue a and t#e United States, t#at we wou d i9e to see our countries find a new wa) forward, esta8 is# a more constructive and positive re ations#ip," 4err) said after t#e Kaua meeting' U'S'*Venezue an re ations #ave 8een strained for )ears' 4err) said #e #oped t#e countries wou d "Guic9 ) move to t#e appointment of am8assadors'" Ca i6to Drtega, Venezue a1s new ) named c#arge d1affaires in <as#ington, w#o attended t#e Guatema a meeting, to d 5#e <a Street Kourna t#e two

countries agreed on a p an to norma ize ties and resume cooperation on counter*terrorism, anti*narcotics operations and energ)' 3espite strained re ations, t#e United States imported more t#an X?& 8i ion in oi from Venezue a ast )ear' "<e #aven1t 8ro9en re ations," #e to d t#e newspaper' Hven after norma ized re ations, <as#ington intends to 9eep on pressing Caracas to ensure democrac) and individua freedoms, a U'S' officia to d t#e Kourna '

!ene"uela to reinstate US ambassadors 5#eis, 13

(2e)es, "Venezue a wants to reinstate am8assadors wit# t#e US", "a) %&, ,%&13, www'e universa 'com(naciona *)*po itica(13&?%&(venezue a*wants*to* reinstate*am8assadors*wit#*t#e*us. "/ For t#e Venezue an government, t#e opposition fo ows t#e instructions from t#e United States' Iotwit#standing, Venezue an "inister of Foreign !ffairs H [as Kaua #as e6pressed #is government readiness to get t#e in9s wit# t#e administration of =resident >arac9 D8ama

8ac9 to norma ' <e wi remain open to t#e possi8i it) of re ations wit# t#e US 8ac9 to norma , a wa)s 8ased on mutua respect," Kaua c arified on Sunda) in KosZ Vicente 0o), an interview s#ow aired on private 5V c#anne 5e even' !ccording to F" Kaua, "vio ence is t#e scene of t#e Hmpire'" 0e said t#at t#e appointment of Ca i6to Drtega as deput) c#ief of mission at t#e Venezue an em8ass) in <as#ington "is a message intended to ma9e US po itica sectors rea ize Venezue a1s wi ingness to norma ize suc# re ations, 8ased, in t#e first p ace, on t#e appointment of aut#orities at t#e #ig#est dip omatic eve , 8ecause t#e United States continues 8eing our maFor trade and energ) partner'"

!ene"uela see%s food aid 0umme , 13

(Sa8rina, writer for 5#e !rgentina Andependent, 5#e !rgentina Andependent tries to 8ring awareness to different sides of !rgentine ife, "Venezue a: Hager ) !waiting Food !id from @! ied CountriesB, Kune 1C, %&13, www'argentinaindependent'com(currentaffairs(newsfrom atinamerica(venezue a* eager )*awaiting*food*aid*from*a ied*countries(. "/ Venezue a is set to receive C,&,&&& tonnes of food aid from neig#8ouring a ies to address its nationa food crisis' Food "inister FZ i6 Dsorio detai ed t#at t#e fres# supp ies wi 8e used to re*stoc9 nationa food reserves w#ic# are dwind ing' 5#e ast

few )ears #ave seen s#ortages amongst man) stap es inc uding: coffee, sugar, oi , 8utter, f our, and, most recent ), toi et ro ' 5#e situation #as worsened dramatica ) over t#e ast few wee9s' !ccording to t#e government, a s ump in private sector output is to 8 ame' 5#e government #as gone as far as to suggest t#at t#e reason for t#e a8ove is to foment socia discontent and t#us undermine t#e state organ' For t#eir part, t#e private sector 8 ame stringent capita contro s imp emented 8) t#e government t#at ma9e it difficu t if not impossi8 e for companies to access do ars at t#e officia price' 5#is, t#e) sa), ma9es it near impossi8 e to import t#e raw materia s necessar) for production' An t#e dunofficia ; mar9et, t#e US green8ac9 se s for five times t#e officia price'

Positive relations are more &rominent Kac9son, 13

>) t#e 2everend Kessie Kac9son, Specia to CII (Fri "arc# -, %&13 @Seize t#is moment to forge ties wit# Venezue aB #ttp:((www'cnn'com(%&13(&3(&-(opinion(Fac9son*c#avez*venezue a. (CII. ** Dn 5#ursda) nig#t, A returned to Caracas, Venezue a, to participate in t#e funera and mourning of 0ugo C#avez, president of Venezue a from 1+++ unti #is passing t#is wee9' C#avez1s deat# #as captured t#e wor d1s attention front and center wit# renewed vigor and interest' 0e first 8urst onto t#e wor d scene wit# #is presidentia victor) in 1+++' Since t#en, t#roug# #is fourt# re*e ection in Kanuar) ** and w#i e #e was in Cu8a fig#ting t#e cancer t#at wou d ta9e #is ife ** #is focus was on forging a new socia ist Venezue a' 5#is won man) friends and advocates at #ome and a8road, especia ) among Venezue a1s and t#e #emisp#ere1s poorest popu ations' Dt#er wor d powers demonized C#avez and soug#t to ostracize #im, a a Cu8a1s Fide Castro, on a g o8a sca e # >ut A 8e ieve peacefu , constructive negotiation s#ou d carr) t#e da) over iso ation and demonization' 5#at1s w#) A visited Venezue a in %&&?, Fust after t#e 2ev' =at 2o8ertson ca ed for t#e assassination of C#avez' 0e inf amed a c#orus of e6tremist voices in see9ing a wa) to "dea wit# C#avez'"5#at t)pe of #ot r#etoric serves no productive purpose'A went to ta 9 wit# C#avezR A ta 9ed wit# Kewis# re igious eaders in Venezue a' A ta 9ed wit# !fro*Venezue ans' A earned a8out t#e transition ta9ing p ace from t#e o d 8anana repu8 ic regimes to t#e new eaders, wit# new ideas, suc# as C#avez in Venezue a, /uiz /u a da Si va in >razi and Kuan "anue Santos in Co om8ia' A oo9ed not to e6p oit differences and fue division, 8ut for common ground'5#at1s w#) A went to AraG to ta 9 wit# Saddam 0ussein in 1++& as #e invaded 4uwait and convinced #im t#ere was no va ue in #o ding #undreds of peop e from t#e United States and ot#er countries as "#uman s#ie ds'" 0e re eased t#em'5#at1s w#) A went to w#at remained of Nugos avia amid t#e f ames of war in 1+++, to ta 9 wit# S o8odan "i osevic to persuade #im to re ease t#e t#ree U'S' so diers 8eing #e d #ostage' 0e did'!nd t#at1s w#) A went to Cu8a in 1+-$ ** ong under a sense ess U'S' 8 oc9ade ** to ta 9 wit# Castro and persuade #im to re ease dozens of po itica prisoners'An eac# instance, t#e U'S' #ad a no*ta 9 po ic) wit# t#ese eaders and nations 'At1s 8een m) e6perience t#at ta 9ing, 9eeping ines of communication open to friend and foe a i9e, can reap dividends' Iations cannot a wa)s agree, 8ut we can a wa)s ta 9' 5#at does not reGuire a sacrifice of princip es or signa wea9ness'A 8e ieve in t#e Gand#i princip es, favoring peacefu negotiation over mi itar) confrontation'

0e ca ed t#e doctrine "sat)agra#a" ** and e6p ained t#e "pursuit of trut# did not admit of vio ence 8eing inf icted on one1s opponent 8ut t#at #e must 8e weaned from error 8) patience and compassion' "For w#at appears to 8e trut# to t#e one ma) appear to 8e error to t#e ot#er' !nd patience means se f*suffering' So t#e doctrine came to mean vindication of trut#,

not 8) inf iction of suffering on t#e opponent, 8ut on onese f'" At wor9s' An m) view, it1s a wa)s more productive and mutua ) 8eneficia to ta 9 t#ings out and not fig#t t#ings out'!s t#e wor d mourns t#e deat# of C#avez, it1s time to go 8e)ond divisive r#etoric and #istorica fears t#at eave a of us in t#e dar9#<#ere is our common groundJ<e are neig#8orsR we ive in t#e same #emisp#ere'
5#ere are %&&,&&& Venezue ans iving in t#e U'S' : inc uding near ) C& "aFor /eague 8ase8a p a)ers in %&1%, among t#em 5rip e Crown winner "igue Ca8rera'<e are trading partners' Venezue a surpassed Saudi !ra8ia as t#e nation wit# t#e argest oi reserves in t#e wor d, and t#e U'S' is t#e argest importer of Venezue an oi ' 5#at oi is four da)s awa), compared wit# four wee9s awa) in t#e "idd e Hast' 5#ere is a #uge

potentia to e6pand our mar9et and Venezue a1s' !nd wit# stronger economic ties comes po itica sta8i ization' At1s time to turn crisis into opportunit), to fu fi t#e unfinis#ed 8usiness of rea izing to t#e fu est potentia t#e re ations#ip 8etween t#e U'S' and Venezue a' Seize t#is moment to #ea t#e wound and 8ind t#e ties' At won1t 8e eas), 8ut not#ing is' !nd not#ing wi 8e
accomp is#ed wit# a no*ta 9 po ic)' Io dou8t, Venezue a1s re ations wit# t#e U'S' #ave 8een strained ** dip omatic re ations were severed for a time in %&&- w#en Venezue a accused t#e U'S' of p otting t#e overt#row of C#avez' Kust ast wee9, da)s 8efore C#avez died, Vice =resident Iico as "aduro e6pe ed two U'S' mi itar) officia s, accusing t#e U'S' of tr)ing to desta8i ize t#e government' 5#e good news is t#at =resident >arac9 D8ama

#as soug#t to restore re ations, sa)ing in a statement t#at t#e United States "reaffirms its support for t#e Venezue an peop e and its interest in deve oping a constructive re ations#ip wit# Venezue a1s government' ''' !s Venezue a 8egins a new c#apter in its #istor), t#e United States remains committed to po icies t#at promote democratic princip es, t#e ru e of aw
and respect for #uman rig#ts'" 5#e U'S' is sending an officia de egation to C#avez1s funera ' !nd D8ama and Secretar) of State Ko#n 4err) #ave e6pressed t#eir desire to forge a more positive and productive re ations#ip wit# Venezue a' !s A meet wit# po itica , re igious and communit) eaders in Venezue a, t#is is t#e message A 8ring' /et1s put an end to #ot r#etoric, demonization and po icies of iso ation' At1s time


forge a practica , productive re ations#ip t#at wi ead to norma ization of dip omatic re ations 8etween t#e U'S' and Venezue a'


(xtra 0nherency
!ene"uela still needs more economic engagement !ustra ian 3ept of Foreign !ffairs and 5rade, 13
(!ustra ian Government 3epartment of Foreign !ffairs and 5rade, !pri %&13, @Venezue a countr) 8rief !ustra ia*Venezue a re ationsB #ttp:((www'dfat'gov'au(geo(venezue a(venezue aEcountr)E8rief'#tm . cam Venezue a was #it #ard 8) t#e g o8a financia crisis, wit# G3= contracting 3'% per cent in %&&+ and 1'? per cent in %&1&' Venezue a;s

econom) grew 8) ?', per cent in %&1%, 8ut is forecast to grow 8) on ) &'$ per cent in %&13 '#ig# inf ation, fa ing pu8 ic e6penditure due to vo ati e oi prices, a wea9 investment out oo9 and deteriorating infrastructure are contri8uting factors to t#is s owdown#O 5#e United States is =3VS!;s main fu cas# e6port mar9et' "ost ot#er e6ports go to po itica a ies t#at receive oi s#ipments on ong*
term credit agreements at concessionar) interest rates (suc# as Iicaragua or Cu8a., or constitute pa)ments for previous ) received oans (as in t#e case of C#ina.' ! so, w#i e Venezue a 8oasts one of t#e region1s more deve oped p#)sica infrastructures, t#e Gua it) #as deteriorated in recent decades 8ecause of underinvestment Min spite of a pro onged oi 8onanzaMstemming arge ) from a ac9 of effective administrative capacit)' 5#is #as 8een most evident in t#e e ectricit) sector, w#ere a fai ure to invest in e6tra capacit) and in improved distri8ution networ9s #as eft t#e countr) facing constant rationing, 8ut a so in t#e deteriorating Gua it) of roads and ports'

!ene"uela still needs an increase in infrastructure 5#e Hconomist, 13

5#e Hconomist on ine, "ar ?t# %&13, 5#e Hconomist, @Venezue a after C#Lvez Iow for t#e rec9oningB #ttp:((www'economist'com(8 ogs(americasview(%&13(&3(venezue a*after*c#PC3P!1vez

!fter a pre*e ection spending 8inge ast )ear, t#e econom) is s owing again' Faced wit# s#ortages of man) goods, inc uding #ard currenc), "r "aduro deva ued t#e currenc) 8) 3%P in Fe8ruar)' Venezue a comes towards t#e 8ottom of Fust a8out ever) eague ta8 e for good governance or economic competitiveness' For 1$ )ears Venezue ans #ave 8een to d t#at t#eir pro8 ems were caused 8)
some8od) e seMt#e United States or @t#e o igarc#)B' Getting a#ead #as depended on po itica o)a t) rat#er t#an merit' 5#e mass enro ment of mi ions in @universitiesB t#at main ) impart propaganda #ave raised e6pectations t#at are a most 8ound to 8e das#ed'O !ssuming t#e =SUV wins t#e e ection, it wi 8e i *eGuipped to grapp e wit# t#ese pro8 ems' Ione of its eaders #as t#e aut#orit) of "r C#Lvez, nor #is s9i at communicating wit# t#e masses'

<#i e affa8 e, "r "aduro is a )es*man ac9ing po itica weig#t, according to a former /atin !merican foreign minister w#o dea t wit# #im' 3iosdado Ca8e o, t#e spea9er of t#e Iationa !ssem8 ) and an arm) co eague of "r C#Lvez, #as dec ared #is support for "r "aduro, 8ut #as am8itions of #is own' =er#aps on ) t#e Cu8an eaders#ip can preserve unit) among t#e c#avistas' 5#e sta9es are #ig#' Cu8a;s president, 2af Castro, 9nows t#at t#e oss of Venezue an oi wou d p unge #is countr);s econom) deeper into penur)'O ! maForit) of Venezue ans ma) eventua ) come to see t#at "r C#Lvez sGuandered an e6traordinar) opportunit) for #is countr), to use an unprecedented oi 8oom to eGuip it wit# wor d*c ass infrastructure and to provide t#e 8est education and #ea t# services mone) can 8u)' >ut t#is esson wi come t#e #ard wa) , and t#ere is no guarantee t#at it wi 8e earned'

Consum&tion &atterns means they need more aid Car son, 1%

(C#ris Car son, Iov 3&t# %&1%, Venezue aana )sis'com, C#ris Car son is from t#e United States, w#ere #e #as ong 8een a student of /atin !merican #istor) and po itics wit# a master1s degree in /atin !merican studies from t#e Universit) of <isconsin' 0e #as c ose ) fo owed events in Venezue a since moving t#ere in %&&?, and #as pu8 is#ed wor9 on Vnet, Socia ist <or9er, !porrea, and Venezue a !na )sis among ot#ers' 0e is current ) conducting researc# on agricu tura deve opment and agrarian reform in Venezue a' @<#at t#e Statistics 5e Us !8out Venezue a in t#e C#avez HraB #ttp:((venezue ana )sis'com(ana )sis(C?13. cam !nd according to num8ers from Venezue a;s "inistr) of !gricu ture, after re ative ) stagnant food production t#roug#out t#e 1++&s, from %&&3 to %&11 mi 9 production increased 8) %3& percent, 8eef production 8) 1+ percent, c#ic9en 8) ,& percent, rice 8) %? percent, corn 8) 11, percent, and 8eans 8) 3%& percent' O !s can 8e seen, t#e c aims among C#avez;s critics of a decrease in food production are simp ) fa se' !nd w#i e it is true t#at t#ere #ave 8een food s#ortages, t#e rea reason is Guite different from w#at t#e media reports' !n impressive increase in food production in recent )ears #as simp ) 8een outpaced 8) growing consumption t#at #as increased even more rapid ), creating supp ) pro8 ems in man) 8asic items and t#e need to import increasing amounts of food' 5#oug# often cited as a maFor fai ure of t#e C#avez government, it is actua ) t#e resu t of mi ions of poor Venezue ans eating 8etter and consuming more t#an ever 8efore' !s one Venezue an recent ) said to an opposition activist w#o insisted t#at empt) supermar9et s#e ves were proof of t#e government;s fai ures and demanded to 9now, @5#en w#ere is t#e mi 9JB: @5#e mi 9,B #e rep ied, @is in t#e 8e ies of Venezue a;s poor'B

,AC (con ': US (con

That$s %ey to the US economy Iic#o as, 11
=eter Iic#o as (writer for t#e /! 5imes. "arc# %%, %&11 #ttp:((artic es' atimes'com(%&11(mar(%%(wor d( a*fg*o8ama*c#i e* %&11&3%% ((H" O 2eporting from Santiago, C#i e M =resident D8ama said "onda) t#at t#e United States #as sometimes ta9en /atin !merica for granted, 8ut t#at #e sees t#e region as an increasing ) important p a)er on t#e wor d stage'O O D8ama, in C#i e at t#e midpoint of a five*da), t#ree*countr) /atin !merican trip, soug#t to dispe views of t#e U'S' as an over8earing neig#8or dictating terms to countries in t#e region' 0e ca ed /atin !merica "a region on t#e move, proud of its progress, and read) to assume a greater ro e in wor d affairs," and #e descri8ed t#e U'S' econom) as deep ) entwined wit# t#at of /atin !merica'O O O "/atin !merica is on ) going to 8ecome more important to t#e United States, especia ) to our econom) ," t#e president said after a meeting and news conference wit# C#i ean =resident Se8astian =igera' "5rade 8etween t#e United States and /atin !merica #as surged' <e 8u) more of )our goods and products t#an an) ot#er countr), and we invest more in t#is region t#an an) ot#er countr)\' An ot#er words, w#en /atin !merica is more prosperous, t#e United States is more prosperous 'O O "<it# no ot#er region does t#e United States #ave so man) connections ' !nd now#ere do we see t#at more t#an in t#e tens of
mi ions of 0ispanic !mericans across t#e United States, w#o enric# our societ), grow our econom) and strengt#en our nation ever) sing e da)," #e said'O O D8ama aid out a vision for t#e /atin !merican*U'S' re ations#ip t#at was rooted in a s#ared 8e ief in democrac), stronger cu tura ties and e6panded trade'O O D8ama1s first trip to Sout# !merica #as unfo ded in t#e s#adow of t#e mi itar) conf ict in /i8)a' Sti , <#ite 0ouse aides said #is comments "onda), w#ic# inc uded a speec# at /a "oneda =a ace Cu tura Center, a modern art museum near t#e presidentia pa ace, were important in recasting !merica1s re ations#ip wit# its sout#ern neig#8ors'O O Fift) )ears ago Ko#n F' 4enned) aunc#ed #is ! iance for =rogress, pumping 8i ions of do ars into t#e /atin !merican econom)' 5oda), strugg ing wit# #uge deficits at #ome, an !merican president is no onger in a position to avis# aid on t#e region and so must ret#in9 t#e wa) nort# and sout# cooperate in t#e new era, aides said'O O >ut t#e #istor) 8etween C#i e and t#e U'S' #as #ad its painfu moments ' !t t#e news conference, a C#i ean reporter as9ed D8ama a8out "open wounds" stemming from t#e dictators#ip of !ugusto =inoc#et' 5#ousands of peop e were 9i ed, 9idnapped or tortured under =inoc#et1s ru e, from 1+C3 to 1++&'O O 2eferring to a egations t#at t#e United States p a)ed a ro e in =inoc#et1s 1+C3 coup, t#e reporter said t#at "man) of t#ose wounds #ave to do wit# t#e U'S'" 0e as9ed if D8ama wou d p edge U'S' assistance in investigating t#at part of C#i e1s past'O O D8ama said t#e U'S' wou d " i9e to cooperate" wit# reGuests for information a8out invo vement'O O "D8vious )," D8ama said, "t#e #istor) of re ations 8etween t#e United States

and /atin !merica #ave at times 8een e6treme ) roc9) and #ave at times 8een difficu t' A t#in9 it1s important, t#oug#, for us, even as we understand our #istor) and gain c arit) a8out our #istor), t#at we1re not trapped 8) our #istor)'O O "!nd t#e fact of t#e matter is, is t#at over t#e ast two decades we1ve seen e6traordinar) progress #ere in C#i e, and t#at #as not 8een impeded 8) t#e United States 8ut, in fact, #as 8een fu ) supported 8) t#e United States '"

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