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Office K.>.",!Jf Senoeti Streoti

^ o e aulM^lfutocrlb?!^ per. annum,W 00 VlUswa Subjcrtbers, uorved by Carrier,,..,'... 9 SO

'S. H. & E. PABKEB, Proprietor!!.

" J E ' i s r n a ? Y t y ^ H p * tfta P r i c



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{ efrjt d090rlpt i .executed- with neafnew and dlsjiatohj ii_nd at tlie lowest rates.


GfflEYVN.I., M I X I0VEIBEE 1,1872.

For the Geneva Gazetfe" MICNIONNE. ', Tho Summer of IlfelB here: Shall we wait till tho Winter comes V j Till tho snows of many a year that is lost : Build spectres around our tombs? Tho roses clamber and oltrab In tholr fresh and May day glow: Shall we wait until Hko white-veiled nuns^g The roses He In the snow ? Tho rose3 upon your choek, Mlgntonno, are rosy red: Oh l do not wait my own Mlgnlonno, Till the rose from your cheek baa fled, I know wo must both grow old, , We must both grow'bowedandgrey. But together, hnnd in hand, Migntonne, We can walk that Wintry way.

VOL. l i r a
A Word to Democrats.
Tha Chenango lrnion has a few words of -plain talk with tho Democrats of Chenango county. As the Bontiments expressed are applicable in most cquntios, in the State, we give them in the hopo that they will be read with good effeot: Tho canvass iu which we aro engaged is not an ordinary one. It is a battle in which the, honest men of all parties, should be willing to unite to overthrow the corrupt Radical cabal that is ruining the country. The necessities of our country arc very great, and the powers of the Democratic party, unaided, were not sufficient to wrest the govornnient from its despoilors. In this emergency the grand coalition of Liberals and Democrats was inuaguratod, and their efforts, if put forth unitedly and vigorously, would suffice t o crush out the p o W r of the party that ia plundering the government and impoverishing the people. Aro there any Democrats so weak in their devotion to country that they prefer'to sit supinely clown and see their liberties and prosperity taken from them rather than follow an honest and capable loader against whom they entertain a feeling of .personal dislike) The old ship of state is fast sinking. Will any Democrat bo so baso as to dhve from *9io helm any person who is capable of steering her into a safe port? The object of Democrats und Liberals is not merely to elevate Horace Greeloy to tlie presidency. It is to save the country from thieves. Mr. Greeley is merely the instrument through whom salvation to the country cun be accomplished. Is there any Democrat'who will stand back in the hour of his country's great need and refuse his assistance t o suvc her because ho preferred another leador? "Friends, save tho country first, and 'talk of preferences afterwards. If your house was" on fire you would not stop to inquire who led the gallant band of firjynen who quickly gathered to save it'from destruction. YQU would,, instead, cheer them on by every act and word tlvat would tend to stir them to action; and you,would not even think.of any persnal enmities you might happon tocntertnin, until after tlio fire was subdued. Tho Radicals well know that with the Democrats and Liberals united, they would be completely routed this fall; henco thoy have labored earnestly to excite tho prejudices of Democrats against HOTOCO Greeley, and now'boast t|wy have a largo number under thoir iljflueuce. Ilowmust-any honest Democrat feel to have these Radical tricksters making use of his name in such a manner? How will he feel if by his apathy he indirectly contributes to the success of the Radical national and state ticket? Look nt this matter as carefully and with as little prejudice as you give to your ordinary business affairs, and you will certainly arrive at tho determination to do your duty to your country first, and attend to your personal differences afterwards. This is the only course for patriots to pursue, and all true Democrats are patriots.

NO. W.i

1 'eo4ris'elortt'aw. QiBce in SvY>jrhUWlo6k, Juhel-TO-ly ffator st., Geneva:

Bribery must be Stopped.

The Chairman, of the Democratic State Executive Committee Calls Upon Democrats and Liberals to Report all.Attempts a t Bribery - for Immediate Prosecution. ,


Managed by Officeholder*;


To the Democratic and Liberal RepuUican Electors oj the State o/Mie York: Tho leaders of the Radical party in this r\ B., BAOEENSTOSE, ATTOR1 State and Nation base all their expectations GENEVA, N. V.f \J n<Sy and'Counselor at Law. No. 3 Seneca ?of success on tho following grounds: ,U (up stall?)fiefleya, S. Y. ,. . npHB-ly REPRESENTING THE FOLLOWING: '"AGENCY. , f MratrThe, efficiency of their organizaQIMONS & GHEW, BROKERS IN tion, .made solid and compact by a band of O Stock, Bond?, Gold,, and tT. S. Government fcAlce-holdors extending into every school Securities, No. 2 Bioliange Court, New Yo*k. 'district throughout the land. Aprlll-ly. " -,'i . i.. . ",.. t Office No. 19 Seneca Street, 1 OS NEW YORK. RS.JDOX < f e CLARKJB; OFFICE >. SecondBy t h e united vote of all the coland residence Northwest corner of Park, Geored voters in tho country, who) having GE8EVA, JN. Y. . <3ali Arfet o v e r $27,000,000. neva, N. Y. . auga-ly just had tho privileges of the electivo fran1 Tho heavens will sometimes bo chise conferred upon them, are easily mis,TAMES FLOOti, K D., PHY&IWith grey clouds overcast, ,lead into casting their votes for that party t l oia and Surgeon, ifo. T3i Genesee stieet, GeRoyal Insurance Co., Liverpool and Lon- _' And down from the mountain-tops of llfef 'which, while shrieking freedom in their nov.a N. Y. __ deofl-ly Will quiver the Icy blast. , $10,000,000 :,,ears, .has by its legislation fastened tho R. N. B, COVERT, '(SUCCESSOR don." fiapltal and Assets are j-fprewntal nl this to EDDY & (/OVERT,') Geneva N. Y. Office Imperial Insurance Co., London. Caplchains of slavery on all labor interests in ,j I7ic /o!lotrlii(f Componfea I could bo so strong and breve,. Agency: and residence, jg8 MqinStre'et, marW-ly . this oouivtry, whether represented by whitb talana Assets i - - - , 8,000,00^ And you, my tender dove, S&-; roan ox black. New York T\RS. H. L. <fc HERBERT M, EDDY InsuranceCo. of North America,.Phila- , . . Home Insurance Company, Seouro from storm, should rest In iny heatf^* \JOffice Snaresiaen6'8,'-tro. 12 Wllifarh Street, " " Hartford Third By intimidation of voters, and delphla, Penn. ' Capital and assets,.... 1,481,30, 2Etna Walled >6und with walls of love. ^ one door west of the Reformed Dutch Church. Hartford unlawlful and unwarranted arrests of <atiFranklin Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, , Hartford Fire Insuranco Company, Then como to my heart, Mlgnlonne, New York zens- through the agency of the Federal H R S . H . JST. E A S T M A N & SON, Pfehn.' Capital and assets 2^00,000 Continental Insurance Company, Nor Walt 'till Summer has gone; lupervisors and marshals in our large " " Hartford We had better walk together, my dear, .j Phoenix Insurance Co., Brooklyn. Cap,,mMi Phoenix cities. " NewYork k_ Than walk life's path alone. ital and assets, , 1,500,000 .Nlagara FourthBy the corrupt uso of money at Sp'rlngfleia Fire and Marino Ins. Co.... Springfield OO & H A L L , 84 S E N E C A S T . M. P. the polls to debauch and demoralize tlie Geneva, N. Y Importers and Dealers In International Insurance Co., NewYork. No. British & Mercantile of London and Edlnburg nil kinds of Nursery 8took, choice Flower and people, and the purchase of election offiCapital and assets, 5'S? London, Liverpool and Globe, Vegetable Seeds, Ivjph and Summer Flowering 1, London and Liverpool THE HORSE EPIDEMIC. cers to procure a false count of the votes. S92'!Sr Queen, Bulbs. Horticulturaftjliods of every description. Germania Jns. Co. Cap.and assets, It is to Hthis particular element of their Hah,6ve>"** ""-^ -*~ ' ~ ISS'Sl Diagnosis of the Disease and Plans for its strength that wo desire to call your attenW t t L A R D N. SMITH, DEALER RepubRc . " " of Exchange ; *MM Draws Bills ' ' In Drugs, Paints, Oils, Groceries and Agent Treatment. ' tion ; for if you would you could not, and Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co. for Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Machines. No. 8 Westohester " , S^'Ss if you could wo would not have you, meet New York Life Insurance Co. mi the Senoca street. IN S T 3 T M 8 TO SUIT, on London, Dubl.n and Glens Falls " '"^ Dr. A. I/iantard of New York, in a letter them by using money against money. principal cities of France, Switzerland, BelGuardian Life Insurance Co. glum. Holland, Russia and PoT R. 'GREIVE& CO.,. DEALERS All good, Germany, reliable companies. Every representative "of incorporated to Dr. E. H. Janes, tlio Sanitary Inspector, land, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Gat in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Foreign wealth, every holder of any and every kind lecia and Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Fruits, &c. itc, Corner Castle and Water streets, The Railway Passenger's Assurance Co., writes" UB follows: Spain, The Orient, Brazil, and of obygations created by legislative enactGeneva. The Canada, Rochester, or new hqrse disthe Argentine Republic. ments, and every man of known wealth iu ease, as it is called, is not a new disease this country, w h o would yield to the enOBRIST & PARTRIDGE.DRUGACCIDENT POLICIES glsts and Apothecaries, and dealers in Paints, it is notliing else but influenza, catarrhal treaties or submit to the demands of their Oils, Perfumery, Fahb# arid Toilet Articles, &c. from one nay to one year, with WKEBXY COMPEN- fever, enidcniirjuc lnryngite, typhoide loaders, have already contributed towards No. i Seneca St., Geneva. Agent for the sale of SATION In caseof injury, and Fnr.r. PAYlaryngite of the French, r1TtfToction which tho fund raised for the above purposes. MENT lu case of death. "PASSAGE TICKETS we have had and most likely will have a- We, therefore, entreat every Democrat aqd T E S S E .SAVAGE, M A N T J F A C T l I R t? er and dealer in Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, gairi at different periods. .At first charac-^ every Liberal Republican in this State, to Leather and Findings. Linden Block,- Seneca, st. To and from England, Ireland and Scotland, catarrhal inilammntjon of the air constitute himself a vigilance committee to Geneva.. '. '- * - ; passages, it manifests itself ai present Hy see that this rijoncy is not u.sed'forthe corJACOBS, DEALER IN READY B Y F I B S I S - C L M S S T E A M E JIS. DRAFTS IN ANY SUMS, the sjniptoms of mild laryngitis, and this rupt purposes foe which Jt was raised. L E T . * MADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furon London, Dublin, Paris, and all the principal will, if properly treated, soon yield tb treat-, nishing Goods, Trunks, &c. at-the old No, 159 cities and towns In Continental Europe Water Street, opposite G eneva National Bank, ment. If, on the contrary, affected ani- I t BE SEEN TO TTIAT lCVBnT MAN W n 0 OFFERS NOTARf PUBLIC,' and Asia. I mals are kept at work and exposed to at- TO BRIBE A VOTER IS IMMEDIATELY AKBESTGeneva N. Y. mospheric influences, the disease will pro- ED AND PUNISHED TO THE F f L I . EXTENT OF AND ^ f DESKY, DEALER IN READYgress and serious if riot fatal complications THE LAW. MARK EVERY MAN wuo ACCEPTS O * mado Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing of the lungs will talte place'.' The etiology A BBiBE FOH HIS VOTE^ and see that he is Commissioner .for Western States. Goods, No. 174 Watpr street, Genova._ STKAMCIl PASSAGE TICKETS of the disease is fnr- from, being to-day punished according to the crime that he has piUARLES ICtRP DEALER TN committed, and forever after denied the to and from England, Ireland, France, Germany, thoroughly understood; we, however, know privilege of voting. The laws ^f this State vV Crockery) Glass, Earthen, ChtnaVare, and and other Eastern Countries. it to'be more frequent tn tho spring or' fall house-furnlshlng goods, 80 Spneeast., Geneva. Of the year, and it is said to be most danger- make the offering of a bribe to voters in B. DUNNING'S NEW YORE ous during.the prevalence of easterly winds. any shape or form, and the accopting of a E3?~ Applications by mall or otherwise prompt Central Iron Works, noar KailroadDe- and remitted for with promptness and dlspatoh. ly uttended to. The symptoms will vary according to the bribe, a crime punishable by fine and impot, Geneva, N. Y. FRED'K W. PRINCE, S. SOCTHWORTH, different stages of the affection, from a prisonment. 10 Seneca St., Geneva, N. Y. F. LEAMAN, HOUSE, SIGN Arrangements are being made with tho slight catarrhal affection of the larynx to Late Cashier of the Geneva National Bank. and 'Ornamental Painter. AH kinds of positive congestion of the lungsall, how- chairman of every county committee in the painting and graining done in the best style, and on short nonice. Office No. 0 Seneca Street, Geever, being principally characterized by State to vigorously prosecute every posson neva, N. Y., (over B. P. Tompkins' Tin shop). general debility, loss of appetite, cough, who offers and every person who accepts a mayl-ly discharge at the nose,-at the e ^ s , weak bribe or sells his vote at the npprouching pulse," increased temperature, weakness of election. We urge up'on every Democrat T7 J. BTIRRALL, \ r A L L PAPER. L i INSURANCE & KEALESTATE AGENCY, the circulatory apparatus exhibited by the and every Liberal Republican to bo vigilant Office REMOVED to No. 8 Seneca st., up stairs, V ^ O O T A N D S H O E STORK. A new and beautiful assortment of every kind, condition of the pul*c, which is soft and and closely watch tho polls in every section adjoining Mr. Sill's. sopflTTiitf Including the popular compressible, sometimes so weak that it is of tho State, AND SEND TO TOE CHAIRMAN OK EfERE YOU HAVK THEM! M. & T. J. SKILTON & CO., hardly perceptible, and in many cases by HIS COt NTT COMMITTEE THE NAME OF BY BUY Dolly Varden Patterns. Dealers In Hardware, Cutlers', Stoves, &c, the yellow appearance of the visible mu- PERSON WHO oFrtsim A nniBBand those who Plain and Velvet Border, Manufacturers of Copper and Tin ware, Nos. 119 Questions f o r Listeners. Cloth Shades, cous membranes, especially that of the eye. sell their votes, to the end that they may und 151 Water Street, Geneva. New Y o r k Styles, White and Buff Holland The diagnosis of the disease can be easily bo promptly prosecuted and punished. A thousand orators aro speaking from r\OltCHESTER BROS., D E A L Paper Curtains, made, und no well educated veterinarians Talk to those who would be likely to day to day in advocacy of Gen. Grant's reIN Window Fixtures, J- * era In Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, will have difficulty in recognizing, treating, yield to tomptatii.n; show them the folly Cornices, Cords and Tassels. Furnaces, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, IS Seneca St., election. Will you who listen to them ask Geneva, N. Y. and, in many instances, mastering it. The of accepting for their votes $5 or $10, given yourselves these questions! BROOKLYN W H I T E LEAD, GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES, prognosis is not generally serious, especially by a party that takes back four, times that 1. Docs not the drift, the spirit of theso Raw and Boiled Linseed Oils, if the disease is taken at the opeet and the amount .on the bread every man cats and speeches, tend to rekindle and keep alive Varnish and Japan, animal placed at once under proper treat- the clothes he wears. Point out to them the hatreds inseparable from the existence Point Brushes, J. w . SMTTB, ment. But aa the disease in many cases is in- how by receiving bribes for their votes they a. E. surra. Painter's Colors, etc. sidious in its course, it requires close watch- not only forfeit the respect of the com- of a great cival war ? \ YRES & TH03*AS, DEALERS Do they not imply that a large portion P L A T E GLASS, Children's Wear, all Styles. ing. As to the treatment, it 19 certain that munity in which they lne, but thcir-ow,n of 2. + >-iriT)ry Goods, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, &c, No. the American People are unfit to exor26 Seneca Street, Geneva, N. Y. the conditions of the patient do not indi- solf-respect, thereby disgracing themselves cise Pictures and Frames, political power, and ought now t o be cate blood letting, purgatives, arterial seda- and their families. THE BEST, U SOUTHWORTH'S, B A N K I N G Looklng-Glass Plates, disfranchised; if they aro not? tives, setons, &c,JEsBeciallsjflflbilitatinE in Kjt Qfflceand Insurance Aeoncy. No, 180 WV, The time has come when this question - 8. Do they evince satisfaction or dissat.. Lamberquins and Window Cornice, tnr 5st.,-rieiievavrBoi>l Batoto and Pension ABOHK nature, the veterinarian will, while at- moot h met. for whesun party whose lendThe Cheapest Stock i n Town t Sight Drafts on London, Dublin, and all parts of Pier and Mantel Glasses, &o. its tending to the local symptoms of laryngitis ers are known to be "corrupt, whose legisla- isfnetion with tho fact that no party longer Europe. Passage Tickets by Stoamers. CollecPainting-, Graining- and P a n e r Hanging by anodine, cough mixtures, or pastes, tion has all b.een against the best interests resists Impartial Suffrage ? tions made and remitted with promptness. 4. Would not the orators evidently be SEEING IS BELIEVING. by experienced workmen,mild counter-irritants of the throat, such as of the people, whose policy is centralizaL7 W. PRINCE, INS U R A N C E pe*i of Money If Horace Greeley MATTHEW WILSON, liniment, mustard applications, and in some tion, and whose practice is to plunder tho lad if the Kti-IClux Klan were still era*- and Real Estate Agent; ft Seneca Street GeAfter tho disastrous return of tho Army R A N D R A M ' S B. B . nova. Life, Fire, Canal, Lake, Aocident and Live Call and^examine goods and prices. I am sure cases blister, fumigations of boiling water, many for the benefit of the few, can unito oldened and committing nightly outrages ? May 8, '70-tf 13 Seneca St., Geneva. la H16CXO0* Stock: Insurance/ -Passage Tickets' to and from you will bo convinced. 0. Does not each speaker dwell on each of the Potomac in 1872, Mr, Kernan:.waa* of decoctions of poppyheads, or others of with the most ignorant and depraved in so' 'If Horace Greeley is elected money will Europe by Steamers and Packet Ships. Sight Drafts on London, Dublin, Paris and all parts of appointed by Gov. Morgan as a member of the kind, watch the general condition of ciety, and b r i n g t o its aid the funds of the reported affray between Whites and Blacks be tight," exclaim the Grant organs. Kuropo. his patient, its loss of appetite, of general aafion and resort to intimidation of voters, as though he wished thoro were moro and the War Committee for his Senatorial dig- COMMEKT8 BY HlnAM QREEK, ESQ. TWO TONS ON HAND. bloodier ? strength; and soon he will be obliged to and by those means perpetuate its power, TAMES H. SMITH, BAGGAGE & Yes, that's so; if Horace Greeley is elect- trict. July 14, 1802, a large war meeting 0. Aro not I'nion soldiers exhorted to The B. B>trade mark In White Lead Is known combine this treatment with the adminis- our free institutions are such only in * flELIVERY EXPRESS. Orders left at the all over the world. It signifies that It Is the hest tration "vote as they shot," as if tho war wore still ed monoy will be so "tight" that Secretary of the citizens of Utica was held, at which; Franklin House,J6r, at 66 Guttle St.,;wlHbe promptCUSTOM WORK. of stimulants, and none will prove name. article made, and that it is fully warranted to ly attended to. Prtcos moderate. in progress, but only transferred to a fresh Boutwell's successor cannot make out four Mr. Kernan spoke, and h i s speech^ as restand the storm of years. Inquire at more beniflcial than the carbonate of amWe appeal t o you as Democrats and Lib- arena ? different reports of our national finances monia mixed-with camphor. These are difM. WILSON'S, ( }.EO. STROUP, CITY BILL POS- I make a specialty of Custom Work. I buy the eral Republicans; we appeal to you as lovers for one year, as Boutwcll himself has done, ported in the Utica Herald, ,ia fulUof^pa-jj 7. Supposing such war to exist, do thoso V" ter and Programme Distributor, residence fusible stimulants, which in connection 13 Senocn st. of our country, as admirers of its free institriotic fire, zeal, and practical good sense. , and have thorn all vary from each other west side Water St., near the R. R. Depot. Orders with -vegetable tonics will produce the most tutions, to do all within your power to nid speeches tend to close it ? "WALL PAPER. left at this office faithfully attended to. * . BEST OF STOCK, 8. Shall we go on forever fighting Rebels many millions of dollars. Our treasury de- I n October, 1802, his language was as strong ' magnificent result, if administered in the in arresting tli^se crimes against our counpartment will mil be conducted in such a as the strongest in the cause of the count!. ap!26-ly WINDOW SHADES, &o. shape of pills four or six times a day as the try. In carrying out these recommenda- when there no longer are Rebels, uphold- loose manner. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT AND EMPLOY ing Impartial SunYagn when no one persists try; and so in Congress, ,in April,--IgS-l... case may require. In many cases small tions and exercising tho vigilance herein Best Brooklyn Lead & Linseed Oil doses of diuretics of nitrate of potash in Elect Horaee Greeley and tho Onkcs A.pain(atDr.-W.F. EDINGTON'S by producWc have room, but for a single extr^fc: ! w ^ \ ing "Local Ansesthesis," better kn'own as the urged, no private or personal feelings in opposing it? . AmescR will find money so "tight" that their 0. If this is over to end, why not now? 'retzlng process. Also GAS administered as usual. PAINTING, GRAINING & PAPER-HANGING the drinks or in rectal injections have as- should control your action. Let stern duTHE BEST OP WORKMEN. When we look around and see. monming; efforts to bribe senators to squander what Kor particulars of these methods please call at 10. Does not tho incessant arraignment sisted in allaying the febnlo symptoms. ty take its course. Thero is nothing more my office, Linden Block, Geneva, N. Y. done on the most reasonable terms. of the cx-Confcderates as still disloyal tend belongs to tho people, as in the infamous i n every neighborhood, an^. s b / r o w a n d Should the complications of tho trachea, certain than that our people "must either Jan 1-ly . W. F. EDINGTON, M. P., D. P. S. n Credit Mobiljer robbery, will bo unsuccess- anxiety produced by this' uhnatiftaj.war,, St^ And I do say that we make GEO. FAIRFAX, bronchial'tubes,,or of the lungs take place, have liberty and cast out corruption, or to make them so ? April l f - l y almost every fircBlde,, who-doe's%dt''?w1sh'-' f T. PARKER & CO., PRODUCE 11. Suppose tho North were to hold out ful. SI) Castle street. more active treatment will suggest itself, as have corruption and cast out liberty." ' " Commission Merchants, 205 and20D WeBt Elect Iloraco Greeley, and money will be for peace? But, in my j u d g m e n t ^ i s i d l i i * THE BEST QUALITY AND MOST STYLISH both hands to tlie South, saying "Let us by the use of moro powerful counter-irriAI.T.EN C. BEAcn, Washington Market, New York. Consignments " forgot that wo have been enemies and^rc- so "tight" that the Grant carpet-baggers to talk of peace, with the iSion'presfetved, solicited of Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Game, Beef, tants upon tho sides of the chest or along Ch'n Democratic Executive Committee. alive and dressed; Butter, Lard, Cheese, Eggs, " solve to bo friends evermore!" do "you cannot rob tho South, thereby increasing: until we have defeated tho armies in arsball-? the trachea. There is in the treatment of Fruit, &c. Accurate returns of sales and prompt believe that proffer would be fruitless of re- the debt of tho southern states over $200, ed to destroy it. It is wsdCw'ijo'Jtalk of the present epidemic a very essential point remittances rendered. 000,000 in thrco years, as has been done un- sending commissioners t b treat *witlf .the PENED THIS WEEK, A FULL to take into consideration, and which re- A P l o t ! A P l o t ! A Mon- sponsive good will ? Eebel authorities now, because th^y.Mvo" <*: L. JONES, LUMBER DEALER, ucr three years of Grant's rule. k 13. If wo Were to-morrw threatened lates to the hygienic attendance of the afassortment of useful and some very beautiful J and Forwarding and Commission Merchant. strous Plot! Elect Horace Greeley, and money will be declared^ over and over again, tlfatthey-i that are made In town, with a great foreign war, would not the fected animals. Rest as soon as affected ia Agent for Seneca Falls Lime, Salt Water Lime so ''tight" that cabinet officers, to earn their will not negotiate except updn jhe, basisfof and Jersey Cement; Shingles, Lath, and all kinds nOC&EHOLD essential as, if the animal is kept at work, The New York Times swells and chokes North do just that? Then why not now? separation, of a dissolution p f ^ p ' J ^ g n ^ . of Dressed Lumber on band, and Sawing and the disease will progress, and may provo with rage and exaltation at the discovery of 13. Suppose Universal Amnesty had been salary, will bo obliged to remain at their Peace upon such a basis would 'be'oi^sfloitl' Ureosing doae to order. Bod Storehouse on CaJESSE SAVAGE, and not prostitute their high offices nal Basin, Bradford St., Geneva, N.Y. F U R N I S H I N G GOODS fatal in a few hours. This is a part of the n plot of tire Democrats of New York to proclaimed four years ago in this spirit, do posts duration, while it would be p'rrfchas'ea/W* treatment I think veterinarians ought to in- curry the city and State. you think there would have sineo been any by stamping the country, while the affairs tho destruction of tho present QovernSiHl?? <S K TO $20 PER DAY. AGENTS Linden Block, Seneca Street. of state aro left t o tho mercy of incompeAT CHAS. KIPP^S, sist upon very firmly: Good hygiene by 'V*J WANTEP. All classes of working people Making such a pence, where ,is t o 'IjedfcM:. apl9-e9-tf * It seems that lion. S. J. Tildcn has ad- Ku-IClux outrages? of either sex, young or old, make more money at proper and comfortable temperature of the dressed a letter to certain leading Demo14. Is there not some rational limit to the tent and dishonest underlings. No. 30 Seneca Street, Geneva. division line? How manyof | h e S ^ E S , , P work for us in their spare moments, or all the Elect Horace Greeley, and money will be stables; blanketing according to the conditime, than atanything else. Particulars free. Ad- p I C T U R E S AND, FRAMES. after such a peace, will remain, united unr. crats of the interior, in which he urges up- duration of tho wrath and hate provoked tion of the ambient atmosphere; bandaging on them the dutyin order t o secure the by war ? and should not that limit be with- so "tight" in the United States treasury that d e r t u e Constitution, and'hdw"'knig i ?''Istf; dress G. Stlnson & Co., Portland, Me.-sep20yl it cannot be stolen to aid in corrupting the of the extremities after a good hand-rub- victory that awaits usto look to work at in eight years ? A partial list will give an Idea of tho variety. we must break t l t o M i t a r y ^ V c V t i f ^ f h ^ t t r B. W.~SCOTT, bing. Wiping of the nostrils with vinegar home. Local self-government is to bo sav15. How shall measures of Civil Service ballot'box, thereby defeating the honest engaged in the Rebellion before w c can" Would announce to his friends and the public FINE CUT AND PRESSED GLASS voters will, as was done in the late Pennand water is also recommended. Feeding,, Reform or any Rafonn whatever obtain conthat he has removed his establishment to the In Goblets, Wines and Bowls. have nny peace, except as ft condition o t ed by local organization and effort. sylvania election. of coarse, requires much attention and separation Arewepreparedforthat? F o r "Concentrate your attention," urges Mr. sideration if wo arc to continue fighting Tillman Block, corner Store, SEMI-PORCELAIN Elect Horace Greeley, and monoy will be careful handlingwarm gruels, scalded over the bottles of our lata war ? P DARIN'S COAL A N D terrible as is thewar, lamentable as are In earthen of great durability, with tho mashes, and oate mixed with flax-seed. In Tilden, "on your own election district. W a t e r Street, so "tight" that tho executive and his cabinet one, 10. If you had been engaged in a rebelbeauty of French China, which we alits consequences, I am. not " v. Take no risk of losing a vote which exWhere he is as ever prepared to supply everything will be obliged to pay for transporting a few cases root% carrots, turnips, o r so ha$e In great abundance. lion and beaten, would you consider yourIn his line as cheap as the cheapest and good as i*^ '- ' * tra effort could save to our cause. WOOD YAKD, their carriages and team*,'instead- of using fruits, apples; these to be given according the best. Hany self restored to citizenship while your leadTABLE CUTLERY Your friends and associates arc making government vessels, at tlie nation's expense, Sou tli Side Castle Street, Geneva, N. Y. " NEW STYLES OF MOULDINGS In Cocoa, Ivory and the celebrated hard to tho condition of the bowels. I would the same exertions in every election district ers were still under proscription ! for such freight. . 4 also highly recommend proper ventilation, Have just beon introduced, of which I have some Rubbor Handle. ' Keeps constantly on hand and for sale the 17. Would you not love your country elegant patterns. Having more room and Incleaning of the stables of manure pits, in the State. Elect Horace Grcoley, and mpney will pe ! J better and be readier to servo her if all following celebrated brands of coal: OHIO * i creased facilities, T am prepared to give bettor SILVER-PLATED WARE Turn your eyes from everything but your white-washing of the stables, and the free so^'tight" that the Camorons, Dents, Corwere amnestied ? In all Its variety. Pittston, Sullivan, Cannel, Walnut Hill and satisfaction than ever before Call and see. MAHSEJ q use of disinfectants. ; . full duty in your own election district. bins, Caseys, Tom Murphys, Iccts, Secors, 18. Suppose we arc at last to be one peoGeneva, Sep. W, 1873. B. W. SCOTT. Morris Run. You have tho best opportunity which has OREGON ," FANCY WOODEN GOODS Robeeons, and alt other addition;' division occurred in many years of making great and ple, as though wo had never fought, does and silence people, cannot control govern* BjJDIANA_< ^ always as low as any. ' jan5-ly p Q U X T Y T O W N S . ( t35Trico3 MJAL. COAL. COAL. for Wooden Wedding!. AGENTS A horse connected with the fire depart- permanent gains in your assembly district, not the full, formal assent of the "Demo- ment contracts, speculate in government VERMONT V^'wanted for^ach-county In New York State, crats to Impartial Suffrage indicate that the ment of Rochester died on Saturday night. your county, and in your congressional and hour has struck for declaring Universal Am- gold or rob the mercantile portion of thjt NEBRASKA for Tyler's Life of Chief Justice Taney. "A work whlcn ought to beread by idl who Would judge TIN GOODS senatorial district. CONNECTICUT. r " A veterinary Burgeon made a post mortem community through the custom house and nesty? Justly^'N. Y, Herald. For particulars," apply to for Tin Woddlngs. The way t o do this is for you to exert PENNSYLVANIA; naval departments. Geo. Gobble & Co., corner Nassau $ SpruceSt'i,, WIHB GOODS examination and reports the following fea19. Who would not rather live in a coun. ' octl8-4w yourself to tho utmost within your own WEST VIRGINIA^ frpsSr^rorannJ fames,-for sale In quantities ttf N.Y. Finally, elect Horace GreeUiy, and t h e try where all were free and equal Ibnn in tures of the case: suit purchasers, as low as the lowost. In Cake, Hanging and Fruit Baskets. election district." RHODE ISLAND tbievcs-whi) have been preying o n the nano where n part were disfranchised, and, A. BOBISON, Having made a post mortem examination This is one part of tho offenco ; but its NORTtfCAiit>LINA. Toilet Sets, Wire Castors, Tea Trays, Hrlttanla tional treasury will find. "mney toftt"* nov3-tf Lon'g Pier Coal Yard, Geneva, N.Y. Q.OOD, COMMODIOUS Tea and ColTee Pots, Chandeliers and Lamps. of t h e horse that died Jast night, which be- grievance is deeper. A postscript, we are therefore, diUffiohtctttcd 1 NEW HA^PSHIJBB. that their I'occupatjoh yrffi be gone." [)R...HITSSELL J . ,^HITE. 20. Who would be poorer, or weaker, or Office Room to Let. with the new Oriental Burner, which with shade,longed to steamer number 2, it may bo of told, declares that the State committee worse if the last wound of our Civil War Instead of the mondy "being loose, as now, This is the Way 'ttjg- Grant 'organs figure has all the advantages of the German Student. interest to your readers to know the condiANALYTICAL PHYSICIAN. that "he who receives jout their victorieV ' Oregon has n o t voted No 4 Seneca Street. For further Information In- Lamp, at much lens expense. It glvos a pure, tion in which I found the throat, and also have indications that tboy can carry ilw were healed-and no Ameficnn longer stig- it will bo sf'tiyht" State outside the city, and that their majority quire at the Drug Store of _ _ _ * * . CAS BErjO.NSUI.TED A3 HIS OJ/FIOK A3 TOLI-OWS: white, Intensely brilliant one dollar of it will be obliged t o render since the presidential 'eanVass'operied/'and ZOBRIST & PARTRIDGE. to know that the disease has a name. First, liere mil be from thirty-flee thousand to forty matized as a Rebel 'I CLYDE, Clyde Hotel, on Thursday, Nov. 14th. 100 cent* in-equivalent labor* while * pubGeneva, Oct. 18-8w PENN YAiSvBenham House, Tuesday, Nov. 36th. the nameacute laryngitis; or inflamma- thoumnd. Grantites jhavo no-<.rjght to claim i t as PILLAR OF LIGHT, One of the many evidences /of the lic official guilty of receiving' bribes- will 'the theirs M i a n a > i h e y have/not carried CANANDIAGUA, Webster House, Wednesday, tion of the larynx. I found upon examinaWhat an outrage! To carry the State economical spirit of the present administra- find hims'elf held equally as "ttghC as the, Connecticut haVgusV shown *in, her local the iKth of November. , YOtfK CENTRAL and Is adapted to all kinds of lamps now In use. tion the upper part of the larynx, glottis, GENEVA. Franklin HouseJ Thursday, Nov. 280u outside the great city, tho metropolis gov- tion,is seen in tho manner in which money government flnanci'B. '" 'elections, all she has "held since/the liberal AUBURN, National Hotel, Friday, Nov,2th. and epi-glottis very much inflamed. The erned by Tweed, Van Nort and Murphy, has boon spent in tho White House. From T H E CAttBON OIL. . Mbvem6fit was o r g k r i i z c d , ^ J>IWON3 SOT'EERINO I'nOJt--. epi-glottis, which is located on the upper and then, to carry the city, in tho face of the beginning of t h e century down to and isfc'aisad discount in Hiat'State. -p-WeW''v!rS ' Diseases of thetkldn'eye, Inflammatlou, Dropsy, Pure, non-odorous, as safe- to use as It your lamp extremity of the treachea, and whose U<ie is that trio, by a majority of from 80,000 to including tho current year, thj> tjtfal cosi of HhomnatlsirirAsthnia.Bliortneas of Breath or Dlfgima utterly buried thojJonly twoVivGnmti was filled with water. fi"nlty of Breathing, Dyspepsia, Weakness or NerThe men who are savirig the Republican 'candidates before the people^ whiteib^ijupJa There Is also In stock, POND LILY and other to close the top of the treachea whenever iO, 0001 This is a double inSult to the pow- keeping the presidential establishment in vous Dblllty, Fits, St. Vitus Dance, Restlessness, GENEVA; W. Tt. tlie animal swallows, was three times its ers that be. We wonder that United States repair has been in round numbers, a mil- party from defeat: SHADES. LOOKING GLASSES, BIRD CAGES, .,/'-.. porters elected o n l y six members. ,of *horLoss of Appetite,. Constipation, Dfefatfgement of LANTEUNS,.fK. WM. B . BtJiNtNO, I ' w p r i e i o r , . natural size, very much thickened, harden- Commissioner Davenport lias not commit- lion of dnllars-!-not including the sum of the Stomach, Billlqus Affections, Gravel, ScrofuCamerotv Murphy, fegistaturc Bhoae" r j u a n O a a h c i d noT, A general Invitation Is extended to all to com* ed and inflamed. Just below this comes ted Tildcn to prison without bail. n. Fever 8ores, Abcessea, Ulcers, Running from , MANllFACTUBjlS $27,000, the cost of Grant's ne\y; ;sta;Wcs, and look and buy. - election srace Iha'commencemait^dMhe:* Hartranft, tlio Ews, Inflammation 6t the Eyes, and all form's Tweed, the glottis, which was also much swollen . . _ . .... "i Catarrh, or any Chronic or Lingering Comrilalnt. for which no appropriation was madc"i)y Jtfendential canvas's''WdtheMtftffN/etfi'Uv CHAS. KLPP. and of a dark brown, almost black, color; Ycrkcs, , . O'Brkn,: are invited to call. No charge for consultation. Tho Financial Argument. Congress. Of this sum there has been exjHampshire, while, Nortb.Catoln5ia ho^rTH *ve will oxplaln the symptoms characterizing all High or Low.PrcsBuro, fhr Steamers, OPropcllere, and the upper third of the treachea, or fifNew^prk.. 5. of Philadelphia. ^ ! ( pended during t h e four year* of Grant's nPHE OLD AND RESPONSIBLE wind-pipe^ was very much inflamed and ^hronic diseases, and will show by demonstrations greater victory.!or tbA ppponants. than t h e Flouringo*SSw Wills. . 'ffin'nfriSiiJn These arc the m o d e r n ^ G e t a i S e n , IT. i n , ]Supportcrs^^ranK<Jfewu|.j|*jita electhat the present modes of treating those diseases '3ft is a singular and remarkable fact," rulo $823^834, or nearly, One-third of the swollen, so as to close the upper end of it. says, tho New york Bulletin, a purely com- total cost, of mainlining tap White House Politics." It is t o tho work of these moii are wcoag, arid not orloulated to. prove beneficial. PORTABLE ENCI NES, D. LEARY'S nd expjaln the principles prlhclpli by which curfl of There seemed to be a large' amount of sub- mercial paper, "that tlio record of almost since the time of Jblnj Adams. After mak- that Julia Wafd HffigS aliaMrs.Xucy Stone toral votoii rTOoracWrteteiiS forThresblneand Wpod-sawlng. , rcted. \raay3isfctf seasejs can Dfteffecl mucous infiltration of the surrounding every commercial convention o'r represent-, ing all due allowances for thojase injealucs l(md tHeiri>o3c^MisnJ56Ahfil' hodauBaW! AISO; ' ' r parts. There was 110 exudation, no false ative'inercatitilobody that has assembled and cosfof Taho'r cifuscd-by^hfe #r,l it is I t i s b y t h e p o ^ e | , o f , . t U e m i n q n that Mr. rim BESTBRANDS OF ESTABLISHMENT, membrane, no ulceration, simply occutein- in t h e United States for A series of years is plain that General Grant's ideas of t h e pro- Dawes hopes to getJnJ.opportunity to be^ fc. two hundred yard* north of tho New York Cen- flammntion with swelling ana infiltration a formal protest of the financial and com. per presidential surroundings aVtf just iftti- come.United*,States S e p s t j ^ - ^ r ^ e K G B N E B A H . Y . S I n both his letters of acceptance Mr REPAIRING done promptly. tral Railroad Depot, of raucous membrane, Tho cause of this mercinl policy of Congress and of tho Gov- fie extravagant <;; : :-. ; . * ' < mjrttwi,. ,. .. T S i .^. m ? n ,, w > i , H w f ; jGreeley concludes with a grand thought taf~AU work arid materlalfi warranted. diseasei condition may be xjposurc,colds, ernment. The proceedings of the national On MHIStreat corner of Piatt Street, - ^ d F ' - W h a t wo areifast comingJto^iSttejg- most adnurobly expressed To I inchhiMi hard-labor, &c but most probably it is board of trade afford no exception to this Pit: i (Brown'sRace, Rochester,N.Y.) , Sewayj's. AufobiograpliT. 0[OLLOWAY'8 . igested by thfcaccsunt.flf t h e e u B mary r - ar-: ^ Ike said ' T accept you/ nomination, j t k e produced by some atmospheric poison. lr: f rule. The report of the executive commit.rcstandimrMni^t,itt,a NflwJ -~ The reputation of this Dye House since 18SS has f : may bo'found at J tee of the board, submitted on the first day "p;rkvjaUV f Mrdulent trust that t h e n n w s o f your qosti Induced others to counterfeit our signs, checks, Fire .trtSAre&<pgea *f Mri'SfiwaYd's '& of a lcamng G e r a i ^ eifiiBn oTfhe business cards, and even the. cut of our building, of^lje meeting, embodies a.detailed and ond work, nitjijjtobiographyi which Was e'trort-; try-men, north and south, are e v e r UJUCIAJTJ to mislead anffnumrjuAbenublle; ' . mortifyjng statement of the shbrtepminga, mentioned as uncompleted at-tho time of. j dr ;g rx W ic n* ay i n(l s 8g C rdivided owtho b Hr-NQiOONNOTlON WITH ANT SIMILAR TJnftcd'gWtes d e ^ d t y ^ S H i i S S T ^ c,T S#*|i m e ^ t heao tl ho co j^ r tbU nV t fh th lH Ih 178;Water Street, International ESTAgWSHMjNTi Democrats, beware of the Radicals 1 of'congress in reference to the vitat ijueition. , Ms%#ltfin<tne>*6Us^ |fcve'rjiftn%n*tnfe7A,tBo fryteU-tilfr.WIJiaTeNOAGBNTiS'Ih the country. YouCttl They wish to divide your strength. They of pur shipping interests." , 0 1of . 1 .J " -thp-wood are Invited to cal. nd cxamdo your business directly with me, at the same exThis_mirgon:,of.^ that they are a n a m n u anaoCfnftk 4 ine.tte-l8ffi?H> yMcli "HAS*." will take pleasure EYEltTf MAN H I S OWN PHYSICIAN. pense a* through an Agent. . 11 wish to wheedle y6u into roting for Grant. Adid yet the business community aro inn 1#ethrpu.3 f ^ Ti t ' n submitting Crar^,Er^llV Cashmere and Plaid Shawls, ahd -Your only hope.iB tS keep together and cessantly exhorted to Miitiinnrthe repub- doubtodly p j ^ . _. __.._ . 1 > r for d theiririSp'e'ctlon. * ? feig*r, h6 has the Spanish Eaall bright colored Silks and Merinos, cleansed A n d i o Baltimore h e respond* w 1 Bi Ui " W 0 t S ?* f%% Anfojl%*5... ; without Injury to^ the colors. Also, LADIES" and preserve your strength. In tho new party lican party in power on business and finan- tor his friends and admirers. His notes, ;jqtally effectorp * ''Whether, He 1 GENTLEMBrffWOOLEN GABMENTS CLEAN- you will bo recognized aa equals; in the cial grounds 1 The^ruth hi.ttiat never did We- understand fficltta* ^nafftKirtiotfof M >*^'Cl&V--PrI<le o/9y*aousd. Paul f S Golden Crown. Dew Drop. Don Qulxbtte. SED or COLORED,'without ripping, and pressed i f c l P b e touted worthy foWr ' t i k i Radical party you will bo ignored. The a political party in this country demonstrate National history connected with-thVrebcl- hi displaycdhisi hadgBijof loflmw ^naiie^ K-Panola, and other favorite brands. r TnelmmenwdomanaforHpLtOWAY'smLf 11 Also'. FEATHERS or KJD/GLO VES cleansed or man who would sow the seeds of discord such utter financial incompetcucv as that l i o n ^ a n d tltoirjper ' aftatNTMENT,*as tempted unprincipled par " ' '" Bestb/ Cliewlns; Xol>cco wad Snnffk , lyefl; , 1 to.counterfelttlicHe valuable medicines. which now seeks Grant's, .reflection.. The riJL ^, "J"jTy.' Weoraooh'ttnii Rriar, Wood unit tte Tn order to protect the public and oureelvcs, w .- Silk, Woolen or Cotton Goods of every descrip- and fan to a blaze the embers of jealousy a- hepelegs ruin and bankruptcy, of eight form a-iyplumej; wi (1Lvp?9.vT.<?<aoc6 Boxes and. rouiboa. Cltef have Issued a now "Trade.Mark," consisting 01 ioil dyed all colors, and lnlsiied with neatness mong Democrats at this time, is n enemy, 3 world will await v, ! f f i j ? Holders, and. n kind* of mokere' Egylitlan circle of aflorpent,with the letter H l> ipd dispatch, on very: reasonable terms. and should be treated as suoh. Our choice states, achieved under its away and &f ttH & w r d w i i y b a T cTragri the .center. Every.boit at genulno HoMiowAT'-: policy will doubtless' give i r a h *aH*r Goods dyed Illsok every Thesday. Thursday and nns been made. We stand by Greeley, arid rti.tjsand QIKIMEST Wilt have this trade marl, Friday. All goods returned in one jwek. T ^ADIESr. ASTD GENT% rORTE ort place infiaantial rd*fcSy(.-1*t Hardly M>n*t pl It; none are genuine *Ith<Mitit.v v, . : wo stand together. Let tho Radical* un, Grant undei *^Monl M rnll'ttyIe f at j ^ _ < derstand i t ! '; vlabl* on*. to Mr. Seward.4Jrjrw, fcile ProrJrietot, T'Maiden Lane, NwTork B*)hrtcN,T. , A*-ir 1-' '. l"crhi$stt I* tftat ej infiwmcing ,. J.H.KrtVB*00. S; MV4 or express sttoh n<*le JL Law and Notary Public. Office No. 8 Seneca Bt (up btalra,) Geneva, W. Tg.






Insurance Agency,

Insurance & Real Estate

Mutual Life Insurnce Co.,





Ladies' Gaiters & Shoes,


EverywheieVis near the same compjarnt, When democrats are approached by the plausible and friendly appeals of the repub- republican conventions are' managed and lican candidates they should remember manipulated exclusively by-government of that one of the. grandest ideas for which ficeholders. Cifstpm,, house officials, TOYwe are .contending in this campaign,, is .the enue collectors or, their assistants, dictate idea which subordinates all personal prefer- who shall and" who" snaU.notJbe'thQ^candi^ ences and all other minor considerations to dates'of t h e party,'with tne ^utmost' assuij* tho one great purpose of redeeming and re- ance. And. we are nob clear b u t tins is covering the country from the hands; and correct^ The,party has become ^ p e r s o n a l control of men whose political action is rior party exclusively. I t hfcs no principles' controlled By tho true principles for which It represents Grant and nothing else "Why should n o t Grant, : through this officials, wo are contending. 0 Let them remember here in Ontario control it? Grant is,, really t]he proprietor county, aB elsewhere^ that a vote for Grant .of the party. He-<mns all those who hold is a vote for dishonesty in office, for nepo- office under'-him; They sneeze! Hvhen ho tism of the most shameful sort, for inconi- takes snuff, and if:he declare^atnponday, ^_ potency tlio most notorious, for usurpation that it is night,'they all sweMth*8|1n%:sc{jS s the most flagrant, for despotism the most the'moon and'stars." The offic6BoI6Terjsi ;Sre " dangerous, for anarchy the most distract- t h e party, and Grant makes the'offieboiding, for taxation the most extravagant, and ers.f. The .rank ndfile'jje ^fstno, j n j j t e i a l . . unjust,-for corruption the most damnable consideration. They 'are'''the i e w e r y of . ; and widespread, for ring-power the most wooft and drawers of water,' who d o theunscrupulous, for military supremacy, job- bidding of the ofliceholdftrffsajthB.-'o.fficBi: % bery, robbery, fraud and perfidy,' and for holders do the bidding of Grant. It is a all i n all. an administration as truly infomous as ever fine piece of machinery,' taken 1 Grantandhia leaders decide that a certain cursed any country. Democrats should remember that a vote thing shjall ,bc done for the advancement of for Dix is an indorsement of the operations the interest's of the party ap4all.thejofficeof the most disreputable gang of henchmen holders' i n the' country b d w ^ o V r i ^ t b e i r , and corruutionistjs who. are using the thin heads and say omen. TJieji #he raijc and ,te , mask of a respectable man's dotage to en- file of the pai%Wbfought np^o>t*eTnw;k> >e able thein to accomplish in^Now York by (as cattle are brought for slaughtering, and. the proxy figure head of fossilized Dix ' required to bow down to t h e demands of those publie robberies which Hartranft's the pfflcelioldcrs and say amenv * Granit ha$ gang will work out forjihemselvos in Penn- but one idea and that is himself. He qiily considers questions Of. policy jrom, i'mer,sylvania. cennry standpoint. He look's" Upo^, \M A vote for Dix is a vote for a man "who presidency as a means of making "mrJney, has been politically dead twenty years," not as an executive position involving vast una whose late outcomings arc but tho and varied responsibilities. It is with him putrescent vapors of his moral and political a kind of holiday during which,h?. pan decay. A voto for Dix indorses a man who travel about the country, free of expanse, has put tho military above tho civil power, and bo fawned upon by-those who aror1 inand sanctions the outrages and vanities of debted to his clemency for the bread they despotism. eat. They are his loving subjects* and A voto for Dix is ono of false import and they are the men who are managing" local malevolent effect, and no Democrat can for conventions everywhere. - They Control the n-moment listen to any appeals iu behalf of party. They perform what Grant and" the thoso who are now usjng tho name of Dix leaders at Washington dictate. They are for their privato^nnd partisan ends. tho creatures of-n superior will, arid thoy A voto-for Lyman Trpmain ia a vote for implicitly'.obey,- The party has no princitho most bare-faced demagogue, the most' ples. , It simply has Grant as a njacljeous- of unreliable politician and unscrupulous organization, and plunder as a^piuutant'to trickster who ever advocated secession action. Thoir faith 1B in Grant because and then became a blatant Radical Repub- Grant makes the- officeholders who c'qtttrq.! lican. tho pr,ty and guide its action'.. I t - i a a A voto for Wm. II. Lamport is a vote for Grant pSrfcy, not a political party, TlYebfmilitary despotism, Southern nnarchy ficeholaers want Grant rc-el'eCfjCfL. n o t bcr and oppression, Ku-Klux laws, bayOnet- causo he is a great or a good rn.ah-nofcsbe'*5 . election-laws, constant warfare, gross ex- causo'hc lias any political principles-bui' penditures iij. all tho .departments of .Gov- becauso h e will suffer the woifci vl robbing ernment, for taxing tno necessities of salt and plundering1 tho people,,' T>f MjS-^'artjr and coal, and for takbig "taxes off of the subordinates, to. go on for another fourluxuries of tea, and coffee, for monopoly years. rule", for Radicalism and Orantism in their worst fprms. A vote for A. L. Van Dusen is a vote for Roscoe Conkling, g r a n t ' s principal fugleman in the U. S. Senate; it is a direct In April 10, 1801, Mr. Kernan was in tho meauB of securing for six more years tho infliction and disgrace of having tho un- Assembly, and voted, for the $8,000,000 scrupulous popinjay of the Sennto returned Stato Aid Bill, and spoke as follows: to misrepresent jour Stato. Sm, I mean t"o bo loyal to the GovernRemember these things, and let neither ment, to uphold thoso placed by the people the plausible talcs nor tho covert bribes of in power in administering that Government' tho enemy turn you from your duty on elec- according to the Constitution, to aid ia'dc;tion day. fending that Government or Constitution-' When the Grant managers come around from attack, come from whatj quarter itwith their money, as they always do, to at- may; and now when tho President calls, tempt to buy up votes, wo advise and urge upon our Stato in this hour of danger-for all Democrats to take every dollar that is men to defend the Government, or Uphold 1 offered, and to insist on getting still more, the Constitution, I am iti favor of-granting even though to get it thoy promise to vote the. nid, and hence shall vote-forthis bill.. ' _ _ tlic Radical ticket entire, but once having' April 20, 1861, Mr. Kernan sign'e%acalTT|~!T|fe secured the money, to keep it or uso it against the infamous party of bribery, and with other citizens of Oneida c o u n t y f o r \ * ;$ vote fearlessly and openly a Democratic support to the Goreniment m the present J-'"'''" emergency, and for providing means -for, . ticket from end to end. the destitute farojliosof those who voluntcepi for the defence of our flag and pup Goyexflj* ment." Mr. Kernan made a- patristicY Hiram Green,. Esq.* "Rijjes to Ex- speech there, to. be 'found in,,tlie.:17tjcas plain", Concernme the_Tight.. ...... Herald. . . tl .j>,,:.,'

Mr. Kernan's War Record!

'"MojiejTwill be Tight!"

White Lead.

Boots and Shoes



The Grant^PyrarnidJ ;1

Pittston, Wilkesbarre. . anc} Bituminous Coai,


" The Great "Moral ^arty.'f"

Steam Engines and ^oilers,

Mill Gearing and Machinery

Steam Dyeing & Cleansing

Grand Thoughts,

Cigars, Tobacco


Stand United!



1u?KiSi3w., fSiS

pom <y&m

Oote for HWtce Greeley,


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