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On April 21, 2013 the UWM Student Association passed the 'Student Association Professional
Staff Non-Renewal Act' as evidenced by the minutes of the meeting and the livestream of the
meeting: .

To reiterate the issues in the passed legislation:
On March 10th, 2013 the UWM Student Association
( and the meeting minutes) changed the SAPS
funding module from three years to a one year module. Then they approved a decrease in
the funding for SAPS to $0.00 for the next fiscal year.
Again, On April 21, 2013 the UWM Student Association passed the attached 'Student
Association Professional Staff Non-Renewal Act'
The Student Association Professional Staff (SAPS) Office is an office within the Dean of
Students Office.
Under UW-System Financial Policy 50 (F50), UW-
System Financial Policy G15, and the G15
matrix, student services under the Dean of Students Office are not eligible to receive
Segregated University Fee (SUF) funding.
The Student Association reaffirmed this in the Act in question and the passed act
reallocated the SAPS funds (except those to meet SAPS Director David Stockton's
contractual obligations until June 2013 [3 months after enactment of the act, respecting
University Policy]), to the Senate Finance Committee (SFC) as the segregated university
fee allocations committee (SUFAC) of the University.
David Stockton is still working within SAPS and being paid with segregated fees.
As evidenced by the segregated fee plan for Fall 2013
(, the University is charging
UWM students segregated fees for the SAPS office, in direct violation of the Student
Association funding decision.

S81213-033 1

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
!"#$#%&' 1he SLudenL AssoclaLlon rofesslonal SLaff (SAS) ls an enLlLy creaLed by Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon of 7
Mllwaukee (SAM), funded Lhrough Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon by allocable SegregaLed unlverslLy lees (Sul), and, 8
!"#$#%&' SAS ls legally recognlzed by Lhe unlverslLy as an enLlLy wlLhln/under Lhe uean of SLudenLs Cfflce, as 9
evldenced ln Lhe SAS SLudenL Servlce CoordlnaLor" poslLlon descrlpLlon, and, 10
!"#$#%&' accordlng Lo uW-SysLem llnanclal ollcy 30 (l30), uW-SysLem llnanclal ollcy C13, and Lhe C13 11
maLrlx, sLudenL servlces llke Lhose under Lhe uean of SLudenLs Cfflce are noL ellglble Lo recelve Sul fundlng, and, 12
!"#$#%&' Lhe appolnLmenL leLLer of uavld SLockLon Lo Lhe flxed-Lerm renewable non-Leachlng academlc sLaff 13
appolnLmenL poslLlon of SLudenL Servlces CoordlnaLor" sLaLes LhaL hls renewal ls conLlngenL upon !"#$%#&, 14
'()&(*+ #--$ and .*/%.!*0/)(1 '-(!)(+*#0-", and, 13
)"#$#*+$# ,# -) $#&+./#0' LhaL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon reafflrms Lhe sLaLemenLs made by AcLlng uean of 16
SLudenLs and AssoclaLe vlce Chancellor for SLudenL Affalrs !lm Plll LhaL Lhe conLracL of hll 8lckun wlLhln SAS noL 17
be renewed and shall end !une 30
, 2013, and, 18
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' 1haL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon respecLfully requesLs LhaL Lhe unlverslLy noL renew 19
uavld SLockLon as SLudenL Servlces CoordlnaLor" ln Lhe uean of SLudenLs/SLudenL AssoclaLlon rofesslonal SLaff 20
Cfflce, and, 21
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' 1haL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon reafflrms LhaL, per Lhe appolnLmenL leLLer of uavld 22
SLockLon Lo Lhe flxed-Lerm renewable non-Leachlng academlc sLaff appolnLmenL poslLlon of SLudenL Servlces 23
CoordlnaLor", Lhere ls no !"#$%#& for Lhe SLudenL Servlces CoordlnaLor" poslLlon due Lo Lhe $0 fundlng of SAS ln 24
Lhe flscal year 2013-2014 and Lhe lnellglblllLy Lo recelve Sul for Lhe ln-quesLlon 'sLudenL servlces', LhaL Lhere ls no 23
'()&(*+ #--$ as oLhers ln uWM AdmlnlsLraLlon can acL as 'Advlsor' and Lhe program Lhus far has falled Lo produce 26
any measurable resulLs, and LhaL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon aLLesLs LhaL Lhe '-(!)(+*#0- of uavld SLockLon has been 27
far less Lhan .*/%.!*0/)(1 ln hls capaclLy as SLudenL Servlces CoordlnaLor, and, 28
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' respecLlng ChapLer 104 and, more speclflcally, ChapLer 106 of Lhe Academlc SLaff 29
ollcles and rocedures, Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon, ln good falLh, wlll respecL Lhe flnanclal conLracLual obllgaLlons Lo 30
uavld SLockLon up Lo Lhree (3) monLhs afLer Lhe enacLmenL of Lhls blll, and, 31
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' LhaL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon wlll respecL hll 8lckun's flnanclal conLracLual 32
obllgaLlons up Lo !une 30
, 2013, and, 33
&)10#2) %&&+3-%)-+2 4$+*#&&-+2%. &)%** 2+25$#2#!%. %3)
S81213-033 2

LeglslaLlve PlsLory
lnLroduced Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee 4/19/2013 by uepuLy Speaker 1aylor C. ScoLL
lnLroduced Lo Lhe SenaLe 4/21/2013, Sponsored by uepuLy Speaker 1aylor C. ScoLL, Co-Sponsored by SenaLor kaLherlne C. 8asch,
SupporLed by Chlef of SLaff Mlchael S. Ludwlg and vlce resldenL nlkolaus . 8eLLlnger lll, SenaLor 8olbleckl
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' 1haL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon reafflrms Lhe above sLaLemenL LhaL accordlng Lo uW- 1
SysLem llnanclal ollcy 30 (l30), uW-SysLem llnanclal ollcy C13, and Lhe C13 maLrlx, sLudenL servlces llke Lhose 2
under Lhe uean of SLudenLs Cfflce are noL ellglble Lo recelve Sul fundlng, and LhaL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon 3
reallocaLes Lhe remalnder of Lhe reserves ln Lhe SAS budgeL, wlLh respecL Lo Lhe above flnanclal obllgaLlons, Lo 4
Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon SenaLe llnance CommlLLee (SlC), as Lhe SulAC body, Lo be reallocaLed, and, lLLuMlnA1l 3
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' AcLlng uean of SLudenLs and AssoclaLe vlce Chancellor for SLudenL Affalrs !lm Plll 6
shall serve as Advlsor Lo Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon for Lhe purposes of 8egenL ollcy, and, 7
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' 1haL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon respecLfully asks for Lhe unlverslLy's response Lo Lhe 8
non-renewal of uavld SLockLon as SLudenL Servlces CoordlnaLor" wlLhln Lwo buslness weeks afLer enacLmenL, and, 9
,# -) *1$)"#$ $#&+./#0' 1haL Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon Speaker of Lhe SenaLe shall commlsslon an exploraLory 10
speclal commlLLee for Lhe purpose of ldenLlfylng Lhe professlonal sLaff needs of Lhe SLudenL AssoclaLlon and Lhe 11
posslblllLy of employlng sLudenLs Lo flll such poslLlons, also Lo deLermlne, ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe SLudenL 12
AssoclaLlon LxecuLlve CommlLLee, Lhe fuLure vlslon for Lhe SAS offlce, and, 13
,# -) %00-)-+2%..6 $#&+./#0' upon enacLmenL, Lhls leglslaLlon wlll be effecLlve lmmedlaLely and 14
communlcaLed Lo: SAS, Chancellor Mlchael Lovell, uean of SLudenLs Cfflce, vlce Chancellor for SLudenL Affalrs, 13
AssoclaLe vlce Chancellor for SLudenL Affalrs, and uWM AccounLlng, and, 16
)"#$#*+$# ,# -) *-2%..6 $#&+./#0' 1hls leglslaLlon wlll noL explre, regardless of Lerm or SAM AdmlnlsLraLlon 17
Lurnover. 1hls leglslaLlon wlll sLand as pollcy unLll such a Llme as Lhe resoluLlons are deemed meL by Lhe SenaLe. 18
1hls blll wlll only be volded or alLered by amendmenLs or leglslaLlon dlrecLly addresslng Lhls blll, and musL be 19
conflrmed by 2/3rds of Lhe presenL SenaLe, aL Lhe Llme of amendmenL. 20
A?L:________ nA?:________ 22
____________________________ _______________ 24
!esse 8rown uaLe 23
Speaker of Lhe SenaLe 26
____________________________ _______________ 28
1ereza ellcarlc uaLe 29
resldenL 30
ALLached (for reference only): 32
Appendlx A: SLudenL Servlces CoordlnaLor" oslLlon uescrlpLlon 33
Appendlx 8: uavld SLockLon leLLer of appolnLmenL 34
Appendlx C: uW-SysLem llnanclal ollcy 30 (l30) 33
Appendlx u: uW-SysLem llnanclal ollcy C13 36
Appendlx L: uW-SysLem llnanclal ollcy C13 lundlng MaLrlx 37
Appendlx l: ChapLer 104 of Lhe uWM Academlc SLaff ollcles and rocedures 38
Appendlx C: ChapLer 106 of Lhe uWM Academlc SLaff ollcles and rocedures 39
Student Association Senate
TELEPHONE: (414) 229-4366

Senate Session Minutes
Sunday, April 21, 2013
6:00 pm

UWM Student Union- Fireside Lounge
2200 E Kenwood Blvd
Milwaukee, WI 53211

I. Comments and Questions
a. Tereza Pelicaric, President
b. Nik Rettinger, Vice President
i. SFC Meeting Wednesday evening to discuss the status of our
allocation with the Chancellor as well as the status of CAB and
Pantherfest funding, discussed regent policy F50, 30-3 and
State statute 36.09(5).
ii. Thursday I met with the first Dean of Students Candidate Dr.
Timothy Gordon in the morning with the Search and Screen
Committee and then later with President Pelicaric, Speaker
Brown, and Assist. Deputy Speakers Uibel and Robiecki. The
third candidate will be on campus next Thursday as the second
candidate withdrew.
iii. Attended Faculty Senate on Thursday at 2:30pm with
President Pelicaric.
iv. Attended President Pelicarics State of the Students Address on
v. The Commission on the Implementation of 36.09(5) met
Friday night after the Executive Committee.
vi. Deputy Speaker Scott and I are are continuing to follow the
news as it develops on the Surplus found within the UW
System after an audit by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau.
c. Jesse Brown, Speaker of the Senate
i. Attended DOC Search and Screen for Lunch
ii. Friday the Ed. Tech Committee met, will be meeting in two weeks
Friday to start review of allocations.
iii. State of the Students Address, thank for those you attended, it
was a great success.
iv. Passing of the Gavel is on May 5
, Dinner is at 5:30pm, email
asking what your Dinner choice is.
d. Taylor Scott, Deputy Speaker of the Senate
i. Commission meeting Friday night, set up a very robust time line,
split draft of plan into thirds, created ad-hoc sub-committees to
do each part, want to finish draft by April 29
e. Jim Hill, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/ Acting Dean of
i. No report
f. Jessica Berndt, Neighborhood Housing Director
i. Went before other Reports (6:20pm)
g. Open Forum
II. Call to Order
III. Roll Call: 17 Present, 6 Not Present, 6 Excused, Quorum established at
a. Aguilar: Not Present
b. Allen: Present
c. Bachmann: Not Present
d. Briet-Nicholson: Present
e. Brown-Holland: Present
f. Erwin: Present
g. Glicklick: Not Present
h. Gonzalez: Excused
i. Groth: Present
j. Harms: Excused
k. Heimerl: Present
l. Jensen: Present
m. Jones: Not Present
n. Luther: Excused
o. Mattek: Present
p. Methu: Excused
q. Nguyen: Not Present
r. Pecor: Present
s. Pugel: Excused
t. Rasch: Present
u. Rolbiecki: Present
v. Siddique: Present
w. Singh: Present
x. Sorenson: Present
y. Uibel: Present
z. Zezulka: Excused
aa. DS Scott: Present
bb. Speaker Brown: Present
cc. Sec. Sorensen: Not Present
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
a. Quorum established at 6:48pm, see attached roll call sheet
V. Approval of the Agenda
a. April 21, 2013: Motion to Approve by Senator Siddique, Second by ?:
Passed U
VI. Approval of the Minutes
a. April 14, 2013: Motion to table by Speaker Brown, second by Senator
Breit-Nickelson: Passed U
VII. Reports
a. Legislative officers: D.S. Scott: Election Process under attack, motion
to charge ad-hoc committee to investigate through our own processes
the SA elections of 2013-2014, Second by Senator Rasch
i. Discussion:
1. Siddique: Have the complaints that have been allegedly
filled to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs been
made known, Scott: no they have been not, were
investigating the complaints only that have been made
through our own processes. Saddique: If there is to be
an investigation into complaints already filled though
the court, why would the Senate be involved in Court
business, Scott: Its our own independent review of the
process as the Chief Justice served as the IEC. Siddique: I
believe this is unnecessary for us as the court will
handle it.
2. Heimerl: Motion to strike Deputy Speaker of the Senate
Chair of the Senate, seconded by Breit-Nickelson. Scott:
do you want to add another Senate Seat, Heimerl: no,
three is good, Vote: Passed U with 6 abstentions.
3. Erwin: Is the Vice Chancellor going to involved in the
process, does this committee take the place of another.
4. Sorenson: Who is taking minutes and ? Brown: VP Nik is
5. Mattek: Is this only investigating complaints given to
the IEC?, Scott: Yes
6. Siddique: What is the process that the IEC uses to
handle complaints?, Scott: Its outlined in the IEC
ii. Vote: Passed U with 4 abstentions by Uibel, Robiecki, Siddique,
and ?
iii. Motion to suspend the Rules to add election of those positions
for the Special Committee Charge under New Business, C, 4.
Elections Investigation Committee Charge: Passed U
1. Reinstated Rules
VIII. Special Orders
a. Veto Override- LA1213-001
i. Motion to table: Sorenson, Seconded by Rasch: Passed with 1
Nay by Hiemerl, Abstentions by Brown and Erwin.
IX. Old Business
i. SB1213-029- Resolution Against UWM Policy S-42.5
1. Scott: Reaffirms case law, specifically Spotto v. Board of
Regents that states that all Shared Governance groups
affected by a University wide policy needs to agree and
that has not been the case at our University, this will
bring is into compliance.
a. Senator Breit-Nickelson: Im not sure about case
law? Scott: As the VP stated at the last meeting,
we will be looking at thing all the way back to the
merger as the case reaffirmed what should have
been happening all along. Saddique: Reaffirmed
what DS Scott said.
b. Siddique: Motion to approve, seconded by
Sorenson, Saddique: the amendment still carried
over from last week? Brown: Yes. Passed U
2. University Special Unit on the Ratification of Policy
Charge- Appendix to SB1213-029
a. DS Scott: Move to charge the creation of an ad-
hoc committee in the University Special Unit on
the Ratification Unit on the Ratification of Policy
Charge, second by VP Rettinger: Passed U
X. New Business
a. SB1213-033- Student Association Professional Staff Non-Renewal Act
i. DS Scott: The Senate took a strong stand with the SAPS office
with the SFC process, taking into account Regent policy F50,
G15, and G15 Funding Matrix, we cant even fund the SAPS
office, there are some contractual obligations that will be
respected out of good faith.
1. Discussion:
a. Uibel: The reserve funds are being transferred
back to SFC? Scott: Yes, Uibel: Move to approve,
seconded by Rasch. Passed U with 2 abstentions:
Breit-Nickelson and Groth.
b. SB1213-034- New Student Union Referendum
i. DS Scott: A lot of student are wondering whats going on with
the project, it hasnt been approved by the regents, no progress
has been made, is the shared governance climate here ready
for a student driven project, has concerns that there are parties
on campus that are not behind students having a direct role in
driving the process.
1. Siddique: Motion to approve, second by Brown-Holland:
a. Discussion:
i. Siddique: We are the Stewarts of
Segregated fees, and as such should take
this up to identify the continuing support
of student with the project.
ii. Uibel: Does the UPB Chair have any
comment: UPB Chair Ludwig: Board voted
U for it, Union Director vetoed it, Faculty
have publicly stated that students should
be involved in the process their directly
funding, not just signing a check. The
Shared Gov. Climate on campus is a
disaster, students are completely ignored,
SFC moved money to CAB for Pantherfest
and then CABs role is completely cut out,
Vice Chancellor Laliberte has stated that
UPB is not a recognized governance
group, so I personally have no confidence
in the shared governance climate here at
UWM. Theres no communication, cant
get meetings, bad attitudes, do what you
want, but thats just my opinion.
iii. Jenson: Does the 160 million dollars
included the contingency fee of some 4
million dollars. UPB Chair Ludwig: I am
not sure at this time, I know that
enrollment is going down so that it is
major concern as the 160 million is no
longer 160 million dollars.
iv. Siddique: DS Scott has included language
in the referendum proposal that talks
about feedback from the students in what
they want in the new union, how would
the SA go about communicating that back
to the UPB. Scott: I see this being very
similar to the language used in the
referendum from last year and I would
think the committee and the SA would
handle the feedback. Siddique: Who is
formatting the language? Scott: The
Committee would and the Chair of UPB is
a member of the Committee.
v. Passed U with 1 abstention: Erwin
vi. DS Scott: Move to charge the New Union
Referendum Special Committee, second
by Siddique:
1. Siddique: Move to add a 4
Senator, second to Rasch
a. Jenson: Motion to amend
the amendment to add a
student who is not an
officer in the SA as an at-
large member, seconded by
i. Siddique: I ask that
this motion be
withdrawn as it
would take undue
time to find students
at-large, Jenson: I
can have somebody
by next week,
Siddique: This
should be open to
ii. Vote: 9 in favor, 4
against, 2
Abstention: Brown-
Holland, Scott, and
2. Vote failed: 4 in favor, 5 against, 7
Abstentions by Sorenson, Brown-
Holland, Scott, Erwin, etc. ?
vii. Breit-Nickelson: Move to change to 4 SA
members on the Committee: Vote: Passed
U with 1 abstention: DS Scott
b. Passed with 1 abstention: Erwin
i. Motion to suspend the rule and add under
new business 5 New Union Referendum
Special Committee (4 Seats) and under 6
University Special Unit on the Ratification
of Policy (1 Seats), Vote: U in favor, Rules
suspended, Committee elections added
under new business, rules reinstated.

c. Election of Vacant Committee Seats: Open Nominations by S Brown,
seconded by Breit-Nickelson: U
i. Campus Activities Board (1 Seat)
1. Senator Sorenson: Nominate Harms, Harms accepts,
Heimerl nominates Brown-Holland, Brown-Holland
accepts, nominations closed: U
2. Roll Call Vote: 1 Harms, 13 Brown-Holland, 3
Abstentions: Pecor, Sorenson, Brown, Brown-Holland
has been elected to CAB.
ii. Implementation Planning Commission (1 Seat): Open
nomination by Brown, second by Rasch: U
1. Sorenson: Allen, Allen accepts, Erwin: Mattek, Matteck
does not accept, Nominations closed: U
2. Motion for Unanimous Consent by Siddique, second by
Rasch, no objections, Allen elected to Commission.
iii. Student Association Safety Committee (1 Seat): Motion to open
nominations Brown, Siddique,: U
1. Groth: nominate Mattek, Brown moves to close,
seconded by Rasch.
2. Unanimous consent: no objections, Mattek elected to
Safety Committee.
iv. Elections Investigation Special Committee (3 seats): Brown
moves to open nominations, Unanimous consent:
1. DS Scott, Breit-Nickelson, Singh, Brown nominated by
Uibel, Brown declines, nominations closed.
2. Heimerl moves to approve with unanimous consent:
Uibel objects, move into a vote:
a. Discussion:
i. Breit-Nickelson: I make good decisions in
a viewpoint neutral manner, have
experience in doing so on SAC.
ii. Singh: I wasnt on the ballot and wont
bring any bias to the committee.
iii. DS Scott: I wasnt on the ballot and wont
bring any bias to the committee either.
b. Motion to approve by Heimerl, seconded
Sorenson, Approved U
v. New Union Referendum Special Committee (4 Seats): Brown
moves to open nominations, seconded by Siddique: U
1. Rasch, Jenson, Scott, and Siddique, nominations closed
by Brown, seconded by Breit-Nickelson.
2. Harms has entered the session at 8:07pm
3. Motion to approve by Heimerl, seconded by Singh,
Approved U
vi. University Special Unit on the Ratification of Policy (1 Seats):
Brown Opens nominations, unanimous consent: no objections
1. Robiecki: nominate Uibel, Uibel accepts, Scott
nominates himself, Siddique nominates himself,
nominations closed by Brown, seconded by Rasch.
a. Uibel: I want to go through governing
documents, working with the other governing
groups on campus.
b. DS Scott: Anyone of us would do a great job. It
will have to work hand in hand with the
c. Siddique: Anyone one of us would do a great job,
someone who knows what student, life, services
and interest is, and what university policies that
would be effecting those areas.
d. 11 Uibel, 2 Scott, 1 Siddique, 3 abstentions: Breit-
Nickelson, Brown-Holland, Uibel, and not voting:
d. Approval of Committee Charters: Breit-Nickelson motions to package
and approve, seconded by Erwin, approved with 2 abstentions
i. American Civil Liberties Union Student Alliance at UWM
ii. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
iii. Flute Players Guild at UWM
iv. Circle K Charter
v. Desi Student Association
XI. Motion by Siddique to have Director Eric Jessup-Anger and Assistant
Director Tom Dake of CSI come before the Senate and explain their
interpretation of the Student Associations role in the approval of
Registered Student Organization Charters, and express to the Senate
what the current process the Charter Review Committee currently
operates under, and have Charter Review Committee member Pugel
report to the Senate on the process used by the Charter Review
Committee to formally review and recommend Charters to the SA
Senate , seconded by DS Scott: Passed U with 1 abstention by Breit-
XII. Questions and Concerns
XIII. Adjournment: 8:29pm
Student Association Senate
TELEPHONE: (414) 229-4366

Senate Session
Sunday, March 10, 2013
UWM Student Union- Fireside Lounge
2200 E Kenwood Blvd
Milwaukee WI, 53211

I. Call to Order at 6:26 pm
II. Comments and Questions
a. Tereza Pelicaric, President
b. Nik Rettinger, Vice President
c. Jesse Brown, Speaker of the Senate
d. Taylor Scott, Deputy Speaker of the Senate
e. Allie Gardner, United Council Finance Committee Chair
III. Roll Call
Aguilar Present
Allen Unexcused
Bachmann excused
Nicholson Present
Holland Present
Chohan Unexcused
DeLucia Unexcused
Erwin excused
Glicklick excused
Gonzalez Present
Groth Present
Harms excused
Heimerl excused
Hindi Unexcused
Jensen Present
Jones excused
Luther Unexcused
Mattek Present
Methu Present
Nguyen Present
Pecor Present
Pugel excused
Rasch Unexcused
Rolbiecki Present
Siddique Unexcused
Singh Present
Sorenson Present
Zezulka Present
Uibel Present
Brown Present
Scott Present

IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Approval of the Agenda
a. March 10, 2013
i. Motion to approve by Rolbiecki
ii. 2
by Aguilar
iii. Motion to amend under New Business item A by adding 3 The
Advisory Committee on Educational Technology Fees - 4 seats
by Scott
iv. 2
by Uibel
v. Unanimously passes
vi. Motion to amend to add under Committee Appointments
number 4 to add Emily Garbinski Parker by Brown
vii. 2
by Uibel
viii. Unanimously passes
ix. Main motion to approve agenda as amended passes
VI. Approval of the Minutes
a. March 3, 2013
i. Motion to approve by Bright-Nicholson
ii. 2
by Sorenson
iii. Unanimously passes
VII. Reports
VIII. Special Orders
a. Veto Override
i. SFC Omnibus 1213-00- Student Association Professional Staff
1. Motion to sustain the veto by Scott
2. 2
by Uibel
3. Passes with abstentions from Bright-Nicholson, Zezulka,
and Gonzalez
4. Motion to put the Student Association Professional Staff
on a one year module by Uibel
5. 2
by Scott
6. Passes with abstentions from Bright-Nicholson, Zezulka,
and Gonzalez
7. Motion to fund Student Association Professional Staff at
$0.00 by Scott
8. 2
by Rolbiecki
9. Unanimously passes
IX. Old Business
a. SB1213-024- Sport Club Allocation Committee Bylaws
1. Motion to approve by Methu
2. 2
by Bright-Nicholson
3. Motion to amend article 4 section A to add, Sport Club
Allocation Committee shall be composed of the Student
Assocation treasurer, 4 members of the Student
Association Senate, 4 members elected at the June
meeting, etc, etc by Scott
4. Multiple seconds
5. Passes one with 1 nay from Bright-Nicholson
6. Motion to amend article 4 section a by Uibel
7. 2
by Scott
8. Passes with one nay by Mattek and 1 nay by Pecor
9. Main motion to approve as amended passes
X. New Business
a. Committee Appointments-
i. Chancellors Advisory Committee on LGBT Issues
1. Ari Stone
ii. Environmental Sustainability Committee
1. Angelica Sanchez
2. Aryel Beck
3. Devin Last
4. Michael Bognar
5. Victoria Oliver
iii. Emily Garbinski Parker
Motion to package and approve by Uibel
by Jensen
Passes unanimously
iv. Advisory Committee on Educational Technology Fees
1. Bright-Nicholson
2. Brown-Holland
3. Brown
Motion to open the floor for nominations by brown
by scott
Passes unanimously
Jensen nominates Bright-Nicholson
Brown nominates Brown-Holland
Brown nominates himself
Motion to close nominations by Brown
Multiple seconds
Passes unanimously
Motion to package and approve candidates unanimously by Rolbiecki
by Brown-Holland
Unanimously passes
XI. Questions and Concerns
XII. Adjournment at 7:40 pm

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