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Neeting Ninutes
Tuesuay, }anuaiy 14, 2u14
SEI #Su6
Attenuance: 11

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Bealthy Communities Foium - Febiuaiy S
, 2u14 - 8am - 4pm
Theie is one fiee spot left available. Contact victoi Beceiia to RSvP. Any
auuitional attenuees aie $1u with stuuent uiscount.
}ay's PB0 II - }anuaiy 17
, 2u14 - The uepaitment has appioveu $Suu to covei
lunch foi all in attenuance anu paiking foi the 8 piofessionals who will be
attenuing. The paiking fees will neeu to be fionteu by 0PSA anu will be latei
ieimbuiseu by the uepaitment. Paiking shall not exceeu $8u at a iate of
$1uuay pei peison.
AICP Woikshop - }anuaiy 21
, 2u14 - The uepaitment has appioveu $2uu foi
this event to covei lunch (pizza).
Retieat - }anuaiy 2S
, 2u14 - LA Fiee Nuseum Bay. We will most likely take the
Blue Line fiom Long Beach foi a uay in LA.
0puate of inteinship list - Biett will ieminu N0RPs to senu in theii cuiient
inteinship infoimation so that he may keep an upuateu list on the 0PSA website.
N0RPs meeting with the Piogiam Biiectoi - 12pm -1:Supm SE1 112 }anuaiy
, 2u14
N0RP Accieuitation - Piofessoi Bollens spoke about the upcoming accieuitation
site visit. The foium is on Febiuaiy S, 2u14 fiom 12pm - 1:Supm in SE1 Su6 anu
an RSvP is iequesteu. Theie aie suiveys that neeu to be completeu; the foim is
posteu on the N0RP facebook page. We aie ciossing oui fingeis foi a S yeai
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Committees: 0scai woulu like to stait S new subcommittees:
o Funuing: Beaueu by Anuiew, who has been exploiing oppoitunities with
unueigiauuates anu stuuents outsiue of the N0RP piogiam. Anyone who
woulu like to help out shoulu ieach out to Anuiew.
o Inteinships: Biett, along with maintaining the cuiient inteinship list, will
also woik on keeping oui cohoit connecteu with inteinship oppoitunities
anu possibly ieciuiteis. This subcommittee will be especially impoitant
closei to spiing with the S
PB0 anu ieciuitment faii in Nay. Anyone
inteiesteu shoulu ieach out to Biett.
o Ninoiity outieach: 0scai will be exploiing oppoitunities to ieciuit anu
infoim local minoiity gioups, youth, stuuents, etc. foi oui N0RP piogiam.
Anyone inteiesteu in woiking with this subcommittee shoulu ieach out to
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Next Neeting - }anuaiy 14, 2u14 befoie the Biiectoi Neeting - 11am - 12pm
Nancy - 0pcoming events: Piice is Right!! Still setting a uate
o Sky Bigh Bougeball - Nancy will puisue a uioupon anu iepoit back.
Anuiew - The 0PSA account cuiiently has $279.8u.
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