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So far the drying considered has been by hot air. Other methods of drying which are q ite common!y enco ntered are drying by contact with a hot s rface" a contin o s #ersion of this is the dr m or ro!!er dryer where the food is coated as a thin $aste o#er the s rface of a s!ow!y re#o!#ing heated hori%onta! cy!inder. In s ch a case& the food dries for as m ch of one re#o! tion of the cy!inder as is mechanica!!y feasib!e& after which it is scra$ed off and re$!aced by fresh wet materia!. The amo nt of drying is s bstantia!!y contro!!ed by the rate of heat transfer and estimates of the heat transfer rate can be sed for ca!c !ations of the e'tent of drying.

EXAMPLE 7.19. Moisture content of breakfast food after drum drying ( dr m dryer is being sed to dry a starch)based brea*fast food. The initia! moist re content of the food is +,- on a wet basis& the dr m s rface tem$erat re is ./01C and the food !ayer o ter s rface .221C. The estimated heat transfer coefficient from the dr m s rface to the drying food is 022 3 m )4 s). 1C)..

(ss me that the thic*ness of the food on the dr m is 2./ mm and the therma! cond cti#ity of the food is 2.,, 3 m). s). 1C).. If the dr m& . m diameter and . m in !ength& is rotating at 4 re#5min and the food occ $ies three)q arters of the circ mference& estimate the moist re content of the fi!m being scra$ed off. (ss me the critica! moist re content for the food materia! is .6- on a dry basis& and that cond ction heat transfer is thro gh the who!e fi!m thic*ness to gi#e a conser#ati#e estimate. Initia! moist re content 7 +, - wet basis 7 2.+,58. )2.+,9 7 / *g *g). dry basis. Tota! q antity of materia! on dr m 7 8 ' D ' /569 ' . ' 2.222/ m/ 7 ' . ' /56 ' . ' 2.222/ 7 +.. ' .2)6 m/. (ss ming a density of the food $aste of .222 *g m/& :eight on dr m 7 +.. ' .2)6 ' .2/ 7 2.+. *g. O#era!! resistance to heat transfer& .5U 7 .5022 ; 2.222/52.,, 7 ..4, ' .2)/ ; 2.,, ' .2)/ 7 ..0 ' .2)/ Therefore U 7 ,,< 3m)4 s). 1C). q 7 UA T 7 ,,< ' ' D ' . ' 2.+, ' 8./0 ) .229 7 6=.0 *3 s).. >atent heat of e#a$oration of water 7 44,+ *3 *g).

Rate of e#a$oration

7 q 5 7 2.244 *g s)..

Residence time of food on dr m? at 4 re# min . re#o! tion ta*es /2s& b t the materia! is on for @ re#. Residence time 7 8/569 ' /2 7 44., sec.

:ater remo#ed

7 44., ' 2.244 7 2.6=, *g. Initia! q antity of water 7 2.+. ' 2.+, 7 2.,/ *g and dry so!ids 7 2.+. ' 2.4, 7 2..0*g. Resid a! water 7 82.,/ ) 2.6=,9 7 2.2/, *g.

:ater content 8wet basis9 remaining 7 2.2/,582..0 ; 2.2/,9 7 .<-

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