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Republic of the Philippines } In the City of Davao }S.s. x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x AFFIDAVIT-COMPLAINT I, HANNAH CRIS ECHAVEZ, of legal age, Filipino, ma ie!

, an! a esi!ent of "a angay #eon $a cia, R. Castillo, %g!ao, Davao City, afte fi st being s&o n to in acco !ance &ith la&, !o he eby !epose an! say, that' 1. I am the mothe of (%)RI*% +C,%-+., *ineeen /012 yea s ol!, an! a Secon! yea stu!ent of %3% Compute School, Davao City4 2. Sometime on Septembe 00, 5667, at about 8'96 in the afte noon, my sai! chil! &as &al:ing &ith he th ee f ien!s-classmates along the ight si!e of 3agsaysay %venue /going to Sta. %na &ha f2, as they &e e ;ust !ismisse! f om thei afte noon class4 3. <pon eaching the pe!est ian lane to c oss, my sai! chil! an! he g oup stoppe! fo a &hile as the e &e e still some vehicles unning. =ne of thei f ien!s, in the name of %my Rivas bought some >bu:o ;uice? fo he self &hile they &e e &aiting fo thei chance to c oss the pe!est ian lane4 4. @hen the app oaching ;eepney, one ! iven by %! ian Paguican, /Paguican fo b evity2 a esi!ent of ) a!ing "ouleva !, Davao City, stoppe! ;ust in f ont of them to allo& them to c oss an! to ta:e some passenge s at the same time, my sai! !aughte le! he f ien!s-classmates in c ossing the pe!est ian lane via the f ont si!e of PaguicanAs ;eepney4 5. Bust passing by the f ontage of PaguicanAs ;eepney, anothe passenge ;eepney ! iven by one Raymon! Sama ita, a esi!ent of Piapi "ouleva !, Davao City, ;ust spee!ily, ec:lessly an! unnoticeably ove too: PaguicanAs ;eepney, t ying to go ahea! of PaguicanAs lane to ta:e some passenge , hitting my !aughte &ho &as stain!ing ;ust in f ont of PaguicanAs ;eepney, causing the latte to be th o&n a&ay at about five /C2 mete s f om &he e she p eviously stoo!4 6. Raymon! Sama ita faile! to signal that he &as app oaching the pe!est ian lane as he &as not p eviously seen an! notice! by my !aughte as he vie& &as cove e! by the Beepney of %! ian Paguican4 7. <pon hitting (at ina, Raymon! Sama ita stoppe! a&hile an! loo:e! bac: to (at ina, t ying to inDui e of &hat ha! happene!4 8. @hen the people a oun! &ho &itnesse! the inci!ent sta te! to su oun! the lying &a m an! unconscious bo!y of my !aughte (at ina besi!e the st eet, Raymon! Sama ita t ie! to help but the victims f ien!s an! the people a oun! &e e Duic: to have (at ina b ought to San Pe! o ,ospital4 3y !aughte &as t ying to egain he consciousness by utte ing the &o !s >3amaE 3amaE. She &as g oaning f om seve e pain an! he hea! &as blee!ing4 9. Some of he f ien!s an! teache s also follo&e! he in the hospital. )hei effo ts ho&eve &e e to no avail as my !aughte !ie! upon a ival. %ttache! he ein is the Death Ce tificate issue! by Docto Fatima 3aca ona, 3.D., a esi!ent physician-su geon of San Pe! o ,ospital &ho examine! my chil! in the Intensive Ca e <nit upon he a ival to the sai! hospital ma :e! as %nnex >%? to fo m an integ al pa t he eof4 10. =n the night of the same !ay, at about F'66 in the evening, I cause! the sai! inci!ent to be epo te! to the police autho ities, an! the same &as !uly ente e! in the blotte of Sta. %na Police Station, a copy of the sai! police blotte , !uly

Page - 2 signe! by Police Inspecto Ran!olph Ca!iogan as attache! he ein an! ma :e! as %nnex >"? to fo m an integ al pa t he eof4 11. I am executing this affi!avit to attest to the t uth of the fo egoing facts, to institute the p osecution of one Raymon! Sama ita, a esi!ent of *o. 71, Se geant Robe to CaGete +xtension, Piapi "ouleva !, Davao City, fo the c ime of ,omici!e esulting f om Rec:less Imp u!ence as !efine! in % ticle 97C, pa ag aph 0 of the Revise! Penal Co!e. I !"# $%% !&$'$(), I he eunto fix my signatu e this 0Cth !ay of Septembe , 5667, in the City of Davao, Philippines.


S+,SCRI,ED AND S!ORN TO befo e me this 0Cth !ay of Septembe , 5667, in the City of Davao Philippines, an! I he eby ce tify that I pe sonally examine! the %ffiant an! I am satisfie! that he ea! an! un!e stoo! the contents of his %ffi!avit-Complaint an! that he volunta ily an! f eely execute! the same.

ANNA LISA C. S+ P osecuto 0

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