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Section I.1 KANTIAN CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE......................................................................2 Section I.2 OUTLINE FOR KANTIAN ARGUMENTS.......................................................................6

Immanuel Kant (German philosopher, (1724-1 !4"

In the #irst $ee% o# notes I state& that philosoph' is (uestionin)* A preo++upation $ith (uestionin) usuall' means 'ou thin% 'ou +an #i)ure out some ans$ers* Tr'in) to reason out our ,i))est (uestions su))ests stron) ,elie# in the po$er o# reason, so reason is important to philosoph'* Ima)ine a person $ho is all ,rain, al$a's thin%in), al$a's rational, +alm, unemotional, trul' reasona,le- the rational ,ein), a Kantian* -eason or -ationalit', this $as his )reatest passion in li#e


.a/i& H01E (2ritish philosopher 1711-1773" Hume $as a s%epti+, he (uestione& e/er'thin)* He maintaine& $e ha/e no )oo& reason to ,elie/e the sun $ill +ome up tomorro$* In ethi+s Hume maintaine& that there is a,solutel' no #a+t $e +oul& learn a,out the $orl& or a,out oursel/es that +oul& tell us $hat $e ou)ht to &o or $hat $e shoul& /alue* Nothin) a,out the $a' the $orl& is +an tell $hat $e ou)ht &o* This is %no$n as the pro,lem o# is-ou)ht &eri/ation4 one +annot &eri/e an ought #rom an is* Kantian ethi+s is an attempt to pro/e Hume $ron)* Kant pro/i&es an isought derivation KANTIAN IS-50GHT .E-I6ATI5N His tas% is to #in& some truth or #a+t that +oul& tell us $hat $e ou)ht to &o 2ut Kant a)rees, there is no #a+t out there in the $orl& that +oul& tell us $hat $e ou)ht /alue or $hat is )oo& an& ri)ht* So ma',e the truth a,out ethi+s are not out there in the $orl&* 1a',e the truth is in us, or a,out us* 7or Kant, $hat is the ,i) truth a,out us that +ounts8 -eason or -ationalit' is the ,i) truth a,out us that +ounts* Ho$ to )et to ou)ht8 He thin%s a,out it (uite a ,it, this is his li#e, an& there is another truth to +onsi&er* 9hat &oes the $or& ou)ht reall' mean8* 5u)ht means a rule 'ou must #ollo$*


Cate)ori+al means no e:+eptions Imperati/e means +omman&, a,solute must Cate)ori+al Imperati/e4 is an a,solute must $ith no e:+eptions

Sin+e Kant is so into reason, the +ate)ori+al imperati/e is a rule o# lo)i+ ; non-+ontra&i+tion* So he states4 The greatest moral goo can !e nothing else than the conce"tion o# la$ in itsel#. Here $e shoul& thin% o# la$ as rule, somethin) ,in&in)* He &oes not mean la$ in the sense o# le)al +ourts* Noti+e $hat he has &one here* He ta%es the +on+ept o# ou)ht an& supplies a &e#inition o# the $or& ou)ht as a rule that has to ,e #ollo$e&, a,solutel' no e:+eptions an& he sa's, $ell, that is $hat $e ou)ht to #ollo$4 rules that no rational person +oul& &isa)ree $ith* The /er' i&ea o# the &e#inition o# a rule or la$ is the ou)ht he &eri/es* The truth he &eri/es it #rom8 The &e#inition o# a $or& +an ,e thou)ht o# as a (uasi-#a+t, a truth that &oes not +ome #rom e:perien+e ,ut instea& +omes #rom lo)i+al meanin), ,ut is a truth, an is nonetheless* +le/er* CATEG5-ICA< I1=E-ATI6E, 6E-SI5N 1 Act so that the maxim for hat !o" #o !o" co"l# ill as a "ni$ersal r"le% 9hat he is sa'in) in this 6ersion 1 is that $hat 'ou use as a )ui&e #or 'our moralit' has to ,e somethin) that is not >ust spe+ial to 'ou ,ut somethin) that 'ou $oul& e:pe+t e/er'one to #ollo$ too an& that the' $oul& a)ree to #ollo$* The most in+ontro/erti,le rules are those o# lo)i+, an& o# the rules o# lo)i+, non-+ontra&i+tion is the #irst an& #oremost rule* In this 6E-SI5N 1, the $or&s he uses are mu+h more important than the' mi)ht seem $hen 'ou #irst rea& it* Here is a ,rea%&o$n o# the important elements4 &A'I&- a+t so that the ma:im #or $hat 'ou &o A ma:im is a rule, a )ui&e* He is sa'in) that ea+h moral a+tion shoul& ,e )ui&e& ,' a )enerali?a,le rule*

UNI(ERSA) RU)E- a+t so that the ma:im #or $hat 'ou &o 'ou +oul& $ill as a uni/ersal rule* @ou &o not )et to ha/e one set o# morals or ethi+s #or 'oursel# an& e:pe+t others to #ollo$ a &i##erent set o# rules* @ou &o not )et to #ollo$ one set o# rules to&a' an& another set another time* The moral rule has to ,e stron)er than somethin) that +han)es #or &i##erent people or &i##erent times* The stron)est rules $e ha/e are the rules o# lo)i+ or reason* All other rules use the rules o# lo)i+* Central to this notion o# a uni/ersal rule is the ,asi+ test o# $hether or not the rule mi)ht in/ol/e a +ontra&i+tion* In other $or&s, $oul& the rule al$a's ,e lo)i+al, al$a's ma%e sense8 So, $e as%, +oul& $e ma%e this a rule al$a's an& #ore/er8 9oul& appl'in) it al$a's an& #ore/er )i/e us nonsense or not8 EAA1=<E I# mur&er is o%a' in one +ase, +oul& 'ou ma%e it a uni/ersal rule8 That means e/er'one $oul& mur&er e/er'one, al$a's* 2ut that is not possi,le* There $oul& not ,e an'one aroun& to %eep it up* So mur&er as a uni/ersal rule is a lo)i+al impossi,ilit'* That means mur&er is unethi+al* I# 'ou appl' the rule to all pla+es an& all times, $oul& it ,e +ontra&i+tor' in its /er' essen+e8 I# it is +ontra&i+tor', it is lo)i+all' impossi,le* It /iolates the rule o# all rules4 it /iolates simple lo)i+, an& so it is unethi+al* EAA1=<E I# e/er'one lie& all the time, then $e $oul& all %no$ the' al$a's mean the opposite o# $hat the' sa', so no,o&' +oul& lie, ,e+ause e/er' time someone lie& (an& e/er'one $oul& lie all the time* (E/er'one $oul& lie uni/ersall'" then $e $oul& un&erstan& that the' >ust mean the opposite o# $hat the' sa'* So reall', 'ou +oul& not ma%e l'in) a uni/ersal rule, lo)i+all', it is impossi,le* *I)) a+t so that the ma:im #or $hat 'ou &o 'ou +oul& $ill* @ou ha/e to ,e a,le to $ant this ma:im to appl'* It has to ,e a ma:im that rational or +i/ili?e& human ,ein)s +oul& a)ree to* EAA1=<E Sa&ism ; 1aso+hism in the ,e&room* I# e/er'one $as into %in%' &ominatri: se:, this $oul& not in/ol/e a +ontra&i+tion per se, ,ut 'ou +oul& not )et most rational persons to a)ree to it* 9hen appl'in) Kant 'ou must al$a's #irst loo% #or $hether uni/ersali?in) the a+tion $oul& lea& to a +ontra&i+tion* @ou are entertainin) the possi,ilit' o#

appl'in) 'our a+tion as a uni/ersal rule that all humanit' $oul& al$a's #ollo$* 9oul& this lea& to a +ontra&i+tion8 I# so, 'ou ha/e re&u+e& this uni/ersali?e& a+tion to an a,sur&it'* Be $er! caref"l% Sa'in) that $e $oul& not ,e happ' or that the uni/ersali?e& possi,le a+tion $oul& lea& to pro,lems &oes not +onstitute a +ontra&i+tion* @ou ha/e to e:plain an& sho$ that If e$er!one #i# action x then no+o#! co"l# #o action x* This is +alle& re&u+in) to a,sur&it'* @ou +annot sa' ,oth that e/er'one $oul& &o it an& no,o&' +oul& &o it* 7or Kant it is this re&u+tion to a,sur&it' that ma%es an a+tion unethi+al* I# 'ou +annot lo)i+all' uni/ersali?e the a+tion, then it is unethi+al* This means that i# 'ou $ant to )i/e a reall' soli& Kantian ar)ument to pro/e somethin) is unethi+al, then 'ou must sho$ that i# e/er'one &i& it then no,o&' +oul&* KANTIAN CATEG5-ICA< I1=E-ATI6E --6E-SI5N 2 6E-SI5N 2 treat all persons as en&s an& ne/er merel' as means Goin) #rom -ule 1 to -ule 24 ,e+ause Kant sa's there is onl' 1 -ule 6E-SI5N 1 Act so that the maxim for hat !o" #o !o" co"l# ill as a "ni$ersal r"le* @our $illin) $hat is rational is an en& in itsel# @ou +annot uphol& 'our $illin) $hat is rational as an en& in itsel# $hile &en'in) the rule o# $illin) $hat is rational as an en& in itsel#* -eason &i+tates that 'ou +annot $ill as a uni/ersal rule an a+tion that &enies ha/in) a $ill to ma%e rational +hoi+es =ersons are ,ein)s $ith $ill to ma%e rational +hoi+es =ersons are en&s in themsel/es there#ore 6E-SI5N 2 Treat all ,ersons as en#s an# ne$er merel! as means 2asi+all', this sa's, &o not onl' use people to )et $hat 'ou $ant* This /ersion is the ,asis #or Kantian &is+ussion o# ri)hts* 2ut it is important to re+o)ni?e that persons are en&s in themsel/es ,e+ause the' are rational ,ein)s* A++or&in) to Kant ,ein) rational an& ha/in) rational $ill (a,le to ma%e rational +hoi+es" is the reason $h' $e ha/e moral ri)hts* Greatest moral goo can !e nothing else than the conce"tion o# la$ in itsel# $hich is certainl% onl% "ossi!le in a rational !eing So, &o animals )et moral ri)hts8 7or Kant, no the' &o not* The' shoul& ,e treate& $ell in )eneral ,e+ause mistreatin) them ma%es 'ou less rational* He e:plains it somethin) li%e this*

I# 'ou torture 'our pet hamster ,e+ause 'ou li%e to $at+h him s(uirm 'ou are >ust not a+tin) li%e a /er' rational person* 6iolen+e an& meanness >ust ,e+ome ha,its that ma%e 'ou less lo)i+al an& rational* 9e ou)ht to ,e )oo& to irrational ,ein)s ,e+ause treatin) them meanl' re#le+ts on our rational ,eha/ior* 2ut these irrational ,ein)s ha/e no ethi+al ri)hts* 2e +are#ul, in ,usiness all people are ,ein) use& as means to ma%e mone'* The point is, 'ou ha/e to pro/e the' are onl! ,ein) use& to ma%e mone'* OTHER I&-ORTANT KANTIAN .UOTES/ Nothing can !e calle goo $itho&t '&ali#ication e(ce"t a goo $ill Goo $ill means oing things o&t o# sense o# &t% to o the right thing. Noti+e ho$ #or Kant $hat $e &o morall' &epen&s on h! $e &o it, $hat is in our min&s* 9e ha/e to ha/e the ri)ht attitu&e* 9e ha/e to ,e &oin) it, not ,e+ause $e #eel sorr' #or those $ho su##er, et+, ,ut ,e+ause $e ha/e a moral &ut' to a+t li%e rational ,ein)s* 2e#ore 'ou appl' Kant to a +ase, it is important to reali?e that Kantian ethi+s applies tests to &etermine i# an a+tion is "nethical* These tests &o not &etermine $hen an a+tion is ethi+al* Sometimes, a +ase $ill >ust not appl' to Kantian ethi+s*


Kantian Ethi+s is approa+he& in terms o# B tests, ,ut 'ou shoul& #ollo$ the steps ,elo$, e:a+tl' in or&er, these steps or #or Test 1 an& then test 2* 2e$are o# Step C (TEST B", as% me #irst* 1* Gi/e a )eneral statement, a senten+e, statin) i# the +ate)ori+al imperati/e is /iolate& or not* 2* .E7INITI5N DCATEG5-ICA< I1=E-ATI6E (the #efinition #or Kantian ethi+s"/ Act so that the maxim for hat !o" #o !o" co"l# ill as a "ni$ersal r"le% B* Appl' the a+tion as a uni/ersal rule that humanit' $oul& al$a's #ollo$* 4* .es+ri,e the $orl& $here this $oul& ,e the +ase* E* Is thereF$oul& there ,e a +ontra&i+tion (li%e the e:amples o# mur&er ; l'in)"8 3* E:plain in )reat &etail, ho$ or $h'G i# e/er'one &i& the a+tion, then a,solutel' no,o&' +oul& &o the a+tion* If there is a contra#iction0 sto, here* @ou ha/e pro/en the a+tion is unethi+al a++or&in) to Kant* 7* No +ontra&i+tion8 e:plain $h' no +ontra&i+tion arises, then )o to step

* Sho$ ho$ or $h' most reasona,le people $oul& or $oul& not a)ree that this a+tion
is the +orre+t ethi+al a+tion* Coul& all reasona,le people a)ree to it8 2ut test 2 &oes not )i/e a /er' stron) ar)ument, it relies on +onsensus rather than soli& uni/ersal ethi+s*

DO NOT DO STE- 12 ASK &E BEFORE DOING STE- 1 C* Sho$ that rational ,ein)s are onl' ,ein) use& as a means to a )oal*
It is /er' rare that 'ou +an ma%e a )oo& ar)ument #or step C* In ,usiness $e use people to )et mone'* This is o%a' #or Kant, e/er'one uses others* The point is are the' onl' usin) people8 2ut to +laim this 'ou +annot >ust sa' it, 'ou ha/e to ,e a,le to ,ro$e it* @ou +annot assume it is o%a' to ma%e an a++usation li%e this $ithout proo#* It is a /er' stron) a++usation, an& in almost all +ases, someone +an sho$ ho$ 'ou are $ron)* To pro/e it 'ou ha/e to ha/e a smo%in) )un, usuall' a &o+ument ma&e a/aila,le in the +ase that sho$e& the' $ere a$are that people $ere )oin) to &ie an& &i& not +are an& in their &e+ision these &'in) people $ere >ust &ollar si)ns or num,ers on a pa)e* To,a++o +ompanies in the 3!s is an e:ample* Computer +ompanies rarel' onl' use people, the' usuall' thin% +ustomers are important as people too* I# 'ou ha/e proo# other$ise #or a +ase, then as% me an& I $ill let 'ou %no$ i# 'our proo# su##i+es*

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