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Session Plan Subject: Music - Unit 9 - Animal Magic - Exploring descriptive sounds - Year 4 ate: !

ime: "roups: #$ole class and mixed abilit% pairs &umber o' (earners: )*

Learning Objectives: +$ildren identi'% $o, music can be used descriptivel% to represent di''erent animal c$aracteristics Explore and explain t$eir o,n ideas and 'eelings about music using movement- dance- expressive language and musical vocabular% lanned Learning !&'erience: +hat will the 'u'ils be doing, +$ildren to listen to t$e composition +arnival o' t$e Animals b% Saint Saens and use it as a stimulus 'or discussion- composition- per'ormance and ultimatel% appraisal. /nitiall% c$ildren to t$en t$in0 about ,$at t$e music represents- t$e images it gives t$em and t$e 'eelings t$e% $ave as a result. +$ildren to t$en develop t$is 0no,ledge and t$in0 about and name t$e di''erent animal c$aracters a section o' t$e music represents. +$ildren to t$en select one animal 'rom t$e selection provided and s$are ,it$ a 'riend $o, t$e music $elps t$em to determine t$e animals si1e- movements- ,$at it loo0s li0e and $o, it be$aves and ,$% t$e% believe t$at section o' t$e music in particular best suits t$eir c$oice o' animal. +hat will the 'u'ils be doing, uring t$e independent part o' t$e session t$e c$ildren are to ,or0 in pairsidenti'% an animal- explore various instruments and sounds and t$en select t,o instruments t$at t$e% t$in0 ,ill represent an animal 'eatured in t$e +arnival o' t$e Animals composition. !$e c$ildren are to create a s$ort composition- practice ,it$ t$eir partner- revie, t$eir ,or0 and ma0e c$anges eit$er to t$eir instruments or composition and t$en a'ter a period o' time present it to t$e rest o' t$e class. A'ter presenting t$eir composition t$e c$ildren are to o''er and receive constructive 'eedbac0- ma0e c$anges i' t$e% deem it necessar% and discuss various ,a%s o' improving t$eir piece.

National Curriculum Links: 4b - links with and builds on Sc4/3e-3g 3b - links with and builds on !/"b and !n#/#a Children currentl$ working at levels 3 and 4 %ole o( the )eacher: +hat will the teacher be doing, uring t$e introductor% session t$e !eac$er is to introduce t$e piece o' music to t$e c$ildren - discussing t$e title and composer. !$e !eac$er is to t$en instigate a discussion ,$ere t$e c$ildren are encouraged to identi'% parts o' t$e composition ,ere it gets louder- 2uieter- 'aster- and slo,er and encourage t$em to associate t$ese elements to a particular animal. uring t$is time t$e !eac$er is to as0 speci'ic 2uestions suc$ as ,$ic$ bit bests describes $o, an elep$ant ,ould move- ,$% do %ou t$in0 t$at3 4or t$ose c$ildren ,$o struggle to matc$ sounds and describe movements t$e !eac$er is to model $o, to matc$ elements suc$ as a 'ast section o' t$e music t$at is 2uite $ig$ mig$t correspond ,it$ an animal ,it$ similar 2ualities suc$ as a mouse. +hat will the teacher be doing, !eac$er to utilise t$e opportunit% to discuss- promote and consolidate t$e meaning o' musical p$rases suc$ as duration- tempo- pitc$ ,$en c$ildren are composing. uring t$e compositions t$e !eac$er is to move around t$e room- o''er constructive advice- encourage t$e c$ildren to s$are t$eir ideas,or0 collaborativel%- regularl% revie, t$eir composition and i' necessar% t$in0 o' ,a%s to improve it. A'ter a period o' time- t$e !eac$er is to o''er t$e c$ildren t$e opportunit% to obtain some 'eedbac0 on t$eir composition so 'ar 'rom t$eir peers. Prior to listening to t$e composition t$e !eac$er is to instruct t$e ot$er c$ildren in t$e class to listen 'or elements t$e% li0e- t$in0 about ,$at animals t$e% mig$t represent and constructive ,a%s in ,$ic$ t$eir peers ma% improve t$eir composition- All members o' t$e class s$ould $ave t$e opportunit% to per'orm and appraise t$eir o,n ,or0 and t$at o' t$eir peers. +hat will the teacher be doing, !eac$er to utilise t$e opportunit% to 2uestion t$e c$ildren about t$eir c$oices- extend t$eir learning b% as0ing ,$at else t$e% could do to improve t$eir composition 'or e.g. i' t$e% ,ere to c$ange animals ,$at t$e% ,ould need to alter as a result. !eac$er to observe c$ildren5s level o' involvementas0 t$em to s$are and discuss t$e processes t$e% ,ent t$roug$ to arrive at t$e end result- re'lect on t$eir abilit% to co-operate and o''er constructive ideas and suggestions on ,a%s to improve 'uture compositions.

%esources: !ape o' +arnival o' t$e animals b% Saint -Saens- various pictures o' animal t$at 'eature in t$e composition- variet% o' tuned and un-tuned instruments. *ssessment O''ortunities: -ow will $ou know what the 'u'ils have learnt, +$ildren identi'% various musical elements and accuratel% articulate ,$at animal it ,ould best suit and ,$%. +$ildren continue to use and develop t$eir understanding o' t$e associated vocabular% suc$ as tempo and pitc$ and t$is understating is re'lected in t$eir c$oice o' animals.

-ow will $ou know what the 'u'ils have learnt, +$ildren explore- experiment and select suitable instruments t$at re'lect t$e movements o' t$eir c$osen animal. !$e% demonstrate an a,areness o' $o, musical compositions are structured in t$at t$e% practice- per'orm and appraise t$e ,or0 o' t$emselves and ot$ers. !as0 to be di''erentiated b% amount o' support c$ildren are given ,$en completing t$e tas0- similarl%- b% incorporating di''erentiated 2uestions and ultimatel% b% t$e outcome o' t$e lesson.

+hat will the 'u'ils be doing, uring t$e plenar% t$e c$ildren are to s$are ,it$ t$e class t$eir composition so 'ar. !$e% are to discuss t$eir c$oices o' instruments- t$e animals t$e% ,ere tr%ing to represent- s$are various elements o' t$eir composition using t$e associated vocabular% suc$ as t$e tempo o' our composition is 2uite slo, because ,e c$ose to represent a tortoise- or t$e pitc$ is 2uite $ig$ because ,e ,anted to represent a 0angaroo leaping.

-ow will $ou know what the 'u'ils have learnt, !$roug$ 2uestioning- discussion- an abilit% to articulate t$eir learning and t$e musical processes t$e% undertoo0. !$e c$ildren5s developing abilit% to e''ectivel% anal%se t$eir composition- identi'% areas o' ac$ievement and areas 'or improvements and criticall% but constructivel% re'lect on $o, to improve it.

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