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Essentials of Email Etiquette

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Career Counselling

Essentials of Email Etiquette

Email is one of the most powerful tools you will use to grow your business. Often, it is the only way you will have to interact with prospects, many of whom will be in countries far away from your own. Follow these simple rules and you will have mastered the art of effective communication via email. 1. Be concise and to the point 2. Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions 3. Make it personal. Use their name. People want to feel special! 4. Use a meaningful subject that grabs their attention 5. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation 6. Use active instead of passive words 7. Use templates for frequently used responses these can be found in your promotional briefcase 8. Answer quickly 9. Use proper structure & layout. Make it easy on the eyes. Put some space between sentences or paragraphs. 10. Bullet points are very effective in pointing out benefits 11. Take care with abbreviations and emoticons 12. Avoid long sentences 13. Write like you speak. Use plain, easy to understand English. 14. Do not write in CAPITALS. This is the equivalent of shouting at someone online 15. Take care with rich text and HTML messages 16. Keep your language gender neutral and always speak to only one person 17. Add disclaimers to your emails regarding SPAM 18. Read the email before you send it. Often you will find mistakes the 2nd time around 19. Do not overuse the high priority option. If used too much, it will lose its effectiveness 20. Do not overuse Reply to All 21. Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT


Essentials of Email Etiquette

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22. Dont leave out the message thread 23. In Group Mailings, use the bcc: field or do a mail merge 24. Do not attach unnecessary files 25. Do not forward chain letters 26. Do not request delivery and read receipts

27. Do not ask to recall a message 28. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission 29. Do not use email to discuss confidential information 30. Dont send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks 31. Dont forward virus hoaxes and chain letters 32. Dont reply to spam Like any other business, you must understand the proper way to use the tools of the trade. Learn these email techniques and you will increase your response rate tremendously.

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