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Michael's Food" Proverbs chapter 8 (part 2) - God the Son is the divine Wisdom

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Michael's Food
Monday, 13 January 2014 Sear&h ,his 1(o'

Proverbs chapter 8 (part 2) - God the Son is the divine Wisdom

Proverbs chapter 8. Summary: Jesus Christ (God the Son) is the same as divine Wisdom, in the boo o! "roverbs# God$s %ords, tea&hin's and instru&tion are in (ine %ith )rin&i)(es o! the %or(d*se&u(ar %isdom# God$s %ays are a(so %ays o! %or(d(y*se&u(ar %isdom# +ovin' and honourin' God is the !undamenta( o! %isdom# Wisdom ia a , )a& a'e, &om)risin' divine*s)iritua( Wisdom and %or(d(y*se&u(ar %isdom#
1(o' 2r&hive


2014 (15) January (15) Proverbs chapter 8 (part 2) - God the Son s the d... Proverbs chapter 8 (part 1) !nstruct on" #no$%ed... Proverbs chapter & - the Seduct ve Prost tute Proverbs chapter ' (part 2) (arn n) a)a nst *du%... Proverbs chapter ' (part 1) (arn n) a)a nst Sure... Proverbs chapter 5 (part 2) +e,o ce n the ( -e ... Proverbs chapter 5 (part 1) (arn n) a)a nst !n- ... Proverbs chapter 4 - Get ( sdo. at *ny /ost" *d.on... Proverbs chapter 0 (part 2) God1s ( sdo. n /rea... 2phes ans '310-20 4he *r.our oGod Proverbs chapter 0 (part 1) ( sdo. -or the 5oun)... Proverbs chapter 2 - 4he .ora% bene- ts o- ( sdo. Proverbs chapter 1 - 26hortat ons to e.brace ( sdo... 2sther chapter 10 - 4he )reatness o- 7ordeca 2sther chapter 8 - 4he tr othe Je$s 9 2010 (10)

Wisdom$s "art in Creation (/S0)#

22 The LORD created me at the eginning of his wor!"#c$ the first of his acts of old. 2% &ges ago ' was set ()" at the first" efore the eginning of the earth. 2* +hen there were no de)ths ' was ro(ght forth" when there were no s)rings a o(nding with water. 2, -efore the mo(ntains had een sha)ed" efore the hills" ' was ro(ght forth. 2/ efore he had made the earth with its fields"#d$ or the first of the d(st#e$of the world. 20 +hen he esta lished the hea1ens" ' was there" when he drew a circle on the face of the dee)" 22 when he made firm the s!ies a o1e" when he esta lished#f$the fo(ntains of the dee)" 23 when he assigned to the sea its limit" so that the waters might not transgress his command" when he mar!ed o(t the fo(ndations of the earth" %4 then ' was eside him" li!e a master wor!man.#g$ and ' was daily his#h$delight" %5 re6oicing efore him always" re6oicing in his inha ited world and delighting in the sons of men. (N'V) 22 7The LORD ro(ght me forth as the first of his wor!s" efore his deeds of old. 2% ' was formed long ages ago" at the 1ery eginning" when the world came to e. %4 Then ' was constantly#e$at his side. ' was filled with delight day after day" re6oicing always in his )resence" %5 re6oicing in his whole world and delighting in man!ind. (N'V)

2bout Me

Mi&hae( Ma'niMedia
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"o)u(ar "osts

22 7The LORD )ossessed me at the eginning of 8is way" -efore 8is wor!s of old. 2% ' ha1e een esta lished from e1erlasting" 9rom the eginning" efore there was e1er an earth. %4 Then ' was eside 8im as a master craftsman.# $ &nd ' was daily His delight" Re6oicing always efore 8im" %5 Re6oicing in 8is inha ited world" &nd my delight was with the sons of men. (NKJV)

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Michael's Food" Proverbs chapter 8 (part 2) - God the Son is the divine Wisdom

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Jesus Christ the Son is the Wisdom. There are 2 wisdom: (a) the literal wisdom, (b) Wisdom referring to God himself. Hen e, listening to instru tion and tea hing of wisdom!Wisdom ould refer to either and both. This ma" sound strange "et true. #e ause God$s words, God$s ommands, tea hings and instru tion are in line with the %re e%ts of the worldl"!se ular wisdom. God$s wa"s ha&e the same &irtues and %rin i%les as the worldl"!se ular wisdom. Hen e, wisdom and Wisdom is similar in ommands, tea hings, instru tion and 'nowledge. %2 7Now then" my children" listen to me. lessed are those who !ee) my ways. %% Listen to my instr(ction and e wise. do not disregard it. %* -lessed are those who listen to me" watching daily at my doors" waiting at my doorway. (N'V) %2 &nd now" my sons" listen to me: ha))y are those who !ee) my ways. %% 8ear instr(ction and e wise" and do not neglect it. %* 8a))y is the man who listens to me" watching daily at my gates"
waiting eside my doors. (R;V)

the... Proverbs chapter 6 (part 1) - Warning against Surety, Laziness, Wickedness, bo!inab"e Sins Proverbs chapter 6. Su!!ary# We are $arned against beco!ing Surety and Loan %uarantee &or &riends, ac'uaintances, and strangers. We are $... (sther chapter ) - (sther !ade *ueen (sther +hapter ). (sther ,ade *ueen. ) Later $hen -ing .er/es0 &ury had subsided, he re!e!bered 1ashti and $hat she had done and $hat ... (sther chapter 2 - 3he -ing4s (dict in 5eha"& o& the 6e$s (sther chapter 2. Su!!ary# *ueen (sther p"eaded again $ith -ing .er/es &or the "ives o& her peop"e and her &a!i"y. -ing .er/es &ina""y dec... 7ec )8, )91: 7uring +hrist!as service on 7ec )8, )91:, ; have decided to start reading the 5ib"e !ore regu"ar"y. 3his $i"" be one o& !y <eso"utions &or... (sther chapter : - =ar!an4s p"ot to destroy the 6e$s (sther chapter :. =a!an4s P"ot to 7estroy the 6e$s : &ter these events, -ing .er/es honored =a!an son o& =a!!edatha, the gagite, e... Proverbs chapter 8 (part )) - <e>oice in the Wi&e o& your youth Proverbs chapter 8. Su!!ary# 3he p"easure o& se/ is to be en>oyed by husband and $i&e $ithin "a$&u" !arriage. Love, appreciate, and be &o... (sther chapter ? - ,ordecai persuades (sther to he"p (sther chapter ?. ,ordecai Persuades (sther to =e"p ? When ,ordecai "earned o& a"" that had been done, he tore his c"othes, put on sac... Proverbs chapter : (part 1) - Wisdo! &or the @oungA 3rue Wea"th Proverbs chapter :. Wisdo! 5esto$s We""5eing (B;1). d!onition to 3rust and =onor %od (<S1). Wisdo! &or the @oung (B-61). 1 ,y son, d...

We must listen to God$s words, ommands, tea hings, and instru tion. God is the di&ine Wisdom. (f we listen to instru tions of Wisdom!God and wisdom, we will be wise (in worldl"!se ular as well as s%iritual matters), we will be ha%%" and blessed. God has %romised man" blessings and rewards if we follow His wa"s and obe" His ommands and tea hings. )i&ine Wisdom has similar %rin i%les as world!se ular wisdom.

The most f(ndamental of wisdom is to lo1e <od and hono(r <od. 'n line with wisdom" we shall li1e wisely" in the )ath of righteo(sness" 6(st and 1irt(o(s" filled with wisdom" (nderstanding" insight and !nowledge.
%* 9or he who finds me finds life and o tains fa1or from the LORD. %, (t he who misses me in6(res himself. all who hate me lo1e death.? (R;V)
(f we find wisdom (both world!se ular wisdom and di&ine Wisdom), we will ha&e a full life, both our life in this world as well as our s%iritual life. We will also find fa&our with God, be li'ed b" God.

+isdom comes in a d(al )ac!age: di1ine=s)irit(al +isdom )l(s worldly=sec(lar wisdom. +e cannot 6(st desire for one only eca(se this wisdom=+isdom is a Two>in>One )ac!age. We annot
aim to ha&e onl" se ular!world wisdom and not lo&ing!honouring God. We annot ha&e the s%iritual wisdom (lo&ing God) "et do the worldl" foll" (not following the %ath of the righteous and &irtuous). *onda", Jan +,, 2-+.. *i hael /ea%.

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Michael's Food: Proverbs chapter 8 (part ! " #od the $on is the divine %isdom

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Labe"s# bib"e, bib"e reading, bib"e study, b"essings, creation, divine Wisdo!, %enesis, %od the Son, 6esus +hrist, Proverbs, Proverbs 2, spiritua" $isdo!, $isdo!

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