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Believing in Jesus

Living Waters Church Talk

20 April 2013

INTRODUCTION Jesus said some things that are really hard to explain if you do not accept WHO the bible sho s him to be! "o nright heretical!!!! unless you accept certain things!!!! #ut let$s gi%e this a bit of context!!!!!!!!! Rom 7:24 What a retched man & am' Who ill rescue me from this body that is sub(ect to death) *ritical %erse in #oo+ Of ,omans -*entre of ./)0 ,ight before brea+ing into ,omans 12 3aul outlines a crisis!!!!! /his %erse contrasts *hristianity as a belief system Wretched4 5ery bad2 unfortunate2 enduring troubles2 afflicted 6an that & am4 6y problem is ME! We li%e in a culture of assigning blame Wednesday #eta *ourse /a+ing ,esponsibility

&f a oman burns her thighs on the hot coffee she$s holding in her lap hile dri%ing2 she blames the restaurant! &f a teenager +ills himself or then next door neighbours2 e blame the roc+ $n$ roll music or musician he li+ed! &f you smo+e three pac+s a day for 70 years and die of lung cancer2 your family blames the tobacco company! &f your neighbour crashes into a tree hile dri%ing home drun+2 you blame the bartender! &f your grandchildren are brats ithout manners2 you blame tele%ision!

An old lady microwaved her pet then sued the microwave company for insufficient warnings. Who4 /his is the main difference bet een *hristianity and other religions! Other belief systems point to a WHA/ ill rescue me!!! A system 8 a 9AW *hristianity points to a WHO -A person0 A person O/H:, /HA. ;O< 2 Cor 4:5 =or hat e preach is not oursel%es2 but Jesus *hrist as 9ord2 and oursel%es as your ser%ants for Jesus> sa+e! Will ,:?*<:4 What is needed is .O/!!!!!! *ompliance Obedience ,eform What is needed is ,:?*<&.@ #urning building =iremen Who ill rescue 6:4 & need rescuing''' .ot my boss 8 @o%t 8 society =rom /H&? #O";4 & need to be rescued from myself /he problem is ithin' /his body is subject to death

BE IE!IN" IN JESUS Jo#n $$:5%2& A& am the resurrection and the life! /he one ho belie%es in me ill li%e2 e%en though they dieB 2C and hoe%er li%es by belie%ing in me ill ne%er die & am the resurrection Je ish 2nd /emple belief that the ,esurrection ould be @od$s time to Dput all things to rightE

/he resurrection -@od$s putting all things right0 is not an :5:./2 but a 3:,?O.) /he one ho #:9&:5:? &. 6: Heresy) #elie%ing in a religion 8 doctrine 8 theology 8 philosophy 5s! #elie%ing in 6: -Jesus0 Will li%e e%en if they die) /hey ill no longer be Dsub(ect to deathE Will ne%er die -"eath as absence of life0 Jo#n $':$' /he thief comes only to steal and +ill and destroyB & ha%e come that they may ha%e life2 and ha%e it to the full

Os)*r +il,e: D/o li%e is the rarest thing in the orld! 6ost people exist2 that is all!E 9ife4 @+! Foe of the absolute fulness of life2 both essential and ethical2 G! life real and genuine2 a life acti%e and %igorous2 de%oted to @od2 blessed2 in the portion e%en in this orld

Jo#n &:-5

/hen Jesus declared2 A& am the .re*, o/ li/e! Whoe%er comes to me 0ill never go #ungr12 and hoe%er belie%es in me 0ill never .e t#irst1!

Jesus as the food 8 sustenance 8 lifeHforce #read is the gi%erHofHlife What are you feeding on) :ntertainment) ?ports) 5ideo games)

Juven*l 2$''BC3: Panem et Circenses. Ju%enal here ma+es reference to the ,oman practice of pro%iding free heat to ,oman citiIens as ell as costly circus games and other forms of

entertainment as a means of gaining political po er!

Jo#n &:47 5ery truly & tell you2 the one ho belie%es has eternal life

Jo#n 7:-4 Whoe%er belie%es in me2 as ?cripture has said2 ri%ers of li%ing ater will flow from within them!

Jo#n $4:$2 5ery truly & tell you2 hoe%er belie%es in me will do the works I have been doing2 and they will do even greater things than these2 because & am going to the =ather

Jo#n $2:4& & ha%e come into the orld as a light2 so that no one ho belie%es in me should stay in darkness

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