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Chapter 10 Renaissance Reading Guide

Name:_______________________________Per. _______

1) What was the purpose and meaning behind statue of the prince p. !1"#!1$ %!pts)

&. Name the three crises that were present in the midd'e ages and the two that (urope was reco)ering from in the beginning of the Renaissance. %$ pts)

!. What positioned *ta'+ to be more financia''+ successfu' than its (uropean counterparts


". What actions resu'ted in the in)asions that mar,ed the end of the Renaissance in *ta'+ %&pts)

$. Who was -acob .ur,hardt/ and what did he sa+ about the Renaissance critici1ed %" pts)

0ow has he been

2. What3who a''owed the merchant 4o'igarchies5 to grow within the cit+#states of *ta'+ %&pts)

6. Name the $ competiti)e cit+#states in *ta'+. .e specific b3c the+ ha)e different forms of go)ernment. %$pts)

7.8efine who made up the fo''owing c'asses within the cit+ states/ particu'ar'+ 9'orence. (:p'ain the impact of the growth of these groups. %$pts) 1)Grandi2)Popolo grosso1

3)Middle Burgher 4)Popolo minuto

;. What three factors caused the Ciompi Re)o't


10. Who was Cosimo de< =edici


1&. What was the purpose of the 4podesta5

1!. What ser)ice did the condottieri pro)ide

1". What did the cit+#states pro)ide that a''owed for the f'ourishing of cu'ture that 'ed to the Renaissance 1$. 8efine 0umanism

12. (:p'ain the four distinct thoughts on the meaning of 0umanism. %"pts)

16. What was >tudia humanitis

What was its purpose %!pts)

17. (:p'ain the two fo'd purpose of a garden?the tempora' purpose or earth'+ and the re'igious significance. %" pts.)

1;. 0ow did 0umanists of the era differ from their predecessors 2

&0. Who was 9rancesco Petrarch

&1. *dentif+ the authors of the fo''owing and what was the significance of each 1) Vita Nuova & The Divine Comedy &) Decameron !) On the Morals That Benefit a Free Man ") Education of the Orator $) Book of the Courtier 2) The Treasure of the City of Ladies 6) Oratation on the di nity of Man !"#$%&'


&&. What e)ents 'ed to estab'ishment of the 9'orintine P'atonic @cadem+/ and what is its significance %!pts)

&!. Wh+ were the 0umanists attracted to P'ato %&pts)

&". What did Aoren1on Ba''a do that toda+ wou'd ha)e been in the head'ine news for da+s

8efine Ci)ic 0umanism

Renaissance @rt &2. What were the maCor changes in one<s out'oo, or phi'osoph+ that too, p'ace in the Renaissance %!pts)

&6. Contrast the =edie)a' art from high Renaissance art. %! pts)

&7. What were three things Renaissance artists had or de)e'oped that their =edie)a' counterparts did not ha)e 8efine the techno'ogies %!pts)

&;. Wh+ is Giotto considered the father of Renaissance painting %&pts)

!0. Wh+ was Aeonardo considered a tru'+ Renaissance man %$pts)

!1. What was Raphae' best ,nown for %&pts)

!&. What was =iche'ange'o best ,nown for %!pts) %e:p'ain the significance of his famous statue.)

!!. 0ow did =annerism differ from 0igh Renaissance

>'a)er+ in the Renaissance !". 0ow wou'd +ou describe the state of s'a)er+ during the Renaissance %&pts)

!$. 0ow did the .'ac, 8eath affect s'a)er+ and wh+ %&pts)

!2. Dut'ine brief'+ how s'a)es were treated 'ega''+/ socia''+ and cu'tura''+. %$ pts)

*ta'+<s Po'itica' 8ec'ine !6. Dut'ine the Ereat+ of Aodi/ its impact and its demise. %2pts)

!7. Who was >a)onaro'a %$pts)

!;. What impact did Char'es B***<s in)asion ha)e on the rest of (urope %!pts)

"0. Who was the most corrupt pope/ F how did he cause *ta'+ to fa'' to the 9rench %&pts)

"1. Who was ,nown as the warrior pope "&. Who wrote (ulius E)cluded from *eaven+ ,hy+ %&pts)

"!. What was the Concordat of .o'gna %&pts)

"". Who was =achia)e''i %"pts)

"$. What is the historica' conf'ict that The -rince presents %&pts)

Re)i)a' of the =onarch+ "2. What was the origina' purpose of the (ng'ish par'iament/ the 9rench estates F the >panish Cortes "6. 0ow did monarchs get around the nobi'it+<s power

"7. What was the gabe''e/ a'caba'a/ tai''e %! pts)

";. What were the & cornerstones that opened the wa+ for 9rench nation bui'ding in the fifteenth centur+ Wh+ %!pts)

$0. Wh+ was Portuga' and 9rance against the marriage of 9erdinand and *sabe'

$1. What was the =esta

$&. 0ow did the marriage of 9erdinand and *sabe''a change >pain %2pts)

$!. 0ow did 0enr+ B**/ a Eudor and a Aancastrian/ bring an end to the conf'ict between the two fami'ies who fought in the War of the Roses

$". What was the purpose of the >tar Chamber and how did 0enr+ use it %!pts)

$$. What was the Go'den .u'' and its purpose %! pts)

$2. What was the Reichstag and its purpose %!pts)

$6. Ehe disunit+ of the 0R( %0o'+ Roman (mpire) wi'' 'ead to what maCor historica' e)ent $7. 0ow did the new techno'og+ of the printing press affect peop'e %"pts)

$;. Who was (rasmus and what were his contributions and be'iefs %2pts)

20. What was the Reuch'in affair %" pts)

21. Who was Ehomas =ore %" pts)

2&. Who was =arguerite d<@ngou'eme %!pts) 8

2!. Who was 9ransico -imene1 %!pts)

2". Who was Prince 0enr+ the Na)igator 2$. Who was .artho'omew 8ias %&pts)

22. Who was .arto'ome de Aas Casas 26. What were the three maCor components of the co'onia' econom+ %!pts) 27. What was the encomienda 2;. 0ow did the disco)er+ of the New Wor'd 'a+ the foundations of the Reformation %6pts)

60. 0ow did 8urer<s se'f#portrait of 1$00 signa' a change from the medie)a' to the modern wor'd %"pts)

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