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Cercettor tiinific I - Dr. Rodica M.Cndea
Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca Dan Cndea
Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca

Abstract: The paper focuses on how organizational communication contributes, as a tool, to improving
the prospects for company sustainability in relation to developing the learning organization. The learning
organization is viewed as a manifestation of a specific mode of communicating and networking based on
certain mental models and attitudes of the organizations members towards oneself and others, towards
learning, towards the organization per se, and towards the employees role in the mutual relations inside
the organization and in the interaction between the organization and its stakeholders. The hard and
soft sides of communication are analyzed and the mechanisms through which they are relevant to the
change process that initiates the building of the learning organization are identified. The paper
emphasizes the way in which communication supports the development of each discipline defining the
learning organization. The external organizational communication is considered in the context of the
corporate social responsibility.
Keywords: organizational communication, sustainable organization, learning organization

Lucrarea de fa se ncadreaz ntr-un demers
mai larg care urmrete studiul factorilor interni
organizaiei cu relevan pentru perspectivele de
sustenabilitate ale acesteia. Scopul const n
identificarea de direcii de aciune i elaborarea de


This paper is part of a larger project that
researches the internal organizational factors that
are supportive of an organizations expectations for
sustainability. The goal of the project is to identify
approaches and to formalize tools for managerial
instrumente de intervenie managerial care s
permit managerilor romni s mbunteasc
perspectivele de sustenabilitate ale organizaiei.
Plecm de la presupunerea c organizaia care
nva (learning organization) are cele mai bune
anse de a rezista i chiar prospera n mediul de
funcionare, care este n continu schimbare i care
exercit diverse presiuni [Cndea D., 2007].
Organizaia care nva este o organizaie care,
n procesul de evoluie, de construire a propriului
viitor, nva permanent, schimbndu-se
permanent. Procesul de nvare permite
organizaiei s-i neleag mediul de funcionare,
s se adapteze permanent acestuia, s-l influeneze.
Orice nvare organizaional, individual i
colectiv, att adaptiv ct i generativ, are la
baz interaciuni umane, posibile doar prin
comunicare. Comunicarea, verbal i nonverbal,
este singura cale prin care oamenii pot interaciona,
se pot corela, i pot mprti informaii, idei,
sentimente, triri, pot nva, se pot dezvolta, pot
realiza sinergia eforturilor lor. n organizaie,
climatul comunicrii integreaz toate aceste
interaciuni influennd activitile acesteia.
Organizaia este un sistem social viu, deschis,
care comunic pe diferite ci i n diferite moduri
n interior i cu mediul su de operare.
Comportamentele de comunicare depind de factori
intrinseci cum sunt atitudinile, care-i pun
amprenta asupra percepiei, i de factori externi
cum este, de exemplu, cultura organizaional i
naional. Atitudinile individuale i colective au
componente cognitive, afective (emoionale) i
volitive. Organizaia este o aren de desfurare a
emoiilor angajailor iar comunicarea va fi puternic
influenat de aceste emoii, de competenele
emoionale ale comunicatorilor [Cndea R.,
Cndea D., 2005]. Sistemele de comunicare
formale i informale, politicile i practicile
organizaionale, sunt prghii prin care comunicarea
organizaional poate fi influenat.
Organizaia comunic n interiorul ei cu
angajaii si iar n exterior cu alte pri interesate
(stakeholders) cum sunt acionarii (shareholders),
clienii, furnizorii, instituiile i comunitile locale
i chiar naionale sau internaionale. Aceste
interaciuni sunt importante, pe de o parte,
deoarece informaia util pentru organizaie se afl
intervention that will enable Romanian managers
to improve the prospects for sustainability of their
organizations. We start from the hypothesis that a
learning organization stands best chances to last
and prosper in its operating environment, which is
under continuous change and exerts diverse
pressures [Cndea D., 2007].
The learning organization is an organization
that learns permanently while changing constantly
along an evolutionary process of building its own
future. The learning process enables the
organization to understand its operating
environment, to adapt to it constantly, to influence
Any kind of organizational learning,
individual or collective, adaptive or generative, is
founded on human interactions, which are possible
only by communication. Communication, verbal or
nonverbal, is the only way by which people can
relate, can coordinate, can share information, ideas,
feeling, experiences, can learn, develop, achieve
synergy of their efforts. The communication
climate integrates all those interactions and
influences the organizations actions.
An organization is a social system that is
alive, open and communicates internally and with
its operating environment in different ways and by
different means. Communication behaviors depend
on such intrinsic factors as attitudes, which impact
perceptions, and on external factors such as the
organizational and national cultures. Individual and
collective attitudes have cognitive, affective
(emotional) and volitive components. An
organization is an arena of expression for the
employees emotions, and communication is
highly impacted by the emotional competences of
the communicators [Cndea R., Cndea D., 2005].
Formal and informal communication systems,
organizational policies and practices, are levers for
affecting organizational communication.
An organization communicates internally with
its employees, and externally with other
stakeholders such as shareholders, customers,
suppliers, institutions, and local and even national
and international communities. Those interactions
are important because, on one hand, stakeholders
hold information that is useful to the organization.
On the other hand, an organizations sustainability
la toi acetia. Pe de alt parte, sustenabilitatea
organizaiei depinde de interaciunile cu prile
interesate, interaciuni manifestate i ca
responsabilitate social corporativ. Toate formele
de comunicare (organizaional, financiar, de
afaceri, corporativ i managerial) contribuie la
procesele de nvare ale organizaiei i, implicit, la
creterea anselor sale de sustenabilitate.
Comunicarea n organizaia care nva are
particulariti cu privire la modul de comunicare i
relaionare n procesul de formare colectiv a
cunotinelor, de interpretare i mprtire n
comun a informaiei, aa cum se va vedea n
D.Garvin [Garvin D., 2000] definete
organizaia care nva ca o organizaie capabil s
creeze, s asimileze i s transfere cunotine i s se
schimbe ntr-un mod care s reflecte aceste
cunotine. Definiia sa se focalizeaz pe latura
cognitiv, raional a individului, pe capacitatea sa de
a rezolva sistematic probleme, de a experimenta noi
abordri, de a nva din experiena proprie i a altora,
de a transfera informaia.
P.Senge, pe de alt parte, are n vedere
complexitatea fiinei umane concentrndu-se
asupra unor aspecte legate de latura sa afectiv,
emoional, ca determinante pentru
competitivitatea unei organizaii. Senge definete
organizaia care nva ca organizaie n care
angajaii i dezvolt continuu capacitatea de a crea
n domeniile care i atrag, de care sunt puternic
legai afectiv, n care angajaii obin rezultatele pe
care le doresc cu adevrat [Senge P., 1990].
Entuziasmul, capacitatea de a dialoga, de a se
relaiona i nva mpreun, de a gndi despre
propria gndire, de a-i asuma propria
autodezvoltare i de a mprti o viziune comun
asupra viitorului, le sunt caracteristice.
Caracteristicile fundamentale ale organizaiei
care nva, denumite de Senge discipline, sunt:
- Stpnirea propriului destin, n scopul
autodezvoltrii permanente
- Revizuirea permanent a modelelor mentale
depends on the interactions with its stakeholders,
which interactions also appear as corporate social
responsibility actions. All forms of communication
(organizational, financial, for business, corporate
and managerial) contribute to the learning
processes in the organization and, implicitly, to
better chances for sustainability.
As we show later, communication processes
in a learning organization have certain specifics
regarding how to communicate and network in the
process of collectively shaping knowledge,
interpreting and sharing information.


D.Garvin [Garvin D., 2000] defines the learning
organization as an organization that is capable to
create, internalize and transfer knowledge and to
change itself such as to reflect that knowledge. The
definition focuses on the cognitive, rational side of
the individual, on his/her capacity to solve problems
systematically, to experiment with new approaches,
to learn from own and others experiences, to transfer
P.Senge, alternatively, has in view the
complexity of the human being and focuses on
certain aspects of its affective, emotional side as
determinants of the organizations competitiveness.
Senge defines the learning organization as an
organization whose employees continuously
develop their capacity to create in areas that appeal
to them, areas to which they are strongly tied
affectively, in which they obtain results they truly
desire [Senge P., 1990]. They distinguish
themselves by enthusiasm, capacity for dialogue,
for networking and learning together, by the ability
to reflect upon ones thinking, to assume ones
self-development and to share a common vision of
the future.
The basic characteristics of the learning
organization, called disciplines by Senge, are:
- Personal mastery, aimed at the continuous self-
- Mental models, which implies a permanent
revising of the mental models
- nvarea colectiv (n echip)
- mprtirea unei viziuni comune
- Gndirea sistemic.
Practic, aceste discipline sunt categorii de
obiceiuri, de moduri de dezvoltare individual i
colectiv. Cultura, mecanismele i practicile din
organizaie trebuie s stimuleze i s sprijine aceste
Organizaiile pot nva doar prin membrii lor
dar transformarea cunotinelor individuale n
cunotine colective depinde de disponibilitatea i
competena membrilor colectivitii de a comunica i
de existena mecanismelor care s permit transferul,
stocarea i utilizarea cunotinelor. nvarea
organizaional se bazeaz pe cunotinele colective.
Vom analiza pe rnd cele cinci discipline
urmrind relevana i specificul comunicrii n
fiecare dintre ele.
2.1 Stpnirea propriului destin
O organizaie poate progresa numai dac fiecare
angajat este antrenat n dezvoltarea permanent de
competene. nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii este unul
din principiile care sprijin acest proces. Stpnirea
propriului destin se traduce n practic prin dorina de
autodezvoltare permanent, care este o competen
emoional i trebuie s caracterizeze pe fiecare
membru al organizaiei. Organizaia trebuie s
sprijine procesul de autodezvoltare al angajailor prin
politicile sale i prin climatul de munc pe care l
ntreine. Aceasta presupune din parte organizaiei un
anumit mod de a privi rolul angajatului n organizaie,
concretizat prin diferite practici.
Comunicarea bazat pe ncredere, suport i pe
mputernicirea angajailor i ncurajeaz pe acetia
s se dezvolte deoarece i vor percepe existena ca
pe un proces de devenire a crui responsabilitate le
aparine. Vor chestiona n permanen situaia
prezent n raport cu cea dorit i vor tinde s ia
msurile de autodezvoltare necesare, dac simt
sprijinul i aprecierea organizaiei n aceast
direcie. Practicile care s stimuleze dorina i
comportamentul pentru autodezvoltare se bazeaz
pe o comunicare etic [Cndea R., 2008a]. Aceste
practici stau la baza unor activiti cum sunt:
- Acordarea de sprijin din partea unor mentori
(manageri) n stabilirea de strategii individuale
de autodezvoltare
- Team learning
- Shared vision
- Systems thinking.
Essentially, those disciplines are categories of
habits, ways of individual and collective
development. The culture, the mechanisms and
practices of an organization should stimulate and
support those habits.
Organizations can learn through their
members, but turning individual knowledge into
collective knowledge depends on the members
willingness and competence to communicate and
on the availability of mechanisms that allow the
transfer, storing and putting knowledge to use.
Organizational learning is founded on collective
We will analyze the five disciplines one by
one pursuing the relevance and the specifics of
communication for each of them.
2.1 Personal mastery
An organization progresses only if every
employee is involved in a continuous development
of competences. Life long learning is one of the
principles supporting this process. Personal
mastery manifests in practice as the drive towards
permanent self-development, which is an
emotional competence and should characterize
each member of the organization. The organization
must assist the employees self-development
process by the policies and work climate it
maintains. This assumes a certain way of
considering the employees role in the
organization, embodied in various practices.
Communication based on trust, support and
employee empowerment encourages employees to
develop because they will perceive their existence
as a shaping process for which they are
responsible. They will question their current state
by comparing it with the desired one and will tend
to undertake self-development actions if they feel
the organizations support and appreciation in that
sense. The practices that stimulate the drive and
behavior towards self-development are based on
ethical communication [Cndea R., 2008a]. Those
practices found activities such as:
- Mentors (managers) helping employees with
developing individual self-development
- mprtirea n grup a experienelor trite n
procesul de autodezvoltare
- Alocarea de timp pentru autodezvoltare
- Aprecierea i recompensarea acestor
- Crearea unei culturi a valorii (nu a non-valorii).
Este de ateptat ca practicile s sporeasc
mulumirea de sine i satisfacia n munc, s
contribuie la dezvoltarea asertivitii i a ncrederii
de sine, s reduc impactul negativ al conflictelor
i al stresului. Implicit vor alimenta deschiderea
spre formarea de noi modele de gndire, spre
2.2 Revizuire permanent a modelelor
Modelul mental se formeaz pe baza unor
presupuneri, generalizri, idei preconcepute i
influeneaz percepia i nelegerea a ceea ce se
ntmpl. Autodezvoltarea, progresul, nu sunt
posibile fr tendina de revizuire i schimbare a
modelelor mentale formate n condiii care au fost
deja depite. n organizaia care nva angajaii
sunt obinuii s reflecteze asupra propriilor
modele mentale, asupra paradigmelor care le
influeneaz activitatea. Discut n mod deschis
cauzele succeselor i eecurilor, ce se poate nva
din ele i cum trebuie procedat n continuare.
Angajaii sunt dispui s revizuiasc ipotezele de la
care pornesc modelele mentale colective, s
analizeze ce simt ceilali i s-i expun propriul
punct de vedere, fiind deschii i la punctele de
vedere ale altora. Sunt n msur s nvee din
propriile experiene i din experienele altora.
Disponibilitatea angajailor de a-i revizui i
schimba modelele mentale presupune un climat de
comunicare nepoluat emoional [Cndea R., 2008],
care este favorizat de ncrederea afectiv bazat pe
preocuparea i grija reciproc, de percepia privind
sprijinul acordat de organizaie i preocuparea
organizaiei pentru angajaii si. Climatul
emoional afecteaz i modul n care este neles de
ctre angajai mediul de funcionare al organizaiei,
abordarea riscurilor i sesizarea oportunitilor,
interdependenele din cadrul organizaiei,
responsabilitile lor i ale organizaiei fa de
mediul n care opereaz.
- Sharing experiences acquired in the self-
development process within groups
- Allocating time for self-development
- Appreciating and rewarding such behaviors
- Creating a culture of reward of merit.
It is to be expected that those practices will
enhance contentment and work satisfaction, will
encourage assertiveness and self-confidence, and
will mitigate the negative impact of conflicts and
stress. Implicitly they will favor openness towards
shaping new thinking models and towards change.
2.2 Continuously revising mental models
A mental model is built by starting from
assumptions, generalizations and preconceived
ideas and it influences how events are perceived
and understood. Self-development and progress are
not possible without the drive towards reviewing
and changing mental models shaped under
outdated conditions. In a learning organization
employees are used to reflecting upon their own
mental models, upon the paradigms that influence
their actions. They speak openly about the causes
of their successes and failures, about what can be
learnt and how to proceed. Employees are willing
to rework the hypotheses that found the collective
mental models, to analyze the feelings of others,
and to express their own viewpoint while being
open to the perspectives of their fellow workers.
They are able to learn out of their own and other
peoples experiences.
The willingness of employees to review and
alter mental models assumes the existence of an
emotionally non-polluted communication
climate [Cndea R., 2008], which is favored by the
affective trust nurtured by mutual solicitude and care,
by the awareness of the organizations support and
concern for its employees. The emotional climate
also affects the way employees understand the
organizations operating environment, how they treat
risk and spot opportunities, how they view the
interdependencies in the organization, their and the
organizations responsibilities towards the operating
Similarities and differences in individual mental
models can be discovered by an open and honest
communication, which leads to the understanding of
Prin comunicare deschis i onest se pot
descoperi similaritile i diferenele dintre
modelele mentale individuale, se poate ajunge la
nelegerea condiiilor care le-au determinat.
Comunicarea funcioneaz ca un catalizator pentru
expunerea diferenelor perceptuale i astfel se
ncurajeaz congruena ideilor, a crezurilor i
simbolurilor, formarea bazelor unor relaii de
munc productive.
Practici care ncurajeaz revizuirea
permanente a modelelor mentale sunt legate de:
- Stimularea i recompensarea obiceiului de a
pune i de a-i pune ntrebri
- Stimularea flexibilitii i toleranei n
- Practicarea coachingului i a refleciei
- Asigurarea posibilitii de comunicare
permanent n toate direciile
- Transparena procesului decizional.
Aceste practici vor conduce la reducerea
atitudinilor defensive, a disimulrii i lipsei de
autodezvluire, a abordrilor neproductive ale
conflictelor, a comportamentelor disfuncionale.
2.3 nvarea colectiv (n echip)
Tendina spre autodezvoltare corelat cu cea a
revizuirii permanente a modelelor mentale pregtesc
posibilitatea nvrii colective, n echip. Echipa se
formeaz pe baze emoionale i procesul de formare
este influenat de specificul fiecrei culturi naionale,
n particular de dimensiunea de individualism-
colectivism [Hofstede G., 2008]. Legturile dintre
membrii echipei sunt predominant de natur
emoional, motivaia pentru performana echipei
fiind de natur emoional. Spiritul de echip ine de
un set de competene care se ntrees pentru a forma
dorina i capacitatea de a nva mpreun.
nvarea colectiv presupune modele de
comunicare i de relaionare specifice care se
bazeaz pe dialog. Dialogul presupune, printre
altele, exprimarea propriei opinii fr a impune un
anume punct de vedere, pstrarea deschiderii spre
alte puncte de vedere. Este forma de comunicare
necesar pentru explorare, autocunoatere i
nelegerea celuilalt, pentru nvare din experiena
altora. ntr-un astfel de dialog, percepiile,
motivaiile, diferenele sunt expuse deschis n timp
ce propriile paradigme i opiniile categorice sunt
the conditions that determine them. Communication
works as a catalyst for expressing perceptual
differences and thus the congruence of idea, believes
and symbols and the development of productive work
relations are encouraged.
Practices that encourage the continuous
revising of mental models are related to:
- Stimulating and rewarding the habit of
addressing questions to others and to oneself
- Stimulating flexibility and tolerance in
- Practicing coaching and reflecting
- Assuring the conditions for a permanent
communication in all directions
- Transparency of the decision process.
Those practices will lead to a reduction in
defensive attitudes, in dissimulation and lack of
self-disclosure, in unproductive resolutions of
conflicts and dysfunctional behaviors.
2.3 Team learning
The drive towards self-development combined
with permanently revising the mental models pave
the way towards collective learning, in teams. A
team is built on emotional foundations and the
process is influenced by the national culture
specifics, particularly by the individualism-
collectivism dimension [Hofstede G., 2008]. The
bonds among team members are predominantly
emotional, the motivation for performance being
emotional in nature too. The team spirit derives
from a set of competences that intertwine to shape
the drive and the capability to learn together.
Collective learning assumes specific
communication and networking models that are
based on dialogue. The dialogue presupposes,
among other conditions, the freedom to express
ones view without trying to impose a certain
opinion, leaving the way open to other points of
view. It is the kind of communication required for
exploration, self-awareness and understanding the
other partys view, for learning from others
experience. In such a dialogue perceptions,
motives and differences may be exposed openly
while ones paradigms and categorical opinions are
held in check.
The dialogue contributes to ecologizing
emotionally the learning climate with the focus
inute sub control.
Dialogul contribuie la ecologizarea
emoional a climatului nvrii permind astfel
focalizarea doar asupra a ceea ce se nva nu i
asupra strilor conflictuale negative. ntrebrile vor
prevala n procesul de comunicare facilitnd
cunoaterea reciproc i aprofundarea relaiei de
comunicare. Acordarea de feedback pozitiv sau
negativ va fi stimulat, ceea ce va contribui la
autodezvoltare i la schimbarea modelelor mentale.
Climatul necesar desfurrii dialogului este
acela n care membrii echipei se simt liberi s-i
exprime ideile, s evalueze contribuiile, s
chestioneze presupunerile i s se autodezvluie
fr teama de consecine. Ascultarea orientat spre
a nelege, ca o component esenial a comunicrii
n cadrul dialogului, permite sinergia ideilor.
Ascultarea interactiv, exprimarea deschis i
asertiv, explorarea mpreun a problemelor
dificile, mprtirea de cunotine sunt
comportamente necesare n nvarea colectiv.
Acest gen de comunicare este posibil dac sunt
prezente competenele de contientizarea emoiilor,
proprii i ale celorlali, autocontrolul emoiilor i
capacitatea de a empatiza [Cndea R., 2008].
n timpul activitilor de nvare colectiv (i
dup), indivizii vor reflecta asupra experienei
acumulate, n efortul de a genera acea intuiie
necesar pentru aciuni viitoare. Aceast reflecie
va infuza procesul de gndire colectiv cu idei
Cteva din activitile care, practicate n mod
consecvent, sprijin nvarea colectiv sunt:
- Stimulare a participrii i implicrii n dialog
- Folosirea tehnicilor de comunicare pentru
obinerea consensului
- Asigurarea unui flux de informaii n toate
direciile, de sus n jos i de jos n sus i pe
- Favorizarea atitudinii de suport nu de acuzare, de
cutare a ceea ce este valoros ntr-o idee, nu de
ce ideea nu este bun
- Aprecierea comportamentelor care conduc la
unitatea echipei.
n baza cunotinelor create n comun,
comportamentele se schimb, oglindind cele
nvate. Se formeaz contiina de sine a echipei,
coeziunea i creativitatea sporite. nvarea va avea
shifting just to what is being learnt rather than
being diverted by negative conflicts. Inquiries
should prevail in the communication process as
they facilitate mutual awareness and a deeper
communication relationship. Giving positive or
negative feedback should be encouraged since it
contributes to self-development and to revising
mental models.
The climate required for a dialogue is such
that team members feel free to expose ideas, to
evaluate participation, to question assumptions and
to self-disclose without fearing the consequences.
Listening aimed at understanding is an essential
component of communication in a dialogue and
allows synergy of ideas.
Interactive listening, open and assertive
expression, exploring together difficult problems,
sharing knowledge are behaviors required in
collective learning. This type of communication is
possible if competences to become aware of ones
and others emotions, to self-control emotions and
to be able to empathize are in place [Cndea R.,
During collective learning (and after) the
individuals will reflect on the acquired experience,
in an effort to generate the intuition needed for
future actions. This reflection infuses innovative
ideas in the collective learning process.
Here are some actions that support collective
learning when carried on consistently:
- Stimulating participation and involvement in
- Making use of communication techniques to
reach consensus
- Assuring an information flow in all directions,
from top down, from bottom up and horizontally
- Favoring supportive rather than accusatory
attitudes, searching for what is useful in an idea
rather than why the idea is worthless
- Valuing behaviors that lead to the teams unity.
Based on the knowledge created in common
behaviors change and reflect what was learnt. The
self-awareness of the team is built along with an
enhancement in cohesion and creativity. Learning
will take place from bottom up and from top down
in the hierarchy not just horizontally.
The three disciplines practiced by the
organizations employees give it the needed
loc de jos n sus i de sus n jos n ierarhie, nu doar
pe orizontal.
Cele trei discipline practicate de ctre
angajaii organizaiei i dau fora necesar pentru a-
i construi viitorul, rmnnd ca aceast for s fie
direcionat spre o viziune comun.
2.4 Viziunea mprtit n comun
Viziunea comun i are originea n filozofia
organizaiei, n valorile i raiunea ei de a exista.
mprtirea unei viziuni comune se bazeaz, printre
altele, pe calitatea stimulatoare a viziunii, pe
competenele de comunicare ale celor care o
comunic, pe relaia de comunicare i pe
receptivitatea celui/celor care recepioneaz mesajul.
Viziunea nu poate fi impus deoarece ea se
confrunt cu viziunea personal a fiecrui angajat
care poate s nu corespund cu cea a conducerii
organizaiei. Poate fi ns rezultatul unui proces
colectiv prin care se realizeaz sinergia
cunotinelor i experienelor i n acelai timp se
genereaz sentimenul de coautor asupra viziunii.
Stabilirea mpreun a viziunii oblig emoional la
antrenarea eforturilor tuturor pentru realizarea ei.
n acest proces un rol important l are i
capacitatea comunicatorului de a propovdui pe
toate cile i n toate modurile, de a influena i
convinge asupra comuniunii de obiective.
Prin urmare, n contextul organizaiei care
nva, viziunea este un amalgam ntre viziunile
membrilor organizaiei creat n procesul de
elaborare a acesteia, care conduce la sentimentul
de proprietate asupra ei. Comunicarea este aceea
care determin motivarea intrinsec a adoptrii
viziunii i a transformrii alegerii raionale ntr-una
afectiv, responsabil.
Pe lng practicile de implicare n procesul de
elaborare a viziunii, alte practici care sprijin
mprtirea unei viziuni comune sunt:
- Favorizarea cooperrii nu a competiiei
- Preocuparea pentru dezvoltarea i meninerea
credibilitii organizaiei n faa angajailor si
- Crearea de condiii pentru mprtirea de
- Dezvoltarea de simboluri comune ale
organizaiei i a unui limbaj comun.
Indirect se va genera sentimentul
ataamentului i nu cel al supunerii. Schimbrile
strength to build the future, which force should be
directed towards a common vision.
2.4 Shared vision
The shared vision originates in the
organizations philosophy, values and rationale for
existence. Sharing a common vision banks on the
stimulating quality of the vision, on the
communication competences of the
communicators, on the communication relations
and on the receptivity of those who receive the
A vision cannot be forced upon people
because employees contrast it against their
personal vision and the two may not match. But a
vision can be the result of a collective process by
which a synergy of knowledge and experiences is
generated and at the same time the feeling of
ownership of the vision is induced. Participation in
the development of a common vision creates an
emotional obligation to also support its
In that process the capability of the
communicator to preach in all ways and by all
means, to influence and persuade as to the
community of objectives is important.
It follows that in the context of the learning
organization vision is an amalgamation of the
organizations members' visions that is created
during the process of vision development and leads
to the feeling of ownership over it. Communication
determines the intrinsic motivation for adopting the
vision and for converting rational choice into an
affective, responsible choice.
Along with the practices of involvement in the
process of vision development other practices that
encourage sharing a common vision are:
- Favoring cooperation rather than competition
- Concern for establishing and maintaining the
organizations credibility in front of employees
- Creating conditions for sharing information
- Developing common symbols of the organization
and a common language.
A feeling of sincere commitment rather than
subservience will be indirectly induced. Changes in
the group will be achieved easier and aligning
individual or group interests to those of the
organization will take less time. Communication in
n grup se vor realiza mai uor i va fi necesar
timp mai puin pentru alinierea intereselor
individuale sau ale grupului cu cele ale
organizaiei. Comunicarea se va realiza
nedistorsionat n toate direciile.
Viziunea comun, pentru a contribui la
creterea perspectivelor de sustenabilitate ale
organizaiei, trebuie s in cont de faptul c
organizaia este un subsistem al unui sistem global
complex, multidimensional, care integreaz aspecte
sociale, economice i de mediu. Durabilitatea acestui
sistem multidimensional depinde de o dezvoltare
economic durabil n condiiile protejrii resurselor
i a mediului fizic, a protejrii i dezvoltrii mediului
Aspectul economic al dezvoltrii durabile se
poate realiza numai prin organizaii care, urmrind
obinerea de profit pe termen nedefinit, manifest n
acelai timp responsabilitate social fa de prile
interesate relevante pentru ele. Dezvoltarea durabil a
societii se realizeaz prin organizaii care sunt
responsabile fa de mediul n care funcioneaz
[Cndea D., 2007].
2.5 Gndirea sistemic
Gndirea sistemic presupune considerarea
tuturor prilor sistemului dac trebuie ca sistemul n
ansamblu s reziste pe termen lung. Orice aciune
ntr-o parte a sistemului multidimensional produce
consecine n restul sistemului. Orice subsistem
trebuie s se adapteze continuu schimbrilor din
sistem i, n acelai timp, s constituie el nsui un
promotor al schimbrii.
Dac urmrim profitabilitatea organizaiei pe
termen nedefinit, trebuie s avem n vedere impactul
organizaiei asupra mediului fizic i social i, n
acelai timp, dependena profitabilitii organizaiei
de resursele fizice i umane aflate n sistemul global.
La fel, orice schimbare ntr-o zon a organizaiei
poate avea consecine n alte zone din mediul ei
intern sau extern. Capacitatea de a vedea aceste
corelri nu ca pe simple lanuri liniare cauz-efect,
nelegerea modului n care diferitele aciuni
interfereaz amplificndu-se sau anihilndu-se
reciproc, nelegerea structurilor care genereaz
evenimentele, sunt carateristice pentru gndirea
sistemic. Gndirea sistemic este a cincea disciplin
necesar pentru organizaia care nva i ea ne
all directions will be undistorted.
If it is to contribute to improving the prospects
of sustainability the shared vision should take into
account that the organization is a subsystem of a
complex global system, which is multidimensional
and incorporates social, economic and
environmental aspects. The sustainability of that
multidimensional system depends on the
sustainable development of economic activities
under the condition that the resources and the
physical environment are protected, and the social
environment is treated with care and developed.
The economic aspect of sustainable
development can be achieved only through
organizations that, while pursuing profit for an
indefinitely long period of time, exercise at the
same time social responsibility towards relevant
stakeholders. The sustainable development of the
society can be accomplished through organizations
that are responsible towards their operating
environment [Cndea D., 2007].
2.5 Systems thinking
Systemic thinking assumes all parts of a
system are considered if the overall system is to
last a long time. Any action in an area of the
multidimensional system induces effects in the rest
of the system. Any subsystem must adapt
continuously to the changes in the system and, at
the same time, be itself a promoter of change.
If we pursue the organizations profitability
over an indefinitely long period of time, we have to
give consideration to the organizations impact on
the physical and social environments and, at the
same time, to the dependence of the organizations
profitability upon the physical and human
resources existing in the global system.
Similarly, any change in one area of the
organization can induce an impact in other areas of
its internal or external environments. Systems
thinking generates the capability to view those
correlations not just as simple linear cause-effect
chains, rather understand the way in which various
actions interrelate, reinforcing or annihilating
mutually, understand the structures that generate
events. Systems thinking is the fifth discipline
required for a learning organization; it suggests
what Danah Zohar calls spiritual intelligence
conduce cu gndul la ceea ce Danah Zohar numete
inteligen spiritual [Zohar D., 1997]. Inteligena
spiritual este motivaia profund uman de a cuta
semnificaii i legtura cu sistemele mai largi din
care facem parte (organizaie, naiune, civilizaie,
Construirea organizaiei care nva presupune la
nivel de individ schimbri ale modelor de gndire de
la dezideratul de independen la cel de
interdependen, de la blamarea celorlali factori la
contientizarea faptului c aciunile noastre
individuale creeaz problemele, c totul ncepe
dinuntru nspre afar. C toi depindem de toi i de
aceea suntem responsabili n faa tuturor de aciunile
mprtirea de idei, simboluri, nelesuri
percepute din diferite unghiuri, comunicarea
interfuncional, ajut angajaii s perceap
organizaia ca pe un complex intercorelat. Vor
nelege efectele deciziilor i activitilor dintr-o
parte a organizaiei n alta i n ntreaga
organizaie. Comunicarea care are la baz
ncrederea, ataamentul fa de organizaie,
dedicarea, sprijinul perceput din partea
organizaiei, va permite comunicarea
nedistorsionat ntre toate prile organizaiei.
Perfecionarea continu corelat cu revizuirea
permanent a modelelor mentale creeaz premisele
nvrii colective care, dac sunt puse n slujba
unei viziuni mprtite cresc perspectivele de
performan economic. Dac activitatea de afaceri
nsi i ncorporeaz gndirea sistemic,
incluznd n strategia general dependenele de
mediul fizic i de cel social, exist anse sporite ca
organizaia s prospere pe termen nedefinit.
Crearea unei organizaii care nva ncepe
prin dezvoltarea unui climat care s creeze
condiiile i s-i ncurajeze pe angajai s practice
cele cinci discipline. Cultura organizaional, prin
sistemul de valori promovat, trebuie s favorizeze
structurile care sprijin acest deziderat. Stilul de
management i competenele manageriale,
politicile i practicile de management, strategia
trebuie s asigure contextul necesar i s aib
[Zohar D., 1997]. The spiritual intelligence is a
deeply human motivator to search for meanings and
relations with larger systems of which we are part
(the organization, nation, human civilization, and the
Building the learning organization presupposes
changes in the individuals thinking models from the
desideratum for independence to interdependence,
from blaming others to the awareness that our own
individual actions create problems and that
everything proceeds from inside out. It also implies
that we all depend on all around us and thus we are
all responsible in front of others for our actions.
Sharing ideas, symbols and meanings
perceived from various angles, and the
communication between business functions help
employees see the organization as an
interconnected complex. Employees will be able to
understand the effects of decisions and actions
occurring in one part of the organization on other
parts and overall. A communication that is based
on confidence, commitment to the organization,
dedication, and perceived support from the
organization, will allow undistorted
communication between all parts of the
Continuous improvement combined with
permanently revising mental models creates the
conditions for collective learning. When they are
subordinated to a shared vision the prospects for
economic performance are improved. If business
activity itself incorporates systemic thinking by
blending the dependences on the physical and
social environments into the general strategy, there
are improved chances that the organization will
prosper indefinitely long.
Creating a learning organization begins with
developing a climate that provides the conditions
and encourages the employees to practice the five
disciplines. The organizational culture, by the
system of values it promotes, should be supportive
of the structures that stand behind that goal. The
managerial style and competences, management
policies and practices, and the strategy have to
capacitatea de coagulare a eforturilor angajailor n
jurul unei viziuni comune.
Organizaia va avea ansa de a deveni un loc
de munc interesant, motivator, un loc care
apreciaz cu adevrat capacitatea angajailor de a-
i crea mpreun viitorul.
3.1 Etape ale procesului de schimbare ctre o
organizaie care nva
Avnd n vedere cele de mai sus, n cadrul
procesului de schimbare ctre o organizaie care
nva trebuie parcurse mai multe etape, ncepnd
cu evaluarea nivelului de pornire al organizaiei din
punctul de vedere al celor cinci discipline:
- Crearea sistemelor de comunicare care s
permit schimbul de informaie n ntreaga
organizaie i cu toate prile interesate i s fie
n acelai timp liantul acesteia
- Crearea condiiilor care s conduc la un climat
de nvare continu
- Dezvoltarea de noi atitudini i abiliti prin
training, comunicare i relaionare
- Comunicarea pe toate cile i prin toate
mijloacele a schimbrii
- Iniierea i implementarea de noi practici de
management al resurselor umane care s
comunice aceast schimbare
- Crearea cadrului n care angajaii s poat
chestiona practicile organizaiei, s nvee
mpreun, s se autodezvolte.
Procesul de devenire a unei organizaii care
nva este un proces ndelungat de schimbare care
poate fi afectat de numeroase bariere create la nivel
individual sau colectiv.
3.2 Cteva precondiii n spaiul interpersonal
Una din precondiii este dezvoltarea unui
climat de comunicare n care s predomine
ncrederea reciproc i fa de organizaie.
ncrederea n acest context se refer att la
ateptarea colectiv ct i la crezul individului, c
poate conta pe interlocutor, acesta putnd fi un
coleg, ef, organizaia prin politicile sale, c ceea
ce se afirm este adevrat i c procesul de
comunicare nu are sensuri duble sau agende
ascunse. La nivel de organizaie ncrederea se
refer i la ceea ce afirm organizaia despre ea
provide the needed context and the capability to
coalesce the employees energy around a common
The organization will stand the chance to
become an interesting work place, which is
motivating, a place where employees capacity to
create a common future is truly valued.
3.1 Stages in the process of change towards a
learning organization
Considering the above, several stages have to
be covered in the process of change towards a
learning organization, beginning with an
evaluation of where the organization stands in
terms of preparedness for the five disciplines:
- Creating the communication systems that make
the exchange of information in the entire
organization and with the stakeholders possible
and cement the organization
- Creating the conditions leading to a continuous
learning climate
- Developing new attitudes and abilities by
training, communication and networking
- Communicating change by all ways and means
- Initiating and implementing new human resource
practices that communicate that change
- Creating an environment in which employees can
question the organizations practices, learn
together, and self-develop.
The evolution of an organization that learns is
a long change process that can be hampered by
many barriers created at the individual or collective
3.2 A few prerequisites in the interpersonal
One of the preconditions is to develop a
communication climate in which mutual trust and
confidence in the organization reign. Trust in this
context refers to both the collective expectation and
the individual confidence that one can count on the
interlocutor, who can be a fellow worker, a
superior or the organization through its policies,
and that what is being stated is true and the
communication process is not double-talk or
covering a hidden agenda. At the organizational
level the confidence also refers to what the
nsi (misiune, obiective) i modul n care
comunic cu prile interesate relevante.
ncrederea influeneaz coordonarea i
controlul activitilor, faciliteaz depirea
situaiilor confuze, obiectiveaz percepiile,
sprijin procesul de schimbare.
ncrederea integreaz dimensiuni cognitive
(poi conta pe ceea ce se promite) i afective
(celuilalt i pas de tine, este preocupat de binele
tu), referindu-se i la disponibilitatea celuilalt de a
ajuta n situaii dificile sau de incertitudine.
ncrederea poate s supravieuiasc doar ntr-
un mediu etic. Pentru a permite ncrederii s se
dezvolte trebuie s se nceap cu nelegerea i
acceptarea rolului celuilalt, ncurajarea
comportamentelor suportive i nu a celor defensive
sau agresive, cu accentuarea motivrii interne, cu
auto-dezvluirea competent i furnizarea
permanent de feedback. ncrederea contribuie la
evitarea efectele negative ale brfei i zvonurilor.
Informaia, indiferent de natura ei, trebuie s
ajung n momentul cnd este nevoie de ea, la
locul unde este nevoie de ea, n cantitatea necesar
i s fie credibil.
Dedicarea este o alt precondiie pentru
succesul crerii organizaiei care nva. Dedicarea
este legtura cognitiv i emoional fa de un
anumit curs al aciunii, ataamentul afectiv fa de
eforturile organizaiei i presupune contientizarea
i aprecierea avantajelor pe termen lung. Dedicarea
este alimentat de percepia pozitiv de ctre
angajai a suportului acordat de organizaie. De
asemenea aceasta depinde de modul n care
angajaii percep aciunile interne i externe ale
organizaiei, modul n care aceasta i manifest
responsabilitatea social corporativ.
De percepia angajailor privind modul n care
i trateaz organizaia depinde modul n care ei
interpreteaz inteniile i motivaiile organizaiei:
angajaii care percep pozitiv suportul organizaiei
vor tinde s rspund pozitiv, sprijinind realizarea
obiectivelor acesteia. Perceperea n permanen a
acestui sprijin dezvolt sentimentul angajailor de
identificare cu organizaia i elurile acesteia.
3.3 Prile hard i soft ale comunicrii
n organizaie cunotinele se creeaz, se
acumulez, se stocheaz, trebuie s circule
organization declares about itself (mission,
objectives) and how it communicates with the
relevant stakeholders.
Confidence influences the coordination and
control of the activities, helps with getting over
confusing situations, makes perceptions objective,
and supports the change process.
Confidence integrates the cognitive (one can
count on what is being promised) and affective (the
other one cares about you, is concerned with your
wellbeing) dimensions, referring to the willingness
of the other one to help in difficult or uncertain
Confidence can survive only in an ethical
environment. For confidence to develop the starting
point is to understand and accept the role of the
other one, encourage supportive rather than
defensive or aggressive behaviors, emphasize
internal motivation, competent self-discloser and
provision of feedback. Confidence contributes to
avoiding the negative effects of gossip and rumors.
Information, regardless of its nature, has to be
available at the time when it is needed, at the place
where it is needed, in the amount required and
should be credible.
Dedication is another prerequisite for the
successful making of the learning organization.
Dedication is the cognitive and emotional tie to a
certain course of action, the affective commitment
to the organizations efforts and assumes awareness
and appreciation of long term benefits. Dedication
is fed by the employees positive perception of the
organizations support. It also depends on the way
employees perceive the organizations internal and
external actions and on the way the organization
exerts its corporate social responsibility.
The way employees interpret the
organizations intentions and motivation depends
on their perception of the way they are treated: the
employees whose perception of the organizations
support is positive tend to answer positively and
back up the achievement of organizational
objectives. Perceiving the organizations support
permanently leads to identification with the
organizations goals.
3.3 The hard and softsides of communication
In an organization knowledge gets created,
nepoluate, s informeze i s creeze relaii, s
determine progres, s asigure climatul de
comunicare pentru practicarea celor cinci
discipline. Aspectele care trebuie avute n vedere
sunt, pe de o parte, cele tehnice i operaionale:
sistemele i mecanismele prin care au loc procesele
de comunicare (partea de harda comunicrii).
Pe de alt parte, intervine latura uman, de
soft a procesului de comunicare: ce, cum, ct,
cnd i de ce se comunic. Aceasta integreaz
percepiile individuale i colective constituind
climatul de comunicare cu toi factorii care l
determin. Analiza separat a celor dou laturi ale
comunicrii nu este posibil fr a simplifica n
mod artificial un proces care nu este n sine un
proces logic ci unul psiho-logic.
Acumularea de cunotinte se realizeaz n
condiiile n care comunicarea se desfoar liber i
deschis, ntre membrii organizaiei i ntre
organizaie i prile interesate, pe ci i canale de
comunicare sprijinite tehnic i operaional.
Comunicarea este planificat iar rezultatele sunt
analizate pentru a trage concluzii pentru viitor.
Conflictul este de ateptat i acceptat iar greelile
sunt privite ca oportuniti de a nva. Exist
disponibilitatea de a imprti idei i opinii, ntr-un
climat de ncredere.
Pentru stocarea i folosirea informaiilor i a
cunotinelor acumulate exist suportul tehnic i
operaional dimensionat la specificul i la nevoile
de comunicare ale organizaiei. Prin politicile sale
organizaia care nva asigur ca toi angajaii s
aib posibilitatea de a lua parte la discutarea
problemelor care i privesc, pe care le au n
legtur cu locul de munc, cu munca n sine i cu
abordrile legate de viitorul organizaiei.
Pentru a sprijini procesul de utilizare a
cunotinelor explicite acestea sunt stocate n
documente, practici i proceduri (sub form de
manuale de lucru, fie cu instruciuni, baze de date
etc.) i exist un sistem de accesare funcional.
Exist de asemenea i un sistem de codare a
cunotinelor organizaionale care s ajute la
nelegerea informaiilor, n rezolvarea de
probleme i luarea de decizii.
Cunotinele implicite sunt dezvoltate,
sintetizate, distilate n contextul nvrii colective
iar concluziile sunt consemnate i codificate ntr-o
accumulates, gets stored, must circulate
unpolluted, should be informative and generate
relations, induce progress and assure the
communication climate for practicing the five
disciplines. The aspects to consider are, on one
hand, technical and operational: the systems and
mechanisms that make communication possible
(the hard side of communication).
On the other hand, we should note the human
side, the soft aspect of communication: what,
how, how much, when and why is communicated.
It incorporates the individual and collective
perceptions that compose the communication
climate with all its defining factors. Analyzing the
two sides separately is not possible unless we
simplify artificially a process that is essentially not
logical rather psycho-logical.
The accumulation of knowledge takes place
when communication among the organizations
members and between the organization and the
stakeholders is free and open, by ways and
channels that are supported technically and
operationally. Communication is planned and
results analyzed for conclusions useful in the
future. Conflict is to be expected and should be
accepted, and mistakes should be regarded as
opportunities to learn. There is a willingness to
share ideas and opinions in a climate of trust.
The technical and operational support needed
to store and utilize information and accumulated
knowledge has to be suited for the organizations
communication specifics and needs. By its policies
the learning organization should provide all
employees with the opportunity to discuss the
issues of concern to them, issues related to their
work place, to the work itself and to how to tackle
the future of the organization.
In order to facilitate the usage of explicit
knowledge it is stored in documents, practices and
procedures (as work manuals, instruction sheets,
databases, etc) along with an operational access
system. There should also be a coding system for
organizational knowledge to assist with
information understanding, problem solving and
decision making.
Implicit knowledge is generated, synthesized,
distilled in the context of collective learning and
conclusions are recorded and coded in a form
form la care toi angajaii din organizaie s aib
acces uor. Acest proces este puternic dependent
de aspectele de soft ale comunicrii.
Transmiterea corect i nelegerea mesajelor
aa cum au fost ele intenionate de comunicator
depinde de caracteristicile iniiatorului comunicrii
i ale destinatarului comunicrii i de contextul
comunicrii. Barierele i distorsionrile odat
contientizate sau recunoscute pot fi reduse, sau se
pot prentmpina efectele lor negative. Nu vor
putea fi niciodat eliminate complet, mai ales cele
de natur personal, dar odat cunoscute i
acceptate ca atare nu vor sta n calea mprtirii de
n procesul de comunicare pot s apar
probleme majore legate de cadrul de referin care
determin percepia i care, la rndul lui, este
determinat de istoria individului, de mediul social
i cultural din care provine, de nivelul de educaie.
Direct sau indirect acest cadru de referin n care
se recepioneaz mesajele este cauza reaciilor
emoionale care afecteaz procesul de comunicare,
de la influenare pn la compromitere total.
Percepia va afecta i nelesul acordat cuvintelor,
sensurile asociate propoziiilor, nelegerea
mesajului. Climatul de comunicare este factor
important n influenarea percepiilor care poate
favoriza sau defavoriza formarea i practicarea
celor cinci discipline.

Organizaia care nva poate fi
conceptualizat ca manifestare a unui mod specific
de comunicare i relaionare avnd la baz anumite
modele mentale i atitudini fa de sine i ceilali,
fa de nvare, cunoatere i fa de rolul
angajatului pentru organizaie.
Dezvoltarea organizaiei care nva
presupune un proces iniial de schimbare
organizaional planificat i implementat, dup
care schimbarea organizaional va avea loc
datorit disciplinelor i competenelor deja
formate. Dac la nceput se va lucra asupra
promovrii unui sistem de valori i a unei culturi
organizaionale care s sprijine autodezvoltarea,
revizuirea permanent a modelelor mentale,
easily accessed by all employees of the
organization. That process is very much dependent
on the soft aspects of communication.
Correctly transmitting and understanding
messages in agreement with the intentions of the
communicator depend on the characteristics of the
initiator and the recipient of the communication,
and on the communication context. When people
recognize and take cognizance of the barriers and
distortions, those can be reduced or their negative
effects can be averted. They can never be
completely eliminated, particularly those of a
personal nature, but once realized and accepted as
such they will not hinder the sharing of knowledge.
Major problems related to the reference
framework that determines perception can occur in
the communication process. That framework, in its
turn, is determined by the individuals history,
his/her social and cultural environment of origin,
level of education. The reference framework within
which messages are received is, directly or
indirectly, the cause for the emotional reactions
that affect the communication process from
influencing it up to totally compromising it.
Perception will also affect the meaning associated
with words, the senses attached to sentences, the
understanding of messages. The communication
climate is an important factor in influencing
perceptions and can favor or impede the
development and practice of the five disciplines.
The learning organization can be conceived of
as the embodiment of a specific way of
communicating and networking based on certain
mental models and attitudes towards oneself and
the others, towards learning, cognition and the
employees role in the organization.
Developing the learning organization assumes
an initial process of organizational change that is
planned and implemented, after which
organizational change happens due to the
disciplines and competences already shaped. If at
the beginning work is needed to forge a system of
values and an organizational culture to support:
self-development, the permanent revision of
mental models, collective learning, sharing a
nvarea colectiv, mprtirea unei viziuni
comune i gndirea sistemic, ulterior practicarea
n continuare a acestor discipline va canaliza
procesul de dezvoltare organizaional n direcia
realizrii de performan economic pe termen
nelimitat, avnd simultan n vedere cerinele i
nevoile de protejare a mediului social i fizic.
n figura 1 (vezi pe pagina urmtoare)
propunem un model de abordare a dezvoltrii
organizaiei care nva innd cont de cele dou
obiective de la care am pornit: creterea
perspectivelor de sustenabilitate ale organizaiei i
identificarea cilor i mecanismelor care conduc
spre aceasta. Ne-am focalizat asupra aspectelor de
hard i de soft ale comunicrii aa cum apar
ele n perioada de schimbare organizaional
iniial, n care se pregtesc condiiile pentru
formarea celor cinci discipline, i apoi n etapa n
care acestea se implementeaz.
Creterea perspectivelor de sustenabilitate nu
poate avea loc fr ca obiectivele proceselor de
comunicare s devin strategice pentru organizaie.
Comunicarea organizaional intern i extern,
manifestarea responsabilitii sociale corporative
ca parte din strategia general a organizaiei sunt
instrumente active n creterea anselor de
sustenabilitate ale organizaiei.
Boyatzis, R. (2002). Changing the Way We Manage
Change: TheConsultants Speak. NY: Quorum Books.
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in
Organizations Self Directed Learning accesat 6 mai 2008
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common vision, and systems thinking, the
subsequent continuation of the practice of the
disciplines will channel the process of
organizational development towards obtaining
economic performance over an indefinite time
horizon while considering simultaneously the
demands and need to protect the social and
physical environments.
In figure 1 (see on next page) we advance a
model of addressing the development of the
learning organization by considering the two initial
objectives: raising the organizations prospects for
sustainability and identifying ways and
mechanisms that can lead to that. We focus on the
hard and soft aspects of communication that
occur both during the period of initial
organizational change, when the conditions for the
forming of the five disciplines are set, and in the
stage when the disciplines are put to work.
Improving the prospects for an organizations
sustainability cannot take place without turning
communication objectives into strategic objectives.
Internal and external communication and
exercising corporate social responsibility, as part of
the organizations general strategy, are active tools
for enhancing an organizations prospects for

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Figura 1. Model conceptual privind rolul comunicrii n dezvoltarea organizaiei care nva /A conceptual model
for the role of communication in developing the learning organization

-Noi paradigme i valorizarea lor
-Valorizarea celor cinci discipline
-Sisteme i practici care creeaz
cadrul adecvat disciplinelor
-Sistem de management al
-Climat de comunicare
-Climat emoional

Elemente de hard
-Mecanisme de comunicare
-Politici i practici de
-Sisteme de comunicare

Elemente de soft
-Competene de comunicare
-Competene de relaionare
-Competene emoionale i




-Comunicarea pentru schimbare
-Sistemele de management al
resursei umane (selecie, evaluare,
motivare, dezvoltare, management al
cunotinelor etc.)
-Responsabilitatea social
-Valuing new paradigms
-Valuing the five disciplines
-Systems and practices that create
the proper framework for disciplines
-Knowledge management system
-Communication climate
-Emotional climate

Hard aspects
-Communic. mechanisms
-Communication policies
and practices
-Communication systems

Soft aspects
-Communic. competences
-Networking competences
-Emotional and spiritual





-Communication for change
-Human resource management
systems (selection, evaluation,
motivation, development, knowledge
management, etc)
-Corporate social responsibility

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