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MOEC Position Papers II

The following original paper was written on a Motorola Microsoft Moto Q which was a Blackberry competitor around 2007. I attempted to accomplish this due to peration !adhanatha which resulted in pandemic "hemical #ssault $ %corched &arth beginning on 'ebruary (2) 2007. I ha*e had to lightly edit such. I usually will choose to attempt keep the sparsity of grammatical embellishment to retain the tension of the non+normati*e setting. The M &" ,osition ,apers reflect the *ery earliest work to terminate and model this !I" %tructure. Bhakta -a*id .ollmeyer -esert %hores "alifornia /anuary (0) 20(0 Supra Irrationality %upra Irrationality or Irrationalism is an emergent sub1ect pertaining to the philosophical orientation or psychological e2uilibrium of indi*idual and collecti*e actors at the international) national) and local le*els. There is a direct but in*erse relationship to super rationality which is a game theory prisoner3s dilemma approach. 4ere two supra rationality players by logic and reason will choose to cooperate e5actly to the betterment of each. %upra irrationality will gi*e demonstratable e5planations to acts that appear to be fragmented and dis1ointed. 4ere there is usually a dissymmetry of information and power and control. ne actor wishes to further one3s benefit usually by deception) force) and or coercion. This is also true for the punishment or degradation of another player. The concept of under the color of law is in*oked. 6sually there is some predetermined plan or goal that is wished to be implemented. 4erein the use of the word supra is clarified. There is usually an e5ternal system that is irrational that is dictating this mode of consciousness to a subordinate dependent party. If it is an indi*idual or group the fatalistic higher party is in*ented or has ceased operating and the fatalistic+dependent relationship continued to 1ustify psychic content and acti*ities. The concept of 4igher %tructural 7e*els of "ognition and the "ulture of Impunity ha*e to be considered. #t all le*els of a system or hierarchy the following are true. In prisoner3s dilemma supra irrationality is ne*er optimal. In this approach two or more players always choose defect. #s in simple prisoner3s dilemma (

the prosecutor will always use betrayal against two other players. 4ere is where the supra irrationality has it3s decisi*e8 distinction the principle of the descending operation is wrong) immoral) or illegal. In a phenomenological perspecti*e of an indi*idual player it may be marginal in the short run. The belief is that continued defection will yield the greatest benefit. The direct implication here is of morality) leadership) the color of authority) and the setting especially of where one system is attempting to transform another to it3s interest. The theories of deontology and conse2uentialism are in conflict. %upra Irrationalism has a marginal ad*antage to accrue short term benefit to cost ratios where an indi*idual or minority can be sacrificed for the ma1ority or whole. This is an opening that irrationalist actors would seek to e5ploit. "on*ersely antinomianism or lawless in the name of 9od is also a probability. This will ha*e direct impact on theories of war) genocide) and international relations. In a game with ten players one actor operating as the controller wishes to implicate a status 2uo in a hierarchy. In a simple truth table if in a hierarchical set of ten elements in column p as true and b false8 it is possible for a controller to engage two subordinate players in prisoner3s dilemma to choose all ten b or false choices. This would in*ert the system. There is a direct implication here in eternal law with re*isionist philosophy or state or police control o*er philosophy. The tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is for the -alai 7ama and astrologers to ascertain the ne5t leader from those 2ualified candidates wishing to reincarnate. The youth picked by the present -alai 7ama has disappeared. The "hinese go*ernment through it3s astrological selection has begun picking the ne5t -alai 7ama. The 4are :rishna Mo*ement in the particularity of I%:" . has e5perienced hea*y entrapment from the police with nine of the ele*en diksa gurus originally authori;ed ha*en fell. ne) :irtananda Mahara1 pleaded guilty to !I" related charges and ser*ed about se*en years in prison while re1ecting allegations in a de*otee murder. :irtananda Mahara1 had lead a synchronic breakaway mo*ement where sannyasi wore 'ranciscan robes and were called abbots in .ew <rnda*ana =est <irginia. !ames*ara Mahara1 was the guru in 7os #ngeles) "alifornia and was remo*ed for ha*ing illicit relations with a minor. # guru war was the setting for this inter*ention. This has an implication here in !I" prosecutions and claims of illegal entrapment. There is also the legal 2uestion of >handing off cases> to other officials whom do not know if something 2

illegal has occurred. # child molester who has *iolated a youth will create an array of illogic as to why the youth must be murdered. The youth in many instances is the only direct witness. In lieu of this an hierarchy of e5torti*e threats to their life) family) friends) or pets often follows. The classic stoning or the story of The 7ottery clearly illustrates the concept of %upra Irrationality as it attempts to transform) systemati;e) and institutionali;e a process and structure. The simple story of The 7ottery or a %toning pro*ides as e5cellent model as to how %upra Irrationality attempts to organi;e agents and thinking in a system and control such. 4ere formal fallacies of reason as the con*erse and re*erse con*erse accident unfold. .umber ? picks up a stone and threatens .umber 0 in a manner that he must pick up a stone and threaten .umber 2. .umber 0 agrees and .umber 2 is approached. .umber ? and 0 now approach .umber 2 and threaten such that he must approach .umber (. .umber 03s argument is that he must comply or .umber ? will stone him. .umber ( is approached and threatened. 4e attempts to stone .umber ? and is killed by .umber ?) 0) and 2. 4ere in a basic format we obser*e a circular folly of under the color of law or authority. There are also !acketeered Influenced Beha*iors as intimidation of a witness) e5tortion) blackmail) hostaging) and murder that can be introduced. =orks "onsulted http@AAen.wikipedia.orgAwikiA-eontology http@AAen.wikipedia.orgAwikiA,risonersBdilemma http@AAen.wikipedia.orgAwikiA"onse2uentialism http@AAen.wikipedia.orgAwikiA%uperrationality http@AAen.wikipedia.orgAwikiA.ashBe2uilibrium On Laws and Defection 0

ne facet of defection is the substitution of laws and citi;ens with criminals and crime. #s stated the use of chemical assault as a law is widespread. 4ere the criminalCsD use a reciprocation with what is ithe deli*er of blackmail) e5tortion and intimidation. Instead of using the "onstitution) life becomes a ritualistic game of being powerful enough to assault and a*oid being chemically assaulted. 4ere there is a cell or circle of officers who will use a relay or lottery amongst themsel*es as to who will get sprayed and who will not. This is outrageous in itself with no super*ision and legal remedy. 4ostaging) blackmail) and e5tortion ensue. If a person is hostaged he or she may be part of the conspiracy. 6sually spraying the chemicals or another crime has to be committed. In this manner traditional racketeering as drug dealing) prostitution) theft) and assault are committed as a lesser e*il than spraying or being sprayed. State Sponsored Terrorism The concept of a %ingle Issue Terror 9roup is becoming a disturbing concept that is focusing in a constraining but positi*e manner my opposition to the ongoing attack in the 6nited %tates. 7#,- are a*enging 79BT 4istory and are ill e2uipped to perform any positi*e acti*ities other than destroy the 6nited %tates. Both public and ci*ilian populations are informant based and complicit. # scapegoating purge will most likely attempt to wash the hands of dead presidents as !onald !eagan. -ue to time and logistic constraints the following is edited from@ A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty !irst Century (E #ugust 200E Moti"ation Cate#ories Moti*ation categories describe terrorist groups in terms of their ultimate goals or ob1ecti*es. =hile political or religious ideologies will determine the FhowG of the conflict) and the sort of society that will arise from a successful conclusion) moti*ation is the FwhatG8 what the endstate or measure of success is. Social ften particular social policies or issues will be so contentious that they will incite e5tremist beha*ior and terrorism. 're2uently this is referred to as Fsingle issueG or Fspecial interestG terrorism. %ome issues that ha*e produced terrorist acti*ities in the 6nited %tates and other countries are@ H #nimal rights H #bortion ?

H &cologyAen*ironment H Minority rights $etwor%ed Structure Terrorists are now increasingly part of far more indistinct and broader system of networks than pre*iously e5perienced. 9roups based on religious or single+issue moti*es lack a specific political or nationalistic agenda8 they therefore ha*e less need for a hierarchical structure to coordinate the achie*ement of their goals. Instead) they can depend and e*en thri*e on loose affiliation with like+minded groups or indi*iduals from a *ariety of locations. 9eneral goals and targets are announced) and indi*iduals or cells are e5pected to use fle5ibility and initiati*e to conduct the necessary action. &asic Concepts .etworks consist of nodes. # node may be an indi*idual) a cell) another networked organi;ation) or a hierarchical organi;ation. They may also consist of parts of other organi;ations) e*en go*ernments) which are acting in ways that can be e5ploited to achie*e the networkIs organi;ational goals. The effecti*eness of a networked organi;ation is dependent on se*eral things. The network achie*es long+term organi;ational effecti*eness when the nodes share a unifying ideology) common goals or mutual interests. =hen there is failure to accept the o*erall goals of the organi;ation) pieces of the network will drop out. This is less catastrophic than a splintering within a hierarchical group. #nother difficulty for network organi;ations not sharing a unifying ideology is that nodes can pursue ob1ecti*es or take actions that do not meet the goals of the organi;ation) or are actually counterproducti*e. In this instance) the independence of nodes fails to de*elop synergy between their acti*ities or contribute to common ob1ecti*es. .etworks distribute the responsibility for operations) and pro*ide redundancies for key functions. The *arious cells need not contact or coordinate with other cells e5cept for those essential to a particular operation or function. The a*oidance of unnecessary coordination or command appro*al for action pro*ides deniability to the leadership and enhances operational security. .etworks are not necessarily dependent on the latest information technology for their effect. The organi;ational structure and the flow of information inside the organi;ation are the defining aspects of networks. =hile information technology can make networks more E

effecti*e) low+tech means such as couriers and landline telephones can enable networks to operate effecti*ely in certain circumstances. 'u( or Star and )heel .odes communicate with one central node. The central node need not be the leader or decision maker for the network. # *ariation of the hub is a wheel design where the outer nodes communicate with one or two other outer nodes in addition to the hub. # wheel configuration is a common feature of a financial or economic network. Go"ernment Affiliation Cate#ories "ategori;ing terrorist groups by their affiliation with go*ernments pro*ides indications of their means for intelligence) operations) and access to types of weapons. 6.%. 1oint doctrine identifies three affiliations@ non+state supported) state+supported) and state+directed terrorist groups. H .on+state supported. These are terrorist groups that operate autonomously) recei*ing no significant support from any go*ernment. H %tate+supported. These are groups that generally operate independently but recei*e support from one or more go*ernments. H %tate+directed. These groups operate as an agent of a go*ernment and recei*e substantial intelligence) logistic) and operational support from the sponsoring go*ernment. # Military 9uide to Terrorism in the Twenty+'irst "entury (E #ugust 200E Terrorist 6se of "hemical and Biological =eapons ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following outlines are from an e5pert source. The single issue terror group prefers Biological =eapons CB=D as a first choice. Most incidents are hoa5es. "on*entional Terror C"TD is the second choice. #pocalyptic groups resemble this Method of peration CM D in the first instance. It is clear that the #merican ,resident and the 200J ,residential "andidates are pretenders to the office and are of 2uestionable integrity on homeland security. -a*id .ollmeyer "ambria "alifornia K

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Terrorist *se of Chemical and &iolo#ical )eapons +eynolds M, Salerno- Ph,D, Sandia $ational La(oratories 'ebruary 2000 'istorical +ecord and !uture Threat Based on historical record) religiousAapocalyptic groups pose the greatest threat Ce.g. !a1neeshees) #um %hinrikyoD 9lobally) terrorists generally ha*e preferred the FinstantG gratification of e5plosi*es Many non+=M- alternati*es a*ailable to terrorists Terrorists tend to use "B= that !e2uire little educational training !e2uire little manipulation #re easily deployed Ccrude dissemination methodsD "hemicals are the terrorist "B= agents of choice Most biological cases are hoa5es 6.%. anthra5 attacks a watershedL %ophisticated biological processing and dissemination techni2ues 7ack of restraint to cause mass casualties ther #spects of "B= Terrorism Threat -ual use agents and technologies =ide access to "B= information 7

Internet resources and Fhow toG books !elati*ely low cost 7ittle infrastructure re2uired for "B= 4igh conse2uence pathogens and to5ins stored and used in laboratories and culture collections throughout world 're2uent outbreaks of e5otic) highly infectious disease 7arge stockpiles of chemical agents in !ussia under 2uestionable security Most chemical agents widely a*ailable 6nemployed weapons engineers from '%6 and elsewhere may be hired by well funded terrorist organi;ations Chemical a#ent choices "hlorine "yanide !at poison !icin Biological agent choices %almonella typhimurium Bacillus anthracis Botulinum to5in Mersin ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mari1uana ,rofiling@ Ad Hominem ,rofiling In abusing a culture of impunity 7#,- and agents use a corrupt system of profiling that i a failed and incompetent method to de*elop scientific determinism in the administration of criminal 1ustice. In this instance the a combination of ad hominem and ad misericordium profiling is constructed from past history and a geographic location and imposed o*er the indi*idual. This profile is sla*ishly adhered to harass and *iolate oneIs ci*il rights and also wrecks other law enforcement3s standing under the colour of law. 4ere in my particular case profiles from actual drug dealers from the state of -elaware are imposed o*er me. I ha*e not li*ed in -elaware for o*er a year since (NJ7. I ha*e not used drugs in degree since before this time. I also do no drink alcohol. 7#,- attempts to de*elop an image of a malingering indi*idual who has not de*eloped from say 20 years of age. This includes a dysfunctional hero worship of drug dealers. I. actuality these drug personas are actual targets of prosecution themsel*es. #ny serious person who has been in*ol*ed in any racketeering acti*ity for o*er 20 years is in 1eopardy of habitual offender andAor three strike laws which will incur a life sentence. The myth of "alifornia sinsemeillia growing also is in*oked. This is centered out of 4umboldt "ounty which is the heart of "aliforniaIs 9olden Triangle. The mythical image of a mari1uana grower and their social status is a target. The situation throughout this state and .orthern "alifornia is one of increasing *iolence and penetration by organi;ed crime. The Baltimore %tudio are closet growers of B grade "olumbian sinsemeilla. To argue that I emulate these persons from the begin of this systematic human rights abuse in (NJK is an ad absurdum. To postulate that I emulate such because of mari1uana production and other drug racketeering is absurd. In the latter category would be the cracking open of <ickIs Inhalers to e5tract the pseudo ephedrine resulting in a bathtub batch of peanut butter crank. This material will nearly make one blind if they in1ect such and should be a*oided. I ha*e already written to %enator -ianne 'einstein about this nonsense as she has sponsored legislation that has regulated o*er the counter ephedrine. This type of position paper refuting any intent to support the increasing narco fascist culture is do to an impugn le*el of law enforcement using profiling and handing of bogus straw man lies to other agencies out of 1urisdiction as mutual aid. I cannot e*en walk in to a town or particularly a store without a contingent of corrupt locals) tourists) and employees laying in N

wait to harass. The other tactic with such is to set of shoplifting. #s stated calling such a racketeering comple5 is accurate.

Ex Deus Maquina By Bhakta -a*id .ollmeyer Ex Deus Maquina) literally the ghost in the machine) the spirit of the undertaking) is a component of M &" which helps construct the intent of the system as well as boundaries. In the abstract such de*elops from a dialectical debate between two actors. ne proponent argues pro the platform of eternal law) absolute morality) and the con argues the latter) materialism and relati*e morality. The former is more akin to orthodo5y while the latter tends towards re*isionism. =hat prima facie appears as logical debate is no more than a sub1ecti*e boundary dominated entrapment) which is designed to morphogenetically e5pand into the suprasystem M &". "ambridge 7aw %chool is alleged to ha*e de*eloped this model. It is argued that this paradigm contains tactics and fallacies that the 6nited :ingdom has used) as well as other empires in creating) sustaining) and controlling sub1ects as well as other powers throughout history. The basic theory of laws may be stated as thus@ (. &ternal 7aw 2. .atural 7aw 0. ,ositi*e 7aw The abo*e is a platform which enables one to trace the origins and beginnings of e*ents that will help define their nature and to demonstrate if conse2uent e*ents are bound by a law. #ll of histories concepts of &ternal 7aw are a*ailable for consideration. #s absolute truth there can only e5ist one. Two simultaneous eternities cannot e5ist at the same time. Two constants for all perspecti*ism is the hierarchy of motility and the biological hierarchy of needs. The two structures are reflecti*e of the materialist scientific argument with a *aried degree of acceptance from theistic traditions. Both models may be used to argue sources of identity. The first structure) the 4ierarchy of Motility is used to e5plain mo*ements of all le*els (0

of life forms. 'ierarchy of Motility "onsciousness Intelligence Instinct !efle5 Ta5is TropicA.astic Mo*ements 'ierarchy of &iolo#ical $eeds 'ood "lothingA%helter !est -efense !eproduction It is to be noted in the main that what appears to be a logical debate is biased towards eternal law and absolute morality. "on*ersely the opposition or the con faction will be compensated at different structural le*els throughout M &". The materials generated by Ex Deus Maquina are seen in content and boundaries throughout all components. The system will mutate as it attempts to sustain or sur*i*e. It is clear that M &" is an attack on religion and man+made. The theistic materials are of high 2uality but there implementation is dubious. 4ence the process and ends reflect more of a labeling e*ent. #n important structure that has a deterministic 2uality is@ Manifest 'unction C-ysfunctionD ((

7atent 'unction The crucial boundaries of the system propose that there is a 9odhead. It is "hristian therefore it must be a triune 9odhead and monotheistic. The model is biased towards the orchestration of "hristianity as re*ealed in the Cambridge King James Red Letter Version or the <ulgate. The con will rebut with a materialist presentation that shall include arguments as scientific determinism) relati*e morality) and the multicultural di*ersity of persons. The writings of %t. Thomas #2uinas as Summa Teologia *ersus <.I. 7enin3s Empiro Criticism Re!utation o! a Reactionar" #hilosoph" frame the purpose of a legitimate debate as to pursue a rational discussion of facts to percei*e the truth and do 1ustice within a conclusion. "ases e5ist where the solution may be ontological or the efficient ends of the supporting arguments. There is also the probability that yielding to the strongest argument will reign o*er a conclusi*e *ictor. #fter the finality of the debate the solutions or facts must be promulgated. If such is eternal law such should reign in the e*ent of futuresI futures for the edification of all persons. The alternati*e of a *ictory by the relati*e position yields a result that shall be sub1ect to re*ision o*er space and time. #s seen from the present) the model supra) the re*elation or disco*ery seeks to yield right from the strongest platform or law for all conse2uent acts. This would be from eternal law as the source of consciousness and intelligence. This posits that all entities are in a relation with this law to reali;e such or participate to the ma5imum benefit. The debate structure e5ists as only semantic) solely a mechanism to radiate ideas and acts from a conspiratol core. The head of the "ambridge 7aw %chool argues the pro eternal law position and the con or materialistic natural law position is argued by a subordinate staff member. The content reflects an anthology of master works of theism) philosophy) and science. The traditional liberal arts program is the model. #n epistemological or theory of knowledge a5iology is used to establish the relation of the human towards other relations with ob1ects in one3s en*ironment) oneself) and the deity. The process is of catholic deri*ation but is *ery uni*ersal in its co*erage. The eternal law position is bound to argue all in e5istence in descent from this law. The materialist position must argue construction from natural law and an upward mo*ement from assumptions in disco*ery of a truth. The epistemology may be stated as such@ Man willing upon oneself Man willing unto 9od (2

Man willing unto one3s neighbor Man willing unto the cosmos Cen*ironmentD Being+"oming into being It is to be noted that in theism 9od must e5ist as an a$priori being. M &" is a perspecti*ism in the correct analysis as an upward ascent from the particular mortal human. The materialist platform is differentiated more between uni*ersal abstract science) human preference) and emotion. The *ictorious side is the eternal law position as that of the !oman "atholic King James %ible interpretation *ersus the refutation of Empiro Criticism by 7enin. There are host of other profiles basically of great master persons of religious thought and other great thinkers. "onse2uently the spiritual or material content is used to de*elop natural and artificial groupings of indi*iduals and collecti*es. #s seen Ex Deus Maquina is an pre+archetypical support in the construction of the rganic "ell Model which is more of an archetype as its form and content attempt to remain consistent through its beginnings) morphology) and ends where the model attempts to use such as the new or first pattern. Theism is bound to argue the generation of things mind+sensation+ob1ect. "on*ersely materialism will argue the generation of things ob1ect+sensation+mind. Is e*erything in creation ordered and bound by a set of absolute laws or relati*ityL "an mankind choose their own lawsL The construction of Ex Deus Maquina is similar to the chemistry or more accurately the -.# of the rganic "ell Model8 an artificial *irus manmade to mimic legitimate philosophy only to the point of e5posing itself to adapt to new conditions. This will be self e*ident in the mutations that occur through a pre+staged debate with room for some spontaneous discourse. Codeta # lower le*el concept of Ex Dues Maquina is a scripted duel between "ambridge 7awyers and Trinity Theologians whom are the pro5imate cause of M &". The argument is that the "hristians wished to e5pose the &ire !or &ire tactics of the British &mpire. The !ise of the Third !eich and #dolph 4itler are strong factors in shaping this e*ent. 4ere the Theologians won a debate to control M &" *ersus the 7awyers. This was due to their skill in the tactics of the "lassical 9reek Tyrannies and 7ogic. The 7awyers reneged and the Theologians did not renounce the "onspiracy but became the Lesser o! T'o E(ils. This counterplay between these actors descends into a system of 7eaks.


M &" %tudies is the master disclosure. #t this 1uncture a debate reflecting a Master ,assion de*elops. # pattern of 7ibertine b1ects is de*eloped that is sub1ecti*e.

The entrapment of mari1uana is first. I would argue that prostitution) pornography) alcohol) and gambling are worse in priority. #s stated this roster of ob1ects is designed to create deflections and begging the 2uestion. In law a conclusionary argument. "anada has legali;ed ,rostitution on -ecember 20) 20(0. Mari1uana is legal for recreational use in "olorado as of /anuary () 20(?. =ashington will follow this lead in /uly) 20(?. 4ence) the simple common sense recording of e*ents has supported the de*elopment of M &" %tudies. Websites MOEC Mobilization of Empire and Civilization rg s.htm!.htm!!!.htm


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