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DEVELOPMENT OF EYE Eye primordia appear D22 as optic sulcus in neural folds at forebrain which fuse.

. Optic sulci optic vesicle optic cusps lens placode lens pit lens vesicle Invag invag thickens invag + sinks ends fuse Optic vesicle grows laterally on each side and its conn w/ forebrain narrows optic stalk. ens vesicle and optic cusp derive from ectoderm and are surrounded w/ mesenchyme

ET!N" DEVELOPMENT# Develops from optic cusp. Outer layer ! pigment ep" Inner layer ! differentiates into layers #rod" cone" bipolar" and ganglion cells$ Intraretinal space" btw outer and inner layers disappears so that pigment ep and retinal layers fuse. %unction of pigment layer w/ layer of rods and cones is not so firm so that detachment of retina may occur. Ed$e of optic cusp gives ciliary ep. and posterior ep% o& iris% M!DDLE "ND E'TE N"L L"YE DEVELOPMENT# Develop from mesenchyme that envelops optic cusp. Lens vesicle LEN( "nterior )all of vesicle gives anterior ep% o& lens Posterior )all cells lengthen lens &i*ers. ens capsule ! epith cells of both pts of lens vesicle &utrition of lens from hyaloid artery #branch of ophthalmic artery$. 'ound in vitreous body - hyaloid canal "nterior eye cham*er develops as space formed btw lens capsule and ectoderm% +ornea develops from surface ectoderm and mesenchyme after ant chamber is formed. Optic stalk - optic nerve DEVELOPMENT OF E" T,E E'TE N"L E" # E-t "coustic meatus# (. Derive from .st *ranchial $roove/ ectodermal cells proliferate and e)tend inwards as meatal plu$% *. +ells of plu$ then de$enerate" forming cavity - e-ternal acoustic meatus. "uricle# (. 'rom 0 s)ellin$s known as auricle hillocks.

*. , hillocks are on .st *ranchial 1mandi*ular2 arch and , on the 2nd 1hyoid2 *ranchial arch% ,. End of *nd month all hillocks fuse ! pinna% Tympanic mem*rane# from membrane btw .st *ranchial $roove n .st pharyn$eal pouch/ made of ectoderm and endoderm and mesenchyme btw. -esenchyme - &i*rous stratum of tm" Ectoderm - epidermal Endoderm - mucous of .-. T,E M!DDLE E" # Develops from .st pharyn$eal pouch and cartilages of .st32nd pharyn$eal arches% Tympanic cavity# (st pharyngeal pouch - distal pt e)panded envelopes auditory ossicles. Pro-imal une-panded pt/ Eustachian tu*e "uditory ossicles# malleus and incus from dorsal pt of Meckel4s cartila$e. #supporting (st branchial or mandibular arch$ (tapes# from dorsal pt of eichert4s cartila$e #supporting *nd or hyoid branchial arch$ During late fetal period" tympanic cavity e)pands into temporal bone ! mastoid antrum% T,E !NNE E" # 0k 1" derives from thickened plate of ectoderm 2 OT!+ PL"+ODE OT!+ P!T OT!+ VE(!+LE 1otocyst2 Invag and sink edges primordium of fut memb labyrinth below into mesench fuse lies lat to rhombencephalon * divisions/ Dorsal3 utricular pt# into utricle/semicircular ducts/ endolymphatic duct Ventral3 saccular pt# into saccule/ cochlear duct Dorsal diverticula 5 develops semicircular ducts" central pts fuse and disapp. Ventral diverticula 5 develops cochlea 1th month" differentiation of maculae" cristae - begins in utricle. 3accule" semicircular ducts and organ of +orti - in cochlear duct. -esenchyme around otic vesicle differentiates and forms bony labyrinth 3pace fills w/ perilymph. DEVELOPMENT OF 6 "!N "ND (%+ pro) pt broad! *rain Neural plate neural $roove limited by neural &olds neural tu*e narr caud pt ! (+ D(4 invaginates End of wk, fuse separates from ecto and is located 5tw it and notochord

(. 0hen neural folds fuse" neuroectodermal cells separate and form on dorsal pt of tube - neural crest. &eural crest cells give cells of spinal $an$lia and of autonomic $an$lia% *. 0all of neural tube initially has 6+ ep. +ells then proliferate" but later mitotic activity is reduced" as a result wall of neural tube differentiates into * 7ones/ - inner $erminative and outer mar$inal% ,. In 8erminative 7one cells continue in their mitotic activity and migrate peripherally. 0all of neural tube has , layers/ - Ependymal layer ! ependyma" - !ntermediate or mantle layer ! 8- cells differentiate into neuroblasts and spongioblasts - Mar$inal layer ! 0DEVELOPMENT OF (+# Develops from caudal pt of neural tube. In lateral walls of neural tube" cells proliferate and dorsal and ventral pts remain thin. ongit groove divides lateral walls into dorsal pt alar plate 2 dorsal horn ventral pt *asal plate - ventral horn% Initially" 3.+ is same length of vertebrate column but further development means vertebrate column grows rapidly than 3.+ and so its caudal pt lies at higher level. #terminates at ($ DEVELOPMENT OF T,E 6 "!N Develops from cranial pt of neural tube 0k 1" , brain vesicles occur/ - The &ore*rain 7 prosencephalon 7 The mid*rain 7 mesencephalon 7 The hind*rain 7 rhom*encephalon During wk 9" the forebrain and hindbrain divides so that 9 secondary vesicles arise/ 6rosencephalon 2 .elencephalon Diencephalon -esencephalon -esencephalon :hombencephalon -etencephalon -yencephalon F"+E DEVELOPMENT #0k 1-(;$ (. 9 prominences - 'rontonasal ! mesenchyme near brain - -a)illary ! sup pt of (st pharyngeal arch - -andibular ! inf pt of *nd pharyngeal arch *. Nasal placodes develop on frontonasal prominence ,. Nasal pits appear in nasal placodes and rest of placode divides into medial and lat proc #btw lat nasal proc and ma) prom ! nasolacrimanl groove$ 1. Medial nasal prominence fuse to form inter max segment 9. Intermaxillary segment <oins max promin ! upper lip

=. 6alate development ! *o plate formed from * palatine sh> which are tissue e)tensions from ma)illary prominence. 0hich then forms uvula. (o palate formed by intermax segment extends back and joins 2o palate. ?. &ose ! 5ecomes human looking and ma) promin grows towards mandibular. 4. 'ace has neonatal proportions and philtrum of upper lip ! inter ma) process. N"("L +"V!TY# (. *. ,. 1. &asal pits form in the nasal placodes which then forms nasal prominence &asal pits deepen to become nasal sacs ! nasal cavity which grows dorsally. &asal cavity separates from oral cavity by oronasal membrane. @fter = wks oronasal membrane ruptures ! primordial chonchae which is post to palate. 9. 0hile palate is developing sup" mid" inf chonchae develop. .hey are at <unction of nose and pharyn). =. Ectodermal epith in roof of cavity specialises to olfactory epith which contains olfactory receptor cells. TON89E DEVELOPMENT# (. 3mall elevation in floor of pharyn) ! median lingual bud swelling *. * more oval elevations laterally ! lat swellings ,. 6roliferation of mesenchyme #(st pharyng arch$ 1. * lat buds grow over median swelling and form ant */, of tong 9. 6ost (/,/ -Elevation copula develops by fusion of *nd pharyng arches behind foramen cecum - Elevation hypopharyngeal eminence develops from mesenchyme of A phary arch. - Developing hypophysial grows over copula and makes post (/,. --uscles ! from occipital myotomes -0k B papillae form - Casculature and c.t from pharyngeal arch mesenchyme. DEVELOPMENT OF D!"P, "8M# Dome-shaped" musculotendineous partition separating pleural and a*dominopelvic cavities" develops from 1 components/ (eptum transversum - is mesenchymal" forms central tendon o& diaphra$m Pleuroperitoneal mem*ranes - fuse w/ dorsal mesentery of esophagus and dorsal pt of septum transversum. 6leuroperitoneal membranes represent small intermediate pt o& diaphra$m% Dorsal mesentery o& esopha$us - gives rise to median pt o& diaphra$m 6ody )all - contributes to peripheral pt o& diaphra$m e)tends to pts derived from pleuroperitoneal membranes. 6LOOD VE((EL( DEVELOPMENT# (. 5lood vessels develop in wk , from blood islands *. 5lood island has * cell lines ! inner hematogonia blood cells ! outer angioblasts endoth <oins blood vessels 5lood islands in , locations/

E)traembryonic mesoderm of yolk sac develop into CI.E I&E C@3@ #D(?$ E)traembryonic mesoderm of conn stalk D-5I I+@ C@3@ #D(4$ -esenchyme of embryo embryonic bld vessels dorsal and ventral aortae at cephalic region <oin via aortic arches. ,. D*( all , 5D <oin and connect to heart ! starts beating Primitive 6lood +irculation# (. 6rimitive heart contracts *. 5lood pumped ventral aortae #through aortic arches in branchial groove$ ,. Dorsal aorta branches to head #future I+@$ 1. Dorsal aortae fuses. 9. Dorsal aorta gives blood to 2 intersegmental art btw pairs of somites - Citelline art yolk sac - Dmbilical art chorionic villus #o)yg$ =. 5lood returns via sup/inf cardinal veins which to form common cardinal. - Dmbilical veins )* - Citelline veins ,E" T DEVELOPMENT# (. 0k ,/ splanchnic mesoderm develops cardiogenic areas *. +ells migrate btw mesoderm and endoderm cardio$enic cords ,. +ardiogenic cords become canali7ed endocardial tu*e 1in pericardial cavity2 1. Endocardial tubes fuse heart tu*e 9. -esenchyme prolif and form myoepicardial mantle surrounding heart tube. +ells diff into mesothelial cells 1epicardium$ and myo*lasts/ cardiomyocytes o& myocardium% 6roc gives , layered wall 2 endocardium" myocardium and epicardium. =. Develops bulges 2 5ulbis cordis ! :C and outflow of 6. and aorta - 6rimitive Centr ! C - 6rim @trium ! @ and :@ - 3inus venosus ! ft and :t horn - @ortic trunk divides into aortae =. D** ! 5E@.I&8 ?. 5ulbis cordis moves down and to rt and anterioly 6rimitive C moves to lft 6rimitive @ and sinus ven moves up and post. !nteratrial (eptum# (. 3eptum premium develops from root of atrium to @C foramen *. 8ap in septum premium ! Ostium premium ,. @s (o septum reaches @C foramen" *nd opening develops ! *o ostium opens 1. (o ostium closes 9. *o 3eptum develops on rt side of (o septum Oval foramen =. @llows blood to pass Oval ' *o ostium @ because are diff levels ?. @fter birth pressure in @ causes septum to fuse !V septum# 'rom ape) to @C foramen in ventricle. "orticopulmonary septum# divides bulbis cordis into aorta and pulmonary trunk

"ortic arches/ = pairs running in branchial arches conn ventral and dorsal aorta on each side ("*"9 2 disappear ,rd ! 'orms I+@ 1th ! ft - forms pt of arch of aorta :t 2 :t subclavian =th ! pulmonary arch branches on both sides develop into lung buds :t 2 :6@ f 2 6@ and ductus arteriosus +ON8EN!T"L M"LFO M"T!ON( OF ,E" T "ND 6LD VE((EL(# Occur in = - 4 children from (";;; newborns. .2 Mal&ormations )3 l&t7rt shunt# O)yg blood" left #aorta$ rt #pulmonary trunk$ - atrial septal de&ect - ventricular septal de&ect 7 persistent ductus arteriosus 22 Mal&ormations )3 rt7l&t shunt# 6assage of venous blood from rt to lft. clinically/ hypo)ia" polyglobulia and asthma - tetralogy of 'allot ! a comple) of 1 anomalies/ ($ stenosis of pulmonary artery" *$ ventricular septal defect" ,$ hypertrophy of rt ventricle and 1$ aorta de)troposition. :2 Mal&ormations )3out shunts# pulmonary and systemic circulations are separated blood volumes on rt and lft sides eEual" group includes/ 7 aortic valvular stenosis 7 coarctation o& aorta 7 dou*le aortic arch ;2 "*normalities in heart position/ 7 de-trocardia - lies on rt side 7 ectopia cordis - on surface of chest DEVELOPMENT OF E(P! "TO Y P"(("8E( "ND L9N8(# 1D2072<2 aryn) downwards develops as ventral out$ro)th o& &ore$ut. +onducting and respiratory pts lined by endoderm. +artilage and muscular pts of trachea and lun$s from splanchnic mesoderm% Initial stage of dev - respiratory diverticulum% Diverticulum e-pands caudally and separated from foregut by t)o esopha$otracheal rid$es" rid$es &use to &orm septum% 'oregut is divided into/ dorsal pt 7 esopha$us ventral pt 7 trachea and lun$ *ud% ung bud t)o *ronchial *uds# =k >" each bronchial bud enlarges primary *ronchus secondary *ronchi #rt ," lt *$ supply future lobes wk ? tertiary or se$mental *ronchi - (; rt" 4 lft

=k 2;" (? branches formed w/ respiratory *ronchioles. ung buds penetrate primitive pleural cavities% #3pace btw parietal and visceral pleura$ -esoderm cover outer lung visceral pleura% 3omatic mesoderm covering inside parietal pleura

During dev endodermal cells thins ! barrier btw bld vessels and air that will fill lungs at birth is small. Fas 1 periods/ (. Pseudo$landular period - lungs resemble $land" all elements formed e)cept respiratory bronchioles and alveoli. 9-(=wks *. +analicular period 2 vasculari7ation" respiratory bronchioles developed" terminal sacs may be seen. 3urvival of fetus is unlikely. (= 2 *= wks ,. Terminal sac period - terminal sacs develop" capillaries contact primitive alveoli" type I alveolar epith cells differentiate" production o& pulmonary sur&actant% @fter *4 wks survival of fetus. *=wks till birth 1. "lveolar period 5 diff of terminal sacs alveolar ducts. 5irths -4months. Mal&ormations o& respiratory system# Lun$ a$enesis 7 lun$ *uds &ail to &orm/ unilateral - survival possible. espiratory distress syndrome 7 inade?uate production o& sur&actant% ungs collapse" endodermal damaged. #newborn gags$ Tracheo7esopha$eal &istula 7 )hen trachea and $ut come into contact 2 is associated w/ esophageal atresia - blind ending of gut - incidence is (/1;;; births. DEVELOPMENT OF "L!MENT" Y +"N"L (tomoduem 5 oropharyngeal membrane Primitive 8ut 5 'oregut -idgut Findgut Proctoduem 5 cloacal membrane DEVELOPMENT OF P," YN'# after transformation of branchial arches develops definite pharyn) DEVELOPMENT OF E(OP,"89(# 'rom pharyn) e)tends caudally (st short then rapidly grows from resp diverticulum =k <! full length of 2>cm Epithelia and glands form from endoderm +ells of epithelia prolif and o*literate lumen then re7canali@ed A =kB (triated muscle/ from mesenchyme of lower pharyngeal (mooth muscle/ splanchnic mesoderm DEVELOPMENT OF (TOM"+,#

5egins as dilation o& caudal pt of foregut Dorsal side grows much faster than ventral ! g./l. curvature =k< ! stom rotates B;o clockwise" pulling mesothelium lining wall :otates again pulling duod into + shape =k B/ dorsal mesentery hangs as 8-omentum Central attaches to liver ! -omentum * layers of omentum &use Epiploic foramen forms

DEVELOPMENT OF !NTE(T!NE# Duodenum# 'rom caudal pt of foregut and cranial pt of midgut 0hen stomach rotates pulls duod into c shaped loop 3tom rotates further and pulls duod into final position :E.:O6E:I.. 6rolif of epith and glands obliterates lumen 0k4 re-canali7ed Mid$ut# (o loop cranial and caudal limb =k0 loop develops faster than cavity therefore pro< into D.+ord oop rotates CDo clockwise so cranial limb on :. side +ranial limb develops into diverticulum" limbs are retracted back cranial limb first. :otation 180o anticlockwise/ +ranial lim* upper l&t Euad ! 3-@ I&.. +audal lim* upper rt Euad ! @:8E I&.. ,ind$ut# @nal canal from proctodeum Precloacal pt 2 desc E si$moid colon Cloaca 2 vent wall cloaca memb + O@+@ divided by urorectal septum into/ (. Urogenital sinus ant urinary *ladder and urethra *. :ectum + @nal canal post ,. 0k 4 @norectal memb ruptures @nal +anal. DEVELOPMENT OF L!VE # 5egins as outpouch of caudal foregut hepatic diverticulum Diverticulum grows septum transversum #separ liver + pericard cavity$ :apidly enlarges" splits into */ ($ arge cranial pt/ P !MO D!"L L!VE - Endod prolif hepatocyte cords of intrahept endoth. - 3planchnic mesoderm forms hematopoetic tiss" fibrous pt and kupffer cells. *$ 3mall pt/ 8"LL 6L"DDE - 3talk of diverticulum/ +Y(T!+ D9+T

+ystic and hepatic ducts 6!LE D9+T which attaches to ventral duod. 5ut as duod rotates it becomes on Dorsal side. =F.2 G *ile production

DEVELOPMENT OF P"N+ E"(# Develops btw * layers of mesentery 2 pancreatic *uds Dorsal/ appears (st #body + tail$ Central/ near entry of bile duct duod #head$ @s stom and duod rotates it pushes pancreas to post )all o& a*domen% Dorsal and ventral bud anastomose main pancr duct Pro- pt G acc panc duct opens to DD papillae. Distal pt from dorsal bud Endodermal cells from caudal foregut tu*ules pancreas acini Ends of tubules islets form ! from groups of cells which break off from tub and lie btw acini. 'ibrous sheath and capsule and septa ! splanchnic mesoderm =F .D G !N(9L!N secretion *e$ins% DEVELOPMENT OF T,E (PLEEN# -esodermal origin. 6rimordium forms wks 1-9 w/in mesothelium of dorsal mesentery" behind greater curvature 'orms from spleen islands" which coalesce spleen @s stomach rotates" pulls mesentery and so spleen shifted to lft w/. -esentery fuses to dorsal wall of coelom where lft urogenital ridge is developing. @ short stretch of mesentery <oining spleen to ridge is lienorenal ligament. .he artery to spleen is branch of coeliac artery and runs in mesentery. 3pleen makes lymphocytes and produces" stores and destroys r.b.c in fetus and after birth.

DEVELOPMENT OF 9 !N" Y (Y(TEM# D.3 and internal se)ual organs intermediate mesoderm. It looses connections w/ somites and fuses nephro$enic cords. +ords rapidly grow" become larger and form uro$enital rid$es. #3eparates medially into $onadal rid$e2

DEVELOPMENT OF F!DNEY(# Pronephros# #rudimentary and non-functional$ 0k 1 in cervical pt of &.cord. +onsists of cell clusters" pronephric tu*ules and duct. :uns into cloaca% 6ronephros degenerates" pronephric ducts mesonephric duct% Mesonephros #&unctional &or a short time2 Develops 0k1" caudal to pronephros. N% cord divides mesodermal cell clusters mesonephric vesicles.

-esonephric vesicles mesonephric tu*ules" lateral ends continuous w/ mesonephric duct% -edial end of tubule e)pands 6o)man4s capsule #capilary loops of glomerulus derive from mesonephric artery$ +apsule w/ glomerulus mesonephric corpuscle% +ervical and thoracical pts of mesonephros degenerate/ lumbar pt of mesonephric tubules and mesonephric duct remain.

Metanephros/ #permanent kidney" produce urine in at 0k ((-(,$ Develops 0k 9" * pts/ 9reteric *ud or metanephric diverticulum 9 ETE " pelvis" ma<or and minor calyces and system of papillary ducts and collecting tubules Metanephric mesoderm NEP, ON(. Diverticulum has dorsal outgrowth of mesonephric duct. E)tends dorsocranially and enters metanephric mesoderm Divides mesoderm into cell clusters. +lusters metanephric vesicles metanephric tu*ules% Pro-imal pt of tubule differentieates 6o)man4s capsule of a renal corpuscle. Distal end collecting tubule. -iddle pt of tubule lengthens and differentiates pro- tu*ule3 distal tu*ule3 loop o& ,enle% Position# develop in pelvis% 8rowth of lower body causes it to lie in abdomen in *nd trimester. Development o& renal pelvis and ureter# 5oth derive from distal pt o& ureteric *ud% DEVELOPMENT OF 6L"DDE "ND 9 ET, "# Develop from ventral pt o& cloaca/ ventrally sealed off by cloacal mem*rane/ made of ecto and endoderm. +loaca divided by urorectal septum into * portions/ - "norectal canal behind rectum 2 covered by anal mem*% - Primitive uro$enital sinus front of bladder + urethra 2 uro$ent mem*% +audal pt of urorectal septum fuses w/ cloacal membrane Drogenital sinus has , pts/ (. Vesical se$ment 2 #cranial pt$ develops into *ladder *. Pelvic se$ment 2 #middle$ develops into urethra in &emales and prostatic urethra in males ,. Phallic se$ment 2 develops into vesti*ule o& va$ina in &emales and penile urethra in males +ON8EN!T"L M"LFO M"T!ON( OF F!DNEY( "ND 9 ETE ( .% enal a$enesis ! absence of a kidney :esults from failure of ureteric bud to grow out and absence of ureter. -ay be uni- or bilateral. Occurs in about * per (; ;;;" more freEuent in males than females #,/($

Oli$ohydramnios results from failure of urine production. 2% Pelvic kidney 7 located in pelvis" failure of kidney to ascend :% ,orshoe kidney 7 both kidneys &used at in&erior poles and located in pelvis" occurs ( per =;; births. ;% Polycystic kidney disease 7 hereditary disease. +ontain urine-filled cysts. :esults from failure of collecting tubules and uriniferous tubules to <oin up. >% Duplication o& ureter and *i&id ureter% DEVELOPMENT OF !NTE N"L (E'9"L O 8"N( Early genital system till ,rd month indi&&erent sta$e# !ndi&&erent $onad anla$en Mesonephric duct E remnants o& mesonephric tu*ules Paramesonephric duct !ndi&&erent $onad anla$en loc w/in $onadal rid$e #mesenchymal$. 8onadal rid$e degenerates" caudal pt $u*ernaculums% (e$ment of ridge primordial $erm cells #68+s$ #diff at wk =$ Future $onad .o se- cord. #coelemic ep thickens and prolif$ Paramesonephric duct develops from/ Invagination of coelomic ep on lateral pt of genital ridge. 6ro)imal pt ! coelomic" future peritoneal cavity. 3mall pelvis ducts fuse uterova$inal primordium/ elevate sinus tu*ercle% DEVELOPMENT OF TE(TE( 1Y chrom2 .o se- cords Testicular cords (N%T #diff in 3ertoli cells.$ #lose conn w/ coelomic epith$ P8+s spermato$onia Mesenchyme interstitial 1Leydi$2 cells. +ondensation o& mesenchyma Tunica al*u$inae #lying btw epith and 3&..$ Descent of testis by 0k 2B peritoneal cavity scrotum. DEVELOPMENT OF OV" !E( 1lack Y chrom2 .o se- cords degenerate rete ovarii. 3uperficial coelomic ep sends off secondary se- cords" diff. &ollicular cells" w/ 68+s primordial ovarian &ollicles% Mesenchyma Tunica al*u$inea% #e)tending btw surf ep and ovarian foll$ Descent of ovary by =k 2B to small pelvis%

DEVELOPMENT OF E'T 8EN!T"L!" !ndi&&erent sta$e/ $enital tu*ercle at cranial end of cloacal memb" elongates phallus uro$enital &olds - paired la*ioscrotal s)ellin$s - lateral to urogenital folds. Development o& male $enitalia# 6hallus PEN!( D8 folds fuse and close abioscrotal swell fuse ! (+ OT9M Development o& &emale $enitalia# 6hallus +L!TO !( D8 folds donGt fuse ! L"6!" M!NO " abioscrotal swell unfused ! L"6!" M"HO Efferent ductuli Mesophric tu*ules :egress Ductus epididymidis Mesonephric ducts :egress Ductus deferens" E<aculatory duct :egress Paramesonephric duct Dnfused pt Oviduct :egress 9terova$inal primordium Dterus + cran pt of vagina +ON8EN!T"L M"LFO M"T!ON( OF 8EN!T"L O 8"N(# Errors in se) development may result in hermaphroditism% True hermaphrodites - have both ovarian and testicular tissue False hermaphrodites or pseudohermaphrodites - occur (/*9";;; birth * forms/ - Female pseudohermaphrodites - 1=" HH w/ ovaries" but e)t. genitalia resemble masculine genitalia" occurs from congenital virili7ing adrenal hyperplasia. - Male pseudohermaphrodites - 1=" HI" have testes" but e)ternal genitalia resemble female genitalia. +aused by inadeEuate production o& testosterone% ,ypospadias - e)t urethral orifice is on ventral sur&ace o& penis instead of at tip o& $lans% Occurs in about (/,;; males 1 types of hypospadias/ glandular" penile" penoscrotal" and perineal Epispadias - malformation in which urethra opens on dorsal aspect o& penis and is associated with e-trophy o& *ladder/ occurs in (/,;";;; male infants. 6i&id penis and dou*le penis 7 distal pt of penis is divided into two pts" results from &ailure o& &usion of two pts of genital tubercle. Micropenis 2 Cery small penis hidden by suprapubic pad of fat" associated w/ hormonal deficiency of fetal testes. Mal&ormations occurin$ in males# +ryptorchidism 7 #undescended testes$ - is found in (/, premature male babies or in (/,; full-term males. .estes are retained in a*dominal cavity or in in$uinal canal% 3terility occurs if condition persists to puberty. 3urgical treatment/ con$enital in$uinal hernia.

,ydrocele - abdominal end of vaginal process remains open" peritoneal fluid passes into it and forms a hydrocele of testis and spermatic cord. Mal&ormations occurin$ in &emales# Ectopic ovary - ovary has abnormal location 9terova$inal mal&ormations - result from/ #($ improper fusion of both paramesonephric ducts #*$ incomplete development of one paramesonephric duct #,$ failure of pts of ducts to develop #1$ incomplete canali7ation of vaginal plate double uterus bicornuate uterus uterus wit! one uterine tube absence o" uterus absence o" #agina $ 1%&000 "emales #aginal atresia ' "ailure o" canali(ation o" #aginal plate "norectal a$enesis and &istulas - rectum ends above anal canal and is connected to vagina w/ fistula.

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