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Rela ti onsh ips i n Ukr aine

Relationships play a very important role in Ukraine. Perhaps that partly explains their desire
to work as a team. Ukrainian people are used to living in society and deciding their problems
collectively. And of course Ukrainian people have their own peculiarities of communication.
Ukrainian people often treat associates with caution. They aren’t used to trusting strangers.
But if you become a friend of a Ukrainian he’ll do everything that he can for you.
Friendship has a big significance for Ukrainians. They value it very much. The nearest people
for them are usually friends from the childhood and university. They can share all their problems
with such friends. Ukrainians are always ready to help their nearest. They are often ready to do it
notwithstanding their interests. In addition, they don’t require any gratitude in exchange. If you say
to them “Thanks” for their help then they’ll answer you something like “That’s what friends are for”.
Betrayal is always condemned. Having lost the trust of Ukrainian you’ll hardly be able to get it
back again.
Ukrainians usually establish family at 22-25 years. Men sometimes get married a little later.
By the way this figure notably started to move towards older ages. The reason is often because of
education, career etc.
Traditionally the man is the head of the family. Although women often take this role. All duties
in the house are usually clearly assigned. There is woman’s and man’s work in every house. The
woman usually cooks, washes, cleans etc. And man repairs, twists bulbs, carries all the family on
the car. Earning money is another duty of the family father.
There are usually no more than 2 children in a family. And a family raising 3 children is
considered to have many children and gets the right to some state benefits.
Parents help children selflessly. Moreover they help them even if their sons and daughters are
adults themselves. To make this situation clearer let’s use an example. In some countries parents
provide loans to their children for education. When those finish institute and start earning money
themselves then they give back the debt to their parents. In Ukraine it’s not normal. Relatives
would never treat each other so. Such behavior here is a sign of greed. And even of mistrust. Both
parents and children must help each other. That is natural. And there’s no necessity to set it in law.
In Ukraine, people don’t like unnecessary formalities and documents. It’s considered that
close people can decide such problems without any strangers. For that reason there are a few
people in Ukraine who make up a marriage contract.
Grandmothers often take on raising the children themselves. Ukrainian grandmothers
sometimes live more for their grandchildren than for themselves. This pleases them because they
really love their grandsons and granddaughters and are always ready to sit with them. This of
course helps parents a lot. They get free time and can devote it to relaxation. The only reason for
concern here can be the capability for a grandmother to spoil her grandchildren. Often she is so
kind that just can’t say them no.
Also there is a stereotype in Ukraine – a man dislikes his mother-in-law. The same in the
contrary. It’s considered that mother-in-law never agrees with the opinion of her son-in-law.
Besides sometimes she even tries to create havoc. There are hundreds of jokes on that topic
which are popular in Ukraine. Though it worth noticing that this stereotype is more likely not to
work. Usually a mother-in-law and a son-in-law have quite warm and friendly relationships.
Distant relatives also get together often. This happens on holidays for example. Sometimes
they overcome tremendous distances to meet. It’s common to bring with them presents to house
hosts. Relatives gather at a wide table full of different meals. Sometimes there aren’t enough
chairs in the house. And this problem is usually decided by asking the neighbours. This is
considered normal in Ukraine.
Actually people usually know their neighbors here. Lots of them even are friends with them.
It’s very convenient because there’s always an opportunity to ask neighbors for help.
The attitude to older people is valid. Children are told that they must help the elderly. For
example if a pastern came in to the bus it’s common here to concede her a sitting place. And if you
don’t do it then you risk getting general condemnation. And not only mental but also a verbal one.
Relationships between citizens and government are interesting. Ukrainian people often don’t
associate themselves and their government. Moreover they don’t usually expect much good from it.
But this problem is hard to solve because historical experience, unfortunately, doesn’t completely
allow country citizens to trust the government.
It’s hard to say how to find a way to approach a Ukrainian. He just needs to feel that he can
trust you and then be sure you’ve got his good attitude. Besides don’t be surprised if a Ukrainian
doesn’t smile at you very often. That absolutely doesn’t mean that he treats you badly. Some
people also think that you can adjust relationships with Ukrainian if you drink a couple of vodka-
glasses with him. There’s a share of truth here. Besides such your behavior lets him feel that you
aren’t afraid to open up to him, that his company is pleasant to you and sometimes even that you
respect him.

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