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International Registered Mail Number: Federal Reserve notes (Private Script) v.

United States notes (Public Money) emand United States notes !la"#ul money$% See: &ttp:''' U(#)*+*,Mg Federal Reserve notes are proo# o# t&e 0oliday- declared by President Roosevelt in 1233. United States notes "ere in circulation at t&e time o# t&e President4s - eclaration in 1233.Federal Reserve notes (debt currency) v. United States notes !5a"#ul Money% (debt6#ree) .y demanding United States notes !5a"#ul Money% at t&e time o# cas&ing any payc&ec/7 you8re avoiding t&e ta)able event: Redeemed in la"#ul money Pursuant to 19 US* :11: ;rue Name: d'b'a' ;R< = N<M= (FI*;I>N) ?ou8re avoiding t&e activity @ or t&e verb @ o# endorsement. Arestrictive endorsement because it 4restricts4 &o" t&e ban/ may negotiate t&e instrument.B C&at t&is means t&irty6t"o years later. uring t&e time "&en 0DR6129 supposedly "as !la"% <mericans &ad no resort to t&e common6la" remedies "&ic& &ad been available "&enever t&ere &ad been a breac& o# contract (obligation) "&ic& reEuired payment in a particular /ind o# coin or currency (or maybe7 commodity). ;&e !la"% pursuant to 0DR6129 set aside or !suspended% t&e common6la" in regards to payments o# contracts in money7 or as it mig&t be said in anot&er "ay7 0DR6129 "as very muc& a ban/8s delig&t because it e##ectuated a !suspension o# redemption% o# all o# t&e outstanding circulating notes as "ell as ne"ly created !legal% ability to !negotiate% c&ec/s and ot&er money7 denominated securities "it&out &aving to pay out la"#ul money7 meaning gold or silver coin. Instead t&e ban/s could disc&arge t&eir #iduciary duty by o##ering t&at is !tendering% anyt&ing t&at "as legal tender at t&at time. Please ta/e note 0DR6129 did not by e)press terms repeal any pre6e)isting common6la" remedies. <t most7 it indirectly suspended t&e ability to use common6la" remedies #or a "&ile. ;&e "&ile lasted #rom 1233 to 12F9 almost +G years. Upon repeal o# 0DR6129 !all% o# t&e older common6la" remedies became available again and t&e ban/s could not !legally% evade t&eir !#iduciary duty% to pay in !la"#ul money.% .an/s &ave continued to avoid t&eir duty (obligation) it seems because t&e !People% &ave not demanded t&at ban/s pay in dollars o# !la"#ul money% and re#used to accept anyt&ing less including Federal Reserve notes "&en tendered. Since 0DR6129 &as been repealed !People% can re#use to be paid in anyt&ing less t&an !la"#ul money.% >nce t&e !People% re#use to accept anyt&ing less t&an !la"#ul money% t&e ban/s are placed in a most di##icult position. !5a"#ully% t&e ban/s !must% pay in !la"#ul money.% It8s more li/ely t&an not t&at t&e ban/s don8t &ave !la"#ul money% or maybe not enoug& to #ul#ill said transaction reEuest7 "&ic& translates to t&e ban/s are insolvent7 also /no"n as ban/rupt$ *ongress &as t&e po"er to abolis& t&e Federal Reserve System destroying t&e private credit system. 0o"ever7 t&e people &ave it "it&in t&eir po"er to strip t&e Fed o# its po"ers7 rescind private credit and get t&e ban/ers to pay o## t&e National ebt s&ould *ongress #ail to act. ;&e /ey to all t&is is 19 US* :117 "&ic& declares t&at Federal Reserve notes s&all be redeemed in la"#ul money at any Federal Reserve .an/. 5a"#ul money is de#ined as all t&e coins7 notes7 bills7 bonds and securities o# t&e United States. Dulliard v. Hreenman7 11G US :917 ::F (1FF:): "&ereas public money is t&e la"#ul money declared by *ongress as a legal tender #or debts (31 US* +1G3)7 +91 F.9d (92 (12I:). <nyone can present Federal Reserve notes to any Federal Reserve .an/ and demand redemption in public money @ i.e. legal tender United States notes and coins. < Federal Reserve note is a #i)ed obligation or evidence o# indebtedness "&ic& pledges redemption (19 US* :11) in public money to t&e note &older. ;&e Fed maintain a ready supply o# United States notes in &undred dollar denominations #or redemption purposes s&ould it be reEuired7 and coins are available to satis#y claims #or smaller amounts. 0o"ever7

International Registered Mail Number: s&ould t&e general public decide to redeem large amounts o# private credit #or public money7 a #inancial melt6do"n "it&in t&e Fed "ould Euic/ly occur. ;&e process "or/s li/e t&is: Suppose J1GGG in Federal Reserve notes are presented #or redemption in public money. ;o raise J1GGG in public money t&e Fed must surrender US .onds in t&at amount to t&e ;reasury in e)c&ange #or t&e public money demanded (assuming t&at t&e Fed &ad no public money on &and). In so doing7 J1GGG o# t&e National ebt "ould be paid o## by t&e Fed and t&us canceled. *an you imagine t&e result i# large amounts o# Federal Reserve notes "ere redeemed on a regular ongoing basisK Private credit "ould be "it&dra"n #rom circulation and replaced "it& public money7 and "it& eac& turning o# t&e scre" t&e Fed "ould be obliged to pay o## more o# t&e National ebt. S&ould t&e Fed re#use to redeem its notes in public money7 t&en t&e #iction t&at private credit is used voluntarily "ould become unsustainable. I# t&e use o# private credit becomes compulsory7 t&en t&e obligation to ma/e a return o# income is voided. I# t&e Fed is under no obligation to redeem its notes7 t&en no one &as an obligation to ma/e a return o# income. It is t&at simple$ Federal Reserve notes are not money and cannot be tendered "&en money is demanded: 1G+ So. 3G+ (129+). Moreover7 t&e Nint& *ircuit reLected t&e argument t&at a J+G Federal Reserve note be redeemed in gold or silver coin a#ter specie coinage &ad been rescinded but up&eld t&e rig&t o# t&e note &older to redeem &is note in current public money (31 US* 329 rev.7 +1G3): +9: F.9d (92 (12I:)7 19 US* :11. It "ould be advantageous to close out all ban/ accounts7 acEuire a &ome sa#e7 settle all debts in cas& "it& public money and use US postal money orders #or remittances. C&enever a c&ec/ is received7 present it to t&e ban/ o# issue and demand cas& in public money. ;&is "ill place ban/s in a vulnerable position7 #orcing t&em to dra" o## t&eir assets. ;&roug& t&eir insatiable greed7 ban/ers &ave over e)tended7 ma/ing ban/s Euite illiEuid. S&ould t&e people suddenly demand public money #or t&eir deposits and #or c&ec/s received7 many ban/s "ill collapse and be #oreclosed by t&ose demanding public money. .an/s by t&eir very nature are citadels o# usury and sin7 and t&e most patriotic service one could per#orm is to obligate ban/ers to redeem private credit. C&en t&e #irst Federal Reserve note is presented to t&e Fed #or redemption7 t&e process o# ousting t&e private credit system "ill commence and "ill not end until t&e Fed and ban/ing system nurtured by it collapse. *oins comprise less t&an #ive percent o# t&e currency7 and current la" limits t&e amount o# United States notes in circulation to J3GG million (31 US* +11+). ;&e private credit system is e)ceedingly over e)tended compared "it& t&e supply o# public money7 and a small minority "or/ing in concert can easily collapse t&e private credit system and oust t&e Fed by demanding redemption o# private credit. I# t&e Fed disappeared tomorro"7 income ta)es on "ages and salaries "ould vanis& "it& it. Moreover7 t&e States are precluded #rom ta)ing United States notes: : C&eat. 31(. <ccording to .ouvier7 public money is t&e money "&ic& *ongress can ta) #or public purposes mandated by t&e *onstitution. Private credit "&en collected in revenue can #und programs and be spent #or purposes not cogniMable by t&e *onstitution. Ce &ave in e##ect t"o competing governments: t&e United States Hovernment and t&e Federal Hovernment. ;&e #irst is t&e government o# t&e people7 "&ereas t&e Federal Hovernment is #ounded upon private la" and #unded by private credit. C&at "e really &ave is private government. Federal <gencies and activities #unded by t&e private credit system include Social Security7 bail out loans to ban/ers via t&e IMF7 bail out loans to *&rysler7 loans to students7 F I*7 F.I7 supporting t&e UN7 #oreign aid7 #unding undeclared "ars7 etc.7 all o# "&ic& "ould be unsustainable i# #unded by ta)es raised pursuant to t&e *onstitution.

International Registered Mail Number: ;&e personal income ta) is not a true ta) but rat&er an obligation or burden "&ic& is voluntarily assumed7 since revenue is raised t&roug& voluntary contributions and can be spent #or purposes un/no"n to t&e *onstitution. Notice &o" t&e IRS declares in its publications t&at everyone is e)pected to contribute &is #air s&are. ;rue ta)es must be spent #or public purposes "&ic& t&e *onstitution recogniMes. ;a)ation #or t&e purpose o# giving or loaning money to private business enterprises and individuals is illegal: 1+ <m.Rep. 327 *ooley7 Prin. *onst. 5a"7 c& IN. Revenue derived #rom t&e #ederal income ta) goes into a private slus& #und raised #rom voluntary contributions and *ongress is not restricted by t&e *onstitution "&en spending or disbursing t&e proceeds #rom t&is private #und. It is incorrect to say t&at t&e personal #ederal income ta) is unconstitutional7 since t&e ta) code is private la" and resides outside t&e *onstitution. ;&e Internal Revenue *ode is non6constitutional because it en#orces an obligation "&ic& is voluntarily incurred t&roug& an act o# t&e individual "&o binds &imsel#. Fig&ting t&e Internal Revenue *ode on constitutional grounds is "asted energy. ;&e "ay to bring it all do"n is to attac/ t&e Federal Reserve System and its ban/ing co&orts by demanding t&at private credit be redeemed7 or by convincing *ongress to abolis& t&e Fed. Never #orget t&at private credit Acentral ban/ creditB is #unding t&e destruction o# our country. AReprinted #rom 4Freedom 5eague47 Sept'>ct 12F:B .y demanding non6negotiable Federal Reserve Notes at t&e time o# cas&ing any payc&ec/7 you8re avoiding t&e ta)able event: Redeemed in la"#ul money Pursuant to 19 US* :11 :;rue Name: d'b'a' ;R< = N<M= (FI*;I>N) ?ou8re avoiding t&e activity @ or t&e verb @ o# endorsement. A<ctually7 I believe it is a restrictive endorsement because it 4restricts4 &o" t&e ban/ may negotiate t&e instrument.B Negotiable instruments can be e)c&anged #or ot&er and presumably &ig&er #orms o# currency. So a nonnegotiable Federal Reserve note is a "ay o# saying t&at you8re getting United States notes instead. ;&is is domestic emergency currency7 instead o# #oreign emergency currency (Federal Reserve notes). ;&e problem "it& t&is non6endorsement as #ar as t&e ban/ is concerned7 is t&at t&e bearer o# t&e c&ec/ is not pledging any creditO any private credit be&ind t&e c&ec/. A;&e Story o# Money @ Federal Reserve .an/ o# Ne" ?or/B ;&e only bond be&ind t&e c&ec/ is t&e presumed goods or services7 and t&e #ull amount &as to come out o# t&e ban/ account o# t&e dra#ter @ "&oever dra#ted t&e c&ec/. ;&is means t&at t&e ban/ cannot do any #ractional lendingO #or every J1G t&at8s put into t&e vault7 t&ey can8t lend out J2G more. <nd so t&is is "&at it means in t&e article by it diminis&es t&e private credit. ?ou8re actually redeeming t&e private credit #rom t&e Federal Reserve and putting it into public money #orm @ non6negotiable Federal Reserve notes. ;&ey still loo/ li/e Federal Reserve notesP .ond money is actually created out o# a suppositional "agering sc&eme or a tontine t&at everybody "ill be #ooled into pledging t&emselves as national debt. C&ereas de#ined pursuant toO 19 US* Q321: Federal reserve ban/s as Hovernment depositaries and #iscal agents: ;&e moneys &eld in t&e general #und o# t&e ;reasury7 e)cept t&e + per centum #und #or t&e redemption o# outstanding national6ban/ notes may7 upon t&e direction o# t&e Secretary o# t&e ;reasury7 be deposited in Federal reserve ban/s7 "&ic& ban/s7 "&en reEuired by t&e Secretary o# t&e ;reasury7 s&all act as #iscal agents o# t&e United StatesO and t&e revenues o# t&e Hovernment or any part t&ereo# may be deposited in

International Registered Mail Number: suc& ban/s7 and disbursements may be made by c&ec/s dra"n against suc& deposits. C&ereas de#ined pursuant toO 19 US* Q:11: Federal reserve notes7 to be issued at t&e discretion o# t&e .oard o# Hovernors o# t&e Federal Reserve System #or t&e purpose o# ma/ing advances to Federal reserve ban/s t&roug& t&e Federal reserve agents as &ereina#ter set #ort& and #or no ot&er purpose7 are aut&oriMed. ;&e said notes s&all be obligations o# t&e United States and s&all be receivable by all national and member ban/s and Federal reserve ban/s and #or all ta)es7 customs7 and ot&er public dues. ;&ey s&all be redeemed in la"#ul money on demand at t&e ;reasury epartment o# t&e United States7 in t&e city o# Cas&ington7 istrict o# *olumbia7 or at any Federal Reserve ban/. C&ereas de#ined pursuant toO 31 US* Q+1G3: United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes o# Federal reserve ban/s and national ban/s) are legal tender #or all debts7 public c&arges7 ta)es7 and dues. Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender #or debts. ANotice t&at t&ere is no re#erence to 4private4 obligationsB C&ereas de#ined pursuant toO 31 US* Q+11+: (a) ;&e Secretary o# t&e ;reasury may issue United States currency notes. ;&e notes@ (1) are payable to bearerO and (9) s&all be in a #orm and in denominations o# at least one dollar t&at t&e Secretary prescribes. (b) ;&e amount o# United States currency notes outstanding and in circulation@ (1) may not be more t&an J3GG7GGG7GGGO and (9) may not be &eld or used #or a reserve. US v Ric/manO (3F F.9d 1F9: In t&e e)ercise o# t&at po"er *ongress &as declared t&at Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender and are redeemable in la"#ul money. US v CareO (GF F.9d :GG: United States notes s&all be la"#ul money7 and a legal tender in payment o# all debts7 public and private7 "it&in t&e United States7 e)cept #or duties on imports and interest on t&e public debt. &ttp:''#riends6n6#amily6researc&.in#...neyRcaseR1.Lpg &ttp:''#riends6n6#amily6researc&.in#...neyRcaseR9.Lpg ;&e courts recogniMe t&e entitlement to redeem la"#ul money pursuant to t&e remedy enacted "it& t&e Federal Reserve <ct in 1213 6 ;itle 19 U.S.*. Q:11: &ttp:'''#orums'attac...ISdT11I(13I3G3 &ttp:''""".la"'uscode'&t...16666GGG6.&tml amended in 123: to accommodate t&e 1233 gold seiMure: &ttp:''""".la"'uscode'&t...GGG6notes.&tml .y demanding non6negotiable Federal Reserve Notes at t&e time o# cas&ing any payc&ec/7 you8re avoiding t&e ta)able event: Redeemed in la"#ul money Pursuant to 19 US* :11 :;rue Name: d'b'a' ;R< = N<M= (FI*;I>N) ?ou8re avoiding t&e activity @ or t&e verb @ o# endorsement. A<ctually7 I believe it is a restrictive endorsement because it 4restricts4 &o" t&e ban/ may negotiate t&e instrument.B Pass on to everyone. &ttp:''"""'doc'12I:G3IGG'Federal6Reserve6Notes6Private6Script6v6United6States6Notes6 Public6Money

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