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Malayan Law Journal Articles/2001/Volume 1/THE LAW O A!!"#MAT"VE A$T"O % && A P#EL"M" A#' $OMPA#"%O (ETWEE THE AME#"$A A ) MALA'%"A PO%"T"O %* [2001] 1 MLJ cxcix Malayan Law Journal Articles 2001

Dr Abdul Aziz Bari Associate Professor of Law, International Islamic University Malaysia Introduction "n recent years t+ere +as ,een contro-ersies t+e /osition /ertaining to t+e s/ecial /osition o0 t+e Malays1 essentially a 2in. o0 a00irmati-e action or /ositi-e .iscrimination3 1 4i-en t+at t+e /osition +as ,een /ut t+e category o0 sensiti-e issues w+ose 5uestioning may run 0oul wit+ t+e law o0 se.ition62 suc+ is interesting37 W+ate-er it is6 t+e contro-ersy a,out t+e issue is not new3 " t+e s/ecial /osition o0 t+e Malays ,ecame a contentious issue .uring t+e constitutional negotiations ,ac2 in 189:&9;3 T+e issue was one o0 t+e allege. roots 0or t+e ,loo.y clas+es in t+e racial riots o0 18:83 "n t+e 18<: 4eneral Elections6 t+e 5uestions /ertaining to t+e /ri-ileges o0 t+e Malays too2 t+e centrestage3 T+e s/ecial /osition o0 t+e Malays ,ecame a +ot issue again at t+e turn o0 21st century3= "n t+e >nite. %tates6 too6 t+e .e,ates /ertaining to a00irmati-e action +a-e ,een going on 0or years now3 " it was one o0 t+e issues t+at +a-e ,ecome t+e central .e,ate .uring t+e 'ear 2000 Presi.ential $am/aign39 "nterestingly enoug+6 t+e t+eme an. .irection o0 t+e .e,ates e?em/li0ie. 1 MLJ c ci at cc some similarities w+ic+ inclu.e w+et+er a00irmati-e actions s+oul. continue1 somet+ing t+at un.erlines its legitimacy -is&@&-is .emocracy an. /articularly t+e notion o0 e5uality3 T+ese e-ents +a-e raise. t+e nee. to loo2 at t+e American an. Malaysian /ositions3 T+e 0act t+at an a.-ance. .emocracy suc+ as t+e >nite. %tates also +as suc+ a /rogramme ma2es it wort+w+ile to scrutiniAe t+e rationale ,e+in. t+e inclusion o0 suc+ a /osition1 somet+ing t+at a//ears to ,e running counter to t+e notions o0 e5uality an. .emocracy3 Howe-er6 t+e actions seem to ,e Busti0ia,le w+en one loo2s at it 0rom t+e /oint o0 -iew o0 social Bustice an. o0 restructuring society3 "t woul. a//ear t+at at sta2e is not Bust a 5uestion o0 /ri-ilege -is&@&-is e5uality /er se3 " a00irmati-e action +as ,een .e0en.e. as one o0 t+e as/ects o0 +uman rig+ts3: The background to the provisions A00irmati-e actions in Malaysia +a-e in-aria,ly ,een 0ocuse. on t+e s/ecial /osition o0 t+e Malays3; Howe-er6 t+is is not 5uite accurate as c+aracteristics o0 a00irmati-e actions6 gi-en t+e .e0inition a,o-e6 are also /resent in measures to assist t+e a,origines < an. nati-es o0 t+e (orneo states o0 %a,a+ an. %arawa23 One may also /oint out t+e /osition an. a.-antages in.irectly

Page 7 accor.e. to t+e /eo/le in t+e rural areas38 (e t+at as it may6 i0 one loo2s at t+e +istory o0 +ow t+e /ro-isions on t+e s/ecial /osition o0 t+e Malays came into ,eing one woul. 0in. t+at t+eir 1 MLJ c ci at cci roots were .ate. ,ac2 to t+e .ays w+en t+e (ritis+ starte. to inter-ene in t+e Malay states3 "nitially t+e /ro-isions too2 t+e 0orm o0 /olicies an. /rogrammes im/lemente. ,y t+e (ritis+ a.ministration in t+e Malay states3 T+ese were .one as a res/onse to t+e com/laints an. .eman.s ma.e ,y t+e Malay #ulers .uring t+e .ur,ars1 o00icial meetings ,etween senior (ritis+ o00icers an. t+e #ulers 0rom t+e 0our !e.erate. Malay %tates3 10 T+is was 0ollowe. ,y t+e /assing o0 enactments creating Malay reser-ations w+ic+ soug+t to /rotect t+e lan.s ,elonging to t+e Malays311 T+e /osition su,se5uently ,ecame 0ormally entrenc+e. in t+e 0ramewor2 create. ,y t+e !e.eration o0 Malaya Agreement w+ere t+e Malay #ulers were gi-en t+e o,ligation to /re/are t+e Malays to ta2e /art in ,usiness an. in.ustry3 W+en t+e country was /re/aring itsel0 0or sel0&rule 0ollowing t+e 0irst general elections in 1899 t+e /osition was again /ut in t+e limelig+t as >M O6 t+e /arty in t+e Alliance6 wante. t+e /osition to ,e incor/orate. into t+e "n.e/en.ence $onstitution o0 189;3 Alt+oug+ t+e #ei. $ommission6 t+e ,o.y c+arge. wit+ t+e tas2 o0 /re/aring t+e recommen.ations an. .ra0t constitution6 acce/te. t+e nee. to +a-e suc+ a /ro-ision6 t+e commission 0elt t+at it s+oul. only stan. as a tem/orary measure3 Howe-er6 t+e Alliance was a.amant t+at t+e /ro-ision s+oul. stay in.e0initely3 "n t+e "n.e/en.ence $onstitution6 t+e /ro-ision /ertaining to t+e s/ecial /ro-ision o0 t+e Malays is /rotecte. in se-eral ways3 !irstly6 t+e constitution +as /ut it ,eyon. t+e reac+ o0 ParliamentC t+e /ro-ision can only ,e amen.e. wit+ t+e consent o0 t+e $on0erence o0 #ulers3 12 %econ.ly6 e-en at t+e im/lementation le-el t+e go-ernment o0 t+e .ay .oes not +a-e a 0ree+an. as it nee.s to consult t+e $on0erence w+en it comes to /olicies to im/lement t+e /ro-ision3 17 A0ter in.e/en.ence6 t+e /ro-ision was ma.e e-en more entrenc+e. w+en t+e Malaysian Parliament /ut it ,eyon. t+e matters on w+ic+ o0 s/eec+ coul. ,e claime.3 1= "n ot+er wor.s6 t+e /ro-ision coul. not ,e criticiAe.6 /articularly i0 suc+ is .one wit+ a -iew o0 a,olis+ing it3 )es/ite 1 MLJ c ci at ccii t+at6 it is amaAing to see t+at o-er t+e years t+ere +as ,een criticisms & .irect or ot+erwise & alt+oug+ most o0 t+em s+ort o0 a.-ocating its re/eal3 An. t+e 5uestioning an. criticisms +a-e ,een .one ,y /oliticians 0rom ,ot+ o0 t+e ,enc+1 t+e go-ernment an. t+e o//osition3 $ontrary to t+e /osition in Malaysia6 a00irmati-e action in t+e >nite. %tates was an. still is a mere /olicy3 Ha-ing sai. t+at6 one must ,ear in min. t+at generally t+e American $onstitution 19 is not as .etaile. as t+e !e.eral $onstitution o0 Malaysia31: " t+ere are many issues on w+ic+ t+e American $onstitution is silent1 lea-ing t+e matter to ,e regulate. ,y /ractice or t+e Bu.iciary to 0ill t+e ga/3 W+ate-er t+e nature o0 a00irmati-e actions in America6 t+e actions +a-e ,een e?/laine. as D/olicies re5uiring institutions to act Da00irmati-elyD in em/loyment /ractices to a-oi. .iscrimination on groun.s o0 race6 et+nic origin6 gen.er6 .isa,ility6 or se?ual orientation3333 ErangingF 0rom encouraging em/loyment o0 minorities to t+e setting o0 5uotas o0 minorities to ,e em/loye.3D1; "t was 0irst use. as a term t+e E?ecuti-e 10829 signe. ,y Presi.ent Jo+n ! Genne.y31< To t+ose well&-erse. in t+e American +istory o0 ci-il rig+ts t+ey woul. agree t+at a00irmati-e action6 gi-en t+e .isa.-antages an. .iscrimination su00ere. ,y certain grou/s o0 minorities6 t+at a00irmati-e action is essentially Dan e00ort .esigne. to increase t+e utiliAation o0 minorities an. women in t+e wor2/lace u/on e-i.ence o0 intentionally low re/resentationD 18 3 (ut t+is is not wit+out its /ro,lems an. t+ere +as ,een arguments against a00irmati-e actions6 alleging t+at a00irmati-e actions constitute a sort o0 Dre-erse .iscriminationD as t+ey +a-e +a. .enie. o//ortunities in ot+er grou/s320 Actually6 t+ere were many reasons 0or t+is o//osition3 %ome are /olitical6 ,ut ot+ers +a-e in one way or anot+er ,een lin2e. to t+e /+iloso/+ical or conce/tual /ro,lems w+ic+ will ,e a..resse. s+ortly3

Page = T+e emergence o0 a00irmati-e actions in t+e >nite. %tates /er+a/s nee.s to ,e seen in a conte?t6 /articularly t+e commitment to t+e creation o0 a more e5uita,le society3 T+is was t+e t+eme e-i.ent6 0or 1 MLJ c ci at cciii e?am/le6 in Presi.ent Jo+nsonDs -ision o0 great society3 21 Per+a/s one s+oul. note t+at .es/ite t+e im/ression one gets a,out a00irmati-e actions6 t+ey /ara.o?ically came a,out at a /erio. in mo.ern American +istory w+ere i.eas on e5uality were ,eing /ut into action3 O,-iously6 t+at was t+e t+eme ,e+in. t+e /assage o0 t+e $i-il #ig+ts Act 18:=6 E5ual Em/loyment O//ortunity $ommission an. t+e E5ual O//ortunity Act 18:=3 22 "t is to ,e note. t+at a00irmati-e actions co-er a wi.e range o0 /olicies an. /rogrammes im/lemente. ,y t+e 0e.eral6 state an. munici/al go-ernments3 The theoretical foundations of affirmative actions Alt+oug+ /olicies or /rogrammes to 0les+ out a00irmati-e actions seem to ,e easily Busti0ie. on t+e groun.s o0 +istory6 suc+ argument is not always easy to sustain as time goes ,y1 /articularly as society +as ,ecome more .emocratic an. egalitarian3 As note. a,o-e6 it is not easy to .eny t+at suc+ /rogrammes en.e. u/ /romoting re-erse .iscrimination3 !rom t+e constitutional an. legal /oint o0 -iew6 t+e t+eoretical 0oun.ations are crucial as t+ese woul. /ro-i.e t+e legitimacy or moral groun.s 0or a00irmati-e actions to stay3 ee.less to say in a .emocracy one nee.s more t+an Bust legal groun.s or /olitical c+oice in to retain somet+ing w+ose e?istence or continuance seems to ,e at o..s wit+ .emocracy3 A00irmati-e actions are o0ten seen as t+e antit+esis o0 e5uality containe. in ,ot+ t+e American 27 an. Malaysian $onstitutions32= Alt+oug+ e5uality .oes not necessarily mean Bustice6 it is t+is /rinci/le t+at is in-aria,ly use. to 5uestion t+e legitimacy o0 a00irmati-e actions3 An. e5uality in turn is in-aria,ly seen as .emocracy3 (ut t+is contention +as o0ten o-erloo2e. t+e 0act t+at .emocracy is not Bust an i.eal1 it also stan.s 0or a system an. t+is is w+ere a00irmati-e actions may ,e a legitimate means to correct /ast wrongs or inBustices3 "n /ractical terms6 a00irmati-e actions mean com/ensatory /rogrammes to correct a long +istory o0 ,latant .iscrimination3 At t+e same time6 it is also a means o0 creating role mo.els in t+e target community1 /articularly t+e younger generation3 29 T+is is im/ortant6 as t+e ,ac2war. community or class 1 MLJ c ci at cciv normally su00ers some 2in. o0 in0eriority com/le?3 T+us6 alt+oug+ .eli,erate .iscrimination may not ,e inten.e.6 lac2 o0 con0i.ence an. o//ortunity Eamong t+e target communityF may +a-e ,een t+e reasons 0or t+eir ,ac2war. /osition3 Anot+er crucial .iscussion is t+at o0 rig+ts an. li,erties6 w+ic+ is inse/ara,le 0rom t+e notion o0 e5uality3 #ig+ts an. li,erties +a-e ,een sai. to Dem,race suc+ a tangle o0 su,Becti-e an. o,Becti-e6 /ersonal an. /u,lic elementsD so muc+ so t+at an attem/t 0or a .e0inition t+at a//lies to all societies is .oome. to 0ailure32: A..e. to t+is is t+e 0act t+at rig+ts an. li,erties o/erate in c+anging social circumstances32; "t goes wit+out saying t+at new rig+ts constantly emerge an. are .eman.e. in new e?igencies32< T+ese issues also raise t+e 5uestion o0 Bustice an. it +as ,een argue. t+at t+e conce/t o0 Bustice is not monolit+ic as it a//ears a -ariety o0 notions suc+ as DBustice in .istri,ution6 Bustice in com/ensation an. /roce.ural BusticeD328 T+is com/le? nature o0 Bustice cou/le. wit+ t+e e5ual /rotection clause coul. not 0ul0il its constitutional mission o0 creating t+e i.eal o0 e5uality wit+out t+e +el/ o0 a suita,le me.iating /rinci/le370 T+e i.ea o0 me.iating /rinci/le6 w+ic+ in t+is res/ect re0ers to a00irmati-e actions6 seems to a//ear more /ersuasi-e w+en one consi.ers -arious 0acets o0 e5uality /rinci/le itsel03 One o0 t+ese1 0or e?am/le6 is t+e i.ea o0 e5uality o0 results means t+at De-ery mem,er o0 t+e community o0 t+e class .esignate. as t+e su,Bect o0 e5uality en.s u/ wit+ e5ual lotsD371 "nse/ara,le 0rom t+e notion o0 e5uality is t+at o0 e5ual o//ortunity w+ic+ means t+at Deac+ mem,er o0 t+e su,Bect class +as t+e same o//ortunity as e-ery ot+er mem,er to o,tain some scarce goo.D372

Page 9 (ac2 wit+ t+e o//osition to measures ,elonging to a00irmati-e actions6 one in-aria,ly 0in.s t+at it ranges 0rom /urely ca/italistic arguments suc+ as t+at a00irmati-e actions un.ermine com/etition an. e5uality to t+e more i.eological ones suc+ as t+at t+ey are out&an.&out t+e antit+esis o0 e5uality377 )ue to t+e .i00iculty in countering t+e arguments against t+em6 /articularly t+e i.eological ones6 it +as ,een suggeste. t+at a00irmati-e actions oug+t to ,e consi.ere. only in cases in-ol-ing long&term gra-e inBustice6 a tem/orary measure or as a gesture o0 goo.will wit+ t+e o,Becti-es o0 ma2ing t+e .isa.-antage. grou/s or class o0 /eo/les im/ro-e or +a-e t+e /reBu.ices against t+em .isa//earing37= 1 MLJ c ci at ccv (e t+at as it may6 one t+ing t+at is rat+er clear is t+at ,ot+ si.es6 /articularly in t+e >nite. %tates & t+e /ro/onent an. critics & rest t+eir case on t+e notion o0 e5uality3 " it is t+e notion o0 e5uality t+at / t+e ne?us ,etween a00irmati-e actions6 e5ual /rotection o0 t+e law t+e constitution an. t+e /+iloso/+ical 5uestions o0 Bustice3 79 Affirmative actions and the courts T+e law on a,,ir-ati.e actions in Malaysia -irtually consists o0 ,are constitutional /ro-isions an. legislation3 (asically6 t+ese are inten.e. to /rotect or 0les+ out .etails o0 t+e /rogrammes t+e /olicy o0 0a-ouring t+e Malays3 T+us 0ar6 t+ere +as ,een no case law on it3 "n t+e >nite. %tates6 on t+e ot+er +an.6 t+e law on a,,ir-ati.e actions +as ,een .e-elo/e. ,y t+e courts an. generally6 t+e Bu.iciary +as .is/laye. a su,stantial amount o0 creati-ity in inter/reting t+e /olicy1 somet+ing t+at is e-i.ently non&e?istent in Malaysia3 T+e only court .ecision in Malaysia t+at some+ow +as a lin2 wit+ a00irmati-e actions t+e $onstitution is t+e case o0 !"azali v Public Prosecutor,7: an a.ministrati-e law case w+ic+ in-ol-e. t+e .irection ma.e ,y t+e minister t+at allu.e. to t+e go-ernment /olicy to +el/ t+e Malays37; (ut t+ere +as ne-er ,een a case w+ere t+e im/lementation6 let alone t+e legitimacy o0 t+e /ro-ision6 +as ,een su,Bect to c+allenge3 "n t+e >nite. %tates6 on t+e ot+er +an.6 t+e courts +a-e ,een -ery acti-ely in-ol-e. in t+e im/lementation o0 a00irmati-e actions6 7< a 0eature t+at is also e-i.ent in "n.ia378 As 0ar as t+e Malaysian /osition is concerne.6 t+e 0act t+at t+us 0ar6 t+ere +as ,een no court case6 may ,e seen as an in.ication o0 t+e acce/tance o0 t+e non&Malays o0 a00irmati-e actions ta2en 0or t+e Malays3 Howe-er6 suc+ an a,sence may also ,e ta2en to in.icate t+e con0i.ence o0 t+e /eo/le in t+e Bu.iciary3 "n ot+er wor.s6 one may argue t+at i0 t+e a//roac+ ta2en 1 MLJ c ci at ccvi ,y t+e courts +a. ,een o/en an. /er+a/s , we coul. +a-e cases on t+ose issues3 T+e tren. e-i.ent in cases in-ol-ing se.ition =0 an. c+allenge to ministerial .ecision =1 e?em/li0ies a +ea-y content o0 /olicies an. t+e a,sence o0 a critical attitu.e towar.s suc+ /olicies3 "t is interesting to note t+at some o0 t+ese .ecisions +a-e e-en ,een sai. as /er incuriam3 =2 "t so +a//ene. t+at most o0 t+ese cases in-ol-e. criticisms o0 elements in t+e constitution w+ose c+aracter are 5uite similar to t+e one /resent in t+e /ro-ision on a00irmati-e actions 0or t+e Malays3 (ut6 as it +as ,een sai. a,o-e6 one 0in.s a .i00erent scenario in t+e >nite. %tates3 " w+en one goes t+roug+ t+e cases .eci.e. ,y t+e American %u/reme $ourt6 =7 one is imme.iately struc2 ,y t+e acti-ism o0 t+e Bu.ges t+ere3 One also 0in.s t+at t+e arguments 0or an. against a00irmati-e actions are ,itterly .i-i.e.1== somet+ing t+at re0lects t+e /ro,lems .ealt wit+ at t+e t+eoretical le-el a,o-e3 "t may ,e a..e. t+at t+e .e,ate in-ol-es 5uestions an. .imensions t+at coul. ,e easily reconcile. or swe/t t+e car/et3 As 0ar as t+e courts are concerne.6 t+e .i00iculty is e-en more real as t+ey +a-e to .eal wit+ real&li0e /ro,lems t+at nee. to ,e resol-e. in one way or anot+er3 T+e .i00iculty an. com/le?ity are e-i.ent in #egents o0 t+e University of #alifornia v Ba$$e%=9 Here ,y a maBority o0 0i-e to 0our6 t+e American %u/reme $ourt +el. t+at a /ro-ision e00ecti-ely

Page : re5uiring t+at 1: /ercent o0 t+e stu.ents in a state me.ical sc+ool ,e mem,ers o0 certain minorities was unconstitutional3 Howe-er6 it u/+el. racial consi.eration as a /rinci/le3 A close loo2 at t+e .ecision re-eals t+at t+e Bu.ges were .i-i.e. into t+ree grou/s1 t+e 0irst re0use. to ma2e a ruling on t+e constitutionality o0 a00irmati-e actions6 t+e secon. rule. t+at a00irmati-e actions were constitutional w+ile t+e t+ir. one too2 t+e mi..le groun.3 =: %ome two years later6 in &ullilove v 'lutznic$6=; a si?&to&t+ree maBority .ecision6 t+e court u/+el. a /ro-ision allocating 10 /ercent o0 0e.eral 0un.s to local /u,lic wor2s /roBects 0or enter/rises owne. ,y egroes6 %/anis+&s/ea2ing communities6 Orientals6 "n.ians6 Es2imos an. Aleut+s3 T+e maBority o0 t+e %u/reme $ourt Bustices were o0 t+e -iew t+at a 5uota was /ermissi,le i0 $ongress +a. .isco-ere. a racial .iscrimination3 %ome sc+olars 0elt t+at t+e .ecision in t+is later case +a. e00ecti-ely /ut a limit on t+e constitutional te?t 1 MLJ c ci at ccvii w+en t+e court rule. t+at suc+ a 5uota was /ermissi,le only w+en t+e $ongress or t+e $ourt 0oun. out /ast .iscrimination3 T+is -iew conten.e. t+at it was to ,e a//lie. as a general /rinci/le rat+er t+an ,e su,Bect to t+e .iscretion o0 t+e $ongress or t+e $ourt3 =< W+ile one may com/lain a,out t+e courtsD inconsistent attitu.e6 one must not o-erloo2 t+e 0act t+at t+e American %u/reme $ourt +as6 0rom t+e -ery ,eginning6 i3e3 e-en ,e0ore t+e launc+ing o0 a00irmati-e /rogrammes6 a.o/te. a 0le?i,le an. case&,y&case a//roac+ towar.s t+e notion o0 e5uality3 T+is /rinci/le6 t+e court rule. in a nineteent+&century .ecision6 D.oes not /ro+i,it legislation w+ic+ is limite. eit+er in t+e o,Bects to w+ic+ it is .irecte. or ,y t+e territory wit+in w+ic+ it is to o/erateD3=8 T+e court also ma.e it clear t+at t+e greater /art o0 all legislation is s/ecial6 eit+er in t+e e?tent to w+ic+ it o/erates6 or t+e o,Bects soug+t to ,e attaine. ,y itD3 90 "n t+e last century6 we +ear. again ec+oes o0 t+e /ronouncements ma.e ,y t+e %u/reme $ourt 5uote. a,o-e w+en $+ie0 Justice William #e+n5uist sai. t+at De5ual /rotection .oes not mean t+at all /ersons must ,e treate. ali2e3 #at+er6 its general /rinci/le is t+at /ersons similarly situate. s+oul. ,e treate. similarly3D91 He also /ointe. out t+at one o0 t+e /rinci/al aims o0 t+e 0ramers o0 t+e e5uality /ro-ision was to in-ali.ate racial classi0ications as t+e ,asis 0or treating ,lac2s as in0erior to w+ites392 Concluding remarks E-en t+oug+ t+e .iscussions in t+is article +a-e ,een restricte. to t+e /osition in t+e >nite. %tates an. Malaysia6 one ine-ita,ly gets t+e im/ression t+at a00irmati-e actions6 w+ate-er t+e 0orm an. legal status6 e?ist in one 0orm or anot+er in most countries3 W+ile some countries /re0er it to remain in t+e 0orm o0 e?ecuti-e actions6 some ot+ers & .ue to -ariety o0 reasons & /re0er to im/lement it an ela,orate constitutional an. legal 0ramewor23 Howe-er6 t+e o/eran.i an. aims are in-aria,ly similar1 t+at go-ernment inter-ention is .one wit+ a -iew to correct or recti0y /ast wrongs or inBustices3 T+at settle.6 w+at remains .e,ata,le is w+et+er t+e /rogrammes suc+ a /olicy or legal regime s+oul. continue as times an. circumstances +a-e c+ange.3 A//arently6 w+at +as ,een trou,ling t+e min. is not so muc+ t+e legality o0 a00irmati-e actions6 ,ut rat+er6 t+eir moral ,ases1 i3e3 t+e legitimacy o0 suc+ a /rogramme in a .emocracy3 A//arently6 all ta?/ayers are entitle. to e5ual treatment3 1 MLJ c ci at ccviii As 0ar as America is concerne.6 t+e /rogrammes +a-e ,een im/lemente. ,y t+e go-ernment ,ut t+e sco/e an. 0uture seems to ,e le0t to t+e .ecision o0 t+e courts3 As 0or Malaysia6 w+ile t+e 0oun.ations an. structure are sustaine. ,y t+e constitution6 t+e .etails are ,eing 0les+e. out ,y go-ernmental /olicies3 "t is interesting to note6 +owe-er6 t+at Malaysian courts seem to +a-e ,een staying away 0rom it3 "t is also interesting to note t+at w+ile t+e American a00irmati-e actions +a-e ,een aime. at t+e minority Esuc+ as t+e A0rican Americans an. womenF6 t+e Malaysian s/ecial /osition 0or t+e Malays is o,-iously aime. at t+e maBority6 w+o also +a//en to ,e t+e in.igenous community3

Page ; )es/ite t+is .i00erence6 ,ot+ /rogrammes are aime. at recti0ying /ro,lems o0 ine5uality in t+e society3 "n Malaysia6 as a matter o0 +istory6 t+e Malays su00ere. w+en t+eir country was a.ministere. ,y t+e (ritis+3 As 0ar as t+e 0uture is concerne.6 t+e Malaysian /osition & alt+oug+ t+e /ro-isions /ertaining to a00irmati-e actions may not ,e sai. to ,e one o0 t+e ,asic structures 979=

1 A00irmati-e action is t+e term use. in t+e >nite. %tates w+ile in t+e >nite. it is calle. D/ositi-e .iscriminationDor De5ual o//ortunityDC see PH $ollin6 Dictionary of !overnment and Politics6 Mi..lese?C Peter $ollin Pu,lis+ing Lt.6 18<<6 // : H 19:3 %ee also $ollins %o0t,ac2 Englis+ )ictionary6 7r. e.ition6 4lasgowC Har/er$ollins Pu,lis+ers6 18816 // 29 H 11;03 A00irmati-e action is e?/laine. as D/olicy o0 .iscrimination against grou/s in society w+o +a-e a .isa.-antage Esuc+ as +an.ica//e. /eo/le etc3FD w+ile /ositi-e .iscrimination +as ,een e?/laine. as Dgi-ing more 0a-oura,le treatment to a minority to +el/ t+em to ,e more e5ualDC $ollin6 su(ra3 2 %e.ition Act 18=< as amen.e. ,y t+e Emergency EEssential PowersF Or.inance 18;03 7 One must note6 +owe-er6 t+at t+e /ower to /rosecute lies wit+ t+e Attorney&4eneralC see !e.eral $onstitution6 Art 1=9E7F an. Lau 'ee )o v Public ProsecutorI18<=J 1 MLJ 1103 T+is means t+at e-en t+oug+ one +as tec+nically committe. se.ition one may 0in. onesel0 not /rosecute.3 = %ee6 e3g36 DWaBar2a+ Ha2 "stimewa Melayu .i+a/us2anKD6 Dewan Masyara$at6 Vol37<6 o3116 o-em,er 20006 // 1=&283 %ee also ALI*A+ Mont"ly6 2000C20E;F6 // 1&1=3 9 %ee6 e3g36 % 4reen+ouse6 D4uess W+oDs Em,racing "mmigrants owD6 +ew ,or$ -imes6 May 76 20006 / =3 %ee also t+e ma2e&u/ o0 (us+ a.ministration w+ic+ +as inclu.e. A0rican an. $+inese Americans3 : A00irmati-e action +as ,een categoriAe. as a t+ir. generation o0 +uman rig+tsC A H #( %ei.man6 .tate and Law in t"e Develo(ment Process6 Ham/s+ire H Lon.onC T+e Macmillan Press Lt.6 188=6 // 181&823 !or more .iscussion on t+e t+ir. generation +uman rig+ts see6 e3g36 #o+imi HB %+a/iee6 -"ird !eneration of )uman *i/"ts0 *i/"ts of t"e -"ird 1orld6 #once(tion and Policy #onsiderations6 Guala Lum/urC )ewan (a+asa .an Pusta2a6 188=6 // 89&1003 ; Art 197E1F o0 t+e !e.eral $onstitution says D"t s+all ,e t+e res/onsi,ility o0 t+e 'ang .i Pertuan Agong to sa0eguar. t+e s/ecial /osition o0 t+e Malays an. nati-es o0 %a,a+ an. %arawa2 an. t+e legitimate interests o0 ot+er communities in accor.ance wit+ t+e /ro-isions o0 t+is ArticleD3 $orres/ /ro-isions are to ,e 0oun. in state constitutions e?ce/t in Malacca an. Penang3 !or an o-er-iew on t+is see6 e3g36 AJ Har.ing6 Law, !overnment and t"e #onstitution in Malaysia6 Guala Lum/urC MLJ %.n (+.6 188:6 // 271&278 an. A,.ul AAiA (ari6 DHa2 .an Geistimewaan Orang&Orang Melayu menurut Perlem,agaan MalaysiaD6 /a/er rea. at 1acana A/enda Pemban/unan Melayu 2 Pemban/unan dan 'esamarataan6 $E)E#6 >ni-ersiti Malaya6 20&21 June 20003 < %ee i,i.6 art <E9FEcF 8 %ee i,i.6 s 2EcF o0 t+e T+irteent+ %c+e.ule w+ic+ gi-es rural areas a certain amount o0 weig+tage in t+e .elimitation o0 electoral constituencies3 10 !or more on t+is /oint see6 e3g36 A,.ul AAiA (ari6 -"e Develo(ment and *ole of #onstitutional Monarc"y in Malaysia6 un/u,lis+e. P+) T+esis6 >ni-ersity o0 (irming+am6 Englan.6 188:6 // <<&816 100&101 an. 107&10:3 11 %ee #H Hic2ling6 DAn O-er-iew o0 $onstitutional $+anges in Malaysia 189;&18;;D in %u00ian6 Lee H Trin.a.e Ee.sF6 #onstitution of Malaysia0 Its Develo(ments 1345213556 Guala Lum/urC O?0or. >ni-ersity Press6 18;<6 // 1&2:3 %ee !e.eral $onstitution6 art <8 0or t+e /ro-ision o0 Malay reser-e lan.3 !or more on Malay reser-ations see HB %alle+ HB3 (uang6 Malaysian -orrens .ystem6 Guala Lum/urC )ewan (a+asa .an Pusta2a6 18<86 // 212& 228 12 %ee i,i.6 art 198E9F3 %ee also Tan %ri )atoD HaBi Mo+ame. %alle+ ,in A,as6 #onstitution, Law and Judiciary6 Guala Lum/urC Malaysian Law Pu,lis+ers %.n3 (+.6 18<=6 // 7;&976 =<&903

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17 %ee !e.eral $onstitution6 art 7<E9F3 1= %ee i,i.6 art 10E=F3 %ee also t+e case o0 Mar$ 'odin/ v Public ProsecutorI18<7J 1 MLJ 111 19 Pro03 HE 4ro-es wrote6 D3333t+e written te?t o0 t+e $onstitution o0 t+e >nite. %tates333is startlingly ,rie0D1 see +is article6 t+e $onstitution o0 t+e >nite. %tatesD6 I18<=J 2 MLJ i?3 %ee also Ma? (elo006 DT+e >nite. %tatesC $onstitution an. 4o-ernmentD in )ennis Wellan. Ee.F6 -"e United .tates 2 A #om(anion to American .tudies6 Lon.onC Met+uen H $o Lt.6 18;=6 // 27;&2;16 27<3 1: "t +as close to 200 /ro-isions6 1: /arts wit+ 17 sc+e.ules3 "t +as ,een amen.e. 78 times3 1; $rystal6 )6 -"e #ambrid/e 6ncyclo(edia6 2n. e.ition6 $am,ri.geC $am, >ni-ersity Press6 188=6 / 7:3 1< ",i.3 18 4erston6 L 6 / 79;3 20 ",i.6 / 973 %ee also // 90&983 21 %iracusa6 JM6 -"e #"an/in/ of America0 1374 to t"e (resent% "llinionsC T+e !orum Press "nc36 18<:6 // ;8&<03 22 ",i.3 27 Amen.ment L"V o0 t+e American $onstitution says6 inter alia6 t+at6 D3333 o %tate s+all ma2e or en0orce any law w+ic+ s+all a, t+e /ri-ileges or immunities o0 citiAens o0 t+e >nite. %tates33331 nor .eny to any /erson wit+in its Buris.iction t+e e5ual /rotection o0 t+e lawsD3 2= Art <E1F o0 t+e !e.eral $onstitution rea.s6 DAll /ersons are e5ual ,e0ore t+e law an. are entitle. to t+e e5ual /rotection o0 t+e lawD3 T+e same i.ea is also e-i.ent in ot+er /ro-isions1 e3g3 art 12E1F on rig+ts in res/ect o0 e.ucation an. art 17: on im/artial treatment o0 0e.eral em/loyees3 29 %ee HM (laloc26 *ace and 6t"nic *elations6 ew JerseyC Prentice&Hall "nc36 18<26 // 98 an. :93 2: ( 4oo.win6 $+ic+esterC Jo+n Wiley H %ons Lt.6 Usin/ Political Ideas6 2n. e.ition6 18<;6 / 27:3 2; ",i.3 2< ",i.3 28 Mic+el #osen0el.6 Affirmative Action and Justice0 A P"iloso("ical and #onstitutional In8uiry6 ew Ha-en H Lon.onC 'ale >ni-ersity Press6 18816 / 1=&193 70 ",i.3 71 ",i.6 / 273 72 ",i.3 77 4oo.win6 su/ra6 / 2=:3 7= 4oo.win6 su/ra6 / 2=:3 79 #osen0el.6 su/ra6 / 23

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7: I18:=J MLJ 19:3 T+is +ig+ court .ecision .ealt wit+ t+e #oa. Trans/ort Or.inance 189< w+ic+ ga-e /ower to t+e minister to issue Dsuc+ general .irections on t+e /olicy to ,e 0ollowe. in .etermining a//licationD 0or licences wit+ t+e con.ition Das +e may t+in2 .esira,le in t+e /u,lic interest an. t+e licensing ,oar. s+all com/ly wit+ suc+ general .irecti-esD3 7; % 11<E9F o0 t+e #oa. Trans/ort Or.inance 189< / t+at t+e licensing ,oar. Ds+all gi-e /re0erence to an a//lication 0rom a MalayD3 W+at +a//ene. in !"azali6 su/ra6 was t+at t+e ,oar. attac+e. a con.ition to t+e licenses issue. t+at only a Malay .ri-er s+oul. ,e em/loye. to .irect suc+ a -e+icle an. as suc+ t+e court +el. t+at t+e (oar. +a. acte. ultra vires in im/osing t+e sai. con.ition as it +a. no /ower to .o so3 7< T+e issue o0 constitutionality o0 a00irmati-e actions reac+e. t+e %u/reme $ourt 0or t+e 0irst time in De&unis v 9de/aard =1: >% 712 E18;=FC #osen0el.6 su/ra6 / 1:: 78 T+is is in relation to /ro-ision in Art 19E=F o0 t+e "n.ian $onstitution3 !or t+e cases see6 e3g36 %ing+6 MP Ee.F6 :+ ."u$la;s #onstitution of India6 8t+ e.ition6 Luc2nowC Eastern (oo2 $om/any6 188=6 // ;:&<93 =0 %ee .ecisions in Public Prosecutor v 9oi 'ee .ai$I18;1J 2 MLJ 10<6 &an ,ew -en/ v Public ProsecutorI18;9J 2 MLJ 279 an. Public Prosecutor v 9" 'en/ .en/I18;;J 2 MLJ 20:3 =1 Merde$a University Ber"ad v !overnment of Malaysia I18<2J 2 MLJ 2=73 =2 %ee6 e3g36 Har.ing6 su/ra6 at // 20:&;3 =7 !or an o-er-iew o0 cases .eci.e. ,y t+e court see6 e3g36 A 4uent+er6 United .tates .u(reme #ourt Decisions 2 An Inde to 6 cer(ts, *e(orts and Discussions6 2n. e.ition6 Met+uen6 J H Lon.onC T+e %carecrow Press "nc36 18<73 == #osen0el.6 su(ra6 / 13 =9 =7< >% 2:9 E18;<F3 =: T+is interesting analysis was ma.e ,y #osen0el.6 su(ra6 // 1:;&;26 1:<&:83 =; ==< >% ==< E18<0F3 =< )P $urrie6 -"e #onstitution of t"e United .tates 2 A Primer for t"e Peo(le6 $+icago H Lon.onC $+icago >ni-ersity Press6 18<<6 9<&:16 98&:03 =8 )ayes v Missouri120 >% :<6 ;1 E1<<;F3 90 )ome Insurance #o v +ew ,or$17= >% 98=6 :0: E1<80F3 91 -rimble v !ordon =70 >% ;:26 ;<0 E18;;F3 92 ",i.3 97 A .octrine w+ose e?istence in t+e Malaysian constitutional structure is e-en not clearC 0or more on t+is see6 e3g36 Har.ing6 su/ra6 // 91&9=3& seem to ,e .estine. to remain 0ore-er3 T+is is ,ecause t+e constitutional /roce.ure to amen. it may not allow it to ,e -arie. or ta2en away easily t+roug+ or.inary .emocratic means3 4i-en t+at it coul. only ,e .one wit+ t+e consent o0 t+e Malay #ulers Ean. t+e .emocratically electe. /oliticiansF one mig+t say t+at a00irmati-e actions 0or t+e Malays coul. only go i0 t+ey Et+e MalaysF .eci.e. t+at t+is s+oul. ,e t+e o/tion3 9= Materials an. insig+ts on t+is +a-e ,een o,taine. .uring t+e %ummer %c+ool o0 American %tu.ies t+e t+eme o0 DAmerican $onstitutional E?/erienceD at 'ale >ni-ersity6 ew Ha-en6 >%A in July&August 20003 T+e aut+or woul. li2e to t+an2 Associate Pro0essor )r Jace 4 Wea-er 0or +is seminars on t+e American $onstitution3 T+e aut+or also wis+es to t+an2 t+e 'ale&$+ina !oun.ation 0or selecting +im to /artici/ate in t+e /rogramme6 /articularly its %ummer Programmes )irector Mr )aniel G 4ol.6 as well as t+e Henry Luce !oun.ation an. t+e

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>% %tate )e/artment 0or t+e 0inancial assistance ren.ere. to aut+or t+roug+out t+e course3 T+e aut+or woul. also li2e to t+an2 t+e American Em,assy6 Guala Lum/ur6 /articularly Mr $+iew Wing !oong an. Ms Anne Pereira 0or t+eir +el/ ,e0ore an. a0ter t+e tri/ to t+e >nite. %tates3

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