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FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

lsllcn Admln Lab 6ulde

fcr UneFS v7.0.1
Wednesday, lebruary 06, 2013

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
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Ccpyrlght 2013 FMC Ccrpcratlcn. All rlghts reserved. Publlshed ln the uSA.

uaLe AuLhur verslon
2/3/2013 uavld lelL updaLe 4

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ab|e of Contents
Lab ConflguraLlon .................................................................................................... 3
uLMC CCn1Ln1 ........................................................................................................................... 3
uSL8 ACCCun1S Anu ACCLSS ......................................................................................................... 3
l Auu8LSSLS .............................................................................................................................. 3
LCCClnC ln1C 1PL LA8 Lnvl8CnMLn1 ............................................................................................ 6
Lab 1.0: lnsLall Lhe llrsL node ln a ClusLer ............................................................ 13
1ASk 1: CCnllCu8L 1PL lnl1lAL nCuL ............................................................................................ 13
1ASk 2: CCnnLC1 1C 1PL CLuS1L8 WL8 AuMlnlS18A1lCn ln1L8lACL ................................................... 16
1ASk 3: CCnnLC1 1C 1PL CLuS1L8 CCMMAnu LlnL .......................................................................... 17
Lab 1.1: !oln nodes Lo a clusLer ............................................................................. 18
Lab 2.0: lsllon ClusLer Command Llne lnLerface ................................................... 21
1ASk 1: LxLC8L PLL A8AML1L8. .............................................................................................. 21
1ASk 2: lSl MAn ACLS - C1lCnAL ............................................................................................ 28
1ASk 3: lSl lnlC - C1lCnAL ...................................................................................................... 31
1ASk 4: MAn ACL LlS1lnC Anu ulSCCvL8? - C1lCnAL ................................................................. 33
Lab 2.1: 88AC ........................................................................................................ 33
1ASk 1: 88AC C8LA1lCn ............................................................................................................. 33
Lab 3.0: uaLa LayouL and roLecLlon .................................................................... 41
1ASk 1: lAlL A nCuL ................................................................................................................... 41
1ASk 2: CPLCk 1PL uA1A 8C1LC1lCn SL11lnCS ............................................................................... 42
1ASk 3 CPAnCL ul8LC1C8? 8C1LC1lCn LLvLLS .............................................................................. 42
Lab 4.0: Conflgure neLwork SeLLlngs .................................................................... 43
1ASk 1: CCnllCu8L SMA81CCnnLC1............................................................................................. 43
1ASk 2: C8LA1L nLLuLu unS 8LCC8uS .......................................................................................... 46
1ASk 3: 1LS1 SMA81CCnnLC1 SL11lnCS ........................................................................................ 47
1ASk 4: CCnllCu8L An Auul1lCnAL SMA81CCnnLC1 ZCnL ............................................................... 47
1ASk 3: C8LA1L unS 8LCC8uS lC8 nlS ZCnL ................................................................................ 48
1ASk 6: 1LS1 nLW SMA81CCnnLC1 ZCnL SL11lnCS ........................................................................ 49
Lab 3.0: ConnecL Lo an LuA uomaln ................................................................... 31
1ASk 1: LnA8LL LuA Au1PLn1lCA1lCn ........................................................................................ 31
1ASk 2: vL8ll? LuA Au1PLn1lCA1lCn ......................................................................................... 31
Lab 3.1: ConnecL Lo an AcLlve ulrecLory uomaln .................................................. 32
1ASk 1: !Cln 1PL CLuS1L8 1C AC1lvL ul8LC1C8? ............................................................................. 32
1ASk 2: CPLCk 1PL uCMAln !Cln S1A1uS ........................................................................................ 33
1ASk 3: C8LA1L 1WC SPA8LS Anu SL1 L8MlSSlCnS uSlnC 1PL WL8 ln1L8lACL .................................... 33
1ASk 4: ACCLSS Anu 8LvlLW 1PL SPA8LS - C1lCnAL .................................................................... 33
Lab 3.2: Access Zones............................................................................................ 36
1ASk 1: C8LA1lnC Anu MAnAClnC ACCLSS ZCnLS ............................................................................ 36
Lab 6.0: Conflgure AuLomaLlc Pome ulrecLory Share .......................................... 39
1ASk 1A: C8LA1L 1PL SPA8L ......................................................................................................... 39
Lab 6.1: Conflgure nlS LxporLs ............................................................................. 60
1ASk 1A: C8LA1L A ul8LC1C8? ...................................................................................................... 61
1ASk 18: C8LA1L An LxC81 ........................................................................................................ 61
1ASk 1C: MCun1 An LxC81 ....................................................................................................... 62
Lab 6.3: Lnable P11 and l1 Access - C1lCnAL ............................................... 63
1ASk 1: CCnllCu8L P11 - C1lCnAL ....................................................................................... 64
1ASk 2: CCnllCu8L l1 - C1lCnAL .......................................................................................... 63

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 7.0: Conflgure SnapshoLlC ............................................................................. 67
1ASk 1: C8LA1L A SnASPC1 SCPLuuLL .......................................................................................... 67
1ASk 2: vlLW SnASPC1S ............................................................................................................ 68
Lab 8.0: Conflgure SmarLCuoLas ........................................................................... 71
1ASk 1: CCnllCu8L 8LC81 CLnL8A1lCn Anu LvLn1 nC1lllCA1lCnS .................................................. 71
1ASk 2: CCnllCu8L SMA81CuC1A lC8 A ul8LC1C8?........................................................................ 73
1ASk 3: CCnllCu8L SMA81CuC1A lC8 A uSL8 - C1lCnAL ............................................................ 73
Lab 9.0: Conflgure SmarLools .............................................................................. 77
1ASk 1: 8LvlLW uLlAuL1 llLL CCL CLlC? ..................................................................................... 77
1ASk 2: LlCLnSL SMA81CCLS ...................................................................................................... 78
1ASk 3: 8LvlLW ulSk CCL SL11lnCS.............................................................................................. 78
1ASk 4: C8LA1L A nLW llLL CCL CLlC? ........................................................................................ 79
Lab 10.0: Conflgure SynclC ................................................................................... 81
1ASk 1: C8LA1L A S?nClC CLlC? .................................................................................................. 81
1ASk 2: 8un 1PL S?nClC CLlC? Anu vlLW 1PL 8LSuL1S ................................................................... 82
1ASk 3: Lul1 1PL S?nClC CLlC? Anu 8un 1PL !C8 - C1lCnAL ....................................................... 83
1ASk 4: 8L-8un 1PL S?nClC CLlC? Anu vlLW 1PL 8LSuL1S - C1lCnAL ........................................... 83

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab Conf|gurat|on
1hls lab manual conLalns lnformaLlon and lnsLrucLlons Lo perform Lhe lab Lasks presenLed ln Lhe lsllon
AdmlnlsLraLlon course. 1he labs ln Lhls gulde use lsllon CnelS v7.0.0.
ln Lhls class, each sLudenL uses a dedlcaLed lab envlronmenL, lncludlng:
lsllon 6 node clusLer
Wlndows AcLlve ulrecLory (and unS) Server (WlnServer)
Llnux LuA Server (LlnuxServer)
Wlndows x CllenLs (WlnCllenL)
Llnux CllenL (LlnuxCllenL)
Demo Content
Some of Lhe labs requlre demonsLraLlon flles for dolng sample reads and wrlLes on Lhe clusLer. 1hese
flles are on Lhe deskLop ln Lhe Demo Content folder. 1here ls also daLa for Lhe Mac lab ln ADS folder.
User Accounts and Access
1he followlng Lable conLalns a llsL of Lhe user accounLs and passwords used durlng class.
Username Is||on C|uster assword
admln (lsllon clusLer web admlnlsLraLlon
rooL (lsllon clusLer SSP lnLerface) lsllon2
Username W|ndows]AD systems assword
lsllon\admlnlsLraLor (Wlndows server) lsllon2!
lsllon\sLudenL lsllon2!
lsllon\sLudenL2 lsllon2!
Username L|nux]LDA systems assword
rooL (Llnux server and CllenL) lsllon2
sLudenL lsllon2
I Addresses
use Is||on.tra|n| as Lhe AcLlve ulrecLory and unS domaln name. use Lhe followlng l addresses
for Lhese labs:
Computer I Address
Llnux Server
Llnux CllenL
node exLernal l addresses
node lnLernal l addresses
SmarLConnecL Servlce l

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
lnslghL lC CllenL (Llve)
lnslghL lC uemo
Logg|ng Into the Lab Lnv|ronment
lollow Lhese sLeps Lo log lnLo Lhe LMC lab envlronmenL, vlrLual uaLa CenLer (vuC), Lo creaLe and
rename a copy of Lhe envlronmenL for each lab exerclse. ?ou wlll use Lhe cloned copy of Lhe lab
envlronmenL for LhaL module Lo compleLe Lhe lab exerclse.
Step Act|on
1 Log ln Lo a Wlndows classroom compuLer or use your own compuLer lf you are Laklng Lhe
class onllne.
2 Cpen lnLerneL Lxplorer and go Lo Lhe u8L, https:]] 1he LMC LducaLlon Servlces
vlrLual uaLa CenLer welcome screen ls dlsplayed.
3 Log ln Lo Lhe vlrLual uaLa CenLer uslng Lhe user name and password provlded Lo you by
Lhe lnsLrucLor.

4 Cn Lhe App||cat|ons screen, cllck Lhe vCD_Is||onSS llnk.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
3 AL Lhe logln screen, Lype Lhe user name and password asslgned Lo you by your lnsLrucLor,
and Lhen cllck Log|n.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
6 ?our vlrLual vApp seLup should be already deployed and showlng ln MyCloud, drop Lo sLep
11. lf no vApp shows under MyCloud, Lhen proceed wlLh Lhe followlng sLeps.

?ou wlll be worklng ln Lhe lsllon Admln Lab conflguraLlon for all Lhe labs ln Lhls course. 1o
geL your own personal copy of Lhe conflguraLlon, you wlll add Lhe vApp from Lhe CaLalog.
ln Lhe vCloud ulrecLor navlgaLlon pane, cllck + Add vApp from Cata|og.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
7 ln Lhe Add vApp from CaLalog pop up wlndow, cllck on Lhe A|| 1emp|ates Lab and cllck on
Lhe 2013-2 Admln CnelS 7.0.1 vApp LemplaLe and Lhen cllck Lhe Next buLLon.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
8 Cn Lhe Name th|s vApp page, verlfy you have Lhe rlghL vApp. lL should say 2013-2 Adm|n
CneIS 7.0.1 ln Lhe name lleld. 8ename Lhe vApp and cllck Lhe I|n|sh button.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
9 When Lhe copy operaLlon flnlshes (abouL 3 mln), you wlll see a copy of Lhe lsllon Lab
conflguraLlon ln your Pome page.
Cllck on My C|oud.

8esulL: Cn Lhe McCloud page, you wlll see your copy of Lhe Admln lab vApp llsLed Lo Lhe
rlghL ln Lhe vApp pane. ComponenLs of your vApp wlll be shown (console lmages, name,
sLaLus, eLc.) across Lhe pane.
noLe: you may navlgaLe Lo vApps or Lhe acLual mulLlple vMs uslng Lhe MyCloud pane Lo
Lhe lefL

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
10 1o use Lhe conflguraLlon, you musL sLarL lL.
Cllck on Lhe vApp of Lhe lsllon Admln Lab LhaL you wanL Lo sLarL, and cllck Lhe green sLarL
buLLon (play arrow lcon) aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen. SLarLlng Lhe conflguraLlon may Lake 4-3
mlnuLes. Cnce lL ls up, you wlll see kunn|ng ln Lhe SLaLus column.

11 AfLer Lhe vApp lab ls sLarLed, cllck on VMs ln Lhe MyCloud column.
?ou can choose Lo work ln Lhe Llnux or Wlndows based vlrLual compuLer.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 1.0: Insta|| the I|rst Node |n a C|uster
ln Lhls lab, you creaLe a clusLer by uslng Lhe ConflguraLlon Wlzard. 1o do Lhls, you connecL Lo Lhe
unconflgured node6 and sLarL Lhe ConflguraLlon Wlzard. AfLer Lhe wlzard ls compleLe, you Lhen use
boLh Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface and Lhe command llne lnLerface Lo navlgaLe around Lhe one-
node clusLer. 1he Lable llsLs user names and passwords LhaL you need ln Lhls lab exerclse.
username assword
rooL (for Lermlnal emulaLlon program) lsllon2
admln (for web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface) lsllon2
lsllon\sLudenL (WlnCllenL) lsllon2!
|nt-a ext-1
SubneL mask
Low l address
Plgh l address
uefaulL gaLeway
unS server l address
unS search domaln
1ask 1: Conf|gure the |n|t|a| node
ln Lhls Lask, you connecL Lo node6 and creaLe an lnlLlal 1-node clusLer. AL any Llme durlng Lhe clusLer
ConflguraLlon Wlzard lf you make any mlsLakes, Lype back Lo move back a sLep ln Lhe wlzard.
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe vCloud navlgaLlon pane, cllck Is||on7.0Node6 Lo hlghllghL LhaL node.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
2 Cllck Node6 console lmage. Cllcklng Lhe Console lmage opens Lhe console for you Lo run Lhe

3 1o creaLe a new clusLer, cllck ln Lhe console wlndow and aL Lhe Wlzard prompL, Lype !, and Lhen
press Ln1L8.
4 AL Lhe |ease enter new password for root prompL, Lype "#$%&'(, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
Note: All passwords are case senslLlve. lor securlLy reasons, no characLers dlsplay as you
Lype any passwords ln Lhe command llne lnLerface.
3 AL Lhe |ease re-enter password for root prompL, Lype "#$%&'(, and Lhen press Ln1L8 Lo
conflrm Lhe password change.
6 AL Lhe |ease enter new password for adm|n prompL, Lype "#$%&'(, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
7 AL Lhe |ease re-enter password for adm|n prompL, Lype "#$%&'(, and Lhen press Ln1L8 Lo
conflrm Lhe password change.
8 1o enable SupporLlC, aL Lhe prompL, Lype yes, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
9 1o enLer a company name, Lype "#$%&' *+,$'$'-, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
10 1o enLer a conLacL name, Lype #./01'., and Lhen press Ln1L8.
11 1o enLer a conLacL phone number, Lype !(234!56522, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
12 1o enLer a conLacL emall address, Lype #./01'.7$#$%&'89&:, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
13 1o enLer a name for Lhe clusLer, Lype *1#., and Lhen press Ln1L8.
14 1o selecL Lhe defaulL encodlng of u1l-8, press Ln1L8.
Note: lf you make a mlsLake, Lype !"#$ Lo move back a sLep ln Lhe wlzard.
13 1he lnLernal-a (lnL-a) lnLerface ls used for lnLer-node communlcaLlon. ?ou need Lo conflgure
boLh Lhe neLmask and Lhe l range for Lhe lnL-a lnLerface. 1o conflgure Lhe neLmask for lnL-a:
a. AL Lhe prompL, Lype !, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
b. AL Lhe prompL, Lype (558(558(5582, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
16 1he defaulL maxlmum Lransmlsslon unlL (M1u) value ls 1300. ?ou do noL change Lhe M1u value
ln Lhls lab.
17 1he l range for Lhls lnLerface ls noL seL. 1o conflgure Lhe l range for Lhe lnL-a lnLerface:
a. AL Lhe prompL, Lype 4, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
b. 1o add an l range, aL Lhe prompL, Lype !, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
c. AL Lhe Low l address (add) prompL, Lype, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
d. AL Lhe Plgh l address (add) prompL, Lype10.1.1.2S0, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
e. ress Ln1L8 Lo accepL Lhe l address range.
f. ress Ln1L8 agaln Lo keep Lhe lnL-a lnLerface neLmask and l range conflguraLlon.
18 1o conflgure Lhe exLernal lnLerface, aL Lhe Conflgure exLernal subneL prompL, Lype !, and Lhen
press Ln1L8.
a. 1o conflgure Lhe neLmask, aL Lhe prompL, Lype !, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
b. AL Lhe prompL, Lype (558(558(5582, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
c. 1he defaulL maxlmum Lransmlsslon unlL (M1u) value ls 1300. 1o change Lhe M1u, Lype
"! and Lhen press Ln1L8.
d. AL Lhe prompL, press Ln1L8 Lo accepL Lhe defaulL M1u value of 1300.
e. 1o conflgure Lhe exL-1 l ranges, aL Lhe prompL, Lype #, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
f. 1o add Lhe l range, aL Lhe prompL, Lype !, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
g. AL Lhe prompL, Lype, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
h. AL Lhe prompL, Lype, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
l. ress Ln1L8 Lo accepL Lhe l address range, and Lhen press Ln1L8 agaln Lo keep Lhe
currenL exL-1 conflguraLlon.
[. AL Lhe keep Lhe currenL conflguraLlon prompL, press Ln1L8 Lo keep Lhe conflguraLlon
and Lo exlL exLernal lnLerface conflguraLlon.
19 AL Lhe Conf|gure defau|t gateway prompL, Lype !;(8!3<828!, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
20 ?ou do noL conflgure SmarLConnecL ln Lhls lab. AL Lhe Conflgure SmarLConnecL seLLlngs prompL,
press Ln1L8 Lo sklp conflguraLlon.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
21 1o conflgure unS, do Lhe followlng:
a. AL Lhe Conf|gure DNS sett|ngs prompL, Lype ! Lo speclfy unS servers and Lhen press
b. AL Lhe Conf|gure DNS prompL, Lype !;(8!3<828(2!, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
NC1L: ?ou can speclfy more Lhan one unS server by typing each DNS servers l address
ln Lhe order you would llke Lhem used, separaLed by a comma.
c. AL Lhe Conf|gure DNS sett|ngs prompL, Lype ! Lo search domalns, and Lhen press
d. AL Lhe Search doma|ns prompL, Lype |s||on.tra|n|, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
NC1L: ?ou can speclfy more Lhan one unS domaln Lo search ln Lhe order you would llke
Lhem querled. SeparaLe each domaln name wlLh a comma.
e. AL Lhe prompL, press Ln1L8 Lo accepL Lhe unS seLLlngs you [usL speclfled.
22 1o keep Lhese seLLlngs, aL Lhe Conf|gure externa| subnet prompL, press Ln1L8.
23 CompleLe Lhe followlng sLeps Lo conflgure Lhe daLe and Llme for Lhe clusLer:
a. AL Lhe Conf|gure date prompL, Lype " Lo seL Lhe Llme zone, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
b. AL Lhe Conf|gure t|me zone prompL, Lype # for ac|f|c 1|me 2one and Lhen press Ln1L8.
c. AL Lhe Conf|gure date prompt, press Ln1L8 Lo keep Lhe currenL daLe and Llme.
24 AL Lhe Conf|gure [o|n mode prompL, press Ln1L8 Lo keep Lhe defaulL [oln mode of Manua|.
23 A summary of all of Lhe seLLlngs LhaL you have conflgured ls now dlsplayed.
kev|ew th|s |nformat|on for accuracy. lf you need Lo change a seLLlng, Lype =,9> Lo reLurn Lo
Lhe prevlous conflguraLlon prompL. lf you need Lo reLurn Lo an earller conflguraLlon prompL,
Lype $%&' aL each prompL unLll you reach Lhe correcL conflguraLlon prompL.
1o accepL Lhe changes, aL Lhe prompL, press LN1Lk Lo accepL Lhe defaulL yes. lL may Lake 30 Lo
60 seconds Lo flnlsh Lhe booL process.
AfLer Lhe booL process flnlshes, a logln prompL ls dlsplayed and your sysLem ls now ready Lo
use. ?ou can connecL Lo Lhe clusLer vla SSP for Lhe command llne lnLerface or vla a Web
browser Lo geL Lo Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface.
1ask 2: Connect to the c|uster web adm|n|strat|on |nterface
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe vCloud navlgaLlon pane, cllck W|nC||ent Lo hlghllghL LhaL vm. Cllck W|nC||ent console
lmage, cllcklng Lhe Console lmage opens LhaL console for you.
2 Log ln Lo Wlndows. use Lhe keyboard lcon ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of Lhe wlndow Lo send
CTRL-AL1-DEL to simulate logging on. Do not Key CTRL-AL1-DEL directly from the
keyboard. Cllck Sw|tch User lf $#$%&'?#./01'. ls noL ln Lhe User name box, Lype "#$%&'(@ ln
Lhe assword LexL box, and Lhen cllck Ln1L8.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
3 1o open a web browser, cllck Lhe lnLerneL Lxplorer lcon ln Lhe 1askbar.
4 ln Lhe Address bar, Lype A..B#CDD!;(8!3<828(E5C<2<2, whlch ls Lhe exLernal l address of
node6 of Lhe clusLer you [usL creaLed, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 lf you recelve Lhe followlng message, cllck Cont|nue to th|s webs|te.

6 Cn Lhe lsllon AdmlnlsLraLlon page, ln Lhe Username box, Lype ,0:$'. ln Lhe assword box,
Lype "#$%&'(, and Lhen cllck Log|n. lf prompLed by lnLerneL Lxplorer Lo remember Lhe
password for Lhls slLe, cllck No.
7 1he uASP8CA8u Lab of Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface ls dlsplayed.
Cn Lhe C|uster Cverv|ew page, revlew Lhe lcon ln Lhe Status column Lo verlfy Lhe sLaLus of
Lhe node. ?our nodes may dlsplay a sLaLus oLher Lhan healLhy because of Lhe number of
lnsLalled drlves. PealLhy sLaLus ls noL requlred for Lhe purposes of Lhese lab exerclses.
ln Lhe Address column verlfy LhaL Lhe l address ls correcL.
8 Mlnlmlze Lhe browser wlndow.
1ask 3: Connect to the c|uster command ||ne
uslng SSP, you wlll logln Lo your clusLer command llne lnLerface and verlfy Lhe sLaLus of your clusLer.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, double-cllck u11.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
2 ln Lhe PosL name box, Lype, and Lhen cllck Cpen.

3 AL Lhe u11 Secur|ty A|ert, cllck es.
4 AL Lhe |og|n prompL on Lhe command llne lnLerface, Lype +&&., and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 AL Lhe password prompL Lype "#$%&'(.
Note: lor securlLy reasons, no characLers dlsplay as you Lype Lhe password.
6 AL Lhe clusLer prompL, Lype $#$ #.,./# (or $#$ #.,.), and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls command
dlsplays sLaLus lnformaLlon for Lhe clusLer.
7 AL Lhe clusLer prompL, Lype $#$, and Lhen press Ln1L8 Lo dlsplay a llsL of all of Lhe lsl
1hese commands enable you Lo perform mosL of Lhe acLlons LhaL can be performed from
Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface and some acLlons LhaL cannoL be performed from Lhe web
admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface.
8 a. 1o dlsplay more deLall on each lsl command, Lype :,' $#$, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
b. 1o dlsplay more lnformaLlon for any command, you can Lype :,' followed by Lhe
command. ress Ln1L8 Lo scroll Lhe dlsplay up one llne aL a Llme.
c. ress C18L+C Lo exlL Lhe man dlsplay.
d. keep Lhe u11? wlndow open.

Lab 1.1: Io|n nodes to a c|uster
ln Lhls lab, you [oln Lwo unconflgured nodes Lo an exlsLlng clusLer uslng a dlfferenL meLhod for each.
?ou musL flrsL reformaL Lhe node onLo whlch you creaLed a new clusLer.
Step Act|on
1 1o resLore node 6, ln Lhe uLLy wlndow Lype $#$ 9&'F$- "#$ %&'(( )#*'&.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
2 AL Lhe Conflg prompL Lype remove_node a|| and press LnLer. (Cou|d take up to 30m|n, wa|t
for response before proceed|ng.)
3 When prompLed, Lype G1#, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
4 When prompLed agaln Lype 9&::$., and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls can Lake up Lo 10 mln Lo
resLore Lhe node back Lo Lhe wlzard. When compleLe, close Lhe uLLy Wlndow.
3 Cn your My Cloud vlrLual Machlnes Lab cllck on Lhe Conso|e for NodeS.
6 1o [oln an unconflgured node (NodeS) cllck ln Lhe vM popup pane.
7 1ype 2 Lo [oln an exlsLlng clusLer and [oln Lhe avallable clusLer LhaL ls named c|uster.
8 1ype 1 and press enLer Lo have NodeS [oln Lhe c|uster. WalL Llll you are back aL Lhe Logln
9 1o connecL node6 Lo Lhe exlsLlng 3-node clusLer (C|uster), ln vApp vlrLual Machlne llsLlng of
My Cloud, cllck Lhe WlnCllenL console lmage. ?ou may sLlll be logged ln and have Lhe popup
pane sesslon esLabllshed wlLh Lhe WlnCllenL machlne.
10 lf you are already logged on, you may noL need Lo swlLch users,

Cn WlnCllenL, cllck CLher user, and log lnLo Lhe lsllon Lralnlng domaln by Lyplng
$#$%&'?#./01'. ln Lhe user name box, and Lyplng "#$%&'(@ ln Lhe assword LexL box, and Lhen
cllck Ln1L8.
11 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, open lnLerneL Lxplorer.
12 ln Lhe Address bar, Lype A..B#CDD!;(8!3<828!!C<2<2, whlch ls Lhe exLernal l address of
node1 of Lhe ClusLer, and Lhen press Ln1L8. lf you encounLer a securlLy alerL, cllck
continue to this site.
13 Cn Lhe lsllon AdmlnlsLraLlon page, ln Lhe Username box, Lype ,0:$'. ln Lhe assword box,
Lype "#$%&'(, and Lhen cllck Log|n.
14 Cllck CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1, and Lhen cllck nardware Conf|gurat|on.
13 ln Lhe nardware Conf|gurat|on secLlon, scroll down Lo Avallable nodes, Lhen ln Lhe Act|ons
column, cllck Add node.
16 Cllck Dashboard Lo vlew Lhe sLaLus of all 6 nodes ln Lhe clusLer. Cllck on Lvents and sllence
all evenLs.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 2.0: Is||on C|uster Command L|ne Interface
ln Lhls lab you wlll pracLlce uslng Lhe command llne lnLerface and lsllon clusLer (lsl) commands.
1ask 1: Lxp|ore ne|p arameter.
ln Lhls Lask you wlll explore Lhe help parameLer uslng selecL lsl commands. All lsl commands have
explanaLory LexL LhaL dlsplays by uslng Lhe h or --help parameLer.
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe vCloud navlgaLlon pane, cllck W|nC||ent Lo hlghllghL LhaL vm. Cllck W|nC||ent console
lmage, cllcklng Lhe Console lmage opens LhaL console for you.
2 1o log ln, cllck Cther User, Lype $#$%&'?#./01'. ln Lhe User name box, Lype "#$%&'(@ ln Lhe
assword box, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, double-cllck u11.
4 ln Lhe nost Name box, Lype Lhe l address of Lhe flrsL node ln Lhe clusLer (, leave
Lhe defaulL seLLlng ln Lhe ort box as 22, and Lhen cllck Cpen.

noLe LhaL you could have enLered Lhe l address of any node ln Lhe clusLer lnLo Lhe PosL name

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
3 lf you geL a u11 Secur|ty A|ert dlalog box, cllck es.

6 AL Lhe |og|n prompL on Lhe command llne lnLerface, Lype +&&., and Lhen press Ln1L8.
7 AL Lhe password prompL Lype "#$%&'(.
Note: lor securlLy reasons, no characLers dlsplay as you Lype Lhe password.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
8 ln Lhe SSP wlndow, Lype |s| - -he|p, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1he followlng LexL dlsplays:

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
9 ln Lhe SSP wlndow, Lype |s| conf|g, and Lhen press Ln1L8. ?ou are now ln Lhe lsllon
ConflguraLlon Console LhaL has many of Lhe conflguraLlon seLLlngs LhaL are seL durlng Lhe
ConflguraLlon Wlzard when flrsL creaLlng a clusLer.
10 1ype he|p, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls dlsplays Lhe avallable conf|g parameLers.

11 1ype he|p m|grate, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

12 Notice that all submenus are typed in a C|uster>>>ne|p +%"&",'*'&- formaL.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
13 1ype he|p |prange, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls dlsplays Lhe synLax for edlLlng Lhe l address
range. noLlce LhaL lL has an opLlonal lnLerface parameLer.

14 1ype |nterface, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

13 1ype |prange |nt-a, and Lhen press Ln1L8. A conflrmaLlon of your updaLed
l address range dlsplays.
16 1ype |prange, and Lhen press Ln1L8. vlsually valldaLe Lhe l address range updaLe.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
17 1ype he|p |pset, and Lhen press Ln1L8. noLlce Lhe commenL LhaL has been added Lo Lhls help

18 1ype he|p |nnset, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

19 1ype |nnset, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

20 1ype |nnset 4 7, and Lhen press Ln1L8. vlsually verlfy Lhe conflrmaLlon LhaL dlsplays on Lhe

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
21 1ype |nnset, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

22 1ype ex|t, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls exlLs Lhe lsllon ConflguraLlon Console.
23 At the prompt, Would you like to commit your changes before quitting? [yes] type yes, and
Lhen press Ln1L8.
24 1o verlfy Lhe changes made aL Lhe command llne lnLerface, from WlnCllenL, open a web
browser by cllcklng Lhe lnLerneL Lxplorer lcon ln Lhe 1askbar or by openlng anoLher browser of
your cholce.
23 ln Lhe address box, Lype A..B#CDD!;(8!3<828!!C<2<2, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
26 lf you recelve a cerLlflcaLe/securlLy message, cllck Cont|nue to th|s webs|te.

27 Cn Lhe lsllon AdmlnlsLraLlon page, ln Lhe Username box, Lype ,0:$'. ln Lhe assword box, Lype
"#$%&'(, and Lhen cllck Log|n. lf prompLed by lnLerneL Lxplorer Lo remember Lhe password for
Lhls slLe, cllck No.
28 ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, on Lhe C|uster Status page, vlsually verlfy LhaL you see,
under Status C|uster, node lus 1, 2, 3, 3, 6 and 7.
29 ln Lhe SSP wlndow, Lype |s| conf|g, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
30 1ype |nnset 7 4, and Lhen press Ln1L8. vlsually verlfy Lhe conflrmaLlon LhaL dlsplays on Lhe
31 1ype ex|t, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls exlLs Lhe lsllon ConflguraLlon Console.
32 At the prompt, Would you like to commit your changes before quitting? [yes] type yes, and
Lhen press Ln1L8.
1ask 2: |s| Man ages - C1ICNAL
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll vlew man pages for selecL lsl commands. 1hese are Lhe full descrlpLlon of Lhe
commands and how Lo use Lhem.
Step Act|on
1 1 AL Lhe command llne lnLerface prompL, Lype man --he|p, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
2 3 1ype man a d|rectory, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1o leave Lhe man page, scroll Lo Lhe command
prompL aL Lhe end of Lhe LexL or press C.

3 4 noLlce LhaL Lhe man - -he|p command dlsplays all of Lhe varlables you can use Lo search for
and flnd man pages. 1he man a d|rectory command found all man pages LhaL had d|r or
d|rectory ln Lhem. 1hls search capablllLy allows you Lo noL only flnd speclflc man pages, buL
also Lhe llbrary, synopsls, descrlpLlon, see also, and hlsLory of Lhese pages.
4 6 1ype man |s|, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

3 ress Lhe spacebar Lo dlsplay more of Lhe man page LexL. uependlng on monlLor and fonL
slze as few as one command Lo as many as four or flve commands can dlsplay dependlng on
Lhe lengLh of Lhe explanaLlon. uependlng on Lhe sofLware package used for Lhe SSP sesslon
you can elLher prlnL Lhe man page LexL or copy lL Lo Lhe Cllpboard and Lhen prlnL from a LexL
6 ress Ln1L8 Lo move Lhe man page down llne by llne.
7 ress Lhe spacebar Lo dlsplay Lhe nexL page of LexL.
8 ress C Lo exlL Lhe man page for Lhls command.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
9 1ype man |s|-nfs, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

10 ress Ln1L8 Lo move Lhe man page down llne by llne.
11 ress Lhe spacebar Lo dlsplay Lhe nexL page of LexL.
12 LocaLe Lhe ||st secLlon on Lhe man |s|-nfs page and read Lhls secLlon of LexL.
13 8emember LhaL for each verslon of CnelS, Lhe man pages are updaLed and may be avallable
before prlnLed documenLaLlon ls released. Man pages are a good reference for explanaLlons
on new and updaLed funcLlonallLy.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 3: |s| Info - C1ICNAL
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll use Lhe command llne lnLerface Lo vlew whaL ls and ls noL enabled on Lhe clusLer
such as llcenslng and oLher servlces or funcLlons.
Step Act|on
1 SwlLch Lo Lhe u11? wlndow LhaL dlsplays Lhe command llne lnLerface. AL Lhe prompL, Lype |s|
sync, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

nC1L: 1hls command ls dlfferenL Lhan Lhe mlgraLe command LhaL ls avallable ln Lhe lsllon
ConflguraLlon Console (|s| conf|g).
2 1ype |s| ||cense, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 LocaLe Lhe SyncI module and noLe Lhe llcense sLaLus.
4 lf noL yeL provlded, ask for a SynclC llcense from Lhe lnsLrucLor.
3 1ype |s| ||cense act|vate [||cense key], and Lhen press Ln1L8.
6 1he Lnd user Llcense AgreemenL (LuLA) dlsplays. ress Lhe spacebar Lhree Lo four Llmes Lo geL
Lo Lhe agreemenL quesLlon.
7 1ype yes, and Lhen press Ln1L8 Lo accepL Lhe LuLA.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
8 1ype |s| ||cense, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

9 LocaLe and noLe Lhe llcense sLaLus, conflguraLlon, and explraLlon daLe.
10 1ype |s| sync, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
11 noLlce LhaL Lhe LexL for Lhe |s| sync command has changed.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
12 now explore Lhe command llne lnLerface wlLh Lhe followlng commands:
|s| status ulsplays sLaLus of Lhe clusLer.
|s| [ob status ulsplays much of Lhe same lnformaLlon as lsl sLaLus, buL conLalns more
granular lnformaLlon.
|s| dev|ces ulsplays Lhe healLh of all drlves ln a node.
|s| get ]|fs ulsplays Lhe pollcy, level, and locaLlon of flles and dlrecLorles.
1ask 4: man page ||st|ng and d|scovery - C1ICNAL
ln Lhls Lask, you learn Lo locaLe man page flles ln Lhe flle sysLem and Lhen ouLpuL Lhe conLenLs Lo a LexL
Step Act|on
1 AL Lhe prompL, Lype cd ]usr]share]man, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
2 1ype |s, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

3 1ype |s man8, and Lhen press Ln1L8. noLlce all of Lhe man pages LhaL are llsLed ln Lhe

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
4 1ype man |s|_d|st|||, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

1ype q and press Lhe Lnter key.
3 1ype |s|_d|st||| k ]|fs]data, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

6 1ype |s|_d|st||| k o ]tmp]d|st|||.txt ]|fs]data, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
7 1ype |s ]tmp, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
8 verlfy LhaL Lhe d|st|||.txt flle ls ln Lhe ]tmp dlrecLory.
9 1ype man k , and Lhen press Ln1L8.
10 1ype man -k "" > ]tmp]a||_man_pages.txt, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
11 1ype |s ]tmp, and Lhen press Ln1L8.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
12 verlfy LhaL Lhe a||_man_pages.txt flle ls ln Lhe ]tmp dlrecLory.
Lab 2.1: k8AC
ln Lhls lab, you explore how 88AC ldenLlLles are managed vla Lhe CLl. ?ou wlll flnd LhaL for CnelS 7.0
88AC only covers Lhe followlng feaLures: AuLh, Llcenses, nlS, SM8, SmarLCuoLas, SnapshoLs, and
SLaLlsLlcs. 1he followlng feaLures as a remlnder are rooL level access/conflgurable only: AnLlvlrus,
ClusLer ConflguraLlons, lSCSl, Pardware, !ob Lnglne, nuM/8ackup, neLworklng, n1, SnM,
SmarLools, SynclC, and WC8M.
1ask 1: k8AC creat|on
ln Lhls Lask, you review the clusters existing users and groups and the permissions assigned to each.
?ou Lhen creaLe and conflgure auLhenLlcaLlon accounLs.
Step Act|on
1 lf you closed your SSP sesslons from Lhe prevlous lab, open an SSP sesslon Lo your LnLerprlse
clusLer uslng and log ln uslng adm|n\Is||on2.
2 1ype |s| auth users ||st and press Lhe Lnter key. LlsL Lhe users LhaL are ln CnelS by defaulL.
3 1ype |s| auth ro|es ||st and press Lhe Lnter key.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
4 1ype |s| auth ro|es v|ew secur|tyadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key. uo Lhls for all 3 llsLed and
record Lhe prlvlllages lu ln Lhe llsL below Lo compare Lhem.
Secur|tyAdm|n SystemAdm|n Aud|tAdm|n

3 1ype |s| auth ro|es ||st --format tab|e v. uoes Lhls llsL maLch your recorded llsL above? Why or
why noL? ____________________________________________________________________
6 1ype |s| auth sett|ngs g|oba| v|ew and press Lhe Lnter key.
7 1ype |s| auth users v|ew adm|n and press Lhe Lnter key.
8 1ype |s| auth users v|ew compadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key.
9 1ype |s| auth users mod|fy compadm|n --set-password and press Lhe Lnter key.
10 AL Lhe password prompL Lype Is||on2 and press Lhe Lnter key. LnLer Lhe same password aL Lhe
conflrmaLlon screen and Lhen Lype ex|t and press Lnter Lo exlL Lhe SSP wlndow.
11 uouble cllck on uLLy. LnLer hosL as and log ln wlLh compadm|n. WhaL happens?
12 uouble cllck on uLLy. LnLer hosL as and log ln wlLh adm|n.
13 Cn Lhe command llne, Lype |s| auth users create backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key.
14 1o verlfy LhaL a new user was creaLed, Lype |s| auth users ||st and press Lhe Lnter key. Conflrm
backupadm|n ls ln Lhe llsL of users.
13 1ype |s| auth users v|ew backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
16 1ype |s| auth users mod|fy backupadm|n -h and press Lhe Lnter key. 8evlew Lhe opLlons LhaL
modlfy allows you Lo do.
17 1ype |s| auth users mod|fy backupadm|n --ema|| backupQ|s|| and press Lhe Lnter key.
18 1ype |s| auth users v|ew backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key. Conflrm emall address ls ln Lhe
proflle llsL of Lhe user.
19 1ype |s| auth users mod|fy backupadm|n --home-d|rectory ]|fs]data]backupadm|n and press
Lhe Lnter key.
20 1ype |s| auth users v|ew backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key. Conflrm home dlrecLory
changed from /lfs/home/backupadmln Lo /lfs/daLa/backupadmln.
21 1ype |s| auth groups view Backup Operators --show-groups and press Lhe Lnter key.
22 1ype isi auth groups modify Backup Operators --add-user backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter
23 1ype |s| auth groups members ||st and press Lhe Lnter key. verlfy LhaL Lhe user accounL
backupadmln ls now llsLed ln Lhe 1ype name fleld.
24 1ype |s| auth users mod|fy backupadm|n --set-password and press Lhe Lnter key. AL Lhe
prompLs use Is||on2 for Lhe password.
23 1ype |s| auth users mod|fy backupadm|n --enab|ed yes and press Lhe Lnter key.
26 1ype |s| auth users v|ew backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key. verlfy LhaL Lhe accounL ls
27 1ype |s| auth ro|es create 8ackupAdm|n and press Lhe Lnter key.
28 1ype |s| auth ro|es ||st and press Lhe Lnter key. verlfy your new 8ole has been creaLed and
added Lo Lhe llsL.
29 1ype |s| auth pr|v||eges and press Lhe Lnter key.
30 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-user backupadm|n and press Lhe Lnter key.
31 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_LCGIN_CCNSCLL and press Lhe
Lnter key.
32 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_LCGIN_AI and press Lhe Lnter
33 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_LCGIN_SSn and press Lhe Lnter
34 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_NIS and press Lhe Lnter key.
33 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_SM8 and press Lhe Lnter key.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
36 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_SNASnC1 and press Lhe Lnter
37 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_UC1A and press Lhe Lnter key.
38 1ype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy 8ackupAdm|n --add-pr|v ISI_kIV_NS_1kAVLkSL and press Lhe
Lnter key.
39 1ype |s| auth ro|es v|ew 8ackupAdm|n and press Lhe Lnter key. verlfy Lhe prlvlleges have been
40 Cllck on Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface lf Lhe browser ls sLlll open. lf you closed Lhe browser,
Lhen open a new browser sesslon and log ln as adm|n]Is||on2 on Lhe clusLer
41 Move your mouse Lo hover over CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1. Cllck on Access Management.
42 Cllck on Lhe Users Lab. under Manage users ln Lhe Users pull down box, selecL System.
43 ln Lhe SelecL a provlder pull down box cllck on IILL:System. noLlce Lhe core seven accounLs.
44 ln Lhe SelecL a provlder pull down box cllck on LCCAL:System. noLlce Lhe defaulL CuesL
accounL and your backupadmln accounL.
43 Cllck on Lhe V|ew deta||s llnk nexL Lo your backupadm|n accounL. Cbserve Lhe user deLalls
LhaL colnclde Lo Lhe lsl auLh users modlfy commands you dld.
46 Cllck on Lhe More user deta||s llnk. Cbserve Lhe llsLed lLems LhaL colnclde Lo Lhe lsl auLh users
vlew backupadmln. 1hls command showed everyLhlng LhaL ls llsLed here ln Lhe ul. Cllck C|ose.
47 Cllck on Lhe Create a user ln Lhe upper rlghL hand corner of Lhe Manage Users screen.
48 ln Lhe Create a user box, ln Lhe username: fleld Lype 8a||ard and Is||on2 ln Lhe assword: fleld
49 1ype 8a||ard Wash|ngton ln Lhe lull name: fleld.
30 1ype bwash|ngtonQ|s|| ln Lhe emall address fleld.
31 Cllck on Lhe Se|ect group buLLon ln Lhe rlmary group: llne.
32 ln Lhe Se|ect a r|mary Group pop up wlndow, Lype Is||on Users ln Lhe username: fleld
33 SelecL System ln Lhe Access zone: fleld.
34 SelecL LCCAL:System ln Lhe rovlder: fleld and cllck Lhe Search buLLon.
33 WlLh Lhe Users fleld hlghllghLed, cllck on Lhe Se|ect buLLon ln Lhe lower rlghL corner.
36 1ype ln Lhe Pome ulrecLory: fleld Lype ]|fs]home]ba||ard
37 SelecL ln Lhe unlx Shell: fleld ]b|n]sh
38 SelecL a Date for Lhe AccounL LxplraLlon uaLe: fleld and check Lhe Lnab|e the account box.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
39 Cllck Lhe Create buLLon ln Lhe lower rlghL hand corner of Lhe screen. verlfy accounL shows ln
Lhe Users llsL.
60 Pover over IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1 and cllck on I||e System Lxp|orer.
61 Cllck on Lhe home folder on Lhe lefL hand slde under ulrecLorles. verlfy you see a ba||ard
folder show up ln Lhe llsLlng.
62 Pover over CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1 and cllck on Access Management.
63 Cllck on Lhe Groups Lab. ?ou wlll selecL LCCAL:System ln Lhe SelecL a provlder pulldown menu.
64 Cllck on Lhe V|ew deta||s llnk nexL Lo Lhe Is||on Users group name. verlfy you see 8allard ln Lhe
63 ln Lhe SSP wlndow, Lype |s| auth ro|es mod|fy Aud|tAdm|n --add-user 8a||ard and press Lhe
Lnter key.
66 LxlL ouL of Lhe SSP sesslon by Lyplng ex|t and presslng Lhe Lnter key. SLarL a new SSP sesslon
uslng Lhe 8a||ard\Is||on2 credenLlals. Cnce verlfled you can log ln, exlL ouL.
67 ln Lhe browser, log ouL and log back ln wlLh your 8a||ard accounL. verlfy your accounL works ln
Lhe ul.
68 Log ouL of Lhe web browser.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 3.0: Data Layout and rotect|on
ln Lhls lab, you explore Lhe concepLs of daLa proLecLlon and examlne Lhe resulLs of a slmulaLed
hardware fallure.
1ask 1: Ia|| a node
ln Lhls Lask, you rebooL a node Lo slmulaLe a hardware fallure. noLe: lsllon Clobal Servlces should be
consulLed prlor Lo performlng any slmllar acLlon ln a llve and or physlcal envlronmenL.
Step Act|on
1 1o vlew Lhe sLaLus from Lhe command llne, on Lhe deskLop of Lhe WlnCllenL compuLer,
double-cllck u11.
2 ln Lhe nost Name fleld, Lype, and Lhen cllck Cpen.
3 lf needed, aL Lhe u11 Secur|ty A|ert, cllck es.
4 AL Lhe logln as prompL, Lype $%%&, and Lhen press Ln1L8. AL Lhe password prompL, Lype
Is||on2, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 8efore you do Lhls, have your clusters web administration interface (browser) and a PuTTY
wlndow open and ready Lo vlew Lhe evenL.
a. SwlLch Lo Lhe web browser LhaL ls open ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface for your
clusLer. verlfy LhaL you are aL Lhe uASP8CA8u, C|uster Cverv|ew.
b. Make sure u11? ls open Lo Lhe clusLer.
c. 8ebooL Lhe Lhlrd node ln Lhe clusLer ln order Lo slmulaLe a node fallure. ?ou may
perform this step by resetting the Node 3 system from the Virtual Machine tab by
rlghL mouse cllcklng on Lhe Is||on70Node3 vM and selecLlng 8eseL as shown ln
Lhls lmage:

Note: 1hls slmulaLes a hard reseL of Lhe node ln our vlrLual lab envlronmenL. lsllon Clobal
Servlces should be consulLed prlor Lo performlng any slmllar acLlon ln a llve and/or physlcal

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
6 lmmedlaLely afLer rebooLlng Lhe Lhlrd node ln your clusLer:
a. vlew Lhe node fallure on Lhe ClusLer SLaLus page ln Lhe clusters web administration
b. ln Lhe u11 wlndow, Lype $#$ #.,./#, Lo vlew Lhe clusLer sLaLus from Lhe command
llne lnLerface.
1he web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface and Lhe u11? lnLerface each dlsplay Lhe sLaLus of
each node ln Lhe clusLer.
1ask 2: Check the data protect|on sett|ngs
ln Lhls Lask, you vlew Lhe defaulL proLecLlon seLLlngs of Lhe clusLer.
Step Act|on
1 lf lL ls noL already open, open Lhe Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface and log on uslng Lhe adm|n
accounL and password Is||on2.
2 Cllck on Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1 Lab, and Lhen scroll down Lo Lhe 1|ers & Node
oo|s secLlon. noLe Lhe proLecLlon level sLaLed for Lhe node pool s200 and x200.
Note: uaLa proLecLlon seLLlngs are managed by SmarLools, so Lhe SmarLools SeLLlngs
page allows one Lo change Lhls seLLlng.
3 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe SmarLools page, cllck Lhe Sett|ngs Lab. Scroll down Lo Lhe Defau|t I||e
oo| rotect|on Sett|ngs secLlon and noLe LhaL Lhe defaulL proLecLlon level of daLa sLorage
LargeL ls Lhe defaulL seLLlng, cllck on Spec|f|c |eve| and cllck on Lhe Choose Level box Lo see
all opLlons avallable.
4 Cllck on Lhe Summary Lab of SmarLools Lo exlL ouL of SeLLlngs wlLhouL maklng any
1ask 3 Change D|rectory rotect|on Leve|s
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll use Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon Lo apply ulrecLory-speclflc proLecLlon levels.
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, under Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1 Lab, cllck I||e
System Lxp|orer.
2 ln I||e System Lxp|orer, ln Lhe lefL pane, cllck data.
3 ln Lhe conLenLs pane, under Lhe Act|ons column, cllck ropert|es of Lhe data dlrecLory.
4 ln Lhe roperLles page, ln Lhe rotect|on Sett|ngs secLlon, verlfy Lhe currenL proLecLlon level
of Lhe daLa dlrecLory ln Lhe rotect|on |eve| box. 1he proLecLlon level ls Lhe D|skpoo|

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
3 Cllck Cancel Lo close Lhe ropert|es of Lhe data dlrecLory.
6 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe llle SysLem Lxplorer page, wlLh Lhe daLa dlrecLory selecLed, cllck Add
7 ln Lhe new ulrecLory roperLles page, ln Lhe D|rectory name box, Lype rotect|on 1est.
8 ln Lhe UNIk perm|ss|ons secLlon, expand Lhe Group llsL, and Lhen selecL Is||on Users.
9 SelecL all permlsslon boxes, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
10 ln llle SysLem Lxplorer, ln Lhe lefL pane, cllck Lhe rotect|on 1est dlrecLory.
11 ln Lhe conLenLs pane, under Lhe Act|ons column, cllck ropert|es of Lhe rotect|on 1est
12 ln Lhe rotect|on Sett|ngs secLlon, expand Lhe Sett|ngs Management llsL, and Lhen cllck
Manua||y managed.
13 Lxpand Lhe rotect|on |eve| llsL, and cllck +3.
14 Scroll down, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
13 ln Lhe llle SysLem Lxplorer wlndow, ln Lhe lefL pane, cllck Lhe data dlrecLory. ln Lhe
conLenLs pane, ln Lhe o||cy column, noLe Lhe proLecLlon seLLlngs of Lhe data and
rotect|on 1est dlrecLorles.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 4.0: Conf|gure Network Sett|ngs
ln Lhls lab you wlll conflgure neLwork seLLlngs for Lhe clusLer.
1ask 1: Conf|gure SmartConnect
ln Lhls Lask you enable Lhe SmarLConnecL Servlce and conflgure Lhe SmarLConnecL Servlce l address.
Step Act|on
1 Cpen a browser from Lhe W|nC||ent deskLop uslng Lhe |s||on\student accounL. ln Lhe
address bar, Lype Lhe u8L https:]], Lhe l address of Lhe flrsL node of Lhe
Note: ?ou can use Lhe l address of any node ln Lhe clusLer Lo open Lhe Web
admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface.
2 A page may be dlsplayed lndlcaLlng a cerLlflcaLe/securlLy problem. 1hls page wlll look
dlfferenL beLween browser appllcaLlons. uo whaL ls necessary Lo conLlnue desplLe Lhe
securlLy warnlng.
3 Cn Lhe lsllon AdmlnlsLraLlon logln page, Lype ,0:$' ln Lhe Username box, Lype "#$%&'( ln
Lhe assword box, and Lhen cllck Log |n.
Note: Cn Lhe DASn8CAkD page, Lhere ls a 6-node clusLer named C|uster. 1hls ls Lhe
clusLer you wlll use for labs ln Lhls course.
4 Cllck on Lhe CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1 Lab, and Lhen cllck Network Conf|gurat|on.
3 Cn Lhe neLwork ConflguraLlon page, ln Lhe Subnets secLlon, cllck subnet0.
6 nexL Lo Sett|ngs, cllck Ld|t.
7 ln Lhe SmartConnect serv|ce I box, Lype !;(8!3<828!22 and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
8 nexL, you musL conflgure Lhe name you wanL Lo call your clusLer. 1o do Lhls, on Lhe LdlL
SubneL page, ln Lhe I Address oo|s secLlon, nexL Lo SmartConnect sett|ngs, cllck Ld|t.
9 ln Lhe SmartConnect 8as|c secLlon, ln Lhe 2one name box, Lype 9%/#.1+8$#$%&'8.+,$'$'-89&:.
Leave Lhe defaulL seLLlng of kound kob|n ln Lhe Connect|on po||cy box and selecL subnet0
ln Lhe SmartConnect serv|ce subnet box, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 2: Create needed DNS records
ln Lhls Lask, you creaLe Lwo unS records on a MlcrosofL unS server, a hosL record for Lhe SmarLConnecL
Servlce and an nS (uelegaLlon) record LhaL deflnes whaL you wanL Lo call your clusLer.
Step Act|on
1 1 Cpen Lhe WlnServer deskLop ln your My Cloud by cllcklng on Lhe console lmage.
2 3 a. ln Lhe W|ndows Secur|ty on dlalog box, cllck Use another account.
b. 1o log lnLo Lhe domaln, ln Lhe User name box, Lype $#$%&'?,0:$'$#.+,.&+.
c. ln Lhe assword box, Lype "#$%&'(@.
3 4 Cn Lhe deskLop of Lhe Wlndows Server, cllck Start, A|| rograms and Adm|n|strat|ve 1oo|s,
and Lhen cllck DNS.
4 3 A small Lree vlew dlsplays ln Lhe lefL hand pane.
Lxpand W|nServer and Lhen expand Iorward Lookup 2ones.
3 6 Cllck |s||on.tra|n| Lo dlsplay unS lnformaLlon ln Lhe rlghL slde deLalls pane.
6 ln Lhe rlghL slde deLalls pane, rlghL-cllck, and Lhen cllck New nost.
7 ln Lhe New nost dlalog box, ln Lhe name box, Lype #$B.
8 ln Lhe I address box, Lype Lhe SmarLConnecL Servlce l address, !;(8!3<828!22, and Lhen
cllck Add nost.
9 A message dlsplays conflrmlng LhaL Lhe new hasL record was successfully creaLed. Cllck Ck,
and Lhen cllck Done.
10 ln Lhe rlghL slde deLalls pane of Lhe |s||on.tra|n|, rlghL-cllck, and Lhen cllck New
11 ln Lhe new uelegaLlon Wlzard, cllck Next.
12 ln Lhe De|egated Doma|n box, Lype 9%/#.1+, and Lhen cllck Next.
13 8elow Lhe Name Servers box, cllck Add.
14 ln Lhe Server fu||y qua||f|ed doma|n name (IDN) box, Lype #$B8$#$%&'8.+,$'$'-89&: and cllck
13 Cllck Next ln Lhe name Servers page, and Lhen cllck I|n|sh.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 3: 1est SmartConnect Sett|ngs
ln Lhls Lask, you LesL Lhe name Lo l address resoluLlon of Lhe clusLer name and connecL Lo Lhe clusLer
by name.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, Lo open a command prompL, cllck Start, cllck A|| rograms, cllck
Accessor|es, and Lhen cllck Command rompt.
2 AL Lhe prompL, Lype '#%&&>/B 9%/#.1+. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls reLurned.
3 use Lhe up arrow Lo run Lhe '#%&&>/B 9%/#.1+ command agaln. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls
4 AL Lhe prompL, Lype B$'- 9%/#.1+. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls reLurned.
3 use Lhe up arrow Lo run Lhe B$'- 9%/#.1+ command agaln. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls
6 use Lhe up arrow Lo run Lhe B$'- 9%/#.1+ command a Lhlrd Llme. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls
reLurned. Mlnlmlze Command rompt.
7 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, open a browser wlndow. ln Lhe address bar, Lype
1ask 4: Conf|gure an add|t|ona| SmartConnect zone
ln Lhls Lask, you creaLe a SmarLConnecL zone for nlS user and conflgure nlS fallover.
Step Act|on
1 lf lL ls noL already open, open Lhe Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface and log on uslng Lhe admln
2 Ask Lhe Lralner for Lhe lsllon SmarLConnecL Advanced llcense key.
a. ln Lhe Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, move Lhe mouse Lo hover over ne|p and Lhen
move down and cllck on About 1h|s C|uster.
b. Cllck on Lhe Act|vate ||cense llnk nexL Lo L|censed Modu|es.
c. 1ype Lhe llcense key ln Lhe Llcense key wlndow.
d. AccepL Lhe LuLA.
e. Cllck Subm|t.
3 Cllck Network Conf|gurat|on under Lhe CLuS1L8 MAnACLMLn1 Lab.
4 Cn Lhe neLwork ConflguraLlon page, ln Lhe Subnets secLlon, cllck subnet0.
WhaL opLlons are avallable?
3 ln Lhe I Address oo|s box, cllck Add poo|.
6 ln Lhe Name box, for Lhe nlS pool, Lype NISpoo|.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
7 ln Lhe Descr|pt|on box, Lype a useful descrlpLlon for Lhls pool.
8 Leave Lhe Access zone aL defaulL System.
9 ln Lhe I range (|ow-h|gh) secLlon, cllck New, and Lhen Lype for Lhe low
number and for Lhe hlgh number.
10 Cllck Next.
11 ln Lhe SmartConnect 8as|c secLlon, ln Lhe 2one name box, Lype
12 ln Lhe Connect|on po||cy box, leave Lhe defaulL seLLlng of kound kob|n.
13 Lxpand Lhe SmartConnect serv|ce subnet ||st, and Lhen cllck subnet0.
14 ln Lhe SmartConnect Advanced secLlon, ln Lhe I a||ocat|on method box, change Lhe value
Lo Dynam|c,
13 Leave Lhe keba|ance po||cy of Automat|c Ia||back. Lxpand Lhe I Ia||over o||cy llsL, and
Lhen cllck Connect|on Count, and Lhen cllck Next.
16 Cn Lhe Conflgure ool lnLerface Members page, cllck ext-1 for node4 Lhrough node6 and
cllck Lhe rlghL arrow for each, and Lhen cllck Subm|t. (?ou may selecL mulLlple enLrles ln Lhe
llsL by uslng Lhe C18L or SPll1 keys. Poldlng Lhe C18L key wlll allow selecLlon of mulLlple
lLems lndlvldually and holdlng Lhe SPll1 key allows selecLlon of mulLlple consecuLlve lLems
ln Lhe llsL.)
1ask S: Create DNS records for NIS zone
ln Lhls Lask, you creaLe a nS (uelegaLlon) unS record for Lhe nfspool on a MlcrosofL unS server.
Step Act|on
1 1 Cpen Lhe WlnServer deskLop from Lhe vM llsL of your vApp.
2 3 lf you are noL already logged ln Lo Lhe WlnServer as a domaln admlnlsLraLor:
a. ln Lhe W|ndows Secur|ty dlalog box, cllck Use another account.
a. 1o log lnLo Lhe domaln, ln Lhe User name box, Lype Is||on\adm|n|strator.
b. ln Lhe assword box, Lype Is||on2!.
3 4 Cn Lhe deskLop of Lhe Wlndows Server, cllck Lhe DNS lcon on Lhe wlndows Lool bar. lL looks
llke a pyramld wlLh a globe on Lop.

4 3 A small Lree vlew dlsplays ln Lhe lefL hand pane. Lxpand Lhe Wlndows Server and Lhen
expand Iorward Lookup 2ones.
3 6 Cllck |s||on.tra|n| Lo dlsplay unS lnformaLlon ln Lhe rlghL slde deLalls pane.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
6 ln Lhe rlghL slde deLalls pane of Lhe |s||on.tra|n|, rlghL-cllck, and Lhen cllck New
7 ln Lhe new uelegaLlon Wlzard, cllck Next.
8 ln Lhe De|egated Doma|n box, Lype nfspoo|, and Lhen cllck Next.
9 8elow Lhe Name Servers box, cllck Add.
10 ln Lhe Server fu||y qua||f|ed doma|n name (IDN) box, Lype s|p. |s||on.tra|n| and cllck
11 Cllck Next ln Lhe name Servers page, and Lhen cllck I|n|sh.
1ask 6: 1est New SmartConnect 2one Sett|ngs
ln Lhls Lask, you LesL Lhe name Lo l addresses resoluLlon of Lhe new zone.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, Lo open a command prompL, cllck Start, cllck kun, Lype cmd ln
Lhe Cpen: box, and Lhen cllck Lhe Ck buLLon.
2 AL Lhe prompL, Lype ns|ookup nfspoo|. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls reLurned.
3 use Lhe up arrow Lo run Lhe ns|ookup nfspoo| command agaln. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls
4 AL Lhe prompL, Lype p|ng nfspoo|. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls reLurned.
3 use Lhe up arrow Lo run Lhe p|ng nfspoo| command agaln. noLe Lhe l address LhaL ls

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab S.0: Connect to an LDA Doma|n
ln Lhls lab, you conflgure Lhe clusLer Lo use LlghLwelghL ulrecLory Access roLocol (LuA) Lo
auLhenLlcaLe cllenLs uslng credenLlals sLored ln an LuA domaln. lsllon besL pracLlce ls Lo always
connecL LuA flrsL and Lhen AcLlve ulrecLory.
1ask 1: Lnab|e LDA authent|cat|on
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll conflgure a base dlsLlngulshed name (un). 1he base un ldenLlfles Lhe enLry ln Lhe
dlrecLory from whlch searches lnlLlaLed by LuA cllenLs occur. 8ase uns can lnclude Lhe parameLers cn
(common name), | (locallLy), ou (organlzaLlonal unlL), dc (domaln componenL), or oLhers. An example of
a dlsLlngulshed name ls cn=|ab1 dc=|s||on, dc=com.
Step Act|on
1 Log on Lo Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface uslng Lhe rooL accounL.
2 ln Lhe ul, cllck CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1, Lhen cllck Access Management, and Lhen cllck
3 ln Lhe Manage LDA rov|ders secLlon, cllck Add an LDA prov|der.
4 Cn Lhe Add LDA rov|ders secLlon:
a. 1ype Is||on LDA ln Lhe LuA rovlder name: box.
b. ln Lhe Servers: box, Lype %0,BCDD%$'/H#1+I1+
c. uncheck Lhe Load ba|ance servers box.
d. ln Lhe 8ase d|st|ngu|shed name box, Lype %#&'(')*+, %#&./"'+'+0, %#&#*1
ln Lhe fleld.
e. Leave everyLhlng else as defaulL and cllck Lhe Add LDA rov|der buLLon.
6 ln Lhe Server Status box, verlfy LhaL Lhere ls a green doL nexL Lo LDA |s Act|ve.
7 Mlnlmlze Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface.
1ask 2: Ver|fy LDA authent|cat|on
verlfy LhaL LuA servlce ls correcLly conflgured on Lhe ClusLer.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, double-cllck Lhe u11 lcon.
2 ln Lhe u11 Conf|gurat|on dlalog box, ln Lhe nost Name (or I address) LexL box, Lype any
l address or hosLname for Lhe clusLer, and Lhen cllck Cpen.
3 Log on Lo Lhe node uslng Lhe rooL accounL and password.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
4 AL Lhe clusLer command prompL, Lype '(' *+&, (&*&+( --./$0%(/. 1he ouLpuL wlll
look slmllar Lo Lhls:

noLe Lhe enLrles relaLlng Lo LuA.
3 LxlL u11?.
Lab S.1: Connect to an Act|ve D|rectory Doma|n
ln Lhls lab, you [oln Lhe clusLer Lo a Wlndows 2008 AcLlve ulrecLory (Au) domaln, creaLe new shares,
and LesL Lhe share permlsslons.
1ask 1: Io|n the c|uster to Act|ve D|rectory
Step Act|on
1 From WinClient, open your clusters web administraLlon lnLerface lf lL ls noL already open.
2 Logln as admln/lsllon2.
3 Cllck on Lhe Act|ve D|rectory Lab ln Lhe Access ManagemenL secLlon of CLuS1L8
4 ln Lhe Manage AcLlve ulrecLory rovlders secLlon, cllck on Io|n a doma|n llnk.
3 ln Lhe !oln a uomaln box, ln Lhe uomaln name: fleld Lype Is||on.tra|n|
6 ln Lhe user box, Lype "%1'+'(./".*/.
7 ln Lhe password box, Lype 2(')*+34
8 Cllck Io|n. 1he !oln AcLlve ulrecLory uomaln wlndow dlsplays. !olnlng Lhe domaln may Lake
several mlnuLes. AfLer your node successfully [olns Lhe domaln, Lhe our Act|ve D|rectory
prov|der has been created message ls dlsplayed.
9 Cllck on Lhe Access 2ones Lab for green conflrmaLlon of your Au wlLh LuA.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 2: Check the doma|n [o|n status
lL may Lake up Lo 10 mlnuLes for Lhe [oln process Lo compleLe.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, double-cllck Lhe u11? lcon. lf your u11? sesslon ls sLlll open
from a prevlous acLlvlLy, go Lo sLep 3.
2 ln Lhe nost Name fleld, Lype any l address or hosLname for Lhe clusLer, and Lhen cllck
3 lf needed, aL Lhe u11? SecurlLy AlerL, cllck es.
4 AL Lhe logln as prompL, Lype $%%&, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
AL Lhe password prompL, Lype 1('2%3!, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 1o verlfy you have [olned Lhe domaln, Lype '(' *+&, *4( .'/5
1('2%36&$*'3'3768%9 and Lhen press LN1Lk.
6 ln Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe command, verlfy LhaL Lhe AuS sLaLus ls reporLed onllne. AddlLlonal
lnformaLlon LhaL Lells you LhaL Lhe clusLer ls properly [olned Lo Lhe domaln lncludes Lhe
dlsplay of Lhe domaln conLroller.
1ask 3: Create two shares and set perm|ss|ons us|ng the Web Interface
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll creaLe Lwo shares uslng sllghLly dlfferenL securlLy opLlons Lo compare Lhe
Step Act|on
1 SwlLch Lo Lhe web browser LhaL ls open Lo Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface for your
2 Cllck on Lhe kC1CCCLS Lab, W|ndows Shar|ng (SM8) ls Lhe defaulL subLab, cllck Lhe Add a
Share llnk.
3 Cn Lhe Add an SM8 Share page:
a. ln Lhe Share name LexL box, Lype (.5%6+."%.
b. ln Lhe Descr|pt|on LexL box, Lype 7'+%*8( 9:; (<"/6.
c. ln Lhe D|rectory to share LexL box, Lype ='>(=%"."=(.5%6+."%, and Lhen cllck

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
4 1he share ls noL creaLed because Lhe sLudenLad dlrecLory does noL exlsL. ?ou wlll be
presenLed wlLh a Create New ath pop up wlndow.
Cllck Create new d|rectory buLLon.
?ou wlll geL a Creen ouLllned box sLaLlng our share has been created.

3 Cn Lhe SM8 Shares page, cllck V|ew Deta||s nexL Lo your newly creaLed SM8 Share
6 ln Lhe Users & Groups note that Lveryone |s a||owed read-only access ls Lhe defaulL
7 ln Lhe users and Croups secLlon, cllck Ld|t, for Lhe Lveryone accounL cllck on Ld|t. SelecL
Iu|| Contro| Lo glve everyone Lhe ablllLy Lo creaLe and deleLe flles and folders, and cllck Lhe
Save buLLon, Lhen cllck Lhe save buLLon under Lhe SM8 llsL. ?ou wlll see Lhe conflrmaLlon
lmage as lL saves Lhe changes.
8 ln Lhe users & Croups secLlon, cllck Ld|t, Lhen cllck on Add a user or group llnk.
9 ln Lhe SelecL a user or Croup pop up wlndow, selecL System for Access Zone, selecL
ADS:ISILCN.1kAINING.CCM for rovlder.
10 ln Lhe uomaln CredenLlals box, SelecL Use Custom Credent|a|s and Lhen selecL Use
Mach|ne Credent|a|s and Lhen cllck on Lhe Search buLLon.
11 lrom Lhe Search 8esulLs, cllck on ISILCN\student and Lhen cllck Lhe Se|ect buLLon.
12 Cllck on Lhe Ld|t llnk nexL Lo Lhe sLudenL accounL. SelecL Iu|| Contro| Lo glve everyone Lhe
ablllLy Lo creaLe and deleLe flles and folders, and cllck Lhe Save buLLon, Lhen cllck Lhe save
buLLon under Lhe SM8 llsL. ?ou wlll see Lhe conflrmaLlon Updat|ng Share lmage as lL saves
Lhe changes.
13 8epeaL sLeps 3-7 Lo creaLe a share named (.5%6+."%3 aL Lhe paLh
='>(=%"."=(.5%6+."%3, Lhls Llme selecLlng Do not change ex|st|ng perm|ss|ons lnsLead
of applylng Lhe defaulL ACLs.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 4: Access and rev|ew the shares - C1ICNAL
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, cllck Start, rlghL-cllck Computer, and Lhen cllck Cpen.
A wlndow showlng all local and remoLe mapped drlves dlsplays.
2 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe Computer wlndow, cllck Map Network Dr|ve.
3 ln Lhe Map Network Dr|ve dlalog box, ln Lhe Io|der box, Lype ??#)5(.6/?(.5%6+."%,
and Lhen cllck I|n|sh:
4 8lghL-cllck anywhere ln Lhe wlndow:
a. Cllck New
b. Cllck 1ext Document.
c. 1ype .6(.@%*#516+. as Lhe name of Lhe documenL
d. ress Ln1L8.
3 8lghL-cllck test_document, and Lhen cllck ropert|es:
6 ln Lhe test_document ropert|es dlalog box, cllck Lhe Secur|ty Lab.
7 ln Lhe Group or user names secLlon, cllck each enLry and revlew Lhe permlsslons for each.
Why are Lhe permlsslons grey lnsLead of black?__________________________
8 Cn your Wlndows deskLop, double-cllck Lhe u11? lcon.
9 Cn Lhe u11? ConflguraLlon dlalog box, ln Lhe nost Name fleld, Lype c|uster, and Lhen cllck
10 lf necessary, aL Lhe u11? SecurlLy AlerL, cllck es. CLherwlse sklp Lo Lhe nexL sLep.
11 AL Lhe logln as prompL, Lype /**., and Lhen press Ln1L8.
AL Lhe password prompL, Lype 2(')*+3, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
12 AL Lhe prompL, Lype #% ='>(=%"."=(.5%6+."% and Lhen press Ln1L8 Lo change Lhe
13 1ype )( A) .6(.@%*#516+.B.C., and Lhen press Ln1L8. A deLalled llsL of permlsslons,
ownershlp, eLc. of Lhe flle LesL_documenL ls dlsplayed.
NC1L: 1he + (plus slgn) LhaL dlsplays afLer Lhe unlx permlsslons denoLes LhaL Lhe flle
also has ACL permlsslons.
14 1o llsL all of Lhe ACLs LhaL are assoclaLed wlLh Lhe flle, Lype )( )6 .6(.@%*#516+.B.C.
and Lhen press Ln1L8.
Note: 1hls command provldes clusLer admlnlsLraLors wlLh a meLhod of vlewlng ACLs
from Lhe clusLer CLl. 1here are also commands avallable Lo modlfy Lhese ACLs.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
13 8epeaL sLeps 1-11 for studentad2. 8efore performanlng sLep 12, Lype Lhe followlng lnLo a
putty session on your cluster: chmod 777 ]|fs]data]studentad2 1hen conLlnue wlLh
sLeps 12-14. Compare Lhe permlsslons on studentad and stundentad2. noLlce LhaL only Lhe
creaLor of Lhe flle ls llsLed on Lhe Secur|ty Lab for flles creaLed on studentad2. 1hls ls
because you dld noL selecL Lo apply Lhe defaulL ACL when creaLlng studentad2. ln
envlronmenLs wlLh AcLlve ulrecLory enabled, lL ls recommended LhaL you do noL apply Lhe
defaulL ACL when creaLlng shares.
16 Close Lhe u11? wlndow by Lyplng 6C'. aL Lhe prompL.
Lab S.2: Access 2ones
ln Lhls lab, you wlll learn Lo creaLe Access Zones on a clusLer by creaLlng an SM8 Access Zone and an
nlS Access Zone. nlS can only be auLhenLlcaLed agalnsL Lhe SysLem Zone yeL SM8 can be
auLhenLlcaLed agalnsL any zone. AuLhenLlcaLlon prlvlleges are requlred so you wlll be [olnlng Lhe
LnLerprlse ClusLer Lo LuA and Au.
1ask 1: Creat|ng and manag|ng access zones
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll flrsL [oln Lhe LnLerprlse clusLer Lo ldap and Au and Lhen creaLe Lwo access zones.
?ou musL have boLh Lhe SmarLConnecL Advance llcense lnsLalled and SmarLLock Llcense.
Step Act|on
1 ln your browser wlndow, navlgaLe Lo CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1, cllck on Access Management.
2 Cbserve LhaL Lhe rovlder sLaLus should be green for AcLlve ulrecLory, LuA, Local, and llle.
3 Cllck on Create an access zone llnk ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of Lhe Access Zones page.
4 ln Lhe Access 2one Name LexL box, change Lhe 2one k Lo a 2one SM8.
3 ln Lhe Authent|cat|on rov|ders box change Lhe opLlon from use all auLhenLlcaLlon provlders
Lo Manua||y se|ect authent|cat|on prov|ders.
6 Cllck Lhe Add an authent|cat|on prov|der llnk.
7 ln Lhe New Authent|cat|on rov|der box, cllck ln Lhe AuLhenLlcaLlon rovlder 1ype box and
selecL Act|ve D|rectory.
8 ln Lhe Authent|cat|on rov|der box, cllck and selecL Is||on.tra|n|
9 Leave User Mapp|ng ku|es as defaulL.
10 ln Lhe SM8 Shares fleld, cllck and selecL Use a|| SM8 shares.
11 Cllck on Lhe Create Access 2one buLLon.
12 1o assoclaLe an l address pool wlLh an access zone, log ouL of Lhe clusLer and log back ln uslng
root]Is||on2 for user and password.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
13 Pover over CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1 and Lhen cllck on Network Conf|gurat|on.
14 Cllck on Lhe subnet0 llnk.
13 ln Lhe l Address ools secLlon, cllck on Add poo| nexL Lo Lhe l address ools header.
16 ln Lhe CreaLe new pool for subneL pop up wlndow, cllck on name fleld and Lype SM82one, Lype
some descrlpLlon ln Lhe uescrlpLlon fleld, SelecL 2one SM8 ln Lhe Access Zone fleld and cllck on
New Lo enLer l range, enLer for low l and for hlgh l and cllck
17 ln Lhe SmarLConnecL 8aslc secLlon, cllck on 2one name and Lype CneIS7-0A-1, leave 8ound
8obln ln Lhe ConnecLlon pollcy, and selecL subnet0 ln Lhe SmarLConnecL servlce subneL box.
18 ln Lhe SmarLConnecL Advanced SecLlon cllck on Stat|c ln Lhe l allocaLlon meLhod: box. Leave
Lhe resL of Lhe flelds aL defaulL and cllck on Lhe Next buLLon.
19 ln Lhe Conflgure ool lnLerface Members wlndow, selecL exL-1, node 1 Lo node 3. Cllck on Lhe
rlghL faclng arrow Lo add Lhem Lo Lhe lnLerfaces ln currenL pool llsL.
20 Cllck on Lhe Subm|t buLLon.
21 ln your browser wlndow, navlgaLe Lo CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1, cllck on Access Management.
22 Cbserve LhaL Lhe rovlder sLaLus should be green for AcLlve ulrecLory, LuA, Local, and llle.
23 Cllck on Create an access zone llnk ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of Lhe Access Zones page.
24 ln Lhe Access 2one Name LexL box, change Lhe zone k Lo a 2one NIS.
23 ln Lhe Authent|cat|on rov|ders box change Lhe opLlon from use all auLhenLlcaLlon provlders
Lo Manua||y se|ect authent|cat|on prov|ders.
26 Cllck Lhe Add an authent|cat|on prov|der llnk.
27 ln Lhe New Authent|cat|on rov|der box, cllck ln Lhe AuLhenLlcaLlon rovlder 1ype box and
selecL LDA.
28 ln Lhe Authent|cat|on rov|der box, cllck and selecL Is||on LDA.
29 Leave User Mapp|ng ku|es as defaulL.
30 ln Lhe SM8 Shares fleld, leave Lhls as Use no SM8 shares.
31 Cllck on Lhe Create Access 2one buLLon.
32 1o assoclaLe an l address pool wlLh an access zone, log ouL of Lhe clusLer and log back ln uslng
root]Is||on2 for user and password.
33 Pover over CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1 and Lhen cllck on Network Conf|gurat|on.
34 Cllck on Lhe subnet0 llnk.
33 ln Lhe l Address ools secLlon, cllck on Add poo| nexL Lo Lhe l address ools header.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
36 ln Lhe CreaLe new pool for subneL pop up wlndow, cllck on name fleld and Lype NIS2one, Lype
some descrlpLlon ln Lhe uescrlpLlon fleld, SelecL 2one NIS ln Lhe Access Zone fleld and cllck on
New Lo enLer l range, enLer for low l and for hlgh l and cllck
37 ln Lhe SmarLConnecL 8aslc secLlon, cllck on 2one name and Lype CneIS7-0A-2, leave 8ound
8obln ln Lhe ConnecLlon pollcy, and selecL subnet0 ln Lhe SmarLConnecL servlce subneL box.
38 ln Lhe SmarLConnecL Advanced SecLlon cllck on Dynam|c ln Lhe l allocaLlon meLhod: box.
Leave Lhe resL of Lhe flelds aL defaulL and cllck on Lhe Next buLLon.
39 ln Lhe Conflgure ool lnLerface Members wlndow, selecL exL-1, node 4 Lo node 6. Cllck on Lhe
rlghL faclng arrow Lo add Lhem Lo Lhe lnLerfaces ln currenL pool llsL.
40 Cllck on Lhe Subm|t buLLon.
41 8efresh your browser wlndow.
42 Cllck on Lhe + slgn nexL Lo your SM8Zone and nlSZone Lo expand and see Lhe deLalls of your
ool and Lhe access zone lL ls asslgned Lo.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 6.0: Conf|gure Automat|c nome D|rectory Share
ln Lhls lab, you conflgure Lhe clusLer Lo auLomaLlcally creaLe home dlrecLorles for users accesslng a
speclflc home share for Lhe flrsL Llme.
1ask 1a: Create the share
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, Cllck Add a Share.
2 Speclfy Lhe followlng parameLers for Lhe home dlrecLorles share:
Share name = home
uescrlpLlon = home d|rectory
ulrecLory Lo share = ]|fs]home]D]U
SelecL Do not change ex|st|ng perm|ss|ons
SelecL Lhe A||ow Var|ab|e Lxpans|on checkbox
SelecL Lhe Auto-Create D|rectory
Add Lhe uomaln users group wlLh lull ConLrol permlsslons by cllck on Lhe Add a
user or group llnk ln Lhe upper rlghL corner of Lhe user/Croup AccounLs wlndow.
Cllck Lhe Groups on Lhe Search for: llne
SelecL System ln Lhe Access Zone: llne
SelecL ADS:ISILCN.1kAINING.CCM ln Lhe rovlder: llne
Change from Use Mach|ne Credent|a|s Lo Use Custom Credent|a|s and back Lo Use
Mach|ne Credent|a|s and cllck on Lhe Search buLLon.
SelecL ISILCN\doma|n users ln Lhe search resulLs and cllck Lhe Se|ect buLLon.
LdlL Lhe user group for full conLrol permlsslons.
Cllck Lhe Create buLLon.
8emove Lhe Lveryone group from Lhls share
Cllck on Lhe De|ete llnk nexL Lo Lhe Lveryone group on Lhe rlghL hand slde.
Cllck on Lhe vlew deLalls of Lhe home dlrecLory Lo make sure everyLhlng ls seL correcLly. lf a
users & Croups has a wrong seLLlng or some oLher seLLlng ls noL correcL, Lhen edlL lL aL Lhls
Llme Lo make Lhe correcLlon.
3 1esL Lhe share uslng Lhe lsllon\sLudenL accounL by mapplng a neLwork drlve from Lhe
WlnCllenL vlrLual machlne Lo \\c|uster\home. Lnsure LhaL no exlsLlng SM8 sesslons are
connecLed by uslng any oLher accounL before aLLempLlng Lo map Lhe drlve.
4 AfLer Lhe home dlrecLory ls mapped Lo a drlve leLLer on WlnCllenL, creaLe a new folder Lo
LesL permlsslons. 8evlew Lhe SecurlLy Lab on Lhe roperLles dlalog of Lhe new folder.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
3 Close Lhe Wlndows Lxplorer wlndows and dlsconnecL Lhe mapped neLwork drlve uslng Lhe
Command rompL. 1haL command ls:

+6. 5(6 D =%

Conflrm Lhe operaLlon by Lyplng aL Lhe conflrmaLlon prompL.
6 Whlle sLlll aL Lhe command prompL, connecL Lo Lhe \\c|uster\home share agaln as a
dlfferenL user.

+6. 5(6 EF ??#)5(.6/?<*16 =5(6/F'(')*+?(.5%6+.3

7<6+ E/*1E.6% >*/ .<6 E"((8*/%F 2(')*+34

Cpen Lhe drlve ln Wlndows Lxplorer. noLe LhaL Lhe dlrecLory creaLed by lsllon\sLudenL ls
noL llsLed. 8evlew Lhe SecurlLy Lab on Lhe roperLles dlalog for Lhe new folder.
7 Close Wlndows Lxplorer and dlsconnecL all SM8 sesslons uslng Lhe Command rompL.
8 lf noL already open, open u11? and logln Lo Lhe ClusLer wlLh Lhe rooL accounL. 1ype Lhe
following commands in order listed. Click ENTER after each command (there are no 1s, or
ones, in the following commands; they are lowercase Ls):
#% ='>(=<*16
)( ") (noLe: Cne of Lhe dlrecLorles reLurned by Lhls command ls named lSlLCn
because you used u ln Lhe paLh for your home share)
#% 292GHI
)( ") (Note: 1here should be Lwo dlrecLorles, one for each accounL LhaL you
used Lo connecL Lo Lhe share. 1he u you used ln Lhe share paLh fllled ln Lhe
names of Lhese dlrecLorles wlLh Lhe username of Lhe connecLed user when Lhey
connecLed Lo Lhe home share Lhe flrsL Llme.)
)( ") (.5%6+. (1hls wlll show you Lhe conLenLs of
)( ") (.5%6+.3 (1hls wlll show you Lhe conLenLs of
9 LxlL u11?.
Lab 6.1: Conf|gure NIS Lxports
ln Lhls lab, you conflgure nlS exporLs uslng Lhe lab user lnLerface (ul). ?ou wlll also vlew and edlL
exporL properLles for Lhese nlS exporLs.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 1a: Create a student account
Step Act|on
SLarL a uLLy sesslon by double cllcklng on uLLy.
2 ln Lhe PosL name wlndow enLer and cllck Cpen.
3 Log lnLo your node uslng Lhe root]Is||on2 accounL.
At the CLI type the following command: |s| auth users create student --enab|e yes --
home-d|rectory ]|fs]home]student --password Is||on2 --u|d S00 and press Lhe Lnter key.
3 AL Lhe CLl Lype |s| auth users ||st Lo verlfy accounL creaLlon.
6 1ype ex|t and press LnLer.
1ask 1b: Create a d|rectory
Step Act|on
ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, cllck on Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1 Lab and Lhen
cllck I||e System Lxp|orer.
ln Lhe navlgaLlon pane, cllck Lhe data dlrecLory. AL Lhe Lop of Lhe wlndow, cllck Add
ln Lhe New D|rectory ropert|es dlalog, ln Lhe D|rectory name LexL box, Lype
ln Lhe UNIk perm|ss|ons secLlon, seL Lhe user Lo student. SelecL all Lhree permlsslons for
user, and selecL 8ead and LxecuLe permlsslons for Croup and selecL 8ead permlsslons for
CLher. Leave Lhe defaulL values for all oLher seLLlngs, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
1ask 1c: Create an export
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, cllck on kC1CCCLS.
2 cllck on UNIk Shar|ng (NIS).
3 cllck Add an export.
4 ln Lhe Add an nlS LxporL page, ln Lhe uescrlpLlon box, Lype (&+4/3&:;<.
3 Cllck 8rowse.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
6 ln Lhe Choose Lxport D|rector|es dlalog box, double cllck Lo expand Lhe daLa dlrecLory
a. Cllck your sLudenLnlS dlrecLory
b. Cllck Ck. 1he dlrecLory LhaL you selecLed dlsplays ln Lhe D|rector|es box.
7 Leave Lhe C||ents box empLy, whlch means LhaL all cllenLs can connecL Lo Lhls exporL.
8 ln Lhe erm|ss|ons secLlon, verlfy LhaL Lnab|e mount access to subd|rector|es ls selecLed.
9 ln Lhe Users]Group Mapp|ngs secLlon, verlfy LhaL Use defau|t ls selecLed.
10 ln Lhe User]Group name box, verlfy Map root users to nobody ls showlng. 1hls seLLlng wlll
squash rooL Lo nobody.

NC1L: lf you prefer noL Lo squash rooL Lo nobody, change Lhls value Lo root and change
permlsslons on Lhe dlrecLory ln llle SysLem Lxplorer Lo beLLer flL Lhe scenarlo.
11 lor Advanced NIS Lxport Sett|ngs accepL Lhe defaulL seLLlngs.
12 Cllck Lhe Save buLLon Lo save Lhe nlS exporL seLLlngs.
1ask 1d: Mount an export
ln Lhls sLep, you mounL Lhe exporL from a Llnux cllenL.
Step Act|on
lrom My Cloud, open Lhe console for L|nuxC||ent. Logln wlLh Lhe student accounL uslng a
password of Is||on2.
Cpen a Lermlnal by cllcklng Lhe App||cat|ons menu aL Lhe Lop lefL of Lhe console. Pover
over Accessor|es and cllck 1erm|na|.
verlfy LhaL you are ln students home dlrecLory by Lyplng Lhe followlng command:


1he ouLpuL should read ]home]student
AL Lhe prompL, Lype 1$%'/ +>(1*5+., and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1ype Lhe password for Lhe
student accounL, Is||on2, aL Lhe sudo password prompL.
1ype (5%* 1*5+. #)5(.6/F='>(=%"."=(.5%6+.IJ9 +>(1*5+., and Lhen press
Ln1L8. 1ype Lhe password for Lhe student accounL, Is||on2, aL Lhe sudo password prompL.
1o verlfy Lhe mounL, Lype 1*5+.. 1he lasL llne of Lhe dlsplayed ouLpuL should be Lhe full
paLh of Lhe dlrecLory LhaL you [usL mounLed (lncludlng Lhe server address).
1o vlew Lhe conLenLs of Lhe mounL, Lype )( A)/. +>(1*5+. and Lhen press Ln1L8.
verlfy LhaL Lhere are no flles or folders currenLly ln Lhls dlrecLory.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
AL Lhe prompL, Lype &%+8, 3=(9%+3&>&/(&='2/, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls command
creaLes an empLy flle.
1o conflrm LhaL Lhe LesL flle was creaLed and Lo revlew Lhe permlsslons LhaL are assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe flle, Lype )( A)/. +>(1*5+.=.6(.>')6, and Lhen press Ln1L8. noLe LhaL
student ls Lhe owner of Lhe flle and has read, wrlLe and execuLe permlsslons.
Switch to the remote desktop window for WinClient that has your clusters web
admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface open.
ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface:
a. Lxpand Lhe llle SysLem menu
b. Cllck llle SysLem Lxplorer.
c. ln Lhe navlgaLlon pane, expand Lhe daLa dlrecLory.
SelecL Lhe sLudenLnlS dlrecLory, and Lhen ln Lhe AcLlons column of Lhe dlrecLory row, cllck
ln Lhe roperLles dlalog box, ln Lhe unlx ermlsslons secLlon, clear Lhe WrlLe checkbox for
user, and Lhen cllck SubmlL.
14 ln Lab Manager, swlLch Lo Lhe LlnuxCllenL console.
AL Lhe command prompL, Lype /1 A> +>(1*5+.=.6(.>')6, and Lhen press Ln1L8. 1hls
command should fall due Lo lnsufflclenL permlsslons. lf you check Lhe permlsslons on Lhe
flle you should see LhaL student ls sLlll Lhe owner of Lhe flle and has wrlLe permlsslon. 1he
student accounL, however, no longer has permlsslon Lo creaLe or deleLe daLa because of
Lhe permlsslon change aL a hlgher level dlrecLory.
1o creaLe a new dlrecLory, Lype 1$%'/ +>(1*5+.=%'/6#.*/K3, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
1hls command should fall due Lo lnsufflclenL permlsslons.
1o resLore Lhe permlsslons Lo Lhelr orlglnal seLLlngs, swlLch Lo Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon
ln llle SysLem Lxplorer, browse Lo your sLudenLnlS dlrecLory lf needed, rlghL-cllck Lhe
dlrecLory, and Lhen cllck ropert|es.
19 ln Lhe Un|x erm|ss|ons secLlon, selecL WrlLe for user, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
Lab 6.2: Lnab|e n11 and I1 Access - C1ICNAL
ln Lhls lab, you enable P11 and llle 1ransfer roLocol (l1) access Lo Lhe clusLer, and LesL each

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 1: Conf|gure n11 - C1ICNAL
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll enable and LesL Lhe P11 access for Lhe clusLer. ueLalls are lncluded ln Lhe lab
sLeps below.
*,#> !,C J',=%1 K**L ,991##
Lnable Lhe P11 servlce.
Step Act|on
1 Cpen a web browser and type the URL of your clusters Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface lf
2 lf needed, ln Lhe user name box, Lype L%1'+. ln Lhe assword box, Lype 2(')*+3.
3 ln Lhe Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, cllck kC1CCCLS lf needed, and Lhen cllck n11
4 Cn Lhe P11 page, cllck Lnab|e n11 ln Lhe Servlce secLlon.
3 verlfy LhaL Lhe uocumenL rooL dlrecLory ls seL Lo Lhe defaulL seLLlng of /lfs.
6 ln Lhe Server hostname box, Lype c|uster.
7 ln Lhe AdmlnlsLraLor emall address box, Lype (.5%6+.M'(')*+B#*1.
8 Cllck Subm|t. 1he P11 page should refresh and dlsplay Lhe message n11 has been
*,#> !=C M&''19. N#$'- K**L
8rowse Lhe web page you conflgured Lo access your daLa.
Step Act|on
1 Cpen a new Web browser wlndow.
2 ln Lhe address bar, Lype <..EF=="#$%&'( and Lhen press Ln1L8.
NC1L: uo noL append porL 8080 Lo Lhe l address. When you append 8080 Lo Lhe l
address, you are connecLed Lo Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface.
3 ln Lhe dlrecLory llsLlng, cllck Lhe daLa dlrecLory Lo vlew Lhe conLenLs.
NC1L: ?ou are accesslng Lhe daLa anonymously, so you can only vlew daLa LhaL has
read and execuLe permlsslons seL for CLher or LhaL has an access conLrol llsL (ACL)
LhaL glves Lhe Lveryone group read access.
4 Close Lhe browser wlndow.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 2: Conf|gure I1 - C1ICNAL
ln Lhls Lask, you wlll creaLe Lwo local users Lo use for l1 access and you wlll creaLe a home dlrecLory
for each user. ?ou wlll seL sllghLly dlfferenL permlsslons for each dlrecLory and observe Lhe lmpacL Lo
users LhaL browse Lhe l1 slLe. ueLalls are lncluded ln Lhe lab sLeps below.
*,#> (,C J',=%1 O*L ,991##
Lnable Lhe l1 servlce.
Step Act|on
1 Open a web browser and type the URL of your clusters web administration interface lf
needed. lf noL move Lo sLep 4.
2 ln Lhe user name box, Lype L%1'+. ln Lhe assword box, Lype 2(')*+3.
3 Cllck on Lhe kC1CCCLS Lab.
4 Cllck I1 Sett|ngs.
3 ln Lhe Serv|ce secLlon, cllck Lnab|e Lo enable Lhe l1 servlce, and Lhen cllck Subm|t. 1he
screen refreshes and dlsplays Lhe message l1 seLLlngs have been updaLed.
*,#> (=C J',=%1 .A1 %&9,% F.B ,99&/'. &' .A1 9%/#.1+
Lnable local l1 user.
Step Act|on
1 In your clusters web administration interface, cllck on CLUS1Lk MANAGLMLN1.
2 Cllck on Access Management.
3 Cllck Users.
4 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe page, cllck System ln Lhe users fleld.
3 ln Lhe provlders fleld, cllck IILL:System.
6 Cllck V|ew deta||s on Lhe rlghL slde nexL Lo Lhe llsLlng for fLp.
7 Cllck Ld|t nexL Lo Lhe assword fleld under user ueLalls.
8 ln Lhe assword LexLbox, Lype 1('2%3! "+% #)'#$ .<6 <*./ !5..*+.
9 ln Lhe Pome dlrecLory, cllck Ld|t, change defaulL dlrecLory Lo >'=(>,%9/>(&+4/3&=&?.
10 Cllck Ld|t nexL Lo Lnable AccounL, cllck Lhe check box.
11 ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, cllck Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1, and Lhen cllck
I||e System Lxp|orer.
12 ln Lhe navlgaLlon pane, cllck Lhe home dlrecLory.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
13 Cn Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe screen, cllck ropert|es for Lhe studentftp dlrecLory.
14 ln Lhe unlx permlsslons secLlon, selecL Is||on Users for Lhe Croup. verlfy all Lhree
permlsslons for user are checked and all check boxes for Lhe Croup and CLher are cleared.
SelecLlng Lhese permlsslons wlll prevenL oLher fLp users from accesslng Lhe same paLh and
modlfylng studentftps daLa.

Leave all oLher seLLlngs wlLh Lhe defaulL values, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
*,#> (9C M&''19. N#$'- O*L
verlfy l1 access uslng Lhe local user.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe deskLop, cllck Start, cllck kun, Lype cmd, and Lhen cllck Ck.
2 AL Lhe prompL, Lype >.E followed by Lhe l address of one of Lhe nodes ln Lhe clusLer or
any hosLname for Lhe clusLer, and Lhen press Ln1L8.
3 AL Lhe user prompL, Lype =&?, and Lhen press Ln1L8. AL Lhe assword prompL, Lype
1('2%3!, and Lhen press LN1Lk.
4 1ype E8%, and Lhen press Ln1L8 Lo conflrm Lhe currenL dlrecLory. Command ouLpuL should
be >'=(>,%9/>(&+4/3&=&?
3 1ype 84 >'=(>4*&*>(&+4/3&*4, and Lhen press LN1Lk Lo change Lhe currenL dlrecLory.
6 1ype 2(, and Lhen press LN1Lk, Lo llsL Lhe conLenLs of Lhe currenL dlrecLory.
7 1ype @+'& (or !K6) Lo end Lhe l1 sesslon.
8 Close Lhe cmd wlndow.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 7.0: Conf|gure SnapshotI
ln Lhls lab, you conflgure SnapshoLlC. 1o do Lhls, you Lake a snapshoL of your own sLudenL dlrecLory,
modlfy Lhe folder conLenLs, and reLrleve an unalLered verslon of your dlrecLory.
1ask 1: Create a snapshot schedu|e
Step Act|on
1 lrom Lhe deskLop of Lhe W|nC||ent double-cllck Lhe Demo Data shorLcuL on your deskLop.
Map a neLwork drlve Lo Lhe \\c|uster\studentad share and copy Lhe conLenLs of Demo
Data lnLo Lhe mapped drlve.
2 Log on Lo Lhe Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface by uslng Lhe admln accounL and password lf
3 Cllck DA1A kC1LC1ICN, polnL Lo SnapshotI, and Lhen revlew Lhe over vlew page.
4 Cllck on each of Lhe 4 sub Labs Lo revlew SnapshoLlC capablllLles. Summary, SnapshoLs,
SnapshoL Schedules and SeLLlngs.
3 Cllck on Lhe Act|vate SnapshotI yellow buLLon.
6 Cllck on Lhe Act|vate ||cense llnk nexL Lo Llcensed Modules on Lhe AbouL 1hls ClusLer page.
7 LnLer Lhe SnapshotI L|cense provlded by Lhe lnsLrucLor ln Lhe Llcense key* box, Agree Lo
Lhe LuLA and cllck Lhe Subm|t buLLon.
8 Cllck DA1A kC1LC1ICN, noLlce Lhe change Lo Lhe SnapshoLlC page.
9 Cllck Snapshot Schedu|es.
10 Cllck Create a snapshot schedu|e llnk Lo Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe SnapshoL schedules page.
11 Add Lhe followlng lnformaLlon:
a. ln Lhe Schedu|e name LexL box, Lype 9.5%6+. %"')K.
b. ln Lhe Snapshot pattern LexL box, Lype (.5%6+.ANOAN:B
c. ln Lhe ath LexL box, Lype ='>(=%"."=(.5%6+."%.
12 ln Lhe SnapshoL lrequency secLlon, conflgure Lhe followlng seLLlngs:
a. Cllck Da||y.
b. ln Lhe Generate snapshot every box, selecL 1 and leave Lhe box aL uay(s).

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
13 ln Lhe Generate secLlon, conflgure Lhe followlng seLLlngs:
c. SelecL Generate mu|t|p|e snapshots per spec|f|ed day
d. ln Lhe Generate snapshot every box Lype (, and Lhen selecL m|nutes from Lhe llsL.
e. Leave Lhe resL of Lhe Llme and daLe lnformaLlon as lL ls.
f. Leave Lhe CreaLe an Allas on defaulL no.
g. under Snapshot Lxp|rat|on, selecL Snapshots exp|re.
h. ln Lhe keta|n snapshot for box, Lype !, and Lhen selecL nours from Lhe afLer
IMCk1AN1: When creaLlng a snapshoL pollcy, keep ln mlnd Lhe lengLh of Llme LhaL you wanL
Lo seL for explraLlon daLe of Lhe snapshoLs. lf you are Laklng a snapshoL every Lwo mlnuLes
as you do ln our lab, you may noL wanL Lo keep each snapshoL more Lhan one hour. lf you
use a seLLlng LhaL Lakes a snapshoL every few days, Lhen you may wanL Lo seL Lhe explraLlon
Llme so LhaL you have aL leasL one saved snapshoL when Lhe nexL snapshoL ls Laken.
lf you manually deleLe Lhe pollcy, Lhe snapshoLs are noL deleLed because a servlce runnlng
ln Lhe background monlLors Lhe snapshoLs and does noL allow Lhem Lo be deleLed or
removed unLll Lhe explraLlon Llme LhaL you seL ln Lhe pollcy.
14 Cllck Lhe Create buLLon.
13 Cn Lhe SnapshoL Schedule page, revlew your seLLlngs by cllcklng Lhe V|ew deta||s llnk Lo Lhe
rlghL of your scheduled snapshoL.
1ask 2: V|ew snapshots
Step Act|on
1 Cllck Lhe Snapshots Lab. ?ou should see one or more snapshoLs and Lhe allas LhaL
references Lhe mosL recenL verslon. 1he snapshoL does noL consume any space because no
daLa has changed or been deleLed. ( lL could Lake up Lo 2-3 mln for snapshoLs Lo appear)
2 Log on Lo Lhe clusLer aL Lhe command llne or connecL by uslng a mapped drlve from your
compuLer, and Lhen deleLe several flles and/or dlrecLorles.
3 WalL Lwo mlnuLes.
4 1o vlew Lhe amounL of space LhaL Lhe snapshoL uses afLer daLa has been modlfled. ?ou can
do Lhls ln one of Lwo ways:
a. ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, cllck Lhe DA1A kC1LC1ICN Lab, Lhen revlew
Lhe Summary page.
b. Cn Lhe WlnCllenL, open a puLLy sesslon Lo Lhe clusLer and aL Lhe command prompL,
Lype '(' (3*?(,%& (3*?(,%&( 2'(& -..

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
3 1o revlew Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Lhe dlrecLorles snapshoLs, do Lhe followlng:
a. ln Lhe u11y sesslon Lype #% ='>(=%"."=(.5%6+."%=B(+"E(<*. and press
b. 1o llsL all snapshoLs, Lype )(.
c. use Lhe #% command Lo navlgaLe Lo any of Lhe llsLed dlrecLorles.
d. lf you wanL Lo replace Lhe daLa LhaL ls now mlsslng, you can copy lL from Lhls
6 1o revlew Lhe aLLrlbuLes of all snapshoLs, do Lhe followlng:
a. 1o change Lo Lhe global snapshoL dlrecLory, Lype #% ='>(=B(+"E(<*.
b. 1o llsL all of Lhe snapshoLs LhaL are avallable, Lype )( A) ='>(=B(+"E(<*.
7 1o revlew Lhe snapshoLs from a Wlndows cllenLs SMB connection, do Lhe followlng:
a. Cllck SLarL, and Lhen cllck CompuLer.
b. AL Lhe Lop of Lhe wlndow, cllck Map Network Dr|ve.
c. ln Lhe Map Network Dr|ve dlalog box, leave Lhe defaulL drlve leLLer shown ln Lhe
urlve box.
d. ln Lhe lolder box, Lype ??)#$%&'(?'>(.
e. Cllck I|n|sh.
8 Cpen Lhe share, and Lhen double-cllck Lhe .snapshoL dlrecLory. ?ou should see a compleLe
vlew of all of Lhe snapshoLs LhaL have been Laken on Lhe clusLer. 8evlew Lhe conLenL of
Lhese snapshoLs.
9 1he alLernaLe way Lo resLore flles ln Wlndows ls by uslng Lhe revlous verslons opLlon of
Lhe volume Shadow Copy Servlce (vSS) lnLegraLlon:
a. ln Wlndows Lxplorer, browse Lo Lhe mapped drlve conLalnlng your sLudenLad folder.
b. 8lghL-cllck Lhe folder and Lhen cllck ropert|es.
c. Cn Lhe ropert|es dlalog box, cllck Lhe rev|ous Vers|on Lab. A llsLlng dlsplays all of
Lhe snapshoLs LhaL have been Laken of Lhe dlrecLory.
1he Wlndows user has Lhree opLlons when navlgaLlng Lo and hlghllghLlng a snapshoL:
Cpen 1he user can Lhen vlew Lhe conLenLs of a read-only copy of LhaL snapshoL
Lo ensure LhaL lL ls Lhe correcL one.
Copy 1he user can Lhen copy Lhe conLenLs of Lhe snapshoL Lo a new locaLlon.
kestore 1he user can resLore Lhe dlrecLory Lo Lhe sLaLe lL was when Lhe selecLed
snapshoL was Laken.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 8.0: Conf|gure Smartuotas
ln Lhls lab, you conflgure Lhree SmarLCuoLas, puL Lhe dlrecLory of Lhe user over Lhe llmlL, and Lhen
revlew Lhe resulLs. 1he sysLem supporLs advlsory, sofL, and hard quoLas. ?ou creaLe one of each and
vlew how Lhe sysLem responds. verlfy LhaL Lhe SmarLCuoLas llcense ls lnsLalled.
1ask 1: Conf|gure report generat|on and event not|f|cat|ons
Step Act|on
1 ln Lhe Web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface of your clusLer, cllck Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1
Lab, cllck on Smartuotas and Lhen revlew Lhe overvlew page.
2 Cllck on Lhe Act|vate Smartuotas yellow buLLon.
3 Cllck on Lhe Act|vate ||cense llnk nexL Lo Llcensed Modules on Lhe AbouL 1hls ClusLer page.
4 LnLer Lhe Smartuotas L|cense provlded by Lhe lnsLrucLor ln Lhe Llcense key* box, Agree
Lo Lhe LuLA and cllck Lhe Subm|t buLLon.
3 Cllck IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1, cllck on Lhe Smartuotas sub Lab and noLlce Lhe change
Lo Lhe SmarLCuoLas page.
6 Cllck on Lhe Sett|ngs secLlon, verlfy LhaL Lhe Scheduled 8eporLlng opLlon ls CN.
7 Cllck on Lhe Change schedu|e llnk ln Lhe 8eporL lrequency secLlon.
8 ln Lhe 8eporL lrequency secLlon, selecL dally and ln Lhe Generate report every box, Lype !,
and Lhen verlfy days.
9 Cllck Generate mu|t|p|e reports per spec|f|ed day.
10 ln Lhe Generate report every box, Lype #, and Lhen selecL m|nutes.
11 ln Lhe beLween Llme conLrols leave Lhe defaulL seLLlngs. 1hese are Lhe sLarL and sLop Llmes
for Lhe schedullng of reporLs.
12 Cllck Lhe Se|ect buLLon.
13 Leave Lhe defaulL seLLlng ln Schedu|ed keport Arch|v|ng and Manua| keport Arch|v|ng.
14 noLlce LhaL you can seL Lmall Mapplng lf you so choose, buL leave lL empLy for Lhls lab.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
13 SeLLlng your Advlsory LlmlL noLlflcaLlon 8ules.
a. Cllck Adv|sory L|m|t Not|f|cat|on ku|es llnk.
b. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
c. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
d. Cllck Lvent: Wh||e Adv|sory L|m|t kema|ns Lxceeded.
e. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
f. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
g. SeL lrequency Lo Send ema|| da||y.
h. Cllck Send mu|t|p|e ema||s per spec|f|ed day.
l. SeL Send emall every: 1 and change nours to M|nutes.
16 SeLLlng your SofL LlmlL noLlflcaLlon 8ules.
a. Cllck Soft L|m|t Not|f|cat|on ku|es llnk.
b. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
c. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
d. Cllck Lvent: Wh||e Soft L|m|t kema|ns Lxceeded.
e. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
f. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
g. SeL lrequency Lo Send ema|| da||y.
h. Cllck Send mu|t|p|e ema||s per spec|f|ed day.
l. SeL Send emall every: 1 and change nours to M|nutes.
[. Cllck Lvent: Soft L|m|t Grace er|od Lxp|red.
k. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
l. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
m. SeL lrequency Lo Send ema|| da||y.
n. Cllck Send mu|t|p|e ema||s per spec|f|ed day.
o. SeL Send emall every: 1 and change nours to M|nutes.
p. Cllck Lvent: Soft L|m|t Wr|te Access Den|ed.
q. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
r. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
17 SeLLlng your Pard LlmlL noLlflcaLlon 8ules.
a. Cllck nard L|m|t Not|f|cat|on ku|es.
b. under Lhe LvenL: Pard LlmlL value Lxceeded, SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
c. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
d. Cllck Lvent: Wh||e nard L|m|t kema|ns Lxceeded.
e. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
f. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
g. SeL lrequency Lo Send ema|| da||y.
h. Cllck Send mu|t|p|e ema||s per spec|f|ed day.
l. SeL Send emall every: 1 and change nours to M|nutes.
[. Cllck Lvent: nard L|m|t Wr|te Access Den|ed.
k. SelecL Lhe Not|fy Cwner check box.
l. Cllck Lhe checkbox nexL Lo Create C|uster Lvent.
18 Cllck Lhe Save buLLon. verlfy you see a Success CuoLa seLLlngs have been successfully
modlfled message ln a green box aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page.
1ask 2: Conf|gure Smartuota for a d|rectory
Step Act|on
1 Cllck kC1CCCLS, cllck W|ndows Shar|ng (SM8), and Lhen cllck Add a share.
2 ln Lhe Add an SM8 Share page, ln Lhe Share Name box, Lype (&+4/3&@+%&*.
3 ln Lhe Descr|pt|on box, Lype P5*." (<"/6.
4 ln Lhe ulrecLory Lo 8e Shared box/ Lype >'=(>4*&*>(&+4/3&@+%&*.
3 ln Lhe ulrecLory ACLs cllck Lhe Do not change ex|st|ng perm|ss|ons opLlon.
6 1o add Lhe sLudenL accounL Lo Lhe ACL for your new share:
a. Cn Lhe users & Croups secLlon, cllck Add a user or group llnk.
b. Cn Lhe SelecL a User or Group pop up wlndow, cllck We||-known SIDs Lhen cllck Lhe
Search buLLon.
c. ln Lhe Search 8esulLs under Lhe Well-known Slu name, selecL your lSlLCn\sLudenL.
d. Cllck Lhe Se|ect buLLon.
(1he sLudenL accounL may noL show up under Lhe Well known SIDs. If thats the case,
change the access zone to System or Zone SMB, provider,
change Lhe domaln credenLlals Lo cusLomer, Lhen back Lo machlne, Lhen cllck search.)
7 ln Lhe Users and Groups secLlon, selecL your sLudenL accounL and cllck Ld|t.
8 SelecL Iu|| Contro|, and Lhen cllck Lhe Save buLLon.
9 noLe Lhe changed permlsslons for your accounL.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
10 Cllck Lhe Create buLLon. Cllck Lhe Create new d|rectory buLLon on Lhe CreaLe new aLh?
op up wlndow.
11 SwlLch Lo a puLLy sesslon and aL Lhe CLl Lype chmod 777 ]|fs]data]studentquota and press
Lhe Lnter key. SwlLch back Lo your browser sesslon.
12 1o add a quoLa Lo your new dlrecLory, cllck IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1, cllck
Smartuotas, and Lhen cllck Create a storage quota llnk.
13 Lxpand Lhe CuoLa 1ype llsL, and Lhen cllck D|rectory uota lf lL ls noL Lhe value shown.
14 ln Lhe ulrecLory aLh box, Lype ='>(=%"."=(.5%6+.P5*." */ 5(6 .<6 ;/*8(6
!5..*+ .* (6)6#. .<6 %'/6#.*/K.
13 ln Lhe Usage Account|ng secLlon, leave Lhls area unselecLed.
16 ln Lhe usage LlmlLs secLlon, selecL Spec|fy Usage L|m|ts.
17 ln Lhe expanded panel, cllck Set a hard ||m|t and ln Lhe Pard LlmlL value fleld Lype QRR. ln
Lhe llsL box, selecL verlfy M8 ls showlng.
18 ln Lhe Show ava||ab|e Space as, verlfy S|ze of hard thresho|d.
19 ln Lhe L|m|t Not|f|cat|ons secLlon, leave Use Defau|t Not|f|cat|on ku|es selecLed.
20 Cllck Create uota buLLon. A SmarLCuoLas CuoLa & usage page dlsplays and shows LhaL
noLlflcaLlon seLLlngs defaulL Lo Lhe value LhaL you seL earller. Powever, lf you requlre a
cusLom noLlflcaLlon for Lhls quoLa, you may change Lhe conflguraLlon.
21 1o LesL Lhe quoLa from a Wlndows cllenL, on your deskLop, cllck Start, and Lhen cllck
22 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe page:
a. Cllck Map network dr|ve.
b. ln Lhe Dr|ve LexLbox, leave Lhe defaulL drlve leLLer.
c. ln Lhe Io|der LexLbox, Lype ??#)5(.6/?(.5%6+.P5*.", and Lhen cllck I|n|sh.
23 Cn Lhe resulLlng Wlndows Lxplorer page, rlghL-cllck Lhe newly mapped drlve and Lhen cllck
roperLles. noLe LhaL Lhe capaclLy ls 300 megabyLes (M8).
24 Close Lhe ropert|es wlndow.
23 Cn Lhe Wlndows Lxplorer page, rlghL-cllck Lhe drlve and Lhen cllck D|sconnect. lf you see a
warnlng dlalog LhaL reporLs LhaL you have flles open on Lhe share you are abouL Lo
dlsconnecL, cllck ?es.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 3: Conf|gure Smartuota for a user - C1ICNAL
*,#> 4,C P00 , /#1+ Q/&., .& G&/+ 0$+19.&+G
Step Act|on
1 Cllck Create a storage quota llnk.
2 Lxpand Lhe uota 1ype llsL, and Lhen cllck User uota.
3 Cllck on Lhe App|y th|s quota to a spec|f|c user.
4 ln Lhe User LexLbox, Lype '('2%3A(&+4/3& or cllck Lhe Se|ect a user.. buLLon and browse.
3 ln Lhe D|recotry ath: LexLbox, Lype >'=(>4*&*>(&+4/3&@+%&* or cllck Lhe 8rowse
buLLon and selecL Lhe folder.
6 ln Lhe Usage Account|ng secLlon, leave Lhls area unselecLed.
7 ln Lhe usage LlmlLs secLlon, selecL Spec|fy Usage L|m|ts.
8 ln Lhe expanded panel, cllck Set a hard ||m|t and ln Lhe Pard LlmlL value fleld Lype 1R. ln Lhe
llsL box, selecL verlfy M8 ls showlng.
9 ln Lhe L|m|t Not|f|cat|ons secLlon, leave Use Defau|t Not|f|cat|on ku|es selecLed.
10 Cllck Lhe Create uota buLLon. A SmarLCuoLas CuoLa & usage page dlsplays and shows LhaL
noLlflcaLlon seLLlngs defaulL Lo Lhe value LhaL you seL earller. Powever, lf you requlre a
cusLom noLlflcaLlon for Lhls quoLa, you may change Lhe conflguraLlon.
*,#> 4=C *1#. .A1 Q/&., F+&: , R$'0&S# 9%$1'.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe deskLop, cllck Start, and Lhe cllck Computer.
2 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen cllck Map Network Dr|ve.
3 ln Lhe Dr|ve LexLbox, leave Lhe defaulL drlve leLLer.
4 ln Lhe Io|der LexLbox, Lype ??"#$%&'(?(.5%6+.P5*.".
3 Cllck I|n|sh.
6 Copy some daLa Lo Lhe mapped drlve. 1hls daLa should be more Lhan 100 byLes buL less
Lhan 300 M8. ?ou wlll flnd a shorLcuL Lo Lhe uemo uaLa avallable Lo you on Lhe deskLop of
Lhe Wlndows CllenL.
7 1ry Lo copy more Lhan 300 M8 Lo Lhe mapped drlve.
8 ln Lhe Copy Item dlalog box, cllck Cance| Lo sLop Lhe copylng.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
9 ln Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface, expand Lhe SLaLus menu, polnL Lo Lvents. AcLlve evenLs
and vlolaLlons are documenLed on Lhe LvenLs page. When more Lhan one of Lhe same
evenL occurs, Lhey are coalesced lnLo one evenL. lf you sLlll have quesLlons abouL coalesced
evenLs, ask your lnsLrucLor Lo revlew lL qulckly aL Lhe end of Lhe lab.
*,#> 49C T1%1.1 .A1 :,B .& .A1 0+$I1
lL ls lmporLanL Lo deleLe Lhe map Lo Lhe drlve.
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe deskLop, cllck Start, and Lhe cllck Computer.
2 navlgaLe Lo Lhe mapped quoLa drlve, rlghL-cllck, and Lhen cllck D|sconnect.
*,#> 40C MA19> .A1 +1B&+.
Step Act|on
1 Cllck Generated keports Arch|ve subLab llsLed under SmarLCuoLas of Lhe llLL S?S1LM
MAnACLMLn1 secLlon.
2 noLlce Lhe 8eporL CeneraLlons llsLed, Lhe ablllLy Lo llsL Lhem by flrsL or lasL creaLed Llme and
Lhe ablllLy Lo generaLe a quoLa reporL from here as well as deleLe reporLs.
3 Cllck Lhe uotas & Usage Lab. uefaulL ls llsLlng of all CuoLa 8eporLs where you can vlew
4 To find archived quotas cllck Lo selecL a Show arch|ved quota report.
3 ln Lhe drop down box, selecL one of Lhe archlved reporLs.
6 Cllck Lhe Update D|sp|ay buLLon. Cbserve Lhe changes Lo Lhe CuoLa lnfo.
7 Cllck on Lhe Search for spec|f|c quotas w|th|n th|s report.
8 lor CuoLa 1ype, selecL User uota from Lhe llsL.
9 Leave Lhe defaulL * seLLlng for user or Croup.
10 ln Lhe ulrecLory aLh, change Lo ]|fs]data.
11 Cllck Update D|sp|ay. noLe LhaL:
1he sLudenL has exceeded hls or her advlsory quoLa.
?ou can fllLer Lhls Lo show only vlolaLlons.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 9.0: Conf|gure Smartoo|s
In this lab, you review your storage clusters default file pool policy and create a disk pool. Then you
llcense SmarLools and creaLe a new flle pool pollcy.
1ask 1: kev|ew defau|t f||e poo| po||cy
lamlllarlze yourself wlLh Lhe capablllLles of an unllcensed verslon of SmarLools.
Step Act|on
1 lf lL ls noL already open, open Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface and log on uslng Lhe
admln accounL.

1he Smartoo|s Summary page dlsplays dlsk pool usage sLaLlsLlcs and llsLs Lhe dlsk
pools LhaL are avallable ln your clusLer.
3 Cf Lhe llnks aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page, I||e oo| o||c|es ls noL fully avallable. Why?

4 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe Smartoo|s page, cllck Sett|ngs Lo open Lhe Smartoo| Sett|ngs page.
3 Where can you seL proLecLlon levels for clusLer daLa?

6 ln Lhe G|oba| namespace acce|erat|on secLlon, can you cllck Lnab|ed. WhaL happens
and why?

7 lf you selecL Inc|ud|ng f||es w|th manua||y-managed protect|on sett|ngs ln Lhe
rotect|on management and I]C opt|m|zat|on management secLlons, whaL wlll

8 Scroll down Lo Lhe Defau|t I||e oo| o||cy Sett|ngs secLlon.
9 WhaL does Spec|f|c |eve|: do when cllcked?

10 lf you dlsable SmartCache, whaL happens?

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
11 Mlnlmlze Lhe web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface.
1ask 2: L|cense Smartoo|s
ln Lhls Lask, you llcense SmarLools uslng Lhe clusLer command-llne lnLerface.
Step Act|on
1 Ask your lnsLrucLor for Lhe SmarLools llcense key.
2 Cn Lhe WlnCllenL deskLop, double-cllck Lhe u11? lcon and connecL Lo one of Lhe nodes
ln Lhe clusLer.
3 Log ln Lo Lhe clusLer uslng Lhe rooL accounL.
4 AL Lhe command prompL, Lype: lsl llcense acLlvaLe 012'#(' 3'4.
3 Scroll Lo Lhe boLLom of Lhe LuLA uslng Lhe space bar.
1|p: near Lhe end of Lhe LuLA, slow down and pause beLween presses of Lhe space bar
6 AL Lhe end of Lhe LuLA, Lype G1# and Lhen press Ln1L8. lf you do noL Lype yes aL Lhe
exacL end of Lhe LuLA, Lhe command wlll fall.
lf Lhe acLlvaLlon ls successful Lhe message SmarLools has been successfully acLlvaLed
1ask 3: kev|ew d|sk poo| sett|ngs
Step Act|on
1 8esLore Lhe open web admlnlsLraLlon lnLerface Lo your WlnCllenL deskLop.
2 Cllck Summary.
1he Smartoo|s Summary page appears.
3 ln Lhe 1|ers & Node oo|s secLlon, hover Lhe mouse over Lhe lcon ln Lhe Status column.
lf Lhe dlsk pool ls:
rov|s|oned, a green sLaLus lcon lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe dlsk pool ls healLhy and has aL
leasL 3 nodes as members whlch should show Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe sLaLus.
Underprov|s|oned, a gray sLaLus lcon lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe dlsk pool ls empLy or has
fewer Lhan Lhree nodes as members.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
1ask 4: Create a new f||e poo| po||cy
lor Lhls Lask, you wlll add a new flle pool pollcy Lo Lhe clusLer, copy daLa lf needed Lo Lhe shares or
exporLs and Lhen run Lhe pollcy and monlLor Lhe resulLs.
Step Act|on
1 AL Lhe Lop of Lhe page, cllck I||e oo| o||c|es.
1he llle ool ollcles page llsLs all flle pool pollcles ln Lhe clusLer ln Lhe order LhaL Lhey
are applled. lL also llsLs Lhe LemplaLe pollcles LhaL are avallable and a hlsLory of when
Lhe flle pool pollcles were applled.
2 ln Lhe ln Lhe llle ool ollcles secLlon, cllck Add f||e poo| po||cy.
3 Cn Lhe Add I||e oo| o||cy page, ln Lhe 8as|c Sett|ngs secLlon, conflgure Lhe followlng
o||cy name: 1ype a name for Lhe pollcy. (sLudenL)
Descr|pt|on: 1ype a useful descrlpLlon of Lhe pollcy.
4 ln Lhe I||ter Sett|ngs secLlon, ln Lhe I||ter box, cllck Add cr|ter|a.
3 ln Lhe Conf|gure I||e Match|ng Cr|ter|a dlalog box, cllck Locat|on (ath), and Lhen
ensure starts w|th ls selecLed. ln Lhe paLh box, conLlnue Lhe 15(6 paLh by Lyplng
%"."=(.5%6+.D, cllck |gnore case, and Lhen cllck Add.
6 ln Lhe I||ter Sett|ngs secLlon, cllck Add AND criteria.
7 ln Lhe Conf|gure I||e Match|ng Cr|ter|a dlalog box, cllck I||e Lype, cllck |s not, expand
Lhe drop down llsL, cllck D|rectory, and Lhen cllck Add.
8 8y defaulL, Lhe Stop process|ng more ru|es for f||es match|ng th|s f||ter check box ls
selecLed. Leave Lhe defaulL seLLlng, so LhaL flles LhaL maLch a fllLer seLLlng wlll noL be
processed by any oLher fllLers ln Lhls pollcy.
9 1o speclfy Lhe daLa and snapshoL pools:
a. SelecL Lhe Set data poo| to checkbox.
b. lor Lhe snapshoL pool, selecL same as data poo|.
10 1o speclfy Lhe proLecLlon level:
a. SelecL Lhe Set Data Storage 1arget to check box.
b. For snapshot pool, select same target as data
11 Leave Lhe defaulL seLLlngs ln Lhe ln Lhe I]C Cpt|m|zat|on Sett|ngs secLlon.
12 Cllck Subm|t. SmarLools warns LhaL you have a mlxed pollcy of pool use.
13 Cllck Start Smartoo|s Iob Lo lmmedlaLely run Lhe new SmarLools flle pollcy.
14 8evlew Lhe resulLs of your I||e oo| o||cy [ob aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe I||e oo| o||c|es
page. ?ou may need Lo navlgaLe away from, and Lhen back Lo, Lhe I||e oo| o||c|es
page Lo see Lhe resulLs. Note: lL may Lake up Lo a mlnuLe Lo run Lhls pollcy.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Lab 10.0: Conf|gure SyncI
ln Lhls lab, you wlll conflgure baslc SynclC seLLlngs, choose source and LargeL clusLers, speclfy flle
crlLerla, and Lhen save Lhe pollcy. nexL you wlll manually run Lhe pollcy, and Lhen vlew Lhe resulLlng
1ask 1: Create a SyncI po||cy
ln Lhls Lask you creaLe a SynclC pollcy LhaL repllcaLes daLa.
Step Act|on
1 Cllck Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1 Lab, and Lhen cllck I||e System Lxp|orer.
2 1o creaLe a $',78"&291:' subdlrecLory, ln llle SysLem Lxplorer, open Lhe 615( folder, and
Lhen cllck Add D|rectory.
3 ln Lhe New D|rectory ropert|es box Lype 01:&U,+9A$I1 ln Lhe D|rectory name LexL
4 SelecL all ermlsslons, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
3 Cllck Lhe DA1A kC1LC1ICN Lab, cllck SyncI, and Lhen cllck o||c|es.
6 ln Lhe SyncI o||c|es page, cllck Add po||cy.
7 Cn Lhe SyncI Add o||cy page, ln Lhe 8as|c Sett|ngs secLlon, ln Lhe o||cy name
LexLbox, Lype a name for Lhe pollcy.
NC1L: ollcy names can lnclude only leLLers, numerals, hyphens, and
underscore characLers.
8 ln Lhe Descr|pt|on LexLbox, Lype a descrlpLlve commenL abouL Lhe pollcy.
9 ln Lhe Act|on secLlon, cllck Copy.
10 ln Lhe kun [ob secLlon, speclfy wheLher Lhe SynclC [ob wlll run manually or
auLomaLlcally. lor Lhls lab, accepL Manually.
11 1o make lL Lhe source dlrecLory, ln Lhe Source C|uster secLlon of Lhe koot d|rectory box,
browse Lo /lfs/uaLa/(*;$'#*ad/AnlmaLlon. 8y defaulL no flle crlLerla seLLlngs are shown.
Powever, Lhe defaulL flle crlLerla deflnlLlon ls: flle name ls equal Lo '*', where Lhe
wlldcard characLer * represenLs any value--ln oLher words, all flles.
12 1o speclfy more deLalled crlLerla such as daLe creaLed, paLh, slze, or Lype of flle sysLem
ob[ecL, cllck Add cr|ter|a.
13 Cn Lhe Conf|gure I||e Match|ng Cr|ter|a dlalog box, cllck Date created, and Lhen cllck |s
|ess than or equa| to.
14 ln Lhe comparlson operaLor fleld, speclfy 3 days, and Lhen cllck Done.
13 ln Lhe 1arget C|uster secLlon, ln Lhe Name or address LexLbox, Lype c|uster.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
16 ln Lhe 1arget d|rectory LexLbox, Lype Lhe absoluLe paLh (beglnnlng wlLh /lfs) for Lhe
LargeL-clusLer dlrecLory Lo whlch flles wlll be repllcaLed. lor Lhls lab, use
17 ln Lhe 1arget C|uster Arch|va| Snapshot secLlon, slnce SnapShoLlC ls llcensed and
enabled on Lhe LargeL lab clusLer, cllck Create a snapshot on the target c|uster.
a. ln Lhe Snapshot a||as name LexLbox, Lype an allas-name sLrlng uslng Lhe
supporLed sLrlng varlables LhaL are llsLed Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe box. 1he defaulL ls
b. ln Lhe Snapshot pattern LexLbox, Lype a namlng-paLLern sLrlng for snapshoLs,
uslng Lhe supporLed sLrlng varlables llsLed Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe box. 1he defaulL
namlng-paLLern sLrlng ls SlC-<SrcClusLer>-<ollcyname>-?-m-d_P-
c. ln Lhe Snapshot exp|rat|on secLlon, cllck ueleLe Snapshots when they exp|re
and Lhen speclfy an lnLeger value of 1 ln Lhe Lxp|rat|on box and seL Lhe unlL Lo
days (days or monLhs or years).
18 ln Lhe Advanced Sett|ngs secLlon, revlew Lhe defaulL seLLlngs. uo noL modlfy Lhese
seLLlngs unless necessary, and Lhen wlLh asslsLance from lsllon 1echnlcal SupporL.
19 Cllck Subm|t. 1he SynclC ollcles page Lhen dlsplays a llsL of all conflgured SynclC
1ask 2: kun the SyncI po||cy and v|ew the resu|ts
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe SynclC ollcles page, ln Lhe AcLlons column for Lhe pollcy LhaL you [usL creaLed
cllck Assess.
2 Cn Lhe Summary page look ln Lhe kecent|y Comp|eted secLlon Lo verlfy LhaL your pollcy
successfully ran.
3 Cn Lhe SyncI o||c|es page, ln Lhe Act|ons column for Lhe pollcy LhaL you wanL Lo run,
cllck Start. 1he SynclC [ob runs ln Lhe background.
4 1o vlew Lhe runnlng [ob, cllck Summary aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page. 1he SyncI Summary
page dlsplays Lhe sLaLus and ouLcome of SynclC [obs.
3 1he currenL sLaLus of Lhe SynclC [ob dlsplays ln Lhe Current|y kunn|ng secLlon of Lhe
SyncI Summary page. AfLer Lhe [ob moves Lo Lhe kecent|y Comp|eted secLlon, cllck
V|ew deta||s ln Lhe row LhaL conLalns your SynclC [ob. 1he vlew deLalls llnk opens Lhe
keport Deta||s page for a compleLed [ob.
6 Cllck Lhe IILL SS1LM MANAGLMLN1 Lab, and Lhen cllck I||e System Lxp|orer.
7 Cn Lhe I||e System Lxp|orer page, ls Lhe repllcaLed daLa llsLed?

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
8 ln Lhe row LhaL conLalns $',78"&291:', cllck ropert|es on Lhe rlghL hand slde.
9 ln Lhe roperLles of demo_archlve, whaL ls Lhe paLh LhaL dlsplays aL Lhe Lop of Lhe
roperLles dlalog box?
1ask 3: Ld|t the SyncI po||cy and run the [ob - C1ICNAL
Step Act|on
1 Cllck Lhe DA1A kC1LC1ICN Lab, cllck SyncI, and Lhen cllck o||c|es.
2 ln Lhe o||cy column, cllck Lhe pollcy LhaL you creaLed.
3 Cn Lhe SyncI Ld|t o||cy page, ln Lhe 8as|c Sett|ngs secLlon, ln Lhe o||cy name box,
Lype a name for Lhe pollcy.
NC1L: ollcy names can lnclude only leLLers, numerals, hyphens, and
underscore characLers.
4 1o speclfy more deLalled crlLerla such as daLe creaLed, paLh, slze, or Lype of flle sysLem
ob[ecL, cllck Add and crlLerla LhaL you wanL Lo speclfy.
3 ln Lhe Conf|gure I||e Match|ng Cr|ter|a dlalog box, cllck Date created.
6 ln Lhe comparlson operaLor llsL, under ke|at|ve date, cllck |s more than, speclfy 6
monLhs, and Lhen cllck Done.
7 ln Lhe 1arget C|uster secLlon, ln Lhe Name or address LexLbox, Lype Lhe l address of Lhe
Lnn node of Lhe LargeL clusLer. lor Lhls lab, Lype
8 Cllck Connect Lo any nodes ln Lhe clusLer.
9 Leave Lhe resL of seLLlngs as Lhey are, and Lhen cllck Subm|t. A Warnlng message
dlsplays lnformlng you LhaL Lhe changes requlre a full synchronlzaLlon. Cllck es.
1ask 4: ke-run the SyncI po||cy and v|ew the resu|ts - C1ICNAL
Step Act|on
1 Cn Lhe SyncI o||c|es page, ln Lhe Act|ons column for Lhe pollcy LhaL you wanL Lo run,
cllck SLarL. 1he SynclC [ob runs ln Lhe background.
2 1o vlew Lhe runnlng [ob, cllck Summary aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page. 1he SyncI Summary
page dlsplays Lhe sLaLus and ouLcome of SynclC [obs.
3 1he currenL sLaLus of Lhe SynclC [ob dlsplays ln Lhe Current|y kunn|ng secLlon of Lhe
SyncI Summary page. AfLer Lhe [ob moves Lo Lhe kecent|y Comp|eted secLlon, cllck
V|ew deta||s ln Lhe row LhaL conLalns your SynclC [ob. 1he vlew deLalls llnk opens Lhe
keports page for a compleLed [ob.

FMC Fducatlcn Servlces
Step Act|on
4 ln Lhe keports page, expand Lhe llle SysLem menu, and Lhen cllck I||e System Lxp|orer.
3 Cn Lhe I||e System Lxp|orer page, ls Lhe repllcaLed daLa llsLed?
6 ln Lhe row LhaL conLalns $',78"&291:', cllck ropert|es.
7 ln Lhe roperLles of demo_archlve, whaL ls Lhe paLh LhaL dlsplays aL Lhe Lop of Lhe
roperLles dlalog box.
8 Change Lhe Sett|ngs Management Lo Manua||y Managed, dlsable SmartCache, and
Lhen cllck Subm|t. Was Lhe permlsslon change successful?
9 8e-open Lhe properLles of $',78"&291:'. Change Lhe user Lo Guest and Lhe group Lo
Users, and Lhen cllck Subm|t.
Was Lhe permlsslon change successful?

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