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Thomas Thurston

Online Publication Date: 01 January 2008

To cite this Article Thurston, Thomas(2008)'SLAVERY: ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUPPLEMENT (2007)',Slavery &
Abolition,29:4,543 — 713
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/01440390802544602


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Slavery and Abolition
Vol. 29, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 543 – 713


Thomas Thurston
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

For 2007 the bibliography continues its customary coverage of secondary writings
published since 1900 in western European languages on slavery or the slave trade any-
where in the world: monographs, notes and articles in scholarly periodicals, substan-
tial reviews and review essays, conference papers, and chapters in edited volumes and
Festschriften focused primarily on slavery or slave trading. Scholarly materials in elec-
tronic media, as well as some audio and visual, are also mentioned. Readers unfamiliar
with other technical aspects of the presentation may refer to the notes introducing
previous supplements in this journal.
The bibliography does not include materials on slavery found in writings focused on
other subjects, e.g. Spanish administrative practice, the history of sugar, urban or
agricultural history, race relations, or the Roman family. Specialists in every field
will therefore not find recognized contributions to knowledge of the subject presented
in the context of the broader scholarship in their areas – perhaps, and precisely for
that reason often among the more significant works in their fields. It is on such special-
ists, and the references to such related studies that they provide in their own works,
that the bibliography ultimately depends. We aim here to cover the literature at a
level that gives readers full access to all scholarly literature on slavery within a single
additional research step.
We’ve made a minor change to the organization of the bibliography. For some time
the “Modern” sub-heading, under the section “Other,” has been used as a catch-all for
a variety of different entries. To better organize these burgeoning fields of inquiry,
we’ve created a new sub-heading, “Representations and Legacies,” which includes
entries concerning memory and commemoration, the artistic and literary represen-
tation of slavery in contemporary works, and the legacies of slavery, including scho-
larly work regarding restitution. The “Modern” sub-heading will now deal solely
with late nineteenth- to twentieth-century forms of slavery and trafficking.

Thomas Thurston is Director of Education at the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and
Abolition at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale University.
Correspondence to: Thomas Thurston, The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and
Abolition, Yale University, PO Box 208206, 34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520-8206. Email:

ISSN 0144-039X print/1743-9523 online/08/040543– 171

DOI: 10.1080/01440390802544602 # 2008 Taylor & Francis
544 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Full bibliographic references to edited collections of essays and conference proceedings
appear under editors’ names or, lacking an editor, under titles, with cross references to
their contents under the names of contributing authors in sections of the bibliography
specific to their separate topics and different from the placing of the volume as a
whole. The corresponding individual entries provide short-title references to the full
collective entry. Republished works listed in previous supplements in their original
forms are listed under a short reference to the original title, with details of subsequent
appearances following.
Although a few older titles continue to appear every year, the bibliography basically
has covered only current research since 1985. An asterisk ( ) indicates a title for which
a reference has been found but which we have not verified by direct inspection or by
consultation of such standard bibliographical sources as on-line catalogs or Disser-
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tation Abstracts International. Items with asterisks are offered without assurance of
accuracy, or even of existence.
Many individuals and organizations have unknowingly assisted in this project by
making their conference programs available online. Craig Friend, John Quist, and
Seth Rockman helped in tracking down errant conference programs. Thanks are
due to Gilder Lehrman Center staff members David W. Blight, Dana Schaffer, and
Melissa McGrath for their patience and support. Yale University Library staff
members have provided essential services in locating entries not verifiable from the
library’s own holdings. We are grateful for the patient and courteous handling of
dozens of requests for each supplement. Joseph C. Miller continues to share with us
his expertise and great generosity.

The elements of this bibliography appeared first as Joseph C. Miller, Slavery: A Comparative Teaching Bibli-
ography (Waltham MA: Crossroads Press, 1977) and then in annual installments in Slavery and Abolition
(London and Portland OR: Frank Cass, Vol. 1¼1980). Materials accumulated through the 1983 supplement
appeared in Joseph C. Miller, Slavery: A Worldwide Bibliography, 1900–1982 (White Plains NY: Kraus Inter-
national, 1985). The full 1983 supplement (with Larissa V. Brown) appeared in Slavery and Abolition, 4 no. 2
(1983), pp. 163– 208 (Part I), and 4 no. 3 (1983), pp. 232–74 (Part II). “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical
Supplement (1984)” and “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (1985)” (both with James V. Skalnik),
and “Slavery: Current Bibliographical Supplement (1986)” and “Slavery: Current Bibliographical Supplement
(1987)” (both with David F. Appleby) appeared in Slavery and Abolition, 6 no. 1 (1985), pp. 59-92; 7 no. 3
(1986), pp. 315– 88; 8 no. 3 (1987), pp. 353 –86; and 9 no. 2 (1988), pp. 207– 45. “Slavery: Current Bibliographical
Supplement (1988)” (with Randolph C. Head) is in 10 no. 2 (1988), pp. 231– 71, “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical
Supplement (1989)” (with Jena R. Gaines) is in 11, no. 2 (1990), pp. 251–308, and “Slavery: Annual Biblio-
graphical Supplement (1990)” and “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (1991)” (both with Randolph
C. Head) are in 12 no. 3 (1991), pp. 259 –312, and 13 no. (1992), pp. 244 –315.
All materials compiled since 1983 (through 1991) were corrected and consolidated during 1992 in a new
single-volume indexed bibliography (10,351 entries), published as Slavery and Slaving in World History: A Bibli-
ography, 1900– 1991 (Millwood NY: Kraus International, 1993).
The series of yearly updates resumed with “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (1992)” in Slavery and
Abolition, 14 no. 3 (1993), pp. 264 –304 (with Emlyn Eisenach), and has continued to date as “Slavery: Annual
Bibliographical Supplement (1993),” Slavery and Abolition, 15 no. 3 (1994), pp. 134– 97, “Slavery: Annual Biblio-
graphical Supplement (1994),” Slavery and Abolition, 16 no. 3 (1995), pp. 398 –460, and “Slavery: Annual
Bibliographical Supplement (1995),” Slavery and Abolition, 17 no. 3 (1996), pp. 270– 339 (all with Janis
M. Gibbs); “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (1996),” Slavery and Abolition, 18 no. 3 (1997),
pp. 312– 66, “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (1997),” Slavery and Abolition, 19 no. 3 (1998),
pp. 169– 236, and “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (1998),” Slavery and Abolition, 20 no. 3
Slavery and Abolition 545

Organization of the Bibliography

I. General and Comparative

II. North America

1. General and Comparative
2. New England and Middle Colonies
3. Chesapeake
4. Colonial South
5. Ante-Bellum South
6. Ante-Bellum Upper South
7. Louisiana
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8. Texas
9. Florida
10. Other
11. Biographies and Autobiographies
12. Canada

III. Spanish Mainland

1. General and Comparative
2. Mexico
3. Central America
4. New Granada and Gran Colombia
5. Colombia
6. Venezuela
7. Andean South America
8. Rı́o de la Plata

IV. Brazil
1. General and Comparative
2. Northern

(1999v), pp. 169– 236 (all with John R. Holloran); “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (2000),” Slavery
and Abolition, 22 no. 3 (2001), pp. 174– 268 (with Roderick H. Martin); “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Sup-
plement (2001),” Slavery and Abolition, 23 no. 3 (2002), pp. 167 –318 (with Thomas E. Ridenhour, Jr.);
“Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (2002),” Slavery and Abolition, 24 no. 3 (2003), pp. 148– 240,
and “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (2003),” Slavery and Abolition, 25 no. 3 (2004), pp. 144– 215
(both with Fred K. Drogula); “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (2004),” Slavery and Abolition, 26
no. 3 (2005), pp. 421 –516 (Thomas Thurston and Joseph C. Miller); “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Sup-
plement (2005),” Slavery & Abolition, 27 no. 3 (2006), pp. 415 –512 (Thomas Thurston); and “Slavery: Annual
Bibliographical Supplement (2006),” Slavery & Abolition, 28 no. 3 (2007), pp. 407–508 (Thomas Thurston).
Slavery and Slaving in World History was republished (with corrections) in 1998 by M. E. Sharpe, together with
a second volume consolidating and indexing the 3897 entries compiled between 1992 and 1996.
The entire collection of entries is now being prepared for internet posting at the Virginia Center for Digital
History (University of Virginia), with the support of the Gilder-Lehrman Institute and the College and Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Virginia. The website can be accessed at http://www.vcdh. Current materials will continue to appear in Slavery and Abolition.
546 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
3. Northeast
4. Center-South
5. Southern
6. West
V. Caribbean
1. General and Comparative
2. English
3. Spanish
4. French
5. Dutch
6. Other
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VI. Africa
1. General (Non-Muslim)
2. Cape of Good Hope
3. Portuguese Colonies
4. Madagascar
5. Ethiopia
VII. Muslim
1. General and Comparative
2. Caliphate and Arabia
3. Ottoman Empire— Muslim Turkey
4. Muslim Egypt
5. North Africa and the Sahara
6. Nilotic Sudan and the Horn
7. Muslim West Africa
8. Muslim East Africa
9. Muslim Asia
10. Other
VIII. Ancient
1. General and Comparative
2. Ancient Near East
3. Greece and Dependencies
4. Rome and Provinces
5. Egypt
6. Other
IX. Medieval and Early Modern
1. General and Comparative
2. Byzantine
Slavery and Abolition 547

3. Italy and Colonies

4. Iberia
5. France
6. England
7. Eastern Europe and Russia
8. Scandinavia
9. Other

X. Other

1. Asia— General and Comparative

2. East Asia
3. Southeast Asia
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4. Indian Subcontinent
5. Oceania
6. Amerindian
7. Indian Ocean (Mascarenes Islands, etc.)
8. Modern
9. Representations and Legacies
10. Other

XI. Slave Trade

1. Atlantic— General
2. Atlantic— Individual Voyages and Captains
3. Atlantic— Portuguese and Brazilian
4. Atlantic— Spanish
5. Atlantic— British
6. Atlantic— Dutch
7. Atlantic— French
8. Atlantic— English North American Colonies, United States
9. Atlantic— Other
10. American Internal (United States, Brazil, Caribbean, etc.)
11. Indian Ocean
12. Trans-Saharan and Red Sea
13. Effects on Africa
14. Trade within Africa
15. Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean
16. Other


I. General and Comparative

Ali, Omar H. “Muslim Africans in the Iberian Atlantic, 1521–1888” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
548 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Allain, Jean. “Slavery and Ownership in International Law” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Allewaert, Monique. “States of War: Race Revolution in the Plantation Zone” (PhD
diss., Duke University, 2006).
Alston, Richard. “The Good Master: Pliny, Hobbes, and the Nature of Freedom”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of
the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Anthony, Kwame, and Martin Bunzl, eds. Buying Freedom: The Ethics and Economics of
Slave Redemption. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.

For contents see Appiah, Basu and Chau, Bunzl, Conning and Kevane, Cook,
Engerman, Jok (2), Karlan and Krueger, Kellow, McDougall, McGary, Rogers, and
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Apena, Adeline I. “Nzinga, Nanny and Kilombo. Resistance and Liberation” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories,
Meanings, Migrations”).
Appiah, Kwame Anthony. “What’s Wrong with Slavery?,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds.,
Buying Freedom, pp. 249–58.
Aprile, Thierry. “Teaching Slavery with Children’s Literature” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Arocha, Lorena D. “‘Slaves’ Voices Throughout Time: Exploring Agency and Resist-
ance” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
“Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868” (The Institute for Colonial and
Postcolonial Studies and the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Univer-
sity of Leeds, 12 –14 December 2007, Leeds, England).

For presentations see Barcia, Barcia, Broeck, Brown, Coquery-Vidrovitch, Dal Lago,
Desrochers, Ferrer, Fick, Gomez, Grant, Grieshaber, Karim-Mustapha, Lopez,
Marquese, Mears, Mohammed, Ogen, Ortega, Rasheed, Robinson, Stubbs,
Tomich, and Warnock.

Barnett, Michael. “A Socio-Historical Comparative Analysis of Race and National

Identity in Brazil and Jamaica” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of
the Caribbean Studies Association, 28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia,
Basker, James G., and Nicole A. Seary. Wilberforce, Lincoln, and the Abolition of Slavery:
Sources in the History of Emancipation. New York: Gilder Lehrman Institute of
American History, 2007.

An online resource available at


Battle-Baptiste, Whitney L. “‘In this here place’: Interpreting Enslaved Homeplaces,” in

Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African
Slavery and Abolition 549

Beauvois, Frédérique. “The Cost of Freedom. The Compensations Granted after the
Abolition of Slavery in a Comparative Perspective (Great-Britain, France &
United States)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-
Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Bergad, Laird W. The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United
States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Bernier, Celeste-Marie. “‘Iron arguments’: Spectacle, Rhetoric and the Slave Body in
New England and British Antislavery Oratory,” European Journal of American
Culture, 26, 1 (2007), pp. 57 –78.
“Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic” (Merseyside Maritime Museum, 13 –15
September 2007, Liverpool, England).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

For presentations see Ali, Aworawo, Bethencourt, Costello, Fra-Molinero and

Houchins, Goodwin, Green, Jennings, Mignolo, Nafafe, Paetzold, Paquette, Perez-
Simon, Redden, Rupert, Seibert, Silva, Surwillo, and Sweet.

“Black Diaspora in the South and the Caribbean” (Fourth annual conference of the
Program in Louisiana and Caribbean Studies at Louisiana State University,
16 –17 March 2007, Baton Rouge, LA).

For presentations see Adderley, Bernabei, Boelhower, Boissonnault, Brana-Shute,

Jenkins, Landers, Phillips, Smith, and Sparks.

Bonner, Robert E. “Confederate Racialism and the Anticipation of Nazi Evil,” in Mintz
and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of
American Reform, pp. 115 –24.
Brandow, Tristan Kira. “Sierra Leone and the Gullah People: The Human Geography
of Slavery: An Integrated Curriculum for Upper Elementary Grades” (M.S. Ed.
thesis, Bank Street College of Education, 2007).
Broeck, Sabine. “Slavery, Enlightenment and Gender Theory” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Brown, Daniel. “Songs of Slavery,” Index on Censorship, 36, 1 (2007), pp. 138–41.
Burnham, Phil. “Discourses of Slavery: Change and Continuity” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices,
Bush, Barbara, and Cecily Jones. “Slave Women and Children: Traumas and Enslave-
ment Across the Atlantic World” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
“Business Ethics, Law, and History: From the Atlantic Slave Trade to Wall Street”
(University of Chicago Law School, 2 November, 2007, Chicago, IL).

For presentations see Hamilton, Rao, and Rockman.

Butts, Angel M. “‘Signed, sealed, delivered . . . I’m yours’: Calibrating Body Ownership
Through the Consensual Mastery/Slavery Dynamic,” Sexuality & Culture, 11, 2
(2007), pp. 62 –76.
550 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Camp, Stephanie M. H. “Women, Gender and Slavery in Jamaica and Virginia”
(Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical Association,
31 October – 3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Campbell, Gwyn, Suzanne Miers, and Joseph Calder Miller, eds. Women and Slavery.
Volume One. Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic.
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2007.

For contents see Ahjum, Allen, Bromber, Campbell, Coquery-Vidrovitch, Deutsch,

Fernyhough, Havik, Jordan, La Rue, Lovejoy, Miller, Morton, Roberts, and Seaver.

Campbell, Gwyn, Suzanne Miers, and Joseph Calder Miller, eds. Women and Slavery.
Volume Two: The Modern Atlantic. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2007.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

For contents see Altink, Brown and Inniss, Campbell/Miers/Miller, Cottias,

Edwards, Follett, Krauthamer, Miller, Moitt, Morgan, Robertson and Robinson,
Smith, and Soares.

Campbell, Gwyn, Suzanne Miers, and Joseph Calder Miller. “Strategies of Women and
Constraints of Enslavement in the Modern Americas,” in Campbell, Miers, and
Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 1–24.
Cappiello, Dianne Wheaton. “‘May the whole world be a world of liberty’: Black Refor-
mers and the Global Formation of Freedom, 1808–1816” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Carey, Brycchan, and Peter J. Kitson, eds. Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition: Essays
Marking the Bicentennial of the British Abolition Act of 1807. Woodbridge, UK:
D. S. Brewer, 2007.

For contents see Boulukos, Carey and Kitson, Coleman, Joannou, MacLean,
Nussbaum, Paton, Salih, Shlensky, and Wood.

Carey, Brycchan, and Peter J. Kitson. “Introduction,” in Carey and Kitson, eds., Slavery
and the Cultures of Abolition, pp. 1–10.
Casid, Jill. “‘You became a scientific profile’: Race, Sexuality, and the Origins of Photo-
graphic Identification” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of Sight:
New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Castor, Nicole. “Play Yuhself: Emancipation Festivals in the Diaspora” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Chevannes, Alston. “Despite and Because of: Legacies of Slavery” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “The Legacies of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in
the Atlantic World”).
Compton, Tonia M. “‘To make their owne termes’: Servant Rebelliousness and the
Transition to Slavery in Seventeenth-Century Barbados and Virginia” (Unpub-
lished paper, 47th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference,
4–6 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Slavery and Abolition 551

“Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding” (The Harriet

Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples,
22 –25 November 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

For presentations see Addoun, Alpers, Barry, Campbell, Candido, Castro, Chebel,
Costa e Silva, Ennaji, Falola, Fiume, Johnson, Klein, Mirzai, Montana, Richardson,
Rothman, Soares, Soumonni, and Velázquez Gutiérrez.

Cook, Lisa D. “The End of Serfdom in Russia – Lessons for Sudan?,” in Kwame and
Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 181–99.
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Freedoms Betwixt and Between: Work, Revelry and Race in the
Urban Post-Emancipation Atlantic World. Salvador da Bahia and Havana,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

1880–1930” (PhD diss., The University of Chicago, 2007).

Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine. “West Africa and the Atlantic: A Symbiotic World”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revo-
lution, 1760–1868”).
Costa e Silva, Alberto da. “Para uma história comparada das escravidões” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue
of Cultural Understanding”).
Cowling, Camillia. “‘Day by day and night by night’: Women, Urban Claims-Making
and the Ending of Slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro, 1870–1888” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories,
Meanings, Migrations”).
D’Abreu, Maria Lúcia. “How the American Runaway Slave Jim Argues in the Portu-
guese Language” (Unpublished paper, World Congress of the International
American Studies Association, 20–23 September 2007, Lisbon, Portugal).
Dal Lago, Enrico. “Slavery, Abolitionism, and Nationalism in Transatlantic Context:
The Parallel Lives of William Lloyd Garrison and Giuseppe Mazzini” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution,
Darity, William, Jr. “Neoinstitutionalism, Capitalism and Slavery, and Uneven Devel-
opment” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
David, Huw T. “Transnational Advocacy in the Eighteenth Century: Transatlantic
Activism and the Anti-Slavery Movement,” Global Networks, 7, 3 (2007),
pp. 367–82.
Davis, Darién J., ed. Beyond Slavery: The Multilayered Legacy of Africans in Latin
America and the Caribbean. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

For relevant contents see Euraque, Geggus, Salvatore, Silva, and Townsend.

Davis, David Brion. “Declaring Equality: Sisterhood and Slavery,” in Sklar and Stewart,
eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation,
pp. 3–18.
552 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Davis, David Brion. “Slavery, Sex and Humiliation” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations
under Enslavement”).
Dawson, Allan C. “The Centrality of Yoruba Culture in Diasporic Visions of Africa”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Dawson, Kevin. “A Culture of Cleanliness: West African Slaves, Hygiene and Their
Influence on Western Cleanliness” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting
of the Southern Historical Association, 31 October – 3 November 2007, Rich-
mond, VA).
Dayan, Colin. “Idioms of Servility” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Inter-
rogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

DeGraft-Hanson, Kwesi John. “Linked by Enslaved African Names: The Landscapes of

Butler Island, Georgia and Kormantsin, Ghana” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Dı́az, Marı́a Elena. “Babylon, Christianity, and Republicanism in New World Slave
Societies,” Latin American Research Review, 42, 3 (2007), pp. 265–81.
DuBois, Ellen Carol. “Ernestine Rose’s Jewish Origins and the Varieties of Euro-
American Emancipation in 1848,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights
and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 279–96.
Dukor, Maduabuchi. “Racist Ideology and African Unfreedom” (Unpublished paper,
Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, University of the West Indies at Cave Hill,
9–10 August 2007, Cave Hill, Barbados).
Dunn, R. S. “The Demographic Contrast Between Slave Life in Jamaica and
Virginia, 1760–1865,” Proceedings: American Philosophical Society, 151, 1
(2007), pp. 43 –60.
Eltis, David, Philip Morgan, and David Richardson. “Agency and Diaspora in Atlantic
History: Reassessing the African Contribution to Rice Cultivation in the Amer-
icas,” American Historical Review, 112, 4 (2007), pp. 1329–58.
Emma Rothschild, “Bell alias Belinda: A Slave from Bengal in Scotland and Virginia”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History,
25 –28 October 2007, Tempe, AZ).
Engerman, Stanley, and David Eltis. “Slavery and Evil,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The
Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform,
pp. 67–73.
Engerman, Stanley. Slavery, Emancipation, and Freedom: Comparative Perspectives.
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2007.
Fennell, Christopher C. “Archaeological Explorations of African Diasporas and
Symbolism in the New World” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interro-
gations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Ferreira, Roquinaldo. “Atlantic Microhistories: Slaving, Personal Ties, and Mobility in
the Atlantic World (Angola and Brazil)” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Rethinking Boundaries: Transformations in Methods and Approaches to
Atlantic History”).
Slavery and Abolition 553

Foley, Sean. “Thomas Jefferson, Keith Ellison, and African Muslims in Atlantic
History” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
“The Four Corners of the Atlantic, 1500–2000” (Third annual Atlantic Studies Work-
shop, University of Michigan and Michigan State University, 4–5 May 2007, Ann
Arbor and East Lansing, MI).
For presentations see Berktay, Garrigus, Gish, Livesay, Nessler, Nickerson, Palmer,
Pruitt, and Ribianszky.

Foster, W. H. “Women Slave Owners Face Their Historians: Versions of Maternalism

in Atlantic World Slavery,” Patterns of Prejudice, 41, 3/4 (2007), pp. 303 –20.
“‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial
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Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade” (The Centre for
Caribbean Studies, University of Warwick, 11 –13 July 2007, Coventry, England).
For presentations see Altink, Andrews, Antoine-Dunne, Axiotou, Barrett, Coffey,
Ellis, Fergus, Hogsbjerg, Jennings, Kaufmann, Laqua, LeGlaunec, Livesay, Mitchell,
Noxolo, Nwaka, Pallua, Perbi, Plank, Shepherd, Smith, Soares and Clarke, Turner,
Walvin, and Weiss.

Fuentes, Marisa Joanna. “Buried Landscapes: Enslaved Black Women, Sex, Confine-
ment and Death in Colonial Bridgetown, Barbados and Charleston, South
Carolina” (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2007).
Galle, Jillian. “Consumption and Gendered Social Strategies Among Slaves in Jamaica
and the Chesapeake: An Archaeological Perspective” (Unpublished paper, 39th
annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007,
Kingston, Jamaica).
Gibbs, Carroll R. “The Abolition of Slavery in the Western Hemisphere” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “The Black Canadian Experience: From the Under-
ground Railroad to Black Canadian Studies Today”).
Gibbs, Jenna M. “Slaves in the Seraglio: Susanna Rowson’s Transatlantic Feminist and
Abolitionist Appeal” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dart-
mouth, NH).
“Global Dimensions of Racism in the Modern World: Comparative and Transnational
Perspectives” (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, 12 –14 July 2007, Heidelberg,
For presentations see Kolchin, Morgan, and Zeuske.

Gordon, Lewis. “Not Always Enslaved, Yet Not Quite Free: Philosophical Challenges
from the Underside of the New World” (Unpublished paper, Cave Hill Philos-
ophy Symposium, University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, 9–10 August
2007, Cave Hill, Barbados).
Grant, John W. “The Problem of Racial Imperatives & Enslaved Majorities: The Role of
Free Coloureds in Atlantic World Slave Societies, 1760–1860” (Unpublished
554 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–
Grant, John Wess. “The Limitations of Free Black Communities and Post-Colonial
Nationalism: A Comparative History of the Richmond, Virginia and Monrovia,
Liberia Black Communities, 1817–1870” (PhD diss., Michigan State University,
Grieshaber, Christian. “The Economy of Slavery and the Classics” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Hamilton, Douglas, and Robert J. Blyth, eds. Representing Slavery: Art, Artefacts and
Archives in the Collections of the National Maritime Museum. Aldershot: Burling-
ton, VT, 2007. Catalogue, pp. 154–314.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

For contents see Adi, Blyth, Hamilton, Lovejoy, Oldfield, Quilley, Richardson,
Walvin, Webster, and Wood.

Hartman, Saidiya V. Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
Hartman, Saidiya. “Remembering Slavery/Practicing Freedom” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
“Hetären und Lustknaben, Zwangsprostitution und Sex-Sklaverei” (Interdisziplinärer
Workshop über Sexualität und Unfreiheit des Graduiertenkollegs 846 “Sklaverei
- Knechtschaft und Frondienst - Zwangsarbeit,” Universität Trier, 15 –16 March
2007, Trier, Germany).

For presentations see Cluse, Feldbacher, Fischer, Reichardt, Stawicka, and Thüry.

Heywood, Linda M., and John K. Thornton. Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles, and the
Foundation of the Americas, 1585–1660. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2007.
Hinks, Peter P., John R. McKivigan, and R. Owen Williams, eds. Encyclopedia of Anti-
slavery and Abolition. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007.
Holloway, Memory. “Slave with Iron Muzzle: Control, Consumption and Veneration”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Hughes, Derek, ed. Versions of Blackness: Key Texts on Slavery from the Seventeenth
Century. Cambridge; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

A collection of primary documents with an introduction by the editor, pp. vii – xxvii.

“Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill” (Univer-
sity of London, 17–18 December 2007, London, England).

For presentations see Alston, Carey, Fitzgerald, Greenwood, Hall, Hilton, Hodkinson,
Hunnings, Kahane, Kamen, Langerwerf, Malamud, McConnell, Nikolsky, Proffitt,
Rankine, Thalmann, and Wrenhaven.
Slavery and Abolition 555

“‘In the name of the child’: The Social and Cultural History of Children and Youth”
(Fourth biennial conference of the Society for History of Children and Youth,
Linköping University, 27–30 June 2007, Norrköping, Sweden).
For relevant presentations see Mitchell, Schweinitz, and Williams.

Inikori, Joseph E. “Africa and the Globalization Process: Western Africa 1450–1850,”
Journal of Global History, 2, 1 (2007), pp. 63 –86.
Innis, Tara. “‘This complicated incest’: Children, Sexuality and Sexual Abuse during
Slavery and the Apprenticeship Period” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations” (Association for the
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora, The University of the West Indies,
9–12 October 2007, Cave Hill, Barbados).
For presentations see Abaka, Akurang-Parry, Alexander, Apena, Bennett, Bonner,
Brown, Bunwaree, Cappiello, Carey, Carrington, Castor, Cowling, Darity,
Dawson, Dayan, Dempsey, Dennie, Dorsey, Drescher, Dunbar, El-Hamel, Fennell,
Fergus, Finch, Foley, Ford, Frey, Fuentes, Fyle, Gill, Giovannetti, Glasson, Gross,
Guridy, Hall, Halsey, Harris, Hartman, Henderson, Holloway, Hooker, Huelett,
Jean-Baptiste, John, K. Johnson, R. Johnson, King, Knauer, Korieh, Kurti, Larson,
Leslie, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lovejoy, Machado Caicedo, McVorran, Meatyard, Miki,
Millette, Mitchell, Morris, Myers, Naylor, Nelson, Newby-Alexander, Oliveira,
Ortı́z, Osinubi, Pierre, Pinho, Rivers-Cofield, Rocha, Rowe-Adjibogoun, Saunders,
Shaw, Sokol, Stark, Talton, Walker, Welch, Whatley, C, Williams, D. Williams,
Winters, and Wolff.

“The Irish in the Atlantic World” (Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World Program,
College of Charleston, 27 February –2 March 2007, Charleston, SC).
For presentations see Kroeg, Murphy, Power, Rodgers, and Shaw.

Jordan, Elizabeth Grzymala. “It All Comes Out in the Wash: Engendering Archaeolo-
gical Interpretations of Slavery,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women
and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 335–57.
Joyner, Wesley. “The Intellectual Life of Muslim Slaves in America” (Unpublished
paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History
Association, 22–24 September 2006, Oxford, England).
Kim, Julie Chun. “Enlightenment Cookery: Women, Slaves, and the Making of Every-
day Science” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society
for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Kiple, Ken. “Comparative Slave Nutrition” (Unpublished paper, conference on “The
Cuisines of the Carolina Lowcountry & the Caribbean,” Carolina Lowcountry
and Atlantic World Program, College of Charleston, 20 –23 March 2003,
Charleston, SC).
Klein, Herbert S., and Ben Vinson. African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, 2nd edition.
556 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Klein, Martin, “Was American Slavery Unique? A Comparison with the Western
Sudan” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery:
Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Klein, Martin. “Sexuality and the Market for Slaves in Asia and Africa” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Kolchin, Peter. “Putting New World Slavery in Perspective,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 2
(2007), pp. 277–88.
Kolchin, Peter. “Revisiting Some Historical Debates on Slavery and Race” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Global Dimensions of Racism in the
Modern World”).
Kurti, Zhandarka. “The Ethno-Racialized Coercion of Slaves, Peasants, and Migrants,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

1830s –1890s” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of

Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
“Legal Bondage and Legal Constraints on Labour Mobility in the Euroasiatic Space,
18th–21st Century” (Ecole Normale supérieure de Cachan, 28 September
2007, Paris, France).
For presentations see Aymard, Joshi, Markovits, and Stanziani.

LeGlaunec, Jean-Pierre. “Unfinished Stories: (Re)Reading the Fugitive Slave Advertise-

ments Published in the Atlantic World at the Time of Abolition” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to
Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic
Slave Trade”).
Livesay, Daniel. “Imagining Difference: Abolition and Mixed Race in the British Atlan-
tic” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Lockwood, Thornton C., Jr. “Is Natural Slavery Beneficial?,” Journal of the History of
Philosophy, 45, 2 (2007), pp. 207 –21.
Logan, Deborah A. “The Redemption of a Heretic: Harriet Martineau and Anglo-
American Abolitionism,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Trans-
atlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 242–65.
Lovejoy, Henry. “Drums of Sàngó: Oyo Migration in the pan-Atlantic World (1817–
67)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Lucie-Smith, Edward. “Slavery for Beginners,” Index on Censorship, 36, 1 (2007),
pp. 43–48.
Lurdos and Misrahi-Barak, eds., Transport(s) in the British Empire and the Common-
wealth ¼Transport(s) dans l’Empire britannique et le Commonwealth, Montpel-
lier, France: Université Paul-Valéry, 2007.
For relevant contents see Adams, Alonso-Breto, Krus, Lebdai, and Otele.

Marlow, Margaret. “Place, Identity and Memory: A Study of American Ante-Bellum

Autobiographical Slave Narratives, and Holocaust Survivor Accounts by Jews
Slavery and Abolition 557

Living in Bialystok, Poland, after 1918 and up to 1943” (PhD diss., University of
Southampton (UK), 2006).
Mata, Iaci Maia. “Pós-abolição: um estudo comparativo entre Bahia e Cuba—1880–
1898” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies
Association, 28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Matory, J. Lorand. “Free to Be a Slave: Slavery as Metaphor in the Afro-Atlantic Reli-
gions,” Journal of Religion in Africa, 37, 3 (2007), pp. 398–425.
McDonald, Roderick. “The Ethnography and the Pornography of Slavery” (Unpub-
lished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians,
7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
McGhee, Fred L. “Maritime Archaeology and the African Diaspora,” in Ogundiran and
Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Menard, Russell R. “Plantation Empire: How Sugar and Tobacco Planters Built their
Industries and Raised an Empire,” Agricultural History, 81, 3 (2007), pp. 309–32.
Mignolo, Walter. “Dispensable Lives in the Atlantic World: Enslaved Africans, Indigen-
ous Genocide and the European Holocaust” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Miki, Yuko. “From the Caribbean to the South Atlantic: Jamaican and Brazilian
Maroons in Comparative Perspective” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Miller, James. “Out of Alabama: From Slavery in America to Freedom and Exile in
Africa” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Miller, Joseph C. “Women as Slaves and Owners of Slaves: Experiences from Africa, the
Indian Ocean World, and the Early Atlantic,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller,
eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 1–40.
Millette, Hollygale. “Exchanging Fugitive Identity: William and Ellen Craft’s Trans-
Atlantic Re-Invention (1850–1869)” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Montgomery, John Warwick. “Slavery, Human Dignity and Human Rights,” Evange-
lical Quarterly, 79, 2 (2007), pp. 113–31.
Moore, Lois Merriweather, ed. The Dispersion of Africans and African Culture Through-
out the World: Essays on the African Diaspora. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press,

For relevant contents see Buehler, Dixon, Jackson, Lemos, Moore, Rainer,
and Robles.

Munro, Stephanie. “‘When I from black and he from white cloud free’: Lydia Maria
Child, William Blake, and the Racial Politics of Abolitionist Representation in
19th Century Children’s Literature” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Neiman, Fraser. “Spatial Counterpoint: Eighteenth Century Plantation Domestic
Architecture in Jamaica and Virginia” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual
558 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston,
Nelson, Bruce. “‘Come out of such a land, you Irishmen’: Daniel O’Connell, American
Slavery, and the Making of the ‘Irish race’,” Éire-Ireland, 42, 1/2 (2007),
pp. 58–81.
Nelson, Charmaine. “‘I dread to see my children grow’: Race, Slavery and the Sexua-
lization of Black Girls in Western Art” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Nelson, Charmaine. “Sugar Cane, Slaves and Ships: Race, Location and Power in
Transoceanic Visual Culture” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Inter-
rogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Noxolo, Patricia. “Freedom and Fear: Foucauldian Perspectives on Abolitionism”

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary
Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the
British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Ogundiran, Akinwumi, and Toyin Falola, eds. Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the
African Diaspora. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007.

For contents see Agorsah, Battle-Baptiste, Déme and Guèye, Fennell, Funari,
McGhee, Monroe, Ogundiran and Falola, Ogundiran, Osei-Tutu, Stahl, Usman,
and Weik.

Ogundiran, Akinwumi, and Toyin Falola. “Pathways in the Archaeology of Transatlan-

tic Africa,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the
African Diaspora.
Osinubi, Taiwo Adetunji. “Geographical Memory and Redefinitions of Emancipation”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
“Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination” (The Mary and Leigh
Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, 2-3 March 2007, Evanston, IL).

For presentations see Brown, Casid, Cozier, Dacres, DuBois-Shaw, Finley, Grigsby,
Hesse, Modest, Piper, Sims, Thomas, and Wood.

Palmer, Geoff. “The Voice of the Slave” (Unpublished presentation, conference on

“A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Pan, Alia. “The Omnivorous Plantation: Subjectivity and the Sexualized Labourer”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy
of Slavery”).
Patterson, Orlando. “The Ancient and Medieval Origins of Modern Freedom,” in
Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambigu-
ities of American Reform, pp. 31 –66.
Peabody, Sue, and Keila Grinberg, eds. Slavery, Freedom, and the Law in the Atlantic
World: A Brief History with Documents. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 559

Peabody, Sue. “Free Soil: An Atlantic Legal Construct” (Unpublished paper, 33rd
annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 6-10 June 2007, La
Rochelle, France).
Peabody, Sue. “Free Soil: Emergence and Development of an Atlantic Principle”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal
History, 10–12 November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Penningroth, Dylan. “The Claims of Slaves and Ex-Slaves to Family and Property: A
Transatlantic Comparison,” American Historical Review, 112, 4 (2007),
pp. 1039–69.
Penningroth, Dylan. “The Slave Community and African Slavery” (Unpublished
paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History
Association, 12–14 October 2007, Cambridge, England).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Perbi, Akosua. “Slavery, Our Story, Our Legacy” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the
Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Philips, John Edward. “The Efficiency of Slavery: A New Look” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Piper, Keith. “Evidence of Things Unseen: Slavery, Photography, and (Blind) Memory
in the Nineteenth Century” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of
Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Plasa, Carl. “‘Stained with spots of human blood’: Sugar, Abolition and Cannibalism,”
Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives, 4, 2 (2007),
pp. 225–43.
Pybus, Cassandra. “Billy Blue: An African American Journey through Empire in the
Long Eighteenth Century,” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary
Journal, 5, 2 (2007), pp. 252–87.
Quirk, Joel. “Legal Abolition and Effective Emancipation: The British Caribbean,
Colonial Nigeria and Contemporary India” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
“Race, Memory and Reclamation: ‘There are years that ask questions and years that
answer’” (School of American Studies, University of East Anglia, 7–9 September
2007, Norwich, England).

For presentations see Ellis, Engerman, and Schwalm.

Rael, Patrick. “Racial Identity and Racial Nationalisms in the African Diaspora: Nine-
teenth-Century Origins” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses
of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Ralph, Michael. “Ties That Bind: A Trans-Atlantic Transaction” (Unpublished paper,
32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, 28 May–1 June
2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Resnik, Judith. “Sisterhood, Slavery, and Sovereignty: Transnational Antislavery Work,
Women’s Rights Movements, and the Ambivalent Role of Lawmakers in the
United States During the Twentieth Century,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds.,
560 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation,
pp. 19–54.
“Rethinking Boundaries: Transformations in Methods and Approaches to Atlantic
History” (Atlantic History Workshop, New York University, 9–10 February
2007, New York, NY).
For presentations see Apter, Ferreira, Kopelson, Mitchell, and Vogel.

Reynolds, Paul. “The ‘unfreedom’ of Freedom: Autonomy, Constraint, Ethics and the
Paradox of Freedom” (Unpublished paper, Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium,
University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, 9–10 August 2007, Cave Hill,
Roberts, Neil. “Freedom as Marronage: The Dialectic of Slavery and Freedom in
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Arendt, Pettit, Rousseau, Douglass, and the Haitian Revolution” (PhD diss.,
The University of Chicago, 2007).
Robertson, Claire, and Marsha Robinson. “Re-modeling Slavery as if Women Mat-
tered,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two,
pp. 253–83.
Rodriguez, Junius, ed. Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the TransAtlantic
World. M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 2007. Three volumes.
Sadler, Nigel. “Women and Their Forgotten Role in Slavery” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Winds of Change—Women and Slavery”).
Salau, Mohammed. “Oral Data on Slavery at the Harriet Tubman Center: An Intro-
duction for Users and a Summary of Holdings” (Unpublished paper, 50th
annual meeting of the African Studies Association, 18–21 October 2007,
New York, NY).
Saney, Isaac. “Emancipation Now! Africans, Rebellion and the End of Slavery”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road
to Freedom”).
Sapoznik, Karlee. “Beyond National Borders: Interrogating the Driving Forces of
British Abolitionists through a French-English Comparative Study” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to
Savage, John. “Toward a Cultural History of Colonial Law: Teaching the Comparative
Law of Slavery in the Atlantic World” (Unpublished presentation, 11th annual
meeting of the Mid-Atlantic World History Association, 12 –13 October 2007,
Florham Park, NJ).
Schoelcher, Victor. Esclavage et colonisation. Paris: Presses universitaires de France,
Scott, Rebecca J. “Public Rights and Private Commerce: A Nineteenth-Century Atlan-
tic Creole Itinerary,” Current Anthropology, 48, 2 (2007), pp. 237–56.
Sebastyen, Eva. “A tipologia e a presença dos escravos domésticos na rede social Ovim-
bundu nos trabalhos de Ladislau Magyar” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual
meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007,
Porto, Portugal).
Slavery and Abolition 561

“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”
(Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University, 19 –21 April 2007, Montreal,
For presentations see Araujo, Baderoon, Candido, Casares, Cheikh, Corriveau-
Bourque, Coté, Cottias, Davis, Denis, Diptee, Esembe, Evers, Fitte-Duval, Foster,
Frenkel, Gaspar, Graf, Hanzimanolis, Hellie, Hopper, Huda, Hussein, Innis, Jeffreys,
Johnson, Jones, Kalia, Kangying, Karahasan, Karahasan, Klein, Korsieporn, Kravets,
La Rue, Lewis, Liberato, Marmon, McDougall, Mhina, Mitchell, Muftic, Nelson,
Newton-King, Paiva, Rodet, Rosunee, Sato, Savage, Schmieder, Schottenhammer,
Seijas, Sencer, Sharma, Sheriff, Taylor, Teelucksingh, Trabelsi, Tran, Trodd and
Bales, Uyanga, Vander Biesen, Walker, Walker, Warren, Worthen, and Zimba.

Sharon Hartman. “Labor, Race, and Colonization: Imagining a Post-Slavery World in

Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

the Americas,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom,
and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 260–75.
Sklar, Kathryn Kish, and James Brewer Stewart, eds. Women’s Rights and Transatlantic
Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation. New Haven, CT; London, UK: Yale
University Press, 2007).
For contents see Anderson, Coleman, Davis, Drescher, DuBois, Dunbar, Hewitt,
Lasser, Logan, Midgley, Offen, Peterson, Resnik, Rhodes, Sklar, Sklar and Stewart,
Winch, and Yellin.

Sklar, Kathryn Kish, and James Brewer Stewart. “Introduction,” in Sklar and Stewart,
eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation,
pp. xi–xxiv.
Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice, 1490–2007. Marlborough, Wiltshire, UK: Adam
Matthew Publications, 2007.
An online resource located at Subscription

“Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom” (Saint Mary’s University, the Black
Cultural Centre of Nova Scotia, and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic,
25 –30 June 2007, Halifax, Canada).
For presentations see Beauvois, Conlin, Cooper, Cottreau-Robins, Donovan, Frost,
MacDonald, Rommel-Ruiz, Saney, Sapoznik, States, Torpy, Walker, Watterson-
Troxler, Whitehead, Whitfield.

“Slavery: Unfinished Business” (Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and
Emancipation, the University of Hull, 16–19 May 2007, Hull, England).
For presentations see Acheampong, Adderley, Aldige, Alexander, Allain, Altink,
Aprile, Argenti, Arocha, Belmonte, Benjamin, Bhandari, Blagbrough, Booth, Brana-
Shute, Bredehoeft, Broomall, Burnard, Carey, Claxton, Cottias, Cozens, Cumber-
batch, Degorge, DeGraftHanson, Dorsch, Dzelzainis, Englund, Enhuber, Evans,
Fair, Geary, Gordon, Graham, Hamilton, Huzzey, Jennings, Jennison, Jobe, John,
Kaufmann, Kershen, Klein, Klungel, Landers, Lin, Lovejoy, Mansoor, McAleer,
McCarthy, Meer, Mendès, Miller, Millette, Muhammad, Munro, Nafafé, Nanu,
562 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Newman, Niort, OfoegbuMcCourt, Oldfield, Onyeka, Petigrew, Philips, Pichler,
Pogany, Poudel, Quirk, Ramgotra, Rogers, Rossi, Rouse, Ryden, Saint, Salter,
Santin, Schramm, Schwarz, SoulodreLa France, Sparks, Strausbaugh, Stubbs,
Suchanek, Suremain, Suzuki, Taiwo, Teakle, Thomas, Troche, Turner, Urbainczyk,
Vergès, Vogel, Voorhout, Walvin, Weinstein, Wheat, Wilkinson, Willemsen,
Winch, Woodward, and Wyatt (2).

Smith, Katrina S. “In Search of Something Akin to Freedom: Black Women, Slavery,
Sex, and Power” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora in
the South and the Caribbean”).
Somers, Nathaniel Dustin. “The fetters of our slave population”: Jews in the Slave Econ-
omies of the Caribbean and America. Baltimore: Baltimore Hebrew University,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Spradley, Martha Katherine. “Biological Anthropological Aspects of the African

Diaspora: Geographic Origins, Secular Trends, and Plastic Versus Genetic Influ-
ences Utilizing Craniometric Data” (PhD diss., The University of Tennessee,
Sweet, James H. “African Slavery and Public Healing in the Markets of the Portuguese-
Atlantic World, 1731–50” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the
American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Taber, Linda, and Sharon Thomas. “Teaching Slavery and Antislavery in the Western
Tradition: Integrating American and World History” (Unpublished paper, 48th
annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 3 –5 March 2004,
Omaha, NE).
Thioub, Ibrahima. “Historiographie sur l’esclavage et enjeux de mémoire” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Séminaire ‘Communauté’, ‘Frontière’, ‘Iden-
tité’: la traite et l’esclavage dans les sciences socials,” Centre de Recherche sur les
Esclavages, 14 November 2007, Paris, France).
Thomas, Rhondda Robinson. “Exodus: Literary Migrations of Afro-Atlantic Authors,
1760–1903” (PhD diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2007).
Thurston, Thomas. “Slavery: Annual Bibliographical Supplement (2006),” Slavery &
Abolition, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 407 –508.
Tomich, Dale. “Atlantic Slavery and the Age of Revolution?” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
“A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive” (University of Dundee, 2–3
November 2007, Dundee, Scotland).

For presentations see Carey, Convery, Graham, Leask, Procter, Rice, Robinson,
Ward, and Wood.

Troche, Ursula. “The Slave Trade, the Witch Hunts and ‘postmodern slavery’:
Conditions and Consequences” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Urbainczyk, Theresa. “Slaves and the Writing of History, Past and Present” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Slavery and Abolition 563

Wallace, R. Jay. “Ressentiment, Value, and Self-Vindication: Making Sense of

Nietzsche’s Slave Revolt,” in Brian Leiter and Neil Sinhababu, eds., Nietzsche
and Morality (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007). pp. 110–37.
Walvin, James. “Slavery, Mass Consumption and the Dynamics of the Atlantic World:
An Overview,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Representing Slavery, pp. 16–27.
Walvin, James. A Short History of Slavery. London: Penguin, 2007.
Werneck, Jurema. “Of Ialodês and Feminists,” Cultural Dynamics, 19, 1 (2007),
pp. 99–113.
Wilson, Jamie L. “A Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of the Major Ethnic Groups from
Sierra Leone and Cameroon: Clues to the Maternal Origins of Trans-Atlantic
Slaves” (PhD diss., University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2006).
“Winds of Change – Women and Slavery” (London Metropolitan Archives, 17 March
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

2007, London, England).

For presentations see Altink, Berry and MacKeith, O’Flaherty, Otele, Sadler, and

“Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy of Slavery” (Fifth International Conference of

Caribbean Women’s Writing, Centre for Caribbean Studies, 27–28 April 2007,
London, England).

For presentations see Conde, Edwin, Ledent, Marima, Morgan, Pan, Scafe,
Thompson, Tillis, and Wilkes.

Yavoucko, Cyriaque-Robert. “From Forced to Selective Immigration or the Torments

of the Black Man in the Permanent Cycle of Age-Old Violence” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Young, Jason R. Rituals of Resistance: African Atlantic Religion in Kongo and the Low-
country South in the Era of Slavery. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
Press, 2007.

II. North America

1. General and Comparative
Abruzzo, Margaret. “Slaves, Quakers, and the ‘suffering people’: Quaker Humanitar-
ianism and Moral Identity” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the
American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Abruzzo, Margaret. “‘Freedom to starve’: Slaveholders and Humanitarianism”
(Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American
Historians, March 29–April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Adams, Charles. Slavery, Secession, and Civil War: Views from the United Kingdom and
Europe, 1856–1865. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007.
Aiseirithe, A. J. “Piloting the Car of Human Freedom: Abolitionism, Woman Suffrage,
and the Problem of Radical Reform, 1860–1870” (PhD diss., The University of
Chicago, 2007).
564 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Allen, J. Timothy. “‘Some expectation of being promoted’: Ambition, Abolition, and
the Reverend James O’Kelly,” North Carolina Historical Review, 84, 1 (2007),
pp. 59–81.
Ammons, Elizabeth, ed. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin: A Casebook.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Contains primary documents and criticism related to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel.

Ashworth, John. Slavery, Capitalism, and Politics in the Antebellum Republic.

Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Bah, Char McCargo. “The Clues Are in the Census: Finding Former Slaves and Slave
Owners” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the States and Family
History Fair of the National Genealogical Society, 16 –19 May 2007, Richmond,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Balleisen, Edward. “Bankruptcy and Bondage: The Ambiguities of Economic Freedom
in the Civil War Era,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery,
Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 276–86.
Basdekis, Tiffany L. “Breaking with Convention: Frances Ann Kemble’s Struggle with
Slavery and Nineteenth Century Gender Norms” (MA thesis, Sarah Lawrence
College, 2007).
Belz, Herman. “The Constitution, the Amendment Process, and the Abolition of
Slavery,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipa-
tion, and the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 160–79.
Benigni, Amanda. “From Man to Meteor: Nineteenth Century American Writers and
the Figure of John Brown” (MA thesis, Marshall University, 2007).
Bergquist, Candace Anne. “The Quakers and Their Influence on the Antislavery Move-
ment, 1815–1867” (MA thesis, California State University, Dominguez Hills,
Berlin, Ira. “American Slavery in History and Memory,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin,
eds., Slavery, Resistance, Freedom, pp. 1–20.
Berlin, Ira. “The Transformation of Slavery in the United States, 1800–1863,” in Mintz
and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of
American Reform, pp. 89 –94.
Bernstein, Iver. “Political Evil and the Body Politic in Mid-Nineteenth-Century
America,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom,
and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 231–59.
Berry, Daina Ramey. “Teaching ‘Ar’n’t I a Woman?’,” Journal of Women’s History, 19, 2
(2007), pp. 139–45.
Bishop, Meghan Linsley. “Slave to Freewoman and Back Again: Kitty Payne and Ante-
bellum Kidnapping” (MA thesis, Indiana University, 2007).
Blanck, Emily. “The Legal Emancipations of Leander and Caesar: Manumission
and the Law in Revolutionary South Carolina and Massachusetts,” Slavery &
Abolition, 28, 2 (2007), pp. 235 –54.
Boritt, G. S., Scott Hancock, and Ira Berlin, eds. Slavery, Resistance, Freedom. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 565

For contents see Ayers/Thomas/Rubin, Berlin, Foner, Franklin and Schweniger,

Hancock (2), and Trudeau.

Bosworth, Mary, and Jeanne Flavin, eds. Race, Gender, and Punishment: From Coloni-
alism to the War on Terror. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2007.

For relevant contents see Flavin, Messerschmidt, and Young and Spencer.

Bower, Anne L., ed. African American Foodways: Explorations of History and Culture.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007.

For contents see Hall, Whit, and Yentsch.

Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Brasher, Glenn David. “‘None more meritorious’: African Americans and the
Peninsula Campaign of 1862” (PhD diss., The University of Alabama, 2007).
Bridge, Dave. “Supreme Court Decision-Making in Slavery Cases” (MA thesis, Univer-
sity of Southern California, 2007).
Burin, Eric. “‘Love of liberty brought us here’: Liberia and the Politics of Slavery”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Bicentennial of the Abolition of
the Anglo-American Trade in African Captives”).
Burin, Eric. “The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here: Liberia and the Politics of Slavery”
(Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American
Historians, March 29–April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Cabral, Linda Britton. “Letters from Four Antebellum Black Women Educators to the
American Missionary Association, 1863–1870” (EdD thesis, University of
Massachusetts at Boston, 2006).
Cantrell, Kelly. “Cooking Up the Revolution: Slaves, Food and the Creation of Amer-
icans” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Carnahan, Burrus M. Act of Justice: Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and the Law of
War. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2007.
Charles, Keren E. “American Slavery and Public Policy” (MA thesis, Regent University,
Clavin, Matt. “Race, Revolution, and the Sublime: The Gothicization of the Haitian
Revolution in the New Republic and Atlantic World,” Early American Studies:
An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 1 (2007), pp. 1–29.
Clavin, Matthew J. “American Toussaints: Symbol, Subversion, and the Black Atlantic
Tradition in the American Civil War,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 3 (2007),
pp. 87–113.
Claxton, Bryan. “Slaves to War: Freedom as a Cause and Consequence of Black
Enlistment, 1775–1865” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Clayton, Nichola. “‘Idle, thriftless vagabonds’ or ‘the germ of that middling class’?
Interpretations of Freedom in the British West Indies in the Debates over
Post-Emancipation Policy during Civil War and Reconstruction” (Unpublished
566 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History
Association, March 2005, Edgefield, SC).
Clytus, Radiclani. “Envisioning Slavery: American Abolitionism and the Primacy of
the Visual” (PhD diss., Yale University, 2007).
Coelho, John J. “The Politics of Honor: Character, Slavery, and the Political Develop-
ment of Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1854” (MA thesis, Providence College, 2006).
Cooperwood, Fajr. “Breaking the Law: Slaves, Free Blacks, and the Struggle for
Literacy” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley
History Conference, 1–3 March 2007, Omaha, NE).
Cornelius, Janet. “We Slipped and Learned to Read: Slave Accounts of the Literacy
Process, 1830–1865,” in Harvey J. Graff, ed., Literacy and Historical Development:
A Reader (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2007).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Costa, Dora L., and Matthew E. Kahn. “Forging a New Identity: The Costs and Benefits
of Diversity in Civil War Combat Units for Black Slaves and Freemen,” Journal of
Economic History, 66, 4 (2006), pp. 936 –62.
Covey, Herbert C. African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-Herbal Treat-
ments. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007.
Creary, Nicholas M. “The American Catholic Church, Colonization, and the Mission
to Liberia, 1842–44” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American
Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Cumbler, John T. From Abolition to Rights for All: The Making of a Reform Community
in the Nineteenth Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
Davis, Spencer. “Francis Wayland and Moderate Antislavery” (Unpublished paper,
48th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 3–5 March
2004, Omaha, NE).
Deitreich, Kenneth A. “The Caning of Sumner” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual
meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand
Rapids, MI).
DeLombard, Jeannine Marie. “Fugitive Negroes? Transatlantic Citizenship and Celeb-
rity” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the American Studies Associ-
ation, 11 –14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
DeLombard, Jeannine Marie. Slavery on Trial: Law, Abolitionism, and Print Culture.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
Diallo, Alexandra Cornelius. “‘More approximate to the animal’: Africana Resistance
and the Scientific War Against Black Humanity in Mid-Nineteenth Century
America” (PhD diss., Washington University in St. Louis, 2006).
Dirck, Brian R. “Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Supreme Court,” in Dirck
and Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Emancipated, pp. 99–116.
Dirck, Brian R., and Allen C. Guelzo, eds. Lincoln Emancipated: The President and the
Politics of Race. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2007.
For contents see Boman, Dirck, Gutzman, Leiker, Paludan, Vorenberg, and Winkle.

Dunbar, Erica Armstrong. “Writing for True Womanhood: African-American

Women’s Writings and the Antislavery Struggle,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds.,
Slavery and Abolition 567

Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation,

pp. 299–318.
Earle, Jonathan. “Slavery, Antebellum Politicians and the U.S. Congress” (Unpublished
paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early American
Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Ellis, Richard. “David Walker’s Appeal” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Race, Memory and Reclamation: ‘There are years that ask questions and
years that answer’”).
Emberton, Carole. “Between the Law and the Lash: Race, Violence, and American
Citizenship in the Age of Slave Emancipation” (Unpublished presentation,
Humanities Institute, Buffalo University, 9 November 2007, Buffalo, NY).
Emberton, Carole. “‘Sick at heart’: Abolitionists, Sentimentalism, and the Crisis of
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Reconstruction” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization

of American Historians, March 29–April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Ernest, John. “Outside the Box: Henry Box Brown and the Politics of Antislavery
Agency,” Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and
Theory, 63, 4 (2007), pp. 1–24.
Eslinger, Ellen. “Rural Free Black Society from the Age of Jefferson Through the Civil
War” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of
Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 29 January 2007, New
Haven, CT).
Eyal, Yonathan. “‘A democratic portion of abolitionism’: The Young America Move-
ment and the Question of Jacksonian Antislavery” (Unpublished paper, 29th
annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early American Republic,
19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Fair, Teri. “Dynamics of Protest Among Property: Evidence of Protest Among Bonds-
men of African Decent in America, 1699–1865” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Faulkner, Carol. “The Root of the Evil: Free Produce and Radical Antislavery, 1820–
1860,” Journal of the Early Republic, 27, 3 (2007), pp. 377–405.
Finkelman, Paul. “The Significance and Persistence of Proslavery Thought,” in Mintz
and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of
American Reform, pp. 95 –114.
Finkenbine, Roy E. “Toussaint Louverture and Placido, 1840-60” (Unpublished paper,
annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History Associ-
ation, October 2003, Cambridge, England).
Fleming, Tuliza. “Thomas Satterwhite Noble (1835–1907): ‘Reconstructed rebel’”
(PhD diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2007).
Folhen, Claude. Histoire de l’esclavage aux Etas-Unis. Paris: Perrin, 2007.
Foner, Eric. “‘The tocsin of freedom’: The Black Leadership of Radical Reconstruc-
tion,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin, eds., Slavery, Resistance, Freedom,
pp. 118–40.
568 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Forbes, Robert P. “The Missouri Crisis and Martin Van Buren: Slavery and the Second
Party System” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the
History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Forbes, Robert. The Missouri Compromise and Its Aftermath. Chapel Hill, NC: Univer-
sity of North Carolina Press, 2007.
Fornieri, Joseph R. “Lincoln’s Critique of Dred Scott as a Vindication of the Found-
ing,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation,
and the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 20–36.
Foster, A. Kristen. “Frederick Douglass and the Value of Black Republican Manhood in
the Fight Against Slavery and Racism” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual
meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand
Rapids, MI).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Frey, Sylvia. “The American Revolution and the Creation of a Global African World”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Frick, John W. “The Ante Bellum Dramatizations of Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Friedman, Barry. “Judicial Review’s Darkest Hour” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 10 –12 November 2005,
Cincinnati, OH).
Frost, Karolyn Smardz. I’ve Got a Home in Glory Land: A Lost Tale of the Underground
Railroad. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.
Furstenberg, François. In the Name of the Father: Washington’s Legacy, Slavery, and the
Making of a Nation. New York: Penguin Books, 2007.
Gallagher, Catherine. “When Did the Confederate States of America Free the Slaves?,”
Representations, 98 (2007), pp. 53 –61.
Gamber, Francesca. “The Public Sphere and the End of American Abolitionism, 1833–
1870,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 351 –68.
Gant, Jesse. “Slaves, Signs, Signals: The Underground Railroad in History and
Memory” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Great Lakes
History Conference, 20 –21 October 2006, Grand Rapids, MI).
Ginsburg, R. “Freedom and the Slave Landscape,” Landscape Journal, 26, 1 (2007),
pp. 36–44.
Glickstein, Jonathan. “The Specter of White Chatellization: William Goodell’s Aboli-
tionist Thought,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery,
Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 174–82.
Gosline, Sarah. “Abolition and Women’s Rights” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual
meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand
Rapids, MI).
Greene, Ousmane Kirumu. “Against Wind and Tide: African Americans’ Response to
the Colonization Movement and Emigration, 1770–1865” (PhD diss., University
of Massachusetts Amherst, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 569

Greenspoon, David. “Children and Anti-Slavery Fairs in Antebellum America”

(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Confer-
ence, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Guelzo, Allen C. “‘Sublime in its magnitude’: The Emancipation Proclamation,” in
Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and
the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 65 –78.
Gundanker, Grey. “Hidden Education Among African Americans During Slavery,”
Teachers College Record, 109, 7 (2007), pp. 1591–612.
Gutzman, Kevin R. C. “Abraham Lincoln, Jeffersonian: The Colonization Chimera,” in
Dirck and Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Emancipated, pp. 47 –72.
Haar, Joshua R. “Proslavery Literature: Defending Slavery through the Written Word”
(Unpublished paper, 49th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Conference, 2–4 March 2006, Omaha, NE).

Hamilton, Daniel W. “Litigation Over Human Property after the Civil War” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Business Ethics, Law, and History: From the
Atlantic Slave Trade to Wall Street”).
Hamilton, Daniel W. “Confiscation and Emancipation in the 37th Congress” (Unpub-
lished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 10 –12
November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Hamilton, Daniel W. “The Dred Scott Case, Emancipation, and the Rise of the Fifth
Amendment” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society
for Legal History, 25 –28 October 2007, Tempe, AZ).
Hancock, Scott. “Introduction,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin, eds., Slavery, Resist-
ance, Freedom, pp. xiii–xix.
Hannah, Eleanor. “Identity through Comparison: Mary Eastman’s Use of Native
American, African American, and Abolitionist Women in Constructing an
Ideal White Womanhood” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the
American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Hanway, Nathaniel. “John Brown: America’s First Terrorist?” (Unpublished paper,
49th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 2–4 March
2006, Omaha, NE).
Harris, Leslie. “‘Ar’n’t I a woman?’, Gender, and Slavery Studies,” Journal of Women’s
History, 19, 2 (2007), pp. 151–55.
Harris, M. Keith. “Slavery, Emancipation, and Veterans of the Union Cause: Com-
memorating Freedom in the Era of Reconciliation, 1885–1915,” Civil War
History, 53, 3 (2007), pp. 264–90.
Harris, M. Keith. “Slavery, Emancipation, and Veterans of the Union Cause” (Unpub-
lished paper, 50th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference,
1–3 March 2007, Omaha, NE).
Harris, Violet J. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a Children’s Book” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Harrold, Stanley. “An Underground Railroad Icon: Jonathan Walker and the ‘Branded
Hand’” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical
Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
570 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Hedrick, Joan D. “Stowe’s Life and Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Heeren, Kimberly Dawn. “Constraints Limiting Resistance and Revolt in American
Slavery” (MA thesis, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 2006).
Hendrick, Veronica C. “The Fugitive Slave Act: Criminalizing Runaway Slaves in
Literature and Law” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American
Comparative Literatures Association, 19 –22 April 2007, Puebla, Mexico).
Herman, Luciana Louise. “1794: American Race, Republicanism and Transnational
Revolution” (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2007).
Hewitt, Nancy A. “‘Seeking a larger liberty’: Remapping First Wave Feminism,” in
Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the
Era of Emancipation, pp. 266 –78.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Hewitt, Nancy A., and Christopher Densmore. “Crossing Borders for Freedom: Free
Blacks, Quakers, and the Underground Railroad” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Frederick Douglass International Underground Railroad
Hill, Patricia R. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a Religious Text” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Hine, Darlene Clark. “Ar’n’t I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South—
Twenty Years After,” Journal of African American History, 92, 1 (2007), pp. 13 –21.
Holzer, Harold, and Sara Vaughn Gabbard, eds. Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Eman-
cipation, and the Thirteenth Amendment. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois
University Press, 2007.
For contents see Belz, Fornieri, Guelzo, Holzer, Horton, Keller, Long, Marszalek,
Morel, Paludan, Pinsker, Trefousse, Vorenberg, White, and Williams.

Holzer, Harold. “Picturing Freedom: The Thirteenth Amendment in the Graphic

Arts,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation,
and the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 233–56.
Horton, James Oliver. “Slavery during Lincoln’s Lifetime,” in Holzer and Gabbard,
eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amend-
ment, pp. 7–19.
Hummel, Jeffrey Rogers, and Barry R. Weingast. “The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850: An
Instrumental Interpretation,” in David W. Brady and Mathew D. McCubbins,
eds., Party, Process, and Political Change in Congress. Further New Perspectives
on the History of Congress (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007),
pp. 379–95.
Hunt, Patricia Lynn. “A Story Not to Be Told: The Depiction of Slavery in American
Novels, 1875–2000” (PhD diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2007).
Irobi, Esiaba. “What They Came With,” Journal of Black Studies, 37, 6 (2007),
pp. 896–913.
James, Alfreda S. “Black Women Abolitionists and the Business of Antislavery Fairs”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Confer-
ence, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Slavery and Abolition 571

James, Alfreda S. “Subversive Traditions: Free Women of Color in Abolition” (PhD

diss., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2006).
Jasinski, James. “Constituting Antebellum African American Identity: Resistance,
Violence, and Masculinity in Henry Highland Garnet’s (1843) ‘Address to the
Slaves’,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, 93, 1 (2007), pp. 27–57.
Jennings, Judith. “Gender, Liberty, and ‘colour’ in the Lives of Three Early Abolition-
ists” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
John T. McGreevy. “Catholicism and Abolition: A Historical (and Theological)
Problem,” in Wilfred M. McClay, ed., Figures in the Carpet: Finding the
Human Person in the American Past (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans
Pub., 2007), pp. 405–27.
Jones, Martha. “Leave of Court: African American Claims-Making in the Era of Dred
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Scott v. Sanford,” in Sinha and Von Eschen, eds., Contested Democracy,

pp. 54–74.
Jordan, Ryan. Slavery and the Meeting House: The Quakers and the Abolitionist
Dilemma, 1820-1865. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007.
Jordon, Ryan. “The Dilemma of Quaker Pacifism in a Slaveholding Republic, 1833-
1865,” Civil War History, 53, 1 (2007), pp. 5–28.
Joy, Natalie. “Hydra’s Head: Fighting Slavery and Indian Removal in the Early Amer-
ican Republic” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Western Associ-
ation of Women Historians, 4–6 May 2007, San Diego, CA).
Joyner, Charles. “Slavery and the Creolization of Southern Culture” (Unpublished
paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History
Association, October 2003, Cambridge, England).
Kane, Paula. “The Supernatural and Slavery: Catholics, Power, and Oppression,” in
Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambigu-
ities of American Reform, pp. 199–209.
Kaye, Anthony E. “Liberalism and the Slave Community” (Unpublished presentation,
British American Nineteenth-Century Historians Annual Meeting, Cambridge
University, 12–14 October 2007, Cambridge, England).
Keller, Ron J. “That Which Congress So Nobly Began: The Men Who Passed the Thir-
teenth Amendment,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery,
Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 195 –212.
Kelley, Mary. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Women’s Writing” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Kellow, Margaret M. R. “Conflicting Imperatives: Black and White American Aboli-
tionists Debate Slave Redemption,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying
Freedom, pp. 200–12.
Kellow, Margaret R. “The Oriental Imaginary: Constructions of Female Bondage in
Women’s Antislavery Discourse,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of
Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 183–98.
Kendrick, Paul, and Stephen Kendrick. Douglass and Lincoln: How a Revolutionary
Black Leader and a Reluctant Liberator Struggled to End Slavery and Save the
Union. New York: Walker and Company, 2007.
572 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Kent, Holly M. “‘The fair readers of my country’: Women’s Literature in Anti-Slavery
Periodicals, 1821–1861” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society
for the History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R. Rites of August First: Emancipation Day in the Black Atlantic
World. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2007.
Kilbride, Daniel. “Beyond Capitalism and Feudalism: Planter-Class Southerners in
Atlantic Perspective” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British Amer-
ican Nineteenth Century History Association, 12–14 October 2007, Cambridge,
King, William Casey. “Icarus Unbound: Ambition and Sin in Anglo-American
Culture, 1560–1776,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery,
Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 138–47.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Kirk-Duggan, Cheryl. “Spirituals and the Quest for Freedom,” in Amanda Porterfield,
ed., Modern Christianity to 1900 (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007),
pp. 317–28.
Knowles, Helen J. “The Constitution and Slavery: A Special Relationship,” Slavery &
Abolition, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 309 –28.
Kuebler-Wolf, Elizabeth. “‘A peculiar kindness’: Proslavery Paternalism and Sentimen-
tal Domesticity in Images of the Family of George Washington” (Unpublished
paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians,
29 March–1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Lake, Kevin Andrew. “Slaves to Soldiers?: Black Prisoners’ Status during the Civil War”
(MA thesis, University of Virginia, 2007).
Larson, Kate Clifford. “Harriet Tubman’s Personal Network to Freedom: The Import-
ance of Family and Community along the UGRR” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Frederick Douglass International Underground Railroad
Lause, Mark. “Ethnicity, Race & the Challenge of Universal Organization: The Case of
Hugh Forbes & John Brown’s Raid” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Labor, Slavery and Freedom in a Global Age,” 29th annual North American
Labor History Conference, 18 –20 October 2007, Detroit, MI).
Lee, Julia Sun-Joo. “The Return of the ‘unnative’: The Transnational Politics of
Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South,” Nineteenth-Century Literature, 61, 4
(2007), pp. 449–78.
Leiker, James. “The Difficulties of Understanding Abe: Lincoln’s Reconciliation of
Racial Inequality and Natural Rights,” in Dirck and Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Eman-
cipated, pp. 73 –98.
Lippy, Charles H. “Slave Christianity,” in Amanda Porterfield, ed., Modern Christianity
to 1900 (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007), pp. 291–316.
Lobban, Michael. “Slavery, Insurance and the Law,” Journal of Legal History, 28, 3
(2007), pp. 319–28.
Lockard, Joe. “The Reluctant Pietist: Boston King and Transatlantic Methodism”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Slavery and Abolition 573

Long, David E. “Ballots over Bullets: Freedom and the 1864 Election,” in Holzer and
Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth
Amendment, pp. 143–59.
Luse, Christopher A. “Slavery’s Champions Stood at Odds: Polygenesis and the
Defense of Slavery,” Civil War History, 53, 4 (2007), pp. 379–412.
Malamud, Margaret. “The Uses of Antiquity in Debates over Slavery in the USA”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of
the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Malone, Christopher. Between Freedom and Bondage: Race, Party, and Voting Rights in
the Antebellum North. New York: Routledge Press, 2007.
Mandel, Bernard. Labor, Free and Slave: Workingmen and the Anti-Slavery Movement in
the United States. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

A reprint of the 1955 edition with a new introduction by Brian Kelly.

Manning, Chandra. What This Cruel War Was Over: Soldiers, Slavery, and the Civil
War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.
Mark A. Graber, “Conflicts of Interest: Race, Class and Dred Scott” (Unpublished
paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 25 –28
October 2007, Tempe, AZ).
Marszalek, John F. “1862—A Year of Decision for President Lincoln and General
Halleck,” in Simon, Holzer, and Vogel, eds., Lincoln Revisited, pp. 133–45.
Marszalek, John F. “Marching to Freedom: The U.S. Colored Troops,” in Holzer and
Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth
Amendment, pp. 113–29.
Mason, Matthew. “In Defense of the Ulterior: Partisans and Antislavery” (Unpub-
lished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early
American Republic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Masur, Kate. “‘A rare phenomenon of philological vegetation’: The Word ‘contraband’
and the Meanings of Emancipation in the United States,” Journal of American
History, 93, 4 (2007), pp. 1050–84.
Matthews, Harry Bradshaw. “Role of the USCT in the Resistance and Liberation of
Enslaved Americans” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick
Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference”).
McCarthy, Timothy Patrick. “Abolitionist Literary Emergence and the Problem of
Equality” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the
History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
McColley, Robert. “Abraham Lincoln and Colonization” (Unpublished paper, 100th
annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29 March–1
April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
McConnell, Justine. “Eumaeus and Eurycleia in the Deep South: Odyssean Slavery in
‘Sommersby’” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery.
A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
McDaniel, William Caleb. “Our Country Is the World: Radical American Abolitionists
Abroad” (PhD diss., The Johns Hopkins University, 2006).
574 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
McElya, Micki. Clinging to Mammy: The Faithful Slave in Twentieth-Century America.
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2007.
McGill, Meredith. “Poetry and Media in the 19th c. U.S.: Anti-Slavery Poetry before
and after the War” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American
Comparative Literatures Association, 19 –22 April 2007, Puebla, Mexico).
McKittrick, Katherine. “Freedom is a secret,” in Katherine McKittrick and Clyde
Adrian Woods, eds., Black Geographies and the Politics of Place (Toronto:
Between the Lines, 2007), pp. 97 –114.
McKivigan, John R. “Frederick Douglass: Underground Railroad Passenger, Conduc-
tor, Advocate, and Passenger” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Fre-
derick Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference”).
Meer, Sarah. “The ‘wageslavery’ Comparison in the Proslavery Argument: Anti-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Abolition Novels in the Antebellum United States” (Unpublished presentation,

conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Mensel, Robert E. “Originalism and Ancestor Worship in the Post-Heroic Era: The
Dred Scott Opinions,” Widener Law Journal, 17, 1 (2007), pp. 29 –54.
Mercieca, Jennifer Rose. “The Culture of Honor: How Slaveholders Responded to the
Abolitionist Mail Crisis of 1835,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 10, 1 (2007),
pp. 51–76.
Messerschmidt, James W. “‘We must protect our southern women’: On Whiteness,
Masculinities, and Lynching,” in Bosworth and Flavin, eds., Race, Gender, and
Punishment, pp. 77 –94.
Messmer, David. “‘If not in the word, in the sound’: Frederick Douglass’s Mediation of
Literacy Through Song,” ATQ, 21, 1 (2007), pp. 5 –21.
Miller, Melinda. “Forty Acres and (no) Mule: Evaluating the Impact of Free Land on
the Outcomes of Former Slaves” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of
the Social Science History Association, 15–18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Mills, Elizabeth Shown. “Poor? Female? Black? Slave? A Two-Hour Seminar on Recon-
structing Female Lives & Lineages” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of
the States and Family History Fair of the National Genealogical Society, 16 –19
May 2007, Richmond, VA).
Millward, Jessica. “More History Than Myth: African American Women’s History
Since the Publication of ‘Ar’n’t I a Woman?,” Journal of Women’s History, 19, 2
(2007), pp. 161–67.
Mintz, Steven, and John Stauffer, eds. The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the
Ambiguities of American Reform. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press,

For relevant contents see Balleisen, Berlin, Bernstein, Bonner, Clinton, Engerman
and Eltis, Finkelman, Fox, Glickstein, Hinks, Kane, Kellow, King, Mintz, Mitchell,
Patterson, Roth, Strom, and Waldstreicher.

Mintz, Steven. “Introduction,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery,
Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform, pp. 1–19.
Slavery and Abolition 575

Mitchell, Laura. “More Meteor than Martyr: The Legacy of John Brown,” in Mintz and
Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of Amer-
ican Reform, pp. 287–97.
Mitchell, Mary Niall. “‘As we found them’ and ‘as they are now’” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “‘In the name of the child’: The Social and Cultural
History of Children and Youth”).
Mitchell, Thomas G. Antislavery Politics in Antebellum and Civil War America. West-
port, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2007.
Morel, Lucas E. “Lincoln, God, and Freedom: A Promise Fulfilled,” in Holzer and
Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth
Amendment, pp. 48 –64.
Morel, Lucas E. “The Dred Scott Dissents: McLean, Curtis, Lincoln, and the Public
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Mind,” Journal of Supreme Court History, 32, 2 (2007), pp. 133–51.

Morgan, Jo-Ann. “Illustrating Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Morgan, Jo-Ann. Uncle Tom’s Cabin as Visual Culture. Columbia: University Of
Missouri Press, 2007.
Morrison, Michael A. “Fault Lines: A Reconsideration of Abolitionism and Political
Antislavery” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the
History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Mosher, Shawn J. “Violence as a Moral Mandate? The Duel Between Frederick Douglas
and Henry H. Garnet” (Unpublished paper, 48th annual meeting of the Missouri
Valley History Conference, 3–5 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Muelder, Owen W. “The Influence of Upstate New York Abolitionists on the Western
Illinois Underground Railroad and the 5th Lincoln-Douglas Debate” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass International Under-
ground Railroad Conference”).
Mullis, Tony. “Liberty, Order, and American Military Values” (Unpublished paper,
100th annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29
March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Mulroy, Kevin. The Seminole Freedmen: A History. Norman, OK: University of Okla-
homa Press, 2007.
Murphy, Angela F. “Daniel O’Connell and the ‘American Eagle’ in 1845: Slavery,
Diplomacy, Nativism, and the Collapse of America’s First Irish Nationalist
Movement,” Journal of American Ethnic History, 26, 2 (2007), pp. 3–26.
Murphy, Angela. “Abolition, Irish Freedom, and Immigrant Citizenship: American
Slavery and the Rise and Fall of the American Associations for Irish Repeal”
(PhD diss., University of Houston, 2006).
Nelson, Scott Reynolds. “After Slavery: Forced Drafts of Irish and Chinese Labor in the
American Civil War, or the Search for Liquid Labor,” in Christopher, Pybus, and
Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages, pp. 150–65.
Newby-Alexander, Cassandra L. “Escapes from ‘worthless sots’: The Underground
Railroad from Portsmouth, Virginia to Upper Canada” (Unpublished
576 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Oakes, James. The Radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln,
and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2007.
Oliver, Wesley M. “Dred Scott and the Political Question Doctrine,” Widener Law
Journal, 17, 1 (2007), pp. 13 –28.
Olmstead, Alan L., and Paul W. Rhode. “Wait a Cotton Pickin Minute! A New View of
Slave Productivity” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Economic
History Association, 15 –17 September 2006, Pittsburgh, PA).
Olson, Joel. “The Freshness of Fanaticism: The Abolitionist Defense of Zealotry,”
Perspectives on Politics, 5, 4 (2007), pp. 685 –701.
O’Neill, Patrick. “Bosses and Broomsticks: African-American Weddings as a Contest”
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social Science History Associ-
ation, 15 –18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Oshatz, Mary Clay. “Accidental Liberalism: The Slavery Debates and the Rise of
Protestant Liberalism in America, 1830–1890” (PhD diss., University of
California, Berkeley, 2007).
Paludan, Phillip S. “Greeley, Colonization, and a ‘deputation of Negroes’: Three Con-
siderations on Lincoln and Race,” in Dirck and Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Emanci-
pated, pp. 29 –46.
Paludan, Phillip Shaw. “Lincoln and the Limits of Constitutional Authority,” in Holzer
and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thir-
teenth Amendment, pp. 37 –47.
Papson, Donald Earl. “Waterways to Freedom” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Frederick Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference”).
Peterson, Carla L. “Literary Transnationalism and Diasporic History: Frances Watkins
Harper’s ‘Fancy Sketches’, 1859–60,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights
and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 189–208.
Pettey, Homer B. “Cannibalism, Slavery, and Self-Consumption in Moby Dick,” in
Harold Bloom, ed., Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick (New York, NY: Chelsea
House, 2007), pp. 25 –49.
Pinnen, Christian. “George Washington: Elite Planners and the Problem of Revolu-
tionary Rhetoric 1763–1803” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of
the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Pinsker, Matthew. “Lincoln’s Summer of Emancipation,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds.,
Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amendment,
pp. 79–99.
Pritchard, Amanda Bayne. “Fiends Who Bear the Shapes of Men: Case Studies on
White Male and Black Female Relationships in the South” (MA thesis, The Uni-
versity of Texas at Arlington, 2006).
Railton, Stephen. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin on Film” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Ramsey, William M. “Frederick Douglass, Southerner,” Southern Literary Journal, 40, 1
(2007), pp. 19 –38.
Slavery and Abolition 577

Rao, Gautham. “The Federal Posse Comitatus Doctrine: Slavery, Compulsion, and
Statecraft in Mid-Nineteenth Century America” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 25–28 October 2007,
Tempe, AZ).
Rao, Gautham. “The Posse Principle: Federal Policing in Antebellum America”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal
History, 10–12 November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Regosin, Elizabeth. “Citizenship and Identity: Former Slaves’ Civil War Pension
Claims” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for
Legal History, 8–10 November 2002, Chicago, IL).
Reynolds, Michael. “Contesting Morality: Ideology and Sectional Conflict in Antebel-
lum America” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

American Historians, March 29 –April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).

Rhodes, Jane. “At the Boundaries of Abolitionism, Feminism, and Black Nationalism:
The Activism of Mary Ann Shadd Cary,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s
Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 346–66.
Rifkin, Mark. “‘A home made sacred by protecting laws’: Black Activist Homemaking
and Geographies of Citizenship in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” Differ-
ences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 18, 2 (2007), pp. 72 –102.
Robertson, Brian K. “‘Will they fight? Ask the enemy’: United States Colored Troops at
Big Creek, Arkansas, July 26, 1864,” Arkansas Historical Quarterly, 66, 3 (2007),
pp. 320–32.
Rommel-Ruiz, W. Bryan. “Negotiating Modernity, Negotiating Race: Nova Scotia,
Rhode Island, and the Black Atlantic in the Nineteenth Century” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Root, Deane L. “The Songs of Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Rosenberg-Naparsteck, Ruth. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin as Parable: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s
Sermon” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass Inter-
national Underground Railroad Conference”).
Roth, Randolph. “Twin Evils? Slavery and Homicide in Early America,” in Mintz and
Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of Amer-
ican Reform, pp. 74–88.
Roth, Sarah N. “‘The blade was in my own breast’: Slave Infanticide in 1850s Fiction,”
American Nineteenth Century History, 8, 2 (2007), pp. 169–85.
Rucker, Walter C. The River Flows on: Black Resistance, Culture, and Identity Formation
in Early America. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2007.
Rugemer, Edward B. “Democrats, Republicans and the Post-Emancipation West-
Indies” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of
Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 30 April 2007, New Haven,
Rugemer, Edward B. “Robert Monroe Harrison, British Abolition, Southern Anglo-
phobia and Texas Annexation,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 2 (2007), pp. 169–91.
578 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Rugemer, Edward. “Transatlantic Influence: First of August Celebrations in the Ante-
bellum United States” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies
of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Santamarina, Xiomara. “‘. . . So you can see, color makes no difference’: Race, Slavery
and Abolition in A Hairdresser’s Experience in High Life,” Legacy, 24, 2 (2007),
pp. 171–86.
Schiller, Ben. “‘I hope that you will not make me live where I do not want to live for I do
every thing to obey you that is in my power’: Slave Letter Writers Negotiate the
Limits of Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for
the History of the Early American Republic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Schneider, Dorothy, and Carl J. Schneider. Slavery in America. New York: Facts On File,
2007. Revised edition. First published in 2000.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Schoolfield, Brenda Thompson. “Knowing Time(s): Towards an Understanding of

Age-Consciousness Among American Slaves” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History Association,
October 2003, Cambridge, England).
Schweinitz, Rebecca de. “‘Waked up to feel’: Childhood and American Abolitionism”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘In the name of the child’: The Social
and Cultural History of Children and Youth”).
Shugerman, Jed. “The People’s Courts: Slavery and the Adoption of the Judicial Elec-
tions, 1846–1860” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society
for Legal History, 10 –12 November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Shuler, Jack. “Rebellious Solutions: Edmund Quincy’s ‘Mt. Verney’ and the Right to
Revolt” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Sidbury, James. Becoming African in America: Race and Nation in the Early Black Atlan-
tic. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press 2007.
Simmons, Dwan. “‘What to the slave is the Fourth of July’: Slavery, Race, and ‘inde-
pendence’ in 19th Century America” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual
meeting of the American Studies Association, 11 –14 October 2007, Philadel-
phia, PA).
Simon, John Y., Harold Holzer, and Dawn Vogel. Lincoln Revisited: New Insights from
the Lincoln Forum. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2007.
For relevant contents see Marszalek, Miller, and Vorenberg.

Sinha, Manisha, and Penny M. Von Eschen. Contested Democracy: Freedom, Race, and
Power in American History. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2007.
For contents see Anbinder, Jones, Saxton, Sinha, and Xi.

Sinha, Manisha. “An Alternative Tradition of Radicalism: Black Abolitionists and the
Metaphor of Revolution, 1775–1865,” in Sinha and Von Eschen, eds., Contested
Democracy, pp. 9–30.
Sinha, Manisha. “To ‘cast just obliquy’ on Oppressors: Black Radicalism in the Age of
Revolution,” William & Mary Quarterly, 64, 1 (2007), pp. 149–60.
Slavery and Abolition 579

Sklar, Kathryn Kish. “‘The throne of my heart’: Religion, Oratory, and Transatlantic
Community in Angelina Grimké’s Launching of Women’s Rights, 1828–1838,”
in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the
Era of Emancipation, pp. 211 –41.
Spencer, Suzette A. “Henry Box Brown, an International Fugitive: Slavery, Resistance,
and Imperialism,” in Katherine McKittrick and Clyde Adrian Woods, eds., Black
Geographies and the Politics of Place (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2007),
pp. 115–36.
Stauffer, John. “Frederick Douglass and the Politics of Slave Redemptions,” in Kwame
and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 213–22.
Stegmaier, Mark. “An Antislavery Republican Stirs Up the House: The Congressional
Struggle over the Blake Resolution of l860” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29 March–1 April, 2007,

Minneapolis, MN).
Stevenson, Brenda E. “Introduction—Women, Slavery, and Historical Research,”
Journal of African American History, 92, 1 (2007), pp. 1–4.
Stewart, Anna. “From Page to Stage: Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Theater” (Unpublished
paper, annual meeting of the American Comparative Literatures Association,
19 –22 April 2007, Puebla, Mexico).
Stubbs, Tristan. “‘Insurgents. . .disappointed in their villainous stratagems’: Plantation
Overseers, Violent Coercion, and Enslaved Resistance in the American Revolu-
tionary War” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Also presented at the conference “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution,
1760– 1868.”

Sword, Kirsten. “Runaways and the Reification of Patriarchy in Early American House-
holds” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social Science History
Association, 15–18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Taylor, Michael. “Prigg v. Pennsylvania and the Constitutional Protection of Slavery”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth
Century History Association, October 2003, Cambridge, England).
Taylor, Michael. “A Constitutional Ambiguity: The Marshall Court and the Consti-
tutional Protection of Human Chattel Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 50th
annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 1 –3 March 2007,
Omaha, NE).
Taylor, Michael. “A Free Market Tyranny: Swift v. Tyson (1842) and the Constitutional
Protection of Human Chattel Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 49th annual meeting
of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 2 –4 March 2006, Omaha, NE).
Taylor, Tonya Thames. “Ties Undying: Black Perspectives on Lynching and its Roots in
Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Tompkins, Kyla Wazana. “‘Everything ‘cept eat us’: The Antebellum Black Body
Portrayed as Edible Body,” Callaloo, 30, 1 (2007), pp. 201 –24.
580 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Trefousse, Hans L. “The Role of the Press,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and
Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 100–12.
Trodd, Zoe. “Writ In Blood: John Brown’s Charter of Humanity, the Tribunal of
History, and the Thick Link of American Political Protest,” Journal for the
Study of Radicalism, 1, 1 (2007), pp. 1 –29.
Turner, E. Carter. “Causes Lost and Found: Southern Election in the Life of Robert
Lewis Dabney” (PhD diss., The Iliff School of Theology and University of
Denver, 2007).
Turner, Patricia A. “The Rise and Fall of Eliza Harris: From Novel to Tom Shows to
Quilts” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the
Web of Culture”).
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture: A Multi-Disciplinary Conference” (The
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Harriet Beecher Stowe Center and the Uncle Tom’s Cabin & American Culture
project, 1–2 June 2007, Hartford, CT).
For presentations see Frick, Harris, Hedrick, Hill, Kelley, Morgan, Railton, Root,
Turner, Winship, and Yarborough.

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency
Management. Emancipation Hall: A Tribute to the Slaves Who Helped Build the
U.S. Capitol: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Economic Development,
Public Buildings, and Emergency Management of the Committee on Transportation
and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First
Session, September 25, 2007. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2007.
Vogel, Kristen. “Weighing Cargo: The Boyce Decision and the Responsibility of
Common Carriers Towards Slave Cargoes” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual
meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand
Rapids, MI).
Vorenberg, Michael. “After Emancipation: Abraham Lincoln’s Black Dream,” in
Simon, Holzer, and Vogel, eds., Lincoln Revisited, pp. 215–30.
Vorenberg, Michael. “Slavery Reparations in Theory and Practice: Lincoln’s
Approach,” in Dirck and Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Emancipated, pp. 117–29.
Vorenberg, Michael. “The Thirteenth Amendment Enacted,” in Holzer and Gabbard,
eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amend-
ment, pp. 180–94.
Walker, James. “‘Sambo’ Farewell: Lessons of Slavery from the Formerly Enslaved”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road
to Freedom”).
Wallenstein, Peter. “Slavery and Representation: From the Hartford Convention to the
Fourteenth Amendment” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British
American Nineteenth Century History Association, October 2003, Cambridge,
Webber, Robert Wayne. “Plantation Overseers and Their World: The Stereotype, Life,
and Image” (MA thesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 581

Wedel, Vicki L. “Patterns of Bone Remodeling Among Enslaved and Freed Historical
African Americans” (PhD diss., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2006).
Welch, Cheryl. “Creating Concitoyens: Tocqueville on the Legacy of Slavery,” in Raf
Geenens and Annelien De Dijn, eds., Reading Tocqueville: From Oracle to Actor
(Basingstoke, UK; New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), pp. 31 –51.
Whit, William C. “Soul Food as Cultural Creation,” in Bower, ed., African American
Foodways, pp. 45 –58.
White, Ronald C., Jr. “Lincoln and the Rhetoric of Freedom,” in Holzer and Gabbard,
eds., Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amend-
ment, pp. 130–42.
Williams, Edward M., Jr. “The Color of Sympathy: Biology, Race, and Feeling in
Republican and Antebellum Culture” (PhD diss., University of Rhode Island,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Williams, Frank J. “The End of the Beginning: Abraham Lincoln and the Fourteenth
and Fifteenth Amendments,” in Holzer and Gabbard, eds., Lincoln and
Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirteenth Amendment, pp. 213–32.
Williams, Heather Andrea. “Fine Black Boys For Sale: Separation and Loss Among
19th Century African American Children” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “‘In the name of the child’: The Social and Cultural History of Children
and Youth”).
Wilson, Karen Marguerite. “Diaspora River: Charting Continuity and Change in
African Diasporic Slave Quarter Communities of the United States Through
Song, Story and Dance” (PhD diss., University of California, Riverside).
Winkle, Ken. “‘Paradox though it may seem’: Lincoln on Antislavery, Race, and Union,
1837–1860,” in Dirck and Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Emancipated, pp. 8–28.
Winship, Michael. “History of Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a Book” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Winter, Kari. “From Vermont Abolitionist to Virginia Slaveholder? Benjamin Franklin
Prentiss and the Familial Politics of Antebellum America” (Unpublished presen-
tation, Humanities Institute, Buffalo University, 28 February 2007, Buffalo, NY).
Wirls, Daniel. “‘The only mode of avoiding everlasting debate’: The Overlooked Senate
Gag Rule for Antislavery Petitions,” Journal of the Early Republic, 27, 1 (2007),
pp. 115–38.
Wolf, Eva Sheppard. “White Liberty and Black Slavery in the Early Republic” (Unpub-
lished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early
American Republic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Wolff, Robert S. “Interrogating History; Enslavement/Slavery and the Narratives of
the Historical Profession in the U.S.” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Wong, Edlie L. “Judging ‘freedom’ in Slave Transit Cases and Slave Narratives”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal
History, 10–12 November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
582 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Wood, Sharon E. “‘Mammy Ellen’, Meet Ellen Adams: Two Families Remember One
Mother in Slavery and Freedom” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting
of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Worden, Carisa. “National Vigilance: Race, Prostitution and Migration in Slavery’s
Wake” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the American Studies
Association, 11–14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Xi, Wang. “Make ‘every slave free and every freeman a voter’: The African American
Construction of Suffrage Discourse in the Age of Emancipation,” in Sinha and
Von Eschen, eds., Contested Democracy, pp. 117 –40.
Yarborough, Richard. “African American Responses to Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Web of Culture”).
Yellin, Jean Fagan. “Incidents Abroad: Harriet Jacobs and the Transatlantic Move-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

ment,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery
in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 158–72.
Yentsch, Anne. “Excavating the South’s African American Food History,” in Bower, ed.,
African American Foodways, pp. 59–98.
Young, Vernetta D., and Sharon Spencer. “Multiple Jeopardy: The Impact of Race,
Gender and Slavery on the Punishment of Women in Antebellum America,”
in Bosworth and Flavin, eds., Race, Gender, and Punishment, pp. 65 –76.
Younger, Karen Virginia Fisher. “‘Africa stretches forth her hands unto you’: Female
Colonization Supporters in the Antebellum United States” (PhD diss., The
Pennsylvania State University, 2006).

2. New England and Middle Colonies

Anbinder, Tyler. “Isaiah Rynders and the Ironies of Popular Democracy in Antebellum
New York,” in Sinha and Von Eschen, eds., Contested Democracy, pp. 31–53.
Andrews, Edward E. “‘Creatures of mimic and imitation’: The Liberty Tree, Black Elec-
tions, and the Politicization of African Ceremonial Space in Revolutionary
Newport, Rhode Island,” Radical History Review, 99 (2007), pp. 121–39.
Bacon, Jacqueline. “Manhood and Womanhood in ‘Freedom’s Journal’, the First
African-American Newspaper, 1827–29” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual
meeting of the Western Association of Women Historians, 4 –6 May 2007, San
Diego, CA).
Bacon, Jacqueline. Freedom’s Journal: The First African-American Newspaper. Lanham,
MD: Lexington Books, 2007.
Bacon, Margaret Hope. But One Race: The Life of Robert Purvis. Albany, NY: State Uni-
versity of New York Press, 2007.
Ball, Erica L. “The ‘heroic slave’ and the ‘Spartan mother’: Gender and the Northern
Black Discourse of Patriotism on the Eve of the Civil War” (Unpublished paper,
121st annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007,
Atlanta, GA).
Bond, Richard. “Shaping a Conspiracy: Black Testimony in the 1741 New York Plot,”
Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 1 (2007), pp. 63–94.
Slavery and Abolition 583

Bonta, Anthony M. “Father Edward Purcell and the Debate with the New York
Freeman’s Journal” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American
Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Brandt, Nat, and Yanna Brandt. In the Shadow of the Civil War: Passmore Williamson
and the Rescue of Jane Johnson. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press,
Carey, Brycchan. “Did Germantown Make a Difference? Uncovering the Origins of
Quaker Antislavery” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Un-
finished Business”).
Chan, Alexandra A. Slavery in the Age of Reason: Archaeology at a New England Farm.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2007.
Chieffo-Reidway, Toby Maria. “Nathaniel Jocelyn: In the Service of Art and Abolition”
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

(PhD diss., College of William and Mary, 2007).

Clark, Lynn, and Rebecca Courser. “Rural Free Black Settlement in Post-Revolutionary
New Hampshire: A Study of Five Towns,” Historical New Hampshire, 61, 1
Cohen, Anthony M. “Patrick & Me: A Family Saga of The Underground Railroad”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass International
Underground Railroad Conference”).
Coleman, Willi. “‘Like hot lead to pour on the Americans. . .’: Sarah Parker Remond—
From Salem, Mass., to the British Isles,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s
Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 173–88.
Cousins-Newton, Linda. “The Underground Railroad – An International Embrace”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass International
Underground Railroad Conference”).
Cruson, Daniel. The Slaves of Central Fairfield County: The Journey from Slave to
Freeman in Nineteenth-Century Connecticut. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2007.
DeWolf, Thomas Norman. Inheriting the Trade: A Northern Family Confronts Its Legacy
As the Largest Slave-Trading Dynasty in U.S. History. Grand Haven, MI: Brilliance
Audio, 2007. Audio CD.
Dishman, Robert B. “‘Natives of Africa, now forcibly detained’: The Slave Petitioners
of Revolutionary Portsmouth,” Historical New Hampshire, 61, 1 (2007).
Dixon, David T. “Freedom Earned, Equality Denied: Evolving Race Relations in Exeter
and Vicinity, 1776–1876,” Historical New Hampshire, 61, 1 (2007).
Donahue, James J. “‘Hardly the voice of the same man’: ‘Civil Disobedience’ and Thor-
eau’s Response to John Brown,” Midwest Quarterly, 48, 2 (2007), pp. 247–65.
Dunbar, Erica Armstrong. “Reading and Writing the Public and the Personal: African-
American Women’s Writings in Antebellum Philadelphia” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Fanning, Sara C. “The Roots of Early Black Nationalism: Northern African Americans’
Invocations of Haiti in the Early Nineteenth Century,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 1
(2007), pp. 61 –85.
584 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Fernald, Jody R. “Slavery in New Hampshire: Profitable Godliness to Racial Con-
sciousness” (MA thesis, University of New Hampshire, 2007).
Finkenbine, Roy E. “Belinda’s Petition: Reparations for Slavery in Revolutionary Mas-
sachusetts,” William & Mary Quarterly, 64, 1 (2007), pp. 95–104.
Fox, Richard Wightman. “Performing Emancipation,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The
Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform,
pp. 298–311.
“Frederick Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference” (Freedom Trail
Commission and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 28 –30
September 2007, Rochester, NY).

For presentations see Cohen, Cousins-Newton, Gable, Gagne, Hewitt and

Densmore, Larson, Matthews, McDonnell, McKivigan, Muelder, Papson, Patenaude,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Rosenberg-Naparsteck, Sadlier, and Walters.

Gable, Walter. “The Underground Railroad, Abolitionism and Women’s Rights Acti-
vism in Seneca County” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick
Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference”).
Gac, Scott. Singing for Freedom: The Hutchinson Family Singers and the Nineteenth-
Century Culture of Reform. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.
Gagne, Katherine. “Recollections with Jean Rankin: My Work on the Underground
Railroad” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass Inter-
national Underground Railroad Conference”).
Gerzina, Gretchin. Mr. and Mrs. Prince: How an Extraordinary 18th Century Family
Moved out of Slavery. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Greenwood, Emily. “Classics and Liberal Education: Paradoxes in the Poetry of Phillis
Wheatley” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Cele-
bration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Gross, Kali Nicole. “Mary Hannah Tabbs, Murderess: Crime and Social Violence in
19th Century Philadelphia” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interro-
gations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Hancock, Scott. “‘Tradition informs us’: African Americans’ Construction of Memory
in the Antebellum North,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin, eds., Slavery, Resist-
ance, Freedom, pp. 40–69.
Hinks, Peter. “Timothy Dwight, Congregationalism, and Early Antislavery,” in Mintz
and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of
American Reform, pp. 148 –61.
Johnson, Mat. The Great Negro Plot: A Tale of Conspiracy and Murder in Eighteenth-
Century New York. New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2007.
Kellow, Margaret M. R. “Lydia Maria Child and the National Anti-Slavery Standard:
The Business of Philanthropy” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of
the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Kytle, Ethan J. “From Body Reform to Reforming the Body Politic: Transcendentalism
and the Militant Antislavery Career of Thomas Wentworth Higginson,”
American Nineteenth Century History, 8, 3 (2007), pp. 325–50.
Slavery and Abolition 585

Lovejoy, Paul. “The African Background of Venture Smith” (Unpublished presen-

tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Massachusetts Historical Society. African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massa-
chusetts. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2007.

An online resource at

McDonnell, Timothy. “The Geography of the Underground Railroad in New York

State” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass Inter-
national Underground Railroad Conference”).
Mears, Tanya. “‘Cutting down the old tree and hewing off the branches’: Enslaved
Women’s Resistance and Rebellion in Colonial Massachusetts” (Unpublished
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–

Messer, Glen Alton, II. “Restless for Zion: New England Methodism, Holiness, and the
Abolitionist Struggle, circa 1789–1845” (ThD diss., Boston University School of
Theology, 2006).
Minardi, Margot Lee. “The Inevitable Negro: Making Slavery History in Massachu-
setts, 1770–1863” (PhD diss., Harvard University, 2007).
Minardi, Margot. “Abolitionist Responses to the Bunker Hill Monument” (Unpub-
lished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical Association,
4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Newman, Richard. “Liberation Technology: Print and African American Emancipation
in the Late 18th Century” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American
Printing History Association, 28–30 September 2006, Philadelphia, PA).
Pamphile-Miller, Chrislaine. “In Defense of Prince Saunders: African American Edu-
cator and Proponent of Haitian Emigration, 1816–1839” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom &
Patenaude, Monique. “Forging Steel: NYS Historical Markers and the UGRR”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Frederick Douglass International
Underground Railroad Conference”).
Rappleye, Charles. Sons of Providence: The Brown Brothers, the Slave Trade and the
Revolution. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007.
Riley, Padraig Griffin. “Northern Republicans and Southern Slavery: Democracy in the
Age of Jefferson, 1800–1819” (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley,
Riley, Padraig. “Between Slavery and Democracy: Northern Democrats in the Jefferso-
nian Year” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the
History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Rockman, Seth. “‘Political, religious, & moral questions are commodities that we do
not deal in as a co.’: Northerners and the Trade in Plantation Goods” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Business Ethics, Law, and History: From
the Atlantic Slave Trade to Wall Street”).
586 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Rockman, Seth. “The ‘Southern trade’: The Northern Business of Manufacturing
Shoes, Shirts, and Hoes for Slaves” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder
Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale Univer-
sity, 22 October 2007, New Haven, CT).
Sadlier, Rosemary. “A North Side View of Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Frederick Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference”).
Saint, Chandler B. “Making Freedom: The Extraordinary Life of Venture Smith”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Smith, David G. “On the Edge of Freedom: The Fugitive Slave Issue in South Central
Pennsylvania, 1820–1870” (PhD diss., The Pennsylvania State University, 2006).
Stein, Melissa. “‘A mother’s rights she cannot claim’: Motherhood, Iconography, and
the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society” (Unpublished paper, 100th
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

annual meeting of the American Studies Association, 11–14 October 2007,

Philadelphia, PA).
Strausbaugh, Linda. “The Genetic Legacy of Meg and Venture Smith: Thoughts on the
Fact and Fiction of Determining Ancestry by DNA” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Sweet, John Wood. “The Voice of Morality: Venture Smith and the Eighteenth-
Century Debate over African Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta,
Taylor, Alice. “‘It was a kind of ladies’ exchange’: The Transatlantic Female Economy of
the Boston Antislavery Bazaar” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the
Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Tomek, Beverly C. “Seeking a Manageable Population: Limitation, Colonization and
Black Resistance in Pennsylvania’s Antislavery Movement” (PhD diss., University
of Houston, 2006).
Waldstreicher, David. “Benjamin Franklin, Religion, and Early Antislavery,” in Mintz
and Stauffer, eds., The Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of
American Reform, pp. 162 –73.
Walters, Delores M. “Learning from the Legacy of Women’s Resistance to Slavery: Why
Northern Slavery Cannot be Ignored” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Frederick Douglass International Underground Railroad Conference”).
Warren, Wendy Anne. “‘The cause of her grief ’: The Rape of a Slave in Early New
England,” Journal of American History, 93, 4 (2007), pp. 1031–49.
Winch, Julie. “Sarah Forten’s Anti-Slavery Networks,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds.,
Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation,
pp. 143–57.
Winch, Julie. “The Making and Meaning of James Forten’s ‘Letters from a Man of
Colour’,” William & Mary Quarterly, 64, 1 (2007), pp. 129 –38.
Zug, James. “Wheelock’s Slaves” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25–28 October 2007,
Dartmouth, NH).
Slavery and Abolition 587

3. Chesapeake
Barrett, Jason M. “‘As tho’ touched by a magic wand, our slaves will become freemen’:
The Promise and Failure of Grain Husbandry in Jeffersonian Virginia” (Unpub-
lished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27
October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Boggus, Michael. “Nat Turner’s Revolt and the Demise of Slavery” (MA thesis,
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2006).
Breen, Patrick H. “Contested Communion: The Limits of White Solidarity in Nat
Turner’s Virginia,” Journal of the Early Republic, 27, 4 (2007), pp. 685–703.
Bryant, James. “Bonds of Knowledge in Communities of Bondage: Rethinking the Nat
Turner Event” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern
Historical Association, 31 October –3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Campbell, James M. Slavery on Trial: Race, Class, and Criminal Justice in Antebellum
Richmond, Virginia. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida Press, 2007.
Crofts, Daniel W. “Communities in Revolt: An Introduction,” Journal of the Early
Republic 27, 4 (2007), pp. 655–60.
Deetz, Kelley. “Gender, Family, and Resistance at North Bend Plantation: An Interdis-
ciplinary Study of an Enslaved Community” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Dennie, Garrey Michael. “Ideology, and Historical Memory: The Case of Sotterley
Plantation” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Ford, Iris Carter. “Mapping the Commemoration of Slavery on the Maryland Land-
scape” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Fox, Charles. “The Bower: A Breeding Plantation in Jefferson County, Virginia”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Bicentennial of the Abolition of
the Anglo-American Trade in African Captives”).
Goudie, Carolyn Hardin. “In forma pauperis: Slave Lawsuits in Antebellum Virginia”
(Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the States and Family History Fair
of the National Genealogical Society, 16 –19 May 2007, Richmond, VA).
Gradoia, Eric, William H. Moore, David W. Lewes, and Joe B. Jones. Archaeological
Management Plan and Structural Conditions Analysis for the Arcola Slave Quar-
ters, Loudoun County, Virginia. Williamsburg, VA: William and Mary Center
for Archaeological Research, 2007.
Green, Margaret L. “Anti-Slavery Work in Prince Edward County: Jane Ellsworth
Young and the Quaker Women of the West Lake Monthly Meeting 1800–
1865” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Grivno, Max L. “‘There slavery cannot dwell’: Agriculture and Labor in Northern
Maryland, 1790–1860” (PhD diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2007).
Gurza-Lavalle, Gerardo. “The Greatest Civilizer of the Human Race: Slave Evangeliza-
tion and Progress in Antebellum Virginia” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual
588 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29 March–1 April, 2007,
Minneapolis, MN).
Hunt-McLean, Wanda. “Escaping to the Great Dismal Swamp: ‘Families and
communities’ versus the Term ‘Maroon colonies’” (Unpublished paper, 121st
annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007,
Atlanta, GA).
Jones, Catherine A. “Children in the Reconfiguration of Virginia’s Postemancipation
Households” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Histori-
cal Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Jones, Catherine A. “Intimate Reconstructions: Children in Postemancipation Virgi-
nia” (PhD diss., The Johns Hopkins University, 2007).
Kaye, Anthony E. “Neighborhoods and Nat Turner: The Making of a Slave Rebel and
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

the Unmaking of a Slave Rebellion,” Journal of the Early Republic, 27, 4 (2007),
pp. 705–20.
Kaye, Anthony E. “‘Alarm in the neighborhood’: Reinterpreting Nat Turner and His
Rebellion” (Unpublished presentation, The Virginia Forum, 13 April 2007,
Richmond, VA).
King, Julia Ann. “The Past is a Rural Landscape: Race, Authenticity, and Memory at
Maryland’s First Capital” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interroga-
tions of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Kiracofe, David. “The Elephant in the Room: Jeffersonian Virginia, Gabriel’s Rebellion
and Toussaint Louverture” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the
Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Kolchin, Peter. “Communities in Revolt: A Comment,” Journal of the Early Republic,
27, 4 (2007), pp. 721 –28.
LaRoche, Cheryl Janifer. Resistance to Slavery in Maryland: Strategies for Freedom
Special History Study. Philadelphia: National Underground Railroad Network
to Freedom, 2007.
Martin, Bonnie M. “Profits and Perils: Mortgaging Slaves in Virginia, South Carolina,
and Louisiana” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern His-
torical Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
McGuire, Mary Richie. “Tobacco Culture and Environmental Consciousness: Ecologi-
cal Change, Race, and Gender, Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1850–1870”
(MA thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2007).
Meatyard, Kathleen B. “Ethnobotany and Ethnicity in the Maryland Tidewater”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Minter, Goeffrey. “Plantation Georgic” (Unpublished paper, 52nd annual meeting of
the Renaissance Society of America, 23 –25 March 2006, San Francisco, CA).
Mooney, Alfonso John, IV. “Shadows of Dominion: White Men and Power in Slavery,
War, and the New South” (PhD diss., University of Virginia, 2007).
Morales, Leslie Anderson, Ada Valaitis, and Beverly Pierce, eds. Virginia Slave Births
Index, 1853–1865. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 589

Reed, B. Bernetiae. The Slave Families of Thomas Jefferson: A Pictorial Study Book with
an Interpretation of His Farm Book in Genealogy Charts. Greensboro, NC: Sylvest-
Sarah, Inc, 2007.
Ricks, Mary Kay. Escape on the Pearl: The Heroic Bid for Freedom on the Underground
Railroad. New York: William Morrow, 2007.
Rivers-Cofield, Sara. “French Refugees and Slave Abuse in Frederick County, Mary-
land: Jean Payen de Boisneuf and the Vincendière Family at L’Hermitage Planta-
tion” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Rowe-Adjibogoun, Jill. “Contesting Imagined History: A Community’s Struggle to
Reclaim Richmond’s African Burial Grounds” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Schermerhorn, Calvin. “Collecting Kin: Slave Speculation in the Antebellum Chesa-

peake” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of Amer-
ican Historians, March 29 –April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Schermerhorn, Jack L. “Valuing Kin: Slave Speculation and Family Resistance in the
Antebellum Chesapeake” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the
American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Schwab, Tess. “Inclusion, Exclusion, and Transformation: Representing Slavery
Through Edward Savage’s ‘The Washington Family’” (MA thesis, University of
Delaware, 2007).
Trudeau, Noah Andre. “A Stranger in the Club: The Army of the Potomac’s Black
Division,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin, eds., Slavery, Resistance, Freedom,
pp. 96–117.
Tyler-McGraw, Marie. An African Republic: Black and White Virginians in the Making of
Liberia. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
Whitman, T. Stephen. Challenging Slavery in the Chesapeake: Black and White Resist-
ance to Human Bondage, 1775–1865. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society,

4. Colonial South
Benson, Robert. “Middleton Place as a Focus of the Cultural Flow Between Colonial
Carolina, England, and the Caribbean” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual
meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25
March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Bly, Antonio T. “Breaking with Tradition: Slave Literacy in Early Virginia, 1680–1780”
(PhD diss., The College of William and Mary, 2006).
Brewer, Holly. “Perpetual Slavery, Land, and Status: Reconsidering the Laws of Perpet-
uities and Their Connections to Religious and Political Ideology in Colonial
America” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for
Legal History, 8–10 November 2002, Chicago, IL).
Brewer, Holly. “William Fitzhugh’s Royalist Slave Code: Rethinking the Connections
Between Hereditary Status, Land, and Slavery in Seventeenth-Century Virginia”
590 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History,
16 –19 November 2006, Baltimore, MD).
Coombs, John, and Jean Elliott Russo. “The Chesapeake Without Tobacco? Slavery and
Peripheral Economies in Early Maryland and Virginia” (Unpublished paper, 31st
annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006,
in Minneapolis, MN).
Coombs, John. “Generations, Revolutions, and the Problem of Evidence: Toward a
Processual Understanding of Slavery’s Rise in Virginia” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Early Modern Virginia, a Symposium: New Thoughts
on the Old Dominion”).
“Early Modern Virginia, a Symposium: New Thoughts on the Old Dominion” (Robert
H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello, 17 –18 August
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

2007, Charlottesville, VA).

For presentations see Coombs and Pettigrew.

Edelson, S. Max. “Clearing Swamps, Harvesting Forests: Trees and the Making of a
Plantation Landscape in the Colonial South Carolina Lowcountry,” Agricultural
History, Volume 81, 3 (2007), pp. 381–406.
Edelson, S. Max. “Reproducing Plantation Society: Women and Land in Colonial
South Carolina,” History of the Family, 12, 2 (2007), pp. 130–41.
Eltis, David, Frank D. Lewis, and David Richardson. “Slave Prices, the African Slave
Trade, and Productivity in Eighteenth-Century South Carolina: A Reassess-
ment,” Journal of Economic History, 66, 4 (2006), pp. 1054–65.
Gould, Eliga H. “The Laws of War and Peace: Legitimating Plantation Slavery in
British America, circa 1775” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History, 16 –19 November 2006, Baltimore, MD).
Hashaw, Tim. The Birth of Black America: The First African Americans and the Pursuit
of Freedom at Jamestown. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2007.
Haskell, Alexander B. “What Were Those Grandees Thinking? A Reconsideration of
Colonial Virginia Politics Three Decades after American Slavery, American
Freedom” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of
American Historians, March 29 –April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Jelatis, Virginia. “Out of the Shadows: Uncovering the Hidden World of Carolina
Indigo Planters, 1747–1775” (Unpublished paper, 47th annual meeting of the
Missouri Valley History Conference, 4–6 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Krauthamer, Barbara. “A Particular Kind of Freedom: Black Women, Slavery, Kinship,
and Freedom in the American Southeast,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds.,
Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 100 –27.
Lannen, Andrew. “‘Liberty and property with no restriction’: Slavery and Planters in
Georgia, 1738–1770” (Unpublished paper, 47th annual meeting of the Missouri
Valley History Conference, 4–6 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Mancall, Peter C., Joshua L. Rosenbloom and Thomas Weiss. “Slave Prices, the African
Slave Trade, and Productivity in Eighteenth-Century South Carolina: A Reply,”
Journal of Economic History, 66, 4 (2006), pp. 1066–71.
Slavery and Abolition 591

Marin, Craig Thomas. “Coercion, Cooperation, and Conflict Along the Charleston
Waterfront, 1739–1785: Navigating the Social Waters of an Atlantic Port City”
(PhD diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2007).
Marin, Craig. “Deserting the Charleston Waterfront in the 1740s” (Unpublished paper,
46th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 6–8 March
2003, Omaha, NE).
Millett, Nathaniel. “Defining Freedom in the Atlantic Borderlands of the Revolution-
ary Southeast,” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 2 (2007),
pp. 367–94.
Parent, Jr., Anthony S. “Slave Rebellion: A Central Concern for Colonial America”
(Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American
Historians, March 29–April 1, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Pettigrew, Will. “Transatlantic Politics and the Africanization of Virginia’s Labor Force,
1688–1712” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Early Modern Virginia,
a Symposium: New Thoughts on the Old Dominion”).
Rainer, Samantha. “History and Language of the Gullah People on the Georgia Sea
Islands,” in Moore, ed., The Dispersion of Africans and African Culture Through-
out the World.
Rasheed, Olaniyi. “Slave Imports & Anglo-Virginian Rivalry, 1600–1776” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Roper, L. H. “The 1701 ‘Act for the better ordering of slaves’: Reconsidering the
History of Slavery in Proprietary South Carolina,” William & Mary Quarterly,
64, 2 (2007), pp. 395 –418.
Ryan, William Randolph. “The World of Thomas Jeremiah: Charles Town on the Eve
of the American Revolution” (PhD diss., Duke University, 2006).
Sandy, Laura. “Homemakers, Supervisors and Peach Stealing Bitches: The Role of
Overseers’ Wives on Slave Plantations in Eighteenth Century Virginia and
South Carolina” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social
Science History Association, 15–18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Shuler, John. “Calling out Liberty: Human Rights Discourse and Early American
Literature” (PhD diss., City University of New York, 2007).
Sidbury, James. “Globalization, Creolization, and the Not-So-Peculiar Institution,”
Journal of Southern History, 73, 3 (2007), pp. 617–30.
Snyder, Christina Nicole. “Captives of the Dark and Bloody Ground: Identity, Race,
and Power in the Contested American South” (PhD diss., The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007).

5. Ante-Bellum South
Allen, Leslye Joy. “For Union and Slavery, for Slavery and Union: Know-Nothings in
Georgia, 1854–1860” (MA thesis, Georgia State University, 2006).
Behrend, Justin J. “Freedpeople’s Democracy: African-American Politics and Commu-
nity in Postemancipation Natchez District” (PhD diss., Northwestern University,
592 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Berg Burin, Nikki. “A Regency of Women: Female Plantation Management in the Old
South” (PhD diss., University of Minnesota, 2007).
Berry, Daina Ramey. “Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe”: Gender and Slavery in
Antebellum Georgia. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007.
Black, Daryl. “‘It fills my mind with horror and desolation’: Daniel Grant, Race, and
the Limits of Methodist Antislavery in Early Republic Georgia” (Unpublished
paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 31
October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Boulware, William Hunt. “Like a Backgammon Board: The Biracial Dynamism of
Tracks and Taverns in the Early South” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Brown, Ras Michael. “Bântu-Kôngo: Aspects of Transition in Gullah-Geechee Spiri-

tuality” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Byron, Tammy K. “Sexuality and Social Control in Antebellum Slave Catechisms”
(Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History
Conference, 1–3 March 2007, Omaha, NE).
Camp, Stephanie. “‘Feeling like a state’: Elite Slaveholders and Everyday Power in the
Antebellum South” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American
Society for Legal History, 13 –16 November 2003, Washington, DC).
Clarke, Erskine. “Charles C. Jones and the ‘secret transcripts’ of Gullah Slaves”
(Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery,
Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 4 October 2007, New Haven, CT).
Cummins, Amy. “‘Loyal and Devoted Attachment’: Anti-Abolition Rhetoric by
Southern Women of Letters, 1852–1860” (Unpublished paper, 49th annual
meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 2–4 March 2006, Omaha,
Cyriaque, Jeanne. “Georgia Sites and Flights: The Road to Freedom Was Not Always
North” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical
Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Dillard, Philip D. “‘What price we must pay for victory?’: Views on Arming Slaves
from Lynchburg, Virginia, to Galveston, Texas,” in Gordon and Inscoe, eds.,
Inside the Confederate Nation, pp. 316–31.
Dyer, Thomas G. “Half Slave, Half Free: Unionist Robert Webster in Confederate
Atlanta,” in Gordon and Inscoe, eds., Inside the Confederate Nation, pp. 295–315.
Edwards, Laura F. “Enslaved Women and the Law: Paradoxes of Subordination in the
Postrevolutionary Carolinas,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and
Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 128 –51.
Edwards, Laura F. “Status Without Rights: African Americans and the Tangled History
of Law and Governance in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. South,” American
Historical Review, 112, 2 (2007), pp. 365–93.
Farnell, Daniel Reese. “Alabama Courts and the Administration of Slavery, 1820–
1860” (PhD diss., Auburn University, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 593

FitzHenry, Wendy. “Motivating Factors in the Benevolent Treatment of Slaves in the

Antebellum South” (MA thesis, California State University, Dominguez Hills,
Ford, Lacy K. “A Paternalist’s Progress: Insurgency, Orthodoxy and Reversal in the Old
South,” Reviews in American History, 35, 1 (2007), pp. 46–56.
Forret, Jeff. “Inside the Internal Economy: Slaves, Property, and Violence in the Ante-
bellum South” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the
History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Franklin, John Hope, and Loren Schweniger. “The Quest for Freedom: Runaway Slaves
and the Plantation South,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin, eds., Slavery, Resist-
ance, Freedom, pp. 21–39.
Gillmer, J. A. “Poor Whites, Benevolent Masters, and the Ideologies of Slavery: The
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Local Trial of a Slave Accused of Rape,” North Carolina Law Review, 85, 2
(2007), pp. 489–570.
Gordon, Lesley J., and John C. Inscoe, eds. Inside the Confederate Nation: Essays in
Honor of Emory M. Thomas. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
For relevant contents see Dillard, Dyer, Mohr, and Phillips.

Griffin, Rebecca. “‘Taking a whipping for Lily’: Slave Courtships and Gendered
Identities in Antebellum North Carolina” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting
of the British American Nineteenth Century History Association, March 2005,
Edgefield, SC).
Griffin, Rebecca. “‘‘Gettin’ out to play and ‘courtin’ all dey pleased’: The Temporal and
Spatial Geographies of Enslaved Courtship in Antebellum North Carolina”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth
Century History Association, 8–10 October 2004, Powys, Wales).
Guterl, Matthew. “Tropics of Bondage: Imagining Southern Slaveholders as Creoles”
(Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the American Studies Association,
11 –14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Haar, Joshua R. “William Gilmore Simms and Woodcraft: The Defense of the Jeffer-
sonian Ideal” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley
History Conference, 1–3 March 2007, Omaha, NE).
Hampton, Monte. “Race, Religion, and Politics in Henry Evan’s Methodist Church,
1785–1835” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Histori-
cal Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Harris, William. “Fear and Violence in Antebellum Mississippi” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Hudson, Larry E., Jr. “Slavery and the New Southern History” (Unpublished paper,
29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early American Repub-
lic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Hudson, Larry E., Jr. “Alcohol: A Problem in Slave Management (US South)” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Alcohol in the Atlantic World: Historical and
594 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Contemporary Perspectives,” York University, 24 –27 October 2007, Toronto,
Johnson, Karl. “Africanisms and Change in Gullah Culture” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Jones, Mark, and John Wertheimer, et. al. “Pinkney and Sarah Ross: The Legal Adven-
tures of an Ex-Slave and His (Originally) White Wife on the Carolina Border-
lands during Reconstruction” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History, 8–10 November 2002, Chicago, IL).
Kaye, Anthony E. Joining Places: Slave Neighborhoods in the Old South. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
King, Wilma. “‘Mad’ Enough to Kill: Enslaved Women, Murder, and Southern
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Courts,” Journal of African American History, 92, 1 (2007), pp. 37–56.

Kowal, Amy C. “The Affinities and Disparities Within Community and Status of the
African American Slave Population at Charles Pinckney National Historic Site,
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina” (PhD diss., Florida State University, 2007).
Leslie, James Mark. “Containing the Spirit, Controlling the Flesh: Performance, Posi-
tioning, and Antebellum Slaveowners as Representatives of Chowan County’s
Religion, 1760–1830” (MA thesis, The University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, 2006).
Littlefield, Daniel. “R.F.W. Allston and the Limits of States Rights and Planter Patern-
alism” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth
Century History Association, March 2005, Edgefield, SC).
Marshall, Amani N. “Enslaved Women Runaways in South Carolina, 1820–1865”
(PhD diss., Indiana University, 2007).
Mohr, Clarence L. “The Atlanta Campaign and the African American Experience,” in
Gordon and Inscoe, eds., Inside the Confederate Nation, pp. 272–94.
Morris, Joseph Brent. “‘You ain’t right yet, Marster’: Constructions of Self in the
Antebellum South and the Power Counterpoint Between Men” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Murphy, Angela. “Slavery and Irish Nationalism in the American South” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “The Irish in the Atlantic World”).
Myers, Amrita Chakrabarti. “‘Landholding slaveholders and taxpaying members of
society’: Free Black Women’s Articulations of Citizenship in the Antebellum
South” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Oakes, James. “Nowhere to Run: Emancipation during the Civil War” (Unpublished
presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and
Abolition, Yale University, 20 September 2007, New Haven, CT).
O’Donovan, Susan Eva. Becoming Free in the Cotton South. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 2007.
Penningroth, Dylan. “Taking Kin to Court: The Renegotiation of Property and Family
Relationships after Emancipation in the U.S. South” (Unpublished paper, annual
Slavery and Abolition 595

meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 7–9 November 2002, San
Diego, CA).
Reidy, Thomas E. “Virtually Southern: The Transatlantic Experience of Irish Immi-
grants to the Slave South, 1795–1845” (MA thesis, University of Alabama in
Huntsville, 2007).
Reynolds, Rita. “Wealthy Free Women of Color in Charleston, South Carolina during
Slavery” (PhD diss., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2007).
Ribianszky, Nicole. “‘No progenitor of hers was ever at any time a negroe or mulattoe’:
Free Women of Color, the Performance of Whiteness, and Passing in Natchez,
Mississippi from 1779–1880” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The
Four Corners of the Atlantic, 1500–2000”).
Rothman, Joshua. “Bandit Speculators: Slave Stealing and the Culture of Gambling in
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

the Jacksonian Southwest” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the

Organization of American Historians, 29 March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis,
Rowe, Gary. “The Negro Seamen Affair” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History, 10 –12 November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Schoen, Brian D. “Into the Modern World: The Antebellum South, the Pursuit of
Global Commercial Dominance, and the Secession of the Cotton State” (Unpub-
lished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early
American Republic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Schweninger, Loren. “Slave Women, County Courts, and the Law in the United States
South” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical
Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Snay, Mitchell. “Free Soil and Southern Rights: The American Revolutions of 1848”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Confer-
ence, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Stevenson, Brenda E. “The Question of the Slave Female Community and Culture in
the American South: Methodological and Ideological Approaches,” Journal of
African American History, 92, 1 (2007), pp. 74–95.
Strickland, Jeffery. “From Slavery to Freedom: African-Americans in Charleston,
South Carolina, 1860–1870” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the
Social Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006, in Minneapolis, MN).
Tadman, Michael. “Beyond the Web of Paternalism: Owners, ‘key slaves’, and the Com-
munity of the Enslaved” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British
American Nineteenth Century History Association, October 2003, Cambridge,
Troost, William Frank. “Accomplishment and Abandonment: A History of the Freed-
men’s Bureau Schools” (PhD diss., University of California, Irvine, 2007).
Vogel, Kristen. “Borderlands of Freedom: Colonial Legacies and Southern Slave Law”
(Unpublished presentation, 49th annual meeting of the Louisiana Historical
Association, 22-24 March 2007, Alexandria, Louisiana).
596 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
West, Emily. “Marriage under the Peculiar Institution: The Spousal Obligations of
Slaves in South Carolina” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British
American Nineteenth Century History Association, March 2005, Edgefield, SC).
West, Emily. “‘She is dissatisfied with her present condition’: Requests for Voluntary
Enslavement in the Antebellum American South,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 3
(2007), pp. 329–50.
Willis, Vincent DeWayne. “We Were Affected Too: Black and White Children Growing
Up in the Antebellum South” (MA thesis, Ohio State University, 2007).
Wong, Edlie. “‘To counterfeit fear’: South Carolina Negro Seamen’s Act and the
Discursive Afterlife of Manuel Pereira” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of
the American Comparative Literatures Association, 19 –22 April 2007, Puebla,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Woodard, Vincent. “An Archive of Hunger,” English Language Notes, 45, 1 (2007),
pp. 149–59.
Zelm, Antoinette G. van. “Creating a ‘sisterhood chain’: Women and Emancipation
Celebrations in the Post-Civil War South” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).

6. Ante-Bellum Upper South

Andrews, Susan C., and James P. Fenton. “Archaeology and the Invisible Man: The
Role of Slavery in the Production of Wealth and Social Class in the Bluegrass
Region of Kentucky, 1820 to 1870,” in Timothy Insoll, ed., The Archaeology of
Identities: A Reader (London; New York, NY: Routledge, 2007), pp. 230–49.
Auterson, Michael H. “The 1856 Slave Insurrection Panic and Its Impact on the
Cumberland Iron Region of Tennessee: A Reassessment” (MA thesis, Eastern
Kentucky University, 2007).
Ayers, Edward L., William G. Thomas, III, and Anne Sarah Rubin. “Black and on the
Border,” in Borill, Hancock, and Berlin, eds., Slavery, Resistance, Freedom,
pp. 70–95.
Briggs, Gabriel. “Before I’d Be a Slave: Locating the New Negro in Nashville” (Unpub-
lished paper, 38th annual meeting of the College English Association, 12 –14
April 2007, New Orleans, LA).
Condon, Sean. “‘Those who stayed behind’ below the Mason-Dixon: Black and White
Family Strategies in the Early National Upper South” (Unpublished paper, 31st
annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006,
in Minneapolis, MN).
Lee, Jacob F. “‘The Union as it was and the Constitution as it is’: Unionism and Eman-
cipation in Civil War Era Kentucky” (MA thesis, University of Louisville, 2007).
Morgan, Jo-Ann. “Thomas Satterwhite Noble’s Mulattos: From Barefoot Madonna to
Maggie the Ripper,” Journal of American Studies, 41, 1 (2007), pp. 83–114.
Osborn, Kyle. “‘Bondage or barbarism’: Parson Brownlow and the Rhetoric of Racism
in East Tennessee, 1845–1867” (MA thesis, East Tennessee State University,
Slavery and Abolition 597

Phillips, Christopher. “‘The chrysalis state’: Slavery, Confederate Identity, and the Cre-
ation of the Border South,” in Gordon and Inscoe, eds., Inside the Confederate
Nation, pp. 147–64.
Rhyne, James Michael. “Rehearsal for Redemption: The Politics of Post-Emancipation
Violence in Kentucky’s Bluegrass Region” (PhD diss., University of Cincinnati,
Ryder, Karen. “‘A guarantee for the value of the slave’: Risk, Slaveholders, and Insur-
ance in the Upper South” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the
Southern Historical Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond,
Taylor, Michael J.C. “Strader et. al. v. Graham (1850), State Sovereignty, and the
Dilemma of Fugitive Slaves” (Unpublished paper, 47th annual meeting of the
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Missouri Valley History Conference, 4–6 March 2004, Omaha, NE).

7. Louisiana
Aubert, Guillaume. “‘To establish one law and definite rules’: Race, Religion, and the
Transatlantic Origins of the Louisiana Code Noir” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “La Louisiane et le monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
Clark, Emily. “Atlantic Alliances: Marriage Among People of African Descent in New
Orleans, 1759–1830” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “La Louisiane
et le monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
Coleman, Ashley, and William K. Hutchinson. “Determinants of Slave Prices: Louisi-
ana, 1725 to 1820” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Economic
History Association, 15 –17 September 2006, Pittsburgh, PA).
Cornell, Sarah Elizabeth. “‘A Mexican and free’: The Controversy over Enslaved and
Indentured Mexicans in Louisiana and Mississippi, 1850-1860” (Unpublished
paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 31
October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Fenton, Louise. “The Representations and Commodification of Slavery in New
Orleans: Voodoo, Ghosts and Plantations” (Unpublished paper, World Congress
of the International American Studies Association, 20 –23 September 2007,
Lisbon, Portugal).
Follett, Richard. “Gloomy Melancholy: The Reproductive Lives of Louisiana Slave
Women, 1840–60,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery.
Volume Two, pp. 54 –75.
Gish, Lindsey. “The Story of Marie Noël Adonis: Immigration, Integration and Estab-
lishment of a Free Colored Social Network in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four Corners of the Atlantic,
Hébrard, Jean, and Rebecca Scott. “Writing Freedom: An African Mother and Her
Children in the Age of the Haitian Revolution” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “La Louisiane et le monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
598 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Johnson, Erica Robin. “Louisiana Identity on Trial: The Superior Court Case of Pierre
Benonime Dormenon, 1790–1812” (MA thesis, The University of Texas at
Arlington, 2007).
Johnson, Rashauna. “Port of Call: Cosmopolitanism of a Different Shade in New
Orleans” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
“La Louisiane et le monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: un carrefour entre
l’Europe, l’Afrique, l’Amérique du Nord, les Antilles et l’Amérique latine”
(Centre d’études nord-américaines and Tulane University, 9–10 November
2007, Paris, France).
For presentations see Aubert, Clark, Hébrard and Scott, Le Glaunec, Vidal, Weil, and
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Le Glaunec, Jean-Pierre. “‘Un negre nommé Lubin ne connaissant pas Sa Nation’:

Africans, African Ethnicities, and ‘Africanization’ in Saint Charles Parish,
1780–1820” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “La Louisiane et le
monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
LeBeau, Timothy J. “Gimmie Fever: Of Slavery, Race, and Disease in Nineteenth-
Century New Orleans” (Unpublished presentation, 49th annual meeting of the
Louisiana Historical Association, 22 –24 March 2007, Alexandria, Louisiana).
Marler, Scott P. “Merchants and the Political Economy of Nineteenth-Century Louisi-
ana: New Orleans and Its Hinterlands” (PhD diss., Rice University, 2007).
Marshall, Bill. “New Orleans, Nodal Point of the French Atlantic,” International
Journal of Francophone Studies, 10, 1/2 (2007), pp. 35 –50.
Morlas, Katy Francis. “New Orleans Ladies: Creole Women and the Interconnected
Society of City and Plantation” (Unpublished presentation, 49th annual meeting
of the Louisiana Historical Association, 22–24 March 2007, Alexandria, Louisiana).
Russell, Eric N. “Outside the Southern Ideal: The Evolution of Mobile, New Orleans,
and Saint Louis in the Context of the Antebellum South” (PhD diss., Saint Louis
University, 2006).
Vogel, Kristen M. “Borderlands of Freedom: Colonial Legacies and Southern Slave Law
in Early Nineteenth-Century Louisiana” (Unpublished paper, 33rd annual
meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle,
Vogel, Kristen M. “Borderlands of Freedom: Colonial Legacies and Southern Slave Law
in Early Nineteenth-Century Louisiana” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Rethinking Boundaries: Transformations in Methods and Approaches to
Atlantic History”).
Vogel, Kristen. “Boundaries of Freedom: Colonial Legacies and Limitations on Eman-
cipation in the American” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Weil, François. “Louisiana and the Nineteenth-Century French Atlantic” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “La Louisiane et le monde atlantique aux
XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
Slavery and Abolition 599

White, Sophie. “Cultures of Consumption in French Colonial Louisiana: Slaves’ Infor-

mal Economies in an Atlantic Context” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “La Louisiane et le monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
Wilson, Carol. The Two Lives of Sally Miller: A Case of Mistaken Racial Identity in Ante-
bellum New Orleans. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2007.
Winters, Lisa Ze. “Black Magic and Whirlwind Affairs: Remembering ‘freedom’ in
Nineteenth-Century New Orleans” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).

8. Texas
Campbell, Randolph B. “Human Property: The Black Slave in Harrison County,
1850–1860,” in Glasrud and Smallwood, eds., The African American Experience
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

in Texas, pp. 57–70.

Galland, China. Love Cemetery: Unburying the Secret History of Slaves. New York:
HarperOne Publishers, 2007.
Glasrud, Bruce A., and James M. Smallwood, eds. The African American Experience in
Texas: An Anthology. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2007.

For relevant contents see Campbell, Lack, and Smallwood.

Kelley, Sean. “A Texas Peasantry? Black Smallholders in the Texas Sugar Bowl, 1865–
1890,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 2 (2007), pp. 193 –209.
Lack, Paul D. “Urban Slavery in the Southwest,” in Glasrud and Smallwood, eds., The
African American Experience in Texas, pp. 31–56.
Reynolds, Donald E. Texas Terror: The Slave Insurrection Panic of 1860 and the Secession
of the Lower South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2007.
Reynolds, Donald. “Texas Terror: The ‘Texas trouble’ Slave Panic and Secession in the
Lower South” (Unpublished presentation, 111th annual meeting of the Texas
State Historical Association, 8–10 March 2007, San Antonio, TX).
Richmond, Douglas W. “Africa’s Initial Encounter with Texas: The Significance of
Afro-Tejanos in Colonial Tejas, 1528–1821,” Bulletin of Latin American Research,
26, 2 (2007), pp. 200 –21.
Shelton, Robert S. “On Empire’s Shore: Free and Unfree Workers in Galveston, Texas,
1840–1860,” Journal of Social History, 40, 3 (2007), pp. 717–30.
Shelton, Robert S. “Slavery in a Texas Seaport: The Peculiar Institution in Galveston,”
Slavery & Abolition, 28, 2 (2007), pp. 155–68.
Smallwood, James M. “Emancipation and the Black Family: A Case Study in Texas,” in
Glasrud and Smallwood, eds., The African American Experience in Texas, pp. 71–85.
Torget, Andrew. “Beyond the Southern Frontier: Taking American Slavery into
Mexican Texas, 1821–1836” (Unpublished paper, 48th annual meeting of the
Missouri Valley History Conference, 3–5 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Turner, Elizabeth H. “Juneteenth, the Texas Centennial, and the Affirmation of African
American Culture” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American
Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
600 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
9. Florida
Bredehoeft, Brian. “‘The Negroes rule the Indians’: African American Leadership in an
Antebellum Borderland” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Broomall, James. “‘I feel as if I was out of the world’: Settlers, Soldiers, Slaves, and
Seminoles, in the Making of Florida” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Dixon, Anthony E. “Black Seminole Involvement and Leadership during the Second
Seminole War, 1835–1842” (PhD diss., Indiana University, 2007).
Jennison, Watson. “The Muscogee Nation: Interracial Resistance to American Expan-
sion in Southeastern North America” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Johnson, Ralph. “The Path to Freedom: Blacks from Fort Mose” (Unpublished paper,
121st annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007,
Atlanta, GA).
Smith, Philip Matthew. “Persistent Borderland: Freedom and Citizenship in Territorial
Florida” (PhD diss., Texas A&M University, 2007).
Weik, Terrance. “Allies, Adversaries, and Kin in the African Seminole Communities of
Florida: Archaeology at Pilaklikaha,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology
of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora.

10. Other
Anderson, Kristen. “Ambivalent Abolitionists: German Immigrants and the Anti-
Slavery Movement in Antebellum St. Louis” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual
meeting of the Social Science History Association, 15–18 November 2007,
Chicago, IL).
Boman, Dennis K. “All Politics Are Local: Emancipation in Missouri,” in Dirck and
Guelzo, eds., Lincoln Emancipated, pp. 130–54.
Brodnax, David, Sr. “‘We came here to get peace’: African American Community and
Political Life in the Nodaway Valley, 1840–1910” (Unpublished paper, 48th
annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 3 –5 March 2004,
Omaha, NE).
Brodnax, David. “‘A mistaken zeal’: Black Communities and White Resistance in
Dubuque, Iowa, 1830–1840” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of
the Organization of American Historians, 29 March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis,
Burke, Diane Mutti. “Slave Neighbors: Missouri’s Slave Communities, 1821–1865”
(Unpublished paper, 48th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History
Conference, 3–5 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Crane, J. Mike. “On the Run: Fugitive Slaves in the Lower Ohio River Valley” (Unpub-
lished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians,
29 March–1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Slavery and Abolition 601

Crook, Sara B. “A Few Amidst a Racist Society: Nebraska’s Elbow Corner in the Western
Line of the Underground Railroad” (Unpublished paper, 49th annual meeting of
the Missouri Valley History Conference, 2–4 March 2006, Omaha, NE).
Duncan, Georgena. “Manumission in the Arkansas River Valley: Three Case
Histories,” Arkansas Historical Quarterly, 66, 4 (2007), pp. 422–43.
Frost, Karolyn Smardz. “I’ve Got A Home in Glory Land: The Story of Thornton and
Lucie Blackburn” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-
Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Hammond, John Craig. “The Problem and Politics of Slavery Expansion in the Early
American West, 1787–1820” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the
Society for the History of the Early American Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Provi-
dence, RI).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Hammond, John Craig. Slavery, Freedom, and Expansion in the Early American West.
Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007.
Johnson, Déanda. “Remembering Slavery: The African American Presence in the Ohio
River Valley Oral History Project” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Bicentennial of the Abolition of the Anglo-American Trade in African
Krauthamer, Barbara. “From Slave to Free: Freedpeople and Native Americans in the
Indian Territory during Reconstruction” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of
the American Society for Legal History, 8–10 November 2002, Chicago, IL).
Lasser, Carol. “Enacting Emancipation: African American Women Abolitionists at
Oberlin College and the Quest for Empowerment, Equality, and Respectability,”
in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era
of Emancipation, pp. 319–45.
Mergenthal, Rebekah. “Family Values: The Movement of Slaves and Settlers on the
Western Frontier” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organiz-
ation of American Historians, 29 March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Naylor, Celia E. “‘One ever feels his two-ness’: African Cherokees’ Conceptions of
Blood, Culture and Nationality in Nineteenth-Century Indian Territory”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Prinsloo, Oleta. “The Eastern Run in Marion County, Missouri: Establishing an
Abolitionist Base in the Midst of Slaveholders” (Unpublished paper, 47th
annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 4 – 6 March
2004, Omaha, NE).
Pynes, Patrick, and Teri Castelow. “History is a Living Ghost: Cherokees, Whites and
Slaves on the Arkansas Border, 1850” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual
meeting of the Western Association of Women Historians, 4 – 6 May 2007,
San Diego, CA).
Ricks, Nathaniel R. “A Peculiar Place for the Peculiar Institution: Slavery and Sover-
eignty in Early Territorial Utah” (MA thesis, Brigham Young University, 2007).
602 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Robertson, Stacey M. “‘Of two evils choose neither’: Women, Politics, and Abolition in
the Old Northwest” (Unpublished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for
the History of the Early American Republic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Salafia, Matthew. “Human Bondage: Slavery and Freedom in the Ohio River Valley”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Confer-
ence, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Saxton, Martha. “City Women: Slavery and Resistance in Antebellum St. Louis,” in
Sinha and Von Eschen, eds., Contested Democracy, pp. 75 –94.
Sharp, Teron Delivia. “The Social Apathies of Violence Toward Slaves in Missouri”
(MA thesis, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2006).
Swenson, Brie. “‘Not a single cabin safe from outrage’: Slavery Politics and Rape in
Bleeding Kansas” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Great Lakes
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

History Conference, 20 –21 October 2006, Grand Rapids, MI).

Swenson, Brie. “‘Pale-blooded, chicken-livered, and dough-faced’: Masculinity and
Slavery Politics Surrounding Bleeding Kansas” (Unpublished paper, 100th
annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29 March–1
April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Tobin, Jacqueline, and Hettie Jones. From Midnight to Dawn: The Last Tracks of the
Underground Railroad. New York: Doubleday, 2007.
Volpe, Vernon L. “Iowa’s Doughfaces: Proslavery Politics and Personalities” (Unpub-
lished paper, 48th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference,
3–5 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Wagnon, William O. “Wrecking Slavery From the Kansas Territory: The ‘Topeka Boys’
as Saboteurs, 1855–1861” (Unpublished paper, 48th annual meeting of the
Missouri Valley History Conference, 3–5 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Weight, Donovan. “The Interpretation and Application of Indentured Servitude in
Illinois, 1794–1818” (Unpublished paper, 49th annual meeting of the Missouri
Valley History Conference, 2–4 March 2006, Omaha, NE).
Weiner, Dana Elizabeth. “Racial Radicals: Antislavery Activism in the Old Northwest,
1830–1861” (PhD diss., Northwestern University, 2007).
Westcott, Timothy C. “No More Shall They In Bondage Toil Free: The Western Route
of the Underground Railroad” (Unpublished paper, 48th annual meeting of the
Missouri Valley History Conference, 3–5 March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Westra, Helen. “‘Head, heart, hands and feet’ for the Fugitive and Oppressed:
Michigan’s Laura Smith Haviland’s Heroic Work before, during and after the
Civil War” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes
History Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Williams-Searle, Bridgett. “‘Mix’t like Jacob’s cattle’: Kinship, Slavery, and Empire in
the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1780–1830” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual
meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29 March–1 April, 2007,
Minneapolis, MN).
Willoughby, Robert. “Daggs v. Frazier: A Case of Runaway Slaves” (Unpublished
paper, 47th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 4–6
March 2004, Omaha, NE).
Slavery and Abolition 603

11. Biographies and Autobiographies

Bahr, Elaine. “A Pacifist’s Legacy: A Re-Evaluation of Olaudah Equiano’s Memoir”
(Unpublished paper, 46th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Con-
ference, 6–8 March 2003, Omaha, NE).
Bassey, Magnus. “The Place of Group Consciousness in Black Autobiographical
Narratives,” Journal of African American Studies, 11, 3/4 (2007), pp. 214–24.
Blight, David W. A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedom: Including Their
Own Narratives of Emancipation. Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 2007.
Blight, David. “A Slave No More: Two Newly Discovered Slave Narratives and the
Memory of Emancipation” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the
Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Bruce, Dickson D., Jr. “Politics and Political Philosophy in the Slave Narrative,” in
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative,
pp. 28–43.
Buday, Kylie Jeanette. “Addressing the Nation: Law and Legal Rhetoric in Frederick
Douglass’s Jeremiads” (MA thesis, Dalhousie University (Canada), 2007).
Bullard, Mary Ricketson. Ned Simmons, American Slave: The Role of Imagination in
Narrative History. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2007.
Carretta, Vincent. “Olaudah Equiano: African-British Abolitionist and Founder of the
African-American Slave Narrative,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to
the African American Slave Narrative, pp. 44–60.
Chaney, Michael. Fugitive Vision: Slave Image and Black Identity in Antebellum Narra-
tive. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007.
Clinton, Catherine. “Souls of Darkness: Dominance and Submission in the Narratives
of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs,” in Mintz and Stauffer, eds., The
Problem of Evil: Slavery, Freedom, and the Ambiguities of American Reform,
pp. 210–17.
Daggs, Carol R. “Solomon Northrup: A Memorial Celebration of Names” (Unpub-
lished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference,
26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Equiano, Olaudah. Sold As a Slave. London: Penguin, 2007.
Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. With an introduction by Robert J. Allison
Erkkila, Betsy. “Traveling Narratives: Equiano and the Creole Atlantic” (Unpublished
paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-
Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Ernest, John. “Beyond Douglass and Jacobs,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion
to the African American Slave Narrative, pp. 218–31.
Fisch, Audrey A. “Introduction,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the
African American Slave Narrative, pp. 1–7.
Fisch, Audrey A., ed. The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narra-
tive. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
604 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
For contents see Bruce, Carretta, Ernest, Fisch, Gould, Levine, McDowell, Pierce,
Reid-Pharr, Santamarina, Sinanan, S. Smith, V. Smith, Stauffer, and Weinstein.

Frund, Arlette. Écritures d’esclaves: Phillis Wheatley & Olaudah Equiano, figures
pionniéres de la diaspora africaine américaine. Paris: M. Houdiard éditeur,
Gould, Philip. “The Rise, Development, and Circulation of the Slave Narrative,” in
Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative,
pp. 11–27.
Grandy, Moses, and Jean Benoist. Le récit de Moses Grandy, esclave en Caroline du Nord.
Chicoutimi: Bibliothéque Paul-Émile Boulet de l’Université du Québec á
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Chicoutimi, 2007.
Green, Keith Michael. “Master Narratives: Captivity and Nineteenth-Century Ameri-
can Autobiographical Writing, 1816–1861” (PhD diss., University of Michigan,
Jackson, Ruby West, and Walter T. McDonald. Finding Freedom: The Untold Story of
Joshua Glover, Runaway Slave. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Historical Society
Press, 2007.
Lamb, Jonathan. “Impenetrability in Animal Fables and Slave Narratives” (Unpub-
lished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-
Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Levine, Robert S. “The Slave Narrative and the Revolutionary Tradition of American
Autobiography,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African Ameri-
can Slave Narrative, pp. 99 –114.
Lowry, Beverly. Harriet Tubman: Imagining a Life. New York: Doubleday, 2007.
Lucasi, Stephen. “William Wells Brown’s ‘Narrative’ & Traveling Subjectivity,” African
American Review, 41, 3 (2007), pp. 521–39.
McCarthy, B. Eugene, and Thomas L. Doughton, eds. From Bondage to Belonging: The
Worcester Slave Narratives. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press,
2007. With a foreword by John Stauffer, pp. xi-xviii, and an introduction by
the editors, pp. xix-liii.
McDowell, Deborah E. “Telling Slavery in ‘freedom’s’ Time: Post-Reconstruction and
the Harlem Renaissance,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African
American Slave Narrative, pp. 150–67.
McEntee, Grace. “The Ethos of Motherhood and Harriet Jacobs’ Vision of Racial
Equality in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” in Susan C. Staub, ed., The Lit-
erary Mother: Essays on Representations of Maternity and Child Care (Jefferson,
NC: McFarland & Co, 2007), pp. 200–23.
Miles, Alison Nicole. “Redefining ‘true womanhood’: Nineteenth-Century Feminine
Ideals in Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” (MA thesis, Univer-
sity of St. Thomas (Saint Paul, MN), 2007).
Miskolcze, Robin. “The Middle Passages of Nancy Prince and Harriet Jacobs,” Nine-
teenth-Century Contexts, 29, 2/3 (2007), pp. 283–93.
Slavery and Abolition 605

Northup, Solomon. Solomon Northup’s Twelve Years a Slave: And Plantation Life in the
Antebellum South. Lafayette, LA: Center for Louisiana Studies, University of
Louisiana at Lafayette, 2007. A reprint of the 1855 edition, with an introduction
by Sue L. Eakin.
Obidzinski, Joe. “Reinterpreting the War: Integrating the Slave Narrative into the Fre-
dericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park” (Unpublished paper, 32nd
annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27 October 2007,
Grand Rapids, MI).
Pierce, Yolanda. “Redeeming Bondage: The Captivity Narrative and the Spiritual
Autobiography in the African American Slave Narrative Tradition,” in Fisch,
ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative,
pp. 83–98.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Plens, Jennifer E. P. “‘And the years grow into ponderous volumes’: Community and
Self Through the Narrative Voices of Olaudah Equiano, Harriet A. Jacobs, and
Elizabeth Keckley” (MA thesis, Dalhousie University (Canada), 2007).
Reid-Pharr, Robert F. “The Slave Narrative and Early Black American Literature,” in
Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative,
pp. 137–49.
Rohrback, Augusta. “Stumbling Over the Alphabet: Hannah Crafts, Author?” (Unpub-
lished paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early
American Republic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Roth, Sarah N. “‘How a slave was made a man’: Negotiating Black Violence and
Masculinity in Antebellum Slave Narratives,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 2 (2007),
pp. 255–75.
Santamarina, Xiomara. “Black Womanhood in North American Women’s Slave
Narratives,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African American
Slave Narrative, pp. 232 –45.
Scriven, Darryl. A Dealer of Old Clothes: Philosophical Conversations with David
Walker. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007.
Sehulster, Patricia J. “Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and Gertude Franklin Horn Ather-
ton, 1859–1897: Rewriting Women, the Slave Narrative, and the Sentimental
Novel” (PhD diss., Fordham University, 2007).
Sernett, Milton C. Harriet Tubman: Myth, Memory and History. Durham: Duke Uni-
versity Press 2007.
Shlensky, Lincoln. “‘To rivet and to record’: Conversion and Collective Memory in
Equiano’s Interesting Narrative,” in Carey and Kitson, eds., Slavery and the
Cultures of Abolition, pp. 110–29.
Sinanan, Kerry. “The Slave Narrative and the Literature of Abolition,” in Fisch, ed.,
The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative,
pp. 61 – 80.
Smith, Stephanie A. “Harriet Jacobs: A Case History of Authentication,” in Fisch, ed.,
The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative,
pp. 189–200.
606 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Smith, Valerie. “Neo-Slave Narratives,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the
African American Slave Narrative, pp. 168–85.
Stade, George, ed. The Great Escapes: Four Slave Narratives. Barnes & Noble classics.
New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2007. A collection of narratives by
William Wells Brown, Henry Box Brown, Josephine Brown, and William
Craft, with an introduction by Daphne A. Brooks.
Stauffer, John. “Frederick Douglass’s Self Fashioning and the Making of a Representa-
tive American Man,” in Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African
American Slave Narrative, pp. 201–17.
Sweeney, Fionnghuala. Frederick Douglass and the Atlantic World. Liverpool: Liverpool
University Press, 2007.
Verderber, Michael Edward. “Theatricality in ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Douglass’” (MA thesis, Texas A&M University –Kingsville, 2007).

Wardrop, Daneen. “‘I stuck the gimlet in and waited for evening’: Writing and Inci-
dents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 49,
3 (2007), pp. 209 –29.
Warner-Lewis, Maureen. “Freedom Regained: The Testimony of a Slave Narrative,”
Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Washington, Margaret. “‘From motives of delicacy’: Sexuality and Morality in the
Narratives of Sojourner Truth and Harriet Jacobs,” Journal of African American
History, 92, 1 (2007), pp. 57–73.
Weinstein, Cindy. “The Slave Narrative and Sentimental Literature,” in Fisch, ed., The
Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative, pp. 115–34.
Wood, S. “Exorcizing the Past: The Slave Narrative As Historical Fantasy,” Feminist
Review, 85 (2007), pp. 83 –96.

12. Canada
“The Black Canadian Experience: From the Underground Railroad to Black Canadian
Studies Today” (The Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars, 1–2 March 2007, Washington, DC).

For presentations see Frost (2), Gibbs, and Whitfield.

Bonner, Claudine. “Beyond the Underground Railroad – A New Era in African-

Canadian History” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations
of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Cooper, Afua. “Slavery in New France: The Case of Marie Joseph Angelique” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to
Cooper, Afua. The Hanging of Angelique: The Untold Story of Canadian Slavery and the
Burning of Old Montréal. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press 2007.

See also, Cooper, Afua. La pendaison d’Angélique: l’histoire de l’esclavage au Canada

et de l’incendie de Montréal. Montréal: Éditions de l’Homme, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 607

Cottreau-Robins, Catherine. “Exploring the Daily Life of Slaves in Post-Revolutionary

Nova Scotia” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery
and the Road to Freedom”).
Demers, Elizabeth A. S. “The Unseen Hand: Slavery and the Fur Trade in the
Eighteenth-Century Great Lakes Region” (Unpublished paper, 46th annual
meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 6–8 March 2003, Omaha,
Demers, Elizabeth. “‘A slave or a package of beaver’: Slavery on the Great Lakes
Frontier before the Conquest” (Unpublished paper, 28th annual meeting of
the French Colonial Historical Society, 15–19 May 2002, New Haven, CT).
Demers, Elizabeth. “Domestic Slavery in French Detroit” (Unpublished paper, 33rd
annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Rochelle, France).
Donovan, Kenneth. “Slaves in Cape Breton, 1713–1815” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Extian-Babiuk, Tamara. “‘To be sold: A Negro wench’: Slave ads of ‘The Montreal
Gazette’, 1785–1805” (MA thesis, McGill University (Canada), 2006).
Frost, Karolyn Smardz. “A City in the Promised Land: African Canadians and African
Americans in Antebellum Toronto” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“The Black Canadian Experience: From the Underground Railroad to Black
Canadian Studies Today”).
Frost, Karolyn Smardz. “I’ve Got A Home in Glory Land: A Lost Tale of the Under-
ground Railroad” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Black
Canadian Experience: From the Underground Railroad to Black Canadian
Studies Today”).
Hepburn, Sharon A. Roger. Crossing the Border: A Free Black Community in Canada.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007.
States, David W. “Nova Scotia Bound: Eighteenth Century African American Slave
Immigrants from New England to Nova Scotia” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Watterson-Troxler, Carole. “Mary Postell vs. Jesse Gray: The East Florida Experience
and the Long Shadow of Slavery in Nova Scotia” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Whitehead, Rachel Calvin. “Quebec in the Age of Revolution: The Brief Career of
Anti-Slavery Ideology in Print” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Whitfield, Amani. “From Slavery to Slavery: African Americans in Maritime Canada
after the Revolutionary War” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).

Also presented at the 100th annual meeting of the American Studies Association,
11 – 14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA, and the conference on “The Black Canadian
Experience: From the Underground Railroad to Black Canadian Studies Today.”
608 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
III. Spanish Mainland
1. General and Comparative
Bennett, Herman L. “Writing into a Void: Representing Slavery and Freedom in the
Narrative of Colonial Spanish America,” Social Text, 25, 4 (2007), pp. 67 –89.
Chaves, Maria Eugenia. “Los archivos judiciales y los sectores subalternos: El caso de
los/as esclavos/as litigantes” (Unpublished paper, 27th annual meeting of the
Latin American Studies Association, 5–8 September 2007, Montreal, Canada).
“Constructing Race and Identity in Latin America” (Center for Africana Studies, Johns
Hopkins University, 23 March 2007, Baltimore, MD).

For presentations see Bennett, Carroll, Fuente, Lohse, and Proctor.

Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Costello, Damian. “Theological Hermeneutics and the Growth of African Slavery in

Early Colonial Latin America” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Geggus, David. “The Sounds and Echoes of Freedom: The Impact of the Haitian Revo-
lution on Latin America,” in Davis, ed., Beyond Slavery, pp. 19–36.
Newson, Linda A., and Susie Minchin. “Diets, Food Supplies and the African Slave Trade in
Early Seventeenth-Century Spanish America,” Americas, 63, 4 (2007), pp. 517–50.
Tardieu, Jean-Pierre. “La ‘métempsycose’ des esclaves noirs aux Amériques espagnoles
(XVIe–XVIIIe siècles),” Outre-Mers: Revue D’histoire, 356–57 (2007), pp. 195–209.

2. Mexico
Barr, Juliana. “A Peculiar Version of a Peculiar Institution in the Spanish-Indian Bor-
derlands” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical
Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Bennett, Herman. “An Early Modern Culture of Freedom” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Bennett, Herman. “‘And that is the truth’: Discipline, Disciplinary Formation and
Colonial Blackness” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Constructing
Race and Identity in Latin America”).
Carroll, Patrick J. “Negotiated Otherness: Identity, Difference and Privilege in Late
Colonial Mexico” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Constructing
Race and Identity in Latin America”).
Cook, Karoline P. “Navigating Identities: The Case of a Morisco Slave in Seventeenth-
Century New Spain” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American
Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Goodwin, Bob. “Esteban Dorantes” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Lemos, Tina. “The African Presence in Mexico,” in Moore, ed., The Dispersion of Afri-
cans and African Culture Throughout the World.
Naveda Chávez, Adriana. “Amas y esclavas en la sociedad esclavista de la villa de
Córdoba, Veracruz en el siglo XVIII” (Unpublished paper, 27th annual
Slavery and Abolition 609

meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, 5–8 September 2007,

Montreal, Canada).
Proctor, Frank, III. “Freedom in the Slave Mind in Colonial Mexico: 1606–1765”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Constructing Race and Identity in
Latin America”).
Strasser, Ulrike. “A Case of Empire Envy? German Jesuits Meet an Asian Mystic in
Spanish America,” Journal of Global History, 2, 1 (2007), pp. 23 –40.
Velázquez Gutiérrez, Marı́a Elisa. “Slavery Experiences: African and Indigenous
Women in Colonial Mexico” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Con-
fronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Williams, Danielle Terrazas. “The Parasites of a ‘mangy parrot’: The Tide of
Discourse on Blackness in Eighteenth-Century Mexico” (Unpublished presen-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

tation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,


3. Central America
Dixon, Onllwyn. “Belize: From Colonial Territory to Independent Nation,” in Moore,
ed., The Dispersion of Africans and African Culture Throughout the World.
Euraque, Darı́o. “Free Pardos and Mulattos Vanquish Indians: Cultural Civility
as Conquest and Modernity in Honduras,” in Davis, ed., Beyond Slavery,
pp. 81–105.
Hooker, Juliet. “Where is Africa? Negotiating Creole/Black Diasporic Identities
in Contemporary Nicaragua” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Lohse, Russell. “Changing Identities Among Enslaved Africans in Costa Rica,
1700–1750” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Constructing Race
and Identity in Latin America”).
Nickerson, Alberto. “Ocean to Ocean: Central American State Formation and the
Building and Defending of Afro-Central American Communities in the
Nineteenth Century” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four
Corners of the Atlantic, 1500–2000”).
Pike, Ruth. “Black Rebels: The Cimarrons of Sixteenth-Century Panama,”
The Americas, 64, 2 (2007), pp. 243–66.

4. New Granada and Gran Colombia

Helg, Aline. “Simón Bolı́var’s Promise to Haiti for the Abolition of the Slave Trade and
Slavery in Gran Colombia, 1816–1830” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Hoyos Körbel, Pedro Felipe. Negritudes y Bolı́var: momentos históricos de una minorı́a
étnica en la Gran Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Hoyos Editores, 2007.
Redden, Andrew. “The Problem of Witchcraft, Slavery and Jesuits in Seventeenth-
Century New Granada” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond
Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
610 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Soulodre-La France, Renée. “Cofradı́as of Colour” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Vignaux, Hélène. Esclavage et rébellion: la construction sociale des Noirs et des Mulâtres:
Nouvelle-Grenade, XVIIe siécle. Montpellier: Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier
III, 2007.

5. Colombia
Delgado-Burbano, M.E. “Population Affinities of African Colombians to Sub-Saharan
Africans Based on Dental Morphology,” HOMO - Journal of Comparative
Human Biology, 58, 4 (2007), pp. 329–56.
Larrichio, Larry Vito. “Demographic Change and the Organization of Labor in the
Middle Cauca Valley of Colombia during the Eighteenth Century” (PhD diss.,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

The University of New Mexico, 2007).

Machado Caicedo, Martha Luz. “El arte africano en las esculturas sagradas amerindias
de Colombia” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Randle, Lisa. “St. Peter Claver: Slave of the Slaves Forever” (Unpublished paper, con-
ference on “Saints and Pilgrimage Around the Atlantic,” Carolina Lowcountry
and Atlantic World Program, College of Charleston, 20–22 February 2004,
Charleston, SC).

6. Venezuela
Mora Queipo, Ernesto. Esclavos de Dios: religión, esclavitud e identidades en la Vene-
zuela del siglo XVIII. Venezuela: Universidad del Zulia, Ediciones del Vice Rector-
ado Académico, 2007.

7. Andean South America

Bryant, Sherwin. “Gendering Colonial Courts and the Process of Slave Litigation: The
Case of Colonial Quito” (Unpublished paper, 27th annual meeting of the Latin
American Studies Association, 5–8 September 2007, Montreal, Canada).
Lewis, Brian. “Anti-Slavery, Homosexuality and Sexual Imperialism: The Case of
Roger Casement” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and
Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
O’Toole, Rachel Sarah. “From the Rivers of Guinea to the Valleys of Peru: Becoming a
Bran Diaspora within Spanish Slavery,” Social Text, 25, 3 (2007), pp. 19 –36.
Robles, Pati de. “Esmeraldas of Ecuador,” in Moore, ed., The Dispersion of Africans and
African Culture Throughout the World.
Townsend, Camila. “In Search of Liberty: The Efforts of the Enslaved to Attain Abol-
ition in Ecuador, 1822–1852,” in Davis, ed., Beyond Slavery, pp. 37–56.
Walker, Tamara J. “Color Lines and Social Lines: Clothing as an Index of Status in
Eighteenth-Century Lima, Peru” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Slavery and Abolition 611

Walker, Tamara J. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Slaves and Citizens: Dressing the Part in
Lima, 1723–1845” (PhD diss., University of Michigan, 2007).

8. Rı́o de la Plata
Cottrol, Robert J. “Beyond Invisibility: Afro-Argentines in Their Nation’s Culture and
Memory,” Latin American Research Review, 42, 1 (2007), pp. 139–56.
Johnson, Lyman L. “‘A lack of legitimate obedience and respect’: Slaves and Their
Masters in the Courts of Late Colonial Buenos Aires,” Hispanic American Histori-
cal Review, 87, 4 (2007), pp. 631–57.
Meisel, Seth. “Emancipation in the Rio de la Plata, 1807–1852” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “The bloody Writing is for ever torn”).
Salvatore, Ricardo D. “Exerting Influence From Below: Afro-Argentines in the Era of
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Juan Manuel Rosas,” in Davis, ed., Beyond Slavery, pp. 57 –80.

IV. Brazil
1. General and Comparative
Albuquerque, Wlamyra. “Identidades e cidadania negra às vésperas da abolição no
Brasil” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho
Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Araujo, Ana Lucia. “Woman’s Body: Gender and Power in Images of Slavery in Brazil
by Rugendas and Debret” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power
and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Boadi-Siaw, Samuel. “The African Presence in Brazil – A Legacy of the Transatlantic
Slave Trade,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The
Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 164–77.
Cottrol, Bob. “Equality and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Constitutional-
ism” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal
History, 25–28 October 2007, Tempe, AZ).
De Mello Auricchio, Maria Teresa Balester, João Pedro Vicente, Diogo Meyer, and
Regina Célia Mingroni-Netto. “Frequency and Origins of Hemoglobin S
Mutation in African-Derived Brazilian Populations,” Human Biology, 79, 6
(2007), pp. 667–77.
Duarte, Eduardo De Assis. “Machado de Assis’s African Descent,” Research in African
Literatures, 38, 1 (2007), pp. 134–51.
Freitas, Madalena Dias Silva. “Mulheres Africanas e Afro-Descendentes no Espaço
Urbano Brasileiro no Século XIX” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting
of the Caribbean Studies Association, 28 May –1 June 2007, Salvador da
Bahia, Brazil).
Funari, Pedro P. “The Archaeological Study of the African Diaspora in Brazil,” in
Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African
612 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Geary, Dick. “Africa and Slave Protest in Brazil, 1780–1850” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Graf, Márcia Elisa de Campos. “La femme esclave au Brésil du XIXème. Siècle”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Greenberg, Keila. “Slavery, Manumission and the Law in Nineteenth-Century Brazil:
The ‘free soil’ Principle in the Southern Border of the Brazilian Empire” (Unpub-
lished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 10 –12
November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Hünemeier, Tãbita, et al. “Niger-Congo Speaking Populations and the Formation of
the Brazilian Gene Pool: mtDNA and Y-Chromosome Data,” American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 133, 2 (2007), pp. 854–67.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Karim-Mustapha, Abdul. “‘Fortune and the frontier’: Slavery and Territorial

Accumulation in the Brazilian Transition from Monarchism to Republicanism”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of
Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Kuznesof, Elizabeth Anne. “Slavery and Childhood in Brazil (1550–1888),” in Ondina
E. González and Bianca Premo, eds., Raising an Empire: Children in Early Modern
Iberia and Colonial Latin America (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico
Press, 2007), pp. 187–218.
Lauderdale Graham, Sandra. “Writing from the Margins: Brazilian Slaves and Written
Culture,” Comparative Studies in Society & History, 49, 3 (2007), pp. 611–36.
Mamigonian, Beatriz. “Liberated Slaves in Brazil” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta,
Monteiro, Pedro Meira. “‘Beating the leather of the first conga’,” Luso-Brazilian Review,
44, 2 (2007), pp. 1–20.
Oliveira, Graziela de. “Vencendo adversidades em tempos de escravidão” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories,
Meanings, Migrations”).
Paiva, Eduardo França. “Les affections, le sexe, les pouvoirs: affranchissement et métis-
sage au XVIIIe siècle brésilien” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex,
Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Rocha, Elaine P. “The Colours of Slavery in Brazil: Miscegenation and Gender”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Soares, Mariza de Carvalho. “Can Women Guide and Govern Men? Gendering Politics
Among African Catholics in Colonial Brazil,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller,
eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 79 –99.
Soares, Mariza de Carvalho. “Worshiping the Rosary: African Catholic Slaves in the
Portuguese Colonial Empire, 15th to 18th Century” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural
Slavery and Abolition 613

Suchanek, Márcia Gomes O. “Povos indı́genas no Brazil – From Enslavement to

Dependence” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Walker, Timothy. “Slave Labor and Chocolate in Brazil: The Culture of Cacao Planta-
tions in Amazonia and Bahia (17th–19th Centuries),” Food & Foodways:
History & Culture of Human Nourishment, 15, 1/2 (2007), pp. 75 –106.
Wood, Marcus. “Creative Confusions: Angelo Agostini, Brazilian Slavery and the
Rhetoric of Freedom,” Patterns of Prejudice, 41, 3/4 (2007), pp. 245–70.

2. Northern
Ituassú, Oyama Cesar. Colonialismo e a escravidáo humana. Manaus, Brazil: Valer
Editora; Academia Amazonense de Letras; Edições Governo do Estado, 2007.
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Liberato, Carlos. “As If There Was No Sin below the Equator: Sex, Power, Slavery and
Ethnicity in the 18th Century Portuguese Amazonia” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).

3. Northeast
Brazeal, Brian. “Blood, Money and Fame: Nago Magic in the Bahian Backlands” (PhD
diss., The University of Chicago, 2007).
Lara, S. H. “Esclaves en fuite et pouvoir colonial Palmares, Cucau et les frontieres de la
liberte au Pernambouc a la fin du XVIIe siècle,” Annales Histoire Sciences Sociales,
62, 3 (2007), pp. 639 –62.
Marquese, Rafael. “The Age of Revolution, the Coffee World Market, and the Paraiba
Valley, c. 1790–1880” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic
Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).

4. Center-South
Andrade, Rômulo. “Aspectos demográficos da escravidão em uma freguesia da
Baixada de Sepetiba, na provı́ncia do Rio de Janeiro: N. Sra. Da Conceição do
Bananal, 1847–1872” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual meeting of the Congresso
Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual meeting of the Conferência
Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September 2007, Aracaju, Brazil).
Dantas, Mariana. “Female Peddlers of African Origin and Descent in Colonial Minas
Gerais, Brazil” (Unpublished paper, 27th annual meeting of the Latin American
Studies Association, 5–8 September 2007, Montreal, Canada).
Filho, Marcelo Soares Bandeira de Mello, Mario Marcos Sampaio Rodarte, and José
Maria dos Santos Júnior. “Entre o escravismo e a gênese do mercado de trabalho:
o processo de ocupação demográfica, na provı́ncia de Minas Gerais, entre as
décadas de 1830–1870” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual meeting of the Con-
gresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual meeting of the
614 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September 2007,
Aracaju, Brazil).
Freire, Jonis. “A vila de Santo Antonio do Paraibuna: apontamentos sobre algumas var-
iáveis e caracterı́sticas da população cativa, século XIX” (Unpublished paper, 7th
annual meeting of the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th
annual meeting of the Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–
5 September 2007, Aracaju, Brazil).
Guimarães, Elione Silva. “Atividades econômicas de roceiros negros em uma região
cafeeira (Zona da Mata mineira–século XIX)” (Unpublished paper, 7th
annual meeting of the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th
annual meeting of the Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–
5 September 2007, Aracaju, Brazil).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Lamas, Fernando Gaudereto, and Luı́s Eduardo de Olivera. “As vicissitudes da escra-
vidão em Minas Gerais no século XIX” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual meeting
of the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual meeting of
the Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September 2007,
Aracaju, Brazil).
Miki, Yuko. “Rebellion Between the Sea and the Hinterland: The Quilombola Benedito
and the Maroon Community of São Mateus, Espı́rito Santo, Brazil, 1880–1885”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Pereira, Júlio César Medeiros da Silva. Á flor da terra: o cemitério dos pretos novos no Rio
de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 2007.
Silva, Eduardo. “Symbols, Organizers and Revolutionaries: Black Abolitionists in the
Quilombo de Leblon, Rio de Janeiro,” in Davis, ed., Beyond Slavery, pp. 109–22.
Teixeira, Heloı́sa Maria. “Os filhos das escravas: crianças cativas e ingênuas nas pro-
priedades de Mariana (1850–1888)” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual meeting
of the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual meeting of
the Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September 2007,
Aracaju, Brazil).

5. Southern
Berute, Gabriel Santos. “Livro de Sisas dos escravos da Vila do Rio Grande: o comércio de
africanos ladinos e crioulos, 1812–1822” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual meeting
of the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual meeting of the
Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September 2007,
Aracaju, Brazil).
Lima, Carlos A M. “A distância na carne: mundo agrário, escravidão e fronteira nos
Campos de Curitiba (séculos XVIII e XIX)” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual
meeting of the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual
meeting of the Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September
2007, Aracaju, Brazil).
Slavery and Abolition 615

Netto, Fernando Franco. “Guarapuava durante o século XIX: Propriedade de escravos,

pecuária e agricultura de alimento” (Unpublished paper, 7th annual meeting of
the Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica and 8th annual meeting of the
Conferência Internacional de História de Empresas, 2–5 September 2007,
Aracaju, Brazil).

6. West
Symanski, Luis Claudio Pereira. “Slaves and Planters in Western Brazil: Material
Culture, Identity and Power” (PhD diss., University of Florida, 2006).

V. Caribbean
1. General and Comparative
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Agorsah, E. Kofi. “Scars of Brutality: Archaeology of the Maroons in the Caribbean,” in

Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African
Aird, Sheila Marie. “The Forgotten Ones: Enslaved Children in Caribbean Societies,
1673–1838” (PhD diss., Howard University, 2006).
BranaShute, Rosemary. “Daughters of the Regiment: Entrepreneurial Women of Colour
and Occupying Armies in the Dutch and English Caribbean, 1770–1815”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Also presented at the conference “Black Diaspora in the South and the Caribbean.”

Brown, Lawrence. “‘Crossing between revolutions’: Black Refugees in the Southern

Caribbean” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the
Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Cateau, Heather. “Things Fall Apart—Abolition, Enslavement and Emancipation”
(Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean His-
torians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Collazo, Maria Flores. “Legislar para recordar: las conmemoraciones de los procesos
abolicionistas en Puerto Rico y Jamaica” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual
meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston,
“Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation” (The Society
for Caribbean Research, in association with the Jamaica Bicentenary Committee,
5–8 December 2007, Montego Bay, Jamaica).
For presentations see Afroz, Bush and Jones, Cummings, Ebanks, Fergus, Fleischmann,
Gosse, Gregg, Guitar, Henry, Jeske, Kaufmann, Kräftner, Magnus, Marshall, Mennel,
Miki, Pamphile-Miller, Pemberton, Rabbit, Rael, Robertson, Senior, Shepherd,
Thompson, Turner, Walvin, White, Williams, Zips, and Zugrave.

Fleischmann, Ulrich. “‘Free and wild’: Images of Maroons in Caribbean Literature”

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture,
Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
616 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Giovannetti, Jorge L. “Racial Subjects: Caribbean Plantations from Slavery to the
Present” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Godreau, Isar P. “School Discourses of Slavery, Mestizaje and Good Racial Manners”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association,
28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Henry, Audene S. “Linguistic Anthropology: Re-Assembling the Fragments of the
Maroon” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Jeske, Cornelia. “Explanation for the ‘success-story’ of Slavery” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom &
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Landers, Jane. “Contested Histories: African Diaspora Studies in the Spanish Circum-
Caribbean” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora in the
South and the Caribbean”).
Mennel, Lucia. “Gender Resistance and Freedom: A Case Study of the Warrior Women
in Krumbach and Some Trans-National Correlations in the Caribbean” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity,
Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Migge, Bettina. “Code-Switching and Social Identities in the Eastern Maroon Com-
munity of Suriname and French Guiana,” Journal of Sociolinguistics, 11, 1 (2007).
Mitchell, Dayo Nicole. “An Atlantic People: Free People of Color in the Caribbean”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Rethinking Boundaries: Transform-
ations in Methods and Approaches to Atlantic History”).
Modest, Wayne. “Slavery and the Caribbean Exhibitionary” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual
Ortı́z, Reynaldo. “Capitalist Accumulation, Racialized Labor, and Caribbean Planta-
tion Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Pemberton, Rita. “‘Dirt, disease and death’: Agencies of Control, Resistance and
Change in the Post-Emancipation Caribbean” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom &
Rupert, Linda M. “Maritime Marronage, Imperial Rivalries, and Freedom in the
Circum-Caribbean, 1680–1790” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Senior, Keino. “Legacy of Slavery: The Construction and Evolution of Caribbean
Gender Identity and Cultural Precepts” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Shelford, April. “The Slave in the Garden: Slave Presences in Natural History Writings
on the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Caribbean” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Knowledge and Science in the Francophone Atlantic
Slavery and Abolition 617

World,” The French Atlantic History Group, 27–28 April 2007, Montreal,
Also presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean
Historians, 7– 11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica.

Toussaint, Michael F. “Post-Abolition Trinidad-Venezuela Relations: The Experience

of the Manumisos and Aprendizajes,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Walsh, Lorena. “A Thinking Decision? Colonial Elites, Slavery, Emigration and Staples”
(Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean
Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Whitney, Robert. “Wage Labour and Conditions ‘analogous to slavery’ in Cuba and
the Dominican Republic: British West Indians and the Problem of Freedom in
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

the Late Empire, 1920–1950” (Unpublished presentation, conference on

“Sugar, Migration and Religion: A Cuban History Workshop,” 26 October
2007, Toronto, Canada).

2. English
Afroz, Sultana. “As-Salaamu-Alaikum: The Muslim Maroons and the Bucra Massa in
Jamaica” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Aljoe, Nicole N. “West Indian Slave Narratives: ‘Writing’ Abolition and Resistance,”
Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Altink, Henrice. “‘After darkness to the light’: The Commemoration of One Hundred
Years of Freedom in Jamaica” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Also presented at the conference “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to
Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave

Altink, Henrice. “‘Belly women’ and ‘pickeniny mummas’: Images of Jamaican Slave
Mothers in Discourses of Slavery and Abolition” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Winds of Change—Women and Slavery”).
Altink, Henrice. “Deviant and Dangerous: Proslavery Representations of Jamaican
Slave Women’s Sexuality, ca. 1780–1834,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller,
eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 209–30.
Altink, Henrice. Representations of Slave Women in Discourses on Slavery and Abolition,
1780–1838. New York: Routledge, 2007.
Ashie-Nikoi, Edwina. “Beating the Pen on the Drum: A Socio-Cultural History of
Carriacou, Grenada, 1750–1920” (PhD diss., New York University, 2007).
Banfield, Stephen. “Anglophone Musical Culture in Jamaica,” in Barringer, Forrester,
and Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in Jamaica, pp. 137 –49.
Barringer, Tim, Gillian Forrester, and Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz, eds. Art and Emancipa-
tion in Jamaica: Isaac Mendes Belisario and His Worlds. New Haven, CT: Yale
Center for British Art; Yale University Press, 2007. Includes Isaac Mendes
618 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Belisario’s “Sketches of Character, In Illustration of the Habits, Occupation,
and Costume of the Negro Population in the Island of Jamaica, a facsimile,”
pp. 197–260, and the exhibition catalogue, pp. 261–541.

For relevant contents see Banfield, Barringer, Bilby, Forrester, C. Hall, S. Hall,
Martinez-Ruiz, Shepherd, and Thompson.

Barringer, Tim. “The Visual Culture of Emancipation,” in Barringer, Forrester, and

Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in Jamaica, pp. 41–63.
Beckles, Hilary McDonald. “‘Slavery was a long, long time ago’: Remembrance, Recon-
ciliation and the Reparations Discourse in the Caribbean,” Ariel, 38, 1 (2007),
pp. 9–26.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Beckles, Hilary McDonald. “The Wilberforce Song: How Enslaved Caribbean Blacks
Heard British Abolitionists,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British
Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament and People, pp. 113–26.
Bilby, Kenneth. “Masking the Spirit in the South Atlantic World: Jankunu’s Partially-
Hidden History” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies of
Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Bilby, Kenneth. “More Than Met the Eye: African-Jamaican Festivities in the Time of
Belisario,” in Barringer, Forrester, and Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation
in Jamaica, pp. 121–35.
Bird, Robert Braxton. “18th Century Transformations of the Jamaican Plantocracy:
Edward Long and Bryan Edwards” (MA thesis, Florida State University, 2007).
Bogues, Anthony. “The slaves dem work and so do we . . . so weh the difference: Reflec-
tions on Labor and Freedom in post-Emancipation Jamaica” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “The Legacies of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in
the Atlantic World”).
Brathwaite, Cecilia Karch. “London Bourne of Barbados (1793–1869),” Slavery &
Abolition, 28, 1 (2007), pp. 23 –40.
Brown, Laurence, and Tara Inniss. “Slave Women, Family Strategies, and the Tran-
sition to Freedom in Barbados, 1834–41,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller,
eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 172–85.
Burnard, Trevor. “Collecting and Accounting: Representing Slaves as Commodities in
Jamaica, 1674–1784” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Burnard, Trevor. “The Atlantic Slave Trade and African Ethnicities in Seventeenth-
Century Jamaica,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and
Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 138–63.
Burrowes, Marcia. “Despite Indifference: An Analysis of the Ideological Tug-of-War
Surrounding the Commemoration of the Jubilee of Emancipation in Barbados,”
Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Cadogan, Garnette. “Redemption Songs: The Legacy of Anti-Slavery in Jamaican
Popular Music” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies of
Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Slavery and Abolition 619

Carey, Brycchan. “Alice Curwen in Barbados: A Seventeenth-Century Abolitionist?”

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Carey, Brycchan. “‘The Power that giveth Liberty and Freedom’: The Barbadian
Origins of Quaker Antislavery Rhetoric, 1657–76,” Ariel, 38, 1 (2007),
pp. 27–48.
Carey, Brycchan. “The First Quaker Protests Against Slavery: George Fox in Barbados”
(Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society for Eight-
eenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Cateau, Heather. “The Abolition Dilemma: The Caribbean Dimension” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “The bloody Writing is for ever torn”).
Chang, Mildred M. “The Jamaican Accompong Maroons: Continuities and Trans-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

formations” (DA thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2007).

Cox, Edward L. “Ralph Brush Cleghorn of St. Kitts (1804–1842),” Slavery & Abolition,
28, 1 (2007), pp. 41 –60.
Cummings, Ronald. “‘What is your nation?’ Maroon Discourses of Sovereignty
and (trans) Nationalism in the Jamaican Context” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom &
Dacres, Petrina. “The Art and Politics of Remembering Slavery in Jamaica” (Unpub-
lished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, 28
May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Diptee, Audra. “Sex and Slavery in Late-Eighteenth-Century Jamaica” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Ebanks, Roderick. “Abolition and the African Jamaican Community from an Archaeo-
Ethno-Historic Perspective” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Dis-
courses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Ellis, M. Thomas-Bailey. “The Afro-West Indian Anti-Slavery Movement after 1838”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary
Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the
British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Fergus, Claudius. “The Enslaved as Litigants: Cases before the Protectorate and Crim-
inal Courts during the Amelioration in Trinidad (1824–1834)” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Forrester, Gillian. “Mapping a New Kingdom: Belisario’s ‘Sketches of Character’,” in
Barringer, Forrester, and Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in
Jamaica, pp. 65–87.
Francis, Wigmore. “Sugar Woes and Land Problems in Jamaica: Reflections on a
Hundred Years after the Abolition of the Slave Trade” (Unpublished paper,
39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May
2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
620 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Fuentes, Marisa. “Power and Historical Figuring: Rachael Pringle Polgreen’s Troubled
Archive” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Gaspar, David Barry. “‘Wanton delights’: Sex, Miscegenation and Slavery in Early
Colonial Antigua, 1632–1702” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Gilmore, John. “‘Too oft allur’d by Ethiopic charms’? Sex, Slaves and Society in John
Singleton’s A General Description of the West-Indian Islands (1767),” Ariel, 38, 1
(2007), pp. 75 –94.
Glasson, History, Travis. “Slaves, Masters and Missionaries: Religious and Cultural
Encounters on Codrington Plantation, Barbados” (Unpublished presentation,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).

Green, Cecilia A. “‘A civil inconvenience’? The Vexed Question of Slave Marriage in the
British West Indies,” Law and History Review, 25, 1 (2007), pp. 1–60.
Hall, Catherine. “Britain, Jamaica, and Empire in the Era of Emancipation,” in Barrin-
ger, Forrester, and Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in Jamaica,
pp. 9–25.
Hall, Stuart. “The Legacy of Anglo-Caribbean Culture,” in Barringer, Forrester, and
Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in Jamaica, pp. 179–95.
Halloran. Thomas F. “True-born Maroons,” Western Folklore, 66, 1/2 (2007).
Hamilton, Douglas. “Scots and Slaves in the British Caribbean” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Scotland, Union and Empire”).
Hamilton, Douglas. “Slave Life in the Caribbean,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Repre-
senting Slavery, pp. 50 –61.
Heuman, Gad. “The Legacy of Slavery: The World of the Jamaican Apprentices”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies of Slavery and Eman-
cipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Huelett, Tanya. “Visions of a Free Society: Post Revolutionary Imaginings and the
Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Jagessar, Michael N. “Early Methodism in the Caribbean: Through the Imaginary
Optics of Gilbert’s Slave Women–Another Reading,” Black Theology: An Inter-
national Journal, 5, 2 (2007), pp. 153–70.
Johnson, Michele. “‘A cavalcade of blackies’: Enslaved Domestic Servants and the
Negotiation of Cultural Spaces in Jamaica” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Jones, Cecily. “‘If this be living I’d rather be dead’: Enslaved Youth, Agency and Resist-
ance on an Eighteenth Century Jamaican Estate,” History of the Family, 12, 2
(2007), pp. 92 –103.
Kennedy, Cynthia M. “The Other White Gold: Salt, Slaves, the Turks and Caicos
Islands, and British Colonialism,” Historian, 69, 2 (2007), pp. 215–30.
Kopelson, Heather Miyano. “‘Transgressing the law of God & man’: Regulating Sexual
Intimacy in Seventeenth-Century Bermuda” (Unpublished presentation,
Slavery and Abolition 621

conference on “Rethinking Boundaries: Transformations in Methods and

Approaches to Atlantic History”).
Kopelson, Heather. “From Sinner to Property: Unlawful Sex and Enslaved Women in
Bermuda, 1650–1723” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Associ-
ation of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Kouwenberg, Silvia. “The Impact of African Language in Jamaica: The Akan-Domi-
nance Myth” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resist-
ance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Kroeg, Susan. “‘The transmigrated soul of some West Indian planter’: Absenteeism,
Slavery, and the Irish National Tale” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “The Irish in the Atlantic World”).
Lebdai, Benaouda. “Olaudan Equiano’s ‘interesting’ Route,” in Lurdos and Misrahi-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Barak, eds., Transport(s) in the British Empire and the Commonwealth, pp. 113–26.
“The Legacies of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World” (Ninth
annual International Conference, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of
Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and the Yale Center for British Art, Yale
University, 1–3 November 2007, New Haven, CT).
For presentations see Bilby, Bogues, Cadogan, Chambers, Chevannes, Cooper, Hall,
Heuman, Modest, Rugemer, Schwarz, and Thompson.

Lightfoot, Natasha. “‘Mashing ants’ in Difficult Times: Antiguan Freedpeople’s Survi-

val Tactics during the 1840s” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Inter-
rogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Lightfoot, Natasha. “Race, Class and Resistance: Emancipation and Its Aftermath in
Antigua, 1831–1858” (PhD diss., New York University, 2007).
Lightfoot, Natasha. “The ‘inherent evils’ of Apprenticeship and the Economic and
Racial Dynamics of Antigua’s Transition to Full Freedom in 1834” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “The Atlantic World in the Era of British Slave Trade
Marshall, Bernard. Slavery Law and Society in the British Windward Islands, 1743–
1823: A Comparative Study. Kingston, Jamaica: Arawak, 2007.
Marshall, Neil. “‘I come to crave the assistance of His Majesty’s Protector of Slaves’:
Slave Law, Resistance and Voice in British Caribbean Crown Colonies, 1770–
1834” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Martinez-Ruiz, Barbaro. “Sketches of Memory: Visual Encounters with Africa in
Jamaican Culture,” in Barringer, Forrester, and Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and
Emancipation in Jamaica, pp. 103–19.
Martinez-Ruiz, Barbaro. “Belisario’s Vision: Tracing the African Roots of Jonkonnu
Celebrations in Nineteenth-Century Jamaica” (Unpublished paper, 39th
annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007,
Kingston, Jamaica).
McGowan, Winston. “The Impact of Restriction and Abolition of the Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade on Demerara-Essequibo, 1805–1831,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
622 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
McVorran, Marcelle. “Contradictions in Historic Memory: Africans and Indians in
Trinidad, West-Indies” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interroga-
tions of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Menard, Russell. “The Organization of Labour in Early Barbados” (Unpublished
paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11
May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Mitchell, Dayo Nicole. “Legal Limbo: Almost-Free Women of African Descent in the
British Caribbean” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Mitchell, Dayo. “The Limits of Slavery in the British Caribbean” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to
Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Slave Trade”).
Mohammed, Wazir. “18th and 19th-Century Guyana, the World Sugar Industry and
the Landscape: Environmental Limits and the Organization of Space” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution,
Morgan, Kenneth. “Slave Women and Reproduction in Jamaica, ca. 1776–1834,” in
Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 27 –53.
Murray, Deryck. “Three Worships, an Old Warlock and Many Lawless Forces: The
Court Trial of an African Doctor who Practised ‘Obeah to cure’, in Early Nine-
teenth Century Jamaica,” Journal of Southern African Studies, 33, 4 (2007),
pp. 811–28.
O’Flaherty, Victoria. “Desiring Freedom – The Betto Douglas Story” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Winds of Change – Women and Slavery”).
Paton, Diana. “The Afterlives of Three-fingered Jack,” in Carey and Kitson, eds.,
Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition, pp. 42 –63.
Paugh, Katherine. “The Strongest Interest in Preventing this Diminution: Reproduc-
tion, Fornication, and Methodism in the British Caribbean” (Unpublished
paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11
May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Petley, Christer. “‘A certain consciousness of equality’: White Male Solidarity and
Slavery in Early Nineteenth-Century Jamaica” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History Association,
March 2005, Edgefield, SC).
Power, Orla. “Irish Catholic Planters in the Caribbean: Montserrat and St. Croix,
1774–1775” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Irish in the Atlantic
Raupach, Kirsten. “‘Blanched bones, mouldering graves and potent spells’: White
Constructions of Black Diasporic Rituals in Slave Culture,” Cross Cultures, 90
(2007), pp. 171–80.
Robertson, James. “On the Repercussions of a Defeat: A 1730s Skirmish and Its Con-
sequences” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Slavery and Abolition 623

Robertson, James. “Tacky Plus Five: A 1765 Slave Revolt in St. Mary’s Jamaica”
(Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean His-
torians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Robertson, Lisa Ann. “‘Sensible’ Slavery: Pleasure, Pain and the Body in Matthew
Lewis’s Journal of a West India Proprietor,” Prose Studies, 29, 2 (2007),
pp. 220–37.
Ryden, David. “Rising Productivity and Falling Profitability: The Paradox of West
India Sugar Planting in the Era of Abolition, 1783–1807” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Ryden, David. “Paradox of West Indian Sugar Planting in the Era of Slavery, 1783–
1807” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of Caribbean
Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Salih, Sara, and Candace Ward. “Introduction: Anglo-Caribbean Slavery,” Ariel, 38, 1
(2007), pp. 5–8.
Satchell, Veront, and Shani Roper. “The William James Foundry 1817–1843: An
Exposé of Local Metallurgical Enterprise,” Industrial Archaeology Review, 29, 2
(2007), pp. 105–13.
Saunders, Paula. “Gender, Kinship, and Resistance: Case Study of an Enslaved African
Community in Jamaica” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interroga-
tions of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Schwarz, Bill. “Remembering Jamaica” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“The Legacies of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Shaw, Jenny. “Complementary Cosmologies: Sites of Shared Religious Ritual on Bar-
bados Plantations, 1650–1692” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Shaw, Jenny. “Imagining Life on the Blake Family Plantation, Montserrat, 1668–1692”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Irish in the Atlantic World”).
Shepherd, Verene A. “Work, Culture, and Creolization: Slavery and Emancipation in
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Jamaica,” in Barringer, Forrester, and Mar-
tinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in Jamaica, pp. 27 –39.
Shepherd, Verene A. “The Bicentenary Observance in Jamaica: Conflict or Consen-
sus?” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Smith, Frederick H. “Alcoholic Marronage: Slave Drinking and Planter Ambivalence in
the British Caribbean” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Alcohol in the
Atlantic World: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives,” York University,
24 –27 October 2007, Toronto, Canada).
Smith, Simon D. “A Visiting Attorney in the Leeward Islands: John Johnson’s Reports
of Slavery (1824–6)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’:
An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary
of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Soares, D., and V. Clarke. “‘Unshackled’: The Struggle for Land and Patterns of Land
Ownership Among the Newly Emancipated Negroes 1838–1900” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to
624 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic
Slave Trade”).
Sturz, Linda. “Festival, Resistance and the Carnivalesque in Late Eighteenth-Century
Jamaican Christmas Celebrations” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting
of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Swan, Claire. “Enlightening the Empire? Scottish Doctors in the Caribbean, 1750–
1850” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Scotland, Union and
Teelucksingh, Jerome. “The Other Da Vinci Code: Sex and the Clergy in Two West
Indian Slave Novels” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power
and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Thompson, Eva. “Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave: An Academic Conundrum”
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy

of Slavery”).
Thompson, Krista. “Postcards to Slavery: Photography, History, (Re)Memory”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies of Slavery and Eman-
cipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Thompson, Michelle. “The Creation and Maintenance of the Accompong Maroons”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture,
Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Thompson, Robert Farris. “Charters for the Spirit: Afro-Jamaican Music and Art,” in
Barringer, Forrester, and Martinez-Ruiz, eds., Art and Emancipation in Jamaica,
pp. 89–101.
Torres, J. Benn, R. A Kittles, and A. C. Stone. “Mitochondrial and Y Chromosome
Diversity in the English-Speaking Caribbean,” Annals of Human Genetics, 71, 6
(2007), pp. 782–90.
Trotman, David V. “Reflections on the Children of Shango: An Essay on a History of
Orisa Worship in Trinidad,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 2 (2007), pp. 211–34.
Turner, Sasha. “Language & Identity: Exploring Names as Tools of Enslavement on an
18th c Jamaican Sugar Estate” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Turner, Sasha. “White Women and Emancipation: Exploring Female Proprietorship
and Management on a Jamaican Sugar Estate, 1834–1842” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Com-
memorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave
Turner, Sasha. “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: White Women and Plantation Manage-
ment in Early Nineteenth Century Jamaica” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual
meeting of the Association of Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston,
Turner, Sasha. “Contesting Space: Women, Reproduction and Resistance in Jamaica
1787 to 1810” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resist-
ance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Slavery and Abolition 625

Ward, Candace. “‘What time has proved’: History, Rebellion, and Revolution in Hamel
the Obeah Man,” Ariel, 38, 1 (2007), pp. 49–74.
Warner-Lewis, Maureen. Archibald Monteath: Igbo, Jamaican, Moravian. Kingston,
Jamaica: University of West Indies Press, 2007.
Watson, Karl. “Barbados and the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Aboli-
tions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International
Welch, Pedro. “Adjustment to Emancipation: Naming Practice in Post-1834 Barbados”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
White, Cheryl. “The Role of Archaeological Science in Maroon Resistance” (Unpub-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

lished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity,

Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Winter, Kari J. “Jeffrey Brace in Barbados: Slavery, Interracial Relationships, and the
Emergence of a Global Economy,” Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 29, 2/3
(2007), pp. 111–25.
Woodward, Robyn Patricia. “Medieval Legacies: The Industrial Archaeology of an
Early Sixteenth-Century Sugar Mill at Sevilla la Nueva, Jamaica” (PhD diss.,
Simon Fraser University (Canada), 2006).
Zips, Werner. “African Law(s) in the Caribbean: The Jamaican/Maroon Case of Legal
Pluralism” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Zugrave, Greg. “An Examination of R. C. Dallas and ‘The History of the Maroons’”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture,
Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).

3. Spanish
Baralt, Guillermo A. Slave Revolts in Puerto Rico: Conspiracies and Uprisings, 1795–
1873. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2007.
Barcia, Manuel. “The Use of Colonial Laws by Cuban Slaves: A Comparative Perspec-
tive” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of
Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Carlson, David C. “In the Fist of Earlier Revolutions: Postemancipation Social Control
and State Formation in Guantanamo, Cuba, 1868–1902” (PhD diss., The Uni-
versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007).
Dorsey, Joseph. “African Ethnicity and Slave Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Cuba
and Puerto Rico” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Fahoome, Richard M. “The Transition from Slave Labor to Wage Labor and the
Exploitation of Haitian Migrant Workers in Eastern Cuban Sugar Production”
(MA thesis, Wayne State University, 2007).
626 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Ferrer, Ada. “Slavery, Freedom and the Atlantic World in Cuban Slave Testimony”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revo-
lution, 1760–1868”).
Finch, Aisha K. “Insurgency at the Crossroads: Cuban Slaves and the Conspiracy of La
Escalera, 1841–1844” (PhD diss., New York University, 2007).
Finch, Aisha. “Making Nation, Making Blackness in Cuba’s Conspiracy of 1844”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Foley, Patricia. “El tabaco, el azúcar y la esclavitud” (MA thesis, Hofstra University,
Franklin, Sarah. “Education and the Expansion of the Slave Society in Nineteenth-
Century Colonial Cuba” (Unpublished paper, 27th annual meeting of the
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Latin American Studies Association, 5–8 September 2007, Montreal, Canada).

Fuente, Alejandro de la. “Race and the Construction of Difference in the Early Spanish
Atlantic: Havana, 1550–1610” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Constructing Race and Identity in Latin America”).
Fuente, Alejandro de la. “Slaves and the Creation of Legal Rights in Cuba: Coartación
and Papel,” Hispanic American Historical Review, 87, 4 (2007), pp. 659–92.
Fuente, Alejandro de la. “Slave Law, Claims-Making, and Citizenship in Cuba: The
Tannebaum Debate Revisited” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History, 7–9 November 2002, San Diego, CA).
Grandio Moraguez, Oscar. “The African Origins of Slaves Arriving in Cuba, 1789–
1865” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African Studies Associ-
ation, 18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Guitar, Lynne. “‘A fire in the land that will not go out’: Sixteenth Century Hispaniola
and the First Cimarrones (Maroons) in America” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom &
Guridy, Frank. “Uncovering an Afro-Diasporic Past in Cuba’s Present” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Hernandez, Juan Antonio. “Hacia una historia de lo imposible: La revolucion haitiana
y el ‘libro de pinturas’ de Jose Antonio Aponte” (PhD diss., University of
Pittsburgh, 2006).
Jennings, Evelyn. “Circuits of Labor in mid-Nineteenth Century Cuba and the Para-
digms of Atlantic and Slavery Studies” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Kaufmann, Michelle. “Resistance and the Pursuit of Freedom: Cimarron Military
Strategies and Maritime Marronage in the Spanish Caribbean 1550–1655”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture,
Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Kaufmann, Miranda. “Runaway African Slaves and Their Palenque Settlements in the
Spanish Caribbean 1550–1650” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
Slavery and Abolition 627

“‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicenten-

nial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Knauer, Lisa Maya. “Remembering Slavery, Performing Cuba” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Landers, Jane. “African Ethnicity in the Records of Black Brotherhoods in Colonial
Cuba” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical
Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Landers, Jane. “The Afro-Cuban Diaspora of the 1840s” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Lopez Denis, Adrian. “Disease and Society in Colonial Cuba, 1790–1840” (PhD diss.,
University of California, Los Angeles, 2007).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Moráguez, Oscar Grandı́o. “West Central Africans and the Cabildos de Nación in
Cuba” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Social Science History
Association, 2–5 November 2006, in Minneapolis, MN).
Morgan, William. “A New Perspective on the Transition to Free Labor: Emancipation
and Citizenship in the Tobacco Fields of Pinar del Rio, Cuba (1868–1898)”
(Unpublished paper, 27th annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Associ-
ation, 5–8 September 2007, Montreal, Canada).
Morgan, William. “Emancipation and Citizenship in Cuba’s Tobacco Field: 1868–
1898” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical
Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Morrison, Karen Y. “Creating an Alternative Kinship: Slavery, Freedom, and Nine-
teenth-Century Afro-Cuban Hijos Naturales,” Journal of Social History, 41, 1
(2007), pp. 55 –80.
Nessler, Graham. “An Aborted Abolition: Citizenship, Race, and Nation in Santo
Domingo, 1793–1804” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four
Corners of the Atlantic, 1500–2000”).
Ortega, Jose Guadalupe. “The Cuban Sugar Complex in the Age of Revolution, 1789–
1844” (PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2007).
Ortega, Jose. “‘Slaves, more than slaves’: African Gendered Networks in Atlantic Cuba”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revo-
lution, 1760–1868”).
Paetzold, Christopher. “Spanish Immigrants and the End of Slavery in Cuba: The
Social and Political Construction of Cuba, 1886–1930” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Perez-Simon, Luis. “Of Blackamoors and Blackouts: From Slavery to Marginality in
20th Century Cuban Literature” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Pichler, Heidi. “Memories of Slavery and Ritual Performance: Reflections on Palo
Monte Mayombe in Contemporary Cuba” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
628 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Renschler, Emily S. “An Osteobiography of an African Diasporic Skeletal Sample: Inte-
grating Skeletal and Historical Information” (PhD diss., University of Pennsylva-
nia, 2007).
Rey-Montejo, Sonia. “Desafiando al silencio: Secuelas y representacion narrativa del
trauma de la esclavitud en el Caribe hispano” (PhD diss., University of Colorado
at Boulder, 2007).
Ricardo, Yolanda. “La proyección emancipatoria en el pensamiento social hostosiano”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association,
28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Schmieder, Ulrike. “Sexual Relations Between the Enslaved and Between Slaves and
Non-Slaves in Cuba (19th Century)” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Scott, Rebecca. “The Right to Have Rights: The Oral and the Written in the Claims-
Making of Former Slaves. Cuba, 1870–1940” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 7–9 November 2002, San
Diego, CA).
Stark, David M. “New Ways of Looking at the Past: The Use of Parish Registers to
Reconstruct the Life Experience of Enslaved Populations in Eighteenth-
Century Arecibo, Puerto Rico” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Stark, David M. “Rescued from Their Invisibility: The Afro-Puerto Ricans of Seven-
teenth- and Eighteenth-Century San Mateo de Cangrejos, Puerto Rico,”
Americas, 63, 4 (2007), pp. 551 –86.
Viera-Vera, Jorge. “The Origins of the African Ancestry in the Puerto Rican Population
According to Restriction Analysis of the Mitochondrial DNA” (MS thesis, Uni-
versity of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico), 2006).
Wheat, David. “Madrinas, Matrilineage, and Social Mobility: West Central Africans in
Late Sixteenth-Century Havana” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of
the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Wheat, David. “Slaves and Settlers: African estancieros in Cartagena and Havana,
1570–1640” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Zeuske, Michael. “Slavery, Postemancipation and the Construction of Race: The Case
of Cuba, 1800–1900” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Global
Dimensions of Racism in the Modern World”).

4. French
Beauvois, Frédérique. “L’indemnité de Saint-Domingue: dette d’indépendance ou
rançon de l’esclavagé” (Unpublished paper, 33rd annual meeting of the French
Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
Bennett, Zara. “From Emancipation to Commemoration: Abolition’s Affective Legacy
in France and the Antilles” (PhD diss., UCLA, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 629

Bonilla, Yarimar. “‘Syndikat de Neg Marron’: Unionism as Maroonage in Guadeloupe”

(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association,
28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Brown, Laurence. “Seeing Slavery during the Haitian Revolution” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual
Clavin, Matt. “‘The lesson of San Domingo’: History, Haiti and the American Civil
War” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Cottias, Myriam. “Abolition of Slavery, Law and Memory of Slavery in French Antilles:
Redraw the Colonial Space” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Cottias, Myriam. “Free but Minor: Slave Women, Citizenship, Respectability, and
Social Antagonism in the French Antilles, 1830–90,” in Campbell, Miers, and
Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 186–206.
Cottias, Myriam. “Les relations sexuelles entre maı̂tre et esclaves à travers un journal
de planteur à la Martinique (fin XVIIIè –milieu XIXè)” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Crout, Robert Rhodes. “Lafayette’s Cayenne Emancipation Experiments” (Unpub-
lished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 31
October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Dubreuil, Laurent. “Don du franais et parole (post) colonial,” International Journal of
Francophone Studies, 10, 3 (2007), pp. 345–58.
Fabella, Yvonne. “Luxury, Race, and the Colonial Citizen: Consumption and Identity
in Pre-Revolutionary Saint Domingue” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta,
Fabella, Yvonne. “Sexuality and the Construction of Racial Difference in Late-Colonial
Saint Domingue” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association
of Caribbean Historians, 7 –11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Fergus, Claudius Kelvin. “Emancipation and ‘military necessity’ during the Haitian
Revolution: Challenging the Hegemonic Paradigms of Slavery and Freedom”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary
Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the
British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Fick, Carolyn. “The Haitian Revolution, Toussaint Louverture, and the New Atlantic”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revo-
lution, 1760–1868”).
Fitte-Duval, Annie. “Sexe et mutations du statut juridique des personnes en société
esclavagiste: le cas des Antilles françaises” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
630 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Forsdick, Charles. “Toussaint Louverture: The Travelling Revolutionary” (Unpub-
lished presentation, Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emanci-
pation, 22 November 2007, Hull, England).
Gaffield, Julia. “Complexities of Imagining Haiti: A Study of National Constitutions,
1801–1807,” Journal of Social History, 41, 1 (2007), pp. 81 –103.
Gainot, Bernard. Les officiers de couleur dans les armées de la République et de l’empire
(1792 –1815): de l’esclavage á la condition militaire dans les Antilles françaises.
Paris: Karthala, 2007.
Garrigus, John D. “Black and White Brothers: The Secret History of Freemasonry in
the Haitian Revolution, 1793–1803” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Garrigus, John D. “Opportunist or Patriot? Julien Raimond (1744–1801) and the

Haitian Revolution,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 1 (2007), pp. 1–21.
Garrigus, John D. “‘To establish a community of property’: Marriage and Race Before
and during the Haitian Revolution,” History of the Family, 12, 2 (2007), pp. 142–
Garrigus, John. “The Man Who Started the Haitian Revolution: The Many Identities
of Vincent Ogé” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four Corners
of the Atlantic, 1500–2000”).
Gibson, Heather Renee. “Daily Practice and Domestic Economies in Guadeloupe: An
Archaeological and Historical Study” (PhD diss., Syracuse University, 2007).
Gomez, Alejandro. “‘Beyond the Haitian fear’: A Methodological Approach Based
upon the Theory of Fear” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic
Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Hall, Gwendolyn Midlo. “The Franco-African Peoples of Haiti and Louisiana,”
Southern Quarterly, 44, 3 (2007), pp. 10 –17.
Hartkopt Schloss, Rebecca. “‘It is impossible in the colonies that a white would align
himself with slaves’: The Construction of Racial and Class Identities in Saint
Pierre, Martinique’s February 1831 Uprising” (Unpublished paper, 30th
annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 6–8 May 2004,
Washington, DC).
Hogsbjerg, Christian. “‘There is no drama like the drama of history’. C.L.R. James’
Toussaint L’Ouverture” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at
last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial
Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Jenson, Deborah. “Before Malcolm X, Dessalines: A French Tradition of Black
Atlantic Radicalism,” International Journal of Francophone Studies, 10, 3
(2007), pp. 329–44.
John, Marie-Elena. “Skeletons in the Forest: Merging History with a Fictionalized
Account of Maroonage in Dominica, W.I.” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Slavery and Abolition 631

Jones, Martha S. “Baptiste v. de Volunbrun: Law, History, and the Re-Making of the
Haitian Revolution” (Unpublished paper, 33rd annual meeting of the French
Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
King Dorset, Rodreguez. “Dancing as Satire: Slave Resistance in the Quadrille”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery:
Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Klungel, Janine. “Rape and Remembrance in Guadeloupe” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Kott, Sandrine. “Esclavage et droit,” Genèses, 66 (2007).
Mandelblatt, Bertie. “‘Two and a half pots of manioc flour, or three cassavas’: The
Code Noir, the Consumption of Slaves and Slaves’ Consumption in the
Ancien Régime French Atlantic” (Unpublished paper, 33rd annual meeting of
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

the French Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
Meadows, R. Darrell. “Saint-Domingue Planters and Revolutionary Legislators: Craft-
ing a Pro-Colonial Agenda, 1794–1799” (Unpublished paper, 30th annual
meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 6 –8 May 2004, Washington,
Moitt, Bernard. “Pricing Freedom in the French Caribbean: Women, Men, Children,
and Redemption from Slavery in the 1840s,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds.,
Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 155 –71.
Niort, Jean-François. “In the Name of the Law and of the Right: The Role of the Whites
in the Resistance to the Slave System in Guadeloupe and Martinique in the 19th
Century” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Rabbit, Kara. “Articulating Freedom: The Cultural Significance of the Revolt in 1848
Martinique” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resist-
ance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Racine, Karen. “Revolution or Redemption? Images of Haiti in the British Press,
1790–1820” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing
is for ever torn’”).
Richman, Karen E. “Peasants, Migrants and the Discovery of African Traditions: Ritual
and Social Change in Lowland Haiti,” Journal of Religion in Africa, 37, 3 (2007),
pp. 371–97.
Rogers, Dominique. “City Life in a Slave Society: Between Violence and Negotiation,
an Always Complex Story” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Rushforth, Brett, and Robert Taber. “‘To strengthen the colonies’: French Labor Policy,
Indentured Servants, and African Slaves in Seventeenth-Century Martinique”
(Unpublished paper, 33rd annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical
Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
Savage, John. “‘Black magic’ and White Terror: Slave Poisoning and Colonial Society
in Early 19th Century Martinique,” Journal of Social History, 40, 3 (2007),
pp. 635–62.
632 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Savage, John. “Masculinity and Colonial Authority: Gender Relations and Slave Society
in Early 19th century Martinique” (Unpublished paper, 33rd annual meeting of
the French Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
Savage, John. “Poisoning Crimes: Perceptions of the Slave Poisoner in Martinique and
the Metropole during the Restoration and July Monarchy” (Unpublished paper,
32nd annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 17 –20 May 2006,
Dakar, Senegal).
Savage, John. “Medea in the Tropics: Vengeful Mistresses, Trusted Favorites and the
Sexual Politics of Slavery in Martinique, 1815–1830” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Schloss, Rebecca Hartkopf. “The February 1831 Slave Uprising in Martinique and the
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Policing of White Identity,” French Historical Studies, 30, 2 (2007), pp. 203–36.
Scott, Rebecca J. “Writing Freedom: An African Mother and Her Children in the Era of
the Haitian Revolution” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for
the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 13 December
2007, New Haven, CT).
Spieler, Miranda. “French Guiana Between the First and Second Emancipations:
Slaves, Freedmen and the Law in the Early Nineteenth Century” (Unpublished
paper, 53rd annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies,
15 –17 March 2007, Houston, TX).
Spieler, Miranda. “Maroons and Colonists in French Guiana 1837–1865” (Unpub-
lished paper, 33rd annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society,
6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
Tydlaska, Faye Felterman. “Between Nation and Empire: Representations of the Haitian
Revolution in Antebellum Literary Culture” (PhD diss., Tulane University, 2007).
Vidal, Cécile. “French Louisiana and Saint-Domingue: ‘The dependent servant of an
island master—in short the colony of a colony’?” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “La Louisiane et le monde atlantique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”).
Weaver, Karol K. “‘She made to crush the child’s fragile skull’: Disease and Enslaved
Women in Eighteenth-Century Saint Domingue” (Unpublished paper, 28th
annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 15 –19 May 2002,
New Haven, CT).

5. Dutch
Dickson, Vernon Guy. “Truth, Wonder, and Exemplarity in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko,”
SEL: Studies in English Literature (Johns Hopkins), 47, 3 (2007), pp. 573–94.
Dulan, Jo. “Blackness, Whiteness, Femininity, and Cultural Identity in Aphra Behn’s
Oroonoko: Or, the Royal Slave” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of
the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22–25 March 2007,
Atlanta, GA).
Gill, Gordon E. A. “Cannibals, Big Men, and Ngangas: Rituals and Community For-
mation Among the Enslaved in the Slave Society of Berbice (Guyana)”
Slavery and Abolition 633

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:

Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Kars, Marjoleine. “Bad Housekeeping on the Berbice: Mutiny, Violence, and Rebellion
in the Dutch Colonial Atlantic of the 1760s” (Unpublished presentation,
OIEAHC colloquium, The College of William and Mary, 6 November 2007,
Williamsburg, VA).
Klinkers, Ellen. “Moravian Missions in Times of Emancipation: Conversion of Slaves
in Suriname during the Nineteenth Century,” in Michele Gillespie and Robert
Beachy, eds., Pious Pursuits: German Moravians in the Atlantic World
(New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 2007), pp. 207–22.
Ngwenyama, Cheryl N. “Material Beginnings of the Saramaka Maroons: An Archae-
ological Investigation” (PhD diss., University of Florida, 2007).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Rupert, Linda Marguerite. “Inter-Imperial Trade and Local Identity: Curacao in the
Colonial Atlantic World” (PhD diss., Duke University, 2006).

6. Other
Donoghue, Eddie. Negro Slavery: Slave Society and Slave Life in the Danish West Indies.
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2007.
Jackson, Alicia. “An Account of the History of Africans and Their Descendents in the
Danish West Indies,” in Moore, ed., The Dispersion of Africans and African
Culture Throughout the World.
Sensbach, Jon. “Slavery, Race, and the Global Fellowship: Religious Radicals Confront
the Modern Age,” in Michele Gillespie and Robert Beachy, eds., Pious Pursuits:
German Moravians in the Atlantic World (New York, NY: Berghahn Books,
2007), pp. 223–36.

VI. Africa
1. General (Non-Muslim)
“African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences” (Centre of African
Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 25 –26
May 2007, London, England).

For presentations see Argenti, Bellagamba, Bouman, Boyer, Brown, Burnham,

Cacchioli, Clarence-Smith, Evers, Gaasholt, Hardung, Jenkins, Jong, King Dorset,
Klein, Komlavi-Hahonou, Leservoisier, Lovejoy, McCaskie, Olaniyi, Rodet, Rossi,
Schmitz, Tidjani-Alou, Venkatachalam, and Vuorela.

Akurang-Parry, Kwabena O. “‘When all shall be free . . . anything short of this. . .’:
James Hutton Brew, The Gold Coast Times, and African Agency in Abolitionism
in the Gold Coast” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Alber, Erdmute. “A Slave as a Ruler – Talking About a Hidden Aspect in the History of
Chieftaincy in West Africa” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the AEGIS
634 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
European Conference on African Studies, African Studies Centre, 11–14 July
2007, Leiden, The Netherlands).
Argenti, Nicolas. “Slavery, Youth, and Masking in the Cameroon Grassfields” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions,
Practices, Experiences”).
Austen, Ralph, and Yvette Djachechi. “From Slavery to Elite Status: The Archives and
Writings of the Mandessi Bell Family” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting
of the African Studies Association, 18–21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Bazémo, Maurice. Esclaves et esclavage dans les anciens pays du Burkina Faso. Paris:
L’Harmattan, 2007.
Bellagamba, Alice. “Idioms of Bondage and Deprivation in the Socio-Cultural History
of the River Gambia” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African Trajec-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

tories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).

Bouman, Annemarie. “Not of Their Own Free Will. Slavery versus Forced Marriage in
the Kel Tamsheq Society, Burkina Faso” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Bredwa-Mensah, Yaw. “An Archaeological View of the Danish Abolition, Plantation
Slavery, and Slave Lifeways in Southeastern Gold Coast, 1789–1850” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “The bloody Writing is for ever torn”).
Bredwa-Mensah, Yaw. “Landscapes of Slavery: The Danish Plantation Complex in the
Akuapem Mountains, Southeastern Gold Coast (Ghana),” in Anquandah,
Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Land-
marks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 148–63.
Caulker, Tcho Mbaimba. “The End of Slavery’s Exile and British African Repatriation:
The Complicated Politics and Class Formation of Eighteenth-Century Sierra
Leone” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Chretien, Jean-Pierre. “The Slave Trade in Burundi & Rwanda at the Beginning of
German Colonisation 1890–1906,” in Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the
Great Lakes Region of East Africa, pp. 210–30.
Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine. “Women, Marriage, and Slavery in Sub-Saharan
Africa in the Nineteenth Century,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds.,
Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 43 –61.
Déme, Alioune, and Ndeye Sokhna Guèye. “Enslavement in the Middle Senegal Valley:
Historical and Archaeological Perspectives,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds.,
Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora.
Deutsch, Jan-Georg. “Prices for Female Slaves and Changes in Their Life Cycle: Evi-
dence from German East Africa,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women
and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 129–44.
Deutsch, Jan-Georg. “The Rise of Slavery & Social Change in Unyamwezi 1860-1900,”
in Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa,
pp. 76–110.
Dossou, Leopold. “Le travail forcé colonial et ses répercussions profondes sur les
populations locales (cas du Dahomey/Benim)” (Unpublished paper, 4th
Slavery and Abolition 635

annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November

2007, Porto, Portugal).
Doyle, Shane. “Bunyoro & the Demography of Slavery Debate,” in Medard and Doyle,
eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa, pp. 231–51.
Fennell, Christopher C. “Bakongo Identity and Symbolic Representation in the Amer-
icas,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the
African Diaspora.
Getz, Trevor. “The Digital African Times and the Debate over 19th Century West
African Attitudes Towards ‘modernity’, Slavery, and Emancipation” (Unpub-
lished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African Studies Association, 18 –21
October 2007, New York, NY).
Gormo, Jean. “Le riz et le peuple massa de L’Extrême-Nord Cameroun: de la culture
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

forcée au marqueur identitaire” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the

Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15–17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Grätz, Tilo. “Colonial Gold Mining in Northern Benin: Forced Labour; Traumata and
the Politics of Remembering the Past” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting
of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15–17 November 2007, Porto,
Greene, Sandra. “Lives Recorded: European Missionaries and Former Gold Coast
Slaves in the Late 19th Century” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of
the African Studies Association, 18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Guran, Milton. “Da bricolagem da memória à construção da identidade social dos
Agudás do Benim” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Coloquio
Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Hanson, Holly. “Stolen People & Autonomous Chiefs in Nineteenth-Century
Buganda,” in Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East
Africa, pp. 161 –73.
Howard, Allen M. “Freetown and the Spatiality of Free and Un-Free Labor in the
Atlantic after the Abolition of the Slave Trade” (Unpublished paper, 16th
annual meeting of the World History Association, 28 June –1 July 2007, Milwau-
kee, WI).
Howard, Allen M. “Liberated Slaves in Sierra Leone, 1831” (Unpublished paper, 121st
annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007,
Atlanta, GA).
Jenkins, Julie. “Situating ‘ritual slavery’: Ethnographic Explorations of Trokosi in
Ghana” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of
Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Klein, Martin. “Slave Descent and Social Status in the West African Savanna” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions,
Practices, Experiences”).
Klein, Martin. “Social and Economic Factors in the Evolution of African Slavery”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Kolapo, Femi J. “The Canoe in Nineteenth Century Lower Niger and the Delta,” in
Korieh and Kolapo, eds., The Aftermath of Slavery, pp. 75 –114.
636 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Komlavi-Hahonou, Eric. “Reconfigurations of Slave Identity and Status in the Context
of Decentralisation in Niger and Benin” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Korieh, Chima J. “Gender and the Political Economy of the Post-Abolition Era: The
Bight of Biafra (Nigeria) and its Hinterland,” in Korieh and Kolapo, eds., The
Aftermath of Slavery, pp. 41–58.
Korieh, Chima J., and Femi James Kolapo, eds. The Aftermath of Slavery: Transitions
and Transformations in Southeastern Nigeria. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press,
For relevant contents see Anyanwu, Kolapo, Korieh, Njoku, Njoku, and Wariboko.

Kusimba, Chapurukha M. “Slavery and Warfare in African Chiefdoms,” in Elizabeth

Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

N. Arkush and Mark W. Allen, eds., The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of

Raiding and Conflict (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 2006),
pp. 214–52.
Leopold, Mark. “Legacies of Slavery in North West Uganda ‘the one-elevens’,” in
Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa,
pp. 124–44.
Liu, Naiya. “African Sources on Slavery and Emancipation” (Unpublished paper, 50th
annual meeting of the African Studies Association, 18–21 October 2007,
New York, NY).
Mann, Kristin. Slavery and the Birth of an African City: Lagos, 1760–1900. Blooming-
ton, ID: Indiana University Press, 2007.
Matumona, Muanomasi. “Prática criminosa ou promoção do africanö Para uma
Sociologia da História de África” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of
the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto,
Medard, Henri, and Shane Doyle, eds. Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa.
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press 2007.
For contents see Chretien, Deutsch, Doyle, Hanson, Leopold, Médard, Northrup,
Reid, Schoenbrun, Steinhart, and Tuck.

Médard, Henri. “Introduction,” in Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes
Region of East Africa, pp. 1–37.
Memel-Fotê, Harris. L’esclavage dans les sociétés lignagéres de la forêt ivoirienne, XVIIe-
XXe siécle. Paris: IRD-Institut de recherche pour le développement, 2007.
Monroe, J. Cameron. “Continuity, Revolution or Evolution on the Slave Coast of West
Africa? Royal Architecture and Political Order in Precolonial Dahomey,” Journal
of African History, 48, 3 (2007), pp. 349–73.
Njoku, Raphael Chijioke. “Igbo Slaves and the Transformation of the Niger-Delta,” in
Korieh and Kolapo, eds., The Aftermath of Slavery, pp. 115–35.
Northrup, David. “Slavery & Forced Labour in the Eastern Congo 1850–1910,” in
Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa,
pp. 111–23.
Slavery and Abolition 637

Ogundiran, Akinwumi. “Living in the Shadow of the Atlantic World: History and
Material Life in a Yoruba-Edo Hinterland, ca. 1600–1750,” in Ogundiran and
Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic Africa and the African Diaspora.
Perbi, Akosua Adoma. A History of Indigenous Slavery in Ghana: From the 15th to the
19th Century. Accra, Ghana: Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2007. Revised edition,
originally published in 2004.
Perbi, Akosua, and Yaw Bredwa-Mensah. “Slave Camps in Pre-Colonial Ghana: The
Case of Jenini in the Brong Ahafo Region,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang,
and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expec-
tations, pp. 138 –47.
Reese, Ty M. “Conquest, Abolition, and the Reconstruction of Cross-Cultural
Relations at Cape Coast” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).

Reese, Ty M. “Maintaining the Slave Trade: Free and Unfree Labor at Cape Coast,
1750–1807” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Labor, Slavery and
Freedom in a Global Age,” 29th annual North American Labor History Confer-
ence, 18 –20 October 2007, Detroit, MI).
Reese, Ty M. “The Utility of Violence in Cross-Cultural Trade: Cape Coast, 1750–
1807” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley
History Conference, 1–3 March 2007, Omaha, NE).
Reid, Richard. “Human Booty in Buganda: The Seizure of People in War, c.1700–
c.1900,” in Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East
Africa, pp. 145 –60.
Rodet, Marie. “Emancipation, Migrations, and Gender in the Upper Senegal, 1899–
1920” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of
Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Rossi, Benedetta. “Rethinking Slavery in Africa” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Rossi, Benedetta. “Slavery and Mobility: The Evolution of Seasonal Labour Migrations
in the Ader (Niger)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfin-
ished Business”).
Schmitz, Jean. “The Maccube of the Almaami, or the Promotion of ‘slaves’ in Fuuta
Tooro (Sénégal Valley)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African
Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Schoenbrun, David. “Language Evidence of Slavery to the Eighteenth Century,” in
Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa,
pp. 38–75.
Spiers, Sam. “The Eguafo Kingdom: Investigating Complexity in Southern Ghana”
(PhD diss., Syracuse University, 2007).
Stahl, Ann Brower. “Entangled Lives: The Archaeology of Daily Life in the Gold Coast
Hinterlands, 1400–1900,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic
Africa and the African Diaspora.
Steinhart, Edward I. “Slavery & Social Oppression in Ankole 1890–1940,” in Medard
and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa, pp. 189–209.
638 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Tuck, Michael W. “Women’s Experiences of Slavery in Late Nineteenth- & Early Twen-
tieth-Century Uganda,” in Medard and Doyle, eds., Slavery in the Great Lakes
Region of East Africa, pp. 174–88.
Usman, Aribidesi. “The Landscape and Society of Northern Yorubaland during the Era
of the Atlantic Slave Trade,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlan-
tic Africa and the African Diaspora.
Venkatachalam, Meera. “Slavery in the Anlo-Ewe Imagination (Ghana)” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Prac-
tices, Experiences”).
Viti, Fabio. Schiavi, servi e dipendenti: antropologia delle forme di dipendenza personale
in Africa. Milano, Italy: R. Cortina, 2007.
Whatley, Warren. “From Gold Coast to Slave Coast: West Africa in the Emerging
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Atlantic Economy, 1450–1850” (Unpublished presentation, conference on

“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).

2. Cape of Good Hope

Ahjum, Sharifa. “The Law of the (White) Father: Psychoanalysis, ‘paternalism’, and the
Historiography of Cape Slave Women,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds.,
Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 83 –108.
Baderoon, Gabeba. “‘Prodigal with beauty’: Sex, Race and the Legacy of Slavery in the
Cape” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Curto, José C. “Toward a History of Liberated Africans in Mid-Nineteenth-Century
Angola” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical
Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Dooling, Wayne. Slavery, Emancipation and Colonial Rule in South Africa. Scottsville,
South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2007.
Guelke, Leonard. “Conversion of Native and Slave Women in Dutch Colonial South
Africa: From Assimilation to Apartheid,” in Karen M. Morin and Jeanne Kay
Guelke, eds., Women, Religion, & Space: Global Perspectives on Gender and
Faith (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2007), pp. 22 –38.
Hilton, John. “The Representation of Roman Slavery in the Enforcement and Abol-
ition of Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade
Jorgensen, Sara C. “Linking Polygamy and Woman-Slavery in Natal: The Roots of the
American Zulu Mission Reaction to African Marriage Customs, 1845–1879”
(Unpublished paper, 16th annual meeting of the World History Association,
28 June –1 July 2007, Milwaukee, WI).
Larson, Pier. “Malagasy Captives at Cape Coast” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual
meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta,
Slavery and Abolition 639

Mitchell, Laura. “Carnal Calvinists, or Sex, Settlers, Servants & Slaves: Household Inti-
macy at the Cape of Good Hope” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex,
Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Morton, Fred. “Female Inboekelinge in the South African Republic, 1850–80,” in Camp-
bell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 191–212.
Newton-King, Susan. “Hilletje Smits and the Shadow of Death” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Penn, Nigel. “The Voyage Out: Peter Kolb and VOC Voyages to the Cape,” in Christo-
pher, Pybus, and Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages, pp. 72–91.
Schoeman, Karel. Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1717. Pretoria, South
Africa: Protea Book House, 2007.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Scully, Pamela. “Sara Baartman’s Cape Town in the Era of Abolition” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “The Atlantic World in the Era of British Slave
Trade Abolition”).
Shell, Robert Carl-Heinz, Sandra Rowoldt Shell, and Mogamat Kamedien, eds. Biblio-
graphies of Bondage: Selected Bibliographies of South African Slavery and Abolition.
Cape Town, South Africa: Nagspro Multimedia, 2007.
Shell, Robert Carl-Heinz. Changing Hands. Gardens, South Africa: Ancestry 24, 2007.
Worden, Nigel. “Revolt in Cape Colony Slave Society,” in Alpers, Campbell, and
Salman, eds., Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia, pp. 10–23.

3. Portuguese Colonies
Berthet, Marina. “Bos terra, nos vida. Relatos de experiências de trabalho nas roças de
São Tomé” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho
Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Candido, Mariana. “Strategies for Social Mobility: The Liaisons Between Foreign Men
and Free and Slave Women in 18th Century Benguela” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Capela, José. Dicionário de Negreiros em Moçambique 1750–1897. Porto, Portugal:
Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto, 2007.
Cleveland, Todd. “Walking to Work: Forced Laborers and the Companhia de Diamantes
de Angola (Diamang), 1921–1947” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of
the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15–17 November 2007, Porto,
Deutsch, Georg. “The Abolition Slaves Made. Slave Agency and the Colonial State in
Eastern Africa in the Early 20th Century” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual
meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007,
Porto, Portugal).
Gomes, Patricia. “O trabalho forçado no sistema colonial português: o caso da ‘Guiné
Portuguesa’ (1954 –1959)” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Colo-
quio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
640 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Hanzimanolis, Margaret. “Marriages of Convenience: Portuguese Shipwreck Survivors
in Southern Africa” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and
Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
John, Angela V. “Cocoa & Causes: Henry W. Nevinson and Angolan Slavery” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Pinto, Lúcio. “O contrato – novo modelo de transferência de mão do obra para as
plantações de São Tomé e Prı́ncipe. O caso dos contratados angolanos” (Unpub-
lished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano,
15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Santos, Maciel. “A compra dos ‘contractados’: caravanas e redes negreiras em Angola
(1900–02)” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho
Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Seibert, Gerhard. “Beyond Slavery in Cape Verde and São Tomé e Prı́ncipe. A Com-
parison of Two African Creole Societies” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Vos, Jelmer. “Transitions in Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Kongo (Northern Angola)”
(Unpublished paper, 1st biennial conference of the Africa-Europe Group for
Interdisciplinary Studies, 29 June –2 July 2005, London, England).
Zamparoni, Valdemir. De Escravo a Cozinheiro. Colonialismo e Racismo em Moçambi-
que. Salvador, Brazil: EDUFBA/CEAO, 2007.
Zimba, Benigna. “Marriage and Enslavement Amongst the Yao of Northern Mozam-
bique: Myths and Traditions of Queen Achivanjila I” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under

4. Madagascar
Campbell, Gwyn. “Female Bondage in Imperial Madagascar, 1820–95,” in Campbell,
Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 237–57.
Campbell, Gwyn. “Unfree Labour, Slavery and Protest in Imperial Madagascar,” in
Alpers, Campbell, and Salman, eds., Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa
and Asia, pp. 49 –59.
Ellis, Stephen. “Tom and Toakafo: The Betsimisaraka Kingdom and State Formation in
Madagascar, 1715–1750,” Journal of African History, 48, 3 (2007), pp. 439–55.
Evers, Sandra. “Memory as an Instrument of Power and Exclusion: A Case Study of the
Betsileo in the Extreme Southern Highlands of Madagascar” (Unpublished
paper, 1st biennial conference of the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary
Studies, 29 June–2 July 2005, London, England).
Evers, Sandra. “‘To the manner born’: The Perpetuation of the Ideology and Terminol-
ogy of Slavery in Madagascar” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Graeber, David. Lost People: Magic and the Legacy of Slavery in Madagascar. Blooming-
ton: Indiana University Press, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 641

5. Ethiopia
Fernyhough, Timothy. “Women, Gender History, and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century
Ethiopia,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One,
pp. 215–35.

VII. Muslim
1. General and Comparative
Addoun, Yacine Daddi. “L’esclave dans les traités arabes de physiognomonie” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of
Cultural Understanding”).
Baderoon, Gabeba. “Confessions: The Legacy of Slavery in Representations of Islam in
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Recent South African Literature” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of

the African Studies Association, 18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Casares, Aurelia Martı́n. “Slavery and Gender Roles in the Islamic Republics of
Mauritania and Sudan: A Comparative Study” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations
under Enslavement”).
Chebel, Malek. “L’esclavage en terre d’islam: histoire, mythe et réalité” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cul-
tural Understanding”).
Chebel, Malek. L’esclavage en terre d’islam: un tabou bien gardé. Paris: Fayard, 2007.
Clarence-Smith, William. “Islamic Abolitionism in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Prac-
tices, Experiences”).
Ennaji, Mohammed. “Couleur et Statut dans le monde Arabe” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural
Foster, Bill. “Spectres of the Anti-Harem: White Christian Male Slaves and Free
Muslim Women in the Early Modern Imagination” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Freamon, Bernard K. “Conceptions of Equality and Slavery in Islamic Law: Tribalism,
Piety, and Pluralism” (JSD thesis, Columbia University, 2007).
Frenkel, Yehoshua. “Slave Girls in Muslim Lands” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Gelder, Geert Jan van. “Slave-Girl Lost and Regained: Transformations of a Story,” in
Ulrich Marzolph, ed., The Arabian Nights in Transnational Perspective (Detroit,
MI: Wayne State University Press, 2007).
Hussein, Ahmed Fulli. “Eunuchs of Abyssinian/Ethiopian Origin in the Muslim
World” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery:
The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
642 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Johnson, Laura A. “The Slave Singing Girls” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Klein, Martin A. “Sex, Power, and Family Life in the Harem: A Comparative Study,” in
Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 63 –81.
Nussbaum, Felicity. “Slavery, Blackness and Islam: The Arabian Nights in the Eight-
eenth Century,” in Carey and Kitson, eds., Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition,
pp. 150–72.
Nussbaum, Felicity. “The Arabian Nights in the Eighteenth Century: Other Empires,
Other Slaves” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society
for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Powers, Paul R. “Offending Heaven and Earth: Sin and Expiation in Islamic Homicide
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Law,” Islamic Law & Society, 14, 1 (2007), pp. 42–80.

Puente, Cristina de la. “The Slave, a Forgotten Member of the Muslim Family”
(Unpublished paper, 40th annual International Congress on Medieval Studies,
5–8 May 2005, Kalamazoo, MI).

2. Caliphate and Arabia

Abouali, Diana. “Lingering Slavery: Manumission and Social Attitudes in 16th–17th
Century Jerusalem” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Middle East
Studies Association, 17 –20 November 2007, Montreal, Canada).
Attar, S. “Buried in the Deepest Recesses of Memory: A Queen or a Slave? The Vision
of Ghassan Kanafani and Emile Habibi of the City of Haifa,” Arab Studies Quar-
terly, 29, 2 (2007), pp. 37 –56.
Beckerleg, Susan. “African Bedouin in Palestine,” African & Asian Studies, 6, 3 (2007),
pp. 289–303.
Calderini, Simonetta. “A Queen, a Hujja, in Front of Whom the Majority of Slaves
are Humbled. Female Spiritual Authority in Islam: The Case of Queen Arwa
(1045–1138) of Yemen” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Middle
East Studies Association, 17 –20 November 2007, Montreal, Canada).
Freamon, Bernard K. “Islamic Law & Abolition in East Africa and Arabia” (Unpub-
lished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance,
and Abolition, Yale University, 3 December 2007, New Haven, CT).
Hopper, Mathew. “Slavery, Family Life, and the African Diaspora in the Arabian Gulf,
1880–1940” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery:
The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Hopper, Matthew Scott. “The African Presence in Arabia: Slavery, the World Economy,
and the African Diaspora in Eastern Arabia, 1840–1940” (PhD diss., University
of California, Los Angeles, 2006).
Rodriguez, Jarbel. Captives and Their Saviors in the Medieval Crown of Aragon.
Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2007.
Toledano, Ehud R. As If Silent and Absent: Bonds of Enslavement in the Islamic Middle
East. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 643

Trabelsi, Salah. “Eunuques et castrats dans le monde musulman classique” (Unpub-

lished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of
Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).

3. Ottoman Empire— Muslim Turkey

Csukovits, Enikö. “Miraculous Escapes from Ottoman Captivity,” in Dávid and Fodor,
eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders, pp. 1–18.
Dávid, Géza, and Pál Fodor, eds. Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders: Early Fif-
teenth-Early Eighteenth Centuries. Leiden, The Netherlands; Boston, MA: Brill,

For contents see Csukovits, Dávid, Fodor, Hegyi, Ivanics, Nógrády, Pálffy, Szakály,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Tringli, Tóth, Újváry, and Varga.

Dávid, Géza. “Manumitted Male Slaves at Galata and Istanbul Around 1700,” in Dávid
and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders, pp. 183–92.
Ennaji, Mohammed. Le sujet et le mamelouk: Esclavage, pouvoir et religion dans le
monde arabe. Paris: Mille et une nuits, 2007.
Hegyi, Klára. “Freed Slaves as Soldiers in the Ottoman Fortresses in Hungary,” in
Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders, pp. 85 –92.
Hershenzon, Daniel. “Countering Captivity, Contouring Slavery: Trajectories of
Enslaved Captives in the Early-Modern Ottoman Empire” (Unpublished
presentation, Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, Rackham Graduate
School and the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program, 11 October
2006, Ann Arbor, MI).
Miller, Gregory J. “Escaped Turkish Slaves and the Shaping of Western Views of Islam
in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual
International Congress on Medieval Studies, 6–9 May 2004, Kalamazoo, MI).
Pálffy, Géza. “Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman-Hungarian Frontier in the Six-
teenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery
Along the Ottoman Borders, pp. 35–84.
Tóth, István György. “Catholic Missionaries as Turkish Prisoners in Ottoman Hungary
in the Seventeenth Century,” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the
Ottoman Borders, pp. 115 –40.
Újváry, Zsuzsanna J. “A Muslim Captive’s Vicissitudes in Ottoman Hungary (Mid-
Seventeenth Century),” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the
Ottoman Borders, pp. 141 –68.

4. Muslim Egypt
La Rue, George Michael. “African Slave Women in Egypt, ca. 1820 to the Plague of
1834–35,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume
One, pp. 169–89.
La Rue, George Michael. “The Homicidal Sorbet: An Account of Slavery, Jealousy,
Pregnancy and Murder in a Harem in Alexandria, Egypt, ca. 1840” (Unpublished
644 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Marmon, Shaun. “The Black, the White and the Brown: Attitudes Towards Slave Con-
cubines in the Mamluk Empire” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex,
Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Muir, William. The Mameluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt, 1260–1517 A.D. Piscataway,
NJ: Gorgias Press, 2007. Originally published in 1896.
Walz, Terence. “The Recollection of Reassembled Lives: Black Africans in Egypt at the
Turn of the 20th Century” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the
African Studies Association, 18–21 October 2007, New York, NY).

5. North Africa and the Sahara

Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud Ould. “L’Esclavage Maure revisité” (Unpublished presen-

tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Davis, Robert C. Esclaves chrétiens, maı̂tres musulmans: L’esclavage blanc en Méditerra-
née, 1500–1800. Arles, France: Actes sud, 2007. Translation of Davis’s Christian
Slaves, Muslim Masters.
El-Hamel, Chouki. “Surviving Slavery: Sexuality and Female Agency in Late Nine-
teenth and Early Twentieth Century Morocco” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Fiume, Giovanna. “Conflit politique, dialogue religieux. L’esclavage et le martyre de
Juan de Prado (Marrakech 1631)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Gaasholt, Ole Martin. “Renegotiating Slave Identity or Hanging on to It? Strategies of
Social Mobility (and Immobility) in Gossi (Mali)” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices,
Hall, Bruce. “Into the Saharan Diaspora: The Epistolary Network of Anjay Isa, Slave
from Ghadames in Timbuktu, 1857–1900” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Hardung, Christine. “‘We aren’t clandestines’: Political Mobilisation and Associations
of Groups of Slave Origin in Mauritania” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Leservoisier, Olivier. “Contemporary Trajectories of Slavery Among the Haalpulaar of
Mauritania: Discriminations, Resistances, and Status Renegotiations” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions,
Practices, Experiences”).
Lydon, Ghislaine. “Islamic Legal Culture and Slave-Ownership Contests in Nine-
teenth-Century Sahara,” International Journal of African Historical Studies, 40,
3 (2007), pp. 391 –439.
MacLean, Gerald. “Slavery and Sensibility: A Historical Dilemma,” in Carey and
Kitson, eds., Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition, pp. 173–94.
Slavery and Abolition 645

McDougall, Ann. “Sex, Slavery and Saharans: Listening for Silences, Seeing the Invis-
ible” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
McDougall, Ann. “Studying Slavery in the Sahara: Echoes of the Past, Directions for
the Future?” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African Studies
Association, 18–21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Montana, Ismael Musah. “The Origins and Transculturation of Stambali in Husaynid
Tunisia” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery:
Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Montana, Ismael. “The Origins, Identities and Demographic Profile of the Enslaved
Blacks of Tunisia” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African
Studies Association, 18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Nyamugusha, Jessica Ann. “Fictions of Servitude: Early Modern French Literary Rep-
resentations of Europeans Enslaved in North Africa” (PhD diss., Yale University,
Oualdi, M’hamed. “La construction d’un corps. Les mamelouks des beys de Tunis (du
XVIIe au XIXe siècles)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Séminaire
‘Communauté’, ‘Frontière’, ‘Identité’: la traite et l’esclavage dans les sciences
socials,” Centre de Recherche sur les Esclavages, 14 December 2007, Paris,
Pal, Julie. “In the Hands of Savages: Representations of Female Barbary Captivity in
Anglo-American Narratives, 1722–1818” (PhD diss., University of Virginia,
Ratcliffe, Donald. “Selling Captain Riley: North African Slavery and American
Readers” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British American Nine-
teenth Century History Association, October 2003, Cambridge, England).
Sears, Christine E. “A Different Kind of Slavery: American Captives in Barbary, 1776–
1830” (PhD diss., University of Delaware, 2007).
Snyder-Koerber, MaryAnn. “White Slavery, Wandering Jews, and ‘the cause of
America’: Cosmopolitan Complications in Royall Tyler’s The Algerine Captive”
(Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the American Studies Association,
11 –14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Tobias, Steven Michael. “Engaging in Maghreb: Productions of the Secular/Sacred
within the Context of the United States-Barbary Conflicts” (PhD diss., Univer-
sity of Washington, 2007).

6. Nilotic Sudan and the Horn

La Rue, George. “Following the Enslaved from Sudan to Egypt Using Nineteenth-
Century Medical Sources” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the
African Studies Association, 18–21 October 2007, New York, NY).
McCarthy, James. “From the Nile to the Niger: A Narrative from Nuba” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
646 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Roberts, Richard. “Women, Household Instability, and the End of Slavery in Banamba
and Gumbu, French Soudan, 1905–12,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds.,
Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 281–305.
Rodet, Marie. “Émancipation des esclaves, exodes et relations sexuelles au Soudan
Français: la redéfinition progressive des notions de mariage, de famille et d’appa-
rtenance (1900–1912)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power
and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Sharkey, Heather J. “American Presbyterians, Freedmen’s Missions, and the Legacy of
Slavery in the Nile Valley” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the
American Studies Association, 11–14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).

7. Muslim West Africa

Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Barry, Boubakar. “Esclavage domestique et identité au Fuuta Jallon” (Unpublished

presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cul-
tural Understanding”).
Boyer, Florence. “From the Ambiguity of Terminology to the Complexity of Practices:
The Question of Slavery in a Tuareg Society of South-Western Niger” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions,
Practices, Experiences”).
Brown, Carolyn. “From Slave to Man: Gendered Emancipation Struggles and Coloni-
alism in Southeastern Nigeria 1922–1935” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
O’Hear, Ann. “African Sources for the Study of Slavery and its Aftermath in Ilorin,
Nigeria” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African Studies Associ-
ation, 18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Pierce, Steven. “Unseemly Habits: Statuses of Slavery, Abolition, and Memory in
Northern Nigerian Hausaland” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of
the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Stilwell, Sean. “Attempting Abolition: Royal Slavery and the Failure of the British
Colonial State in Kano, Northern Nigeria” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “The bloody Writing is for ever torn”).

8. Muslim East Africa

Bromber, Katrin. “Mjakazi, Mpambe, Mjoli, Suria: Female Slaves in Swahili Sources,”
in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One, pp. 111–
Kollman, Paul V. “The Evangelization of Slaves in East Africa, 1860–84” (Unpublished
paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7
January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Sheriff, Abdul. “Suria (‘secondary wives’)—The Impact of the Institution in an Islamic
Society of Zanzibar” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and
Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Slavery and Abolition 647

Vander Biesen, Ivan. “Gender and Sexual Relationship on 19th Century Zanzibar”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Vuorela, Ulla. “Freeborn and Slaves in African Philosophy. Studying the Moral Order
of a Tanzanian Village Through Oral Stories” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).

9. Muslim Asia
Mirzai, Behnaz Asl. “The Legacy of Slavery: The Cultural and Religious Practices of
Afro-Iranians” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting
Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Walker, Niambi. “The Social Function of African Enslavement in Qajar Iranian House-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

holds” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The

Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).

10. Other
Ivanics, Mária. “Enslavement, Slave Labour and Treatment of Captives in the Crimean
Khanate,” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders,
pp. 193–220.

VIII. Ancient
1. General and Comparative
Annequin, Jacques. “Esclaves-esclavage, peurs individuelles et peurs socials dans les
Métamorphoses d’Apulée,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement
in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 231–39.
DuBois, Page. “The Coarsest Demand: Utopia and the Fear of Slaves,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 435–44.
Ducrey, Pierre. “Le monde antique est-il basé sur la peur? Peur des esclaves, peur de
l’esclavage dans le monde gréco-romain,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves,
Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 9–20.
Fairey, Emily. “Slavery in the Classical Utopia: A Comparative Study” (PhD diss., City
University of New York, 2006).
Gervás, M. Rodrı́guez. “Enseigner la peur, reproduire la domination. Une approche,”
in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterra-
nean, pp. 337–45.
Harvey, D. “‘The severity of the master, and misery of the slave’: Fears and Evils in
David Hume’s Essay Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 347–60.
Iriarte, Ana. “Une peur colérique ou la résistance tragique des vierges asservies,” in Serghi-
dou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 243–50.
Martı́nez Lacy, Ricardo. “Fear as a Factor in Slave Revolts,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of
Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 35–38.
648 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Mckeown, Niall. Invention of Ancient Slavery? London: Duckworth, 2007.
Plácido, Domingo. “La guerre, la démocratie et la peur de l’esclavage,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 89 –96.
Sebillotte Cuchet, Violaine. “Habiter quelque part: le lien à la terre et la menace de
l’esclavage,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the
Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 395–403.
Serghidou, Anastasia, ed. Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient
Mediterranean¼Peur de l’esclave, peur de l’esclavage en Méditerranée ancienne: dis-
cours, représentations, pratiques: actes du XXIXe colloque du groupe international de
recherche sur l’esclavage dans l’antiquité, GIREA, Rethymnon, 4–7 novembre 2004.
Besançon, France: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

For contents see Annequin, Arnaoutoglou, Bouvier, Brock, Demont, Domı́nguez,

DuBois, Ducrey, Fountoulakis, Gallego, Gamauf, Gervás, Gonzales, Harvey,
Hidalgo, Iriarte, López Barja de Quiroga, Martı́nez Lacy, Mavrogiannis, McKewn,
Paradiso, Parker, Perez Sánchez, Plácido, Prieto, Royen, Sebillotte Cuchet, Serghi-
dou, Thalmann, Tuplin, Valdès Guia, and Zachos.

Thalmann, William. “Despotic Authority, Fear and Ideology of Slavery,” in Serghidou,

ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 193–205.
Tuplin, Christopher. “Fear of Slavery and the Failure of the polis,” in Serghidou, ed.,
Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 57 –74.

2. Ancient Near East

Akkuş, Suzan. “Eski ön asya toplumlarında kölelik müessesesi” (PhD diss., Pamukkale
Üniversitesi, 2007).
Malul, Meir. “What Is the Relationship Between Piercing a Slave’s Ear (Ex. 21:6) and
Circumcising Him within the Passover Sacrifice (Ex. 12: 43 –50)?,” Zeitschrift
Füur Altorientalische Und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 13 (2007), pp. 135–58.
Nordling, John G. “Identity in Christ: Pauline Perspectives on Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, 22nd annual meeting of on Exegetical Theology, 17 January 2007,
Fort Wayne, IN).
Osiek, C., and M. Y. Macdonald. “Female Slaves: Twice Vulnerable,” in C. Osiek and
M. Y. Macdonald, eds., A Woman’s Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity
(Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2006).
Ragen, Asher. “The Neo-Babylonian Sirku: A Social History” (PhD diss., Harvard Uni-
versity, 2007).
Seters, John van. “Law of the Hebrew Slave: A Continuing Debate,” Zeitschrift Fur Die
Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 119, 2 (2007), pp. 169 –83.

3. Greece and Dependencies

Arnaoutoglou, Ilias. “Fear of Slaves in Ancient Greek Legal Texts,” in Serghidou, ed.,
Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 133–44.
Slavery and Abolition 649

Bouvier, D. “La peur de l’esclavage comme peur refoulée dans l’Iliade,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 167–77.
Brock, Roger. “Figurative Slavery in Greek Thought,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves,
Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 209–15.
Demont, P. “La peur et le rire: la perception de l’esclavage dans les Grenouilles d’Aris-
tophane,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient
Mediterranean, pp. 179–92.
Domı́nguez, A. “Fear of Enslavement and Sacred Slavery as Mechanisms of Social
Control Among the Ancient Locrian,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of
Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 405–22.
Fischer, Josef. “Zwischen Partnerschaft und Missbrauch: Unfreiheit und Sexualität im
klassischen Athen” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Hetären und
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Lustknaben, Zwangsprostitution und Sex-Sklaverei”).

Fountoulakis, Andreas. “Punishing the Lecherous Slave: Desire and Power in Heron-
das 5,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Med-
iterranean, pp. 251 –64.
Gallego, J. “Doûlos katà nómon y la idea de hombre en la Grecia clásica,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 75 –88.
Heath, Malcolm. “Aristotle on Natural Slavery” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting
of the Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy, Leeds University, 27 –28
March 2007, Leeds, England).
Heath, Malcolm. “Aristotle’s Theory on Natural Slavery” (Unpublished presentation,
Leeds Classics Department Research Seminar, University of Leeds, 24 January
2007, Leeds, England).
Hunnings, Leanne. “The Paradigms of Slavery: Slave Execution in Homer’s Odyssey”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of
the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Kahane, Ahuvia. “Ethical Modalities and States of the Modern” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of
the Slave Trade Bill”).
Kellow, Margaret. “The Greek Slave: Elision and Disjunction in American Antislavery
Imagery” (Unpublished paper, World Congress of the International American
Studies Association, 20 –23 September 2007, Lisbon, Portugal).
Langerwerf, Lydia. “How C.L.R James Could Have Used the Classics: The Leadership
of Aristomenes in Pausanias’ Messeniaka and Drimakos in Athenaeus’ Deipno-
sophistae, Book 6” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery.
A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Meital, Amir, and Joseph Agassi. “Slaves in Plato’s Laws,” Philosophy of the Social
Sciences, 37, 3 (2007), pp. 315–47.
Millett, Paul. “Aristotle and Slavery in Athens,” Greece & Rome, 54, 2 (2007), pp. 178–
Mori, Anatole. “Masters and Slaves: The Displacement of Authority in Early Hellenis-
tic Literature” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Association of
Ancient Historians, 5–8 May 2005, Columbia, MO).
650 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Nikolsky, Boris. “Euripides’ Cyclops: Concepts of Freedom and Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abol-
ition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Paradiso, Annalisa. “Sur la servitude volontaire des Mariandyniens d’Héraclée du
Pont,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Med-
iterranean, pp. 23 –33.
Patterson, Cynthia. “Other Sorts: Slave, Foreign, and Female Identities in Periclean
Athens,” in Loren J. Samons, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Pericles
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).
Proffitt, Laura. “Menander’s ‘Habrotonon’: The Scholarly Treatment of a Prostituted
Slave” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebra-
tion of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Rankine, Patrice. “Odysseus as Slave? Imagining the Origins of Freedom in Homeric

Greece” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebra-
tion of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Reichardt, Tobias. “Die Abhängigkeit der Frau in der griechischen Philosophie”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Hetären und Lustknaben, Zwang-
sprostitution und Sex-Sklaverei”).
Serghidou, Anastasia. “Les deux temps de la peur. Crainte immédiate et peur d’asser-
vissement prospectif. Le cas d’Hérodote,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of
Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 217–30.
Stawicka, Monika. “Eros und die Unterlegenheitsverhältnisse in der Dionysiaka des
Nonnos aus Panopolis” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Hetären
und Lustknaben, Zwangsprostitution und Sex-Sklaverei”).
Thalmann, William G. “Some Ancient Representations of Slavery” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of
the Slave Trade Bill”).
Valdès Guia, Miriam. “Peur et contrainte des dépendants ratifiées par des pratiques
judiciaires et religieuses: les paysans atimoi de l’Attique archaı̈que,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 99–114.
Wrenhaven, Kelly Joss. “Greek Representations of the Slave Body: A Conflict of Ideas?”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of
the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Zachos, G. “Interference of the City in the Elateian Manumissions,” in Serghidou, ed.,
Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 115–24.
Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel. “Partly Slave, Partly Free: The Legal Status of Manu-
mitted Slaves Under Paramone” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History, 13 –16 November 2003, Washington, DC).

4. Rome and Provinces

Bruun, Christer. “Roman Cognomina and the Question of Servile Descent” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture”).
Slavery and Abolition 651

Chiusi, Tiziana J. “Sklaverei und Recht in Rom” (Unpublished presentation, Wis-

senschafts-Matinee, Universität Des Saarlandes, 11 February 2007, Saarbrücken,
Fitzgerald, William. “The Minimal Addition” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Frielinghaus, Heide. “Listige Sklaven und cholerische Alte: Marmorne Statuetten von
Komödienschauspielern in der römischen Kaiserzeit” (Unpublished presen-
tation, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Mainz, 17 February 2007,
Mainz, Germany).
Frier, Bruce. “Adverse Selection in Market Sales of Roman Slaves” (Unpublished paper,
annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 13 –16 November
2003, Washington, DC).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Gamauf, Richard. “‘Cum aliter nulla domus tuta esse possit. . .’: Fear of Slaves and
Roman Law,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the
Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 145–64.
Gonzales, Antonio. “Peur des affranchis impériaux et compassion envers les affranchis
privés dans l’oeuvre de Pline le Jeune,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of
Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 307–24.
Grubbs, Judith Evans. “The Enslavement of Freeborn Children in the Roman Empire”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History,
19 –21 November 2000, Princeton, NJ).
Harper, J. Kyle. “Slavery in Late Ancient Mediterranean” (PhD diss., Harvard Univer-
sity, 2007).
Hidalgo, Marı́a José. “The Flight of Slaves and Bands of latrones in Apuleius,” in Serghidou,
ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 325–36.
Joshel, Sandra R. “‘With this wet clay, you can make whatever you please’: The Sale of
Slaves in Ancient Rome” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Human
Joshel, Sandra. “Geographies of Slave Containment and Movement” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture”).
Kamen, Deborah. “The Active Slave: Representing Slavery in Martial” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abol-
ition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Kampen, Natalie. “Slavery in the Military: Problems of Iconography” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture”).
Keegan, Peter. “Reading the ‘pages’ of the domus Caesaris pueri delicati, Slave Edu-
cation, and the Graffiti of the Palatine Paedagogium” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture”).
Kleiwegt, Marc. “Cultivating the Memory of Slavery: Trimalchio and the Slave-
Market” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Association of Ancient
Historians, 3–6 May 2007, Princeton, NJ).
Laes, Christian. “Child Labour and Slave Labour in Roman Antiquity” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture”).
652 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Lenski, Noel. “Working Models: Functional Art and the Ancient Conception of
Labour” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Roman Slavery and
Roman Material Culture”).
López Barja de Quiroga, Pedro. “Fear of Freedmen. Roman Republican Laws on Voting
Procedure,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient
Mediterranean, pp. 125–31.
López Barja, Pedro. Esclaves et affranchis á Rome: las relaciones de dependencia en las
Instituciones de Gayo: indice tematico. Besançon, France: Presses universitaires
de Franche-Comté, 2007.
MacDonald, Margaret Y. “Slavery, Sexuality and House Churches: A Reassessment of
Colossians 3.18 –4.1 in Light of New Research on the Roman Family,” New Tes-
tament Studies, 53, 1 (2007), pp. 94–113.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Mavrogiannis, Theodoros. “Rébellions d’esclaves et réactions politiques de 137 à 101

av. J.-C.,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient
Mediterranean, pp. 423–34.
McKeown, Niall. “Had They No Shame? Martial, Statius and Roman Sexual Attitudes
Towards Slave Children,” in Sally Crawford and Gillian Beatrice Shepherd, eds.,
Children, Childhood and Society (Oxford, UK: Archaeopress, 2007), pp. 57 –62.
McKeown, Niall. “The Sound of John Henderson Laughing: Pliny 3.14 and Roman
Slaveowners’ Fear of Their Slaves,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Ensla-
vement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 265–79.
Morales Cara, Manuel. Esclavitud en las colonias romanas de Andalucia. Granada,
Spain: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2007.
Mouritsen, Henrik. “Slavery and Manumission in Two Aristocratic Roman House-
holds” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman
Material Culture”).
Parker, Holt. “Free Women and Male Slaves, or Mandingo Meets the Roman Empire,”
in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterra-
nean, pp. 281–98.
Perry, Matthew J. “Gender and Manumission: Freedwomen in Ancient Rome” (PhD
diss., The University of Chicago, 2007).
Prieto, Arciniega. “Miedo, menosprecio y castigo a los esclavos en el cine de romanos,”
in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterra-
nean, pp. 361–92.
Riviere, Yann. “L’impitoyable traque des esclaves fugitives,” L’histoire, 318 (2007),
pp. 66–71.
Rodger, Alan. “A Very Good Reason for Buying a Slave Woman?,” Law Quarterly
Review, 123 (2007), pp. 447–54.
“Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture” (6th E.T. Salmon Conference on
Roman Studies, McMaster University, 28 –29 September 2007, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada).

For presentations see Bradley, Bruun, Joshel, Kampen, Keegan, Laes, Lenski,
Mouritsen, and Souza.
Slavery and Abolition 653

Rosenthal, Crystal A. “The Depiction of Slaves within Banqueting Imagery of the Early
Empire” (MA thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007).
Roth, Ulrike. Thinking Tools: Agricultural Slavery Between Evidence and Models.
London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University
of London, 2007.
Royen, René van. “Slavery and Conquest,” in Serghidou, ed., Fear of Slaves, Fear of
Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 39 –54.
Sabnis, Sonia Anjali. “Storytelling Slaves and Narrative Resistance in Apuleius’ ‘Meta-
morphoses’” (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2006).
Schumacher, Leonhard. Corpus der römischen Rechtsquellen zur antiken Sklaverei Teil 6.
Stellung des Sklaven im Sakralrecht. Stuttgart, Germany: Steiner, 2007.
Souza, Philip de. “Slavery in the Roman Iconography of War” (Unpublished presen-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

tation, conference on “Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture”).

Sturm, Fritz. “Code noir und römisches Sklavenrecht” (Unpublished presentation,
“Sklaverei - Knechtschaft und Frondienst - Zwangsarbeit,” Universität Trier, 16
May 2007, Trier, Germany).
Thüry, Günther E. “Sexualität und Gewalt im römischen Alltag” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Hetären und Lustknaben, Zwangsprostitution und
Webster, Jane. “Comparative History and the Study of Roman Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, Department of Anthropology, 9 April 2007, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN).

5. Egypt
6. Other
Feldbacher, Rainer. “Sakrale und profane Prostitution im Alten Orient” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Hetären und Lustknaben, Zwangsprostitution und
Perez Sánchez, Dionisio. “Social Domination and Protective Heavens. Dependences
and Withdrawal from the World in the Visigothic Milieu,” in Serghidou, ed.,
Fear of Slaves, Fear of Enslavement in the Ancient Mediterranean, pp. 299–303.

IX. Medieval and Early Modern Europe

1. General and Comparative
Anderson, Bonnie S. “Frauenemancipation and Beyond: The Use of the Concept of
Emancipation by Early European Feminists,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds.,
Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation,
pp. 82–97.
Arias, Santa. “Equal Rights and Individual Freedom: Enlightenment Intellectuals and
the Lascasian Apology for African Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual
meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25
March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
654 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Cluse, Christoph. “Genealogische Entfremdung: Das Beispiel der mediterranen Skla-
verei im Mittelalter” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Hetären und
Lustknaben, Zwangsprostitution und Sex-Sklaverei”).
Drescher, Seymour. “Women’s Mobilization in the Era of Slave Emancipation: Some
Anglo-French Comparisons,” in Sklar and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and
Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation, pp. 98–120.
Forsdick, Charles. “Toussaint Louverture and Abolitionism in Britain and France: The
Ambiguities of Literary Conscription” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “The bloody Writing is for ever torn”).
Glover, John. “Abolition and Emancipation as a Discourse of Colonization and
Control” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The bloody Writing is
for ever torn”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Liu, Tessie P. “Backlash against Emancipation: The Origins of Polygenism and Political
Economy” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The bloody Writing is for
ever torn”).
Salih, Sara. “Filling Up the Space Between Mankind and Ape: Racism, Speciesism and
the Androphilic Ape,” Ariel, 38, 1 (2007), pp. 95–111.
Williams, Dellvin R. “Trajectories: Conceptual Methodological Notes on Slavery and
Servile Labor in the Mediterranean World-Economy from the Eleventh to the
Fifteenth Centuries” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations
of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).

2. Byzantine
3. Italy and Colonies
Aymard, Maurice. “Slaves, Day-Labourers and Share-Croppers: de l’efficacité com-
parée des formes de contrôle du travail dans les campagnes italiennes entre
Moyen-âge et époque moderne” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Legal Bondage and Legal Constraints on Labour Mobility in the Euroasiatic
Parker, Deborah. “The Language of Captivity in Michelangelo’s Letters” (Unpublished
paper, 53rd annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, 22 –24 March
2007, Miami, FL).
Polzonetti, Pierpaolo. “Oriental Tyranny in the Extreme West: Reflections on Amiti e
Ontario and Le Gare Generose,” Eighteenth-Century Music, 4, 1 (2007), pp. 27–
Rothman, Natalie. “Contested Subjecthood: Runaway Slaves in Early Modern Venice”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dia-
logue of Cultural Understanding”).
Ruvoldt, Maria. “Michelangelo’s Slaves and the Gift of Liberty” (Unpublished paper,
52nd annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, 23 –25 March
2006, San Francisco, CA).
Slavery and Abolition 655

Stantchev, Stefan. “Ethnicity, Slavery, Identity, and the Late Medieval ‘Italian’ Legal
Practices” (Unpublished paper, 40th annual International Congress on Medieval
Studies, 5–8 May 2005, Kalamazoo, MI).
Taylor, Julie Anne. “Freedom and Bondage among Muslims in Southern Italy during
the Thirteenth Century,” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 27, 1 (2007),
pp. 71–77.

4. Iberia
Berbel, Márcia Regina, and Rafael de Bivar Marquese. “The Absence of Race: Slavery,
Citizenship, and Pro-Slavery Ideology in the Cortes of Lisbon and the Rio
de Janeiro Constituent Assembly (1821–4),” Social History, 32, 4 (2007),
pp. 415–33.
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Blickle, Peter. “Leibeigenschaft am Ende des Mittel alters. Ein Referenzsystem für den
Umgang mit der Sklavereı́,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische Metaphy-
sik, pp. 287–302.
Blumenthal, Debra. “Maternity, Paternity, and Midwives in Late Medieval Valencia”
(Unpublished paper, 52nd annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of
America, 23 –25 March 2006, San Francisco, CA).
Blumenthal, Debra. “Cosa de mal exemple: Slave Plaintiffs before the Courts” (Unpub-
lished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 7–9
November 2002, San Diego, CA).
Buehler, Helmet. “African Slaves in Portugal,” in Moore, ed., The Dispersion of Africans
and African Culture Throughout the World.
Castro, Hebe Maria Mattos de. “Honor, Status and Slavery in the Portuguese Atlantic
17th Century Wars” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting
Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Eisenberg, José. “Cultural Encounters, Theoretical Adventures: The Jesuit Missions to
the New World and the Justification of Voluntary Slavery,” in Kaufmann and
Schnepf, eds., Politische Metaphysik, pp. 357–84.
Filho, Willis Guerra. “Das theologisch-politische Problem der Versklavung von Farbi-
gen im Denken Pater Antonio Vieiras,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische
Metaphysik, pp. 419 –38.
Fracchia, Carmen. “Constructing the Black Slave in Early Modern Spanish Painting,”
in Tom Nichols, ed., Others and Outcasts in Early Modern Europe: Picturing the
Social Margins (Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007).
Fra-Molinero, Baltasar, and Sue E. Houchins. “From Golden Child to Bride of Christ:
The Experience of an African Nun in Eighteenth-Century Spain” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Kaufmann, Matthias, and Robert Schnepf, eds. Politische Metaphysik: die Entstehung
moderner Rechtskonzeptionen in der spanischen Scholastik. Frankfurt am Main,
Germany: Lang, 2007.

For contents see Blickle, Eisenberg, Filho, Kaufmann, Recknagel, Scattola, Sosoe,
and Tellkamp.
656 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Kaufmann, Matthias. “Luis de Molina über subjektive Rechte, Herrschaft und Skla-
verei,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische Metaphysik, pp. 205 –26.
Lopez, Adrian. “Communities of Immunity in the Iberian Atlantic World” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution,
Mendes, António de Almeida. “Traites ibériques entre Méditerranée et Atlantique: le
Noir au cœur des Empires modernes et de la première mondialisation (ca.
1435–1550),” Anais de História de Além-mar, 6 (2006), pp. 351–87.
Nafafe, Jose Lingna. “Abolitionist Movements in the Portuguese Kingdom and Europe
17th Century: Lourenco Mendoca da Silva, Race, Identity and Difference”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Nafafé, José Lingna. “Race, Identity and Difference: Abolitionist Movements in the
Portuguese Kingdom and 17th-Century Europe—Lourenço Mendonça da
Silva” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Paquette, Gabriel. “Slavery, Abolition and European Immigration in José da Silva
Lisboa’s Political and Economic Thought (c. 1800–1830)” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Scattola, Merio. “Sklaverei, Krieg und Recht. Die Vorlesung über die Regula ‘Peccatum’
von Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische
Metaphysik, pp. 303 –56.
Silleras-Fernández, Núria. “Nigra Sum Sed Formosa: Black Slaves and Exotica in the
Court of a Fourteenth-Century Aragonese Queen,” Medieval Encounters, 13, 3
(2007), pp. 546–65.
Sosoe, Lukas. “Wege zur Menschheit. Zur Diskussion von Valladolid zwischen Las
Casas und Sepulveda,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische Metaphysik,
pp. 385–98.
Sweet, James. “Beyond Slavery: Africanising Iberian Atlantic History” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Tellkamp, Jörg Alejandro. “Über den Zusammenhang von Freiheit und Sklaverei bei
Vitoria und Soto,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische Metaphysik,
pp. 155–76.
Vickery, Paul S. “Gomes Eanes de Zurara, Garcia de Resende and Their Impact upon
Bartolome de las Casas’ View on African Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 10th
Anniversary Mediterranean Studies Congress, Universidade de Évora, 30
May–2 June 2007, Évora, Portugal).
Vose, Robin. “The Case of the Vanishing Moor: Michael Bennazar, Mission and Slavery
in Conquered Mallorca” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the Society
for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 19 –21 April 2007, Miami Beach,
Walker, Timothy D. “Slaves, Chocolate, and the Portuguese Atlantic Colonies, 1730–
1825” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American Society
for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Slavery and Abolition 657

Winter, Rebecca. “From Lactating Madonnas to Enslaved Muslim Women: Breastfeed-

ing in the Medieval Realms of Aragon” (Unpublished paper, 40th annual Inter-
national Congress on Medieval Studies, 5–8 May 2005, Kalamazoo, MI).

5. France
Alexander, William. “‘An indelible stain’: Blacks and the Dynamics of Race in Eight-
eenth Century France” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interroga-
tions of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Bayart, Jean-François. “Les chemins de traverse de l’hegemonie coloniale en Afrique de
l’Ouest francophone: anciens esclaves, anciens combattants, nouveaux musul-
mans.” Politique Africaine, 105 (2007), pp. 201–40.
Boulle, Pierre H. Race et esclavage dans la France de l’Ancien Régime. Paris, France:
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Perrin, 2007.
Chaudhuri, Nupur. “Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais and the Slavery Question”
(Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical Associ-
ation, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Cottias, Myriam, and Arlette Farge, eds. De la nécessité d’adopter l’esclavage en France.
Texte anonyme de 1797. Paris: Bayard, 2007.
Cottias, Myriam. “Ces ‘hommes dangereux’ de 1848. L’amnistie à l’épreuve de l’abol-
ition de l’esclavage,” Genèses, 66 (2007), pp. 30 –50.
Cottias, Myriam. La question noire histoire d’une construction colonial. Paris: Bayard,
Cowles, Mary Jane. “The Subjectivity of the Colonial Subject from Olympe de Gouges
to Mme de Duras,” L’Esprit Créateur, 47, 4 (2007), pp. 29–43.
Dieme, Joseph Claude. “L’inscription du Code noir dans la litterature coloniale et son
evolution dans les litteratures francophones de la diaspora” (PhD diss., The
University of Iowa, 2006).
Gauthier, Florence. Aristocratie de l’épiderme: le combat de la Société des citoyens de
couleur, 1789–1791. Paris: CNRS, 2007.
Kadish, Doris Y. “‘Sarah’ and Antislavery,” L’Esprit Créateur, 47, 4 (2007), pp. 93–104.
Larousse, Pierre, and Françoise Vergés. Nègre, Négrier, Traite des nègres: Trois articles du
Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle. Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule: Bleu
autour, 2007.
Morgenstern, Mira. “Closing the Circle: The Implications of Slavery in the Political
Thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of
the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28
October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Ndoumäi, Pierre. On ne naı̂t pas noir, on le deviant les métamorphoses d’une idéologie
raciste et esclavagiste. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007.
Offen, Karen. “How (and Why) the Analogy of Marriage with Slavery Provided the
Springboard for Women’s Rights Demands in France, 1640–1848,” in Sklar
and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of
Emancipation, pp. 57 –81.
658 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Palmer, Jennifer. “Feminine Authority and Slavery in Eighteenth-Century La Rochelle”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four Corners of the Atlantic,
Palmer, Jennifer. “Slavery and the Letter of the Law: Gender and Race Hierarchies in
Eighteenth-Century La Rochelle” (Unpublished paper, 33rd annual meeting of
the French Colonial Historical Society, 6–10 June 2007, La Rochelle, France).
Palmeri, Frank. “Animal-Human Hybridity and Slavery in Diderot’s ‘D’Alembert’s
Dream’” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society
for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Peabody, Sue. “Seventeenth-Century Missionaries and the Legitimacy of Slavery”
(Unpublished paper, 28th annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical
Society, 15–19 May 2002, New Haven, CT).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Prasad, Pratima. “Intimate Strangers: Interracial Encounters in Romantic Narratives

of Slavery,” L’Esprit Créateur, 47, 4 (2007), pp. 1–15.
Pruitt, Dwain C. “Creating Communities of Color: The Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-
Century Nantais Noirs” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Social
Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006, in Minneapolis, MN).
Pruitt, Dwain C. “‘The opposition of the law to the law’: Race, Slavery, and the Law in
Nantes, 1715–1778,” French Historical Studies, 30, 2 (2007), 147–74.
Pruitt, Dwain. “Nantes Noir: Investigating the Early Modern Black Atlantic World”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four Corners of the Atlantic,
Ramgotra, Manjeet K. “Eighteenth-Century Colonialism, Commerce and the Slave
Trade in Montesquieu’s Republicanism” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Régent, Frédéric. La France et ses esclaves: de la colonisation aux abolitions, 1620–1848.
Paris: Grasset, 2007.
Sicard-Cowan, Hélène. “Désir Colonial et ‘Conscience Historique Authentique’: ‘La
Belle Dorothée’ de Charles Baudelaire,” Nineteenth Century French Studies, 35,
3 (2007), pp. 537 –46.
6. England
Adi, Hakim. “Black People in Britain,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Representing
Slavery, pp. 92–101.
Alexander, Rob. “The Case of Hannah Barnard: A Sea Change in British Quakerism
and Attitudes Toward Abolition” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Amussen, Susan Dwyer. Caribbean Exchanges: Slavery and the Transformation of
English Society, 1640–1700. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina
Press, 2007.
Barclay, John M. G. “‘Am I not a man and a brother?’ Bible and the British Anti-Slavery
Campaign,” Expository Times, 119, 1 (2007), pp. 3–14.
Barrett, I. J. “The Meaning of Liberty, Benjamin Vaughan and the Dilemma of Slavery
in 1790s Britain” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An
Slavery and Abolition 659

Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of

the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Belmonte, Kevin. “‘Light and liberty’: Principles of Human Rights as Expressed in the
Abolitionist Writings of William Wilberforce” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Bindman, David. Mind-Forg’d Manacles: William Blake and Slavery. London: Hayward
Gallery, 2007.
Bossert, A. R., III. “The Golden Chain: Royal Slavery, Sovereignty and Servitude in
Early Modern English Literature, 1550–1688” (PhD diss., University of Mary-
land, College Park, 2006).
Boulukos, George E. “Olaudah Equiano & the Eighteenth-Century Debate on Africa,”
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 40, 2 (2007), pp. 241–55.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Boulukos, George. “The Horror of Hybridity: Enlightenment, Anti-Slavery and Racial

Disgust in Charlotte Smith’s Story of Henrietta (1800),” in Carey and Kitson, eds.,
Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition, pp. 87 –109.
Bressey, Caroline. “The Black Presence in England and Wales after the Abolition Act,
1807–1930,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abol-
ition, Parliament and People, pp. 224–37.
Brown, Christopher Leslie. “Antislavery and the Image of Africa: Information and
Aspiration in the Era of Abolition” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Cairns, John. “Slaves and Slave-Owners in 18th Century Scotland” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the
Carey, Brycchan. “Lost Protests, Hidden Watermarks, and Suspiciously Neat Hand-
writing: Abolitionism in Manuscript” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Chater, Kathy. “Black People in England, 1660–1807,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin,
eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament and People, pp. 66 –83.
Cleall, Esmé. “‘Reconfiguring the British’: Seminars and Commemoration of the
Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave-Trade,” History Workshop Journal, 64
(2007), pp. 456–59.
Coleman, Deirdre. “Henry Smeathman and the Natural Economy of Slavery,” in Carey
and Kitson, eds., Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition, pp. 130–49.
Critchlow, Kenwyn. “Blackened Figures: Art and Politics in the Paintings of Carlisle
Harris,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Desrochers, Robert. “Periphery as Center: Slavery, Print, and Identity in the British
Atlantic” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the
Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Dixon, Lorraine. “The Nature of Black Presence in England Before the Abolition of
Slavery,” Black Theology: An International Journal, 5, 2 (2007), pp. 171–83.
Downes, Melissa. “Rebels or Rabble Juxtaposed: Pirates, Rebelled Slaves, and Anti-
Slavery Discourse in Early Eighteenth-Century British Literature” (Unpublished
660 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century
Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Draper, Nick. “‘Possessing slaves’: Ownership, Compensation and Metropolitan
Society in Britain at the Time of Emancipation 1834–40,” History Workshop
Journal, 64 (2007), pp. 74 –102.
Drescher, Seymour. “British Abolitionism and Abolition Policy during the Age of
Revolution in Comparative Context” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Drescher, Seymour. “‘Emperors of the World’: Abolitionism and British Imperialism”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Atlantic World in the Era of
British Slave Trade Abolition”).
Drescher, Seymour. “Emperors of the World: Abolitionism and Imperialism” (Unpub-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

lished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories,

Meanings, Migrations”).
Dresser, Madge. “Set in Stone? Statues and Slavery in London,” History Workshop
Journal, 64, 1 (2007), pp. 162 –99.
Dresser, Madge. “Remembering Slavery in Bristol” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition
of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Dresser, Madge. “Set in Stone?: Statues and Slavery in London” (Unpublished paper,
annual meeting of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century
Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Dzelzainis, Ella. “‘On the flogging of women’: From Plantation to Factory Slavery in
the Work of Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Englund, Daniel. “Granville Sharp’s Contribution to the British Anti-Slavery Move-
ment” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Eze, Emmanuel. “Equiano and the Enlightenment” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual
meeting of the Social Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006, in
Minneapolis, MN).
Fergus, Claudius. “Abolitionism and the Remodeling of Colonialism” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Finn, Margot. “Slaves and Bastards: Scots and the Indian Empire at Home, c.1780–
1820” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Scotland, Union and
Hall, Edith. “Abolitionists and the Classics in Britain” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave
Trade Bill”).
Hodgson, Lucia. “Social Contract: Children, Slaves, and Race in William Fleetwood’s
Relative Duties” (Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Slavery and Abolition 661

Hodkinson, Steve. “The Image of the Helot in 18th-Century Abolitionist Debates”

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery. A Celebration of
the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Howman, Brian. “Abolitionism in Liverpool,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles,
eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 277–96.
Huzzey, Richard. “‘In the end, the world honours its saints’: Britain’s Anti-Slavery
Anniversaries, 1933–34” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Iwanisziw, Susan B. “Intermarriage in Late-Eighteenth-Century British Literature:
Currents in Assimilation and Exclusion,” Eighteenth-Century Life, 31, 2 (2007),
pp. 56–82.
Jacobs, Editha (Nancy). “Visual Expressions of Slavery and Emancipation, 1700–
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

1834,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).

Jennings, Judith. “Gender, Religion, Liberty and Abolition: Mary Morris Knowles and
Jane Harry Thresher Speak Out” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicenten-
nial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Kaufmann, Miranda. “Africans in Britain 1500–1640: New Evidence of Their
Numbers and Experience” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Kaye, Mike. “The Development of the Anti-Slavery Movement after 1807,” in Farrell,
Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament and
People, pp. 238–58.
Kinealy, Christine. “The Liberator Daniel O’Connell and Anti-Slavery,” History Today,
57, 12 (2007), pp. 51 –57.
Laidlaw, Zoë. “Heathens, Slaves and Aborigines: Thomas Hodgkin’s Critique of Mis-
sions and Anti-Slavery,” History Workshop Journal, 64 (2007), pp. 133–61.
Leask, Nigel. “Robert Burns, Helen Maria Williams, and the Poetics of Abolition”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature,
Slavery and the Archive”).
Livesay, Daniel. “Imagining Difference: Abolition and Mixed Race in the British Atlan-
tic” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplin-
ary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the
British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Livesay, Daniel. “Race and Demography: The Impact of Abolitionism on Mixed-Race
Britons” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Four Corners of the
Atlantic, 1500–2000”).
Lovejoy, Paul. “Equiano, Empire and Slavery: The Scottish Connection” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the
MacDonald, Jamie. “The Relationship of Highland Scots and Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
MacDonald, Joyce Green. “British Slavery: Speech, Writing, Memory,” Eighteenth-
Century Studies, 41, 1 (2007), pp. 107–9.
662 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Margolin, Sam. “‘And freedom to the slave’: Antislavery Ceramics 1787-1865,” Studio
Potter, 35, 2 (2007), pp. 39 –41.
Midgley, Clare. “British Abolition and Feminism in Transatlantic Perspective,” in Sklar
and Stewart, eds., Women’s Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of
Emancipation, pp. 121–39.
Midgley, Clare. “Women and Anti-Slavery in Scotland” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Millette, James. “Abolition, Emancipation and Nation Building: Coincidence or Con-
sequence?” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Molineux, Catherine. “Envisioning Black Freedom in British Graphic Art, 1787–1815”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Morgan, Kenneth. Slavery and the British Empire: From Africa to America. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2007.
Nicholson, Anita C. “Transitional Figures: Literary and Visual Representations of the
Anglo-African in the Mid-Late 18th Century” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Oldfield, John R. Chords of Freedom: Commemoration, Ritual, and British Transatlantic
Slavery. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press 2007.
Pybus, Cassandra. “‘A less favourable specimen’: The Abolitionist Response to Self-
Emancipated Slaves in Sierra Leone, 1793–1808,” in Farrell, Unwin, and
Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament and People, pp. 97 –
Quilley, Geoff. “The Lie of the Land: Slavery and the Aesthetics of Imperial Landscape
in Eighteenth-Century British Art,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Representing
Slavery, pp. 118–35.
Reddie, Richard S. Abolition!: The Struggle to Abolish Slavery in the British Empire.
Oxford: Lion, 2007.
Robinson, Alex. “The Shaping of an Abolitionist, James Stephen 1758–1832” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution,
Rodgers, Nini. Ireland, Slavery and Anti-Slavery: 1612–1865. Basingstoke, UK: Pal-
grave Macmillan, 2007.
Salih, Sara. “Putting Down Rebellion. Witnessing the Body of the Condemned in
Abolition-Era Narratives,” in Carey and Kitson, eds., Slavery and the Cultures
of Abolition, pp. 64 –86.
Schrock, Alice Almond. “An Uncommon Friendship: Wilberforce, Butxton, Gurney
and the Crusade Against Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of
the Southern Historical Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond,
Slavery and Abolition 663

“Scotland, Union and Empire” (Economic History Society Women’s Committee, 18th
annual workshop, University of Edinburgh, 3 November 2007, Edinburgh,
For presentations see Finn, Hamilton, and Swan.

Stanley, Brian. “Baptists, Anti-Slavery and the Legacy of Imperialism,” The Baptist
Quarterly, 42, 4 (2007).
Swaminathan, Srividhya. “Match Made in Heaven: Evangelicism, Antislavery, and
Defining the ‘true’ Christian” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the North-
east American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007,
Dartmouth, NH).
Teakle, Josephine. “Mary Birkett Card: An Early Abolitionist Poet” (Unpublished pres-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

entation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).

Thomas, Sue. “Christianity and the State of Slavery in Jane Eyre,” Victorian Literature
and Culture, 35, 1 (2007), pp. 57–79.
Tomko, Michael. “Abolition Poetry, National Identity, and Religion: The Case of
Peter Newby’s The Wrongs of Almoona,” The Eighteenth Century, 48, 1 (2007),
pp. 25–43.
Torpy, Art. “Samuel Wesley: Early Abolitionist, London, England” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Torrington, Arthur, Rita McLean, Victoria Osborne, and Ian Grosvenor, eds. Equiano:
Enslavement, Resistance and Abolition. Birmingham, UK: Birmingham Museum
& Art Gallery, 2007.
Catalogue to accompany the Equiano exhibition at the Birmingham Museum & Art

Traver, John C. “The Joys of Geophagy: Dirt-Eaters, Slavery, and the British Nation”
(Unpublished paper, 38th annual meeting of the American Society for Eight-
eenth-Century Studies, 22 –25 March 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Wald, Margaret. “Roman Heroics in Addison’s Cato and Edgeworth’s ‘The Grateful
Negro’” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25–28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Walker, Marilyn. “Raging Hearts: Rhetorical Revolt in the Antislavery Verse of Anna
Letitia Barbauld and Helen Maria Williams” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Walker, Paul. “Moses Roper (1815–?): An African-American Baptist in Victorian
England (1835–44),” The Baptist Quarterly, 42, 4 (2007).
Walvin, James. “Emancipation Through Three Men’s Eyes: Newton, Thistlewood and
Equiano” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Walvin, James. Britain’s Slave Empire. Stroud, UK: Tempus, 2007.
Walvin, James. The Trader, the Owner, the Slave: Parallel Lives in the Age of Slavery.
London: Jonathan Cape, 2007.
664 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Ward, Abigail. “Transforming Documents into Monuments: Beryl Gilroy’s Stedman
and Joanna” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic:
Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Ward, Abigail. “‘Words are all I have left of my eyes’: Blinded by the Past in J. M. W
Turner’s ‘Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying’ and David Dabyd-
een’s ‘Turner’,” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 42, 1 (2007), pp. 47–58.
Wood, Marcus. “Popular Graphic Images of Slavery and Emancipation in Nineteenth-
Century England,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Representing Slavery,
pp. 136–53.
Woodward, Donald. “The Early Career of Wilberforce” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Wyatt, David. “A Fugitive Slave in Cardiff: The Narrative of William A. Hall and Welsh
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Anti-Slavery Sentiments 1861–65” (Unpublished presentation, conference on

“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Wyatt, David. “Sex, Sin and Slavery in Early Medieval England” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).

7. Eastern Europe and Russia

Achim, Viorel. “The Slavery of Gypsies in the Romanian Principalities—Some Paral-
lels with Slavery in America” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center
for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 26 November
2007, New Haven, CT).
Bush, Allie. “The Enslavement and Oppression of the Romani Culture” (Unpublished
paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27
October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Hellie, Richard. “Sex, Slavery, and Serfdom in Russian History” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Hruska, Anne. “Love and Slavery: Serfdom, Emancipation, and Family in Tolstoy’s
Fiction,” Russian Review, 66, 4 (2007), pp. 627 –46.
Nógrády, Árpád. “A List of Ransom for Ottoman Captives Imprisoned in Croatian
Castles (1492),” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman
Borders, pp. 27 –34.
Reid-Maroney, Nina. “The Education of Reverend Thomas Hughes: Black Abolition-
ists and the British Anti-Slavery Mission in Dresden, 1859–69” (Unpublished
paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27
October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Riesche, Barbara. “Schöne Mohrinnen, edle Sklaven, schwarze Rächer Schwarzendar-
stellung und Sklavereithematik im deutschen Unterhaltungstheater (1770–
1814)” (PhD diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2007).
Stanziani, Alessandro. “Beyond Serfdom. Legal Bondage and Labour Constraints in
Russia, 17th-19th Century” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Legal
Bondage and Legal Constraints on Labour Mobility in the Euroasiatic Space”).
Slavery and Abolition 665

Szakály, Ferenc. “The Ransom of Ali Bey of Koppány. The Impact of Capturing Slaves
on Trade in Ottoman Hungary,” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along
the Ottoman Borders, pp. 93 –114.
Tringli, István. “Litigations for Ottoman Prisoners of War and the Siege of Buzsin
(1481, 1522),” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman
Borders, pp. 19 –26.
Varga, János J. “Ransoming Ottoman Slaves from Munich (1688),” in Dávid and
Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders, pp. 169–82.

8. Scandinavia
Seaver, Kirsten A. “Thralls and Queens: Female Slavery in the Medieval Norse Atlan-
tic,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume One,
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

pp. 147–67.

9. Other
Fodor, Pál. “Maltese Pirates, Ottoman Captives and French Traders in the Early Seven-
teenth-Century Mediterranean,” in Dávid and Fodor, eds., Ransom Slavery Along
the Ottoman Borders, pp. 221 –37.
Recknagel, Dominik. “Freier Wille und Sklaverei: Die Rechtfertigung der freiwilligen
Unterwerfung aus der grundsätzlichen Vertragsfreiheit des Menschen bei Hugo
Grotius,” in Kaufmann and Schnepf, eds., Politische Metaphysik, pp. 399–418.
Willemsen, Glenn, and Kwame Nimako. “Abolition Without Emancipation: Debating
Freedom on the Eve of the Abolition of Dutch Slavery” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).

X. Other
1. Asia— General and Comparative
Schottenhammer, Angela. “Sex and Forms of Slavery in the East Asian Mediterranean,
15th Through Early 19th Centuries” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under

2. East Asia
Chen, Zhenzhong. Qing tong sheng chan gong ju yu Zhongguo nu li zhi she hui jing ji.
(The Bronze Tools of Production and Chinese Slave Society and Economy.) Beijing:
Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2007.
Hu, Qingjun. Liangshan Yi zu nu li zhi she hui xing tai (Slavery Social Formation of the
Yi Nationality in Liangshan Mountain). Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu
ban she, 2007.
Kangying, Li. “The Decision-Making Process Was Short Cut Underneath Eunuch’s Bed
Sheets” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
666 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Peterson, Mark. “Slaves before the King: What in the World Does a Slave Have to Do to
Get a Little Attention?” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social
Science History Association, 15–18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Samuels, Harriet. “A Human Rights Campaign? The Campaign to Abolish Child
Slavery in Hong Kong 1919–1938,” Journal of Human Rights, 6, 3 (2007),
pp. 361–84.
Tran, Lisa. “Household Matters: Concubines and the Law in Republican China”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).

3. Southeast Asia
Coté, Joost. “‘Garrison whores, concubines and bed mates’: The Unfreedom of Colo-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

nised Women in Java at the Turn of the 20th Century” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Hägerdal, Hans. “Slavarna på Timor: Ofrihet och förnedring i en tidig kolonial miljö,”
Humanetten, 19 (2006), pp. 16 –36.
Jones, Eric A. “Fugitive Women: Slavery and Social Change in Early Modern Southeast
Asia,” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 38, 2 (2007), pp. 215–45.
Jones, Eric. “Kept Women?: Concubinage in the Malay World” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Lessard, Micheline. “‘Cet ignoble trafic’: The Kidnapping and Sale of Vietnamese
Women and Girls in French Indochina, 1890–1945” (Unpublished paper,
32nd annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 17 –20 May
2006, Dakar, Senegal).
Taylor, Jean Gelman. “Visual Impressions of Slavery from Indonesia” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Warren, James Francis. “Japanese Brothel Family: Daily Life and Clients in Singapore
and Southeast Asia, 1880–1921” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
4. Indian Subcontinent
Breman, Jan. Labour Bondage in West India: From Past to Present. New Delhi, India:
Oxford University Press, 2007.
Chatterjee, Indrani. “Global Slavery Without South Asian Slaves?” (Unpublished
paper, 121st annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7
January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Joshi, Citra. “Public Works and the Question of ‘unfree’ Labour in Nineteenth Century
India” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Legal Bondage and Legal
Constraints on Labour Mobility in the Euroasiatic Space”).
Slavery and Abolition 667

Sharma, Karuna. “Love, Sex and Power Relations at Mughal Haram” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Yimene, Ababu Minda. “Dynamics of Ethnic Identity Among the Siddis of Hydera-
bad,” African & Asian Studies, 6, 3 (2007), pp. 321–45.

5. Oceania
Horne, Gerald. The White Pacific: US Imperialism and Black Slavery in the South Seas
after the Civil War. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007.

6. Amerindian
Adams, Melissa. “Transporting Possibilities: Reading Cultural Difference in Captivity
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Narratives,” in Lurdos and Misrahi-Barak, eds., Transport(s) in the British Empire

and the Commonwealth, pp. 421–41.
Amponsah, Sandra. “The Ute Indians and the Southwest Slave Trade” (Unpublished
paper, 50th annual meeting of the Missouri Valley History Conference, 1–3
March 2007, Omaha, NE).
Barr, Juliana. “Women and a Chattel Principle of Indian Enslavement” (Unpublished
paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29
March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Bossy, Denise Ileana. “The ‘noble savage’ in Chains: Indian Slavery in Colonial South
Carolina, 1670–1735” (PhD diss., Yale University, 2007).
Castro, Robert Francis. “After the Slavers: Law, Liberation and Captive-Taking in the
New Mexican Borderlands,” Slavery & Abolition, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 369–86.
Ethridge, Robbie. “Shatter Zone: The European Invasion and the Transformation of
the Southeastern Indians” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the
Organization of American Historians, 29 March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis,
Foster, W. H. “The Frontiersman and His Two Feudal Ladies: The Narrative Captivities
of John Gyles in 1690s Acadia” (Unpublished paper, 28th annual meeting of the
French Colonial Historical Society, 15 –19 May 2002, New Haven, CT).
Guasco, Michael. “To ‘doe some good upon their countrymen’: The Paradox of Indian
Slavery in Early Anglo-America,” Journal of Social History, 41, 2 (2007), pp. 389–
Hudson, Angela Pulley. “Reading Between the Lines: Creeks, Slaves, and Settlers on the
Borders of the United States South, 1790s –1820s” (PhD diss., Yale University,
Karahasan, Devrim. “Indian Concubines into Wives: Encouragement and Prohibition
of White-Indian Mixed Marriages in New France: Attitudes of French Metropo-
litan and Colonial Authorities 1633 to 1808” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
668 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Krauthamer, Barbara. “The Power of Possession” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual
meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 31 October–3 November
2007, Richmond, VA).
McKisick, Derrick D. “A Separate Peace: Emancipation and Citizenship in the Choctaw
Nation” (PhD diss., University of Arkansas, 2007).
Rivaya-Martinez, Joaquin. “Captivity and Adoption Among the Comanche Indians,
1700–1875” (PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2006).
Rushforth, Brett. “Indian Slavery and Western Expansion in New France” (Unpub-
lished paper, 28th annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society,
15 –19 May 2002, New Haven, CT).
Rushforth, Brett. “Indigenous and Atlantic Slaveries in the New World” (Unpublished
paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).

Snyder, Christina. “Conquered Enemies, Adopted Kin, and Owned People: The Creek
Indians and Their Captives,” Journal of Southern History, 73, 2 (2007), pp. 255–
Snyder, Christina. “Native Southerners and Their ‘owned people’: Captivity and
Slavery” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical
Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).

7. Indian Ocean (Mascarenes Islands, etc.)

Allen, Richard B. “Free Women of Color and Socioeconomic Marginality in Mauritius,
1767–1830,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery. Volume
One, pp. 359–78.
Alpers, Edward A., Gwyn Campbell, and Michael Salman, eds. Resisting Bondage in
Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. London: Routledge, 2007.

For relevant contents see Campbell, Campbell/Alpers/Salman, Declich, Denis,

Knight, and Worden.

Alpers, Edward. “The Diversity of Experiences in African Slavery of the Indian Ocean
World” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery:
Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Boyer-Rossol, Klara. “Les Makoa en pays sakalava. Entre intégration et marginalisa-
tion: le maintien des frontières identitaires” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Séminaire ‘Communauté’, ‘Frontière’, ‘Identité’: la traite et l’esclavage
dans les sciences socials,” Centre de Recherche sur les Esclavages, 14 December
2007, Paris, France).
Bunwaree, Sheila. “Memory and Reparations – Creoles in the Mauritian Miracle”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Campbell, Gwyn, Edward A. Alpers, and Michael Salman. “Resisting Bondage in the
Indian Ocean World: Introduction,” in Alpers, Campbell, and Salman, eds.,
Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia, pp. 1–9.
Slavery and Abolition 669

Campbell, Gwyn. “Female Slave Agency in the Indian Ocean World” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cul-
tural Understanding”).
Declich, Francesca. “Unfree Labour, Forced Labour and Resistance Among the Zigula
of the Lower Juba,” in Alpers, Campbell, and Salman, eds., Resisting Bondage in
Indian Ocean Africa and Asia, pp. 24 –39.
Denis, Isabelle. “Forced Labour and the 1856 Revolt on Mayotta,” in Alpers, Camp-
bell, and Salman, eds., Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia,
pp. 40 – 48.
Denis, Isabelle. “Le mutisme à Mayotte: tabou des comportements sexuels dans une
société musulmane au temps de la colonisation française (1843–1945)” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).

Donovan, Ken. “Slaves in Isle Royale, 1713–1758” (Unpublished paper, 27th annual
meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, 30 May–2 June, East
Lansing and Detroit, MI).
Donovan, Kenneth. “Slavery and Freedom in Ile Royale: A North Atlantic Perspective,
1713–1758” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the French Colonial
Historical Society, 17 –20 May 2006, Dakar, Senegal).
Eve, Prosper. Les esclaves de Bourbon, la mer et la montagne. Paris: Karthala, 2003.
Knight, G. Roger. “Sugar and Servility: Themes of Forced Labour, Resistance and
Accommodation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Java,” in Alpers, Campbell,
and Salman, eds., Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia,
pp. 69 – 81.
Larson, Pier M. “Enslaved Malagasy and ‘Le travail de la parole’ in the Pre-Revolution-
ary Mascarenes,” Journal of African History, 48, 3 (2007), pp. 457–79.
Larson, Pier M. “Malagasy at the Mascarenes: Publishing in a Servile Vernacular Before
the French Revolution,” Comparative Studies in Society & History, 49, 3 (2007),
pp. 582–610.
Larson, Pier M. “Ocean of Letters: Malagasy Refugees and Letter Writing in the
Western Indian Ocean, 1830–1850” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
McAleer, John. “‘The slavery question in Eastern Africa’: Representations of Indian
Ocean Slavery and Its Abolition from the Collection of the National Maritime
Museum” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Mussard, Fred. Rutile, esclave à Bourbon. Sainte-Marie, Réunion: Azalées, 2003.
Romaine, Alain. Les souliers de l’abolition: ile Maurice, 1830–1840: quand les esclaves
chausserent la liberté. Beau Bassin, République de Maurice: Editions Marye-
pike, 2007.
Rosunee, Pritilah. “Enslavement and Sex in 18th Century Isle de France” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
670 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
8. Modern
Alhuwail, Hadeel. “Media Coverage of Slavery in the Modern World: A Study on the
Abuse of Female Domestic Servants in Kuwait and How Kuwaiti Print Journal-
ism Deals with Coverage of Abuse of Female Domestic Servants” (MA thesis,
University of Arkansas, 2006).
Anker, Christien van den. “Global Ethics and Contemporary Slavery,” Global Social
Policy, 7, 1 (2007), pp. 6–10.
Ariela J. Gross, “When Is the Time of Slavery? The History and Politics of Slavery in
Contemporary Legal Argument” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History, 25 –28 October 2007, Tempe, AZ).
Bales, Kevin, and Zoe Trodd. “Afterword: ‘All of it is now’,” in Christopher, Pybus, and
Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages, pp. 222–34.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Bales, Kevin. Ending Slavery: How We Free Today’s Slaves. Berkeley: University of Cali-
fornia Press, 2007.
Balibar, Étienne. “Justice, Equality, Difference” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Human Trafficking”).
Basu, Arnab K., and Nancy H. Chau. “An Exploration of the Worst Forms of Child
Labor: Is Redemption a Viable Option?,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying
Freedom, pp. 37 –76.
Batstone, David B. Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade—And How We
Can Fight It. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2007.
Benjamin, Coralee A.“Trauma Treatment for Victims of Human Trafficking,” in
McDonald and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Bhandari, Sudhanshu. “Forms of Servitude in Modern India: A Glimpse into Bonded
Labour and Sex Slavery in Contemporary India” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Blagbrough, Jonathan. “Child Domestic Labour—Worldwide” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Blagbrough, Jonathan. “‘They respect their cattle more’: Child Domestic Labour—a
Modern Form of Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, Wilberforce Institute for
the Study of Slavery and Emancipation, 11 October 2007, Hull, England).
Booth, Cherie. “Human Rights and Modern Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Bowe, John. Nobodies: Modern American Slave Labor and the Dark Side of the New
Global Economy. New York: Random House, 2007.
Bunzl, Martin. “The Next Best Thing,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom,
pp. 235–48.
Burley, David Allen. “Traffic,” in McDonald and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives
Cacchioli, Romana. “Anti-Slavery Advocacy with African Governments and Regional
Institutions” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African Trajectories of
Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Slavery and Abolition 671

Camiscioli, Elisa. “The Color of ‘white slavery’: Embodied Migrations in the Early
Twentieth Century” (Unpublished paper, 53rd annual meeting of the Society
for French Historical Studies, 15 –17 March 2007, Houston, TX).
Cayless, Heather Anne. “Human Trafficking Against Refugees,” in McDonald and
Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Chang, Edward T., and Kim Min Young. “Transportation of Korean Slave Laborers
During World War II: Kanfu Ferries,” East Asia: An International Quarterly,
24, 1 (2007), pp. 69 –85.
Cheng, Emily. “Orientalist Vigilantism: Rescuing the ‘sex slave’ as Post 9/11 Human
Rights” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the American Studies
Association, 11–14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Conning, Jonathan, and Michael Kevane. “Freedom, Servitude, and Voluntary Con-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

tracts,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 108–40.

Corriveau-Bourque, Alexandre. “Child Soldiers in the Conflict Zones of Eastern
Africa” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery:
The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Cumings, Bruce. “Why Memory Lingers in East Asia,” Current History, 107, 701
(2007), pp. 257–62.
Cutts, Kyle. “A Modicum of Recovery: How Child Sex Tourism Constitutes Slavery
under the Alien Tort Claims Act,” Case Western Reserve Law Review, 58, 1
(2007), pp. 277–310.
Davidson, Julia O’Connell. “New Slavery, Old Binaries” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Human Trafficking”).
Degorge, Barbara. “Modern Day Slavery in the Gulf ” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
DeStefano, Anthony M. The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2007.
Dim, Lian Pansy K. “Trafficking and Women’s Issues: Information Worldwide,” in
McDonald and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Dodge, Raquel Elias Ferreira. “Freedom Matters: Breaking the Shield of Private Power
to Protect Fundamental Rights in Contemporary Slavery in Brazil” (LL.M.
thesis, Harvard Law School, 2007).
Engerman, Stanley. “Slavery, Freedom, and Sen,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying
Freedom, pp. 77 –107.
Enhuber, Tamara. “Contentious Politics on Bonded Labour in India. Dynamics of
Identity, Opportunity Structures and Modernity in the Process of Mobilization,
Emancipation and Abolition” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Erskine, Samatha Elena. “Slavery’s Echo in the Lives of Black Erotic Laborers: Racism,
Stigma, and the Politics of Respectability” (MA thesis, Sarah Lawrence College,
Esembe, Beryl. “Tricks of the Trafficker in the Modern Sex Slave Traffic” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
672 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Evans, Nicholas J. “Directed Philanthropy: Jewish Agencies & Preventing White Slavery”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Evers, Sandra. “Lure of the Impure: Sexuality, Gender and Agency of ‘slave’ Girls in
Contemporary Madagascar” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex,
Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Fleischauer, Amy. “Can It Happen Here? Human Slavery in WNY” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Human Trafficking”).
Glasgow, Jacqueline N. “Life in Sudan: From Slavery to Freedom,” in Jacqueline
N. Glasgow and Linda J. Rice, eds., Exploring African Life and Literature: Novel
Guides to Promote Socially Responsive Learning (Newark, DE: International
Reading Association, 2007), pp. 51–72.
Goff, Robert K. Finding Karishma: Modern-Day Slavery and the New Abolition Move-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

ment. Rocklin, CA: Pascoe Publishing, 2007.

Goldhammer, Ami Lynn. “Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation” (MA thesis,
California State University, Long Beach, 2006).
Greengus, Samuel. “The Selling of Slaves in Near Eastern Law Codes and Contempor-
ary Contracts: Continuity of Tradition Across Boundaries of Genre, Time, and
Place” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for Legal
History, 16–19 November 2006, Baltimore, MD).
Guardado, Candida Ledy. “Child Trafficking,” in McDonald and Sauerland, eds.,
Setting the Captives Free.
Henderson, Katherine Elizabeth. “End the Cycle,” in McDonald and Sauerland, eds.,
Setting the Captives Free.
Hodge, David R., and Cynthia A. Lietz. “The International Sexual Trafficking of
Women and Children: A Review of the Literature,” Affilia: Journal of Women
& Social Work, 22, 2 (2007), pp. 163 –74.
Huda, Sigma. “‘Gender-enslavement’, Sexual Violence and Trafficking in the South
Asian Societies” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and
Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
“Human Trafficking” (University at Buffalo Humanities Institute Annual Conference,
26 –27 October 2007, Buffalo, NY).
For presentations see Balibar, Davidson, Fleischauer, Joshel, Khan, LaCapra, and

Jeffreys, Sheila. “Euphemism and Sexual Slavery: Trafficking in Women Becomes

‘migration for labour’ in the Twenty First Century” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under
Jobe, Alison. “How Do UK Asylum and Immigration Policies Interact with Trafficking
Victim/Survivor’s Ability to Seek or Receive Help and Assistance in the UK
Context?” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Jok, Jok Madut. “Slavery and Slave Redemption in the Sudan,” in Kwame and Bunzl,
eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 143–57.
Slavery and Abolition 673

Jok, Jok Madut. “‘They call us animals’, Testimonies of Abductees and Slaves in Sudan,”
in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 259–67.
Joshi, Vandana. “The Doll’s House, Slave Maids, and Wartime Citizenship in Nazi
Germany” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Great Lakes
History Conference, 20 –21 October 2006, Grand Rapids, MI).
Karlan, Dean S., and Alan B. Krueger. “Some Simple Analytics of Slave Redemption,”
in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 9–19.
Keely, Karen A. “Sexual Slavery in San Francisco’s Chinatown: ‘Yellow peril’ and ‘white
slavery’ in Frank Norris’s Early Fiction,” Studies in American Naturalism, 2, 2
(2007), pp. 129–49.
Kempadoo, Kamala. “The War on Human Trafficking in the Caribbean,” Race & Class,
49, 2 (2007), pp. 79 –85.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Kenny, Michael A. “Essay on Human Trafficking and the Role Religion Can Play in
Freeing Slaves and Developing the Economy in Afghanistan,” in McDonald
and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Kershen, Anne. “Workshop Slavery in Late Nineteenth Century Britain – Myth or
Reality?” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Khan, Irene Zubaida. “The Rule of Law and the Politics of Fear: Human Rights in the
Twenty-First Century” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Human
Kim, Youngbee. “Human Trafficking and the Global Banking System,” in McDonald
and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Korsieporn, Kanjapat. “The Thin Line Between Free and Forced Labor: Female
Migrant Workers from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos in Thailand” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of
Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
LaCapra, Dominick. “Humans and Other Animals” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Human Trafficking”).
Leary, Kelly Francis. “Combating Human Trafficking in Turkey,” in McDonald and
Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Leppänen, Katarina. “Movement of Women: Trafficking in the Interwar Era,” Women’s
Studies International Forum, 30, 6 (2007), pp. 523 –33.
Letourneau, Krystal Jane. “Attitudes of Human Trafficking in Nevada” (MA thesis,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2007).
Lewis, Kay Wright. “Visions of Violence, the Revival of the African Slave Trade”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Mem-
ories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Lin, YingChun. “Globalisation and Sex Trafficking: The Changing of Trafficking for
Sex Exploitation in Taiwan” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Luret, William. Vilamégbo: enfants d’Afrique en esclavage. Paris: Carriére, 2007.
Machen, Emily. “Traveling with Faith: Religious Women and the Struggle Against
White Slavery in Early Twentieth-Century France” (Unpublished paper, 53rd
674 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, 15–17 March 2007,
Houston, TX).
Mansoor, Farkhanda Zia. “Child Domestic Labour: Practice Similar to Slavery”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Markovits, Claude. “Free or Unfree?: The Circulation of Commercial Manpower in a
Worldwide Merchant Network from South Asia in the First Half of the 20th
Century” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Legal Bondage and Legal
Constraints on Labour Mobility in the Euroasiatic Space”).
Masurovsky, Marc. “Patterns of Persecution during the Holocaust: The Deportation of
Jewish Slave Laborers, 1940–1945” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of
the Social Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006, in Minneapolis, MN).
Mazumdar, Sucheta. “Localities of the Global: Asian Migrations between Slavery and
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Citizenship,” International Review of Social History, 52, 1 (2007), pp. 124–33.

McDonald, Olivia M., and Renee Sauerland, eds. Setting the Captives Free: A Compi-
lation of Essays for the Abolition of Modern Slave Trade Worldwide. Portsmouth,
VA: CADIPS Press, 2007.
For contents see Benjamin, Burley, Cayless, Dim, Guardado, Henderson, Kenny,
Kim, Leary, Pough, Sauerland, and Wagner.

McDougall, E. Ann. “Dilemmas in the Practice of Rachat in French West Africa,” in

Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 158–78.
McGary, Howard. “The Moral Quandary of Slave Redemption,” in Kwame and Bunzl,
eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 225–34.
Mhina, Christine. “Sexual Enslavement and Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of
Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Mtengeti-Migiro, Rose. Shine Light on Today’s Crimes against Humanity While Pre-
venting Recurrence, Says Deputy Secretary-General in Remarks to Commemoration
of Slave Trade Abolition: [Remarks, at the General Assembly Commemoration of
the 200th Anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, New York, 26 March
2007]. New York: UN Dept. of Public Information, 2007.
Muftic, Maja. “Human Trafficking—Victims of Modern Slavery and Social Changes”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Nanu, Cezara. “Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings: The Case of Moldova”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Newman, Aubrey. “Jewish Aspects of the Transatlantic White Slave Traffic” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Olaniyi, Rasheed. “Child Trafficking and Slavery in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis of
the 1930s and the 1990s” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African
Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Oosterveld, Valerie. “Sexual Slavery, the “Gender” Definition and Gender-Based
Persecution in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. . .” (JSD
thesis, Columbia University, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 675

Otele, Olivette. “Cameroonian Women Struggling Against a Few Traditional Praxis”

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Winds of Change—Women and
Pangsapa, Piya. “Enslavement in Thailand: Southeast Asia as the Microcosm of 21st
Century Slavery,” Global Social Policy, 7, 1 (2007), pp. 10–14.
Pimenta, Ana, and Lisa Tortell. “Colonialism, Forced Labour and the ILO; Portugal
and the 1st ILO Commission of Inquiry” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual
meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007,
Porto, Portugal).
Pogany, Istvan. “Jewish Slave Labourers in ‘greater’ Hungary during World War II”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Poudel, Meena. “Social Rejection on Trafficked Women in Nepal: Boundaries of
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Freedom and Coercion—Gender Dimension?” (Unpublished presentation,

conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Pough, Crystal L. “Foreign Aid Connection,” in McDonald and Sauerland, eds., Setting
the Captives Free.
Quirk, Joel. “Trafficked into Slavery,” Journal of Human Rights, 6, 2 (2007), pp. 181–
Reitz, Jessica. “Documenting Modern Slavery in India,” Kennedy School Review, 7
(2007), pp. 15 –19.
Rogers, Carol Ann, and Kenneth A. Swinnerton. “Slave Redemption When It Takes
Time to Redeem Slaves,” in Kwame and Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom, pp. 20 –36.
Rosales, Anna Marie. “A Study of the Perceptions of Professionals in the Combat
Against Slavery and Trafficking of Women and Children Across Borders:
United States of America and United Mexican States” (MSW thesis, California
State University, Long Beach, 2007).
Sato, Shigeru. “Forced Prostitution for the Japanese Military during World War Two”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The
Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Sauerland, Rene. “Implementation of Alternatives for the Elimination of Transna-
tional Human Trafficking – A Crucial Element in the United States War on
Terror,” in McDonald and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
Schultz, Lynette. “Contemporary Child Slavery and Education for Social Justice:
Organizational and Institutional Analysis” (PhD diss., University of Alberta
(Canada), 2007).
Sencer, Caroline. “Enslavement of Women under Japan’s Licensed Prostitution System
in the Modern Period” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power
and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Shigekane, Rachel. “Rehabilitation and Community Integration of Trafficking Survi-
vors in the United States,” Human Rights Quarterly, 29, 1 (2007), pp. 112–36.
Tidjani-Alou, Mahaman. “Towards an Anthropology of the Struggle Against Slavery:
The Case of Anti-Slavery NGOs in Niger” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
676 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Trodd, Zoe, and Kevin Bales. “Sex and Power and 21st Century Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal
Relations under Enslavement”).
Uyanga, Roseline. “Slavery, Sex and Power: An Overview of Structures and Trends in
21st Century Nigeria – West Africa” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Sex, Power and Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Voorhout, Jill Coster van. “European Council Framework Decision on Combating
Human Trafficking and Its Implementation by the EU Member States” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Wagner, Melissa Jay. “Legal Tools for Dismantling Human Trafficking,” in McDonald
and Sauerland, eds., Setting the Captives Free.
We Were Sex Slaves of the Japanese Military. Seoul: Institute for Research in Collabor-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

ationst Activities, 2007.

Wilderson, Frank B., III. “The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) Scandal,” in Joy
James, ed., Warfare in the American Homeland: Policing and Prison in a Penal
Democracy (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007).
Wilkinson, Mick. “Modern Slavery: A UK Perspective” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Woolman, Stu, and Michael Bishop. “Down on the Farm and Barefoot in the Kitchen:
Farm Labour and Domestic Labour as Forms of Servitude,” Development
Southern Africa, 24, 4 (2007), pp. 595–606.
Worthen, Miranda. “Slave or Slut? Approaches to Sex Trafficking and Domestic Pros-
titution in Nepal” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and
Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Yamamoto, Eric K. “What’s Next? Japanese American Redress and African American
Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in
the United States, pp. 411 –26.

9. Representations and Legacies

Acheampong, Isaac. “WHO IS FREE? Arts Project Exploring Links with the Transat-
lantic Slave Trade Through Art of Film/Video” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Adedze, Agbenyega. “Icons of Slavery: Commemorative Postage Stamps from Africa,
the Americas and Europe” (Unpublished paper, World Congress of the Inter-
national American Studies Association, 20 –23 September 2007, Lisbon,
Adi, Hakim. “The Bicentenary: Celebration, Commemoration, or ‘Wilberfest’?”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Aboli-
tions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International
Alderman, Derek H., and Rachel Campbell. “Symbolic Excavation and the Memory
Work of Remembering Slavery in the American South: Observations from
Walterboro, South Carolina” (Unpublished paper, 62nd annual meeting of the
Slavery and Abolition 677

Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers, 18 –20

November 2007, Charleston, SC).
Alonso-Breto, Isabel. “Reenacting History: The Underground Railroad Live!,” in
Lurdos and Misrahi-Barak, eds., Transport(s) in the British Empire and the
Commonwealth, pp. 225–39.
America, Richard. “The Theory of Restitution: The African American Case,” in Martin
and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 160–69.
Anderson, Sam, Muntu Matsimela, and Yusuf Nuruddin. “The Reparations Move-
ment: An Assessment of Recent and Current Activism,” in Martin and Yaquinto,
eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 427–46.
Antoine-Dunn, Jean, and Bruce Paddington. “Filmic Representations of the Abolition-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

ist Movement,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).

Anzah, Nehemiah Mande. “Appropriation of History in Some Francophone African
and Caribbean Novels” (PhD diss., The University of Iowa, 2007).
Axiotou, Georgia. “Ayi Kewi Armah’s Fragments: Resisting Forgetfulness, Re-Staging
Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisci-
plinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of
the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Baum, Robert. “Tradition and Resistance in Ousmane Sembene’s Films Emitai and
Ceddo,” in Vivian Bickford-Smith and Richard Mendelsohn, eds., Black and
White in Colour: African History on Screen (Oxford: James Currey, 2007),
pp. 41–58.
Beckford, Robert. “Bicentennial Dub: From Absolution to Redemption” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicen-
tenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Benjamin, Richard. “The Development of the International Slavery Museum”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Bernabei, Franca. “‘Marooned in the diaspora’, Dionne Brand’s Poetics of Pleasure and
Distress” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora in the
South and the Caribbean”).
Berry, Charlotte, and Lucy MacKeith. “Colliding Worlds in the Curatorial Environ-
ment: The Archivist and the Activist” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Winds of Change – Women and Slavery”).
Biondi, Martha. “The Rise of the Reparations Movement,” in Martin and Yaquinto,
eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 255–69.
Bittker, Boris L., and Roy L. Brooks. “The Constitutionality of Black Reparations,” in
Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 143–59.
Boelhower, William. “Figuring Out Frederick Douglass’s The Heroic Slave” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora in the South and the
678 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Boissonnault, Courtney. “Dancing Up A Nation: Paule Marshall’s Praisesong for the
Widow” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora in the
South and the Caribbean”).
Bolner, James. “Toward a Theory of Racial Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds.,
Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 134–42.
Brown University. Response of Brown University to the Report of the Committee on
Slavery and Justice. Providence, RI: Brown University, 2007. Available online at
Brown, Kimberly Juanita. “Black Rapture: Sally Hemings, Chica Da Silva, and the Slave
Body of Sexual Supremacy,” Women’s Studies Quarterly, 35, 1/2 (2007),
pp. 45–66.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Brown, Michael K., et al. “Race Preferences and Race Privileges,” in Martin and
Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 55–90.
Browne, Robert S. “The Economic Basis for Reparations to Black America,” in Martin
and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 238–
Burt, Robert A. “Overruling Dred Scott: The Case for Same-Sex Marriage,” Widener
Law Journal, 17, 1 (2007), pp. 73 –95.
Buzinde, Christine N. “Representational Politics of Plantation Tourism: The Case of
the Hampton Plantation” (PhD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana- Cham-
paign, 2006).
Campbell, Christian. “On the Plane From London to Paris, I Think of My Dead
Grandfather’s Face,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Campbell, James T. “Confronting the Legacy of Slavery and the Slave Trade – Brown
University Investigates Its Painful Past,” UN Chronicle, 44, 3 (2007).
Campbell, James T. “Navigating the Past: Reflections on Brown University’s Steering
Committee on Slavery and Justice” (Unpublished presentation, Imagining
America National Conference, Syracuse University, 7–8 September 2007, Syra-
cuse, NY).
Carrie, Shirley. “Acts of Remembrance: Commemoration and the Literature of the
Black Diaspora” (PhD diss., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2006).
Celauro, Christopher Charles. “Representations of Slavery in Washington, D.C.: A
Case Study on Presenting Slavery at Dumbarton House” (MA thesis, The Amer-
ican University, 2006).
Chambers, Eddie. “Remembering the Crack of the Whip: Some Images of Slavery in
the Recent Work of Black British Artists” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “The Legacies of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Conde, Mary. “Legacy of Slavery in Andrea Levy’s Small Island” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Cooper, Carolyn. “Erotic Maroonage: Embodying Emancipation in Jamaican Dance-
hall Culture” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies of Slavery
and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Slavery and Abolition 679

Copeland, Huey. “Bound to Appear: Figures of Slavery in the Art of Glenn Ligon,
Lorna Simpson, and Fred Wilson” (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley,
Corlett, J. Angelo. “Reparations to African Americans?,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds.,
Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 170–98.
Corley, Íde. “‘Cargo culture’: Youth, Displacement and Pan-Africanist Fantasy in Ayi
Kwei Armah’s Fragments” (Unpublished paper, 1st biennial conference of the
Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, 29 June –2 July 2005,
London, England).
Cozier, Chris. “‘From here I saw what happened and I cried’: Slavery in Contemporary
Art and Popular Culture” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of
Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Cumberbatch, Malcolm. “The Legacy of Slavery: Identity Crisis, Stigma and Low Self-
Esteem in the African Diaspora” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Dacres, Petrina. “Redemption Song: Remembering the Slave Past” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual
Darity, William, Jr., and Dania Frank. “The Political Economy of Ending Racism and
the World Conference Against Racism: The Economics of Reparations,” in
Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 249–54.
Davis, Adrienne D. “The Case for U.S. Reparations to African Americans,” in Martin
and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 371–
De Prospo, Richard C. “Talking Back to the Masters from Douglass through Malcolm
to Spike Lee and Sanyika Shakur” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of
the Great Lakes History Conference, 26–27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Dempsey, Anna M. “Spectacular Spaces: Museums and the Representation of the
Middle Passage” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
DuBois-Shaw, Gwendolyn. “Creoles, Krewes, and Quadroon Balls: ‘The Louisiana
Project’ by Carrie Mae Weems” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Durkin, Anita. “Object Written, Written Object: Slavery, Scarring, and Complications
of Authorship in ‘Beloved’,” African American Review, 41, 3 (2007), pp. 541–56.
Dye, Keith. “Constructing a History of African-American Reparations Efforts”
(Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference,
20 –21 October 2006, Grand Rapids, MI).
Dye, Keith. “The Detroit Beginnings of the Black Manifesto for Reparations Contro-
versy, 1968–1969” (PhD diss., The University of Toledo, 2007).
Edwin, Marl’ene. “‘Yu tink I mad, Miss?’: Language of Madness and the Post-Slavery
Text with Particular Reference to Olive Senior’s Discerner of Hearts and Other
680 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Stories” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Writing, Diaspora and the
Legacy of Slavery”).
Engerman, Stanley. “Reparations” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Race,
Memory and Reclamation: ‘There are years that ask questions and years that
Finley, Cheryl. “‘It’s part of my DNA’: The Embedded Life of the Slave Ship Icon”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of Sight: New World Slavery
and the Visual Imagination”).
Flagel, Nadine. “Resonant Genres and Intertexts in the Neo-Slave Narratives of Caryl
Phillips, Octavia Butler, and Lawrence Hill” (PhD diss., Dalhousie University
(Canada), 2006).
Flavin, Jeanne. “Slavery’s Legacy in Contemporary Attempts to Regulate Black
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Women’s Reproduction,” in Bosworth and Flavin, eds., Race, Gender, and Pun-
ishment, pp. 95 –114.
Francis, Jacqueline. “The Brookes Slave Ship Icon in Modern and Contemporary Art”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Aboli-
tions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International
French, Wesley. “Shifting Depictions of Slavery in the American Film Industry, 1915–
1998” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Fullinwider, Robert. “The Case for Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress
for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 121–33.
Galatzer-Levy, Benjamin. “Reparation and Reparations: Towards a Social Psychoana-
lysis,” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 12, 3 (2007), pp. 226–41.
Gardullo, Paul. “‘Just keeps rollin’ along’: Rebellions, Revolts and Radical Black Mem-
ories of Slavery in the 1930s,” Patterns of Prejudice, 41, 3/4 (2007), pp. 271–301.
Goddu, Teresa A. “African American Panoramas of Slavery” (Unpublished paper,
100th annual meeting of the American Studies Association, 11–14 October
2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Gordon, Gloria. “The ‘Free Within Ourselves’ Academically-Based Community
Service Project, London South Bank University – Slavery and the BlackWhite
Duality” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Grigsby, Darcy Grimaldo. “Truth’s Shadow, Slavery’s Substance” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual
Hall, Catherine. “Britain 2007: Problematizing Histories” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “The Legacies of Slavery and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlan-
tic World”).
Hamill, Maria Cristina. “Exorcising Caribbean Ghosts: The Family, the Hero, and the
Plantation in Julia Alvarez’s ‘Saving the World’, ‘In the Name of Salome’ and
Maryse Conde’s ‘Tree of Life’, ‘I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem’” (PhD diss.,
University of Michigan, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 681

Hamilton, Douglas. “Representing Slavery in the Atlantic Worlds Gallery at the

National Maritime Museum” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Harms, Robert. “The Transatlantic Slave Trade in Cinema,” in Vivian Bickford-Smith
and Richard Mendelsohn, eds., Black and White in Colour: African History on
Screen (Oxford: James Currey, 2007), pp. 59–81.
Harris, Dawn M. “Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder / Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome:
A Model to Begin the Healing” (MA thesis, St. Mary’s College of California,
Harvey, Jennifer. Whiteness and Morality: Pursuing Racial Justice Through Reparations
and Sovereignty. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Henderson, Laretta. “The Representation of Slavery in African American Children’s
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

and Young Adult Literature: A Study of the Works of Julius Lester” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Henry, Charles P. “The Politics of Racial Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds.,
Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 353–70.
Henry, Charles P. Long Overdue: The Politics of Racial Reparations. New York: New York
University Press, 2007.
Hesse, Barnor. “Anti/Slavery of the Spectacle” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Out of Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Hodge, Dorothea. “The Bicentenary: A UK Government Perspective” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicen-
tenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Hořák, Martin, Konrad Matschke, and Andreas Mink. Compensation 2000–2006: The
Czech–German Fund for the Future and Payments to Victims of Slave Labour and
Forced Labour. Praha, Czech Republic: Czech–German Fund for the Future,
Horne, Gerald. “Race for Power: The Global Balance of Power and Reparations,” in
Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 469–79.
Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E., and Anthony P. Lombardo. “Framing Reparations
Claims: Differences between the African and Jewish Social Movements for
Reparations,” African Studies Review, 50, 1 (2007), pp. 27–48.
Jenkins, Rasheedah A. “Nina Simone’s Folksong: An Analysis of ‘Four Women’ as Slave
Narrative” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora in the
South and the Caribbean”).
Joannou, Maroula. “‘Go west old woman’: The Radical Re-visioning of Slave History
in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River,” in Carey and Kitson, eds., Slavery and the
Cultures of Abolition, pp. 195–213.
Johnson, Patricia. “The Impact of Hip-Hop Ministries on Post Traumatic Slavery
Disorder” (DMin. thesis, United Theological Seminary, 2006).
682 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Johnson, Robert, Jr. “Repatriation as Reparations for Slavery and Jim Crow,” in Martin
and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 402–10.
Johnson, Walter. “Slavery, Reparations, and the Mythic March of Freedom,” Raritan,
27, 2 (2007), pp. 41 –67.
Kalia, Shagun. “Sexual Relationships and Metaphor of Power in Selected Works of
Alice Walker” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Sex, Power and
Slavery: The Dynamics of Carnal Relations under Enslavement”).
Kaplan, Cora. “Commemorative History Without Guarantees,” History Workshop
Journal, 64 (2007), pp. 389–97.
Kelley, Robin D. G. “‘A day of reckoning’: Dreams of Reparations,” in Martin and
Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 203–21.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R. “Forty Acres, or, An Act of Bad Faith,” in Martin and Yaquinto,
eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 222–37.
Kille, John. “Re-Mediating Racial History: Representations and Interpretations of the
Amistad Incident (1839-1842) in 20th Century Texts” (PhD diss., Saint Louis
University, 2006).
Kornweibel, Theodore, Jr. “Railroads, Race, and Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto,
eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 294–304.
Kowaleski-Wallace, Beth. “Slavery, Theatricality, and the Family in Coram Boy”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Kräftner, Melsia Tomlin. “An Auto-Ethnographic Journey of Reconciliation, Shame,
Pride and Celebration of Identity on Reflections of the Bicentenary” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity,
Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Kreyling, Michael. “‘Slave life; freed life –everyday was a test and trial’: Identity and
Memory in Beloved,” Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature,
Culture, and Theory, 63, 1 (2007), pp. 109–36.
Krus, Patricia. “Rewritings of the Middle Passage in 20th Century Caribbean Litera-
ture,” in Lurdos and Misrahi-Barak, eds., Transport(s) in the British Empire
and the Commonwealth, pp. 127–44.
Lambert, David. “‘Part of the blood and dream’: Surrogation, Memory and the
National Hero in the Postcolonial Caribbean,” Patterns of Prejudice, 41, 3/4
(2007), pp. 345–71.
Laqua, Daniel. “Representing the African Slave Trade, 1888-1914” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to
Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic
Slave Trade”).
Le Vine, Victor T. “Commentary on ‘Framing reparations claims: differences between
the African and Jewish social movements for reparations’,” African Studies
Review, 50, 1 (2007), pp. 49–58.
Slavery and Abolition 683

Ledent, Benedicte. “Slavery and Power Dynamics in Karen King-Aribisala’s The Hang-
man’s Game (2007)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Writing,
Diaspora and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Levinson, Sanford. “Slavery and the Phenomenology of Torture,” Social Research, 74, 1
(2007), pp. 149–68.
Lovejoy, Paul. “Trajectories of Slavery in Africa’s Past and Present” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices,
Lyons, David. “Racial Injustices in U.S. History and Their Legacy,” in Martin and
Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 33–54.
Magnus, Kellie. “Media as a Monument” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Maitra, Saikat. “Race,Visuality and Black Agency: Reading Michelle Cliff ’s Free Enter-
prise Against The Slave Ship” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Amer-
ican Comparative Literatures Association, 19–22 April 2007, Puebla, Mexico).
Marima, Tendai. “Slavery’s She Rebels: A Comparative of Anowa (1985) & Imoinda: Or
She Who Will Lose Her Name (2003)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Martin, Michael T., and Marilyn Yaquinto, eds. Redress for Historical Injustices in the
United States: On Reparations for Slavery, Jim Crow, and Their Legacies.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007.
Documents, historical and contemporary, relating to the reparations movement,
pp. 483 –672.

For contents see America, Anderson/Matsimela/Nuruddin, Biondi, Bittker and

Brooks, Bolner, Brown, Browne, Corlett, Darity and Frank, Davis, Fullinwider,
Henry, Horne, Johnson, Kelley, Kerr-Ritchie, Kornweibel, Lyons, Martin, Massey,
Munford, Nuruddin, Oliver and Shapiro, Singer, Williams, and Yamamoto.

Martin, Michael T., and Marilyn Yaquinto. “On Redress for Racial Injustice,” in Martin
and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 1–27.
Massey, Douglas S. “Residential Segregation and Persistent Urban Poverty,” in
Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 331–47.
McMillan, Uri. “‘I’m A Slave 4 U’: (Re)Staging Slavery, Performing Blackness”
(Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the American Studies Association,
11 –14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Miller, Marilyn. “Comparing the Neo-Slave Poetry of Rita Dove and Nancy Morejon”
(Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Comparative Literatures
Association, 19–22 April 2007, Puebla, Mexico).
Modest, Wayne. “(Un)Silencing the Past: Slavery and Repair in Contemporary
Jamaica” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “The Legacies of Slavery
and Emancipation: Jamaica in the Atlantic World”).
Modlin, E. Arnold, Jr. “Stories the Webmaster Shared: Mythologizing the Slave Experi-
ence Through the Online Promotional Texts of NC Plantation House Museums”
684 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
(Unpublished paper, 62nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Division of the
Association of American Geographers, 18–20 November 2007, Charleston, SC).
Moore, Gene M. “Slavery and Racism in Joseph Conrad’s Eastern World,” Journal of
Modern Literature, 30, 4 (2007), pp. 20–38.
Moore, Lois Merriweather. “Legacy of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on the Americas,
Canada, and the Black Church in the United States,” in Moore, ed., The Dis-
persion of Africans and African Culture Throughout the World.
Morgan, Nina. ““Look how I have changed the world’: Derridean Impossibility and
the Event of Justice to Come in Joan Anim-Addo’s Imoinda: Or She Who Will
Lose Her Name” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Writing, Diaspora
and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Munford, C. J. “Reparations: Strategic Considerations for Black Americans,” in Martin
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States,
pp. 447–51.
Nettleford, Rex. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery – The Psychic Inheri-
tance,” UN Chronicle, 44, 3 (2007).
Nettleford, Rex. “Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery: The Psychic Inheritance,” in
Kenneth Hall and Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang, eds., The Caribbean Integration Process:
A People Centred Approach (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle, 2007), pp. 1–9.
Nuruddin, Yusuf. “The Promises and Pitfalls of Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto,
eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 379–401.
Nwaka, Jacinta Chiamaka, and Akachi Odoemene. “Slavery, Its Abolition and the Poli-
tics of Reparation” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An
Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of
the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Ofoegbu-McCourt, Nneka. “Black British Writing in Historical Perspective: An Exam-
ination of the Representation of Memories and Histories of Slavery in Caryl Phil-
lips’ The Nature of Blood, The European Tribe, and The Atlantic Sound”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Oldfield, John. “Imagining Transatlantic Slavery and Abolition,” Patterns of Prejudice,
41, 3/4 (2007), pp. 239–43.
Oldfield, John. “The Challenges Facing Slave Museums in Their Representation of
‘abolition’” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Oliver, Melvin L., and Thomas M. Shapiro. “A Sociology of Wealth and Racial Inequal-
ity,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for Historical Injustices in the United
States, pp. 91 –116.
Onyeka. “The Image of the Black Slave in Ancient History as Seen in Popular Film”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Oostindie, Gert. “The Slippery Paths of Commemoration and Heritage Tourism: The
Netherlands, Ghana and the Rediscovery of Atlantic Slavery,” in Anquandah,
Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Land-
marks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 253–76.
Slavery and Abolition 685

Osei-Tutu, Brempong. “Transformations and Disjunctures in the Homeland: African

American Experiences in Ghana,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Door-
tmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations,
pp. 326–42.
Outar, Lisa. “Slavery and the Fictional Imagination” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual
meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, 28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da
Bahia, Brazil).
Paton, Diana. “The Bicentenary and British Politics” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abol-
ition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Paul, Annie. “Do you Remember the Days of Slav’ry?” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Abolition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).

Phillips, Lindsey N. “Nanny’s Ghost: the Power of the Female Body and Language in
Oroonoko and Obi” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Black Diaspora
in the South and the Caribbean”).
Pinho, Patricia. “Tourism and Representations of Places in the African Diaspora”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association,
28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Prior, Katherine. “Commemorating Slavery 2007: A Personal View from Inside the
Museums,” History Workshop Journal, 64 (2007), pp. 200–10.
Privett, Katharyn. “Dystopic Bodies and Enslaved Motherhood,” Women, 18, 3 (2007),
pp. 257–81.
Procter, James. “A Compensatory Literature? ‘Small Island Read 2007’ and the Recol-
lection of Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular
Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Reddie, Anthony G. “A Black Theological Approach to Reconciliation: Responding to
the 200th Anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in Britain,” Black
Theology: An International Journal, 5, 2 (2007), pp. 184 –202.
Reineman, Julia. “Sadism and Slavery: Another Viewpoint of the Haitian Revolution
in All Souls’ Rising” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Com-
parative Literatures Association, 19–22 April 2007, Puebla, Mexico).
Rice, Alan. “Commemorating Abolition: Revealing Histories in North-West Museum
Archives and Stores” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular
Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Rice, Alan. “Naming the Money and Unveiling the Crime: Contemporary British
Artists and the Memorialization of Slavery and Abolition,” Patterns of Prejudice,
41, 3/4 (2007), pp. 321–43.
Rivera, Zaira. “El esclavo: masculinidad alterna en el cine del Caribe y América Latina”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association,
28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Robinson, Angelo Rich. “Why Does the Slave Ever Love? The Subject of Romance
Revisited in the Neoslave Narrative,” Southern Literary Journal, 40, 1 (2007),
pp. 39–57.
686 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Robinson, Gemma. “‘From the plantation earth’: Martin Carter and Subjects of
Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Litera-
ture, Slavery and the Archive”).
Rose, Julia Anne. “Rethinking Representations of Slave Life at Historical Plantation
Museums: Towards a Commemorative Museum Pedagogy” (PhD diss., Louisi-
ana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2006).
Salter, Vanessa. “The Redevelopment of Wilberforce House, Hull: Objectives and Chal-
lenges” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade
Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International
Also presented at the conference “Slavery: Unfinished Business.”
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Santamarina, Xiomara. “What the “Black Atlantic” Isn’t” (Unpublished paper, World
Congress of the International American Studies Association, 20 –23 September
2007, Lisbon, Portugal).
Scafe, Suzanne. “‘Tracing the scars of my knowledge’: Joan Anim-Addo’s Imoinda and
Dionne Brand’s Door of No Return” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Scafe, Suzanne. “Refusing ‘slave man’s revenge’: Reading the Politics of the Resisting
Body in Zee Edgell’s Beka Lamb and Brenda Flanagan’s You Alone Are Dancing,”
Changing English: Studies in Culture & Education, 14, 1 (2007), pp. 23–37.
Schramm, Katharina. “Remembering the Past – Negotiating the Future: The Rep-
resentation of the Slave Trade in the Ghanaian Public Sphere” (Unpublished
paper, 1st biennial conference of the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary
Studies, 29 June–2 July 2005, London, England).
Schwalm, Leslie. “‘Agonizing groans of mothers’ and ‘slave scarred veterans’: The
Commemoration of Slavery and Emancipation” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Race, Memory and Reclamation: ‘There are years that ask ques-
tions and years that answer’”).
Scott, Jesse J. “Transgressing the Law: The Pursuit of Reparations in African American
Literature” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the American Society for
Legal History, 10 –12 November 2005, Cincinnati, OH).
Scott, Jesse James. “Disturbing the Peace: Cultural Narratives and Reparations” (PhD
diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2007).
Segura-Rico, Nereida. “Signs of Modernity: Historical Progress and Female Slave
Agency in Jonatás y Manuela and Dessa Rose” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the American Comparative Literatures Association, 19 –22 April
2007, Puebla, Mexico).
Shepherd, Verene. “From Text to Public Space: Reckoning with 1807 in 2007” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Confer-
ence to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the British
Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Shriver, Donald W. “Repairing the Past: Polarities of Restorative Justice,” Cross Cur-
rents, 57, 2 (2007), pp. 209–17.
Slavery and Abolition 687

Siemerling, Winfried. “Crossing Borders: Narrating Slavery in Contemporary Black

Writing in Canada and Quebec” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
American Comparative Literatures Association, 19–22 April 2007, Puebla,
Siemerling, Winfried. “Rewriting Slavery Across Time and Space: Dionne Brand and
Marie-Célie” (Unpublished paper, World Congress of the International Ameri-
can Studies Association, 20 –23 September 2007, Lisbon, Portugal).
Sims, Lowery Stokes. “Legacies” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of
Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Singer, Alan. “Nineteenth-Century New York City’s Complicity with Slavery: Docu-
menting the Case for Reparations,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress for His-
torical Injustices in the United States, pp. 275–93.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Smith, Felipe. “The Condition of the Mother: The Legacy of Slavery in African Amer-
ican Literature of the Jim Crow Era,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds.,
Women and Slavery. Volume Two, pp. 231 –50.
Sokol, Lauren. “Imposing the Present on the Past: Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Isidore
Okpewho’s Call Me By My Rightful Name as Neo-Slave Narratives” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Soumonni, Elisée. “Facing up to the Legacy of Slave Trade and Slavery in Africa:
Towards a Dialogue of Religions and Cultures” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Confronting Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural
Stoever, Jennifer Lynn. “The Contours of the Sonic Color-Line: Slavery, Segregation,
and the Cultural Politics of Listening” (PhD diss., University of Southern Cali-
fornia, 2007).
Stokes, Larry D. “Legislative and Court Decisions That Promulgated Racial Profiling:
A Sociohistorical Perspective,” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 23, 3
(2007), pp. 263–75.
Suremain, Marie-Albane de. “The Teaching of the Abolition of the Slavery in France,
an Unfinished History” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Surwillo, Lisa. “Basque Slave Traders and Their Atlantic in the Novels of Pı́o Baroja”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian
Taiwo, Olu. “The Physical Journal: Autopoiesis and the Golden Triangle” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Thomas, Hank Willis. “‘Redemptive’ Public Art: Memorializing and Forgetting
Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation in the Postcolonial and Post Civil Rights
Era” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of Sight: New World
Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Thomas, Jane. “‘White slavery’ in Frances Trollope’s Michael Armstrong: Partiality and
Nationalism in the New Victorian Philanthropic Sensibility” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
688 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Tillet, Salamishah Margaret. “Peculiar Memories: Slavery and the American Cultural
Imagination” (PhD diss., Harvard University, 2007).
Tillis, Antonio. “Poetic Performance of Black/Cuban Slave Woman in Selected Works
by Nancy Morejón” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Writing, Dia-
spora and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Tuhkanen, Mikko. “‘Out of joint’: Passing, Haunting, and the Time of Slavery in
Hagar’s Daughter,” American Literature, 79, 2 (2007), pp. 335–61.
Vergès, Françoise. “Visual Archives of Slavery and Public Memory” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Vint, Sherryl. “‘Only by experience’: Embodiment and the Limitations of Realism in
Neo-Slave Narratives,” Science-Fiction Studies, 34 (2007), pp. 241–61.
Walvin, James. “Two Hundred Years On: Why Have the British Paid So Much Atten-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

tion to Abolition?” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An

Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of
the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Warren, Kim. “‘How much for Kunta Kinte?’: Black Tourism and History of African
Slavery as Commodity” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual meeting of the Amer-
ican Studies Association, 11 –14 October 2007, Philadelphia, PA).
Waterhouse, Carlton. “The Full Price of Freedom: African Americans’ Shared Respon-
sibility to Repair the Harms of Slavery and Segregation” (PhD diss., Emory
University, 2006).
Webster, Jane. “Abolitionist Memorabilia and Museum Display” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of
the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Weinstein, Helen. “Translating 1807: Format, Content & Audience” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Weinstein, Helen. “The Making of the 1807 Bicentenary in the Media: Commission-
ing, Production, and Content” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of
the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
White, Deborah Gray. “‘Matter out of place’: Ar’n’t I a Woman? Black Female Scholars
and the Academy,” Journal of African American History, 92, 1 (2007), pp. 5–12.
Whitley, Zoe. “Hottentot Testimonial: Contemporary Art Re-Visioning the Female
Experience of Slavery” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Winds of
Change – Women and Slavery”).
Wholuba, Anita P. “A Generation of Witnesses Neo-Testimonial Practices in Flight to
Canada, Dessa Rose, Beloved, Kindred, and The Chaneysville Incident” (PhD diss.,
Florida State University, 2007).
Wilkes, Karen. “Slavery and the Gendered Body: The Construction of the Sexualised
Female Body in Discourses of Paradise” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Writing, Diaspora and the Legacy of Slavery”).
Williams, David R., and Chiquita Collins. “Reparations: A Viable Strategy to Address
the Enigma of African American Health,” in Martin and Yaquinto, eds., Redress
for Historical Injustices in the United States, pp. 305–30.
Slavery and Abolition 689

Winter, Kari. “Wills and Possessions” (Unpublished presentation, conference on

“Human Trafficking”).
Winter, Stephen. “What’s So Bad About Slavery? Assessing the Grounds for Repara-
tions,” Patterns of Prejudice, 41, 3/4 (2007), pp. 373 –93.
Wood, Marcus. “Blind Memory” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Out of
Sight: New World Slavery and the Visual Imagination”).
Wood, Marcus. “Emancipation Art, Fanon and the ‘butchery of freedom’,” in Carey
and Kitson, eds., Slavery and the Cultures of Abolition, pp. 11 –41.
Wood, Marcus. “Free to Remember What? Some Thoughts on 2007 in Comparative
Perspective” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic:
Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

9. Other
Eglash, R. “Broken Metaphor: The Master –Slave Analogy in Technical Literature,”
Technology and Culture, 48, 2 (2007), pp. 360-69.
Maltz, Earl M. “Roe v. Wade and Dred Scott,” Widener Law Journal, 17, 1 (2007),
pp. 55–71.
Petersen, Stephen. “The Ethics of Robot Servitude,” Journal of Experimental & Theor-
etical Artificial Intelligence, 19, 1 (2007), pp. 43 –54.

XI. Slave Trade

1. Atlantic—General
Ade-Ajayi, J. F. “Remembering the Slave Trade,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang,
and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expec-
tations, pp. 365 –70.
Anquandah, James Kwesi, Nana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, and Michel R. Doortmont,
eds. The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations. Sub-
Saharan Publishers: Legon; Accra, Ghana, 2007.

Proceedings of the international conference on historic slave route held at Accra on

30 August – 2 September 2004.
For contents see Adandeand Tchitchi, Ade-Ajayi, Anquandah, Beckles, Bersselaar,
Boadi-Siaw, Bredwa-Mensah, Dei and Boakye, Derefaka, Donkoh, Doortmont,
Howell, Inikori, Lamousé-Smith, Mason and Odonkor, Oostindie, Opoku-Agye-
mang, Osei-Tutu, Perbi and Bredwa-Mensah, and Stipriaan.

Beckles, Hilary, and Verene Shepherd. Saving Souls: The Struggle to End the
Transatlantic Trade in Africans. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers,
Beckles, Hilary, and Verene Shepherd. Trading Souls: Europe’s Transatlantic Trade in
Africans. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers, 2007.
Beckles, Hilary. “African Resistance to the Transatlantic Slave Trade,” in Anquandah,
Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Land-
marks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 81 –91.
690 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Berktay, Asli. “The Slave Trade to Spanish America in the First Half of the
Eighteenth Century: The French and British Asiento Trades” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “The Four Corners of the Atlantic,
1500 – 2000”).
Bethencourt, Francisco. “The Different Impact of the Slave Trade on Africa, Brazil and
Spanish America” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in
the Iberian Atlantic”).
“Bicentennial of the Abolition of the Anglo-American Trade in African Captives”
(Department of African American Studies, Ohio University, 1–2 March 2007,
Athens, OH).

For presentations see Burin, Creary, Dantas, Eltis, Fox, Jenkins, Johnson, and
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

“‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’: Domestic and International Consequences of
the First Governmental Efforts to Abolish the Atlantic Slave Trade” (Omohundro
Institute of Early American History and Culture, 8–12 August 2007, Elmina,

For presentations see Adderley, Allen, Alpers and Zimba, Apeh and Opata, Berry,
Bredwa-Mensah, C. Brown, V. Brown, Cateau, Deyle, Drescher, Ejiogu, Eltis,
Fergus, Ferreira, Forsdick, Gavua, Glover, Gøbel, Gordon, Greene, Guezo, Helg,
Hopkins, Keren, Klein, Law, Liu, Mamigonian, Martinez, Mason, McKeown,
Meisel, Molineux, Northrup, Paton, Racine, Reese, Richardson, Soumonni, Stilwell,
Whatley, and Yavoucko.

Christopher, Emma, Cassandra Pybus, and Marcus Rediker, eds. Many Middle
Passages: Forced Migration and the Making of the Modern World. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 2007.

For contents see Alpers, Anderson, Brown, Christopher, Hu-DeHart, Bales and
Trodd, Martı́nez, McCalman, Nelson, Penn, Pybus, Rediker, and Warren.

Christopher, Emma. “Slave Ship Sailors: A Roundtable Response,” International

Journal of Maritime History, 19, 1 (2007), pp. 333–42.
Clarence-Smith, William G. “Continental European Views of the Slave Trade,” Slavery
& Abolition, 28, 1 (2007), pp. 127–31.
Dorigny, Marcel. “Traites négrières, esclavages et processus d’abolition: les résultats
d’une tentative de synthèse cartographique” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Teaching history in the Caribbean,” the Société des Amis des Archives
and the Archives départementales de la Martinique, 18 –19 May 2007, Fort-de-
France, Martinique).
Dorsch, Hauke. “European Raids or African Business? Popular Imaginations of the
Transatlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Du Bois, W. E. B. The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of
America, 1638–1870. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Slavery and Abolition 691

With a new introduction by Saidiya Hartman. Originally published in 1896.

Eltis, David, Frank Lewis, and Kimberly McIntyre. “The Cost of Transporting Slaves from
Africa to the Caribbean, 1680 to 1725” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of
the Social Science History Association, 15–18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Eltis, David. “The Broader Impact of British, U.S., and Danish Abolition of the Slave
Trade: A Reassessment from the Online, Revised Version of the Transatlantic
Slave Trade Database” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody
Writing is for ever torn’”).
Eltis, David. “The Significance of British and U.S. Abolition of the Slave Trade: A
Bicentennial Perspective” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Bicenten-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

nial of the Abolition of the Anglo-American Trade in African Captives”).

Eltis, David. “Additions to the 1999 CD-Rom; New Estimates and a New Interface”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social Science History Associ-
ation, 15 –18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Evering, Lloyd, Kofi Mawuli Klu, and Richard S. Reddie. The Transatlantic Slave Trade
and Its Legacies. London: Churches Together in England, 2007.
Falola, Toyin, and Amanda Warnock, eds. Encyclopedia of the Middle Passage. West-
port, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007.
Fyle, C. Magbaily. “Freedom, Identity, and the African American Experience: Percep-
tions of African Participation in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Gregg, Veronica. “Morality, Decency and the Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, con-
ference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Hall, Robert L. “Food Crops, Medicinal Plants, and the Atlantic Slave Trade,” in Bower,
ed., African American Foodways, pp. 17–44.
Horne, Gerald. The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave
Trade. New York: New York University Press, 2007.
Khan, Wasiq. “The Labor Productivity Differential Between West Africa and the West
Indies, 1700–1800: An Economic Analysis of the Transatlantic Slave Trade”
(Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Social Science History Associ-
ation, 2–5 November 2006, in Minneapolis, MN).
King, Wilma. “‘If you have good trade . . . get most of them mere boys and girls’: Chil-
dren and the Transatlantic Slave Trade before 1808” (Unpublished paper, 32nd
annual meeting of the Great Lakes History Conference, 26 –27 October 2007,
Grand Rapids, MI).
Leslie, Teresa. “The Middle Passage as a Constructing Force on African Genetic Varia-
bility” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Lovejoy, Paul E. “Civilian Casualties in the Context of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade,”
in John Laband, ed., Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa: From Slavery Days
to Rwandan Genocide (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007), pp. 17 –49.
692 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Mamigonian, Beatriz Gallotti. “The Changing Meanings of Freedom: The British
Foreign Office and the Handling of Liberated Africans in Brazil” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Martinez, Jennifer S. “Antislavery Courts and the Dawn of International Human
Rights Law” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing
is for ever torn’”).
Mason, Matthew. “The Geopolitics of Slave Trade Abolition in the Nineteenth-
Century Atlantic World” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The
bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
McKeown, Adam. “Asian Migration and the Legacy of Abolition” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Miller, Joseph C. “Disoriented, Dependent, Domiciled, and Dominated: Slaving as a
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

History of Women,” in Campbell, Miers, and Miller, eds., Women and Slavery.
Volume Two, pp. 284 –312.
Morgan, Jennifer L. “Racial Thinking and Colonial Numeracy: Gender and the Trans-
Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Global Dimen-
sions of Racism in the Modern World”).
Morgan, Jennifer. “Demography and the Problem of Embodiment: Sex Ratios and
African American Women in the Transatlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished
paper, 100th annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29
March –1 April, 2007, Minneapolis, MN).
Morgan, Jennifer. “Racial Thinking and Colonial Numeracy: Gender and the Trans-
Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, Humanities Institute, Buffalo
University, 27 September 2007, Buffalo, NY).
Muhammad, Patricia M. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Legacy Establishing a
Case for International Reparations” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Nack, Irwin. “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Photo Tour of Historic Sites in Africa,
Europe and the Americas” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Labor,
Slavery and Freedom in a Global Age,” 29th annual North American Labor
History Conference, 18 –20 October 2007, Detroit, MI).
N’Diaye, Tidiane. La longue marche des peuples noirs. Paris: Publibook, 2007.
N’Diaye, Tidiane. Le génocide voilé: enquête historique. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.
Nunn, Nathan. The Long-Term Effects of Africa’s Slave Trades. Cambridge, MA:
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007.
Pallua, Ulrich. “‘Slavery was agreeable, its fortune desirable’—The Acceptance of
the Evils of Slavery as a Social Phenomenon: An Indicator of a Pro-Slave
Trade Approach,” Arbeiten Aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 32, 2 (2007),
pp. 197–220.
Paton, Diana. “Obeah and the Abolition of the Slave Trade: Legislation, Prosecutions,
and the Politics of Creolization, 1760–1838” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Powers, Nicholas. “The Undertow of Reason: Re-Defining the Sublime Through the
Middle Passage” (PhD diss., City University of New York, 2007).
Slavery and Abolition 693

Rediker, Marcus Buford. The Slave Ship: A Human History. New York: Viking, 2007.
Rediker, Marcus, Cassandra Pybus, and Emma Christopher. “Introduction,” in Chris-
topher, Pybus, and Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages, pp. 1–19.
“Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave
Trade in International Perspective” (Newcastle University and the Laing Art
Gallery, 23 November 2007, Newcastle, England).
For presentations see Adi, Beckford, Dresser, Edwards, Finley, Francis, Hodge,
Kanpeyeng, Mack, Paton, Paul, Pierce, Rice, Salter, Watson, Webster, and Weinstein.

Richardson, David. “The Slave Trade from Africa to the Americas as a Cultural and
Institutional Dialogue” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting
Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Smallwood, Stephanie E. “African Guardians, European Slave Ships, and the Changing
Dynamics of Power in the Early Modern Atlantic,” William & Mary Quarterly,
64, 4 (2007), pp. 679 –716.
Smallwood, Stephanie E. Saltwater Slavery: A Middle Passage from Africa to American
Diaspora. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007.
Sparks, Randy J. “Defining Slavery: The Enslavement and Redemption of African
Kidnap Victims in the 18th-Century Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Also presented at the conference “Black Diaspora in the South and the Caribbean.”

Temperley, Howard. “Slave Republic versus Abolitionist Empire: The Struggle over the
Suppression of the Slave Trade, 1807–1867” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the British American Nineteenth Century History Association,
October 2003, Cambridge, England).
Webster, Jane. “The Archeology of Slave Shipping, 1600–1807” (Unpublished presen-
tation, Department of Anthropology, 12 April 2007, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN).
Williams, Carolyn. “Am I Not a Man and a Brother, Am I Not a Woman and a Sister:
The Transatlantic Crusade against the Slave Trade and Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Also presented at the conference “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity,
Freedom & Reconciliation.”

2. Atlantic—Individual Voyages and Captains

Adderley, Rosanne Marion. “African Slave Dealer Turned African Rebel?: Power, Iden-
tity & Slave Trade Politics in a 19th-Century Caribbean Mutiny” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Also presented at the conference “Black Diaspora in the South and the Caribbean.”
694 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Alexander, Andrew. “Negotiation, Trade and the Rituals of Encounter: An Examination of
the Slave-Trading Voyage of De Zon, 1775–1776,” Itinerario, 31, 3 (2007).
Armstrong, Tim. “Catastrophe and Trauma: A Response to Anita Rupprecht,” Journal
of Legal History, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 347–56.
Brown, Vincent. “In the Wake of the Zong: ‘Improvident avarice’ and the Soul of the
British Empire” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing
is for ever torn’”).
Clifford, Barry, Kenneth J. Kinkor, Sharon Simpson, and Kenneth Garrett. Real Pirates:
The Untold Story of the Whydah from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship. Washingon, DC:
National Geographic, 2007.
Conlin, Dan. “A Slave Ship Made Captive: The Schooner Severn, 1811” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Slavery, Anti-Slavery and the Road to Freedom”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Crow, Hugh, and John R. Pinfold. The Memoirs of Captain Hugh Crow: The Life and
Times of a Slave Trade Captain. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2007.
Diouf, Sylviane A. Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the
Last Africans Brought to America. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Gold, Susan Dudley. United States v. Amistad: Slave Ship Mutiny. Tarrytown, NY:
Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2007.
Krikler, Jeremy. “The Zong and the Lord Chief Justice,” History Workshop Journal, 64
(2007), pp. 29 –47.
Lewis, Andrew. “Martin Dockray and the Zong: A Tribute in the Form of a Chronol-
ogy,” Journal of Legal History, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 357–70.
Oldham, James. “Insurance Litigation Involving the Zong and Other British Slave
Ships, 1780–1807,” Journal of Legal History, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 299–318.
Pybus, Cassandra. “Bound for Botany Bay: John Martin’s Voyage to Australia,” in
Christopher, Pybus, and Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages, pp. 92 –108.
Rupprecht, Anita. “‘A very uncommon case’: Representations of the Zong and the
British Campaign to Abolish the Slave Trade,” Journal of Legal History, 28, 3
(2007), pp. 329–46.
Webster, Jane. “The Zong in the Context of the Eighteenth-Century Slave Trade,”
Journal of Legal History, 28, 3 (2007), pp. 285–98.
Winsnes, Selena Axelrod, ed. Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade: Paul Erdmann
Isert’s Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia (1788). Trans-
lated from the German and Edited by Selena Axelrod Winsnes. Accra, Ghana:
Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2007.

Originally published in 1992 by Oxford University Press.

3. Atlantic—Portuguese and Brazilian

Barros, Amândio. “A regulamentação do transporte de escravos no Atlântico na
primeira metade do século XVI” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting
of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 – 17 November 2007, Porto,
Slavery and Abolition 695

Caldeira, Arlindo. “Escravos de mar em fora -as condições de transporte e assistência

religiosa no tráfico negreiro atlântico do século XVII” (Unpublished paper, 4th
annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November
2007, Porto, Portugal).
Candido, Mariana Pinho. “Enslaving Frontiers: Slavery, Trade and Identity in Ben-
guela, 1780–1850” (PhD diss., York University (Canada), 2006).
Capela, José. “O Tráfrico de Escravos do Sudeste Africano para Cuba,” Economia e
Sociologia, 85 (2008), pp. 7–28.
Carvalho, Mariza de. “Changing Gold for Slaves: Rio de Janeiro’s Traders at the Bight
of Benin, Eighteenth Century” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman
Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 27
March 2007, New Haven, CT).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Carvalho, Platáo Eugênio de. A conquista da África Meridional: e o tráfico de escravos

para o Brasil. São Paulo: Scortecci, 2007.
Dantas, Mariana. “A Southern Counterpoint: African Slavery and the Atlantic Slave
Trade in Brazil” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Bicentennial of
the Abolition of the Anglo-American Trade in African Captives”).
Ferreira, Roquinaldo A. “External and Local Factors in the Process of the Abolition of
the Slave Trade in Angola, 1830-1860” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Green, Tobias. “The Slave Trade and Hegemony in Cabo Verde, 16th–17th Centuries”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in the Iberian
Gustavo Acioli Lopes. “A Jazida de Braços: o tráfico de Pernambuco com a Costa da
Mina na primeira metade do séc. XVIII” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual
meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007,
Porto, Portugal).
Mamigonian, Beatriz. “Maintaining Slavery on Shifting Legal Grounds: Brazilian Gov-
ernment Policy Towards Illegally-Imported Slaves” (Unpublished paper, annual
meeting of the American Society for Legal History, 10 –12 November 2005,
Cincinnati, OH).
Mathias, Carlos Leonardo Kelmer. “O perfil do Tráfico Atlântico de escravos na capi-
tania de Minas Gerias via capitanias da Bahia e do Rio de Janeiro, c. 1711–c.
1756” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies
Association, 28 May–1 June 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Newson, Linda A., and Susie Minchin. From Capture to Sale: The Portuguese Slave
Trade to Spanish South America in the Early Seventeenth Century. Leiden: Brill,
Santos, Maciel, and Baltazar Neves. “Comércio ilegal para portos legais: a experiência
do tráfico de escravos em Cabo Verde—1815–1830” (Unpublished paper, 4th
annual meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November
2007, Porto, Portugal).
696 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Silva, Francisco Ribeiro da. “The Portuguese Slave Trade Circuits in the ‘Iberian Atlan-
tic’ (1580–1640)” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond Slavery in
the Iberian Atlantic”).

4. Atlantic—Spanish
Chambers, Douglas B. “Slave Trade Merchants of Spanish New Orleans, 1765–1803”
(Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social Science History Associ-
ation, 15 –18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).

5. Atlantic—British
Adderley, Rosanne M. “Ethnographic Knowledge and Abolitionist Politics: British
Rethinking of Africa and Africans in the Era of Slave Trade Suppression” (Unpub-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

lished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).

Adderley, Rosanne M. “Liberated Africans, British Liberators, and the Question of
Repatriation to Africa” (Unpublished paper, 121st annual meeting of the Amer-
ican Historical Association, 4–7 January 2007, Atlanta, GA).
Aldige, James. “Public Interest or Private Gain? A Re-Interpretation of Dolben’s Act”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Andrews, Dee E. “Thomas Clarkson’s History of the Abolition of the African
Slave-Trade: A Reappraisal of Its Significance from the Original Manuscript”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary
Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End of the
British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Antoine-Dunne, Jean. “Literary and Filmic Representations of the Abolitionist
Struggle” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdis-
ciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End
of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
“The Atlantic World in the Era of British Slave Trade Abolition” (Fordham Law
School, 19 October 2007, New York, NY).

For presentations see Brown, Diouf, Drescher, Lightfoot, and Scully.

Beeler, John. “Maritime Policing and the Pax Britannica: The Royal Navy’s
Anti-Slavery Patrol in the Caribbean, 1818–1846,” The Northern Mariner, 16
Behrendt, Stephen D. “Human Capital in the British Slave Trade,” in Richardson,
Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 66 –97.
Berry, Stephen R. “Rising from the Depths: Religious Experience Aboard British Slave
Ships” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the Northeast American Society
for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25 –28 October 2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Bersselaar, Dmitri van den. “Slave-Trade City Revisited: Moving Beyond the Triangle,”
in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave
Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 295 –304.
Slavery and Abolition 697

Beyan, Amos J. “Contacts and Social Transformations: The Case for the Windward
Coast’s New Social Arrangements and the Making of the Transatlantic Slave
Trade” (Unpublished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Great Lakes History
Conference, 26 –27 October 2007, Grand Rapids, MI).
Bloy, M. “The Campaign for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.” Epworth Review, 34, 3
(2007), pp. 15 –25.
Blyth, Robert J. “Britain, the Royal Navy and the Suppression of Slave Trades in the
Nineteenth Century,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Representing Slavery,
pp. 76–91.
Borucki, Alex. “The Slave Trade to Rio de la Plata, 1788–1807” (Unpublished
paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, 15 –18
November 2007, Chicago, IL).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Briggs, John. “Baptists and the Campaign to Abolish the Slave Trade,” The Baptist
Quarterly, 42, 4 (2007), pp. 260–83.
Brown, Christopher L. “The British Government and the Slave Trade: Early Parliamen-
tary Enquiries, 1713–83,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave
Trade: Abolition, Parliament and People, pp. 27–41.
Brown, Christopher. “Empire and Information on the West African Coast” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “The Atlantic World in the Era of British
Slave Trade Abolition”).
Campbell, John F. “A Historiographical Comment on the Abolition Act and the
‘reform movement’ of 1806 in the British Caribbean,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Carey, Brycchan. “Modern Solutions to an Ancient Problem: Abolishing the British
Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Imaging Slavery.
A Celebration of the 1807 Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill”).
Carrington, Selwyn. “The Rise of Capitalism: The Economic Justification for the Abol-
ition of the British Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Cateau, Heather. “Things Fall Apart: Abolition, the Slave Trade and Enslavement,” Arts
Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Coffey, J. “Evangelicals, Slavery & the Slave Trade: From Whitefield to Wilberforce,”
Anvil, 24, 2 (2007), pp. 97 –120.
Coffey, John. “‘Must we not tremble?’: The Fear of God and the Abolition of the Slave
Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisci-
plinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of the End
of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Convery, Siobhan. “Documentary Sources for the Slave Trade: The University of
Aberdeen’s Collections” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular
Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Coules, Victoria. The Trade. Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2007.
Cozens, Kenneth. “Eighteenth Century London Merchants and the Slave Trade ‘net-
works of opportunity’” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
698 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Drescher, Seymour. “Public Opinion and Parliament in the Abolition of the British
Slave Trade,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abol-
ition, Parliament and People, pp. 42–65.
Edwards, Bernard. Royal Navy in Action against Slave Traders, 1808–1898: The African
Squadron’s Role Enforcing Abolition. Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword Military, 2007.
Edwards, Hazel. “Marking the Bicentenary in North-East England” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicen-
tenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Elder, Melinda. “The Liverpool Slave Trade, Lancaster and Its Environs,” in Richard-
son, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 118–37.
Ellis, Melisse Thomas-Bailey. “‘Strange’ Bedfellows: Anti-Slave-Trading Alliances in
the British West Indies, 1847–1887,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Farrell, Stephen, Melanie Unwin, and James Walvin, eds. The British Slave Trade:
Abolition, Parliament and People: Including the Illustrated Catalogue of the
Parliamentary Exhibition in Westminster Hall, 23 May–23 September 2007. Edin-
burgh: Edinburgh University Press for the Parliamentary History Yearbook
Trust, 2007.

For contents see Beckles, Bressey, Brown, Chater, Drescher, Farrell, Kaye, Matthews,
Pettigrew, Pybus, Richardson, Unwin, Walvin, and Wood.

Farrell, Stephen. “‘Contrary to the principles of justice, humanity and sound policy’:
The Slave Trade, Parliamentary Politics and the Abolition Act, 1807,” in Farrell,
Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament and
People, pp. 141–71.
Fergus, Claudius. “The Trinidad Question and Britain’s First Slave-Trade Abolition
Legislation,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Fergus, Claudius. “‘The bicentennial commemoration’: Prettifying the Slave Trade
versus a New Pragmatic of Abolition from Below” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “Discourses of Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom &
Fergus, Claudius. “The Chinese Factor in Britain’s Abolition of the Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade” (Unpublished paper, 39th annual meeting of the Association of
Caribbean Historians, 7–11 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica).
Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Great Britain. Slavery in Diplomacy: The Foreign
Office and the Suppression of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. London: Foreign and
Commonwealth Office Historians, 2007.

Available online at


Gosse, Dave. “The Politics of Morality: The Debate Surrounding the 1807 Abolition of
the Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of
Resistance: Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Slavery and Abolition 699

Graham, Eric. “The Accounts of Two Scots Apprentices in the Slave Trade” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and
the Archive”).
Graham, Eric. “The Impact of the Middle Passage Act 1787—The Testimonies of Two
Scottish Apprentices in the Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Graham, Eric. “The Slave Trade of Port Glasgow and Greenock 1715–1765” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and
the Archive”).
Gray, Todd. Devon and the Slave Trade: Documents on African Enslavement, Abolition
and Emancipation from 1562 to 1867. Exeter: Mint Press, 2007.
Great Britain. Cymru a chaethwasiaeth: i nodi 200 mlynedd ers diddymu’r Ddeddf Mas-
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

nachu Caethweision (Wales and Slavery: Marking 200 Years Since the Abolition of
the Slave Trade Act.) London: Wales Office, 2007.
Great Britain. The Way Forward: Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act
1807–2007. Wetherby, UK: Department for Communities and Local Govern-
ment Publications, 2007.
Hague, William. William Wilberforce: The Life of the Great Anti-Slave Trade Cam-
paigner. London: HarperPress, 2007.
Hamilton, Douglas. “‘Defending the colonies against malicious attacks of philan-
thropy’: Scottish Efforts to Preserve the Slave Trade and Slavery” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the
Hart, Kathy. “Charles Fox and the Abolition of the Slave Trade: Caricature and Displa-
cement in the Debate over Reform” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the
Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 25–28 October
2007, Dartmouth, NH).
Hochschild, Adam. Sprengt die Ketten: Der entscheidende Kampf um die Abschaffung
der Sklaverei. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2007.

German translation of Hochschild’s Bury the Chains.

Jones, Pip. Satan’s Kingdom: Bristol and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Bristol, UK: Past
& Present Press, 2007.
Keene, Edward. “A Case Study of the Construction of International Hierarchy: British
Treaty-Making Against the Slave Trade in the Early Nineteenth Century,” Inter-
national Organization, 61, 2 (2007), pp. 311–39.
Kyles, Perry L. “The Men Behind the Market: Merchants, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and
the Shaping of South Carolina Plantation Society, 1700–1756” (PhD diss.,
Florida International University, 2007).
Law, Robin. “Abolition and Imperialism: International Law and the British Suppres-
sion of the Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
700 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Longmore, Jane. “‘Cemented by the blood of a Negro’?: The Impact of the Slave Trade
on Eighteenth-Century Liverpool,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds.,
Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 227 –51.
Lovejoy, Paul E. “Slavery, the Slave Trade and African Society,” in Hamilton and Blyth,
eds., Representing Slavery, pp. 28 –39.
Lovejoy, Paul E., and David Richardson. “African Agency and the Liverpool Slave
Trade,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic
Slavery, pp. 43–65.
Mack, Sheree. “Black Voices and Absences in the North-East Commemorations of
Abolition” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave
Trade Abolitions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in Inter-
national Perspective”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Matthews, Gelien. “Trinidad: A Model Colony for British Slave Trade Abolition,” in
Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament
and People, pp. 84–96.
May, Tim. “Coleridge’s Slave Trade Ode and Bowles’s ‘The African’,” Notes & Queries,
54, 4 (2007), pp. 504 –09.
McKenzie, Kirsten. “‘My voice is sold, & I must be a slave’: Abolition Rhetoric, British
Liberty and the Yorkshire Elections of 1806 and 1807,” History Workshop Journal,
64, 1 (2007), pp. 48 –73.
Metaxas, Eric. Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End
Slavery. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2007.
Morgan, Kenneth. “Liverpool’s Dominance in the British Slave Trade, 1740–1807,” in
Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery,
pp. 14–42.
Oldfield, John. “Abolition and Emancipation,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Represent-
ing Slavery, pp. 62 –75.
Otele, Olivette. “Seamen in Bristol and the Lure of Slaving Voyages,” in Lurdos and
Misrahi-Barak, eds., Transport(s) in the British Empire and the Commonwealth,
pp. 145–55.
Pallua, Ulrich. “Anti-Slave Trade Propaganda in 1788/89: The African’s Complaint in
Contrast to Britain’s Vision of Liberty” (Unpublished presentation, conference
on “‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicen-
tennial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Petigrew, Will. “1707—A Forgotten Anniversary: Parliament and the Escalation of
Britain’s Transatlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Pettigrew, William A. “Free to Enslave: Politics and the Escalation of Britain’s Trans-
atlantic Slave Trade, 1688–1714,” William & Mary Quarterly, 64, 1 (2007),
pp. 3–38.
Pettigrew, William A. “Parliament and the Escalation of the Slave Trade, 1690–1714,”
in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parliament
and People, pp. 12–26.
Slavery and Abolition 701

Pinfold, John, ed. The Slave Trade Debate: Contemporary Writings For and Against.
Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2007. Introduction, by John Pinfold, pp. 7–32.
Plank, Geoffrey. “Ships as Emblems of the British Empire and the Slave Trade: Eight-
eenth-Century Quaker Perspectives” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘Free at last’: An Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicenten-
nial Anniversary of the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Poovaya-Smith, Nima. Crossing the Waters. Bradford, UK: City of Bradford MDC,
Pope, David. “The Wealth and Social Aspirations of Liverpool’s Slave Merchants of the
Second Half of the Eighteenth Century,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles,
eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 164–226.
Rice, Alan. “Revealing Histories, Dialogising Collections: English Art Institutions and
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Galleries Respond to Commemorating the Abolition of the Slave Trade”

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Aboli-
tions: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International
Richardson, David, Suzanne Schwarz and Anthony Tibbles. “Introduction,” in Richard-
son, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 1–13.
Richardson, David, Suzanne Schwarz, Anthony Tibbles, eds. Liverpool and Transatlan-
tic Slavery. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2007.
For contents see Behrendt, Burnard, Elder, Howman, Longmore, Lovejoy and
Richardson, Morgan, Pope, Richardson/Schwarz/Tibbles, Schwarz, and Walsh

Richardson, David. “The Ending of the British Slave Trade in 1807: The Economic
Context,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition,
Parliament and People, pp. 127–40.
Richardson, David. “Through African Eyes: The Middle Passage and the British Slave
Trade,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds., Representing Slavery, pp. 40–49.
Richardson, P. David. “Principles and Agents: The British Slave Trade and Its Abol-
ition” (Unpublished presentation, the third annual David Brion Davis Lecture
Series on the History of Slavery, Race, and Their Legacies, Gilder Lehrman
Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University,
5–7 March 2007, New Haven, CT).
Rouse, Marylynn. “‘Put a stop to this dreadful traffic’: John Newton’s Efforts to
Abolish the Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery:
Unfinished Business”).
Rupprecht, Anita. “Excessive Memories: Slavery, Insurance and Resistance,” History
Workshop Journal, 64 (2007), pp. 6–28.
Santin, Marlene. “From Moral Condemnation to Economic Strategies: Reframing the
Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Great Britain 1789–1807” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Schwarz, Suzanne. “Commerce, Civilization and Christianity: The Development of the
Sierra Leone Company,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and
Transatlantic Slavery, pp. 252–76.
702 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Scotland and the Slave Trade. 2007 Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave. Edinburgh:
Scottish Executive, 2007. Available online at
“Scotland, Slavery and Abolition” (University of Edinburgh, 10 November 2007,
Edinburgh, Scotland).
For presentations see Cairns, Graham, Hamilton, Lovejoy, Midgley, Palmer,
Schwarz, Walvin, and Whyte.

Set All Free: Act to End Slavery: Abolition of the Slave Trade Act: Bicentenary 2007.
London: Churches Together in England, 2007.
Shepherd, Verene A. “‘We all thought the king was on our side’: Voices of the Enslaved
in the Post-Slave Trade Abolition Era,” Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Sherwood, Marika, and Kim Sherwood. Britain, the Slave Trade and Slavery, from 1562
to the 1880s. Kent, UK: Savannah Press, 2007.
Sherwood, Marika. After Abolition: Britain and the Slave Trade Since 1807. London: I.B.
Tauris, 2007.
“Survey of the House of Commons on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, February
1807,” Parliamentary History, 26 [Supplement] (2007), pp. 172–202.
Swaminathan, Srividhya. “Adam Smith’s Moral Economy and the Debate to Abolish
the Slave Trade,” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 37, 4 (2007), pp. 481 –507.
Thompson, Aubrey A. “British Guiana and the Abolition of the Atlantic Slave Trade,”
Arts Journal, 1/2 (2007).
Unwin, Melanie, ed. “Exhibition Catalogue ‘The British Slave Trade: Abolition, Parlia-
ment and People’, an Exhibition Held in Westminster Hall, 23 May–23 Septem-
ber 2007,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave Trade: Abolition,
Parliament and People, pp. 259–335.
Walsh, Lorena S. “Liverpool’s Slave Trade to the Colonial Chesapeake: Slaving on the
Periphery,” in Richardson, Schwarz, and Tibbles, eds., Liverpool and Transatlan-
tic Slavery, pp. 98 –117.
Walvin, James. “Abolishing the Slave Trade,” History in Focus, 12 (2007).
Walvin, James. “Introduction,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave
Trade: Abolition, Parliament and People, pp. 1–11.
Walvin, James. “Why Did the British Abolish the Slave Trade?” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the Archive”).
Walvin, James. “Why Did the British Become So Interested in Abolition? Reflections
on 2007” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Discourses of Resistance:
Culture, Identity, Freedom & Reconciliation”).
Webster, Jane. “The Material Culture of Slave Shipping,” in Hamilton and Blyth, eds.,
Representing Slavery, pp. 102–17.
Weimer, Gregory Kent. “Forced Labor and the Land of Liberty: Naval Impressment,
the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the British Empire in the Eighteenth Century”
(MA thesis, Youngstown State University, 2007).
Weiss, John McNish. “Apprenticeship in the 1807 Slave Trade Act: A Novelty and Its
Development” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘Free at last’: An
Slavery and Abolition 703

Interdisciplinary Conference to Commemorate the Bicentennial Anniversary of

the End of the British Atlantic Slave Trade”).
Whyte, Iain. “‘This horrible traffick’—Scotland’s Kirk and People Challenge the Slave
Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Litera-
ture, Slavery and the Archive”).
Wilkins, Frances. Dumfries & Galloway and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Kiddermin-
ster, UK: Wyre Forest Press, 2007.
Wood, Marcus. “Packaging Liberty and Marketing the Gift of Freedom: 1807 and the
Legacy of Clarkson’s Chest,” in Farrell, Unwin, and Walvin, eds., The British Slave
Trade: Abolition, Parliament and People, pp. 203–23.

6. Atlantic—Dutch
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Doortmont, Michel R. “The Dutch Atlantic Slave Trade as Family Business: The Case
of the Van der Noot de Gietere –Van Bakergem Family,” in Anquandah, Opoku-
Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks,
Legacies, Expectations, pp. 92–137.
Gonzalez, Otilia Rosas. “La Compañı́a Holandesa de las Indias Occidentales y el
contrabando de esclavos negros en el Caribe y Venezuela” (Unpublished paper,
32nd annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, 28 May–1 June
2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil).
Grégoire, Henri. “De la traite et de l’esclavage des noirs,” Arléa-poche, 113 (2007).
Hogerzeil, Simon J., and David Richardson. “Slave Purchasing Strategies and
Shipboard Mortality: Day-to-Day Evidence from the Dutch African Trade,
1751–1797,” Journal of Economic History, 67, 1 (2007), pp. 160–90.
Sommerdyk, Stacey. “Rivalry on the Loango Coast: A Re-Examination of the Dutch in
the Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual meeting of the Colo-
quio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007, Porto, Portugal).
Stipriaan, Alex van. “Watramama’s Transatlantic Voyage: Legacy of the Slave Trade
with Suriname,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The
Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 277–94.
Vink, Markus. “Freedom and Slavery: The Dutch Republic, the VOC World, and the
Debate Over the ‘world’s oldest trade’,” South African Historical Journal, 59
(2007), pp. 19 –46.
Vos, Jelmer. “Dutch Slave Trading on the Windward Coast, ca. 1750–1790” (Unpub-
lished paper, 32nd annual meeting of the Social Science History Association,
15 –18 November 2007, Chicago, IL).

7. Atlantic—French
Gauvin, Gilles. Abécédaire de l’esclavage des noirs. Paris: Dapper, 2007.
Sibille, Claire. Guide des sources de la traite négriére, de l’esclavage et de leurs abolitions.
Paris: La Documentation Française, 2007.
704 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
8. Atlantic—English North American Colonies, United States
Finkelman, Paul, ed. The African Slave Trade and American Courts: The Pamphlets Lit-
erature. Clark, NJ: Lawbook Exchange, 2007.
James, Christian, and Kristen M. Taynor, eds. Official Opinions of the Attorneys General
of the United States Regarding the Slave Trade. Bethesda, MD: University Publi-
cations of America [LexisNexis], 2007. Microform collection.
Johnson, Walter. “The ‘Negro fever’, the South, and the Ignoble Effort to Re-Open the
Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, Gilder Lehrman Center for the
Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, 12 April 2007, New
Haven, CT).
Obadele-Starks, Ernest. Freebooters and Smugglers: The Foreign Slave Trade in the
United States After 1808. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2007.
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Rao, Gautham. “Customhouses and the Illegal Slave Trade in the American South,
1815–1860” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Business Ethics, Law,
and History: From the Atlantic Slave Trade to Wall Street”).
Schoen, Brian. “‘Love of justice and love of country’: Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Pro-
hibition of the Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Bicentennial of the Abolition of the Anglo-American Trade in African Captives”).
Warnock, Amanda. “North Americans and the Cuban Slave Trade” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Atlantic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Winch, Julie. “‘A sacrifice that virtue compelled avarice to make’: African American
Orations on the Ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).

9. Atlantic—Other
Gøbel, Erik. “The Danish Edict of 1792 to Abolish the Slave Trade” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Hopkins, Daniel P. “Denmark’s Prohibition of the Slave Trade and African Colonial
Policy, 1787–1850” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody
Writing is for ever torn’”).
Rodgers, Nini. “The Irish Role in the Atlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “The Irish in the Atlantic World”).

10. American Internal (United States, Brazil, Caribbean, etc.)

Baptist, Edward. “African-American Lives after Forced Internal Migration to the Deep
South” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the British American Nineteenth
Century History Association, 22 –24 September 2006, Oxford, England).
Berry, Daina Ramey. “In pressing need of cash’: Gender, Skill, and Family Persistence
in the Domestic Slave Trade,” Journal of African American History, 92, 1 (2007),
pp. 22–36.
Berry, Daina Ramey. “‘The cargo consisting of Negroes . . . was easily removed’:
Gender and Price Patterns Among Human Chattels in the Domestic Market”
Slavery and Abolition 705

(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever

Bogert, Pen. “‘Warranted sound but proved otherwise’: Slave Warranties and the
Business of Slave Trading in Kentucky” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual
meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 31 October–3 November
2007, Richmond, VA).
Coclanis, Peter, and Louis Kyriakoudes. “Forced Migration and Family Formation in
the American Internal Slave Trade, 1840–1860” (Unpublished paper, 32nd
annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, 15–18 November
2007, Chicago, IL).
Deyle, Steven. “An ‘abominable’ New Trade: The Closing of the African Slave Trade
and the Changing Patterns of Political Authority in the United States, 1808–
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

1860” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for

ever torn’”).
Deyle, Steven. “The Infamous Murder Trial of Isaac Bolton: How Nathan Bedford
Forrest Became the Leading Slave Trader in Memphis” (Unpublished paper,
121st annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 4–7 January
2007, Atlanta, GA).
Ethridge, Robbie. “From Chicaza to Chickasaw: The Early Colonial Indian Slave Trade
and the Transformation of a Mississippian Chiefdom” (Unpublished paper, 73rd
annual meeting of the Southern Historical Association, 31 October–3 November
2007, Richmond, VA).
Jenkins, Robin. “Toward Western Redemption: The Impact of the Internal Slave Trade
on Western Expansion in North America” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Bicentennial of the Abolition of the Anglo-American Trade in
African Captives”).
Johnson, Walter. “Reopening the Slave Trade in Antebellum America” (Unpublished
paper, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early American
Republic, 19–22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Miller, William Lee. “‘I felt it to be my duty to refuse’: The President and the Slave
Trader,” in Simon, Holzer, and Vogel, eds., Lincoln Revisited, pp. 147–68.
O’Malley, Greg. “Final Passages: The British Inter-Colonial Slave Trade, 1619–1807”
(PhD diss., The Johns Hopkins University, 2007).
Ribeiro, Alexandre Vieira. “Escravos em trânsito na Bahia: o comércio de cativos da
África ao interior do Brasil (c. 1580–c. 1850)” (Unpublished paper, 32nd
annual meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, 28 May–1 June 2007, Sal-
vador da Bahia, Brazil).
Schermerhorn, J. L. “Against All Odds: Enslaved People’s Use of Commercial Networks
to Preserve Families in the Era of the Domestic Slave Trade” (Unpublished paper,
29th annual meeting of the Society for the History of the Early American Repub-
lic, 19 –22 July 2007, Providence, RI).
Schermerhorn, J. L. Calvin. “Enslaved Families and the Second Middle Passage in the
Antebellum Chesapeake” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the
706 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Southern Historical Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond,
Tadman, Michael. “The Reputation of the Slave Trader in Southern History and the
Social Memory of the South,” American Nineteenth Century History, 8, 3
(2007), pp. 247–71.
Tadman, Michael. “The Reputation of the Slave Trader: White Antebellum Mindsets
and the Commodification of Black People” (Unpublished paper, 100th annual
meeting of the Organization of American Historians, 29 March–1 April, 2007,
Minneapolis, MN).
Troutman, Phillip. “Sentiment and the Slave Market Revolution: Mapping a ‘history of
emotions’” (Unpublished paper, 73rd annual meeting of the Southern Historical
Association, 31 October–3 November 2007, Richmond, VA).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Yagyu, Tomoko. “Slave Traders and Planters in the Expanding South: Entrepreneurial
Strategies, Business Networks, and Western Migration in the Atlantic World,
1787–1859” (PhD diss., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006).
Yagyu, Tomoko. “The Domestic Slave Trade and Risk Management: Accounts of Inter-
regional Slave Traders in the Antebellum South” (Unpublished paper, 32nd
annual meeting of the Social Science History Association, 15–18 November
2007, Chicago, IL).

11. Indian Ocean

Allen, Richard B. “Suppressing a Nefarious Traffic: The Mascarenes, Britain, and the
Abolition of Slave Trading in the Western Indian Ocean, 1770–1835” (Unpub-
lished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Alpers, Edward A. “The Other Middle Passage: The African Slave Trade in the
Indian Ocean,” in Christopher, Pybus, and Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages,
pp. 20–38.
Alpers, Edward A., and Benigna Zimba. “Abolition, British Southeast Africa, and the
Southwest Indian Ocean” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The
bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Anderson, Clare. “Convict Passages in the Indian Ocean, c. 1790–1860,” in Christo-
pher, Pybus, and Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages, pp. 129–49.
Bialuschewski, Arne. “Thomas Bowrey’s Madagascar Manuscript of 1708,” History in
Africa, 34 (2007), pp. 31–42.
Campbell, Gwyn. “Slavery and the Trans-Indian Ocean World Slave Trade: A Histori-
cal Outline,” in Himanshu Prabha Ray and Edward A. Alpers, eds., Cross Cur-
rents and Community Networks: The History of the Indian Ocean World (New
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 286–304.
Campbell, Gwyn. “The Indian Ocean World: The First Global Economy – The African
Perspective” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Culture and Commerce
in the Indian Ocean,” Leiden University, 25–27 September 2006, Leiden, The
Slavery and Abolition 707

Medeiros, Eduardo C. “The Mozambicanization of Slaves Leaving through the Ports of

Mozambique” (Unpublished presentation, Harriet Tubman Seminar, Harriet
Tubman Resource Centre on the African Diaspora, York University, 7 September
2007, Toronto, Canada).
Metwalli, Ibrahim A., Nicolas Bigourdan, and Yann von Arnim. “Interim Report of a
Shipwreck at Pointe Aux Feuilles, Mauritius: Le Coureur (1818), an Illegal Slave
Trader?,” Bulletin of the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, 31 (2007),
pp. 74–81.
Suzuki, Hideaki. “The Chains of Reselling: Slave Trafficking in the 19th Century
Western Part of the Indian Ocean” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Warren, James Francis. “The Sulu Zone Slave Trade and the Numbers Game: An 1845
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Census” (Unpublished paper, 19th annual meeting of the International Association

of Historians of Asia, 22–24 November 2006, Houston, Manila, Philippines).
Warren, James. “The Iranun and Balangingi Slaving Voyage: Middle Passages in the
Sulu Zone,” in Christopher, Pybus, and Rediker, eds., Many Middle Passages,
pp. 52–71.

12. Trans-Saharan and Red Sea

Dubois, Collette. “Une traite d’esclaves tardive en Mer Rouge (1880–1939). Les
sources: leurs apports et leurs limites” (Unpublished paper, 4th annual
meeting of the Coloquio Trabalho Forcado Africano, 15 –17 November 2007,
Porto, Portugal).
Hopper, Matthew. “The Nineteenth-Century Slave Trade from East Africa to Arabia
Reconsidered” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African
Studies Association, 18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Montana, Ismael Musah. “The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade, Abolition of Slavery and
Transformations in the North African Regency of Tunis, 1759–1846” (PhD
diss., York University (Canada), 2007).
Wright, John L. The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade. History and Society in the Islamic
world. London: Routledge, 2007.

13. Effects on Africa

Abaka, Edmund. “‘In the jaws of the Atlantic slave trade’: A Biography of São Jorge da
Mina (Elmina Castle) in the Gold Coast/Ghana, 1400–1996” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Anyanwu, U. D. “The Aftermath of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Two Settlement Patterns
in Southeastern Nigeria,” in Korieh and Kolapo, eds., The Aftermath of Slavery,
pp. 59–74.
Apeh, Apex A., and Chukwuma C. Opata. “Social Exclusion: An Aftermath of the
Abolition of the Slave Trade in Northern Igboland” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
708 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Apter, Andrew. “History in the Dungeon: Ritual and Memory in Cape Coast Castle,
Ghana” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Rethinking Boundaries:
Transformations in Methods and Approaches to Atlantic History”).
Argenti, Nicolas. “Dances of the Dead: Slavery, Youth and Ritual in the Cameroon
Grassfields” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Aworawo, David. “The Fernandinos: Slavery, Migration and Social Transformation in
Spanish Guinea up to 1967” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Beyond
Slavery in the Iberian Atlantic”).
Brydon, Lynne. “Extensions of Extended Families: A Case Study from Avatime,
Ghana” (Unpublished paper, annual meeting of the AEGIS European Confer-
ence on African Studies, African Studies Centre, 11 –14 July 2007, Leiden, The
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Candido, Mariana. “Creolization and the Formation of the Atlantic Community in
Benguela, 1750–1850” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting
Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Creary, Nicholas. “An Irony of History: The Expansion of Slavery and Colonization
Across the African Continent in the Wake of 1807–1808” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “Bicentennial of the Abolition of the Anglo-American
Trade in African Captives”).
Dei, L. A., and Kwaku Boakye. “Developing the Slave Route for Tourism–Community
Dynamics, Policy Implications and Strategies for the Root Tourism Product,” in
Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave
Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 347 –57.
Diouf, Sylviane. “African Resistance to the Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “The Atlantic World in the Era of British Slave Trade Abolition”).
Donkoh, Wihelmina J. “Legacies of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Ghana: Defi-
nitions, Understanding and Perceptions,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang,
and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expec-
tations, pp. 305 –25.
Ejiogu, Emmanuel C. “Impacts and Consequences of Initial Abolitionary Efforts by
Governments in the Atlantic World in the Period 1787–1807: A Case of Igbo-
land” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for
ever torn’”).
Everts, Natalie Christina. “Cultural Interaction on the Pre-Colonial Gold Coast:
Modes of Incorporating Euro-Africans in Elmina Extended Families” (Unpub-
lished paper, annual meeting of the AEGIS European Conference on African
Studies, African Studies Centre, 11–14 July 2007, Leiden, The Netherlands).
Falola, Toyin. “Confronting the Legacy of Slavery and Servitude in the Construction of
Yoruba Identity” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Confronting
Slavery: Towards a Dialogue of Cultural Understanding”).
Finley, Cheryl. “Of Golden Anniversaries and Bicentennials: the Convergence of
Memory, Tourism and National History in Ghana in 2007” (Unpublished
Slavery and Abolition 709

presentation, conference on “Remembering Slave Trade Abolitions: The Bicen-

tenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in International Perspective”).
Gavua, Kodzo. “Socio-Cultural Transformation in the Northern Volta Region of
Ghana” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for
ever torn’”).
Gordon, David. “The Abolition of the Slave Trade and the Transformation of South
Central Africa during the Nineteenth Century” (Unpublished presentation,
conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Greene, Sandra. “Trokosi and the 1807 Abolition: Linkages in History” (Unpublished
presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Guezo, Anselme. “Abolition and West-African Societies: The Inconclusive Debate”
(Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Halsey, Bayo. “Slavery, Difference, and Diaspora: Imagining North and South in
Ghana” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Holsey, Bayo. Routes of Remembrance: Refashioning the Slave Trade in Ghana. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Howell, Allison M. “‘Showers of arrows’: The Reactions and Resistance of the Kasena
to Slave Raids in the 18th and 19th Centuries,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agye-
mang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies,
Expectations, pp. 189 –209.
Inikori, Joseph E. “Changing Commodity Compositions of Imports into West Africa,
1650–1850: A Window into the Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on
African Societies,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds.,
The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 57–80.
Jean-Baptiste, Rachel. “Whydah, Slavery and Diaspora Tourism” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings,
Jong, Ferdinand de. “Commemorating the Slave Trade: Art, Architecture and Perform-
ance at Gorée Island” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “African Trajec-
tories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Jordan, Coleman A. “Rhizomorphics of Race and Space,” Journal of Architectural Edu-
cation, 60, 4 (2007), pp. 48 –59.
Keren, Ella. “In the Chains of the Past: The Slave Trade in Academic Memory in
Ghana” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for
ever torn’”).
Klein, Martin. “Justifying Its Existence: Senegal from 1817–1831” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Korieh, Chima J. “Imaging Africa: Afro-Diaspora Missions in West Africa and the
Issue of Race, Identity, and Representation” (Unpublished presentation, confer-
ence on “Interrogations of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Kreamer, Christine Mullen. “Crossroads of People, Crossroads of Trade: The Shared
Heritage and Contested Terrain of Ghana’s Cape Coast Castle Museum,”
Museum News, 86 (2007).
710 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Lamousé-Smith, W. Bediako. “African Resistance to Slavers and Myths for Diasporan
Disunity,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Trans-
atlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 225–40.
Mapunda, Bertram Baltasar. Bagamoyo: From Slave Port to Tourist Destination. Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania: University of Dar es Salaam, Dept. of History, 2007.
Mason, J. J., and Martina Odonkor. “Historic Slave Routes Tourism: Potential for
Tourism Development in Ghana and the West Africa Sub-Region,” in Anquan-
dah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade:
Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 358–64.
McCaskie, Thomas. “African-American Psychologists, the Atlantic Slave Trade and
Ghana: A History of the Present” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Mouser, Bruce. “Rebellion, Marronage and Jihad: Strategies of Resistance to Slavery on

the Sierra Leone Coast, c. 1783–1796,” Journal of African History, 48, 1 (2007),
pp. 27–44.
Murphy, L. “Into the Bush of Ghosts: Specters of the Slave Trade in West African
Fiction,” Research in African Literatures, 38, 4 (2007), pp. 141–52.
Murphy, Laura. “Impotent Passages: Sexuality and the Slave Trade in Ama Ata Aidoo”
(Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African Studies Association,
18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Njoku, J. Akuma-Kalu. “Oral Tradition and the Material Culture of the Atlantic Slave
Trade as Historical Evidence: The Aro and the Bight of Biafra Hinterland,” in
Korieh and Kolapo, eds., The Aftermath of Slavery, pp. 136–57.
Northrup, David. “African Alternatives to the Export of Slaves in the Hinterland of the
Bight of Biafra” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing
is for ever torn’”).
Ogen, Olukoya. “British Anti-Slavery, the Foundation of Sierra Leone and Early Anti-
Colonial Struggles in Nigeria” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Atlan-
tic Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1760–1868”).
Opoku-Agyemang, Naana Jane. “The Living Experience of the Slave Trade in Sankana
and Gwollu: Implications for Tourism,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and
Doortmont, eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expec-
tations, pp. 210 –24.
Osei-Tutu, Brempong. “Ghana’s ‘slave castles’, Tourism, and the Social Memory of the
Atlantic Slave Trade,” in Ogundiran and Falola, eds., Archaeology of Atlantic
Africa and the African Diaspora.
Pierre, Jemima. “Touring Heritage? Making Race?: African-African Diasporic Inter-
actions in Urban Ghana” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interroga-
tions of Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Pinho, Patricia. “Race, Place and Gender Representations in African-American Roots
Tourism” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of
Freedom: Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Slavery and Abolition 711

Reynolds, Rachel R. “Consecrating Ebo Landing: New Igbo Diasporas and Narratives
of the Slave Trade” (Unpublished paper, 31st annual meeting of the Social
Science History Association, 2–5 November 2006, in Minneapolis, MN).
Richardson, David. “Slave Trade Abolition and Its Impact on West Africa: The Gold
Coast in Comparative Perspective” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Schramm, Katharina. “Slave Route Projects: Tracing the Heritage of Slavery in Ghana,”
in Ferdinand De Jong and M. J. Rowlands, eds., Reclaiming Heritage: Alternative
Imaginaries of Memory in West Africa (Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press,
2007), pp. 71 –98.
Schramm, Katharina. “The Slaves of Pikworo: Local Histories, Transatlantic Perspec-
tives” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished Business”).
Downloaded By: [University Of Massachusetts] At: 13:54 13 September 2009

Schwarz, Suzanne. “Africa and Abolition: Zachary Macaulay and the Development of
the Sierra Leone Company in the Late Eighteenth Century” (Unpublished pres-
entation, conference on “A Triangular Traffic: Literature, Slavery and the
Schwarz, Suzanne. “Legitimate Trade and the Development of the Sierra Leone
Company” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Slavery: Unfinished
Soumonni, Elisée. “History, Memory, Heritage, and Politics: The Legacy of the Trans-
atlantic Slave Trade in Present-Day Republic of Benin” (Unpublished presen-
tation, conference on “‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).
Talton, Benjamin. “The Political Currency of Slavery in Ghana and the African Dia-
spora” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Interrogations of Freedom:
Memories, Meanings, Migrations”).
Vos, Jelmer. “African Consumption and the Slave Trade on the Loango Coast”
(Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting of the African Studies Association,
18 –21 October 2007, New York, NY).
Wariboko, Waibinte. “New Calabar Middlemen, Her Majesty’s Consuls, and British
Traders in Late Nineteenth Century Niger Delta,” in Korieh and Kolapo, eds.,
The Aftermath of Slavery, pp. 17 –40.
Warren, Kim, and Elizabeth MacGonagle. “Trans/Oceanic Encounters: African Amer-
ican Identities and the Meaning of Slavery in Ghana” (Unpublished paper, World
Congress of the International American Studies Association, 20 –23 September
2007, Lisbon, Portugal).
Whatley, Warren C. “Changes in the Asante Economy Following British Suppression
of the Transatlantic Slave Trade” (Unpublished presentation, conference on
“‘The bloody Writing is for ever torn’”).

14. Trade within Africa

Adande, Joseph, and Toussaint Y. Tchitchi. “The Benin Slave Route: State of Current
Research and Prospects,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont,
eds., The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 241–49.
712 Annual Bibliographic Supplement (2007)
Anquandah, James Kwesi. “Researching the Historic Slave Trade in Ghana—An Over-
view,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transatlan-
tic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 23 –53.
Ciss, Ismaila. “Slave Trade and Identity Withdrawal in the Senegambia: The Case of
Sereer of the North-West” (Unpublished presentation, conference on “Society,
State & Identity in African History,” 4th Congress of the Association of
African Historians, 22 –24 May 2007, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
Derefaka, Abi A. “The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in the Niger Delta: Matters
Arising,” in Anquandah, Opoku-Agyemang, and Doortmont, eds., The Transat-
lantic Slave Trade: Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations, pp. 178–88.
Ferreira, Roquinaldo. “How External and Local Factors led to the Abolition of
Angolan Slave Trade (1830–1860)” (Unpublished paper, 50th annual meeting
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