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Flow Sheets for Basic CHEN Unit Operations

Operations with Mass Transfer


Splitter Feed, A Splitter Exit 1, B

Splitter Exit 2, C

a. b. c.

The total balance is A !"# #o$position of strea$s A% ! an& # is the sa$e for each. There in onl' one in&epen&ent $aterial balance since all co$positions are e()al.


MI+ER ,!len&erMixer Feed 2, B

MIXER Mixer Feed 1, F Mixer Product, E

a. b. c.

There are two or $ore enterin. strea$s. There is onl' one e/it strea$% a 0$i/e&0 strea$. The strea$s can be an' phase% .as% li()i& or soli&.


DR2ER ,Direct 3eatin.Solvent, S

Dryer Dryer Feed, D Dried Product, E

a. b. c. &.

Sol4ent strea$ lea4es as a p)re 4apor an& is soli&s free. E/it &rie& soli&s are in the soli& phase. Drie& soli&s $a' not be sol4ent free. 5ee& can be soli&% sl)rr' or sol)tion.

Filter Feed Solution or Slurry, D

Filtrate #Exit $i%uid&, E

Filter Ca e !et "olid", S

a. b. c. &.

5iltrate% the e/it li()i&% is soli&s free. 5iltrate is sat)rate& with sol)ble co$ponent. The filter ca7e lea4es with so$e li()i& attache&. #oncentration of strea$ E an& li()i& attache& to the filter ca7e is the sa$e.


Di"tillate, D

#ol)$n 5ee&% 5

Di"tillation Colu'n

Botto'", B

a. b. c. &. :.

The $ore 4olatile co$ponents are in the &istillate. The less 4olatile co$ponents are in the botto$s. Separation is acco$plishe& b' boilin.. Perfect separation is not possible. EVAPORATOR
Solvent, S

Evaporator Evaporator Feed, D Dried Product, E


Si$ilar to &r'in.% e/cept both process strea$s are li()i&s.



Feed *a" Moi"t *a", D

De(u'idi)ier Exit *a", E

Conden"ate li%uid, S

a. b. c.

5ee& strea$ contains a con&ensable co$ponent an& a non= con&ensable co$ponent. #on&ensate is a li()i& with the con&ensable co$ponent onl'. The 0&r' .as0 e/it strea$ is sat)rate& with the con&ensable co$ponent at the T an& P of the process.



+u'idi)ier Feed *a" , D

Exit *a" !etter -a", E

,olatile Feed li%uid, S

a. b. c.

The fee& .as is not sat)rate&. The li()i& is e4aporate& in the process )nit. The 4apor e/it pro&)ct $a' or $a' not be sat)rate&.


Exit *a", E *a" Dryer Feed *a", *

Dryer Feed, F

Dry Product, P

a. b.

Sol4ent is transferre& fro$ li()i& phase to .as phase. <nit can be split into two )nits for anal'sis= a &irect &r'er ,as in 1an& a $i/er of the fee& .as an& the sol4ent $o4er to the .as phase.


Extract $i%uid .ut, E +eavy Solvent Feed, *

Extraction Colu'n

$i-(t Solvent Feed, F

Ra))inate $i%uid .ut, R

a. b. c. &. e.

The two li()i& sol4ents $)st be i$$iscible. The' $)st ha4e &ifferent S.@. At least one co$ponent is transferre& fro$ one sol4ent to the other b' &ifference in sol)bilit'. The process is often calle& liquid-liquid extraction. If one of the fee& strea$s is a soli&% the process is calle& Leachin. or li()i&=soli& e/traction.


A!SORPTIO9 ,@as Absorption- ,DESORPTIO9Clean Exit *a", E Feed A/"or/in- $i%uid, *


Dirty *a" Feed, F

Exit $i%uid, P

a. b. c. &. e. f.

P)rpose of )nit is to ha4e the li()i& absorb a co$ponent fro$ the fee& .as. An absorber is often calle& a scrubber. The li()i& strea$ flows &own thro).h the tower b' .ra4it'. The .as strea$ is p)$pe& )pwar&s thro).h the tower. 9o carrier .as is transferre& to the li()i&. @enerall' no li()i& sol4ent is transferre& to the .as strea$ ,chec7 this ass)$ption-. Desorption is the sa$e process as .as absorption e/cept that the co$ponent transferre& lea4es the li()i& phase an& enters the .as phase. A &esorber is so$eti$es calle& a stripper.


,apor Product, ,

Vapor 5ee&% 5

Partial Conden"er

Conden"ed $i%uid, $

a. The fee& strea$ contains onl' con&ensable 4apor co$ponents. b. The e/it strea$s% L an& V% are in e()ilibri)$. c. #on&ensation is ca)se& b' coolin. an&/or increasin. press)re.


5lash VaporiCer% 5lash Distillation

,apor Product, ,

$i%uid Feed, F

Fla"( 0nit

$i%uid Producd, $

a. b. c.

Sa$e flow sheet as a partial con&enser e/cept the fee& is a li()i&. VaporiCation is ca)se& b' re&)cin. the press)re an& /or heatin.. The Vapor an& li()i& strea$s are in e()ilibri)$.



Cry"talli1er Cry"talli1er Feed, C Slurry Product, E

a. Soli& cr'stals are for$e& in the )nit b' a chan.e in te$perat)re. b. The flow sheet for a cr'stalliCer is often shown as a co$bination

REA#TOR ,#he$ical Reactor% co$b)stor% f)rnace% refor$er*a" Product", * Reactant 1 Feed, A

Reactant 2 Feed, B


$i%uid Product", $

Recycle Feed, R

Solid Product", S

a. b. c. &. e.

The &ia.ra$ shown is for a t'pical reactor that has two reactant fee& strea$s an& a rec'cle strea$. If a sin.le reaction ta7es place% p)t the con4ersion in the bo/. A reactor is often na$e& b' the reaction ta7in. place. A reactor is so$eti$es prece&e& b' a fictitio)s $i/er if the co$bine& reactor fee& is specifie& or $)st be &eter$ine&. M)ltiple e/it strea$s are shown to re$in& 'o) to watch for e/it strea$s that separate beca)se of their &ifferent phases.

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