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APOSTROFHY Technical Interview MOCK test 1)The atoms with five valence electrons are called as __________________ atoms.

A. B. C. D. charged trivalent tetravalent pentavalent

2)The impact ionization process in semiconductor diode is also called as ________________. A. B. C. D. zener breakdown junction potential diffusion capacitance avalanche breakdown

3) If E1 = 10V and E2 = 0V then the output voltage Vo for the circuit shown in the figure is _______V.

A. B. C. D.

0 9.3 9.7 10.0

4) ____________ is a current controlled device. A. B. C. D. BJT JFET NMOSFET PMOSFET


5)The VCQ for a fixed-bias transistor with IB = 75uA, Beta DC = 100, VCC = 20 V, and RC = 1.5 k is _______________V. A. B. C. D. 0 6.85 8.75 11.25 V

6)If ID = 5mA, IDSS= 20 mA and gmo is 5mS then the value of transconductance for the FET amplifier is ____________mS. A. B. C. D. 2.5 3.6 5.2 8.0

7) The Hartley oscillator contains two ___________ in the tank circuit. A. B. C. D. resistors inductors capacitors transistors

8) The BCD equivalent of decimal 127 is ________________. A. B. C. D. 111010001 001010111 000100100111 011100100001

9)The number of two input AND and OR gates required to implement the Boolean expression Y = A + BC +AC'D' + AB'D is A. B. C. D. 2 AND, 1 OR 1 AND, 2 OR 2 AND, 2 OR None of these

APOSTROFHY 10)The expression for the output Y of the given logic circuit is ________________

A. B. C. D.

ABC (D+E)' (A+B+C)' (DE) (A+B+C)' (D+E) (A+B+C)' (D+E)'

11)The most simplified form of the Boolean expression AC + ABC + AC' is __________ A. B. C. D. A B AB AC

12) If the total propagation delay of an asynchronous decade counter is 65ns then the propagation delay of each flip flop will be _____________ ns. A. B. C. D. 6.5 13.00 16.25 21.66

13)A 2 input XOR gate has specifications IOH = 80uA, IOL = 45mA, IIH = 2.8uA, and IIL = 3.6mA. The fanout for high state will be ______________ A. B. C. D. 12 28 36 224

14)The performance of a microprocessor may be measured in A. BPS B. MHz C. VLSI D. MIPS

15)The stack pointer stores _____________ A. the address of the stack in memory

APOSTROFHY B. the address of the next free stack location C. address of the last item pushed on the stack D. the address of the last item popped from the stack

16) ___________ are used by the BIU to determine the memory address output by the CPU when it is reading or writing from the memory unit. A. B. C. D. Flags Segment registers AX and DX registers Address and data buses

17) The call instruction stores the return address for a subprogram ___________ A. on the stack B. in the ES register C. in the DX register D. in the instruction pointer 18) If the subroutine SHOW displays a character on the monitor, then the following code snippet will display _______ mov al, f add al, 7 and al, 0110 1101b call SHOW A. B. C. D. l 2 display m display A

19)MOV AH, 1h INT 21h The above instructions when executed will, A. B. C. D. read a character into AL read a character into DL display the character in AL display the character in DL

20)The control word for setting the pin 5 of port C is __________. A. 06h B. 08h C. 0Ah D. 0Ch

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